DIY flower stand: review of original ideas, shapes and types. Photo instructions on how to make it from wood and scrap materials

DIY flower stands

Handmade coasters will be special to you because you put a part of yourself into them. And now you will learn how to make a stand for flowers and other plants yourself!

The most comfortable and affordable material is wood.

If you don’t want to spend a lot on material, then you can use an old cabinet, shelves or other wooden rubbish lying around the house.

You need to choose materials based on how much weight will be on the stand. Of course, if the dimensions of the product are large, then reliable fasteners will be required.

Master class on creating a stand

  1. Take measurements of the future structure, taking into account the place where it will be located and the colors on it.
  2. Cut out all the parts according to the drawing and drill holes for fastenings.
  3. Process all the details.
  4. Connect all the elements together according to the plan.
  5. Cover the stand with paint and apply varnish to the surface.

Wooden structures need to be treated against moisture, then the item will serve you much longer.

Features of using pots

A decorative product in which containers with indoor flowers are placed is called a flowerpot. This type of flower stands has application features that should be taken into account during their manufacturing process:

  • The pot is a solid container without holes for drainage or installation of drain pans.
  • If excess moisture gets into the pots, they must be drained to prevent mold and rotting of plant roots.
  • To compact the place where the pots are installed, the free space in the container can be filled with gravel, expanded clay, pebbles, pine sawdust or moss.

There are hanging, floor or tabletop varieties of flower pots, for which the basic principles of use remain the same.

Hanging plant stand

This design will look quite unusual and beautiful, where pots with hanging plants will stand. This practical decorative item is quite easy to make.

To do this you will need:

  • Shelves;
  • Durable rope;
  • Drill.

Master class on creating a pendant:

  1. Drill 2 holes in the shelves on all sides. The diameter of the hole should be the same as the diameter of the rope.
  2. The rope should be passed through these holes and secured at the required level using knots.
  3. Secure the structure with rope.

This option is perfect for a window sill. The whole structure is not very large, so it can successfully decorate the room.

Also, wood material can be used to create shelving. This design can be absolutely anything, so again, don’t be afraid to experiment.

Examples for inspiration

By creating your own decor, you express yourself and make your home unique. To do handicrafts, you don’t have to acquire expensive materials - improvised materials will also work: branches, ice cream sticks, ropes.

In a flower pot, unlike a pot, you will not find holes for moisture to escape - this is one of its advantages: you do not have to worry about creating them and that water will ruin the furniture.

Making beautiful flower pots yourself is not only useful, but also a very exciting process.

Classic stand

It is not at all difficult to make, but requires patience and effort.

To create it you will need:

  • Wooden plank;
  • Decorative element for connection;
  • Drill;
  • Dye;
  • Varnish;
  • Saw;
  • Marker or pencil;
  • Brush;
  • Roulette.

When choosing a material, you need to proceed from the weight that will be on the stand. Of course, if the dimensions of the product are large, then reliable fasteners will be required.

Required Tools

Depending on the material you choose, you will need different tools.

For metal

Let us immediately note that in addition to special tools, working with metal will require certain skills. Among the tools, the main role is given to the welding machine. To trim individual elements you need a cutter, jigsaw or metal scissors. All tools must be made of durable stainless steel. Also, drills and an electric drill are often required to fasten individual parts.

Metal wire is a slightly different story; if desired, you can bend it with your bare hands. And if your wire has an impressive diameter, then use pliers and wire cutters.

Wooden structures

In order to make a simple wooden stand with your own hands, you will need a minimum set of tools: a hammer, nails, a drill. In order to give shape to wooden “semi-finished products”, you can use a circular saw. Also, a circular saw is indispensable when you need to make a hole into which a pot will later be inserted.

Using a plane, you can sand the wooden surface, and using a jigsaw, you can create graceful lace shapes. Of course, ideally it is better to use electrical devices, however, if you are not a professional craftsman, you are unlikely to have such a set in stock.


This material will probably require a minimal set of tools: wire cutters, scissors, drill and hacksaw. And in order for the plastic to be moldable, it is recommended to heat it, and this can be done either with a regular hair dryer or over a gas burner. Sometimes when working with plastic you need super strong glue, but this is not always the case.

Shelf for flowers made of PVC pipes and ceramic tiles.

A flower stand can become a spectacular accent in the interior of any room. At the same time, it does not necessarily have to serve only a decorative role: in the kitchen you can put pots of herbs in it, and in a spacious living room you can place flowers with a pleasant aroma. But what kind of stand will be appropriate in your case is up to you to decide: either a stylish and expensive item from the store, or a budget, but unique hand-made model.

Plastic stands

Leftover laminate or plastic panels can be given a second life by making coasters out of them.

This material is good because it is not afraid of moisture, and you can give the product any color using acrylic paints.

Often, decorative elements are simply added to finished plastic products. Think about how the product will look best and create it!

Metal flower stands

These designs may not suit every decor, because the stand itself does not look quite standard. If you want one like yourself, you should make an effort. For such products, forging is used or a welded structure is performed.

Do not forget about careful care of such material so that rust does not form.

Metal items can put a lot of weight on them, so if you have heavy pots, this is the option for you! These stands are mounted on walls or placed on the floor.

The shape of the product, thanks to the material, can be any: openwork, a stand for several places, or in the form of a bicycle.

Vase made from improvised materials: step-by-step master class

Today, folk craftsmen and Hand Made craftsmen make original flowerpots with their own hands from almost any material that they can get their hands on. Ideas for creativity and inspiration can be drawn from anywhere, including the Internet.

The photos of beautiful flowerpots posted in our article once again prove that there are no limits to a person’s imagination. Innovative solutions and unusual super ideas allow you to create real works of art.

A cute house on wheels for your favorite flower

  • If wooden sticks are glued together into a hollow cube, so that each new row forms a free space, and each subsequent row overlaps it, we will get an unusual flowerpot that is perfect for small plants. You can place it anywhere, for example on a windowsill or hang it on a rope, after planting indoor flowers in it.

Hanging planter made of wooden sticks

  • Plastic bottles . Probably not a single garden craft or decoration can be done without their participation. Working with this material is very convenient and simple, the main thing is to take precautions. The simplest thing you can make from plastic bottles is a hanging flower pot.

However, plastic bottles can be used not only for decorative purposes. You can plant vegetable seedlings in them, so this material is also a favorite among gardening enthusiasts.

It takes no more than five minutes to create such beauty with your own hands.

It is very convenient to place bottles on the wall, so they will take up less free space

  • You can weave a flowerpot with your own hands from ordinary rope. The shape of the product can be different: cylindrical, round or cone-shaped, the main thing is that the plant being planted fits freely into it. As a material for weaving, some craftsmen use thin vine branches or threads of artificial rattan .

A beautiful cone-shaped pot will effectively decorate the facade of your home

  • If you approach the creation of a decorative flower pot more thoroughly, you can create a more interesting and large-scale composition. By hanging an old, unnecessary cauldron over an impromptu fire made of flowers and logs, you can get a very interesting result that will not go without the close attention of your guests.

Important! To highlight and emphasize the beauty of the composition you have created, you can fence it with a border of ordinary stones, slightly drowning them in the ground.

An original design of a flower garden in the form of a hanging pot made from a cast iron pot

Boxes for flowers and seedlings

  • Summer residents are resourceful and thrifty people, so they never throw away anything, including cuttings from boards and other lumber. After all, they make excellent wooden boxes that can be used as flower pots.

In order to make a flowerpot from boards, you can get by with minimal carpentry skills, and the only tools you need are a hacksaw, nails and a hammer.

Bright flowers will contrast perfectly with a box painted white.

Some groups of plants are very picky about soil quality, so they can only be planted in good fertile soil

White daisies always attract attention, especially if they are planted in a beautiful outdoor planter

  • Good to know! Wooden boxes can also be used for planting seedlings of various crops. Only for this purpose, in the upper boards, it is advisable to make special holes for the hands so that they can be carried comfortably and safely.

Wooden plant pot for seedlings

Photo of flower stands

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