How to make ears - we make beautiful and original ears with our own hands. 115 photos and videos of making ears

Ears on the headband

How to make ears with your own hands? Quite simple. Take the following materials:

  • a piece of fur;
  • a piece of beige or coral fabric;
  • a coil of thin wire;
  • threads;
  • finished headband;
  • filler.

Tools you will need are wire cutters and scissors. As you can see from the master class “making a headband with ears,” the procedure is as follows:

Let's make a pattern. There should be two of them - one larger, the other smaller. We transfer the pattern to the fur and carefully cut it out. We sew the resulting blanks together.

We take the wire, cut a piece of 44 cm, which we divide into two parts. Our ears will be 11 cm in height each.

We work the wire, giving it the shape of the ears. We sew the fur blank to the fabric part, stepping back from the edge by 1 cm. We insert the wire into the resulting pocket. We fill the ear with padding polyester. We bend the lower part and sew it to the rim.

This type of decoration is universal. It can be worn by both girls and boys.

Instead of fabric, you can use suede or leather. For greater rigidity, it is appropriate to use cardboard or paper inserts.

Master class “Paper flower cap”

Karimova Yulia Alexandrovna

Master class “Paper flower cap”

1) Cut out a strip of thick cardboard, 4 to 5 centimeters wide, around the circumference of the head, and secure the ends of the strip with a stapler. The result is a headband. 2) The headband must be wrapped in corrugated paper in bright colors . 3) Cut 4 more strips to fit the volume of the head and fasten them to the headband at both ends. You will get a hat . 4) Cut out circles with a diameter of 5 to 7 centimeters and give them the shape of petals. 5) We secure each petal individually with a stapler, starting from the rim, rising to the crown. The crown can be made in a different color. Decorate the hat as desired. 6) As a result, we get a beautiful flower hat.

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Ears made of beads

The instructions on how to make cat ears from beads are striking in their simplicity. It only takes a couple of hours to make such an accessory.

At the same time, it looks incredibly elegant and cute on the head. Prepare:

  • wire dia. 2 mm;
  • wire cutters;
  • thin bezel;
  • beads of the same size;
  • decorative cord for wrapping around the headband.


  • Mark on the rim the points where the ears will be attached.
  • Bend the wire in half and screw it to the base.
  • Insert one end of the wire into the bead, and go around it with the other. Then connect the ends and twist three times.
  • Repeat the manipulation until there are 9 beads on the ear.
  • Screw the wire to the headband to form an ear. Do the same for the second ear.

DIY hat with flowers

You will need a square piece of construction paper for the base of the hat. You need to draw two circles on it: the inner one according to the size of the child’s head and the outer one in accordance with the desired width of the brim of the headdress. Then you need to divide the inner circle into sectors of 45 degrees and make cuts from the center along the lines. Now bend the “teeth” up. The base for the hat is ready.

The next stage is decorating the hat with flowers. Use 3-4 types of colored paper to make flowers and butterflies. It would be good if the flowers were of different shapes and had contrasting centers.

You can also add grass, sun, hearts, stars.

Cardboard ears

They can be made in a couple of minutes. To make ears on your head you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • paints;
  • scissors;
  • base (rim).

Take cardboard and cut out two rhombuses from it. Fold them in half and insert a headband between them.

We cover the inside of the cardboard blanks with glue and compress them. You should end up with elegant triangular ears. Let them dry and put them on.

Royal lace crown

You are confused and can’t figure out what you can use to make a crown for a girl for the New Year 2022 with your own hands quickly and quite simply, then turn your attention to the royal lace version. It won’t be difficult for you to create such charm with your own hands at home. If you don't believe me, see for yourself.

For production you will need:

  • beautiful openwork lace, 40 - 45 cm long;
  • PVA glue;
  • wax paper;
  • spray in a can of silver, gold or some other color;
  • hot glue;
  • sponge to remove excess glue.

Work process:

  1. Spread out wax paper and place an even piece of lace on it. If the openwork is slightly wrinkled, it is advisable to iron it properly.
  2. Now we need PVA glue in order to thoroughly coat our braid in two or even three layers. We are waiting for our workpiece to dry completely.
  3. Let's start with the decorative part of the work. In this case, we will need acrylic paints or, better yet, a golden or silver spray. We process our product with it, capturing each pattern. After this, you need to give the lace time to dry.
  4. After the allotted hour has passed, we should connect the ends of the openwork, thereby recreating the festive crown for your girl for the New Year 2022 with our own hands.

If you are extremely careful in your creative work, you will create true perfection that will outshine everyone at your daughter’s New Year’s party. We suggest you look through our photo ideas that will provide you with new opportunities in this area.

We offer another simple option on how to make the main royal attribute for your child’s festive look. Our interesting video tutorial will provide you with step-by-step instructions for this technique.

Master class on creating a crown from cardboard, organza and glitter

Knitted ears


  • thick yarn;
  • headband;
  • hook No. 4;
  • needle and cardboard.

Let's look at the order of steps:

Tie 12 single crochets around the rim and knit 1 instep stitch. Make 12 more loops behind the front wall.

Unfold the canvas and repeat the previous operation. You should have an “oval” of 24 loops.

Insert the cardboard triangle and continue knitting around it. Follow the following pattern:

  • 3rd row – 12 sc for both walls of the loop;
  • Row 4 – alternate 2 sc together and 8 sc;
  • 5th row – 2 sbn together, 7 sbn, 2 sbn together, 9 sbn;
  • 6th row - 2 sc together, 6 sc, 2 sc together, 8 sc;
  • Row 7 - 2 sc together, 5 sc; 2 sc together, 7 sc;
  • 8th row - 2 sc together, 4 sc, 2 sc together, 6 sc;
  • 9th row - 2 sc together, 3 sc, 2 sc together, 5 sc;
  • Row 10 - 2 sc together around the entire perimeter of the oval.

Sew up the hole with a needle. Repeat the same steps for the second ear.

Spring princess crown

This crown is very easy to make. You will need a piece of thick cardboard for the base (you can use unnecessary packaging). Use a marker to sketch and cut out the base.

To decorate the crown we will use ordinary napkins painted with watercolors. Using PVA glue, cover the crown with colored napkins on both sides.

When the napkins stick and the product is completely dry, you can continue working. For greater expressiveness, the crown should be outlined around the edge with green paint. Then we decorate the crown with multi-colored paper flowers and glue on beads. Volumetric flowers made from folded strips of paper will make our crown even more elegant.

All that remains is to fit the crown on your young princess’s head (you can connect the ends of the cardboard tape using a stapler).

Cat ears hairstyle

This hairstyle will effectively complement any carnival look. How to make horns from hair? For this you will need hairpins - 20 pieces, no less.

Comb your hair, make a central parting. Form two symmetrical ponytails and secure them with elastic bands. To keep your hairstyle securely in place, use foam.

Take the first ponytail, twist it around the elastic and secure with bobby pins. Perform a similar operation with the second tail. As a finishing touch, spray your hair with hairspray.

In conclusion, we note that there are many answers to the question of how to make cat ears.

The choice of a specific method for making them depends on the wishes and level of skill. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to blindly copy finished works - you can come up with something of your own by involving your child in the modeling.

Crown "Snow Queen"

If your girl does not want to be a princess at the Christmas tree party for the New Year 2022, but expresses her desire to become a queen, then fulfill the child’s request and create for her a costume of a fairy-tale Snow Queen with a beautiful and majestic crown, made with your own hands. There will be no limit to amazement, you will see! A good mood and a joyful, warm smile will brighten up your child at the party. Without delay, get to work to meet the deadline.

For production you will need:

  • silver snowflakes - 5 pcs.;
  • wire;
  • needle;
  • “Travka” yarn with lurex or something like that;
  • silver thread.

Work process:

  1. Before you start decorating the New Year 2022 crown, you should use a certain piece of wire to create a frame for the future product. Measure the volume of your girl's head and weave a kind of round mesh that will serve as a fastener for decorative New Year's elements.
  2. After the base of the head decoration has acquired the proper appearance, you should wrap it with Grass yarn, without missing a single component of your product.
  3. The final part will be the transformation of our handmade creation. For this purpose we will need silver snowflakes. We must secure them to the crown by sewing them with silver thread. If you want, you can get shimmering beads, rhinestones, sparkles and embellish your magnificent work with them. In general, the richer and more luxurious you create a children's crown, the more realistic and interesting your little one will look as a cold and proud Snow Queen at a New Year's party in kindergarten or elementary school.

We invite you to look through our photo ideas on this topic, which, in fact, will help you choose the most optimal option for independent work.

For clarity, we recommend that you watch our instructional video, thanks to which you can easily make the most beautiful decoration for your child’s head at home from available materials.

Master class on creating a New Year's crown from an old tiara, tulle and mesh with sequins

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