A bouquet of threads for DIY knitting for needlewomen and grandmothers. description, master classes

Where can you use knitted flowers?

DIY gift for grandma: a selection of the best craft gifts for your beloved grandma’s birthday. top 90 ideas and step-by-step master classes

Homemade flowers can be used as decoration in a variety of areas:

  • decorate hats and hats.
  • decorate sofa cushions;
  • add as jewelry elements;
  • design homemade bags;
  • Use as bookmarks or napkin clips;
  • create wall panels;
  • use when creating cards or gift wrapping;
  • collect bouquets to decorate your home interior.

The thread for creating flowers must be chosen that does not break up into individual fibers; it can be cotton, synthetics, silk, darning, wool or a mixed thread.

The crochet technique involves making flowers of various shapes and sizes. Volumetric flowers can be knitted from several tiers of different diameters. From the semicircular petals located around the center, you can knit simple flowers with five petals. Petals with sharp corners make daffodils, elongated petals make daisies or lilies, and narrow petals make carnations. Small cups are suitable for making lily of the valley or bells, and wide petals make orchids and poppies. You can make tulips from oval petals.

Flowers knitted like a ruffle look beautiful, when in each row the number of loops is significantly increased and the petal goes in a wave; if you gather such petals tightly from below, you will get a real carnation; it’s easy to assemble a rose from straight lace.

How to make flowers from knitting threads in Tenerife

There are also interesting types of weaving that I haven’t tried myself. But I found detailed master classes, both on a cardboard base and on a special hoop.

And I'll start with twine flowers. I really love products made from it, vases, flowers, topiaries, and other decor.

For such flowers, we cut out a circle from cardboard - the base, make markings and stick in needles. We weave by putting loops on the needles and twisting them. Then we tie it at the middle and decorate it with a button.

In the same way, flowers are woven from acrylic or woolen threads. This photo tutorial shows how to beautifully braid the middle of a flower.

They also weave on a special hoop (Tenerife). These hoops come in different diameters and shapes. For splendor, a flower is woven from two circles - a large and a smaller diameter.

The photo shows what kind of Tenerife flowers there are for knitting and how their shape affects the future flower.

Detailed video of such flowers.

How to make packaging for a bouquet

There is a wide range of wrapping materials, varying in texture and color, the most common of which are:

  • multi-colored corrugated paper is ideal for decorating yarn compositions;
  • thin transparent film is a classic packaging option. It is used as a component of a more complex wrapper, involving several tiers of different materials;
  • the floral mesh retains its shape well, gives the bouquet elegance and tenderness, and in appearance resembles material with “holes”;
  • craft paper is suitable for any craft and also adds brevity;
  • translucent organza will create a luxurious and rich look.

A bouquet of threads - a gift for grandma on her birthday

For additional decoration the following materials are used:

Bouquet of mimosa

To create a spring composition from mimosa, you will need the following materials:

  • skein of yellow acrylic yarn,
  • thin wire,
  • fork with large teeth,
  • floral tape.

Action Process:

  1. Wind the thread onto the cutlery 10-15 times, then secure the winding with wire exactly in the center.
  2. Next, remove the workpiece, cut the fibers along the edges, a small fluffy ball is formed.
  3. Twist the metal cord into a thin stem.
  4. Made stamens in the amount of 15-20 pcs. combine into a composition. It is recommended to start with 3 pompoms, collect them on a branch and secure with floral tape.
  5. Using this method, gradually add workpieces, you will get a fluffy twig.
  6. For a complete flower set, make several of these branches.

Beautiful bouquets made from knitting threads will be a delightful gift and will surprise; any woman will appreciate their beauty and uniqueness. Bright multi-colored buds are also used as decoration for clothing or home interiors. To make them, you need to use your imagination and have a little time.

We use cardboard

Such beautiful thread flowers are made using the same principle as crafts created with a fork. At the same time, the process of creating buds is completely safe for children, since no sharp objects are used in the work. Making such a flower is very simple.

  1. The first step is to select a piece of cardboard of suitable length and width.
  2. Red yarn is wound on it. The more threads are used, the more voluminous the finished bud looks.
  3. After this, all the coils must be removed from the cardboard base.
  4. Next, this skein needs to be pulled in the middle with thread.
  5. After this, you can begin to form the bud. The edges of the skein on both sides must be cut with sharp scissors.
  6. To create a stem, you need to select several sticks of suitable length.
  7. The buds should be slightly fluffed and attached to the branches. The best way to do this is to use a glue gun. The base of the stem can be decorated with green thread if desired.

You need to assemble a beautiful bouquet from ready-made flowers. You can decorate it with branches of living plants. The composition will turn out beautiful and realistic.

Ideas for inspiration

You can get ideas for inspiration anywhere. It could be a beautiful piece of jewelry, or an ordinary flower from a flowerbed or bouquet. You can crochet a shape of any complexity, which is why this type of knitting is so popular.

The most picturesque look are voluminous crocheted flowers, which are quite difficult to make, as they have complex patterns and require assembly and starching. Simple flat options can be done right away, having mastered the initial knitting techniques.

To begin with, it is better to use diagrams and descriptions for beginners. This will help you master the principles of creating petals and inflorescences. For convenience, you can also watch a video on crocheting flowers. Later, relying on them, you can create your own masterpieces.

In the basket

A DIY bouquet made from knitting threads is placed in a small basket.

To make this craft you will need the following materials:

  • 5 short knitting needles;
  • green “grass” threads;
  • universal glue;
  • pink and yellow “Iris” yarn;
  • flowerpot or large plastic glass;
  • foil;
  • brown threads;
  • decorative braided braid;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • 2-sided tape;
  • 2 pins and needles;
  • stationery knife;
  • scissors;
  • crochet hook.

Bouquet of threads for knitting in a basket step by step

Sweet bouquet

A handmade bouquet of sweets is an unusual and very popular gift. Everyone will love it, especially children, because you can eat it! And beautiful ladies will be happy to receive not only a very beautiful, but also a very tasty bouquet.

There are a lot of options for candy bouquets. It all depends on your imagination and patience. As an example, we will tell you how to make a bouquet in the form of red roses, inside of which there will be a surprise in the form of a delicious candy.

  • Cut red and green corrugated paper into rectangles measuring approximately 7x8 and 4.5x7 cm, respectively. The quantity depends on the number of roses you want to make.
  • Cut one of the corners of the red rectangle into a semicircle.
  • Fold the green blank along the width like an accordion and cut it halfway along the edge so that when you turn it around, you get a “fence.”
  • Place any round candy in the middle of the red piece and, twisting the paper clockwise, make a bud.
  • Take a skewer, insert it on one side of the resulting bud and secure the joint with glue. The bud should sit firmly on the stick.
  • Make a sepal. To do this, wrap the green blank with the sharp ends facing up at the bottom of the bud, after applying glue.
  • Fold the uncut piece of green paper diagonally, slightly shifting the corners, and wrap it around the joint so as to hide all the joints. This will be the receptacle.
  • In the same way, make the number of roses you need.
  • Gather a bouquet and tie the “stems” with ribbon or rope.
  • Pack the bouquet in beautiful paper and tie it with a red ribbon.

Made from fabric and thread

To create snowdrops from yarn and fabric you will need the following materials:

  • green cotton thread of medium thickness,
  • wire,
  • hook No. 3 and 1,
  • snow-white cotton fabric,
  • special glue for textiles or PVA,
  • needle,
  • white thread for sewing,
  • scissors,
  • transparent fast-acting adhesive.

Bouquet of snowdrops made of yarn and fabric
Order of registration:

  1. From white material, cut out rectangles measuring 4.5x9 in the same quantity as there will be inflorescences.
  2. To make the first snowdrop, bend the cut out figure in half, then sew along the edge with small stitches. Leave the thread uncut for now.
  3. Turn the resulting ring onto the face and stitch around the perimeter in the shape of a diamond.
  4. Pull the remaining fiber, then fasten and cut the thread.
  5. To prevent the edges of the part from fraying, it is recommended to lightly coat them with textile adhesive or PVA.
  6. Pierce the base of the bud with a thick needle and thread a wire into the hole.
  7. Using quick-acting glue, fix the tip of the green yarn at the beginning of the created stem and wrap the inserted metal cord.
  8. At the base of the inflorescence, you should rewind it with fiber in several layers, at the same time grabbing a little fabric at the bottom, so an elegant sepal will come out.
  9. At the final stage of formation, glue the thread with quick glue and cut it off.
  10. The leaves are made from green yarn with a small crochet hook.
  11. The parts are knitted according to the following pattern for 31 VP:
Number of columnsDesign method
1st row
Next tier
2Sc in the loop at the top of the leaf

In the second row, lay the wire along the working side and continue weaving, tying a metal cord into the middle of the workpiece.

Conventional meanings of abbreviations:

  • CH – single crochet,
  • VP - air loop,
  • RLS – column without additional arch,
  • PSN - half double crochet,
  1. Finally, fasten the thread and cut it.
  2. The fiber left at the beginning of weaving should be wrapped around the tip of the metal cord - the stem of the leaf will come out. Glue the yarn with quick-acting glue.
  3. For each inflorescence you will need at least 1 leaf.

On paper

Necessary materials for making applique from threads on paper:

  • bulky multi-colored yarn;
  • green floss;
  • cardboard rectangle measuring 7x4 cm;
  • yellow and white cardboard;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Bouquet of threads for knitting on paper (applique) step by step Design technology:

  1. Wrap fibers onto cardboard rectangles, then cut off the thread edge.
  2. Tie the resulting parts with thread at the top and bottom, and then remove the cardboard.
  3. Cut the workpiece horizontally in half and open the resulting bundles.
  4. Cut off excess threads.
  5. Use similar steps to perform elements from other shades of yarn.
  6. On a cardboard template (A4 format), make 5 notches at the top in the form of small triangles directed inward, and cut 1 such cut in the center at the bottom.
  7. Wrap the floss onto the cardboard, threading it into the cut-out notches; these will be the stems.
  8. Glue prepared pom-poms in any shape onto each green line and spread them out in the form of an inflorescence.
  9. Glue the finished craft onto thick yellow paper, the size of which is slightly larger than the base.

Bouquet with balls of thread

To create a bouquet of skeins you will need publicly available materials:

  • cardboard;
  • corrugated purple and light beige paper;
  • scotch;
  • thin wire;
  • organza ribbon;
  • yarn of any shade (it is advisable to select small pieces).

Registration procedure:

  1. Take a skein, pierce it with a metal cord, then secure the wire with a spiral.
  2. This method requires you to twist all the remaining balls.
  3. Connect all the formed blanks and secure them with tape at the bottom.
  4. For packaging, take cardboard (A4 size), connect 2 sheets with adhesive tape, then cut out a semicircle.
  5. Next, you need to roll the template into a cone and cut off the top a little.
  6. For the top of the composition, you need to cut corrugated paper into ribbons 4-5 cm wide and attach them in the form of a “skirt” to the top of the cone with tape.
  7. Insert the bouquet into the prepared packaging, pull the wire through the hole, tighten it for stability and secure with adhesive tape. Cut off the ends of the metal cord.
  8. At the bottom, make a handle out of cardboard in the form of a short narrow pipe and attach it to the product.
  9. Wrap the entire composition in milky corrugated paper and tie it with an organza ribbon at the bottom.

Master classes on making bouquets from yarn

You can use cups of yarn to create large and small bouquets. By choosing the right shades of threads, you can create a composition that will look like real flowers. To make bouquets look festive, they need to be decorated with beads, colored paper and dried flowers. Equally important is to design the packaging beautifully.

Further in the article you can consider instructions for making various bouquets from skeins of thread.


You can make a bouquet of balls of yarn in the shape of a mimosa branch with your own hands in 1.5 hours.

What you will need for work:

  • yellow acrylic yarn;
  • thick green floral wire (No. 20, diameter 1.1 mm);
  • green corrugated paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • small foam balls;
  • green floral ribbon;
  • satin ribbon;
  • wire cutters

First, the wire must be cut into pieces using wire cutters. The table lists the number of segments and their length.

Number of segmentsLength, cm


  • First you need to collect the branch on which the inflorescences will be located. Place a 30 cm piece of wire vertically in front of you.
  • Attach 2 pieces 25 cm long to it. Bend their edges to the sides. Secure the stems with pieces of floral tape at the top and bottom. The lower ends of the wire should be at level 1.
  • By analogy, wrap 2 pieces of 18 cm each with tape.
  • Secure 2 wires 15 cm long.
  • Attach the last 10 cm pieces.
  • Wrap the resulting stem tightly with floral tape.
  • Bend back the branches.
  • Temporarily set aside this stem. Now you need to make 2 branches of leaves. A piece of wire 30 cm, connect with 2 pieces of 18 cm each. Wrap the lower part of the stem with tape. By analogy, make branch 2.
  • Cut the corrugated paper into strips 5 cm wide. It is important to cut it along the grain and not across it.
  • Make a fringe on each ribbon by making transverse cuts. The width of the uncut edge is 1 cm, and the width of small strips is 0.5 cm.
  • Coat the uncut edges of the paper strips with PVA glue.
  • Wrap them around branches simulating leaves.
  • Straighten out all the “needles”. Dry the product.
  • Take a stem intended for inflorescences. Grease the tip of each branch with PVA glue.
  • Place 1 foam ball on each branch.
  • Unravel a skein of yellow yarn and twist it into 9 small balls of 5 cm in diameter. There is no need to tighten the threads. The skeins should be light and soft.
  • Tuck the loose ends of the threads into the balls.
  • Place the balls on the branches.

Collect leaves and inflorescences into a bouquet, tie the stems with a satin ribbon. Tie a fluffy bow. Trim the excess tape and burn its ends with a lighter to prevent them from unraveling.


A bouquet of balls of yarn called “Ladybug” will turn out to be colorful and bright.

To work you will need:

  • 7 multi-colored balls of linen yarn;

To create a bouquet you will need linen yarn of different colors

  • 7 plastic tubes for attaching helium balloons (with cups);
  • green acrylic paint in a can;
  • a simple pencil;
  • sackcloth;
  • brown sewing thread;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • transparent glue “Moment”;
  • half a pistachio shell;

The bouquet will be decorated with a ladybug made from a nut shell, painted with acrylic paints

  • acrylic paints;
  • thin art brush;
  • green corrugated paper.


  • Cut the burlap into strips 20 cm long and 5 cm wide.
  • Using a needle, pass a thread through each ribbon and pull the fabric into a ring. Straighten out the wavy edges. You can pull out a few of the top threads to create fluffy edges.
  • Paint plastic tubes with bowls with spray paint and dry.
  • Place balls on the cups. Secure them by wrapping the base of the bowl with the tip of the thread, which must be pulled out from each ball.
  • Under the tied knot, on the stem, apply a drop of glue.
  • Place a fabric ring on the stem from below, fluffy side up. Press with your fingers until the material sticks to the tube.
  • By analogy, collect the remaining flowers.
  • Fold the corrugated paper like an accordion. You should get a rectangle 10x5 cm, consisting of 10 layers.
  • Draw the shape of leaves on one side of the paper. Cut them out.
  • Spread out the sheets.
  • Collect a bouquet and add paper leaves to it.
  • Wrap the flowers in burlap. Wrap with sewing thread and tie a knot.
  • Paint the pistachio shell with red acrylic paint. Dry it.
  • Using a thin brush, paint the head and spots like a ladybug.

Glue the shell to the edge of the package using Moment glue.

"New Year's boom" with Christmas balls

A bouquet of balls of yarn can be a good gift for New Year or Christmas.

What you will need to create such a bouquet:

  • 5 large red balls of acrylic yarn;
  • 6 medium-sized white balls;
  • 6 small green balls;
  • foil;
  • thick floral wire;
  • wire cutters;
  • stationery knife;
  • tape measure;
  • felt-tip pen;

New Year's bouquet of balls of yarn

  • spruce branches;
  • small golden balls for decorating the fir tree (9 pcs.);
  • a piece of foam;
  • green tinsel without glitter;
  • small basket.


  • Cut the wire into 26 pieces 25 cm long.
  • Roll 26 small balls out of foil and place them on the tip of each wire.
  • Place all the balls on the wire.

New Year's bouquet of balls of yarn in red and white colors

  • Place balls on the remaining pieces of wire, having first removed the fasteners from them.
  • Cut spruce branches. Long branches should be chosen. 7 pieces are enough.
  • Using a measuring tape, measure the circumference of the bottom of the basket and its diameter.
  • On foam plastic, using a felt-tip pen, draw a figure of the recommended shape and size. Cut the blank with a stationery knife.
  • Place a piece of foam inside the basket.
  • Roll up the tinsel and place it on the foam.
  • Stick the flower stems into the foam. There should be red balls in the center. White and green should be placed along the edges in a checkerboard pattern.
  • Insert the wire with golden balls between the balls in a chaotic manner.

Another option for a New Year’s bouquet is a Christmas wreath made from balls of yarn.
Carefully insert spruce branches between the green and white “flowers.”

Bouquet of roses on skewers

To create such a bouquet you will need skeins of yarn in which the thread is laid crosswise. These skeins have 2 ends: on the side and in the middle. They are soft and light.

What you will need to create a bouquet of roses from skeins of yarn:

  • 3 large skeins of white acrylic yarn;
  • 3 large skeins of red yarn;
  • 6 long wooden skewers;
  • 6 artificial roses with realistic stems and leaves;
  • wire cutters;
  • green acrylic paint;
  • medium-sized art brush;
  • foil;
  • satin ribbon.


  1. Paint all skewers green. Dry them.
  2. Roll 6 tight balls from foil and place them on the end of each skewer.
  3. Carefully place the balls on the skewers, threading the foil balls through the center of the balls to the middle. Cross winding should be on the sides.
  4. Use pliers to separate the artificial rose buds from the stems. They are not needed. Only the stems and leaves should remain.

Collect a bouquet and secure it with a satin ribbon. Tie a fluffy bow.

Stand for a bouquet made of threads

Options for stands for yarn compositions:

  • Roll a cone out of a cardboard rectangle, then cut off the corner at the bottom and insert a plastic tube there. Fill the container with construction foam or polystyrene foam, wrap it in corrugated paper or organza. Finally, insert wire with strung skeins into the cone.

Stand (frame) for a bouquet made of cardboard ring

  • Form a long frame with sides from thick cardboard, then decorate it with bright fabric, wrapping paper or floral mesh and wrap it with ribbon. Insert balls of thread pre-pricked onto thin skewers inside.

Stand (frame) for a bouquet made of a cardboard ring with wire

  • A frame is woven from floral or steel wire in the form of rays, which are then pulled across with metal threads to form a cellular blank.

Stand (frame) for a bouquet made of cardboard and foamiran

  • To create a bell-shaped base, you need to pour glue inside a plastic bottle and insert a thick stick into it. Turn the container over, then wait until the components stick together.

Stand (frame) for a bouquet made of polystyrene foam and wire.
Cut off the bottom of the container, align and sand the edges. Next, decorate the workpiece with corrugated paper or colored foil (glue it on). Place foam inside the stand and you can insert non-living elements.

Stand (frame) for a bouquet made of a cardboard ring “on a leg”

  • To form a thread base, you need to take an elongated container with a round bottom, turn it upside down and cover it with cling film. Lubricate thick threads with glue and lay them tightly on top of the container. Leave the product to dry for a day, then carefully remove the container and add a wire handle to the frame.

Stand (frame) for a bouquet made of a cardboard round box

  • A flowerpot or flowerpot is decorated with threads, lace, ribbons or fabric. It is recommended to pour grains or small pebbles inside. As an option, polyurethane foam is poured into the pot or polystyrene foam is laid out.

Bouquet of roses

A bouquet of knitting threads can be given as a gift for women's holiday.

Materials for creating roses:

  • cardboard from the box;
  • red and green sewing threads;
  • scissors;
  • cellophane bags;
  • skewers;
  • 2 types of glue (PVA and Titanium);
  • shiny gel;
  • brushes;
  • ruler;
  • pencil.

Design method:

  1. Draw squares measuring 19x19 cm on cardboard, then cut them out. Place the resulting templates into small bags.
  2. Wrap the workpieces tightly with threads (separately red and green).
  3. Apply PVA liberally to the fibers, then leave the parts to dry for a day.
  4. When the adhesive is completely dry, make 2 cuts on the sides of the scarlet figures and remove the cardboard. Next, cut 2 whole sides. Divide the blanks to make 2 square sheets for the inflorescences.
  5. In the same way, decorate the green fragments for the leaves.
  6. Cut off the corners of the red elements to form a circle, then cut them into a spiral.
  7. Twist a rosebud from the created curl, then glue it together.
  8. Dip the brush into glitter gel and cover the flower petals with the mixture.
  9. Cut leaves from the green segments in any shape.
  10. Glue 3 elongated skewers together and wrap them tightly with green thread, securing the ends with glue. These will be the stems.
  11. Connect the stems with the buds and secure them with Titan adhesive.
  12. Glue 2 leaves at the bottom of the inflorescences.
  13. Create the required number of roses for the bouquet.

With balls

A bouquet of knitting threads is presented for the New Year holidays.

To create a composition you will need the following components:

  • small balls of red and white flowers,
  • New Year's purple and milky balls,
  • live spruce branches,
  • packaging paper material,
  • wide satin scarlet ribbon,
  • wire,
  • elongated skewers,
  • scotch,
  • twine.

New Year's bouquet of knitting threads
Creation process:

  1. If the skeins are too large, it is recommended to rewind them into smaller elements, and cut off the tip and tuck it into the middle. It is recommended to make 4 white balls and 5 red balls.
  2. Wrap the Christmas balls at the top near the mount with wire, thread it through the hole, pull it through the other side and twist the ends together. In this way, decorate 5 balls of different textures.
  3. Place a spruce branch against a skewer, wrap it with thin twine, and tie the ends in a knot. Make 10-15 such blanks.
  4. Determine the upper side of the ball, pierce it from below with a metal thread, thread it through to the side, bring the second edge down and twist the cords together. Using the same method, secure all other skeins.
  5. Assemble the composition in any form, connecting the made stems together and fixing them with tape.
  6. The voids should be filled with spruce branches.
  7. Cut the wrapping paper into 3 parts and pack the composition in them. It is recommended to wrap the craft in each segment in turn so that they are offset from each other.
  8. Tie the product with a satin ribbon and make a bow.

Winter bouquet Happy

I am accepting orders for paniculate hydrangeas; the seedlings are of excellent quality and will delight you with lush blooms this summer. Reservation without prepayment. Issue in May. There are other varieties of hydrangeas, a good selection of conifers and perennials, consultation on creating compositions, write in private messages. 1. Hydrangea paniculata 'Diamant Rouge' Compact bush, no more than 1.3–1.5 m tall. Blooms in VII–IX. At first the flowers are greenish-white, then quickly turn pink and after two weeks they acquire a rich red color. Heavy pruning is recommended. Pot 3l - 990 RUR 2. Hydrangea paniculata 'Fraise Melba' Tall variety, bush up to 1.7–2.1 m. The color of the flowers when blooming is greenish, later milky white, then soft pink, towards the end of flowering rich wine red colors. Blooms in VII–IX. Large inflorescences are obtained only with annual heavy pruning. It overwinters without shelter, a hardy and unpretentious variety. Pot 5l - 1490 RUR 3. Hydrangea paniculata 'Magiсal Moonlight' Bush with a height and diameter of up to 2 m with strictly vertical shoots. It blooms in July, does not lose its decorative effect even after flowering in the fall, and is suitable as a dried flower for winter bouquets. At the beginning of flowering, shades of creamy yellow and lime green predominate, turning into white. In severe winters, freezing of shoots is noted; open, windy areas are not recommended. 3L pot - 990 RUR 4. Hydrangea paniculata 'Magiсal Starlight' Bush 1.6–1.8 m high with a symmetrical, regular rounded crown shape. The inflorescence is loose, cone-shaped and consists of two types of flowers: sterile and fertile, of which the majority are. Sterile flowers are located unevenly in the inflorescence, large, consisting of four round-oval elongated sepals of dazzling white color. Blooms in VI–IX. Prefers moist, well-drained, fertile soils with acidic and slightly acidic reactions. Light-loving, but feels better in shade. Winter hardiness is high. Zone 4, down to -35°C. Pot 5l - 1490 RUR 5. Hydrangea paniculata 'Phantom' Bush height from 2.1 to 2.5 m with a round spreading crown. The shoots are strong, strong, weakly branched, and grow vertically. The inflorescence consists of white sterile flowers, which acquire a lilac-pink hue by autumn. Blooms in VII–X. Annual early spring pruning is required. The shorter the pruning, the larger the inflorescence. An unpretentious variety, resistant to diseases and pests, has high winter hardiness. 3L pot - 990 RUR 6. Hydrangea paniculata 'Polar Bear' Bush with a height and diameter of about 2 m. The inflorescences consist mainly of sterile white flowers, turning slightly pink in the fall. Blooms in VII–IX. Requires short annual pruning and does not like overhead watering of flowers. It has high frost resistance down to -35°C. 3L pot - 990 RUR 7. Hydrangea paniculata 'Skyfall' Forms a bush 1.2 m high and 1 m wide. The inflorescence of this variety is large and filled with unusual, sterile flowers, similar to hyacinths. This variety is popularly called hyacinth hydrangea. It blooms greenish, then turns white and later acquires pinkish hues. It winters well in the middle zone, but we recommend mulching and planting in a place protected from the wind. Prefers sunny places for planting, but can tolerate partial shade. Pot 3l - 990 RUR 8. Hydrangea paniculata 'Sundae Fraise' A low-growing variety with a dense, compact, symmetrical rounded crown of about 1 m. The flowers are sterile, white, towards the end of flowering they become pink, the color of strawberry ice cream. Flowering is long and abundant from VII to IX. An unpretentious, stable and winter-hardy variety. 3L pot - 990 RUR 9. Hydrangea paniculata 'Vanille Fraise' One of the most popular varieties. It has a bush of 2–2.3 m, with erect, hard shoots. The flowers are sterile, at first milky white, then a delicate pink hue, towards the end of flowering a rich wine red color. It is very responsive to fertilizing: in a good agricultural background it produces maximum decorativeness and clean, bright tones in the color of flowers. A very hardy and unpretentious variety, resistant to diseases and pests. Has high winter hardiness. Pot 3l - 990 RUR, pot 5L - 1490 RUR

great yarn, say goodbye to leftover yarn forever

Is your house filled with half-used balls of yarn? Don't despair if your closet doors won't close. There are plenty of ideas for decluttering projects - and we've rounded up the best for you.

Whether you want to make an afghan, love pillows, or something less will be enough to use up your excess items, the following patterns will get your hook working and your yarn back under control.

1. Amazing wallet toss

This magnificent throw is a great treasure. The individual hexagons are nice and compact, so they're great for those pieces of yarn that are too big to throw away but too small to use easily. They're also the same color—less ends to worry about. Don't forget that although these instructions only use one range of yarn, you can choose any yarn you have on hand from any of your previous projects as long as it is the same weight.

2. Good old grandmother

Grandma really knows better when it comes to crochet - the traditional granny strip is perfect for using up lots of half-lengths of yarn. This lovely example is cozy, colorful and truly desirable. If your yarn doesn't stretch to a large cast, this is the perfect stitch for pillowcases and pillows.

3. Bouquet from leftover yarn

Make a decorative element out of yarn!

4. Hangers

Everyone needs a hanger - with a little crochet work and some imagination, you can use a variety of your own to decorate them and take them from utilitarian to unique. Hangers make practical gifts and you can style them to suit your friends or the occasion - shades of white for the bride, pink for the little girl and so on.

5. Pencil case

Keep your favorite pens on hand or create this little project for the kids - it's the perfect back-to-school item that will be truly appreciated and will make a nice dent in your stash.

6. Rings and more

If you have a bunch of decorative lurex or fluffy yarn prims and don't know what to do with them, then you'll love this idea. Why not crochet fun faux rings? They only take a few minutes to make and look really pretty. If you're wearing your own cardigan or shawl, you'll love making a matching or contrasting ring. Or why not create one for your friends? If you are unsure about rings, make a larger bracelet.

7. Stashbust Scarf

Sometimes the best way to finish the yarn of a big project is to start another project—just something not quite as big. How about this beautiful colorful scarf? As you can see, it is multi-colored, so it will use up the remains of all kinds of blankets and blankets.

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