DIY cat bed made from an old sweater ·

Photo: Your beloved pet probably needs its own place in the house - a small and cozy bed where you can warm up and hide. In search of a comfortable corner, cats go around upholstered furniture, cabinets and the most unexpected places in the apartment. But it’s much better and easier when your pet has its own place, carefully and lovingly made with your own hands. Moreover, it is not difficult at all!

A bed made from an old blanket or pillow

If you still have old unnecessary bedding with safe filling, you can use it to make the simplest and fastest cat bed. Fold the blanket in several layers or redistribute the filling in the pillow to make the middle softer and the sides higher. And make a few lines around the perimeter to secure the result, like quilting. It is advisable to choose synthetic material so that the bed can be easily washed without extra effort.



Available materials

When you want to please your pet, but sleeping places are expensive in the retail chain, it is advisable to sew a cat bed with your own hands from old clothes and fabrics available at home, according to the size of the animal, with a functional and roomy design.

The product must:

  • do not be torn by the claws;
  • stretch well;
  • do not inject drugs;
  • do not become electrified;
  • do not attract dust.

The dimensions of the bed must be suitable for the size of the pet; the hardness of the pillow may vary. It is desirable that the product is in harmony with the overall interior of the living space.

The design requires a strong attachment so that it does not move when the pet first jumps. A depression inside is created if you do not completely fill the pillow with its contents.

Bed made from newspaper tubes

If your pet loves baskets and you like to experiment with your hands, combine the two. Weaving a real basket for your cat from old newspapers and waste paper is not difficult. Roll the sheets into thick tubes and assemble them into a snowflake frame on a thick cardboard bottom. And then braid it with a lattice around the perimeter until the walls reach the desired height.

Once you get the hang of the process, you can try different shapes and configurations. Fixing the entire structure and edges is as easy as shelling pears - just regular PVA glue is enough. And when weaving, insert the ends of the tubes into each other - this way you will be able to avoid joints and weak connections. Such a bed can be painted with hypoallergenic food dyes, decorated with fabric, and toys can be attached to it.




Bed in the form of a slipper

This type of bed is the realization of an eternal cat’s dream: to sleep on the owner’s slippers.

To make it you need to take:

  • dense fabric, preferably of natural composition - two pieces 38 by 54 cm and two pieces 42 by 52 cm;
  • insulation;
  • sewing tool, thread.

How to make a cat bed with your own hands

The pattern of a cat bed in the form of a slipper is shown in the figure below.

We sew the blanks in pairs, leaving gaps for filling.

Turn it inside out and stuff it with sealant. We sew up the areas left open by hand using blind stitches. We quilt by completing the line as described in the previous master class.

We sew the top of the sneaker to the sole using a decorative overlock stitch.

Bed with sides

This is another simple option that does not require any special sewing skills. You will need dense and unpretentious fabric, synthetic filler and only two parts. To strengthen the bottom, cut it out of thick or corrugated cardboard, and calculate the side taking into account the required height and add a few centimeters in length.

Stitch the long sides of the border, turn it right side out and fill it with a long rectangle of foam rubber or a thin layer of filler. You can sew the edges by hand - it will be neater and less noticeable. After this, sew the side to the bottom already covered with fabric and put a pillow inside according to size.



How to sew a comfortable cat bed with your own hands

Before you start making a bed with your own hands, you need to decide on the model, size, and also choose a suitable material that can be easily washed and cleaned, removing dead hairs and accumulated dust. There are the following options for “beds” for cats found in stores:

  • Basket with pillow. It is safe and ventilated due to the many holes, but not very durable, since animals like to chew on rods.
  • The lounger is made of plastic and a soft base. Durable, easy to clean if necessary, but the material has a specific odor and increased electrolysis.
  • Donut shaped bed. It resembles a pillow with sides, is made of soft fabric with padding, and is comfortable for your pet. It has only one drawback - it is recommended to remove the filling when washing.
  • Hammock. A simple design that is installed at a low height from the floor, most often between the legs of a chair. Not very suitable for small kittens and older pets.
  • Little house. This is a closed version of the bed in which the cat can feel safe.
  • A lounger that resembles a pipe. Warm version. Can be installed as a suspension to the battery.
  • Combined varieties. These include, for example, a hammock with a canopy, a donut with a folding roof, etc.

It is more economical and reliable to make a cat bed yourself, focusing on the preferences of the pet, its dimensions and the interior of the room in which it is planned to install the structure. It is recommended to use non-toxic and natural materials that your pet will like. For a soft base, it is best to take the following types of fabrics:

  • cotton;
  • linen;
  • knitted;
  • fleece;
  • corduroy;
  • plush;
  • material from old jeans, faux fur coats, jumpers, sweaters, etc.

Foam rubber, padding polyester, holofiber and similar synthetic fabrics that dry quickly when washed are suitable for padding. But you should not use natural bird down and feathers, because they can harbor parasites.

Rectangular lounger with ties

To make such a bed, you need to use a pattern, adjusting the size to the dimensions of your pet.

You will need the following materials and tools:

  • thick fabric 105 x 90 cm;
  • synthetic filler;
  • sewing machine;
  • needle;
  • threads;
  • ruler;
  • chalk;
  • scissors.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Transfer the drawing onto paper and only then onto two pieces of fabric. Cut out the blanks along the contours. Additionally, cut out 8 ribbons from the remaining fabric.
  2. Put the resulting parts together. Mark the areas for sewing in the ties, place them with the long side inward, so that after turning the lounger out, the ends remain the desired length. Secure the ties with needles around the entire perimeter.
  3. Sew the workpiece from the inside out, leaving a small hole for stuffing at the bottom.
  4. Carefully turn the sewn fabric right side up.
  5. Leave gaps between the seams - 12 cm on each side. Sew seams according to markings. Place the padding polyester inside the fabric through the hole.
  6. Distribute the stuffing evenly. You should not put too much litter inside, otherwise it will be uncomfortable for the cat to sleep on it.
  7. Tie the ribbons tightly to form a “crib”. The lounger is ready.

The height of the sides can be adjusted. For furry animals, it is advisable to make them lower so that the pet does not feel hot. And for short-haired or hairless breeds that are not protected from the cold - tall and dense.

In the form of a “donut”

This bed will appeal to cats who like to sleep curled up in a ball.

For a donut-shaped bed you will need fabric with the following dimensions:

  • for sides - 1.20 x 0.20 m;
  • for the base - 0.40 x 0.60 m.

The sizes can be adjusted depending on the size of the animal. In addition to the material, for work you need to prepare foam rubber, thick cardboard, a pencil, a ruler, a needle, thread, and a pattern.


  1. From cardboard, cut out parts A (a long strip for the sides) and B (the bottom of the structure). In this case, the width of element A is equal to the height of the side of the sunbed, and the length corresponds to the diameter of the oval circumference.
  2. Transfer them to the fabric so that you get two elements A and B. Add 1-2 cm on each side for seam allowance.
  3. Sew the edges of the side together inside out, leaving a small hole for stuffing.
  4. Cut out a piece of similar shape and size from foam rubber, insert it into the side, and then sew up the hole.
  5. Fold the elements for the base together and stitch along the wrong side, leaving an unstitched area for stuffing.
  6. Cut out the foam rubber to fill part B using a cardboard blank. Insert it through the hole inside the base, distribute it evenly and mend the edges.
  7. Sew the bottom to the side.

With removable pillow

An oval lounger with a removable pillow is easy to clean

This version of the lounger can be made with a hard bottom and a removable padding made of padding polyester. It is more convenient to care for, since the soft pillow can be taken out at any time, the pillowcase can be removed and washed. To do this you need:

  1. Between two blanks B of fabric, insert strong cardboard or plywood of a suitable shape and size.
  2. Sew the edges of the circle.
  3. Attach the resulting bottom to the sides.
  4. Make a pillowcase. To do this, cut out oval-shaped elements according to the pattern, connect their sides and sew from the inside out, leaving an open area for stuffing.
  5. Turn the workpiece out. Fill with foam rubber.
  6. Sew a zipper into the hole for the filler.
  7. Place the pillow inside the lounger.

Blind seam securely holds construction parts together

Experienced seamstresses recommend using a strong blind stitch to join the parts of the bed by hand. First you need to insert the needle from the wrong side onto the front surface of the fabric, and then stick it back, securing it with a knot. Connect the folded edges, make a stitch from the wrong side, bring the thread to the front side and fasten the folds by pulling the thread.

New life for old things: a cozy sweater nest

If there are warm, worn items in the animal owner’s wardrobe, you can give them a second life by sewing a comfortable cat bed. To do this you will need the following materials and tools:

  • large size sweater (jumper, jacket);
  • synthetic filler for stuffing;
  • sewing machine;
  • needle;
  • strong threads (wool or nylon);
  • scissors.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. If the sweater has a high neckline, cut it off or roll it up and then sew it up.
  2. Using needles or pins, secure the horizontal seam running along the chest (from armhole to armhole), marking the yoke. Sew. This is necessary in order to separate the border of the future bed from the rest of the structure.
  3. Fill the resulting “pipe”, consisting of two sleeves and a yoke, with padding polyester. In this case, the material should be distributed evenly and compacted as much as possible so that the future side is solid and the same in diameter at all points.
  4. After the sleeves are filled with padding polyester, they must be carefully sewn to the front of the sweater.
  5. Connect the cuffs to form a circle, marked with padded edges. Sew the bottom edges of the sleeves together.
  6. Place an unnecessary decorative pillow, foam rubber or synthetic padding into the inside of the blank. You will get a soft bottom of the lounger.
  7. Sew the bottom edges so that the size of the bottom corresponds to the diameter of the side circumference.
  8. Turn the lounger over, make a basting of needles, fastening the sleeves to the bottom of the structure.
  9. Carefully sew the bottom (back) to the sides (circles from the sleeves).
  10. The lounger is ready. All that remains is to beat it well and invite the cat.

Instead of a sweater, you can use an old shirt or a thin cardigan for a cooler summer option. Manufacturing technologies are identical.

You can make a cat bed with your own hands from a cardboard box. Simple options:

  • Outdoor lounger. To make it, you need to cut off the bottom, leaving the sides of the required length, place any synthetic filler inside, cover the walls and cover the bottom with foam rubber, cover it with fabric on all sides.
  • Closed type bed. Cover a square cardboard box with an old jacket, having previously made a hole in it for entry, which will coincide with the neck of the stretched item. Carefully hem the edges and tuck the sleeves inside.

You can make a more complex design. To do this you will need the following tools and materials:

  • cardboard from a large box;
  • fabric for exterior finishing;
  • synthetic filler;
  • furniture stapler;
  • staples;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • scissors.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cut out a square 45 x 45 cm and four isosceles triangles with a base of 45 cm from cardboard. Make a round hole measuring 20 cm in diameter on one of them.
  2. You can cut out similar elements from the filler in several copies to make it softer. Place the parts on cardboard blanks and secure with a stapler or attach with strong threads.
  3. Sew outer covers from fabric for each part, leaving holes. Turn the fabric blanks right side up, cover them with cardboard elements with attached filling, and sew them up. You can go another way - assemble the entire structure, and then make a zippered cover for it.
  4. Cover the entry window.
  5. Assemble the structure: sew the bottom to the sides, fasten all the corners together. You can attach ribbons at the corners and tie them.

When making a dog bed with your own hands, you should rely on the preferences of the animal. If your pet chooses soft surfaces for sleeping, then the “bed” should have a double layer of filler. For a cat who prefers to rest on fluffy objects, the finishing material should be fluffy. Do not forget about the practicality of the design, its safety and convenience.

Hanging bed

Beds suspended from the ceiling or a hook in the wall look interesting and unusual: such swings delight most furry friends. Decide how many tiers you want and sew several mattresses of the same or different sizes for them. Connect them together with wide ribbons of thick, durable fabric, gathered at the top into a loop for hanging. Or build something like an Indian house and use several rings of different diameters - for example, a needlework hoop.


DIY dog bed: 9 great ideas

Key points to consider

Types of beds

To make your pet cozy and comfortable on the bed, when sewing it, think through every little detail:

  1. The fabric for the sleeping place must be dense enough, otherwise the animal’s claws will quickly render it unusable. It should be easy to wash and dry quickly
  2. For smooth-haired breeds, it is better to choose a fleecy material, for example, plush or velor. Dogs with thick hair will prefer a bed made of durable cotton, linen, tapestry or denim. A large animal will be quite comfortable on a carpet product. It’s hardly worth making a bedding for a decorative breed dog from this rough material.
  3. It is not advisable to use synthetic fabric. It can accumulate static electricity and can trigger the development of allergies.
  4. Observe how your pet sleeps and try to make a bed that is most comfortable for him. Large breeds like to rest with their paws extended forward, so make their sleeping place rectangular, with small sides. You can make a cozy bed for a small dog by raising the sides higher or make a foam house for such an animal
  5. Foam rubber, padding polyester, and batting can be used as padding. Down or feather filling is not a good idea. After all, they can become a breeding ground for parasites and a place where microbes accumulate.
  6. The animal will definitely pay attention to any hanging things, so there is no need to decorate its house with bows and beads. There is a high probability that the dog will chew them off and then swallow them
  7. Decide right away where your pet will rest. For these purposes, choose a corner that is maximally protected from drafts. In the future, it is highly undesirable to move litter from place to place.
  8. Small breeds of dogs often freeze even at home. It is better to arrange a sleeping place for them on a small stand
  9. Housing for an animal should not be located in a walk-through area
  10. Try to ensure that your pet can see you while resting. Believe me, this is very important for him
  11. Be sure to periodically treat the litter with antiparasitic agents.

It is better to put a removable pillow or bedding in the animal's bed. In this case, you can easily wash them at any time. You can make a pair of removable pillows from the same or contrasting fabric.

Bed from an old suitcase

If you still have an unnecessary suitcase or a hard bag of a similar shape, you can make a beautiful and cozy bed out of it in literally 15 minutes. Remove or trim the top, place a pillow inside, and you're ready for a luxurious pet bed. Even a large cat can easily fit into a suitcase, you just need a thinner pillow.

The design is easy to modernize: screw the legs to it or glue them with construction glue. You can make an upper tier from the lid by assembling a support for it from old boards. Even a pillow or mattress can be easily sewn from any natural fabric and a piece of foam rubber.



A cat bed is a place where the animal sleeps. This is a kind of interpretation of furniture for relaxation or your own sleeping place, where no one will disturb the animal, drive it away, or push it over. Feeling this, the cat will be in its corner more often. This is good, because no matter what the breed, in the entire apartment or house the wool will be localized to a greater extent in the bed.

There won’t be much of it on upholstered furniture or in the bed, which means that not only cleaning will be simplified.

In addition, there will be less wool on the clothes of household members, which will extend their durability and aesthetic appeal. Thus, buying or making a bed will relieve pet owners from many worries. Depending on the type of model, a cat bed can become not only a resting place for the cat, but also an area for development of the play complex.

For example, this is where your pet can sharpen its claws and rub soft bedding with its paws, which will help protect the upholstery of the furniture in the house. In addition, the presence of a scratching post can also save wallpaper, which domestic cats love to spoil.

Also, a large bed can be useful for a cat to accommodate her offspring. Here it will be more convenient and cozy for her to be with the kittens, especially if the design of the lounger is complemented by sides.

Knitted round bed

If you still have unnecessary sweaters, but have free time, you can use them on a cheesecake bed for your cat. You don’t even have to knit everything yourself: the base of the work is already ready. Cut off the collar of the sweater, sew up the neckline with strong thread and lay a stitch over the chest at the same width as the sleeves - these are the future sides of the couch.

Fill the sleeves and the resulting hole with holofiber or padding polyester in a circle, monitoring the even distribution of the filler. To strengthen the bottom, cut out a shape from thick cardboard or thin plywood. It will be more comfortable for the cat if you put a thin layer of litter or an old towel inside.

Sew all the edges and then loop the tightly stuffed sleeves around the bottom to make an impromptu cheesecake. Make sure that there are no sloppy folds or seals anywhere. You can sew all the details directly on a machine or even manually using strong nylon or silk thread.


Mr. Cat recommends: simple models of loungers

You don't need to be a jack of all trades to sew a cat bed. First you need to decide on the shape, size and material. Consider what will look better in the room, a round or square bed. Next, you need to measure the pet in a curled and extended state, based on the measurements, build a template on paper or newspaper.

It’s worth looking through your wardrobe; perhaps it contains an unnecessary sweater, an old dress or a worn fur coat; they will be an excellent option for making a pillow.

And for those who do not want to waste time making a drawing of the future product, there are simpler options.

Pillow on the windowsill

We simply cut out two squares, the sides of which will correspond to the width of the window sill. We sew them together and stuff them with padding polyester or mark a piece of foam rubber inside. The lounger is ready. You can decorate it with a frill or edging.

For narrow window sills, a solid version of the lounger, attached to it with clamps, is suitable.

Sweater bed

Step-by-step instructions for making a crib from an old jacket:

  • cut and sew up the neck of a sweater or jumper;
  • fill the sleeves with soft filler;
  • we sew from one armpit to the other;
  • we stuff the base, sew up the bottom of the product;
  • we sew the sleeves together, giving the shape of a wheel;
  • We place the main part of the sweater inside the sewn sleeves so that we get a donut-shaped bed.

Sofa bed for cats

If your furry pet has long been in love with sofas and armchairs, you can make her your own sofa in miniature. To do this, you only need fabric, foam rubber and foam plastic with a simple set of tools. Cut foam sheets into several blocks, from which you can assemble an impromptu sofa according to the size of the cat.

Glue all the elements together, put foam pillows on top and cover them with fabric. If you want to disassemble and wash the bed from time to time, sew a cover with a zipper or ties - then it will be easy to remove. At the same time, you can change the foam layer as needed.


How long do cats live and how can you extend their life?

Rectangular lounger with ties

This cat bed is easy to make with your own hands. For sewing you will need 2 pieces of fabric (150x90 cm).

During manufacturing, transfer the pattern diagram to the wrong side of the cut, pin 2 parts with pins and cut them out at the same time.

Next, you need to sew the cat bed along the edges and along the bottom using a machine or hand seam.

At the same time, the places for laying the filler are left unstitched (from 10 to 15 cm on one side). The item is turned right side out, filled with holofiber and the hole is sewn up.

The last detail is to sew ribbons on the sides of the pet bed and tie them off.

Bed for battery

It’s no secret that cats are constantly looking for shelter in the warmth, and especially in winter, when they settle down under or on the radiator. To make your pet more comfortable, softer and warmer, you can make a small hanging bed. For example, from a piece of PVC pipe of sufficiently large diameter, and from several hooks for hanging.

To make the lounger beautiful on the outside and comfortable on the inside, cover the plastic with soft fabric and a thin layer of foam rubber or other filler. Keep in mind that the pipe is smooth and slippery, so it is better to secure the edges inconspicuously inside with construction glue. Make sure that the filler does not bunch up, otherwise it will be uncomfortable for the cat.

If you want to remove and wash the upholstery, secure it with Velcro. You don’t have to buy fabric specially: old towels, bathrobes, an unnecessary blanket—anything will do. Hooks and rings can be of any shape and configuration - study the assortment of your nearest hardware store and choose something that fits the size of your battery.

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Selecting size and shape

The shape of the sweater, the basis of the future bed, depends on the size of your furry friend. If the cat is large, then to make a sleeping bed you will need a large jumper; for very massive pets it is best to use a men's sweater. But you can make a crib for a miniature cat from a child’s sweater. To accurately determine the size, lay out the sweater on a flat surface and place the cat on its lower part (the area from the chest to the edges) - this way you will understand the relationship between the animal and its future bed.

Bed on the windowsill

To do this, you will need a sheet of plywood, a regular decorative pillow or foam rubber with a piece of fabric, and corner supports for wall shelves. Place the frame in a pillow or cover it with foam rubber and soft fabric or fur, and place the entire structure on one side on the windowsill. And from below - screw or glue the supporting corners. You can even make a folding bed - according to the same principle that folding tables are made on balconies or small kitchens.



Creating Drawings

Once the choice of materials is completed, you can begin the process of making a hammock for a cat on a radiator with your own hands. However, in order not to make mistakes during the work process, you should draw up drawings in advance, according to which all actions will be carried out. They must be made with the highest possible quality, because even the slightest error in calculations can lead to the fact that some of the parts simply do not fit together. Besides, no one wants to run into shortages of materials during the process. So first you should carefully calculate everything, and only then start the work itself.

Hammock bed

The hammock is convenient because it allows air to pass through from below, and the cat will always be comfortable. Fastenings can be very different: from two hooks or supports to a rectangular frame made of metal rods or wood. Select the size of the frame taking into account the size of your pet, but take extra fabric for the hammock so that it lies freely.



The most beautiful cat breeds in the world: photos with names


You can make a cat bed out of a sweater with your own hands, even if you don’t know how to sew at all and don’t know how to use a sewing machine. An ordinary needle and thread will be quite enough, and almost everyone knows these tools. To create a bed for a cat, a jumper made of almost any fabric (woolen, knitted, cotton) is suitable. You can also use a sweatshirt. It is better to give preference not to synthetics, but to natural materials - they will be the most comfortable and safe for the four-legged family member.

It is important that the product you make will smell like its owner. This is another advantage of a homemade bed over a store-bought one, the smell of which may repel your pet.

But a soft bed exuding the owner’s aroma will calm and relax the cat.

"Royal" bed

If you want to give your cat a real royal bed or make a bed that will fit into the most complex classic interior, you will need an old table or stool with legs. Carefully sand and paint the furniture in the desired color, use wooden decorations and varnish the structure. Turn it upside down, put a mattress made of beautiful fabric inside, and if you want, hang a canopy on top.


New life for old things

Even without the qualifications of a seamstress, you can build a pretty nice house for cats from scrap materials. Absolutely any items can be useful for this, even those that you were going to throw away.

What you can use:

  • unnecessary bedside tables or stools;
  • plastic basin of suitable diameter;
  • trimmed barrel or other container;
  • small chest of drawers;
  • cardboard box with low sides;
  • a neat suitcase, or rather only one part of it;
  • doll bed;

The algorithm of actions is very simple: a soft pillow corresponding to its size is attached to an object of suitable dimensions. To avoid injury, it is better to think about attaching the pillow (double-sided tape, Velcro, ties), and for additional decoration you can use paint (preferably odorless acrylic), stickers and fabric upholstery.

Such structures are very simple, but look very impressive. A selection of photos will help you choose the appropriate option for implementation.

A cat bed is an ideal option for providing your pet with a cozy place. To keep your pet warm and comfortable, you should use only natural and soft fabrics, and also take care of the stability and dimensions of the structure. You can build a suitable model from scrap materials, and our article will suggest interesting ideas.

Cat bed – photos and ideas

There are many more ways to make a comfortable and cozy cat bed than meets the eye. For ideas and inspiration, we offer you an even larger selection of photos!


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