DIY children's rocking horse made from ordinary plywood

Good afternoon everyone. In the presented master class, you will learn how to make a children's rocking horse with your own hands, and at the same time save a lot of money, because the prices for children's toys today are quite high. See what great toys kids can make without even being a pro.


1. furniture board 2. handle (from a shovel) 3. wooden chopsticks (sticks) 4. wood glue 5. pattern


1. jigsaw 2. drill 3. sandpaper 4. pencil 5. ruler 6. router 7. brush

The process of creating a rocking horse with your own hands.

And so, it was mentioned above that you can save a lot of money when making a rocking chair, here is the author’s estimate for which he made the purchase: furniture board 650 rubles, wood glue 100 rubles, handle 50 rubles, a total of 800 rubles with the minimum price for the finished product in stores about 3000 rub. Agree, this is a good saving, despite the fact that the author had to buy all the materials, and if you have a sheet of plywood in your stash, and a good owner will always have a shovel handle, but the glue must always be available. If all the components are present, then the toy for the child will be made for free. According to the author, he spent a long time choosing and searching for a sample on the Internet, having found it, he made a pattern directly from the computer monitor, then he scaled them and transferred them to a newspaper.

To simplify this process, use the drawings.

Then the master proceeds to making patterns, for this he uses ordinary newspaper - this is what he came up with.

Next, the resulting templates are applied to the existing furniture board, and the outline of the future part is outlined.

After the outline is applied to the surface, the author takes a jigsaw and cuts out the blanks.

Holes should be drilled in the resulting parts, which is what the master does.

Next, the caring father takes the parts and fastens them with clamps, this is necessary in order to trim and sand them.

You can also use a router to round sharp corners and protect your child from splinters.

When all the parts are prepared, you can proceed to assembly into the overall structure. Here the author saws the cutting into pieces and inserts it into pre-drilled holes, pre-coating the joints with wood glue. Next, the master attaches the seat or saddle, as you like. For fastening, wooden sticks are used, holes are drilled, the chopsticks are coated with wood glue and assembled.

This is the kind of rocking horse our author came up with.

Also watch the video (not by this author) on making a rocking horse with your own hands.

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Horse made of branches

This is a very interesting way to make a wooden horse with your own hands. It does not require expensive materials; all of them are usually available at any country house. The basis for creating the figurine is the use of tree branches and roots.

Work progress:

  1. Before you begin construction work, choose a location in the garden. Where will the figurine be placed? Because it will have to be done on the spot, it cannot be moved.
  2. Work begins on creating a horse from branches from a frame. The rest of the parts will be attached to it. It is necessary to select large branches and dig them into the ground for reliability. Consider the option that these branches from the frame will serve as legs for the horse.
  3. After the frame is installed, begin to braid it with branches, in the same way as a regular wicker fence. First, the frame is braided by vertical branches, and then by horizontal ones. Do not rush, the branches must be securely attached to each other so that the structure does not fall apart under the influence of wind and other natural phenomena.
  4. Make a frame for the neck and braid it as well.
  5. It’s better to make the head separately, it will be more convenient, and then install the ready-made one on the neck.
  6. Add a mane to the figurine and you can consider the horse to be ready. If desired, it can also be painted or varnished, so the branches will last longer.

Making such a horse is possible for people who are patient, because the first time the branches may not intertwine with each other as needed and crawl out of the shape of the structure. But you can always start with small figures and then move on to larger ones. In addition, you can see examples of wooden horses in the photo.

Wooden horse made from old branches and roots

There is another interesting way to construct a horse figurine, but it will not require you to spend high-quality material, although it will require you to use all your skill and imagination. In this case, we will talk about a figure made of roots and branches.

At the dacha there are always a lot of branches that we simply burn or put in compost, but they can also serve as decorative decorations, for example, to create the same figurine.

To create a nice torso, head and legs of a horse, we recommend starting with a frame on which these parts will be installed. For this purpose, larger branches should be used, which will have to be dug into the ground for reliability. Consider all the options in advance, perhaps it is the basics of the frame that will serve as the horse’s legs in the future.

Having installed the frame, you can begin to tie it with branches, approximately in the same way as weaving a tyn - an ordinary wicker fence. Slowly and consistently, create the torso, move on to the neck, having previously installed the frame, and also to the head. By the way, the head can be made separately, and then simply installed on the finished figure, it will be a little easier.

Of course, such an idea can only be done by people with patience and love to work with their hands, but you can always start with small figures, and then move on to more serious ones, such as our horse.

Materials and tools

To work you will need:

  • plywood (at least 18 millimeters), boards / furniture board;
  • wood glue;
  • drawings or templates, patterns;
  • paint and brush for decoration;
  • thread or rope for decoration;
  • jigsaw;
  • router (optional);
  • drill;
  • chisel;
  • sandpaper of different grain sizes;
  • pencil;
  • ruler.

Here are the minimum necessary materials and tools for making a simple model of a rocking horse.

Painting a wooden horse

If your horse, in such an unprocessed form, completely integrates into the design of the garden, then you can leave it like that, just open it with paint so that the boards do not rot. Or you can give the horse a certain color and for this you will need: varnish, paint and stain, or replace all this with colored wood varnish. Decorate the animal's face, mane, you can paint the horse the color of a zebra or with multi-colored stripes. This toy can be placed near the playground and in a recreation area. The horse's body is a box, so you can pour black soil into it and plant flowers, then the horse will turn into a flowerbed for simple decoration.

Glue and rope were mentioned in the required materials; thin and thick parts need to be fastened with glue, and rope is an additional fastener; it also serves as decoration.

DIY wooden horse in the garden

To make decorative garden decorations, you will need wooden materials, namely boards, logs, saw cuts, bars, as well as binders - screws, nails, glue and ropes.

We decided to make a small horse so as not to spend too much on production, and therefore we select the simplest materials, which may even be at the dacha, and begin.

Body of a wooden horse

For the body we need 2 cuts, 3-4 cm thick and 20-25 cm in diameter. On these cuts we stuff boards 15 cm wide and 50-60 cm long (the thickness is arbitrary - 2-3 cm), so thereby forming a rounded box. This will be the body of the horse.

Making horse legs

To get a stable figure, we need to choose strong materials, which can be bars, say, 2x3 cm and 50-60 cm long. We install them on nails or self-tapping screws to the body, namely, we attach them to the saw cuts in front and behind.

To ensure that the legs do not wobble and have greater stability, we recommend securing each of them with 2 or more screws or nails.

Create the neck, head and tail of the horse

The remaining details are very important, since it is with their help that we complete the decorative figurine for the garden.

So, the tail is the easiest to make, and for this it will be enough to cut its semblance out of plywood and fasten it to the back cut using a block and self-tapping screws.

The neck can be a block or board 35-40 cm long, on which we will install the head.

We cut out the horse's head in shape from plywood or a thin board, install the eyes, ears and mane, and fasten the head to the neck from the board.

Painting a wooden figurine

Upon completion of an interesting and simple project, it is necessary to integrate it as much as possible into the garden design, as well as protect it from atmospheric influences. Therefore, without hesitation, we simply paint the figure in the color we like, using paint, stain and varnish, or simply colored wood varnish.

You can install such a horse in any place where its presence seems funny and interesting to you. In addition, we recommend pouring compost or a fertile mixture into the horse’s body, which is a hollow box from the inside, and planting bright plants that will complement the colors of the garden.

When listing the materials for creating a decorative figurine, we also mentioned glue and ropes. Glue is necessary for fastening thin parts with more massive ones, for example, plywood and wood, and rope can serve as an additional fastening by tying, or as a nice decor.

: Carved work

All cutting takes place on foam, which is quite easy - so easy that you can trim off any excess! Therefore, take your time and also follow safety precautions.

I did most of the work with a sharp long carving knife. Be careful not to cut your fingers. ALWAYS cut away from your fingers.

Next, as expected, I sanded it all down. Try not to hold the sandpaper in your hands when sanding, as this will affect the retention of the correct shape.

All processing was done by eye using a pattern taken from the shape of the example image I showed at the beginning of this article.

The pictures show a structure with already treated foam. I found that I needed to use lightweight filler to fill in a few places where I had cut too much and the join joints between foam sections (that's the white filler in the photo). I used regular filler (for wall cracks) which I think worked great.

The simplest wood products

We will proceed from the fact that the horse figurine should become a toy. They begin by transferring the outline of the figure onto drawing paper (Fig. 81, a); the front and hind legs, which can quickly break during play, are combined to obtain strong support legs, the neck is bent in a beautiful arc, and the pointed ears will stick up. The mane can be made later from small, twisted pieces of hemp cord. It is best to check the appearance of the proposed body by cutting out an outline from black paper (Fig. 81, b).

Rice. 81. Making the body of a wooden horse.

The resulting drawing is transferred to wood. It is traced with a pencil or transferred through carbon paper (Fig. 81, c), but at the same time the figure is placed in such a way that the location of the narrow parts (legs, ears, etc.) coincides with the direction of the wood fibers. Since a figure made from a thin board is inexpressive, it is better to choose thicker wood (pine or linden board). You can cut the horse with a jigsaw (Fig. 81, d) or a band saw. The smooth side surfaces of the figurine are polished by moving them along flat sandpaper (Fig. 81, e) and coated with colorless varnish (Fig. 81, f). Then, using a spiral drill (5 mm in diameter), holes are drilled in the neck and body of the horse (Fig. 82, a, b). To ensure that the mane tufts take a vertical position, the drill is placed at different angles at the rounding of the neck (Fig. 82, c).

Rice. 82. Making the mane and tail of a horse.

Folded pieces of thick linen twine are inserted into the holes and secured with glue (Fig. 82, d), then the mane is cut to the required length (Fig. 82, e, f), and in front of you is a real horse with a tail and mane (Fig. 83) .

Rice. 83. Finished wooden horse figurines.

Anyone who wants to use the sketches shown in the drawings will find the necessary instructions in the attached fig. 14 grid.

Rice. 14. Grid for transferring the drawing of a horse, camel and elephant.

The grid should first be drawn in full size: for a pine board 15 mm thick, the length of the grid square should be 1 cm, for a board 30 mm thick - 2 cm.

Then, on this grid, the intersection points of the figure’s contour are marked on vertical and horizontal lines, which are connected by curves to obtain the figure. An example of making a plastic horse body is shown in Fig. 84.

Rice. 84. Plastic execution of a horse figurine.

First, a new contour must be applied to the previously cut out horse figurine (Fig. 84, a); The edges are slightly removed with a rasp (Fig. 84, b), while the figurine is not held with a bare hand, as shown in the figure, it should be secured to the edge of the table. With a small file you can polish the corners (Fig. 84, c) and accurately form new roundings (Fig. 84, d, e). Then the remaining edges are removed with a rasp, while the shape of the body is roughly rounded (Fig. 84, e). The smooth surface of the horse is obtained as a result of the last treatment with fine sandpaper (Fig. 84, g). The legs of the figurine should be trimmed with a saw (Fig. 84, h).

Using the described method, you can make all kinds of figures (Fig. 85, 86). In this case, clear, expressive forms are important, which would make a good impression without coloring.

Rice. 85-86. Figures from boards.

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How to choose?

The horse will become your child's faithful friend for several years. The kid will spend many days playing games, imagining himself as a knight rushing to defeat a dragon, or a princess who decided to go on her own adventures. Considering that the baby will spend a lot of time with the toy, its choice must be approached very responsibly.

Important: before purchasing, make sure that the rocking horse you choose is suitable for your child. To make your choice easier, there are a number of criteria that should be followed:


A wooden horse is the most stable because it is quite heavy. It will be difficult for a child to accidentally turn it over and fall, even if he swings very intensely on it. Wood is the most optimal material for playing at home. Summer is the best time to play outdoors. If you want the rocking horse to become your baby’s companion on the street - on the playground or in the country, it is better to choose plastic. This material is wear-resistant, does not fade under the sun, and is not afraid of water.

The plastic is easily and quickly washed off from street dirt - ordinary wet wipes are enough to wipe it.

A rubber toy has one important advantage - it is hypoallergenic, which is especially important if the baby is prone to allergies. It is made of durable, high-quality rubber, which is very easy to wash, and the horse will not collect dust. On such a horse you can not only swing, but also ride due to the elasticity of the rubber, which is very useful for the physical development of the child.

The most comfortable and beautiful option is a plush horse. The frame is usually made of plastic or wood, but the upholstery is much more reminiscent of a real horse. The animal has a long mane and tail that are fun to comb and decorate. This toy is a great gift for a birthday or New Year; a child will remember it for a long time.


Of course, rocking chairs for children should not only be beautiful and durable, but also safe. When choosing the right model, be sure to look at the label; the information on it should indicate the age of the child for whom it can be used. Check the stability of the skids and the swing amplitude. If the toy swings too much, it will tip over along with the little rider. This is especially true for plastic horses - they are the lightest.

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How to Make a Rocking Horse Out of Cardboard

The rocking horse has always been a favorite toy for children. Even now, a wide variety of games cannot replace it. You can make a horse out of wood yourself. To do this, you need to find a suitable template and prepare tools and materials for the rocking chair and its subsequent finishing.

Expert opinion

Strebizh Viktor Fedorovich, leading construction foreman

The horse can be additionally decorated with synthetic fur upholstery, but in this case, do not forget about the foam layer so that the baby can sit softly. If you want to clarify something, please contact me!

Tire swing

Car tires are quite durable, but cut well. The most primitive use of a tire is similar to a bungee swing: the tire is tied in a vertical position to a branch with a rope, and you can sit in such a swing. But such a seat is not very comfortable, and its appearance is not aesthetically pleasing. This is not yet a reason to refuse to use tires.

A swing made from a tire tied horizontally to three or four chains looks much better. Four or three holes are drilled in the tire at equal distances from each other, and an eyelet is inserted into each of them and secured with a nut. It is useful to place wide washers between the eye and the seat (and between the nut and the seat). The ropes (or chains) are brought together to rest at one point on a steel ring.

A strip cut from a tire is used instead of a board, as described above. In this case, “ears” are attached to the edges of the tire strip, which hold a rope or hook a carabiner to a chain.

Tires can be used to make various shapes for swings.

DIY rocking toy

Few of us did not dream of such a toy as children. Often there were such toy horses in kindergarten, and sometimes the children almost fought, arguing whose turn it was to play. Nowadays the children's horse is becoming popular again, so it will be an excellent gift for a child. The design of the toy is quite simple, so it will not be difficult for you to assemble it yourself. The materials used largely depend on the type of toy and design chosen, but the most commonly used are:

  • sheet of plywood or wooden boards;
  • copy of the template;
  • carbon paper to transfer the pattern onto plywood or wood;
  • table;
  • jigsaw;
  • awl;
  • glue, paint, brush set.

When making a horse, use only environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic materials. This is especially true for paints and glue. The horse can be additionally decorated with synthetic fur upholstery, but in this case, do not forget about the foam layer so that the baby can sit softly.

How to make a plywood horse?

The selected drawing should be enlarged by the required number of times, depending on the age and height of the child. Most often, the scheme is increased by 8-10 times for children 4-5 years old, respectively. The classic plywood horse consists of 7 parts - be sure to number them so that it is clear where each element is attached. These are the details:

  1. Two identical sides of the horse;
  2. A large one-piece piece with the head and tail of a horse that fits between the sides;
  3. Two strips, with the help of which the toy is further strengthened from below;
  4. One spacer that is installed at the rear of the rocker and connects the sides to the middle piece. A saddle is placed on top of the spacer;
  5. Seat;
  6. Stirrups - 2 parts attached to the saddle using straps (for which grooves must be provided in the seat);
  7. One spacer for the front part of the horse - attached according to the same principle as a similar rear part.

About materials

Rocking chairs are made primarily of wood. Metal, for all its manufacturability, low waste and greater durability in the open air, is too heavy. The influence of the chair on the overall CG turns out to be significant, the moment of inertia of the system is large and, as a result, the rocking is too sharp. Or you have to set an extremely small initial elevation of the CO above the CO, risking that the rocking chair will tip over under someone. However, we will return to metal rockers when considering individual samples.

Using plywood to make a rocking chair

Plywood is a completely different matter, especially for novice woodworkers. Firstly, when making the parts of the rocking chair with 3-layer glued ones, you can only use a jigsaw to make accurate and durable tenon-groove joints, on the left in the figure, if you follow the following. rules:

  • Plywood for the middle layer is taken twice as thick as for the outer layers. For example, if you need a total thickness of 20 mm, then glue 5-10-5 mm.
  • The parts are assembled from blanks using 2-component waterproof glue. If it is on PVA, be sure to reinforce it with small nails.
  • The connections are assembled with gluing (wedging in this case is unacceptable) and reinforced with diagonal pairs of self-tapping screws on both sides.
  • The supporting surfaces are protected with linings made of thin (6-10 mm) strips of hard, durable wood or dense sheet rubber 4-5 mm thick. Plywood under a concentrated load cracks very well at the end.

Secondly, plywood makes it possible to use non-standard technical solutions, for example. as on the right in Fig. Such a rocking bowl can be made from plywood, again using only a jigsaw. Comfort is high, stability is absolute, and can serve as a hanging hammock chair or swing chair. The thickness of the lamella boards is from 12 mm; connecting half-washers on poles – from 24 mm.

How to install overlays

Wear-resistant wooden pads are installed on the rocking chair runners. way:

  1. Turn the chair over with the runners up;
  2. We warm the blank plank thoroughly with a construction hairdryer;
  3. We place the workpiece on the runner and wrap it tightly along the entire length with cotton braid. Don't get burned, the wood is very hot!
  4. We also grab the second workpiece onto another runner;
  5. Once the strips have completely cooled, remove the braid bands and glue the pads with PVA on wood or with 2-component glue;
  6. We attach the ends of the planks with small nails until the overlays fit snugly along the entire length. Place washers or pieces of plywood under the nail heads;
  7. Once the glue has completely dried (2-3 days), remove the temporary fasteners. We drill blind holes for screws and secure the ends completely;
  8. We fill the holes with the fastener heads with putty made from sawdust of the same tree, thickly mixed with PVA.

Rocking horse on a spring

Parents read to each child a fairy tale in verse by P.P. Ershov, “The Little Humpbacked Horse,” and children are very familiar with this cute little horse. But your child can even “ride” on it. if dad takes it upon himself to make a rocking skate

and install it in the courtyard of your house or cottage. The design of the rocking chair is simple, and anyone who knows how to hold an instrument in their hands can make it. Welding operations (if there is no apparatus or experience in performing such work) can be entrusted to a specialist or performed using so-called cold welding (connecting parts using composite materials): finally, simply replacing the welded connections of the parts with threaded ones.

The design is based on a spring from the front suspension of a small or medium-tonnage truck (GAZ, ZIL, etc.). You can also use two springs from a passenger car, screwing one into the other.

The work is difficult

. This craft can perfectly decorate an empty shelf or table. For cutting you will need:

Sawing tools.

The selection of plywood depends on the size of the parts, in this case you will need a lot of plywood. Before transferring the drawing onto plywood, sand it with coarse-grain sandpaper and finish with fine-grain sandpaper. It is more convenient to sand with a wooden block wrapped in sandpaper. Sand the prepared plywood along the layers, not across. A well-polished surface should be flat, completely smooth, glossy-matte in the light and silky to the touch. Pay attention to grain placement, knots, dents and other imperfections. Quality and color.

Translation of the drawing onto plywood is carried out using a copy, a ruler and a sharp pencil. Translate slowly, fixing the drawing on the plywood with buttons or holding it with your hand. There is no need to rush here. After you have transferred the drawing to plywood, you need to drill holes using a hand drill with a No. 3 drill.

Cut out the details of the horse according to the drawing you have precisely marked. First, cut out the holes inside the drawing, only then along the contour. Avoid bevels and any irregularities. Don't forget to watch your posture. Take your time. Try to cut out the details of the night light as accurately as possible. In order for the horse to stand, you need to cut out a stand of any shape.

When all the parts have been cut out, you need to sand the surface again, only with fine-grained sandpaper. If there are burrs or irregularities after cleaning, clean the parts with needle files.

It also happens that when working, your hands and eyes get tired. In order to reduce the load, you need to do a couple of exercises. You can view the exercises here.

When all the parts are cut, clean them with sandpaper. Because at the very beginning you already cleaned the plywood, now you have to do a little sanding of the parts. Clean the edges of the parts with “Medium” sandpaper and the front surface with “Fine-grained” sandpaper. To choose the right sandpaper, you need to read a little about its properties. You can read it here.

After all the parts of the craft have been thoroughly cleaned, try to assemble the craft. When assembling, look at the drawing of the finished craft and do not forget about the rule: part number 1 must be attached to another part number 1, part number 2 to 2 parts, and so on. If the parts do not fit into the right places, file them down or clean them with needle files. When the craft is assembled without problems, glue it together. You need to glue the horse using PVA or titan glue. You don't need to pour a lot of glue.

Simulation toys

The rocking horse, despite its popularity, has a small number of ready-made drawings. After all, it is now easier to purchase a ready-made model for a large sum than to make it yourself and create a unique toy.

If preference is given to the second option, then you need to seriously think about modeling the structure. To do this, you can use special computer programs. But it’s easier and more convenient to sketch out a drawing on a sheet of paper, and then create your own template.

With its help, it will be possible to transfer the contours of parts onto plywood or cut out the necessary structural elements from unplaned boards (their thickness must be at least two centimeters, otherwise the strength of the rocking chair will be insufficient).

The rocking horse must have an appropriate finish. There are practically no restrictions on this issue. The main thing is that it looks natural and does not irritate the child’s eyes.

How to make?

Making a horse out of plywood is not difficult if you have ready-made templates for cutting. You can find them on the Internet or draw them yourself.

Here is one example of patterns. They can be scaled and printed, or hand-drawn on regular newspaper.

Stages of work:

  • We place the pattern on the plywood and trace it. To prevent the pattern from moving, we attach it to the plywood with masking tape. We cut out the blanks with a jigsaw along the drawn lines. The plywood or boards for the head, supports and seat should be at least three centimeters thick for greater strength. We make the holes necessary for fastening in them with a drill and jigsaw, and tap them with a chisel.
  • Next, according to the diameter of the holes, we make sticks from the board to connect the parts.
  • All elements must be sanded with sandpaper. First, take a coarse-grained one to remove all the unevenness, then sand the roughness with a fine-grained one until smooth. It would be a good idea to use a router to round all the corners of the horse.

  • We assemble the parts in accordance with the drawing, coating all joints with wood glue. It is better to fasten the lower supports with self-tapping screws, and you need to screw them in as deeply as possible so that the child does not get hurt. You can coat them with glue on top.
  • Next, if you wish, you can coat the horse with varnish, draw patterns, and make a tail. After waiting for complete drying, you can begin using the product. Also, for greater comfort, you can thread the bit through the horse and make a soft saddle using foam rubber or thick fabric.

A rocking cradle in the form of a seat or crib is created in a similar way. The only thing that complicates the task is the large number of details:

  • For better fastening and minimal loosening of parts, it is better to use self-tapping screws. Under the seat you need to place clamps from one side to the other, which will protect it from falling through and give strength to the frame.
  • When making a rocking chair for small children, add a back and sides. There must be supports for arms and legs. Moreover, the hand supports should be round so that the baby can hold on comfortably.
  • In total, making a craft with your own hands will cost 1000 rubles, which is a good saving compared to store prices.

This DIY baby rocking chair will undoubtedly become your baby's favorite toy. After all, a thing made with love and care is valued much higher than store-bought items. The safety and beauty of the product will be at the highest level, because no loving parent will be lazy for their child.

To learn how to make a rocking chair for a child with your own hands, see the following video.

Necessary materials

The list will depend largely on the chosen template and type of rocking chair, but most often you need to prepare:

  • a photocopy of the selected template;
  • pencil and carbon paper - with its help the drawing will be transferred to plywood;
  • cutting table and jigsaw;
  • awl;
  • glue with a brush;
  • paint and finishing brushes.

A rocking horse has a good effect on the child’s vestibular apparatus, promoting its proper development. To make a children's toy, you need to use only environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic materials. Fur upholstery will help add naturalness to the horse; it is advisable to first place foam rubber or other soft material under it.

A carefully thought-out design will allow you to create a high-quality, safe and durable toy that your child will enjoy spending time with.

Main components of the toy

A wooden rocking horse includes several parts, which, if properly manufactured, will ensure the strength and stability of the structure.

  1. Side parts are made in two copies. They look like flat, rounded elements reminiscent of a horse's body.
  2. Intermediate boards - you also need to make two pieces. One of them is fixed on top, between the two sidewalls, and the other below (it provides strength).
  3. The horse's head is planed from wood and carefully polished.
  4. Saddle. Can be represented by simple plywood. It can also be made soft using foam rubber and upholstery.
  5. Reiki - they are made in four copies: two are installed for the legs and two for the arms (reminiscent of horse reins).

The main task of creating a design is to ensure comfortable use of the toy and its safety for the child.

Expert opinion

Strebizh Viktor Fedorovich, leading construction foreman

A carefully thought-out design will allow you to create a high-quality, safe and durable toy that your child will enjoy spending time with. If you want to clarify something, please contact me!

Rocking horse toy for children

In modern children's stores you can buy toys for every taste and budget - mechanical, musical, talking, educational, but there are those that have a centuries-old history and will definitely evoke nostalgic memories for most parents. Wooden rocking horses are just one of these. They still remain very popular, although they have undergone some changes over time.

DIY children's rocking horse made from ordinary plywood

Not so long ago, many children's toys were made from wood. These were durable and beautiful products that served more than one generation of children in some families. Now they have been replaced by plastic products, and wooden toys are very rare on sale, and they have a considerable price.

Many parents prefer to make some toys for children with their own hands. This not only helps you save some money, but also allows you to get a unique product made from environmentally friendly materials.

A wooden rocking horse will be an excellent gift for a child. Its manufacture is not particularly difficult and will require a minimum set of tools. The most affordable, easy to process and durable material is thick plywood. As a rule, its thickness should be at least 16 mm.

Before you start making a horse, you need to prepare the materials so that you are less distracted during the work process. In addition to plywood, you will need wood glue, wooden furniture dowels and fasteners. If something is not in stock, then you need to take care of purchasing everything you need at a furniture store.

Ready-made drawings of a rocking horse can be borrowed on the Internet from numerous sites offering free versions. Some parents, trying to get a unique product, develop their own versions of the drawings using special design programs.

Having chosen the appropriate dimensions of the toy, the drawings are transferred to a sheet of plywood. Since all the parts have a curved shape, it is better to use an electric jigsaw to cut them out. To prevent the child from getting hurt when using the toy, all edges of the parts are processed with a grinding machine or manually with sandpaper.

Assembly is carried out using wooden dowels mounted on wood glue. In some cases, metal bolts or screws can be used. Their heads must be recessed into the surface of the plywood so as not to injure the child.

The finished horse can be treated in several ways, for example, coated with a primer and several layers of colorless varnish. This will highlight the texture of the wood, making the appearance of the toy more attractive. Some parents paint the rocking chair with multi-colored paints, giving it a resemblance to a natural horse. In this case, only water-based acrylic paints should be used. They contain fewer harmful substances.

Advantages of a rocking horse

Having bought a horse for your child, you can be sure that he will not lose his interest and will not throw it into the far corner, as often happens with many new toys. Having so much fun that children quickly lose interest, the wooden horse is one of the rare exceptions. The peak of popularity of the rocking chair occurs at 2-3 years. Children at this age become so attached to their horse that they can put it to bed, feed it sweets, spend hours combing and braiding its long mane.

A rocking horse is a good simulator for a baby; it maintains the normal vestibular apparatus, developing it, and also improves useful skills such as dexterity and fine motor skills - you still need to be able to stay on a wooden horse. Doctors recommend this toy for children with diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system. There is another variety of toy horses - a rolling horse. Instead of two arches, she has wheels attached to her legs, so the baby must push off with his legs to move. It's essentially a scooter with a seat.

Do-it-yourself wooden horse for a summer residence

To make a wooden horse you will need:

  1. Log.
  2. Boards.
  3. Spils.
  4. Bars.
  5. Self-tapping screws.
  6. Nails.
  7. Ropes.
  8. Glue.

Work progress:

  1. For two saw cuts, the thickness of which is 3 cm, fill with planks 15 cm wide and 50 cm long, the thickness does not matter. You should have a rounded box that will serve as the body of the horse.
  2. To make legs for a toy, you need to choose a strong material to make the figure stable. The material used is bars half a meter long. They are attached to the body with self-tapping screws or nails on saw cuts in front and behind. There should be at least two nails and screws for each leg, then the horse will not stagger.
  3. It is best to make a horse's tail from plywood; to do this, you first need to draw a layout on the material and then cut it out. Using a block and self-tapping screws, attach it to the rear cut.
  4. For the neck, a board or beam 40 cm long is suitable, on which the head will be attached. It must first be drawn on plywood and then cut out. You can also use a thin board for these purposes.
  5. Make eyes and ears from saw cuts and attach them to the muzzle. Thin branches can be used as a mane. Next, the head needs to be attached to the neck, and the horse is ready.


A handmade toy has a number of advantages:

  • Availability. The high prices for store-bought rocking chairs are sometimes confusing; this is a budget way out of a problematic situation.
  • Communication. Oddly enough, but such a toy teaches a child to love animals. The kids take care of them, feed them, wash them and even put them to bed.
  • Safety. When you make it yourself, you will be confident in the quality of the toy. This applies to the materials from which it is made and to the design of the product itself.
  • Things made with your own hands have a special, warm energy. If you also involve the child in this, for example, ask him to hand tools or hold elements, then the work will bring even more benefits in family cohesion.

Making a horse figurine: stages of work

As a rule, a horse is cut out of plywood quite simply and quickly. The main thing that every novice master should remember is to follow the sequence of processes and pay attention to all the small details.

Conventionally, the process of working on the material can be divided into several stages:

  1. Drawing on a sheet;
  2. Work on cutting the material along the resulting contour;
  3. Additional processing of the resulting figure.

Sheet of material for further making crafts

It should be noted that in addition to horses, any other figures of animals and objects can be obtained in the same way: birds (for example, cats made of plywood), cars or any other objects.

The process of obtaining decorative jewelry and products is unified and differs only in small and insignificant details. (see also DIY plywood box - detailed manufacturing guide)

Drawing on a sheet of material: features

The first thing you need to do before cutting a cat out of plywood or the same horse is to select the material. As a rule, any brand of wood sheet is suitable for crafts; fortunately, the domestic market today offers a huge selection of materials.

The main requirement for pressed wood sheets is a smooth surface and the absence of any visible serious defects that could lead to a deterioration in the appearance of the finished product.

Advice. To make the same horses or other figures (as well as children's toys), it is recommended to use pressed plywood. This is a durable and dense material that can be easily processed and does not crack or break.

Popular types

As a child, many dreamed of such a toy. Previously, such horses were made from wood and compressed shavings. The horse, made entirely of wood, was strong and durable, but it was not very comfortable to sit on. Horses made from compressed shavings looked more realistic and looked less like a rough cross between a stool and a sled. Modern rocking chairs are made not only from natural wood, but also from plastic, rubber and plush. There are even wicker models made from willow wicker or more expensive rattan. In the assortment of today's stores you can choose a horse to suit every taste and budget. This toy is suitable for children from 1 to 7 years old.

Important: when buying a horse for very young children (no older than 1 year), choose models with a back, soft seat and fastening belts.

Additions to wooden horses in the garden

A wooden horse on the territory of a dacha looks very beautiful , but sometimes it is also very lonely. Therefore, you can always complement her figure with some accessories. For example, it could be a carriage or cart, flat or three-dimensional, depending on the type of figure. Also, you can always place a wooden bucket with flowers, made in the same style, a trough with hay, and other additional decor near the animal. But it’s even more interesting to make several figures at once to create a fun company for the cute decor.

Plywood horse

This is the easiest way to create a craft that you can imagine. You can involve a child in making such a horse. You will need a flat plywood sheet and make a drawing of the future wooden horse on it. Next you need to cut out the design with a jigsaw. And attach the figurine to bars dug into the ground or attach it with wire to standing trees. The horse figurine is ready, and all that remains is to paint it with paints or burn it out.

To prevent garden decor in the form of a wooden horse from looking lonely, you can complement the composition with some accessories. You can attach a cart or carriage to the horse. You can place a bucket of water or flowers, or a trough of hay, near the animal. The horse looks most advantageous together with other wooden figures, so if you have the time and desire, you can make it a good company.

The simplest plywood horse

Some of us like to make things - cutting, knocking, gluing, and so on, but many of us also like more creative work, for example, drawing. So, if you have at least minimal skills as an artist, the next method of creating garden decor will be the most interesting for you.

You need to purchase a small sheet of thick plywood and simply draw a horse on its surface (you can use any other animal or fairy-tale creature, but today we are talking about horses). After finishing the drawing, check whether you did everything correctly and beautifully, correct the details.

Now a jigsaw or jigsaw comes to the rescue, with which the figure is cut out.

The plywood horse is installed on several blocks dug into the ground, or it is attached to two nearby trees with ropes or wire.

Naturally, among us there are those people who will not stop only at the arts. Painting, burning, decorative painting and other talents will help to even more seriously decorate our figure and breathe life into it.

Horse and cart

To make a horse and cart you will need thick and thin birch branches, self-tapping screws, bottle caps, and rubber winding.

  1. A thick birch branch is suitable for the body of the horse. You need to cut out a body 50 cm long from it.

  2. Take smaller branches for the legs. In order for the figurine to stand firmly and not wobble, you need to drive its legs into the ground. In this case, all work must be carried out in the place where the horse will stand; foresee this in advance.
  3. In the block that will serve as the muzzle, you need to cut out a recess for the mouth.
  4. Connect the head to the body using the neck, all wooden parts are fastened with self-tapping screws.
  5. The eyes for the horse can also be cut out of wood, or you can use ordinary bottle caps. You can simply glue them to the muzzle with wood glue.
  6. For the mane and tail, you need to take thin branches and weave them into a broom, attach them with nails to the body.
  7. For the reins and saddle, you need to take the rubber tape and attach them in place using glue or nails.

  8. Next came the turn of the cart; it can be built in different ways. You can take four wheels and connect them to birch sticks with screws, this will create a simple cart. You can take wooden boards and make a wooden box out of it, like a real cart, and attach four wheels. You can fill the cart with soil and plant flowers in it. Vegetables growing from it, such as pumpkin, look interesting. Or you can put a toy old man in the cart, then the composition will be completely completed.

DIY wooden rocking horse:

The rocking horse has always been a favorite toy for children. Even now, a wide variety of games cannot replace it. You can make a horse out of wood yourself. To do this, you need to find a suitable template and prepare tools and materials for the rocking chair and its subsequent finishing.

Necessary materials

The list will depend largely on the chosen template and type of rocking chair, but most often you need to prepare:

  • a photocopy of the selected template;
  • pencil and carbon paper - with its help the drawing will be transferred to plywood;
  • cutting table and jigsaw;
  • awl;
  • glue with a brush;
  • paint and finishing brushes.

A rocking horse has a good effect on the child’s vestibular apparatus, promoting its proper development. To make a children's toy, you need to use only environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic materials. Fur upholstery will help add naturalness to the horse; it is advisable to first place foam rubber or other soft material under it.

A carefully thought-out design will allow you to create a high-quality, safe and durable toy that your child will enjoy spending time with.

Simulation toys

The rocking horse, despite its popularity, has a small number of ready-made drawings. After all, it is now easier to purchase a ready-made model for a large sum than to make it yourself and create a unique toy.

If preference is given to the second option, then you need to seriously think about modeling the structure. To do this, you can use special computer programs. But it’s easier and more convenient to sketch out a drawing on a sheet of paper, and then create your own template.

With its help, it will be possible to transfer the contours of parts onto plywood or cut out the necessary structural elements from unplaned boards (their thickness must be at least two centimeters, otherwise the strength of the rocking chair will be insufficient).

The rocking horse must have an appropriate finish. There are practically no restrictions on this issue. The main thing is that it looks natural and does not irritate the child’s eyes.

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