Carnival costume made from pajamas - kigurumi

How to distinguish Vupsen from Pupsen

Luntik is one of the most popular children's cartoon characters in recent years. The Russian animated series by the Melnitsa studio about a kind alien is recommended for preschool children. The main characters of the cartoon are endowed with different characters. The caterpillar brothers Vupsen and Pupsen are considered the most complex and harmful characters. They are very similar, and therefore they are often confused. How to distinguish Vupsen from Pupsen?

“The Adventures of Luntik and His Friends” is an animated series aimed at raising and developing children. The main character is a funny lilac creature with four ears. Luntik communicates with numerous inhabitants of the clearing and pond: insects, fish, birds, frogs, etc. The best friends of the guest from outer space are considered to be the grasshopper Kuzya and the ladybug Mila. Kids constantly come up with interesting games and find themselves in new situations.

The main obstacles and dirty tricks are committed by the brothers Vupsen and Pupsen. The two inseparable caterpillars are a little older in age than the other heroes, and therefore contemptuously call everyone “little ones.” Ill-mannered and rude, Vupsen and Pupsen constantly annoy Luntik and his friends, tease butterflies and do not respect adults. Like all caterpillars, they wait to grow up and look down on other insects.

Vupsen and Pupsen spend the whole day searching for tasty berries and new fun activities. They take part in various holidays and events of the clearing, but always strive for a reward. Despite their bad character, caterpillars are quite talented. The brothers dance well and collect ikebana. Vupsen is secretly interested in flamenco, but is embarrassed to admit it. Note that the caterpillars have second cousins ​​Tyapsen and Lyapsen.

It is very easy to distinguish Vupsen from Pupsen. Vupsen is older and slightly taller than Pupsen, wears a bandana and an apron with a plum pattern. Pupsen always wears a baseball cap with the visor backwards, and there is a cherry on his apron.

Vupsen always initiates the prank, while Pupsen often doubts and dissuades his brother. We can say that Pupsen is kinder and softer. However, it is he who, as a rule, gets the punishment after the tricks of his older brother.


  1. Vupsen is older than Pupsen.
  2. Vupsen wears a bandana on his head, Pupsen wears a baseball cap turned upside down.
  3. On Vupsen’s apron there is a plum drawn, on Pupsen’s there is a cherry.
  4. Vupsen always initiates the prank.
  5. Pupsen is kinder and more honest than his brother.

Vupsen and Pupsen

New photos for the competition. These are the caterpillars Oksana Zolotareva for her son. After all, in fact, children can also be called our teachers (otherwise how would we learn to be parents without them?). I give the floor to Oksana:

“To create Vupsen and Pupsen from the film “Luntik”, I needed:

  • strong wire,
  • plastic balls (green),
  • polyurethane foam,
  • kinder eggs,
  • bottle caps,
  • white plastic bottles (for bibs),
  • braid for decoration,
  • 0.5 bottle (for a cap),
  • toothpicks,
  • a little plasticine
  • acrylic paint,
  • self-tapping screws
  • and toy eyes.

We string plastic balls onto the heated end of the wire, the penultimate ball is pre-foamed with polyurethane foam, we cut off its irregularities and paint it, string it onto the wire bent upward, and then the last ball and bend the tip of the wire.

The bottle caps are pre-painted and secured with self-tapping screws to create claws.

We also use self-tapping screws to secure the ears from Kinder eggs and a cap pre-cut from the bottom of a plastic bottle. We insert wire handles into the desired ball and color them. Antennae - toothpicks with plasticine - insert and color. We cut out the bibs at the base of the neck and attach them to the neck.

I decorated everything, glued eyes and braid to the second caterpillar.”

These are the almost living caterpillars Vupsen and Pupsen that Oksana produced. I think her son was very happy to have guests!

Well, adults, who for some unknown reason don’t know who they are, can look here (Vupsen and Pupsen appear at 50 seconds)

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Tags: For the site, Crafts for the garden, Crafts from waste material, Crafts from plastic bottles

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Discussion: 24 comments

  1. Svetlana:
    September 18, 2012 at 9:45 am

    Oh, how lovely Vupsen and Pupsen are, and so easy to make, great job, Oksan, and very original!



    September 18, 2012 at 9:51 am

    It’s technologically simple, but I feel Oksana had to tinker with them. Everything was done so carefully.


  • Lyudmila:

    September 18, 2012 at 16:00

    The caterpillars turned out wonderful, I can imagine how happy the children are when they see them!


  • tatiana:

    September 18, 2012 at 5:05 pm

    Cool, very similar.


  • Anatoly:

    September 18, 2012 at 08:11 pm

    I haven’t watched the cartoon, but such crafts will arouse interest in any child. Masterfully done.


  • Oksana Ershova:

    September 18, 2012 at 9:37 pm

    oh, really handsome! So bright and positive! I just wanted to touch it!


  • Natalia:

    September 18, 2012 at 10:25 pm

    The most important thing is that they live in children's hands for a long time

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