How to make a crow mask with your own hands from cardboard - diagram

Festive matinees in kindergartens or elementary schools are often held in the form of theatrical performances. Every child participates in the celebration. For an interesting performance you need appropriate costumes and head masks. You can buy them in specialized children's stores or make them yourself.

Different materials are used to make masks. Most often - paper and cardboard. The picture is downloaded, enlarged on the computer screen, and then printed.

The sketches can be colored; the child just needs to cut out the model. There are black and white or theatrical coloring masks. These need to be colored with pencils or paints at your discretion. Leather, foam rubber, felt and other materials are also used in production.

The shape of the masks is also different. Some are made on a wide rim. The image of an animal or fairy-tale character is glued to the headband and placed on the head, while the child’s face is not covered. Other sketches hide the face, and cuts are made for the eyes. There are masks, respirators, gas masks (rubber elements are usually used for their manufacture) or on a stick.

From paper



From felt

From foam rubber

On a stick

Sketches of headbands

For girls

When choosing sketches for girls, they give preference to funny animal faces. For example, a bear or a bunny with a pink bow, masks in the form of powerful fairies or beautiful princesses.

For boys

A holiday mask for a boy depends on the child’s character and preferences. Some kids love to portray not only good animals (bear cub, cockerel, piggy, hippopotamus), but also pirates, sorcerers, supermen, and villains.

Animal faces

Costumes and masks of forest and domestic animals are a common option for holding a matinee. Some children prefer to dress up as cats, dogs, hares and other recognizable animals (bull, goat, wolf). Others want models of less common animals - raccoon, moose, platypus or koala.

A universal option is the “mask of the Year”. It symbolizes the animal according to the eastern calendar. For 2022, the faces of a pig, piglet, and wild boar are relevant. They can be made not only from paper, but also sewn from fabric. Patterns and sewing patterns make it easy to complete the task.
























Polar bear




Make masks with your kids

This is a very interesting and exciting process, so let your child create with you, and not just watch how you cut out and design the product. Joint creativity brings parents and children closer together and perfectly dilutes leisure time.

Together with your child, choose the mask you like and print it out. If you don’t have a printer, you can use the picture with the mask as an idea by drawing the mask yourself.

The dog is the symbol of 2022. At matinees in kindergartens and schools, children wear costumes and dog masks on their heads. Masks are a universal accessory, suitable for girls and boys. You can make them yourself from scrap materials. The process will take 30-40 minutes.

To make a paper mask you will need:

  • Paper or cardboard. The thicker the paper, the stronger the product.
  • Felt for rag products.
  • Threads.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue.
  • Elastic band for fastening.
  • An awl or sharp knife.
  • Pencil.
  • Colored and velvet paper.
  • Decorative beads.

Bird patterns

Having selected ready-made sketches, they are saved or copied for subsequent printing, and the masks are cut out. They are usually used as a headband without covering the baby's face. To make a full-fledged mask, you need to make an effort. The specificity lies in the anatomy of the bird's head. You need to prepare a template for the head and beak separately. The bird's beak is glued along the marked lines. Its size and shape depend on the bird - for an owl it will be small and hooked, for a crow it will be long and sharp.










Gel pen

It differs from a regular ball one in that a gel rod is inserted into the prepared flask. The gel aquarium pen looks original. To create it, you will need a transparent tube with a wooden stopper, sealed at one end (something suitable can be found in a pharmacy or chemical glass store).

A hole is made in the cork according to the diameter of the rod; the cork can also be painted with acrylic paint. A mixture of water and glycerin is poured into the flask - the more glycerin, the thicker the filler, and the slower the decor will float in the body. We pour glitter, stars, and foil fish into the flask, insert the rod into the cork and close the flask tightly (for reliability, you can secure the cork with waterproof glue).

To create it you need to take a pen and a simple pencil. Disassemble the pen, cut off a part from the pencil based on the length of the pen, and insert it into the pen body. To adjust the pencil to the diameter of the handle, it must be planed with a sharp knife and sanded with sandpaper.

Insert the pencil into the body and secure with adhesive tape. Next, we cut the rod and assemble the handle. Now the pencil will always be at hand - on the back of the pen with which you write.

By the way, don’t throw away the remaining piece of pencil, it may still come in handy.

Pictures of pets

Masks are often used for photo shoots. Parents can take funny photos of their child themselves. The look will be created by cat ears with a tail, paper glasses, and a funny hairstyle.

Mouse, goat or chicken masks are suitable for the theater or circus when children are taken to New Year's performances. Older children or parents of preschoolers can make three-dimensional masks according to the drawings. They are put on the head and cover the back of the child's head. Incisions are made for the eyes and nose. Children will like the head of a horse, boar, or donkey as models.


Cats and Kota





A rabbit










Making from ready-made pictures is a simple method; schoolchildren can do it without the help of their parents. First you need to download and print a dog head mask template .

The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Print out the sample and carefully cut it out with scissors.
  2. Lay out all the elements on paper, trace the outlines with a pencil and cut out.
  3. Glue the parts together.
  4. Make holes for the eyes using a sharp knife.
  5. Make eyes, nose, tongue, eyelashes from colored paper.
  6. Carefully glue the listed parts or secure them with a stapler.
  7. Use an awl or sharp knife to make holes on the sides for the elastic.
  8. Insert an elastic band or rope and secure it.

To make the paper puppy's ears hang cutely, they need to be bent at the base and then glued.

There are color and black and white pictures of dog masks on the Internet..

Monochrome images are attractive because children can paint them in any colors, even the most unusual ones.

Mask designs for cutting

There are different patterns that do not always symbolize animals. Children love cool costumes; a mask of a plague doctor, a mad genius or a gypsy is suitable for them. Some people play evil characters at matinees. In this case, masks with the face of the devil, an old sorcerer or uncle Chernomor would be relevant.

The black and white masks are painted by the children themselves. The advantage of sketches is that the child shows creativity. His cow comes in purple and his goat comes in flowery pink. After the matinee, the organizers organize competitions for the most interesting or original face mask.

When creating a New Year's image, masks of snowflakes, Father Frost, Snow Maiden or Baba Yaga are suitable. If a child does not want to wear a full-fledged mask, then the ears of a hare, fox or bear will suit him.

Emotion masks will convey a happy or sad mood. They are made in the shape of a sun or a popular smiley face.





New Year's



Coloring pages

Making paper feathers

First you need to take paper and cut out a special blank from it, it should resemble a paper oval folded in half. The resulting figure needs to be slightly rounded at the bottom and slightly narrowed at the top, thereby, as if repeating, imitating the shape of a natural bird feather. Without unfolding the newly created feather blank, you need to make small, inclined cuts on it. The closer they are to each other, the better. But, under no circumstances should you cut to the very middle of the oval. Separately, you should cut a thin and narrow strip of kraft paper; it will need to be rolled into a thin tube. Next, you should wrap the pre-cut wire approximately 1/3 of the length of the entire tube of wrapping paper, and then securely secure everything with glue. As for the length, they are calculated in the simplest way. You need to add ½ part of it to the length of the workpiece. Then you should glue the prepared wire to the feather blank. If the selected wire is attached with great effort, it is difficult, or even does not stick at all, you can always use small strips of tape. With their help you can tighten and fix all the elements. Take your time, wait until the glue is completely dry, and then remove all the “auxiliary” strips from the adhesive tape.


The facial expressions of the mask are of great importance. Even the most ordinary characters convey a palette of moods. They can be sad and cheerful, kind and angry, surprised and indifferent. This is achieved by drawing the eyebrows (raised, lowered, like a house), a smile on the face, and the position of wrinkles, if we are talking about a mask of an old man or woman. Emotions are conveyed not only by the faces of people and animals, but also by inanimate images: templates for masks of flowers (bells, roses, daisies), vegetables and fruits (apples, tomatoes, plums).






simply necessary in families with small children. Such masks will be useful for the New Year, and for a birthday, and for a children's performance.

This spring, our youngest daughter took part in a children's play. She was the Goat. Since the New Year celebrations were over, we had a problem with buying a suit. We had to make the costume ourselves. Our daughter is a lover of complete transformation, and therefore she needed a goat mask.

Here's the best goat mask we've found. I printed out a picture from the computer, pasted it on cardboard and inserted an elastic band to attach it to my head.

We had cats, dogs, bears, hares, and mice.

The children put on animal masks and put on a fun performance.

Our bunny jumped, skipped and gnawed carrots

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