Is it possible to create an artificial brain? Artificial Intelligence Technologies

How to make paper people

Paper people are made up of individual paper strips. It is enough to take 1/4 of a notebook sheet, bend it several times and in half, cut it into small strips. From these rectangles we make several figures (straight, sideways), as your imagination dictates. Origami allows you to make a lot - even a family of origami people and fairy-tale characters!

To make a paper man, you will need strips of colored thin cardboard, thread, sticks and scissors.

  • First, we make blanks - cardboard accordions of different lengths.
  • Six pieces (torso, neck, arms, legs) and a head separately as a dense rectangle.
  • We assemble the doll's body using threads and attach them to sticks.
  • The result is a doll with arms and legs moving by strings.

How to make an origami man

Using the origami technique - without scissors and glue, we also make another human figure, following the instructions.

  • Take a square sheet of paper of your favorite color.
  • Mark the folds on the paper. We bend and unbend the sheet in certain places: in half (from bottom to top) and diagonally. It turns out an unfolded sheet with fold lines.
  • We bend the sheet in half to the first fold line and bend it again. The resulting rectangles - we get an accordion with four ridges.
  • We do the same from the top of the leaf.
  • Straighten the sheet and turn it 90 degrees.
  • Again we make an accordion from the entire sheet, and then straighten it.
  • We make sharp edges - we wrap the lower, upper and side ridges towards ourselves. We continue to the center. It turns out to be a cross.
  • Next we straighten the upper part of the figure from the center. We fold the paper along the marked lines to form a torso and arms.
  • We turn the origami workpiece over and form the body, straightening the arms and legs, bending the elbows and knees, straightening the palms and feet. We design the head.

Paper people. Crafts and origami

This article tells you how to easily make paper figures and garlands from them. Amazing creativity with paper, the secrets of origami, a little time, and you will have a new paper craft to play with your child or decorate your home. How to make a figurine out of paper? You can simply outline and cut out one or more silhouettes from paper. First you need to stencil or draw the outlines of the figure. You can print out designs or pictures and cut them out.

How ideas are born

Imagine that our brain is a huge number of small boxes, each of which stores some incident from our life. Sometimes boxes open and close in an order beyond our control, thereby connecting memories randomly.

The more relaxed a person is, the more often these boxes open and close, respectively, the more memories are mixed.

When this happens, a person has more ideas than at any other time. For each of us, this is individual: for some, brilliant ideas come while jogging, for others - during a morning shower, while playing with a child, or even while driving a car. This happens in moments of clearing the mind.


Yes, you can decorate a pharmacy or a hospital with such brains. You can also tie the heart, liver, intestines. But everything will be clear.

People, are you really that sensitive? I think it’s quite a nice little souvenir. And if you establish mass sales, graduates and applicants will sweep them off the shelves in a matter of days. But you won’t get students through this anymore.

One direct and open question: who needs this brain on a string? Today we hang a brain on the wall, tomorrow all the internal and external organs of a person end up in a morgue laboratory. Anyone who has been there knows what it is.

It looks very interesting, I would never have thought that something like this could be done, but the question immediately arose in my head, why? what to do with these brains.

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