How to make and connect a Bluetooth adapter for a car radio with your own hands

Last updated April 2, 2022 at 12:34 pm

In order for the 4th generation gas installation on a car to work as efficiently as possible, as its components (gearbox, injectors) wear out, it is necessary to check and adjust the readings of the electronic control unit.

To diagnose and configure fourth-generation gas equipment, you need to connect its controller to the software. To remotely adjust the system, you can make a universal Bluetooth adapter for HBO with your own hands.


In the traditional headset version, the Bluetooth module has a chip, a small 3.7V 50mA lithium-ion battery, a microphone, a speaker and a power button.

The low cost of the hardware, a good degree of protection and ease of use have made this standard very popular. Bluetooth uses frequencies in the region of 2.4-2.48 GHz and does not require licensing. Currently, the global industrial community has accepted this technology as a general standard.

The user experience that Bluetooth technology provides is sure to be hugely popular. Let's say, when you come to the office, your pocket computer is immediately automatically synchronized with your desktop PC, new contacts are transferred to your mobile phone, etc.

The Bluetooth module contains a forming, receiving and transmitting part of the equipment and built-in software. Communication between the module and the host controller is made using a high-speed USB interface or a UART/PCM interface. The host controller interface in the Bluetooth module is the command interface. The host sends commands through the IHC, and in response receives messages from the module about their execution; The communications manager sets up the required host controller configuration.

Bluetooth has two communication options: synchronous and asynchronous. The first type is designed to establish a symmetrical connection and is used for voice transmission. The information transmission speed is 64 Cit/s. The asynchronous version is designed for packet data transmission, the transmission speed is 720 Kbps. At the beginning of the block there is an access code, followed by a packet header containing the packet checksum and information about its parameters, and at the end an area directly containing the information being sent.

Step-by-step instruction

A smartphone as a Bluetooth adapter can help you out in some difficult or urgent situation when it is not possible to buy a wireless adapter. Sometimes this is an opportunity to save money or find a use for an old smartphone.

  • You will need a computer, a Bluetooth device that we will connect and a phone as a Bluetooth adapter for a PC. You also need a Wi-Fi network: both a computer (you can wire it to a router) and a smartphone must be connected to it.
  • If you don’t have a router, you can create a network directly on your phone. To do this, find “Modem mode” in the settings (sometimes hidden in “More”) and turn on the Wi-Fi access point. In the access point settings, you can specify the network name and password. Connect your computer to this network. To do this, you will need a Wi-Fi adapter on your PC.

  • Now you need to decide on the gadget that you need to connect. Depending on its type, different programs can do this. For all cases, one application is installed on the computer, the second, from the Play Store - on the smartphone: for Bluetooth speakers, headsets, headphones: soundwire-server (computer) and SoundWire free (phone);
  • for gamepads: kinoconsole (computer), KinoConsole (phone);
  • PC Keyboard (computer) and PC Keyboard WiFi & Bluetooth (phone).

The latter option is still at the Beta stage and only works on the English keyboard. The option for speakers and headphones works best. Therefore, further I will describe working with him. For a gamepad and keyboard, working with applications will be similar.

  • Launch both apps on your devices.
  • On your PC, select the audio device from which sound will be transmitted to the Bluetooth gadget. You will also need the IP address listed here.

  • On the mobile app, start by checking your settings. Go to settings using the menu in the top right corner.

  • In the “Audio buffer size” item you need to set the value to “128” - this is the optimal value, tested by other users. Also check Wake Lock so that the program does not turn off when the screen dims.

  • Return to the main screen and enter the IP address specified in the program on your PC. This is the main step to connect any device and will also be needed in the other programs listed above.

  • Now you need to simply click on the application icon (spring) and the sound from the computer will be broadcast to the smartphone.

  • Now connect any audio device to your smartphone: speaker, headset or headphones. Turn on Bluetooth on your phone and activate the pairing button on your gadget. Select it from the list of available connections. When pairing is established, you will hear sound from the PC on the speaker (headphones).

DIY Bluetooth

Technological progress is moving forward by leaps and bounds, now even preschoolers have a mobile phone and know how to access the Internet, and seeing a person talking to himself on the street, no one will twirl his finger at his temple - everyone is already familiar with a Bluetooth headset, which is a wireless technology. This transmitter operates using encrypted signals, which, in addition to convenience, allows you to protect personal data. The wireless module allows you to establish communication among several devices.

What is it and what is it for?

So, let's imagine that we have a TV without a Bluetooth transmitter. So just praying while trying to connect your headphones will simply be useless. The TV has various connectors on the back panel. Their location may depend on the TV company, so our task is to find any mention of the word “AUDIO”. Turn your TV around and look at the back panel.

Here I found 4 connectors:

  1. Regular 3.5 mm Mini-Jack.
  2. Next is a connector for connecting a fiber optic audio cable.
  3. And then there is the RCA connection - red (sometimes orange) and white tulip. May also have the letters "L" and "R". Connections for analog signal.

We will most likely only use a mini-Jack or analog input for connection. But now there is another question. If the TV sends an audio signal to these ports, then how can it be transmitted to our Bluetooth headphones? For this task we just need a transmitter or Bluetooth adapter for the TV. It does the following:

  1. Receives a signal.
  2. Translates it into a format for reading by any Bluetooth receiver.
  3. Pairs, in our case with headphones.
  4. Sends a signal via radio frequencies.

And that’s all: you can calmly listen to music, watch movies and not disturb your family. In this case, now all we have to do is buy this transmitter and connect it to the TV.

Is it possible to make a wireless module yourself?

Sometimes the question is asked: is it possible to make a transmitter with your own hands? This option is quite difficult to implement. You cannot assemble a microcircuit with your own hands at home, since it is very miniature, requires very delicate work, and the selection of the frequency range is carried out using integrated solutions; the protocol has been developed by specialists for years.

Therefore, radio amateurs can only use ready-made Bluetooth transmitters and modify them at their own discretion, adding the necessary elements to the finished circuit with their own hands. Some suggest upgrading a music speaker with a module or making wireless speakers, as well as adding a transmitter to the car’s audio system to avoid a clutter of wires and download your favorite music directly from the Internet.

The video below shows in detail how to do this. But in any case, such manual work requires good knowledge and skills in radio engineering, otherwise from one working Bluetooth module and additional elements you can get a set of disparate radio components.


Bluetooth transmitter H366T or how to make home speakers wireless?

A budget “boxed” solution consisting of an audio receiver/transmitter in wireless mode. It's called H366T, which seems to me to be a synonym for the word noname. But the multipoint actually works, it even has its own battery and something similar.

Such devices are very relevant if the acoustics are located somewhere far away and/or it is an old music center and you want to listen to music from it wirelessly. Or vice versa, as I have - transfer music in the aptx standard for headphones. For this purpose I myself use a higher-class sample transmitter - Bluetooth receiver/transmitter Zoweetek ZW-418 (NFC/Apt-X). And then the need arose to find something similar for a person, only for a TV and Bluetooth headphones (sometimes two), and even cheaper. It’s not exactly super-cheap and you can buy a board for a couple of bucks, but I still wanted a boxed solution.

A quick search led to the H366T receiver. In fact, no name, there aren’t very many reviews, but the price is 10 bucks – TV-Stereo-Send-Audio/32738536209.html

I ordered, received cashback, paid, and 3 weeks later a Nova Poshta courier brought me this package.

The main characteristics of the H366T will be the following: – built-in battery that charges in 1.5 hours and can transmit a signal for up to 4 hours; – battery charging from micro USB and 3.5mm audio jack; – Bluetooth 4.0 and standard coverage radius; – connecting a pair of devices (multipoint).

The kit includes a USB/micro-USB charging cable, a 3.5mm/3.5mm cable for connecting the transmitter to some audio device, and a small instruction manual that I recommend reading.

After all, the device itself is not obvious. I picked it up, pressed the button, it started blinking - and then what?

How to connect a bluetooth speaker without a screen to it? Or headphones, which also have minimal settings. And then I read the instructions and everything worked as it should.

First of all, we launch our Bluetooth device in search mode for new pairings. After we connect the H366T receiver to the audio source, hold down the central button and the three indicators below blink in turn in search of new disputes. Two loneliness find each other and that’s all.

To add a second device, you need to press the central button of the H366T again while it is on and start the search again, without forgetting the previously paired device. I can’t say for a larger number of devices, I connected only two. As for the coverage area, there is nothing particularly different from ordinary bluetooth headsets and others like them - one wall or up to 10-15 meters of line of sight and without flickering obstacles. If you make the conditions more difficult, the distances will be shorter or there will be interference.

I put it on charge, at a current of 0.13A and the promised 1.5 hours of charging, then it’s time to talk about 200-300 mAh of some small lithium battery. For a stationary, home device, this is not the most important function, I believe.

The results turned out pretty well. If you don't go into audiophile troubles, the H366T transmitter is quite suitable for watching movies or computer games. There are many more scenarios for using this functional device. But there were a lot of concerns, no-name technology is not predictable at all.

Finally, I can recommend buying on Aliexpress with some discount by using EPN cashback - a cashback specialized specifically for Aliexpress and getting back about 7-15% of the money spent there. That is, for a total of 100 bucks spent on Ali on different products and different orders, the total cashback will return about 7-15 dollars. And the final price for all of them will no longer be 100, but 85-90 bucks. Here is the invitation link with all the details -

11.05.2017 @ 19:02

Headphone Reviews

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Tips for Improving Bluetooth Coverage

We also want to give some tips for improving Bluetooth coverage in general. Even without purchasing a device like the ones we have seen, we can improve the performance of the headset or connect the mouse without problems.

Avoid Interference

The first tip is to avoid other devices that may interfere with the signal and, if nearby, could affect the connection. If, for example, we are going to connect headphones to a computer, it is important that there are no other devices nearby that are also connected via Bluetooth and could cause interference.

Almost the same thing happens when we connect a Wi-Fi router near a microwave. We may experience interference affecting the connection. In this case, the same thing will happen and the devices will interfere with each other.

Always update your devices

Of course, it is important to keep your devices updated to the latest version. This will help us fix certain problems that may arise and reduce the risk of security flaws.

By this we mean updating drivers, for example, Bluetooth receivers, as well as the equipment itself, such as a computer or mobile phone. The system should always have the latest available versions installed.

Choose the best technology

Bluetooth technology is not always the same. We can see different versions , for example Bluetooth 4.0, 5.0, 5.1... It is important that we select the device that has the latest version at the moment. This will provide us with greater stability and will also expand the range to which it can be connected.

To do this, we will need to see the specifications of each device and whether they are compatible with each other. For example, don't buy 5.1 headphones if the transmitter, such as a computer, only supports 4.0. In this case, we would not use technology.

How to transfer sound from laptop to phone?

If you have an Android smartphone and a Windows or Linux computer, then you will need the SoundWire program. Unlike competitors, the developer promises minimal sound delay. To transmit sound

you need to install the server part on your computer and the client on your smartphone. The Android application costs 299 rubles.

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How to equip any TV with Bluetooth?

Home page » How to equip any TV with Bluetooth?

Bluetooth is a standard for modern communication devices that has gained high popularity mainly in audio devices. Thanks to this type of connection, it is convenient to connect, for example, external TV speakers. The absence of wires creates increased comfort. However, you need to configure Bluetooth TV if you decide to apply this method to your TV. Let's look at the options - how to add Bluetooth to your TV, as well as nuances and alternatives.

Bluetooth has many distance limitations

If we think about connecting two devices via Bluetooth to each other, we must know where we are going to place them. Please note that the signal reaches several meters. At best, we can talk about a few tens of meters, and from there they will not work.

This makes distance a serious issue. Sometimes devices can be placed closer together and this is not a problem. For example, headphones that we connect to the computer. Just sit in the front as we will be no more than one meter away.

This is an issue that doesn't usually happen with Wi-Fi. While it is true that distance will affect signal quality, it is not difficult to connect to the router from a room 20 meters away, for example. In this regard, it has much greater coverage.

To get closer to this in the case of Bluetooth, we need an additional device . In this way, we can easily connect those headphones mentioned earlier from another room. This is something we may need at home or in the office.


To choose the right USB Bluetooth adapter for your car radio, which will work stably and will not lead to failure of your phone and other equipment, you need to take into account a number of requirements:

  1. Compatibility with phone and car - if additional equipment is not compatible, this may lead to equipment failure. Models that have the required device written in the compatibility list are considered suitable. When a “single-platform model” is written, it is considered universal, but problems may arise during operation.
  2. Language settings – when selecting a module, it is necessary to be able to switch to the desired language. Correctly making the necessary settings for correct operation can only be done in a familiar language.
  3. After installation, you need to check the correct operation of the device (display of number and other data).
  4. The Bluetooth adapter is required to be upgradable - the functionality of the old operating system may be lacking and updates may be required. One of the important points is that not all phones support older versions of Bluetooth module firmware. For this reason, problems may arise during operation.

Attention: when selecting a Bluetooth adapter for JVC, Pioneer, Sony and other car radios with a large selection of radio models, it is required that the module be fully compatible, and a number of manufacturers make branded adapters for their products.

Device Compatibility

A good option for a car is an MP3 adapter for the standard radio. But it needs to be compatible not only with a playing device, but also with a smartphone. Therefore, you must carefully read the instructions and description.

  • How to connect your phone to the radio in your car via USB and AUX (Bluetooth)

This does not mean that the adapter for Japanese car radios is not suitable for Chinese smartphones, but it is recommended to check.


The adapter for the radio has several main purposes:

  1. Bluetooth for a car radio acts as an intermediary between the file storage device (tablet, smartphone, laptop) and the audio system.
  2. By installing the adapter in the car, the driver provides wireless communication with the gadget, freeing his hands.
  3. The car Bluetooth adapter allows you to exchange files, play videos and listen to music; in addition, it is also suitable for radio.

Some Bluetooth adapters for car radios are equipped with more extensive functionality, which depends on the model.

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