Master class for children “Dragonfly” made from waste material

Hi all! Did you see how last time we made incredibly cool and realistic caterpillars on a chewed leaf? We liked the tried and tested ring technique and today we will be making a paper dragonfly. Dragonfly applique made of colored paper will embody a beautiful insect with expressive eyes. The work is not entirely simple; it is more suitable for students in the senior group of kindergarten or elementary school students.

Prepare for this lesson:

  • multi-colored paper sheets;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Master class for children “Dragonfly” made from waste material

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How to make a dragonfly with your own hands from paper

If you want to repeat our already proven version of the craft, we have prepared dragonfly templates for cutting out for you. It contains verified measurements of parts, their shape and color.

Please note that the rectangles are located strictly in order, starting from the head and ending with the tail. This is exactly how they will be located in the finished product. There are no dimensions on the last segment, since this rectangle will simply roll into a tube, so any will do.

Roll the cylinders and secure the joints with glue. We like the glue stick better. Place the circles on top of each other - yes, these are eyes.

Connect the rings together. Here we used double-sided tape. Its tenacious little pieces are very flexible in the finished work and hold the parts quite well. But the glue is more reliable)) A three-dimensional dragonfly made of colored paper begins to take on its shape.

Glue on the eyes and screw wings. Your DIY paper dragonfly applique is ready. Green-eyed beauty, tender, fragile, sophisticated.

Strengthening crafts: popular options

When working with crafts that were made using an embroidery base, you must take one nuance into account: they are quite fragile. To make them stronger, you need to use additional materials.

It is acceptable to use thick paper or cardboard as such materials. Using these materials you can create truly amazing crafts. Because their design can be absolutely anything.

Of course, a lot depends on the skills and imagination of the master. But, with practice, you can make a whole collection of such dragonflies and present it as a gift, or use it as an original decoration.

Origami dragonfly

Our website already had quite a lot of models of various insects, from butterflies to ants. But one of the most common species on our territory has not yet appeared. Today we will talk about assembling an origami dragonfly.

So, to assemble such a fairly simple dragonfly model you will need:

  • a square sheet of paper measuring about 21cm by 21cm;
  • about 10 minutes of free time.

This simple model is perfect for beginners who are just learning the art of origami. There is no need for a huge number of folds, special paper or special skills. Just repeat all the steps of Yakomoga Origami and in 10-15 minutes you will have an excellent dragonfly model in your hands.

As you already understood, the video tutorial for assembling this model was put together by our good friend Yakomoga Origami, who makes excellent video tutorials on origami. In addition, you can fold the dragonfly according to the diagram, which can be found here. We wish you a successful build!

Odessa resident creates two-meter dragonflies and space monsters from metal

Vadim Kolesnik. The artist together with an alien monster from the sci-fi horror film “Alien.” Photo:

Horse. The most difficult thing is to convey the character. Photo:

Souvenir. National symbols as a gift. Photo:

Odessa residents like these dogs. Photo:

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A masterpiece of cancer. “At first I didn’t want to do it, but I was pleased.” Photo:

The praying mantis was born in two hours. Photo:

Exhibition. Odessa residents admired the installations at the seaport. Photo:


44-year-old Odessa resident Vadim Kolesnik transformed from an artist into a sculptor of amazing things. From a pile of scrap metal he creates dragonflies, praying mantises, horses, crayfish, national symbols and space monsters. For example, not so long ago Vadim made “Alien” from the science fiction horror film of the same name. “Today” met the author of metal sculptures and learned how the artist exchanged paints and brushes for a welding machine and pliers.

THE FIRST CAT AND THE CRAB. According to Vadim, he draws inspiration from nature, where harmony always reigns. “The eyes themselves are looking for something to latch onto! Metal figures are not new; they began to be created at the beginning of the 20th century. I was delighted with the work of an Australian who owns a car scrapyard and makes sculptures from pieces of cars,” the sculptor admitted to Today. And he added that he dreams of creating an original Odessa souvenir.

Our interlocutor began to engage in this new direction for himself about five years ago, when he tried to make small crabs and cats from unnecessary pieces of iron. Subsequently, the master’s figures grew in size and today reach two meters - this is exactly the wingspan of a dragonfly made of wire.

Vadim's works are distinguished by his original author's style; in his sculptures he uses exclusively black metal and technical details. “Some people make sculptures from pots and spoons - this is not harmonious,” says Vadim. Our craftsman uses mainly nuts, bolts, bearings, and spare parts from cars - the sculptor acquires all this at the Starokonny Market, buys it in auto repair shops, and simply picks it up from the road while walking and cycling.

AS A CAR MECHANIC. The sculptor has several workshops at home, in which chaos reigns. “I tried to restore order, but it interferes with the creative process. Everything is like in nature, when a living cell is formed from nucleic acids. I have several mountains of scrap metal. When I want to do something, I sit down next to one of them and start poking around with it. First, I select several details that go well with each other,” says the sculptor.

In the process of his work, Vadim uses tools that are available at any service station - a welding machine, an angle grinder, metal shears, a vice. And the sculptor works in two gloves: on the right hand - an expensive thin one, and on the left - a thick leather one, with which the sculptor holds the nuts while welding. “It’s easy to start work, but it’s hard to make the figure look like it’s alive. When I made the dragonfly, first I found a hammer, put my eyes on it, and then, when I made the body, I put off the work more than once, which ultimately took nine months,” Vadim recalls.

HEAD OF FREEDOM. Now the sculptor is gradually creating the Statue of Liberty, the head of which is already ready, but work on the body is being delayed. “Inspiration is cyclical - if the work is easy, then everything comes together in one go. I recently read an article about breeding praying mantises, after which I created a sculpture in two hours. There was also a case when I was asked to make a figurine of a cancer - at first I didn’t like this idea, but the result turned out to be a masterpiece,” admits the master.

One of Vadim’s favorite creations is a small snail made of bearings and a chain, held together with just a few parts. It was this simple figurine that foreigners especially loved. “The snail turned out to be very laconic, but Odessa residents didn’t like it. But when the Italians and French, who have an innate sense of beauty, started buying it, I realized that it was not in vain that I created it,” Vadim noted and added that Ukrainians give preference to metal cats, dogs, motorcycles and tridents, the models of which look very organically.

Basic Rules

It is easy to work with beads, but there are always exceptions to the rule. A beginner may not be able to get a dragonfly right away. A professional in beading can make mistakes and spend more time on work than necessary. To get everything done on time, you need to follow the basic rules of organizing work.

Preparation of the workplace

It’s better to put off problems and worries for later, and focus on an exciting activity. The mood will be good. The product will evoke positive associations, even if a real dragonfly evokes negative ones, frightening like a bumblebee, wasp, beetle, or spider.

The room should be light. It is better to work at a table covered with a white napkin or a piece of white cloth. Not a single bead will be lost or lost.

Select a sketch

A master class will help you quickly and effortlessly make a brooch from dragonfly beads, detailed weaving patterns. Over time, you will be able to come up with your own sketches, but first it is recommended to master the basics.

Looking at rhinestones is sometimes difficult to resist. Beauty, dazzling shine, rich colors inspire. Ideas come to mind naturally. In order to implement them in practice, however, sometimes you need to try really hard. The body of a dragonfly can only begin from beads and then consist of large rhinestones.

She can have voluminous wings, like an angel’s, or flat ones, and a straight or curved tail. In practice, during work it turns out that not everything is as easy as dreamed. Some mistake was made, the dragonfly does not work.

It is recommended to draw a sketch before starting work and draw up a diagram. It will be easier to purchase materials. The decoration will come out right away, as if by magic.

Weaving pattern

It’s easy to weave a dragonfly:

  1. You need to string 2 beads onto the fishing line. This is the first row, the dragonfly's tail.
  2. Next, collect one bead on each edge of the wire, string them on the other edge. Do this throughout the entire tail.
  3. When the tail is ready, do not cut the fishing line, collect 3 beads on one side. The wire from the other edge is also threaded into them.
  4. Next, 5 beads are used. The algorithm of actions does not change. Beads are strung on two edges of the wire.
  5. Then 5 pieces are strung for the body, 29 for the wings of the corresponding color on one edge of the fishing line, 29 for the wing on the other side. Each edge of the fishing line is threaded through those 5 beads that create the body. This creates a loop, a figure eight, the first pair of wings.
  6. The second pair of wings is assembled in the same way.
  7. After the dragonfly's wings have been woven, 4 beads are collected again, then 3, the last 2, the largest, the dragonfly's eyes. You can place a small bead between them to make the dragonfly naturalistic.

The original decoration is ready. All that remains is to tie a pin and thread the chain. A dragonfly pendant and brooch made of beads on felt looks great on silk, cotton, bamboo, linen. Beads are universal. It has long been known to people and has been used since time immemorial.

It is noteworthy that the first beads were made, according to the data available to scientists, not less than five thousand years ago. Even then, people made glass jewelry, including small round elements with holes for threads.

The first bead is considered to be found in Egypt, in Thebes. It was discovered by archaeologist Flinders Petrie. You can admire it in the Berlin Museum. She is about five thousand years old. And such an insignificant thing as a bead found a place among the monuments of the history of civilization of Ancient Egypt.

The search for artifacts continues. There is a high probability that beads were invented even earlier. If Atlantis is one day found, it will surely contain many treasures and beadwork will be among them.

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