How to make a ship's steering wheel out of cardboard with your own hands

If you are a lover of pirate themes, a potential “gentleman of fortune” and you already have a pirate costume for Halloween, but don’t yet have a helm, then it’s time to correct this injustice! I'll tell you how to make a steering wheel out of cardboard!

The material for a DIY cardboard steering wheel will mainly be cardboard.

Cardboard is a fairly common, cheap and environmentally friendly material.

Decorating a children's party in a nautical style: ready-made templates for birthdays

Hang a banner in front of the door inviting kids to the party.

And on the walls hang portholes depicting ships and seascapes. Dolphins and seagulls watching the holiday through the portholes will delight the eye. Print the finished portholes on thick paper measuring 300x300 mm and attach them to the walls in the room where the holiday will take place.

If a seaside celebration is being held in honor of a child’s birthday, you can make a congratulatory banner with waves.

Steering wheel for those with a sweet tooth

Making a candy steering wheel does not require special skills or the use of complex materials.

In this work you will need:

Two circles are marked on the cardboard, one of which should be 5-6 times larger than the other. The size of the larger circle depends on what diameter of the steering wheel is ultimately preferred.

In a large circle, a circle with a radius of 5-7 cm smaller is laid out. Circles are cut out of cardboard, in duplicate each. A hole is cut in a large circle along the lines of the previously laid out circle. The result should be two rings and two small circles.

Four strips of cardboard are cut out separately, the length of which should exceed the diameter of the ring.

All parts are covered with colored corrugated paper.

The four strips are placed crosswise on top of each other and secured in the center with a stapler. The finished “fan” is placed between two large rings. The parts are fastened together.

Small circles are fixed in the center on both sides with a stapler. Pieces of double-sided tape are glued to the back of the prepared candies.

If candy wrappers require the presence of “tails,” then the latter are folded back and hidden under the tape.

Using the second adhesive side of the tape, the candies are secured along the diameter of the ring and in the center of the steering wheel. A delicious gift is ready!

It is not necessary to use only small round candies in your work.

If you increase the diameter of the steering wheel, then long oblong sweets and massive chocolate bars, which can be placed along the cross lines - the handles of the steering wheel, are suitable for decoration.

Craftswomen who know how to create culinary masterpieces in the form of different types of cakes can go further and create a miniature sweet ship.

In this case, the ship itself will be directly a biscuit with the desired filling, and it is quite possible to form all the small parts of the boat from mastic of different colors. The only thing you need to consider when making a sweet souvenir is its short storage. Therefore, it is advisable to start creating a masterpiece the day before the celebration.

How to make an anchor and steering wheel

Another marine-themed attribute is an anchor; it can also be made from thick cardboard and then painted or decorated with paper. For the anchor, you will also need a template or pattern, which you can draw yourself or print a ready-made one:

Print out the template and then transfer it onto the base material. Let's look at a few examples of how a composition might look:

The marine theme in design is one of the most relevant and simple to implement. The most common techniques will increase the stylistic level of your interior literally several times over, and will ensure a great mood for a long time.

How to do it? Let's take a closer look.

Problem. At the very beginning of your creative journey, the problem of harmoniously using the main symbol of navigation in the form of a round steering wheel may arise.

On its own, this element is quite bulky and often requires appropriate additions such as flags, anchors and ropes, which can burden your look, making it awkward and uncomfortable.

Solution. Leave the main role to this item, getting rid of all additional details. Decorating the walls with a steering wheel placed in the center of the room is in itself an accentuated technique that does not require other creative solutions.

In this case, the style and required subject matter will be supported automatically.

The white color of the interior, which is an excellent background, stylish chairs, whose shape supports the theme of the chosen style, and other vintage furniture decorated in dark colors - all this creates a great atmosphere.

In addition, such decorative and interior items, like a cut diamond, turn the steering wheel into a kind of sculpture that will give odds to any accessory.

For a children's room, a steering wheel is more than relevant. The presence of such a product in combination with your child’s wild imagination will turn his room into a real pirate ship, the image of which will be inspired by the motifs of the film, where the main character is the favorite of all young pirates, Captain Jack Sparrow.

And the sophisticated style that the interior decoration of this room will acquire will be another pleasant addition, both for the children and for yourself.

These accessories look great at the head of the bed, and especially in those rooms where there is such a thing as the design of a large window. Of course, while experiencing aesthetic pleasure, do not forget to take care of safety measures by securely securing the steering wheels to the wall.

We make the embodiment of a real ship's steering wheel from wood with our own hands

The helm is the altar of the ship; it can also be called a symbol of navigation. It has a very recognizable shape. It is advisable to make the steering wheel from wood to give it nobility. It can also be made from plywood, but it is not considered a noble material, so the appearance of the product will be less presentable.

You can find a description of making a steering wheel from not very expensive materials. This article will tell you a master class on making an original wooden steering wheel, which will delight both the owner and his guests with its appearance.

So, in order to make a wooden hoop, you need to use long and thin slats, which should be shaped into a circle. You can bend wooden blanks by lowering them into a bath of hot water, fixing them in this position using a press and allowing them to dry. The slats that will be located closer to the center need to be twisted into tighter rings, and the outer rings can be made weaker. When assembling the hoop into one whole, all layers should be soaked in glue so that the material looks solid and homogeneous. Why was the twisting method chosen? Because the steering wheel hoop must be strong, and not a single cut ring from a board will give such an effect.

For the central part, a low wooden cylinder is perfect, in which you need to make six or eight (it will look more solid) holes for the knitting needles. When the preparatory process has come to an end, you can begin to connect the parts: insert the knitting needles into the central circle, simultaneously passing them through the hoop, and then fasten. You need to select or make handles for the knitting needles for a complete look. The photo below shows the steering wheel without the finalized handles:

In addition to real steering wheels, you can make decorative ones, which serve only the function of decoration. These include crafts made from mastic, as well as bouquets of sweets, which are made in the shape of anything.

This example is made of chocolate mastic; the handles replace pieces of spaghetti. You can also make a steering wheel from strips of mastic; this process is simpler than the previous one, but the product will look less neat:

Handmade gifts have become very popular. These include bouquets of sweets. These are not the standard bouquets that everyone is used to seeing, but entire works of art. So, for example, you can give a male sailor a bouquet of sweets in the shape of a steering wheel:

The base of such a bouquet is often made of cardboard, the thickest that can be found, in order to achieve the desired structural strength. Then the base is wrapped in corrugated paper, and the remaining parts are attached to it: sweets, as well as additional decor.

An excellent interior decoration would be a topiary made from coffee beans, which, in addition to its visual appeal, also has a pleasant aroma that will fill the rooms. To make it, you will need little: packaging cardboard, masking tape, a suitable stick, as well as napkins, PVA glue, paint, tape. We cut out two identical templates from cardboard; you can immediately glue a stick to one of them. We roll rollers from adhesive tape, with which you can create additional volume for the workpiece. We glue the second template on top of the tape and cover the resulting three-dimensional figure with napkins according to the papier-mâché principle; the glue should be diluted a little with water. After the workpiece has dried, it needs to be painted with brown paint so that light spots of cardboard are not visible near the coffee beans. For additional decor, you can glue a cord, which will complete the nautical theme if you hang a lifebuoy on it. After this you can start gluing the coffee. Wrap the base stick with tape of a suitable color. And the topiary is ready:

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