DIY minion craft: from balls, tires, eggs, beads and other materials (100 photos)

Cute, pretty, adorable, affectionate - all this is about a minion. After all, this is exactly how this word is translated from French. And indeed, it’s hard to call these nimble little yellow men from the animated film “Despicable Me” any other way. Their childlike spontaneity and unusual appearance captivated millions of viewers, especially the youngest. And it’s not surprising that when it comes to homemade children’s creativity, the little one asks to make a minion with his own hands. Fortunately, there can be a huge number of materials and options for such crafts. Perhaps we will try to bring a few of them to life.

Balloon minion

Perhaps one of the simplest craft options is to make a minion out of balloons. Yes, yes, from ordinary balloons. You can, for example, take a yellow balloon, inflate it to medium size and simply decorate it while looking at the portrait of the minion. It’s enough to even stick an eye on the yellow ball and it will be clear who you wanted to portray. A slightly more complicated option is a minion made up of several groups of balloons. You will need four black balls for shoes, 7-8 blue balls for pants, 10-12 balls for the yellow body and several long narrow balls for arms and eyes. All that remains is to connect the balls correctly and your favorite character is ready. This air minion will look original at a children's party or in a children's room.

Beaded woven minion

An option for girls is a beaded minion. This job is suitable for those who are diligent and, as they say, good-eyed. To create a classic minion from beads, it is better to take Czech beads No. 10. Colors: yellow, blue, white, black and a little brown. Then you need a thread of a suitable color, a crochet hook, a needle, and you can use an orange cap from a Kinder surprise as a base. A minion knitting pattern is easy to find on the Internet. You can first knit a base from knitting threads and cover them with beads, or immediately weave a minion from beads. By the way, remember, at one time keychains made of beads were popular, but a modern version could be just a keychain made of beads in the form of a minion.

Crochet minion bob. Step by step with photo

Let's crochet minion Bob with a crochet hook. So, let's begin.

We begin to knit the body; for this we knit 3 air loops and close them into a ring. Next we knit 11 rows with an increase according to the pattern.

Circular diagram 1

Next, after knitting 11 rows, we knit 21 rows without adding. Then we start knitting again according to the pattern, but now we decrease it, there should be 3 loops left on the hook, we knit them together.

  • Now let's start knitting the handle, I cast on 9 chain stitches, and continued knitting without adding, for ease of knitting I took a pencil, we knit 23 rows.

We knit fingers, the minion has 3 of them. We knit 3 fingers from 1 chain loop and knit 3 rows.

We fold the fingers and crochet a row, connecting all the fingers together, knitting a brush 2 rows. Now add 3 loops evenly and knit 2 more rows. We connect the hand and arm together.

Let's start knitting pants. We collect 4 air loops and close them into a ring, then again knit in a circular pattern 1.

Now we knit a jumpsuit with 14 single stitches, unfold the knitting, knit 6 rows, close the loop. We also knit the same way on the other side.

We knit belt loops. We tie 30 chain loops on both sides, adding 4 single crochets on the last outer loops.

  • Next are the legs. We knit in more detail HERE
  • We attach it to the needles, then sew the legs and arms to the overalls.
  • We knit an eye. Take a black thread from 1 chain stitch and knit 5. Next, 1 row with brown thread, then 3 rows with white thread. We knit 2 rows with grey.

    • We knit a rope from glasses with black thread, 20 chain stitches, 2 rows of single crochets.
    • We connect glasses and knitting for glasses.
    • Using a regular thin sewing thread, we knit the minion’s mouth with a “back needle” stitch.
    • I also knitted a pocket for his overalls.

    Minion Bob is ready!!!

  • Good luck with your knitting!
  • Children's paper minion craft

    For the smallest dolls, a craft option is suitable: a paper minion. What will you need? Let's take colored paper in the colors we need, scissors, glue, and a pen. Ask your child to cut out a large rectangle from yellow paper, a smaller rectangle from blue paper (for pants), and make eyes from black and white paper. All that remains is to fasten everything with glue and the minion is ready. A slightly more complicated option is a minion based on a cardboard tube. A toilet paper roll will do. The inside of the tube needs to be filled with newspaper, and the top should be pasted over in accordance with the cartoon character. For reliability, the cardboard minion can be opened with varnish to preserve it longer. But this work is best done by adults.

    Related article: Do-it-yourself polycarbonate windows: equipment, installation technology

    Green zucchini craft

    If you don’t find large yellow vegetables on sale, don’t worry, you can make minions from zucchini (photo below in the article) from green vegetables by cutting them out. To do this you will need a small sharp knife and a marker.

    To make the craft stand vertically, cut off the bottom of the zucchini to create a flat surface. Don’t throw away the cut out circle; we will still need it when designing the character’s only eye. First of all, think over the image of the hero and draw his outlines on the green peel of the vegetable.

    How to make a minion from tires for your summer cottage

    Let's not forget about preserving nature and recycling - recycling old things. So, minions can be made from old tires. We will need about 5 tires of different sizes, blue, yellow, black and white paints, special glue, and degreaser. The tires need to be washed well, dirt removed, wiped with a degreaser so that the paint adheres better, and laid in the right order, lubricated with glue. After that, paint it in the desired colors, you can open it with varnish for reliability. This minion will look great in the garden or in the courtyard of a country house.

    By the way, another idea is to make a flowerpot from the top tire and plant some plants there. Here's a minion's hair and a bright idea for a flower bed in your garden. More ideas for tire crafts for the garden.

    Minion - pencil case for pens and pencils

    A handmade gift would be an excellent gift for a friend or girlfriend for any occasion. Characters from modern cartoons are especially popular now. I propose to crochet a pencil case for pens and pencils in the shape of a Minion known to all children.

    • To knit a Minion pencil case we will need:
    • - yarn in yellow, turquoise, black and white colors
    • - hook No. 2
    • - a roll of foil or parchment paper
    • - stationery knife
    • We cut the foil roll into 13 and 5 cm.

    Now we will tie the resulting rolls.

    Let's start with the bottom, longest roll, which will be the body of the Minion.

    We knit 6 tbsp into the amigurumi ring.

    We tighten the ring.

    Next we knit according to the pattern presented below.

    After the base of the pencil case is knitted, we knit the next rad behind the back wall.

    As a result, we get a base that can easily be put on a roll.

    Next, change the black color to turquoise and continue knitting in the round.

    After 17 rows of knitting, we will form the upper part of the overalls.

    To do this, change the color of the thread to yellow and knit 14 single crochets, then 8 single crochets with turquoise thread and the next 14 single crochets with yellow thread.

    In this way, you need to knit 7 rows, alternating turquoise and yellow colors.

    Next row, swap colors, now knit 14 turquoise stitches, 8 yellow stitches and again 14 turquoise stitches. Let's get the straps of the overalls.

    We knit the next 13 rows with yellow yarn (i.e. we knit the required number of rows, focusing on the height of the roll.

    For the head, we knit the same base from yellow yarn as for the body. After knitting 11 rows, change the yellow color of the yarn to black and knit 2 more rows.

  • For the eye, we knit a chain of 10 chain stitches with white yarn and close it into a ring.
  • We knit 26 double crochets into a ring.
  • Change the color of the yarn to black and knit one row with single crochets in each previous loop. We fasten the thread and cut it.

    • We connect the head with the body by sewing five loops of the head with five loops of the body.
    • We get an almost completed Minion.

    For the arms, we knit a chain of 50 chain loops with yellow yarn and a black rectangle (to knit it, we cast on a chain of 4 ch and knit a single crochet into each loop. Having knitted 4 rows, complete the knitting).

  • Sew a button on the head and an eye on the upper body.
  • Sew a black rectangle to the overalls. We pass a yellow chain through it, which we sew on the sides of the body.

    • The minion is ready.

    Happy creativity everyone!!!

    Minion made from plastic bottles for the garden

    From the same series of trash art you can make a minion from plastic bottles. The most basic option: take a regular plastic bottle of the size you need and paint it with paints; acrylic or gouache will do. A slightly more complicated option is to play with the convex parts of his cute yellow body. For example, cut out eyes from a plastic bottle and stick them on the bottle, and also cut out plastic handles. You can put a film from a cassette tape into the hole of the bottle - there will be something like hair. These minions can be displayed in the courtyard of your house, used to decorate a flower bed, or make a kind of fence in your country house.

    More ideas for garden crafts made from plastic bottles. And here’s another way - you no longer need to cut off the top of the bottle, let it remain the “cap” of your country figurine:

    Glass bottle minions

    One of the options for this craft is a minion made from glass rather than plastic bottles. In this case, you can not only paint it yellow and blue, but also use beads or any other small free-flowing objects to fill the transparent glass bottle from the inside. By the way, you can take pieces of multi-colored paper to fill. If you use cereals, they will be perfect for kitchen decor:

    Minions from a freon bottle

    Another idea that is implemented in the same way as the previous one is the use of freon cylinders or large volume five-liter or even 20-liter bottles for crafts. In this case, the minions turn out to be large, bright and noticeable from afar. And it is done in exactly the same way - using yellow and blue paint and suitable available materials. This is what you get:

    Related article: 3 by 3 gazebo with your own hands - how to design and build it correctly

    Elastic bands and weaving minion figurine

    You can create a funny one-eyed man using rubber bands and a weaving machine. At the same time, it will look as if it were alive. This type of creativity has gained particular popularity in our time. This type of activity does not involve any special expenses, and many people like crafts made from rubber bands. They can be a small gift or a great souvenir for family and friends. Materials for work are sold in every store. These are ordinary rubber bands for money. They are typically sold in packs of 50 or 100 pieces.

    Anyone can weave a cute craft . To do this, you just need to have a little basic knowledge and weaving skills, as well as a hook and pattern. This minion craft can be worn as a keychain or in the form of a ring.

    A little imagination and time, as well as desire, will help you create an interesting and original craft with your own hands.

    Originally posted 2018-03-19 08:59:03.

    For Halloween: pumpkin and zucchini minion

    How about a pumpkin and squash minion? When preparing zucchini caviar at home, give your child one small zucchini, even if it has some flaws. Give your child paints and let him create a craft. A slightly more complicated option is to cut out pants, eyes and hands from paper or fabric and glue parts of the hero onto the zucchini. A minion on a pumpkin will look even funnier and funnier. There is no need to paint it - I attached the blue pants and eyes and the craft is ready. If you don’t want to bother with paper or fabric, you can make the minion parts from plasticine and simply attach it to the vegetable. By the way, a minion on a lemon looks beautiful and interesting; you can make several cartoon characters. More pumpkin craft ideas for Halloween.

    Drawing minions: tips and step-by-step diagrams

    Minion is a popular character; your child will probably be interested in drawing him more than once. Set an example!

    Take 2 pieces of paper and draw a minion step by step, commenting, and let the young artist repeat all your actions on his piece of paper.

    While drawing, be sure to talk with your child, let him tell you why he likes this or that hero, what actions he considers right/wrong.

    If the first time something doesn’t turn out exactly as you would like, focus not on the final result, but on the drawing process. Ask a little artist how to convey on paper the mood of a minion, his character, and individual traits. By what means? Color, shape, proportions, eye size, smile - these points are worth paying attention to so that the character turns out to be truly similar.

    A palm minion will suit the smallest artists. Help your child trace his palm, and then explain how to finish drawing the character. Along with drawing, you can practice counting: count your eyes and fingers.

    How to draw a minion with markers: video

    Markers are convenient to take with you on a walk or road trip. You can distract your child by drawing if you have to sit in line for a long time. Watch the video on how to quickly and easily draw a minion with felt-tip pens.

    How to draw a minion with paints: video

    Painting with paints requires more perseverance and accuracy; not everyone succeeds, but it’s worth a try anyway. For a young artist, this is a new experience, skills in handling new tools and materials, new means of expression. The task of parents is to provide a comfortable workplace. In order not to be nervous that the child will get something dirty, change him into work clothes or protect him with an apron, cover the table with paper or stretch.

    How to draw a minion on rocks

    Be sure to try drawing minions with children on smooth stones. First they need to be thoroughly washed with soap, dried and primed with white acrylic paint. Next, outline the main lines with a simple pencil and invite your child to color.

    Thin stroke lines can be made with a marker after the paints have completely dried. To make the image bright and durable, coat the finished stones with matte or glossy acrylic varnish.

    “Stone” minions will decorate flower pots, and the smallest one can always be put in your pocket so that it is nearby.

    Edible egg minion - idea for Easter

    You can also make a minion from eggs. There is an option - this is a dyed egg. You will need: food coloring, boiled egg, vinegar. Boil the egg and paint it as usual with food coloring: half the egg is blue, the other half is yellow. Using a brush we draw the eyes. Dip in vinegar to seal the result. Or take a raw egg, carefully make holes with a needle, and allow the egg to flow out. Then we carefully draw a minion on the fragile shell. It is also advisable to open such a craft with varnish. More photos of Easter decor.

    How to make a minion from kinder surprises

    Of course, there is always the option of making a minion from Kinder surprises. Take a classic brown cap or buy your child a plastic egg and then use it for crafts. You can decorate the egg with a felt-tip pen and glue on eyes, which are sold in any craft store. These minions can be hung on the Christmas tree as decoration. Or make something like a kind of children's medallion.

    DIY minion toy for birthday

    If you are going to a birthday party for a lover of the cartoon characters from the cartoon “Despicable Me”, then you can make a gift with your own hands. Minion toy Minion is very easy to prepare with your own hands. Of course, it will take a little time and imagination, and, of course, skills. Can you knit? Great, the minion can be knitted or crocheted.

    Can you sew? Great, you can sew a minion from soft plush fabric. Got some pieces left over from old jeans? Sew a denim minion. You can weave a minion, mold it, bake it, draw it, and in the end, invent your own minion.

    And here is a ready-made pattern for a “Minion” felt pincushion. You just need to cut out the parts, attach them with a pin to the felt, transfer and sew the scraps together:

    Step-by-step instructions with photos

    In a word, you already understand that this felt minion can be used in any way you like. So let's quickly get started with the creative process!

    Step 1: Make the Base

    Take a sheet of thick felt in a light brown shade. Instead of brown, you can use any other color except the ones you use to make the minion (so that the details do not merge).

    You can leave this piece of felt as is, or you can come up with a beautiful edging for it (at your discretion). We left it as is.

    Step 2: Cut out the pieces

    Print out all the necessary details for the minion on standard A4 sheets of paper.

    Color by color, place the pieces on the felt and secure them with pins. Carefully and evenly cut out all the necessary elements.

    Step 3: Attach the Minion to the Base

    Next you need to attach the minion to the base. To do this, you have two options - either sew on all the parts using a needle and thread. Or attach Velcro to the parts and thus attach various elements to the figure during the game. The first option is good if you want to make a book cover. The second option is more convenient if you want to make a toy out of a minion.

    So, in the first option everything is simple. Select the necessary parts and sew them in the right places on the figure. In this case, you will only have one minion option, and in order to change it, you will have to tear off the stitched places.

    Step 4: Assemble the Parts

    For the Velcro method, first sew the body of the minion onto the base. Then sew pants, trouser straps, an elastic band for glasses, gloves and boots onto the figure. At the top of the head, add a few strands of hair sticking out.

    After this, sew a tongue and teeth onto the mouth-shaped part.

    Use other pieces to create a Santa hat and Elvis's hairstyle. Collect banana and apple. Sew eyeballs and pupils onto the glasses.

    Sew Velcro, hard side up, to the back of the eyes, mouth, fruit, cap and hairstyle.

    A charming and funny DIY felt minion is ready! Use it as a book cover or give it to the little ones: let them assemble the minion to their liking, play and have fun! We wish you good luck!

    Minion pillow - simple and bright

    A decorative minion pillow would be a cool and useful gift. The simplest option is to buy a small pillow with a white base, take fabric paints and simply decorate the pillow as a yellow man. You can sew a pillow yourself, take a yellow pillowcase as a basis, fill it with a special filler, and then do as your imagination pleases. Play with the shape of the pillow, its design and quality. There will probably be a minion applique in the store; it can also be used as a basis for creating a decorative pillow.

    Related article: How to properly cut corners on baseboards

    Minions in fashion design

    Minions have really become a part of our lives. Many would envy such popularity. T-shirts with minions, pants, jackets with their image, and the minion hat is even more popular.

    DIY minion hat

    For a child, making such a hat with your own hands will not be very difficult. A simple option: buy a regular yellow hat, sew black threads on it - this will be the hair and eyes of the minion. A more complicated option is a knitted minion hat. Well, here you will have to show all your creative skills and abilities, find a suitable scheme and go ahead. The hat can be knitted or crocheted. You can even knit a whole set: a hat and scarf with the image of a minion.

    A hat in the minion style can also be made using applique. To begin with, you need to draw the details of the minion on paper, then carefully transfer it to the fabric, cut out all the details, sew them, and only then you can sew them on the hat. You can use felt for applique; pieces of it can be bought at craft stores. And the simplest idea is to make such a hat from a yellow construction helmet. All you need to do is attach the eyes and the strap - and it's ready.

    Minion costume for child

    And if you want to make not only a hat for your baby, but also an entire carnival costume, then you will have to try hard. But in fact, sewing a minion costume is much easier than sewing the same Cinderella or Bunny. It is enough to find a suitable bright yellow fabric, sew on a blue jumpsuit, and add the hat we talked about above. The character is recognizable, so your child will definitely not be confused with anyone.

    How to crochet “Minion” | – cutting and sewing lessons

    All children of any age love to play with toys. From about 2-3 years old, children begin to watch cartoons and their favorite characters appear, which they then begin to beg from their mothers or fathers. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to buy a toy. And you don’t need to spend a lot of money on purchasing your favorite character if you can make any cartoon character with your own hands. For example, crochet.

    Other master classes on crochet here.

    To knit a minion you will need:

    · Yarn in yellow, blue and black · Hook · Synthetic padding for stuffing · Round eye for soft toys · Polymer glue.

    How to bind a minion.

    Let's start knitting. Take yellow yarn and make a loop (amigurumi ring). Then we tie the ring with 6 single crochets (SC) and close the row with a connecting stitch. Next, we cast on 1 runway (lifting air loop) and knit 2 sc in each column of the bottom row. And we knit three more rows of sc, making even increases in each row. We knit the next row with sc without increasing.

    Next we knit 7 rows of sc without increasing or decreasing in a spiral, without connecting the rows. In the eighth row we make places for inserting the handles of the toy in the same way as we leave places for tying in “fingers” on gloves or mitts. That is, at a certain distance, having knitted several sc from the beginning, we cast on 3 ch, retreat 3 columns of the bottom row and knit further in columns to the next mark.

    Next we knit 7 more rows of sc with yellow yarn.

    Then we take blue yarn and knit 3 rows of sc. Next we knit a row of sc, decreasing through 1 stitch of the bottom row. In the 5th “blue” row we make the same places for inserting the legs, knitting in the same way as for the handles.

    At this stage, we fill the toy with padding polyester.

    We complete the knitting and return to the handles, namely we knit them with sc in the places left during knitting. We knit an RLS handle of a certain length and insert a beaded wire folded in half. This way the handle will be movable.

    Next we take black yarn and knit gloves.

      Next, we knit the legs of the minion in the same way as the arms, first with blue, then black yarn.

    Now let's turn the minion's pants into overalls, like in the cartoon. To do this, we knit blue yarn in the middle of the panties and knit an SC apron, turning the knitting over. We make suspenders from a chain of air loops. Instead of a mouth, glue a piece of black yarn, and do the hair in the same way.

    This is the minion we ended up with.

    A child of any age will love this toy. One skein of yellow yarn will produce about 5 (if not more) different minions. Therefore, by spending a small amount of money, you can give your baby a whole collection of your favorite characters.

    DIY Minion craft - photo

    In fact, the question “how to make a minion with your own hands?” depends solely on your imagination and the imagination of the child. After all, you don’t always need to repeat your favorite character exactly; it can be your exclusive minion - in the colors you like, from the material you want to use and with which you want to work. It could be natural materials, or even an ordinary construction set, ball plasticine or ordinary colored cardboard, an old grandmother’s sweater, or dad’s favorite shirt that he has been wearing for 20 years, or whatever! So, happy crafting!

    And even more great ideas for such crafts for your inspiration:

    Master class with a photo of a paper minion

    Step 1. Cut out a rectangle with sides 6 and 9 cm from yellow double-sided cardboard.

    Step 2. Prepare a rectangle with sides 6 and 3 cm from blue colored paper. Next, fold it in half. Draw the outlines of the minion's pants on it, cut along the marked line. Having opened the detail, we get denim pants for our craft.

    Step 3. Take the yellow part - the blank and glue the resulting blue pants onto it. Carefully smooth out the glued parts. This is how we dressed our friend.

    Also read: Cardboard Minions

    Step 4. Any self-respecting minion has pockets on his pants. Let's make them for our baby too. Cut out a small square from blue colored paper; this will be your future pocket. Glue it on your pants. If you wish, you can make two small pockets, placing them on both sides of the pants.

    Step 5. Everything turns out great. It's time to make the minion eyes and a blindfold. To do this, cut out a narrow strip from black paper that will be a bandage, and from a white sheet - large oval eyes. First glue the headband onto the toy and then the eyes onto it.

    Step 6. To add uniqueness and emotion to the yellow minion, draw pupils and a wide smile with a felt-tip pen.

    Your favorite cartoon character is ready and now it can be used to decorate a children's room. Make a minion out of plain paper

    very simple, you can also try making yellow and purple crafts with your own hands. Give a bookmark minion to your close friends for a lasting memory.

    How to make a Minion out of paper. Cartoon Minions are popular toys. As part of one project, I decided to make a Minion out of paper. But as sometimes happens, a color printer full of ink broke down in the electronic part. I had to be smart and prepare Minion templates for printing on colored paper. YES! The wizard invites you to assemble a Minion by printing blanks on a black and white printer - only three sheets of blue, yellow and white. A master class for assembling a Minion is presented with detailed instructions and an assembly diagram. Video and detailed photos. Minion templates are free and available for download.

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