Recommendations on how to open different types of bicycle locks without a key

A healthy lifestyle for many is not just words, but an opportunity to travel, even in your own city. Such trips allow you to forget about traffic jams and the eternal crush in city transport. They are a great way to achieve a slim and toned body as they make your muscles work. But still, this type of transport has one drawback.

It is very often stolen unless special measures have been taken. Therefore, lovers of an active lifestyle have to look for ways to protect their bike from theft. To do this, you have to use various locks and very often even assemble a kind of alarm system for a bicycle with your own hands. It is possible to purchase such products in a retail chain, but it is still cheaper to make them yourself. Moreover, there are many recommendations on this issue published online.

Simple DIY anti-theft bicycle lock

A bicycle anti-theft lock is usually a cable or chain with a lock at the end that the owner wraps around the wheel spokes, frame and part of the grille or bike rack.

Theft of expensive bicycles and theft of wheels is a common phenomenon, and it is dealt with by technically trained people. The chain or cable is silently cut with a bolt cutter, the bicycle is placed in the car, and the crime scene is left. Only the broken anti-theft lock remains in place.

When manufacturing a serial anti-theft lock, manufacturers place the following qualities at the forefront:

  • attractive appearance;
  • minimum weight;
  • Ease of use;
  • competitive cost of the finished product;
  • speed of use;
  • resistance to snacking.

It is impossible to satisfy all requirements at the same time, and in the end, it is even profitable for manufacturers to make easily snackable devices. They will buy new ones because they cannot be repaired. The owner of a stolen bicycle will be forced to strengthen security by purchasing an expensive, but not more bite-resistant lock.

There is no method against crowbar, but the capabilities of the bolt cutter are limited by its geometric parameters. Cutting thin chain links, 4-5 mm thick, or cables with a diameter of up to 15 mm is not a problem for a specialized bolt cutter.

Cutting through a bolt with a diameter of 12-14 mm, with a strength class of over 8.8, is no longer easy; you will need a grinder, which is used much less often. A chain with a link thickness of 8 mm or more in diameter will weigh a couple of kilograms, which in some cases is unacceptable.

Unfortunately, the consumer demands that it be easy, clean, beautiful, fast, cheap, but not stolen. This is almost impossible to achieve. The specificity of fastening a bicycle to various structural elements of a post or grille encourages the use of a chain or cable inside a rubber or plastic hose, or with a heat-shrinkable PVC film put on and crimped. Making your own likeness of a purchased product if you have a lock, chain and decorative hose is not difficult and the manufacturing steps are obvious.

Let's try another version of the anti-theft lock.

A chain or cable can be replaced by a metal strip 4-5 mm thick, 40-50 mm wide, one part of which is attached to the frame with an overlay, the second to an element of the concreted structure of the bicycle stand or grille.

The point of the design is to slip a thick and wide strip of metal or fairly thick bolts under the bite. If the strip has a hinged connection - like an element of a bicycle chain - it can be folded like a folding ruler. The locking element can be made from a bolt, which can only be unscrewed with a special wrench. The L-shaped hex key is cut off, leaving the minimum possible 5-7 mm under the protective cover. You cannot approach the bolt from the sides; only the owner’s L-shaped hexagon or Torx can fit under the cover plate. The nut on the back side of the strip is welded and compresses tightly. The technical issue of “crimping” on the other side of the folding anti-theft piece of iron is solved in the same way.

You can make this product yourself. By painting the parts and solving the issue of transport placement on the bicycle frame, you can quite reliably and aesthetically protect the bicycle from theft, and get a convenient and non-standard device.

Thieves, cautious people, will simply not solve atypical problems; it will be easier for them to find another bicycle with a regular chain

What properties should a lock have?

Let's start with the simplest device. This is what a castle is like. Today it is a smart device, controlled via an application on a smartphone. Such locks are usually equipped with a mobile communication module and a GPS receiver in case of theft. Moreover, they do not have to be purchased in a retail chain. A person with basic knowledge in this industry will be able to assemble a simple GPS beacon for a bicycle with their own hands.

Watch the video, information about bike locks and their effectiveness:

You can, of course, make do with an ordinary lock of a classical design. These are usually hung on a cable that secures the bicycle to some support. But they are no longer reliable protection against theft, and even more so they will not be able to help in finding the bike.

Therefore, most owners of this type of transport prefer to combine a lock with an alarm. A special feature of this device is the ability to produce a loud sound that is not entirely pleasant to the human ear. Moreover, the alarm goes off at the slightest vibration, which significantly increases the owner’s chances of stopping the thief.

There are other options for such combined devices. In them, the alarm is most often hidden in the steering bushing and, in the event of an attempt to steal, sends an SMS to the owner’s mobile phone.

How to make a reliable bike lock with your own hands

There are more and more bicycles on the roads. This is not surprising, since in large cities there are constant traffic jams, prices for gasoline and transport fares are constantly rising. In this master class I will tell you how to easily and quickly make a reliable bike lock with your own hands.

But why bother making a bicycle lock yourself when you can buy one in a store. Good bike locks are expensive, but cheap ones are very unreliable and can be easily opened by amateurs in just a few seconds. We will make a lock from a strong and thick steel chain, which is almost impossible to cut with household wire cutters or pliers; it can only be sawed, which will require either a long time or a special tool. But remember that any lock can be opened, so don’t leave your bike for a long time. I also recommend hanging two locks. A crook, seeing two locks, will better give up the idea of ​​stealing your bike and choose another target.

Tips on how to better protect your bike from theft:

  1. It’s best to leave your bike under the supervision of a friend - it’s always safer than any lock.
  2. When chaining your bike, check the rack you are hooking it to to make sure it is securely fastened and is generally able to hold the bike attached to it.
  3. Always fasten your bike, even if you just pop into the store for a second. According to police statistics, these are the types of bicycles left “for a second” that are most often stolen. The thief simply sits down and leaves. Nobody even reacts to this. Maybe this is the rightful owner of the bicycle.
  4. If the front wheel is on eccentrics, remove it, place it next to the rear one and secure it with a lock, preferably a U-shaped one, the front, rear wheel, frame and attach everything to a stationary post or fence. The front wheels on eccentrics are removed quickly and easily.
  5. If possible, use two types of locks. One cable and one U-shaped or cable and chain. With a cable lock you can twist several parts of the bike together (wheels, frame, saddle), and with a chain or U-shaped lock you can attach the bike to a stationary object. One coded, the other with keys. It is easier to remove one lock than two different ones. Moreover, it is easier to bite through a cable than a chain or a hardened metal hook of a U-shaped lock.
  1. If you use a bike rack, do not place your iron horse at the end. Thieves most often try to steal the extreme ones, since they have easier access. Try to squeeze yours between the others.
  2. The use of bicycle quick releases, especially on wheels and seatposts, makes them easier to steal. Although there are special anti-vandal eccentrics. Please take this into account. If you do not use eccentrics, tighten the bolts on the wheel axles very tightly. This is useful both for driving safety and as an anti-theft measure. There is another original, but quite difficult to implement idea: order personalized nuts and bolts with unique keys. It will be quite difficult to unwind them.
  3. Another unusual and controversial way is to not wash your bike too clean. Some cyclists believe that dirt bikes are less likely to be stolen. True, it’s still up to you to drive it, and how comfortable it will be depends on you.
  4. There is another original way. Simply leave the bike and secure it with a good lock, remove the saddle and take it with you. Stealing a bicycle without a saddle is somewhat problematic - you can’t go anywhere on it, and it’s more difficult to sell it without a saddle. If the seatpost is secured with an eccentric, it is easy to remove. And if it is not very long and the saddle is not wide, then carrying this set with you is not too difficult. You can also remove the pedals - you won't be able to ride much without them. True, they are not always clean, and it takes longer to twist them.
  5. Don’t be afraid to look like an eccentric - a barn lock and a strong chain are much more difficult to break than a thin cable. As mentioned above, when choosing chains, it is better to take not an ordinary chain from a hardware store, but load chains made of thick hardened steel. In the end, a bike thief may simply not have enough time to open these locks and saw or cut the chain with bolt cutters.
  6. When attaching the bike, secure all easily removable parts - wheels, saddle. Remove expensive accessories - cycling computers, GPS navigators and other bells and whistles.
  7. Make a note of the frame number. Where is the frame serial number on the bike? It is stamped at the bottom of the frame under the bushing or on the front of the head tube. The bicycle frame number can be in the form of numbers or letters and numbers. This will help prove that the bike is really yours. It is best that it is written down in the warranty card when purchased in a store. It's also not bad to have a photo of you and your bike. Firstly, this will be proof that this is your bike, and secondly, the police will clearly see what to look for and they, “dropping everything, will immediately announce an interception plan to search for” your iron friend.
  8. There is one more little trick. Place a piece of paper inside the handlebars, under the grips or inside the seatpost on which to write down your information. It will serve as additional proof that you are the real owner. You can also write or scratch your name on it. A marked bicycle is more difficult to sell, and it will be easier to prove that it is yours.
  9. The appearance of the bicycle should not be very provocative. Wrap the steering wheel or part of the frame with electrical tape. The goal is to show the potential thief that this bike is not the best option for sale. Sometimes a slightly rusty handlebar or seatpost can dramatically reduce the value of the entire bike.
  10. By the way, the more original your bike is painted, the more difficult it will be to sell it and the faster it will be identified in case of theft. This is the same as for motorists.
  11. You can use a bike alarm. With its squeak it will attract attention and scare inexperienced thieves. And experienced ones, having realized that there is an alarm on the bike, most likely will not mess with it. The alarm is most often triggered by movement.
  12. Another purely psychological moment. Most stores or office centers do not allow bicycles inside. However, “trying is not torture” - try going in with him. If they are no longer allowed in, at this point ask the security guard to look after the bicycle. At least a responsible person has already appeared and the bike is under supervision, and this is already good.
  13. Try to insure your bike against theft, theft and damage.

What you need to make your own bicycle lock

So, we need:

  • Any iron chain. I found an old rusty chain in the garage, which I washed and dried well. Typically, a chain can be purchased at any hardware store.
  • Any fabric. I used thick Scuba jersey, which repels moisture and dries quickly. But any fabric will do - even old jeans.
  • Paint to paint the ends of the chain that will peek out from under the fabric.
  • A needle and thread, or better yet a sewing machine, to sew a pipe-cover for the chain.
  • Padlock. Actually, to lock the lock with a key.

I bought a padlock for 100 rubles, I got an old rusty chain for free, I didn’t pay for the fabric either - I found scraps and sewed two pieces together to get the required length. In total, the cost of the castle was only 100 rubles. Even if you buy a chain and fabric, the final price will not exceed 300 rubles, which is much cheaper than buying a good lock at a sporting goods store.

Bicycle lock chain

First, wash and dry the chain. This is not necessary if you bought a brand new, clean chain. As I wrote above, I had a rusty Soviet-era copy. In stores you can find chains made of aluminum or iron alloy. Although aluminum is lighter, it is softer and, accordingly, it is easier to bite or saw through such a target. Therefore, it is better to use an iron chain. The thicker the chain, the more reliable, but also heavier. The same applies to the length of the chain - a long chain is more convenient, but heavier. I chose a length of 70 cm (simply because my chain was that long). You will have to determine the weight/reliability ratio yourself. A thicker chain requires a more massive padlock, which will also increase the final weight.

Now you need to paint the outer links of the chain. If you have a shiny new chain and you're happy with the color, you can skip this step. I painted the end links with dark green acrylic paint. You can even paint it with simple nail polish. If the paint peels off over time, you can always touch it up.

Making a bicycle lock with your own hands - painting the chain

Fabric bicycle lock cover

As I wrote earlier, almost any thick fabric will do. It is advisable to use fabric that breathes and evaporates moisture so that moisture does not accumulate inside the case and the chain does not rust. If you use knitwear, then the cover can be sewn exactly the width of the chain and a few centimeters shorter. Due to the stretch of the fabric, it will fit around the chain. In this case, the chain will ring less when driving. If you use fabric that does not stretch, then, on the contrary, you need to make the cover 1.5 - 2 times wider than the chain so that you can easily pull it onto the chain and so that the cover does not limit the flexibility of the chain.

What is useful to know about castles?


To choose the most effective means of protecting your bicycle, you need to understand the types of locks and have information about the advantages and disadvantages of certain models.

When choosing a bike lock, you need to take into account possible parking locations. Most products are designed to protect two-wheeled vehicles, which are parked in special parking lots in front of buildings. However, if you wish, you can choose a reliable means for securing your bicycle to a lamppost, pipe or bench.

Whatever type of lock is suitable for a cyclist, be it a product based on a metal cable, a bicycle chain lock or a U-shaped system, you should always remember that the cheapest pays twice.

Padlock for bicycle lock

Padlocks are sold in all construction and hardware stores. Here you can choose any lock to suit your taste, color and budget. But there are recommendations.

First, the lock shackle should be no narrower than the thickness of the links. Agree, why take a thick chain and hang a lock on it with a narrow shackle, which is easier to break than the chain itself. In this case, the thickness of the shackle must be such that the shackle fits freely into the hole in the link, otherwise you simply will not be able to connect the chain.

Second, the lock must be fastened without a key. This is not necessary, but it is much more convenient - just latch it, rather than lock it with a key. Just don’t forget the key, or better yet, carry the lock fastened, so as not to accidentally fasten your bike and then find out that the key is missing.

There are several rather original solutions for protecting bicycles from theft:

  1. The Pedal Lock device is a set of special pedals that easily turn into a lock for the rear or front wheel, blocking the possibility of movement. Thus, it turns out that the thief not only does not have pedals, but it is also impossible to ride such a bicycle.
  2. Three former students from Chile have developed a rather unconventional design for a bicycle frame that turns into a lock in 10-15 seconds. The down tube of the frame folds into two parts, and the seatpost is fixed in them, allowing you to fasten the bike to a tree or pole.
  3. Seatylock saddle, which is also a lock. The multi-fold system allows you to lock the wheel and frame together and attach it all to the post.
  4. The Koreans came up with a helmet-lock. During the trip, it is, of course, on the head, and when parked it turns into a wheel lock. It is not entirely clear, however, what will prevent a thief from simply taking the bicycle with him or taking it away in a car if it is not fastened. And the second point is that the wheel is not always clean, and after that you will also need to put the helmet on your head. Although the Koreans wash their roads more often than ours...
  1. Chinese engineers came up with V.Y. Handle Lock. This is a strong, flexible cable, which during the ride is located in the handlebars of the bicycle, and when parked it is closed on the right grip, which plays the role of a lock. True, it still won’t save you from a bolt cutter.

Original designer bicycle lock

The most important thing is that your castle will be unique and unique. This will be your signature product, made by yourself. You can embroider the lock with rhinestones, make custom embroidery on it, sew on ties or Velcro to attach it to a bicycle frame—you can create endlessly.

I hope you enjoyed this simple tutorial on how to make your own bike lock.

Write in the comments whether you were able to make a bicycle lock, as well as your wishes, questions and additions to the article.

What is better - a lock with a key or a coded mechanism?

Bicycle locks can be locked with a key or using a code. A combination lock for a bicycle, according to the level of reliability, is approximately the same in efficiency as a model with a key.

The choice in this case depends on the convenience of the user. Some cyclists find it difficult to remember the lock code, while others feel discomfort when searching for the key. Be that as it may, in both cases the main role is played by the convenience of transporting a rather bulky product with a lock fastening.

How to make a bike lock with your own hands

Reading time: 9 minutes

As the number of bicycles increases, so does the number of bicycle thefts. To secure their property, owners use bicycle locks. However, cheap models are not reliable, and buying more durable options can hit your pocket hard. How to make a bike lock with your own hands will be discussed below.

Bicycle alarm - assembly steps

The emergence of a large number of technical means for cutting bicycle cables has led to an increase in thefts. But at the same time, this encouraged bike owners to select locks more carefully and even install alarms. But not every cyclist has the opportunity to purchase expensive industrial models, so many prefer to assemble such devices themselves. How to make a simple bike lock was discussed above. Now let's move on to the issue of self-assembly of the alarm system.

Let's watch a video review of the sound alarm, stages of work:

The model offered to your attention includes only 4 parts. But before you begin installation work, you should know that:

  • None of the existing technical means gives a 100% guarantee of the safety of the bike;
  • Thefts are carried out even from the most crowded places;
  • By fastening a vehicle to the frame, you risk losing its wheels;
  • Even the strongest and thickest cable can be easily cut through with ordinary bolt cutters.

Therefore, the proposed model creates more of a psychological than a physical obstacle. And in search of an answer to the question: how to make a bicycle lock with your own hands, you can stop here. Having seen an unusual device, a thief will think about whether it is worth cutting through the cable and how this could threaten him personally?

Watch the video and make a GPS bug on your own:

If, after reading these lines, you are convinced of the need to assemble a GPS tracker for a bicycle with your own hands, then you can safely begin the work. The proposed version of the device is connected to a cable and a bike. In this case, the loop must be protected with electrical tape or heat-shrink tubing. This will make it more difficult to short-circuit the wires to disable the alarm, which turns on the siren when an attempt is made to cut the cable.

The body of such a device is made of durable material and it is very difficult to break it on the move. And since the power supply is located inside it, it will take time to turn it off. Moreover, all actions of this kind will be accompanied by a loud siren.

The diagram of such a simple DIY bicycle alarm includes the following elements:

  1. Ready siren;
  2. Transistor 0.5A;
  3. Krona 9 V battery.

When creating a device, you have the right to change the configuration by including a resistor of any power.

The principle of operation of such a DIY bicycle alarm is as follows. As long as the loop is not damaged, it keeps the transistor closed, pulling its gate to ground. But at the slightest violation of the circuit, it opens and the siren goes off. Since a field-effect transistor with an insulated gate is selected for the circuit, its current is very small.

Bicycle alarm circuit

The sequence of connecting the elements can be seen in the diagram above. Once the device is ready, it is placed in the housing. It is most convenient to make it from plexiglass and plywood. Such a body can easily withstand quite strong blows. And it will be difficult for even an adult to break it. In the meantime, the thief will not be able to turn off the siren.

When assembling the circuit, you need to make sure that the wiring does not fall off when struck. To do this, they are fixed with electrical tape.

In the place where the siren will be located, you need to make holes in advance. And in the back wall of the case there will be a cable that connects to the conductors. This device is attached with a cable to the bicycle frame. Moreover, this stage of work should be performed in such a way that it is impossible to throw away the siren even if the cable is cut.

How effective is a DIY alarm system?

In search of an answer to this question, one has to compare the device with industrial models. Of course, the latter are less vulnerable, but their cost will be an order of magnitude higher. As for self-made devices, they can suffer if they get caught in the rain or turn off at the most inopportune moment for some reason. Therefore, it is better to give preference to industrial alarms.

We watch the video, make a siren - work in stages:

However, if you still decide to do the assembly on your own, then you should choose a scheme that will combine GPS control, an audible siren and a powerful circuit. How to make such an alarm for a bicycle with your own hands was described above. Whether it can become an effective protection against a thief depends on the parts used in it and the quality of the assembly.

However, any, even the most complex, circuit has its advantages and disadvantages, which should be taken into account during the development of the device.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other anti-theft device, a homemade bike lock has its pros and cons. Here are its main advantages:

  • When using a thick steel chain, it is almost impossible to bite through it.
  • Low manufacturing cost (most materials are available on the farm).
  • You can make a lock of any appearance and configuration yourself. The owner can choose the color and size of the product himself. Therefore, each bike lock will be unique in its own way.

However, a self-made device also has disadvantages:

  • Creating a castle requires time and effort.
  • The lock itself can be opened fairly quickly by a trained bicycle thief (this problem can be solved by purchasing a more expensive and reliable lock, but in this case the manufacturing costs will increase significantly). Therefore, it is still not recommended to leave a bicycle unattended for a long time.

Important! Another significant disadvantage of a homemade bike lock is its heavy weight. This problem can be partially solved by choosing the right chain and padlock.

There are two types of bicycle locks based on the type of locking device.

  1. Full construction
  2. With code block.

Here everyone decides for himself what is easier for him - to remember the code or carry the key with him. There are ways to open both types of locks. Key locks are opened with master keys, and the codes are simply selected. If you choose a code, then choose one with at least four digits.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which bicycle lock is better and more reliable. Each of all types has its pros and cons. You can forget the code and lose the key, the cable can be cut, and the arc can be sawed through with a grinder. There are no unpickable locks. The question is the time it takes. After all, there were cases when the fence was broken and the bike was taken away in a car. One thief spent five hours cutting down a tree to steal a bicycle.

Necessary materials

Before you start making a bike lock, you will need to stock up on some equipment and materials.

  • An iron chain about 60-70 cm long. Any option will do. But the stronger (in this regard, steel is significantly ahead of aluminum) and thicker the chain, the more difficult it will be to bite through it. A bike lock that is too bulky will also not be very convenient, so here you need to look for a middle ground. The chain can be purchased at a nearby hardware or hardware store.
  • Textile. You can use any type of fabric for the cover. But dense and durable materials that repel moisture are best suited. Alternatively, you can sew a cover from old jeans. Raincoat fabric is also perfect for this purpose.
  • Thread and needle. Required for sewing fabric. For convenience, it is better to use a sewing machine.
  • The padlock. It is with its help that the chain will close. You should choose a medium-sized lock so that it does not take up much space, but is still quite reliable.
  • Dye. If desired, you can paint the areas of the chain that are not covered with fabric.

The cost of a padlock is 100-150 rubles. An old chain can often be found around the household, as can fabric. But even if you buy them, the cost of manufacturing will not exceed 300-400 rubles. And this is significantly lower than the price of a good bike lock in a sporting goods store. At the same time, the quality of the product does not suffer at all.

There are several types of bike locks:

  1. Arc (they are also called U-shaped or D-shaped). Such a lock, especially if the arc is of normal thickness (at least 10-12 mm) and is made of hardened steel, cannot be easily cut through with bolt cutters. These are the most secure locks.


Similar to the previous type, but instead of an arc they use steel plates firmly fastened together. In terms of durability, they are also one of the most reliable. Especially if they are made of thick, hardened steel plates. Pay attention to the fastening of the plates to each other.

On some cheap Chinese models, such a lock was easy to break simply at the place where the plates were attached to each other. These locks are more compact than U-locks and take up less space when traveling. Most often, they are folded into a rectangle and attached to the frame, taking up minimal space.

Moreover, they are not only rectangular, but also round, more compact in shape.


It is also a fairly reliable option, but only if it is a strong, thick chain, each link of which is welded. If you take a thick steel chain, place it in a fabric sleeve so as not to scratch the frame, and hang a normal barn lock on it, then such a homemade bike lock will reliably protect the bike from theft. Only it will not weigh 200 grams, which you need to carry with you.

When choosing chains, it is better to take not an ordinary chain from a hardware store, but heavy-link cargo chains made of hardened steel.


This is a fairly comfortable, lightweight lock. But, again, a lot depends on the thickness of the cable and the material from which it is made, as well as in all other cases, on the lock cylinder. How durable and vandal-proof it is.

Remember that a thin cable can easily be cut by a bolt cutter.

Ottolock type bike locks .

What makes them special is that they are durable, flexible and take up little space, fitting perfectly into a bike bag or even a pocket.

The lock band itself consists of several thin but strong steel plates covered with a layer of Kevlar braided thermoplastic Santoprene. It is very difficult to cut through such a tape with bolt cutters, but even it will not resist against an angle grinder. In order to break the lock head you need to apply a force of 2 tons.

These are quite convenient and reliable bike locks.

Wheel locks .
These devices come in different types. Some simply fit on the wheel, place it on the disc brake rotors, and attach the wheel to the frame, but they all have one serious drawback. They do not allow you to simply carry the bike in your arms or take it away by car.


Creating a bike lock with your own hands can be divided into several steps:

First step

If an old chain is used for production, it must be cleaned of rust. To do this, you can use white vinegar or a specialized solvent. However, the best effect comes from treating metal with abrasives. After this, you can paint the outer links (for a new chain this is not a prerequisite, but it is better to further process the old metal - this will prevent rusting and improve the appearance). Acrylic paint can be used here (it is advisable to choose a coloring agent based on the metal).

Second step

Next you need to prepare the fabric cover. When creating it, various types of materials can be used, but it is better to choose a water-repellent or breathable option (this is necessary so that the chain under the cover does not rust). It is also desirable that the fabric stretches. In this case, the cover is sewn exactly according to the thickness of the chain and is several centimeters shorter (stretchy fabric will eliminate the chain from rattling during travel). If the material is not capable of strong stretching, the cover needs to be made somewhat wider. The main thing is that it does not hinder the movement of the chain. Also, some types of fabric require processing so that the edge does not “crumble”. When the case is ready, it can be put on the chain.

Homemade locks with a secret for the garage: why are they better?

The main advantage of homemade garage locks is their originality. Thieves are familiar with industrial locks and how to install them. A homemade garage lock, if it is original enough, can confuse the crooks , and this always frightens those who come “to the business” and discourages them from continuing.

It makes sense to make such a lock when you have access to good materials, hardening steel, lathes and milling machines, etc. Otherwise, the most original lock will simply be knocked down or broken by force. Another method is the unusual use of ready-made locks or parts thereof .

Photos of homemade locks with a secret for the garage:

What to do if you lose your bike lock key

It also happens that the owner of a bicycle becomes a hostage to his bike lock if he loses the key. The first and basic rule to avoid such an incident when you have to “steal” your own bike: always keep the spare key in a safe but accessible place.

Also, most bicycle lock manufacturers have a key replacement program. Well-known and reputable companies, such as ABUS, Kryptonite, OnGuard, supply a kind of key card with the bike lock. There will be a special code on this card that should be kept, since this is the code that will be used to send you new keys.

If you lose the key while your bike is in a public place, prepare evidence that you are the owner of the bike and personally check the security of the lock or contact a locksmith.

Modification of purchased locks

If you can’t make a garage lock with your own hands due to a lack of necessary materials or processing technologies, then you can try to modify ready-made locks.

There are different types of locks:

A padlock can easily be knocked down with a sledgehammer, no matter how cunning its cylinder turns out to be. The loops can be cut with a regular hacksaw without much noise. A padlock is not a big obstacle for modern children, who are very well equipped with excellent tools .

Overhead and mortise locks are much more difficult . In essence, this is simply knocking out the door (this is especially true for mortise locks). For such cases, hackers use two methods:

  • opening with a master key;
  • sawing the bolt (bolt).

If there is a gap in the door that allows access to the deadbolt, it can be sawed through with a jigsaw in a few minutes.

Some types of locks proposed by craftsmen, for example, a rack and pinion lock with a “secret” key , are too naive to protect against burglars. The only secret here is the length of the rotating bar on the key. The burglar will make this strip out of cardboard and cut it with scissors until the lock begins to wrinkle it. Next time the burglar will come not for reconnaissance, but for action .

Protecting your garage from being opened must be considered a little more broadly than just choosing a lock. By location, garages can be collective , located in the courtyard of a residential building or attached close to an individual house or cottage. In many cases, the garage may be part of the house .

The worst case is a collective garage .

But recently, many garage communities are installing surveillance cameras , and they are doing it quite cleverly, hiring watchmen, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for car thieves to work.

A garage in the courtyard of a house is more convenient for the owner, especially if it is visible from the apartment window, but a garage on a private plot with a house is absolutely good. In the latter case, the garage can be protected best.

To best protect your garage, you should use durable metal gates and doors , ones that cannot be knocked down with a sledgehammer. A homemade garage lock should be completely hidden from the outside, and its bolt should be armored. Such a lock cannot be opened with any master keys, or even ordinary keys. This is an electric lock controlled from a distance.

Another, also very practical option, is to install a hidden electric lock along with a conventional mechanical one. Moreover, you can even use a padlock. The mechanical lock serves as the first barrier that burglars will have to overcome. But after they do this, they will encounter a new, incomprehensible obstacle, get nervous and withdraw.

The most advanced for our time can be considered a hidden electric lock controlled via a radio interface . The key is a miniature radio transmitter (key fob) that transmits a code combination. The receiver checks that what is received matches the given key and opens the lock.

To prevent advanced hijackers from using the intercepted key, the transmitter and receiver change the code for the next time according to a certain algorithm, so that a “one-time password” . This is called an anti-scanning system or dynamic code encryption.

But this is not the cheapest option . The minimum price here is about 9,000 rubles . Self-manufacturing of such a system will be much cheaper in terms of money, but will require a fair amount of knowledge in radio engineering, electronics and programming, as well as the ability to solder very miniature parts.

Posts 1 page 20 of 20

Share125.09.2014 21:06

  • Author: AlexSPORT
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Hello, bike maniacs. I want to make a bike lock that would be at least 50% more reliable than a Chinese cable lock. You need a high-quality chain that a bolt cutter cannot handle. Where can you really get such a tsepura?

I wanted to buy a hardened type from the market, but when the seller started cutting it off with his bolt cutter, I lost the desire to buy one. Maybe someone knows a place in Kherson?

Share226.09.2014 07:59

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AlexSPORT How do you divide a hardened chain into pieces? Bulgarian? Those. If the seller had used a grinder instead of a bolt cutter, you wouldn’t have known that it was unheated. As for me, if you want it done well, do it yourself

"Fundamentals of Heat Treatment of Steels".

Share326.09.2014 11:40

  • Author: AMD64
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Hello, bike maniacs. You need a high-quality chain that a bolt cutter cannot handle.

Well, first of all, there are different types of bolt cutters. And secondly, get tired of carrying such a chain with you.

Share426.09.2014 13:45

  • Author: Satri
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Edited by Satri (26.09.2014 13:46)

Share526.09.2014 14:31

  • Author: Nikolaevich
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A chain is the easiest thing for a thief to find. Then comes the braided steel cable, then the Y-lock.

Share626.09.2014 15:22

  • Author: Philip
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A chain is the easiest thing for a thief to find. Then comes the braided steel cable, then the Y-lock.

And then comes a trained German or pit bull! ))))))

Share726.09.2014 16:30

  • Author: AMD64
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My personal opinion is that if the cost of a bike exceeds $1000, then it is useless to fasten it with a chain. If they come for him, they will take him away.

Share826.09.2014 22:06

  • Author: AlexSPORT
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Most likely this idea is not entirely realistic since the chain is difficult to get, and I haven’t looked at the lock yet

. Okay, let's move on with this

Share926.09.2014 22:42

  • Author: Vitaly86
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I took a 10mm steel chain, 1m long and wrapped it with a car seat belt in two layers, with adhesive tape, and electrical tape on top. The thing turned out to be heavy, I carry it in a backpack, the lock took 12mm, but it’s compact. When I bought the chain, the seller cut it with 1.2m bolt cutters, the chain was on the floor - one lever on the floor - he jumped onto the second with all his weight (85 kg by eye), if the chain was not on the floor this would significantly complicate the task. After rewinding with belts, the chain became thicker than the pliers of a bolt cutter, which means the thief will have to puff with a knife first. +Chinese bike alarm. (it scared away a couple of onlookers who decided to lean on the steering wheel, attracting the attention of passers-by, but our passers-by are always in the cold in any situation). but if someone takes a fancy to your bike, this will not protect you, it will only complicate the task. By the way, the thief was caught, now in pre-trial detention, the investigator said that he has about 20 bikes on his account (this is summer and early autumn), the number of thefts should fall.

Case Study

What can a car owner do if he wants to protect his car for little money?

One of the practical options, suitable for a garage located close to the house, is given below. The apartment or house is well protected , and the garage can only be opened from inside the house.

Garage doors can only be locked from the inside , using locks with powerful bolts, and it is advisable to disguise this power so that through the open garage it is unclear what exactly is holding the gate.

From the side of the gate, the garage can only be taken by a ram using a truck, but this case goes far beyond peacetime conditions, when crooks prefer not to make noise.

The owner enters the garage through a separate door in the rear wall of the garage. This door is also locked with an internal lock , but there is also a regular lock. Interior locks are solenoid-type electric locks that are controlled from inside the home via a cable that runs parallel to the garage's mains power cable.

When the door is closed with a regular lock , the solenoid locks . Opening a regular lock with a master key will give burglars nothing . And the owner himself, before leaving the house, opens the electric locks by supplying power to them and, thereby, unlocks the garage door for subsequent opening with a regular lock.

These electric locks should be installed in such a way that they attract as little attention as possible.

24V powered and require a few amps of current to operate and much less current to hold open (unless equipped with latches).

Some electric locks have latches that are also electromagnetically controlled. But most often you come across electromagnetic locks , which have a beveled bolt and fix it when the door is closed. Opening occurs after current is applied.

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