Garden crafts from plastic bottles: DIY stork

A well-groomed and landscaped dacha helps create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. A DIY stork for the garden is an excellent addition to flower beds, flower beds and lawns. This bird is a symbol of happiness, prosperity and prosperity. A stork garden sculpture looks good anywhere. It can be installed on the ground, roof, pole or tree. To make the product more realistic, a technique such as constructing an artificial nest is used.

Stork figurines for the garden bring happiness and blessings, and are also a good decoration for lawns and flower beds.

Next, we will consider various options for making a stork statue and a nest yourself from various available materials.

Manufacturing stages

Now let's get down to step-by-step instructions.

  • The plastic container is the body. We will attach the remaining parts to it. The neck is a wire, which is lined with pieces of foam plastic and secured with tape. We will attach the neck to the body with tape, that is, to the bottom of the plastic bottle.
  • We place a piece of foam plastic on the neck - this is the head. We try to round it.
  • We also make the thighs from foam plastic by inserting equal pieces on both sides of the neck of the bottle. We fix everything with tape.
  • The legs will be made from used electrodes. But metal rods of equal length, or just neatly folded wire several times, will also work.
  • There will be a long nail as a beak. You can put a piece of wood on it.
  • Before applying polyurethane foam, we check the reliability of the support.
  • We apply polyurethane foam on top of the resulting layout with our own hands.
  • We polish. All excess must be carefully trimmed.

  • You need to paint the sculpture with acrylic paints.
  • You can insert real feathers into the tail and wings.

Here is our garden bird!

Simple craft

To create the White Crane craft, you need a white sheet of paper. A square is cut out of it. A head with a beak and a neck are drawn on the blank. The corners are painted black. This is necessary in order to recreate the unique plumage of the bird. In nature, cranes have dark wing tips.

Now you need to cut through the drawn head and neck, and also make a notch at the opposite end of the square to make a body.

We cut the corners painted black so that we get a black fringe. And carefully twist them using scissors or a pencil. We fold the workpiece in half and secure it with notches for the body. The finished bird can be hung by a thread.

Even a preschooler can do such a voluminous crane craft.

Option . Making a stork from polyurethane foam

Now let's talk about another option for making a stork for the garden with your own hands. Now you need to first prepare a 5-liter plastic container, polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam and tape. The algorithm of actions should be as follows.

Step 1.

First, the body parts are attached to the bottle using a container. For the neck, ordinary wire is used, lined with pieces of foam. The thighs need to be made in a similar way (using foam and wire). An ordinary large-diameter nail is quite suitable as a key.

Step 2.

The workpiece will look at the preliminary stage as shown in the image below.

Step 3.

For the bird's legs (at least in this implementation) used electrodes are used. In the absence of electrodes, you can select a similar material - for example, thick wire twisted into several turns, or metal rods from thin reinforcement.

Step 4.

So, all parts of the stork’s “body” have been assembled, but before proceeding to the next step, you need to carefully check the strength and reliability of the fasteners.

Step 5.

After this, the entire layout must be covered with polyurethane foam.

Step 6.

All excess is carefully trimmed off.

Step 7

Now the sculpture is almost ready. If the polyurethane foam has already completely dried, then the bird needs to be painted with acrylic paint.

Step 8

Next, a small piece of wood is taken, a “beak” is modified from it and attached to the “head” of the bird using a nail.

Step 9

Natural feathers are inserted into the wings and tail to make the stork look as realistic as possible. Look what a wonderful garden stork you will make (if you do everything right, of course).

Where to put?

A garden figurine of a stork in a summer cottage is an excellent decorative option. You can place the bird anywhere.

  • One of the places where the figurine is placed is the roof. Most often, a whole composition with a nest is installed on the roof. To ensure that the decor holds tightly, crossed boards are used. The sculpture is attached to such a base.
  • A chimney is also suitable for installing a stork figurine. However, remember that smoke and sparks escape. The figure must be protected with a steel sheet or raised by a meter using metal rods.
  • The figurine can be placed on a tree or stump. Some summer residents use an uprooted old tree for the base, on which the sculpture is installed. A family of storks in a nest looks great on a stump. This composition will become the main accent of the garden plot.
  • Single bird figures look great near bushes. Compositions of several storks resting in the shade of vegetation look original.
  • The sculpture is placed in the middle of the beds.
  • Some summer residents install a figurine of a stork in front of the entrance to the house. Such a figurine at the entrance creates an atmosphere of comfort and hospitality.
  • In order for the stork to bring good luck and happiness, there are some nuances in the placement of the figure. Some landscape designers advise installing stork sculptures on the sunny side, as the magical properties of the sculpture are enhanced under the sun's rays.
  • Another placement option is to install the craft near the water. You can create a small artificial pond and place a stork and his family next to it.
  • You should not install the figurine with its back to the windows of the house. The bird should look into the house. Correct placement of the figurine will give strength and energy to all its inhabitants.
  • Since the stork is a symbol of procreation, the bird can be placed near the bedroom window. At the same time, do not forget that the figure should look out the window.

Making a craft is very simple. You can create a unique figurine or composition of several birds. In this case, the product will look no worse than a purchased sculpture.

See below for a review of stork garden figures.

Using polyurethane foam

Stages of making a stork from foam plastic in parts.

An unused foam balloon can be successfully used to make a three-dimensional figure of a stork. Using foam, you can quickly make a three-dimensional blank from which to cut out the desired shape.

To work you will need:

  • plastic bottle with a capacity of 5 l;
  • scotch;
  • Styrofoam;
  • steel rod;
  • primer;
  • paint brush;
  • acrylic paints;
  • sharp knife;
  • rasp.

There is a similar set in the pantry of every home. There are no additional costs required.

A garden decoration in the form of a stork sculpture is made in the following sequence:

  1. The steel frame is assembled. For strength, it can be fixed by welding.
  2. A plastic bottle is placed on the frame.
  3. Styrofoam strips are taped to the neck wire. You can grind them to shape in advance and glue them together.
  4. The pins intended for the legs are fitted with thigh parts machined from foam plastic.
  5. The finished frame is moistened with water. Foam is being applied. It covers the entire surface of the workpiece, except for the wire simulating legs.
  6. After the foam hardens, all excess is cut off. Relief is created using a knife and rasp. After finishing, the sculpture is cleaned of sawdust and dust.
  7. The dried product is coated with a primer. Next, the bird needs to be painted with acrylic paints. Varnish is applied over the paint.

To make the sculpture more realistic, you can use natural black and white feathers, which are inserted into the tips of the wings and tail.

For reliability, they need to be placed on polyurethane glue.

The finished figure can be installed in the garden for a long time. A stork decorated with acrylic paints withstands ultraviolet radiation, cold and moisture.

Choosing plywood

One of the best ways to create a stork figurine is to use plywood sheets. They are easy to process and cut, quite durable, but at the same time lightweight, and boast good water resistance. To count on all these benefits, you should choose plywood wisely. Here are the main recommendations:

  • if the figurine will be placed outdoors, it is better to buy FSF brand sheets or laminated material, which is better protected from moisture;
  • plywood of medium thickness is suitable for creating crafts - you should not go below 6 mm (the strength and durability of the product will suffer), and there is no point in overpaying for 15 mm sheets (10-12 mm is quite enough);
  • If you plan to paint a stork figurine, then you can purchase medium or even low grade material. If the main treatment is coating with transparent varnish, then it is better to choose high-grade material with a minimum number of defects (chips, knots, etc.).

The most profitable option is to use plywood residues that remain after repair or construction work in a country house or cottage. Depending on their size, you need to choose the dimensions of the future figure.

What you will need besides plywood:

  • manual or electric jigsaw - for cutting sheets;
  • emery cloth - will allow you to sand the edges;
  • paints (preferably acrylic), varnish and brushes - for painting the bird;
  • a drawing or template of a stork, the contours of which are transferred to a plywood sheet;
  • pencil - with its help, the figure of the bird is transferred to the workpiece;
  • wood glue - if you intend to join individual pieces into one whole figure.

The main stages of making a stork from plywood with your own hands:

  1. Creating a drawing of a bird or searching for a ready-made image.
  2. Transferring the image to a piece of plywood.
  3. Cutting plywood along the contours marked on the plywood
  4. Grinding the edges to obtain a smooth product without burrs or other flaws.
  5. Manufacturing of auxiliary elements - legs, wings and/or base (if required).
  6. Decoration - painting and applying varnish for additional protection.

Construction of a nest for a stork

The figure of a bird looks great in the yard among lawns and flower beds. But you can make the yard even more interesting by creating an artificial nest and installing a sculpture of a stork in it. There will always be many places on the site where such a composition would look quite appropriate.

The location of the stork in the nest can be the following objects:

  1. Roofs of houses, bathhouses, sheds, garages, gazebos and covered barbecues. As a rule, exclusively gable roofs are used. On a flat surface the nest will not be visible. To prevent the structure from being blown away by the wind, a durable platform is made for it, attached directly to the rafter system. The removable structure, consisting of X-shaped overlays connected by boards, has proven itself well. A platform is made on top on which the nest is built.
  2. The top of a tree or the base of a thick branch. Dacha owners do not always have the opportunity to get rid of a large tree standing in the middle of the plot. But it is quite possible to decorate it accordingly. A sculpture of a bird in a nest can be a key element in a yard setting. The base is constructed from boards on which the platform is knocked together. You can use previously cut branches.
  3. If a power or communication line runs through the territory of the dacha, then it can be used for decorative purposes. You can dig the pillar yourself. Together with a nest and a bird, it will look great in a recreation area or on a playground. The base is nailed to a wooden post or screwed with self-tapping screws. To secure the socket to a reinforced concrete support, welding will be required. If there are no embedded parts on the support, then you need to break its upper part to get to the reinforcement. The steel base can be removable. To make the composition more realistic, the pole can be painted to match the color of the wood.

The base for the nest can be old wheels from a bicycle, cart, trailer or wheelbarrow. You can weave a nest from tree branches or bushes. Black steel wire is used to secure the structure.

Flying model

The most popular craft option is one that can move. It's simple, but kids really like it. It is often done in class during DPI classes.

Origami paper “Crane” assembly diagram:

  1. The main craft is not a double square, but a straight diamond, which is made according to the instructions for the previous model.
  2. Fold the right side of the diamond to the left, making a movement as if you were leafing through a book in the opposite direction.
  3. Iron the fold and repeat. You will get a rhombus, the upper part of which represents halves.
  4. Stretch these halves.
  5. Bend each layer of the lower petal upward and iron it.
  6. Turn one of the narrow parts into a head; to do this, you need to push the corner inward.
  7. Pull the upper corners slightly to the sides to create wings.
  8. To make the craft begin to move, pull it by the tail.

This toy has a rich history. It was made as a sign of solidarity for Sadako Sasaki, who fell ill with leukemia after the bombing of Hiroshima. She wanted to do 1000 crafts to get rid of the disease, but she didn’t have time. At the time of death, only 644 birds were ready; the rest were made by Sadako’s friends.

The story of this girl was filmed in the USSR in the film “Hello, Children.” Since 1955, the origami paper crane, whose design provides the illusion of flight, has become a symbol of non-acceptance of the use of nuclear weapons.

Making a stork from foam plastic

As a rule, after external insulation of walls, quite a lot of foam scraps remain. They do not have to be disposed of. You can make many interesting and beautiful crafts from this material. Polystyrene foam is lightweight and easy to process. You can make a stork from foam plastic quickly, without using complex tools.

For work you will need the following materials and tools:

Making a stork from polyurethane foam.

  • glue;
  • sharp knife;
  • steel rod;
  • wood saw;
  • pliers;
  • sandpaper;
  • black paint;
  • paint brush.

Making a stork sculpture for the garden is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Blanks are made from wire that will imitate the legs of a bird. Their lower ends are sharpened. The upper ends of the rod are bent at right angles for fastening in foam.
  2. The contours of the bird's body parts are applied to the foam. The largest piece should be the central part of the torso. The remaining fragments will be needed to give the figure volume, create wings, neck and head.
  3. The blanks are cut out. This is best done with a saw.
  4. Steel rods are attached to the central part of the body. In order for subsequent fragments to fit tightly onto the base, grooves are made in it for the rod. To avoid lateral vibrations, the rod is fixed to the base with additional brackets.
  5. Styrofoam strips are glued to the central part of the body, adding volume. Wings are glued on top of them.
  6. The neck and head of the sculpture are placed on the pin.
  7. Using a knife and sandpaper, the stork figure is given its final shape. Additional finishing is not needed, since a relief imitation of feathers can be created on the foam.
  8. The tail and wings of the bird are painted with black paint. The beak can be wrapped with red electrical tape or painted.

The final stage of needlework is the eyes. They are made from steel bearings or glass balls.

graceful crane

The following popular pattern will help you make a bird with a thin neck and a long, sharp tail. This is another simple type of origami paper crane.

Scheme for beginners:

  1. Take the finished double square.
  2. Make folds on its sides, bending the corners of each layer towards the center. Bend the edge of the resulting diamond towards you.
  3. Expand the resulting triangle by lifting the corner of the top layer. Repeat the procedure with the second layer.
  4. From the bottom, fold the right corner of the top layer towards the center, repeat the procedure with the left side.
  5. Bend the bottom corners of the diamond so that they stick out to the sides. Then move them inside.
  6. The result was a blank resembling a lotus. Bend any of its narrow petals at an angle of 90 degrees to form the bird's head.
  7. The wide part will be the wings, stretch it in opposite directions.
  8. Leave the last thin triangle untouched - this is the tail.

This paper crane is easy to make. A junior high school student can handle it. The work will take no more than 10 minutes, taking into account the production of a double square.

Making storks from plastic bottles and canisters

This craft is made from a plastic canister, and the plumage is cut out of plastic bottles. To make a similar decoration for the garden we will need: a plastic container with a volume of 4-5 liters, white and brown plastic bottles with a volume of 1-2 liters, some polystyrene foam, a masonry mesh with a cell of 2-4 cm, wire for knitting, a corrugated tube from a siphon with a diameter of 40 mm, metal-plastic tube with a diameter of 16 mm, self-tapping screws with a press washer, a pistol knife, plastic glue or a glue gun, red and white paint, emery cloth. If everything is ready, let's start:

  1. First, let's make the bird's head. We cut out the foam blank with a pistol knife.
  2. We process the part with sandpaper until the desired shape is obtained.

  3. From a brown bottle we cut out two sharp rectangles for the beak. We bend the blanks lengthwise and glue them onto the foam with special glue or using a glue gun. While the glue hardens, secure the parts with tape. Additionally, we attach the beak covering to the foam using self-tapping screws.
  4. We cut out the bird's paws from the upper parts of brown bottles, bending three claws forward and one back, as in the photo.
  5. To form the body of the bird, take a plastic container and cut off its handle.
  6. We prepare a U-shaped part from the masonry mesh, which we fasten to the container with wire, as in the photo.

  7. Prepare the plumage of the bird's body and tail. To do this, we cut white milk bottles into six longitudinal parts.
  8. For the feathering of the bird's neck, we prepare parts from the smooth part of the bottles with the lower edge in the form of sharp triangles. The wings are covered with small oval elements of white and brown color.
  9. We begin assembling the body of the craft. We make two holes in the canister to attach the legs. They are placed on the side of the neck, on the edge of the container opposite to the neck. We insert metal-plastic tubes into the holes and fix them with self-tapping screws to the wall of the canister. We bend the tubes - legs so that the front part of the container is raised.
  10. From the opposite canister we attach a corrugated tube with self-tapping screws as the bird’s neck.

  11. We attach the plumage to the canister and tube using self-tapping screws. We start working from the bottom of the tail, cover the bird's abdomen, and then the lower part of the neck.
  12. We put the already prepared legs on the leg tubes from below and attach them to the tubes using self-tapping screws.
  13. We cover the bird's neck with parts with sharp triangular edges. We secure them sequentially with self-tapping screws, stacking them on top of each other in the direction from bottom to top.
  14. We fix the topmost elements with hot glue. We also attach the head to the neck using a glue gun.
  15. We secure the plumage to the body of the bird by screwing the feathers to the mesh with thin wire.
  16. We secure the edge elements with hot glue.
  17. We form the wings of the bird on separate pieces of mesh. We fasten the brown and white elements to the mesh with thin wire.
  18. We make the bird's tail from the largest petals and screw them directly to the mesh on the canister.
  19. We attach the finished wings to the body with self-tapping screws and thin wire.
  20. We cover the stork's head with white acrylic paint in several layers to protect the foam from the sun. We paint the beak and legs red. We draw the eyes with black paint.

The stork is ready! Of course, a composition of two birds will produce an even greater effect. The following video is one of the examples of the implementation of the presented master class.

Materials and tools for garden figure

The stork figurine consists of a head, beak, neck, body, legs, wings and white plumage with layers of black feathers. All parts are fastened together with a furniture stapler and seated with universal glue.

The stork's body can be cut out from a wooden block of the required size, polystyrene foam or a 5-liter plastic canister.

To make a stork you will need:

  • 1.5 and 1 liter plastic milk bottles;
  • plastic bottles of 1.5 and 0.5 liters for kvass or beer;
  • canister 5 l;
  • scissors;
  • knife;
  • glue;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • a piece of foam;
  • corrugated tube;
  • steel rods;
  • frame mesh;
  • thin wire;
  • sandpaper;
  • furniture stapler;
  • red acrylic paint.

The stork's plumage is also made from transparent bottles, but then the plastic under the feathers should first be painted with white and black acrylic paints.

Master class on making a stork

There are many options for making a stork from plastic containers using elements made of wood, polyurethane foam, and polystyrene foam.

This original composition of a stork family in a nest is also made of plastic

Even a beginner can make such a garden sculpture, guided by video material with step-by-step instructions for the work process.

Video: how to make a stork from plastic bottles

Storks made from plastic bottles are an original decorative decoration for a personal plot and a subject of universal admiration. After all, they are made from ordinary garbage, transformed by skillful hands into works of art. Made of durable plastic, they are not afraid of rain and snow. Over the years, the figures will not swell, the paint will not fade or peel off.

The beautiful and bright figure of a stork will add a touch of grace to the garden landscape, especially if it is made by hand. It may seem that making a stork is difficult and requires many years of practice in needlework, but the method of making it is simple and the materials are inexpensive. Such a sculpture will be an excellent addition to the local area and decoration for a flower bed, lawn and garden plot, symbolizing the wealth, well-being and family comfort of its owners.

What are the shapes?

An overview of the types of figurines for a summer cottage opens with a classic wooden figurine of a stork. The bird can stand on one leg or freeze in the movement of flapping its wings.

The decorative plastic stork can fit into any landscape design of the area. A family of storks with a nest and a small chick looks especially original. The family nest is also placed on a stump or small decorative snag.

A single bird, imposingly walking around the site, will also become an original decor. It is installed in the middle of the beds.

The most common option is a figurine of a stork sitting on a stone. The stone can be a classic color or framed with grass and small flowers.

In some summer cottages you can find a stork holding a bundle with a baby in its beak. This cute figurine will not leave anyone in the area indifferent.

A stork sitting in the grass will also be a wonderful addition to the setting. There are compositions of several birds resting peacefully in the shade of trees.

Do-it-yourself stork for a summer residence: step-by-step technology

Each dacha is a little piece of paradise for its owner. And if for some reason this is not the case, something needs to be changed. For example, to make the area more comfortable and lively. Garden sculptures are great for this, and it's great if you make them yourself.

One of the guardians of the site is a stork. At least, many summer residents liked this idea, because the stork nests only where good people live. This bird is a symbol of prosperity, peace, tranquility, and a family nest.

Different ways to fold a crane

Thanks to the usual pattern for assembling a paper figure, you can make this paper craft yourself. The master class, which we will consider below, will teach beginners the technique of folding a sheet of paper using the example of an origami crane. It's interesting, entertaining and exciting! MKS, using the provided templates and photos, will tell you step by step the technology for doing the work. And we, in turn, will get a good lesson on how to use this idea in a greeting card or souvenir.

The origami crane is a festive flying bird with curved wings and legs, the peace crane and the Hiroshima crane, made of paper. The instructions with detailed descriptions are understandable even for preschool children, so let’s go through the master class with them, prepare all the necessary supplies and make an origami crane. After we have mastered this simple figurine, we can move on to more complex crafts that are made using modular technology.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a “Garden Mushroom” figurine

Fungus on the base of a plastic bottle. For the form you will need:

  1. Plastic bottle for mushroom stem.
  2. An old bowl or rubber ball.

Materials for sculpture:

  • Sculptural plaster;
  • PVA glue
  • Construction knife with a retractable blade Ordinary compass; Simple pencil;
  • Facade paints,
  • Decor (optional) Various beads, flowers for decoration;
  • Protective varnish,
  • Food film,
  • Vaseline (or other fatty substance).

Sequence of work:

Spread cling film of the required size with a mixture of sunflower oil, liquid soap and water. (The solution is prepared in a ratio of 2:1:7, you can measure it with tablespoons)

Wrap the inside of the mold with film so that after hardening it is easy to remove the plaster from it.

Cut the plastic bottle crosswise (in diameter) so that the part with the neck looks like the stem of a mushroom. Dilute a small part of the gypsum by carefully pouring the powder into the water and stirring gently. Pour the mixture into the mold

To save material, you can put a smaller one inside the main bottle. When the mushroom stem is ready, it is carefully removed from the mold, after cutting it with a construction knife. It's better to make several cuts. Then they start making the hat. To do this, use a rubber ball cut in half or an old bowl. The mold is treated in the same way as a plastic bottle; the inside is lined with a greasy film.

Pour the gypsum solution to the desired level. You should not make the hat too voluminous, then it will be easier to hold on the stem. As soon as the solution in the cap begins to harden, the finished leg is inserted into the center. Wait until the “structure” is completely dry, about 30 minutes. They are primed, you can buy a special façade compound or use a 1:2 PVA glue solution. Painting begins after 2 - 3 hours. Facade paints are used. Finally, a protective varnish for exterior use is applied to the dried paint.

The sequence of making the sculpture “Mushroom”

DIY owl for the garden

To create cute and attractive garden sculptures you need to purchase materials such as:

  • 6 tbsp. gypsum;
  • Water;
  • Wooden skewers or strong wire;
  • Cellophane bag;
  • Form;
  • 500 grams of polymer clay;
  • Paints: acrylic or gouache;
  • Brushes, beads, varnishes;
  • Glass for modeling.

Let's start creating charming garden figurines:

Mix the ingredients to create a gypsum mixture. Cover the mold with polyethylene film and make sure that the bag does not form wrinkles. This is important to ensure the symmetry of the future figure. Place the solution into the mold until a third of the entire mold is filled.

Then wrap the finished product. In the center, place a wooden skewer or wire on which the craft itself will be placed. Use your hands to level the solution and leave it for two hours to completely petrify. Carefully lift the pedestal out of the film and remove the cling film. Remake the plaster solution. Stick it on a skewer so that it resembles the outline of an owl, smooth the mixture with your hands

Wrap the mold and leave it for 24 hours to completely harden. Using polymer clay, form the details of the bird: head, wings, beak and other components as desired. Using a pusher, draw the texture of the feathers and pupils. Start sculpting the bird's tail. To make it look realistic, sculpt the tail in layers. Add detail to the sculpture, paint the pupils with varnish, and use a pusher to create more details on the figure. Paint the owl with paints and then varnish it.

Crafts made from gypsum for the garden will help you decorate your garden in an interesting and pleasant way, so that all its elements look harmonious and stylish.

Each element is an integral part of the overall composition, so it is important to pay special attention to the details


You may also be interested in the article in which we talked about the options and nuances of making a nest for a stork yourself.

And your bird can become the founder of a whole bird family in the country. For example, a stork can open a bird gallery, but a homemade flamingo, peacock, heron will continue it... Fantasy is limitless! Some craftsmen simply paint the plywood blank and cover it with varnish. The result is a unique painting on wood, where fantasy images are combined with your own creative abilities.

Your garden will truly become a place of miracles.

The nuances of building a nest on the roof

If this is your childhood dream, then it is important to take into account some nuances:

In order to install a stork's nest on the roof, you need to make a pair of crosses on which the base and branches will be located. This whole structure will stand on some semblance of a pillar - 2-3 supports, the so-called “goats”. It is necessary to make additional reinforcements for the nest: tie it with ropes or wire to the roof

This is especially true for windy areas. It is convenient to attach the nest to the pipe, but in order for the smoke to flow freely, it is important to move it to the side a meter. Position the iron sheet so as to protect the nest from sparks flying from the pipe.

Option . Making a stork for the garden from a canister

Before you begin, make sure you have the following supplies:

· five liter canisters;

· plastic bottles (black and white);

After this, you need to perform the following sequence of actions.

Step 1.

Cut out the foam blanks and use a knife to shape the head. Cut out the eye sockets and make the beak flatter.

Step 2.

Use sandpaper to make the surface as smooth as possible. Place toy eyes in the eye sockets (we’ve already talked about where you can get them).

Step 3.

Cut a beak from a plastic bottle and secure it with glue.

Step 4.

Make a bird's body from a plastic canister and cut off the handle.

Step 5.

Cut a piece of mesh large enough to wrap around the canister. Round the mesh a little so that it looks more like wings.

Step 6.

A thick metal rod must be bent and legs made from it.

Step 7

Feathers for the stork are cut from white bottles.

Step 8

After this, you can proceed directly to assembling all the elements. Work should start from the “tail”.

Step 9

For the “neck”, a corrugation (for example, from a vacuum cleaner) or something similar is put on the wire. The feathers are attached using self-tapping screws. Due to the fact that our bird’s wings are folded, feathers can only be attached to the belly and slightly on the sides.

Step 10

White bottles are cut in half, and a fringe is formed at the cut sites. The bottles are attached to the “neck” using tape.

Step 11

“Wings” must be made from one edge of the prepared mesh. It is important that the second row covers the first by 1/3. On the third row, white plastic is used.

Step 12

For the “legs” of the stork, appropriate blanks are cut out of 0.5-liter bottles.

Step 13

All that remains is to paint the bird’s “beak” and “legs” red. That's it, your DIY garden stork is ready!

For a more detailed introduction to this manufacturing method, we recommend watching the thematic video material.

Video – DIY stork

We create a stork that brings happiness to the house

Where the babies come from? Well, of course, the stork brings them, he lives on a white cloud, in a wonderful and distant land, and distributes happiness to people

It doesn’t matter: a pink morning, a cold evening, a warm day, winter is blowing, or autumn is crying. He doesn't know what laziness is

He carries the packages around the world, and with them brings happiness to every home. Where the stork was, now there is joy and children’s laughter can be heard all around.

The idea of ​​creating this master class has been brewing for a long time; the news about the upcoming competition made it possible to make the idea material and led to the creation of the bird of happiness. The stork turned out to be very generous and brought a bunch of other gifts, but more on that later.

In the meantime, for work we will need:

— satin ribbons and organza ribbons;

- sushi chopsticks, skewer;

At the beginning, a pattern of all the details of the future stork.

We sew the red material with the material that will be the basis of the stork’s body. Iron the seam.

We translate the pattern so that the beak is on the red fabric. Leaving gaps in the stitching on the head and bottom of the bird’s body (marked with a red dotted line).

Next, we transfer the pattern to the fabric, stitch and cut out 4 parts of the wings and 4 parts of the legs. We turn out all the details.

Let's stuff it with padding polyester. We only stuff the bottom of the paws.

Our future stork, as expected, will hold a bag with a baby in its beak, so the beak must be strong. To do this, we stuff the top of the stork’s head, and then insert a wooden stick into the beak through the hole left, cut off the excess, sew it up and stuff the rest with padding polyester.

Next we make the stand. For this you need: plaster (about 200 g), water, 2 wooden sticks, a cardboard ring (diameter 9-10 cm).

Mix the plaster with water until it becomes creamy, insert the sticks. When the plaster sets a little, take them out.

After drying, the gypsum stand must be sanded (I do this with fine sandpaper under running water).

We decorate the stand: cut out a circle from cotton fabric, gather it on a thread and sew on the lace.

We insert a wooden stick into the paw, make a cut and pull the stick out.

Insert the legs into the holes on the stand.

We cut the sticks to the size of the legs and baste the body.

Then we make a cap for the stork. We transfer the pattern onto the fabric, cut it out, stitch it, and hem the edges.

We sew lace, ties, gathers on the bottom of the cap, and decorate with a flower.

We quilt the wings with curls using floss threads, stitching the needle back. Sew to the body.

Let's move on to the bag: draw a rhombus on the fabric with sides of 10 cm. Cut it out and hem the edges.

Place a padding polyester ball in the center of the bag and fasten the edges with thread.

We form a bag, decorate it with a ribbon, a flower and a crown for the little princess.

We came across a very generous stork and, in addition to the baby, brought us a bunch of gifts. Let's start with the boots. For this we need: thin felt (1-2 mm thick), matching threads, a cardboard oval (2 by 1.5 cm). Cut out the necessary parts.

We collect the felt oval on a thread and insert the cardboard oval into the center.

We sew the front part of the shoes to the resulting sole, then overlap the back part.

We insert the laces (for me these are “Iris” crochet threads).

Let's move on to the pyramid. To do this you need: 3 types of felt, matching threads, a ruler with circles and a bead similar to the top of a pyramid.

Using a ruler, we draw and cut out circles of different diameters, 2 parts of each, and sew them together.

We make a cut in the center of the circle and stuff it with padding polyester.

Next, we assemble the pyramid on a skewer.

We cut off the excess length of the stick and put on the top of the pyramid.

I had a small spoon in my stash, so I used it as the basis for the rattle + a button so that it would secure well; I removed the fastener on the back of the button.

To make a gift, draw the base of a cube on cardboard and cut it out.

Glue and wrap in wrapper.

For the pacifier bottle you need a square of felt 4 by 4 cm, which we sew in half.

Turn it inside out and stuff it with padding polyester. We collect one edge with a thread.

On the back of the tag is a metric (printed on a printer and sewn to the tag).

We place all the gifts on the stand and our stork is ready!

Thank you for your attention!

I wish every home to be visited by a bird of happiness!

How to make wings for a child?

When unfolded, the wings represent a small cape. You can sew fabrics of different sizes, which will differ in texture and colors.

Important! The cape should not be made too bulky to make it easy to wear.

Make ties that will hold the wings (tie in front of the neck) . Also, on the inside of the corner of each wing, you should make small rubber bands (put the handles through here) and remove the “birdie” from flapping its arms and wings at the same time.

For those parents who have a little more time than last night, the idea of ​​felt wings. They can be performed according to the given scheme.

For such wings you will also
need ties and elastic bands for the wrist .
But they look very similar to store-bought products. Here the fringe acts as wings. It is important to create a complete look with fringe. To do this, trim the tail with it. You can make a collar from fringe. The fringe stripes really make the suit stand out. The main thing is to make fluffy wings from fringe. To do this, trim the edges of the semicircle from fabric. Then sew on the ties and elastic bands for the wrist.

There are other options:

A butterfly will add special elegance to such a crane.

Many suits in the store have a butterfly in them.

But this model is for a crane boy.

Bird with beautiful wings

This work is easy to do and is quite popular, because even a primary school student can handle it. You can fold such a figure together with your child; he will be happy to see how simply the figures are folded from plain paper:

  1. This time the figure will be a square of several levels. It must be positioned so that the bottom corner is facing down. Fold the top part towards the center.
  2. The resulting figure is turned over, and the same manipulations are carried out with the second layer.
  3. All folds are straightened, the resulting mold unfolds, and the corners are bent into the middle. Externally, the figure should resemble a rhombus.
  4. One of the corners of the figure rises up, and the figure turns inside out.
  5. The edges of the figure must be folded, the upper part bent.
  6. Externally, the figure looks like a triangle with wings. The upper wings bend back, and the lower wings fold like an accordion.
  7. In the center you get 2 identical triangles. The top of the first triangle is bent, while the second triangle remains unchanged. This is the head and tail of the figure.

Origami crane represents basic elements that anyone can master.

The origami technique is associated with the creation of a crane.

Even a child can make a crane figure with his own hands. It all depends on patience and desire.

Origami "paper crane"

The classic version of origami is as follows:

  • To make such a crane, you need to take yellow, square-shaped paper. If you have an A4 sheet of paper, you need to fold it diagonally. You will get a square, and simply trim off the excess paper.
  • A sheet of paper should be folded in half to form a rectangle. Fold lines must be ironed.
  • The square is folded in half again. Unfold a sheet of paper.
  • Fold the blank of the future paper crane diagonally, unfold it, and fold it diagonally again. All lines must be ironed properly.
  • Then you should unfold the square sheet of paper again and fold it along the lines so that you get a “star”.
  • If you unfold the square, the outlines of small squares will be visible at the lower corners of the “star”. It is necessary to lay a sheet of paper along these outlines so that you get “two squares”.
  • Take one of the corners of the square (the bottom corners are taken, consisting of two layers of paper) and bend it lengthwise, towards the middle of the diagonal. Do the same with the other remaining three corners.
  • Next, the corners are turned out to create squares with folds.
  • According to the instructions on how to make a crane out of paper, the most difficult part comes. It is necessary to bend the corner of the square. To do this, you can use a ruler to set the required transverse fold. The corner is bent along the previously laid folds so that a large rhombus is obtained. The same action must be performed on the other side. The result will be a rhombus with “pants”.
  • That part of the diamond “where the pants are” still needs to be worked out. You need to bend the outer parts of the “pants legs” lengthwise inward (they are bent approximately in half, the bent parts are obtained in the form of triangles).
  • Turn the entire rhombus sideways towards you. Fold “one of the legs” up so that the untouched part of the large figure and the folded part are approximately at the same level. Fold the shape along the existing lines, slightly stretch out the bent “rhombus leg,” and smooth out the fold.
  • Do the same with the other “diamond trouser leg”. You will get some semblance of a “crown”. One of the teeth of this similarity must be bent, you will get the head of a crane. The other prong will be the bird's tail.
  • The remaining untouched parts of the large rhombus, in the form of triangles, are folded back. These are paper crane wings.

There are flying and moving models, options for every taste and color. There are many ways to make a paper crane, but all of them were developed based on the classic one.

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