Baseball bat - what is it, what does it look like, what is it made of, how to choose?

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One of the traditional sports games in America can be called baseball. In terms of popularity, the game can be compared to football, or even hockey. The task of the player in whose hands the bat is to hit the ball with it. Often bats are made of wood or metal.

However, this sports equipment is used not only for playing. Often it also serves as a subject for self-defense, or is used in football hooligan meetings. Which makes a heavy bat quite a dangerous item.

Since not everyone can buy a baseball bat in a store, due to the high price for a quality product, you can make it yourself at home, following the instructions.

Types of bits [edit | edit code]

Bats in different sports differ in shape, size and the way they hit the ball. Unlike racquets, bats are made of a hard material and do not contain parts that increase elasticity. Bits are used in rounders, baseball, and cricket.

Baseball bat [edit | edit code]

The baseball bat is made in the form of a rod with a round cross-section. The player holds the bat at its thinnest part. The bat thickens evenly, reaching its maximum thickness in the part used to hit the ball. The bat is legally limited to 42 inches (106.7 cm) in length and 2.75 inches (7 cm) in cross-sectional diameter. Players try to hit the ball while holding the bat with both hands.

In professional baseball, players are required to use a bat made entirely of wood, free of cavities and foreign materials such as cork. Wooden bats are usually made from ash. Maple, hickory, beech, and birch are also used as materials for making baseball bats.

In amateur baseball, bats made of metal can also be used. Aluminum alloys are commonly used. A metal bat allows you to hit the ball at high speed with less effort.

In the early 1990s, the baseball bat became increasingly popular in non-baseball activities. It began to be used for beating people and other activities related to the commission of various crimes.

Bat for Russian lapta [edit | edit code]

The bat for the lapta must be solid wood, without additional winding, 60-110 cm long and 50 ± 1 mm in diameter. The diameter of the bat handle is at least 3 cm, the length of the handle is no more than 30 cm. The end of the handle has a thickening that ensures safety when hitting the ball. Each player can use an individual bat according to their size. Players under 12 years of age are allowed to use a flat bat 80 cm long, up to 6 cm wide and 2 cm thick. The weight of the bat must not exceed 1500 ± 50 grams.

Cricket bat [edit | edit code]

The cricket bat is shaped like a blade, flat on one side and with a triangular ridge to provide rigidity on the other side. The bat is equipped with a cylindrical handle, with which players hold it with both hands. The handle of the bat is usually wrapped in fabric or rubber.

A cricket bat is usually made from willow. The dimensions of the bat should not exceed 96.5 cm in length and 10.8 cm in width. The bat typically weighs between 1.1 and 1.4 kg.

What are baseball bats made of?

Not only craftsmen, but also scientists work on the production of professional and semi-professional baseball bats, striving to improve the performance characteristics of the projectile. However, the material used to make a baseball bat has remained virtually unchanged throughout history. They are produced only in three modifications:

  1. Wooden, considered an elite product by professional athletes and true baseball fans.
  2. Metal ones made of aluminum are popular models among the general public, sold in any supermarket.
  3. Graphite or titanium varieties.

Aluminum baseball bat

The most common among the masses is the aluminum iron baseball bat. She gained her fame for:

  1. Light weight, which helps the athlete better control the projectile in his hand and increases swing speed. Increases the range of hitting the ball.
  2. Strength and durability. An aluminum projectile almost never splits or breaks.
  3. Such accessories are sold in different lengths and diameters of the hitting surface, so you can easily choose a bat based on the type of player’s training.

Wooden baseball bat

The rules of the International Basketball League state that only a classic wooden baseball bat is allowed to play. Such products have a large number of standard sizes and shape features for optimal conditions for hitting the ball for a particular athlete. That is, everyone can choose an accessory with a suitable swing speed and hitting range. Connoisseurs can often guess the type of wood used in production, or their combination, by the length and structure of the fibers.

However, such accessories also have significant disadvantages:

  1. The strength of the product is significantly less than that of its metal counterpart. Often, a wooden baseball bat will crack or even break during the game.
  2. Due to the certain weight of wood, the impact surface area will always be less than that of metal.
  3. The impact power of the product is also significantly lower.

Titanium Baseball Bat

One of the modern developments of scientists is a metal baseball bat made of titanium alloy. This accessory has a number of differences from other analogues:

  1. The walls of the titanium model are much thinner than those of the aluminum model, therefore the weight of the product is less, and the swing speed is much greater, as is the area of ​​the working area.
  2. The second significant advantage is the increased strength of the product.
  3. A titanium baseball bat significantly dampens unpleasant vibrations when hitting the ball with any part of the product, so players do not feel the usual unpleasant tingling sensation.
  4. However, the price of such a product is relatively high.

Bat as a bladed weapon [edit | edit code]

Most people who buy baseball bats in Russia do not use them for their intended purpose. The design features of the bat allow it to deliver powerful and heavy blows.

This determines its use as a bladed weapon with shock-crushing action. The baseball bat is a reincarnation of clubs and batons known since prehistoric times. The bat is well centered, made of hard, durable wood, and is very comfortable to hold with one hand.

Initially, baseball bats were used as weapons in the homeland of baseball in the United States by street hooligans and youth criminal gangs. In the early 1990s, baseball bats appeared in sporting goods stores in cities of the former USSR and immediately began to be used for purposes other than sports. Their popularity has been fueled by Hollywood films and widespread availability. Exotic sports equipment has become an alternative to knives and brass knuckles, prohibited by law. The purchase and storage of baseball bats is not regulated by law and does not require special permits. Therefore, it is often used as a weapon not only by hooligans and bandits, but also by completely law-abiding citizens.

Bats have gained particular popularity as a means of self-defense that does not require concealed carrying. The bits are carried by drivers whose work involves special risks - truckers and taxi drivers, minibus drivers.

The demand for baseball bats, given the virtual absence of baseball players in Russia, is the subject of numerous jokes. “Last year, 500,000 baseball bats, two pairs of gloves and one baseball were sold in the Russian Federation.”

Often a bat is made in a handicraft way from soft wood, pouring lead into the upper part.

Baseball is a sport that has grown in popularity in recent years. In the gameplay, not only the player’s skills, but also the bat are of particular importance. As a rule, such devices are made of metal. But if you wish, you can make a bat from wood. The main thing is to have the necessary material and tools on hand. So, how to make a bat at home?

Baseball bat case

Every athlete values ​​his accessories, taking care of their storage and transportation, so more often than not, a baseball bat is kept in a special case, which is sometimes called a quiver or a carrying bag. Such a product can be made from either more practical canvas or natural linen or other fabrics. Can be purchased at any sports store or sewn to order.

This accessory has several functions:

  1. Protective
    . Maintains integrity during transportation and storage.
  2. Ergonomic
    . Makes it easier to move the projectile to the competition site.
  3. Aesthetic
    . A carrier bag, in some way, can tell a lot about the social status and taste of its owner. In addition, a gift baseball bat is often presented to the birthday person in a case.

Size is important

When thinking about how to make a bat so that you can play baseball, you first need to decide on the size. After all, not every product is suitable for gaming. The player's tool should not only be beautiful, but also convenient. That's why it's so important to keep the exact dimensions.

Every professional will say with confidence that it is best to make a bat with a length of 106.7 centimeters. The diameter of the finished product should not exceed 70 millimeters.

How to make a blank

Before you make a wood bat, you first need to choose the wood. The block should be several centimeters larger than the size of the future finished product. This is important, because during the manufacturing process everything unnecessary will be removed. After purchasing the necessary material, you can begin cutting out the future product.

How to cut a bat from a block is up to you to decide. It all depends on your skills in working with carpentry tools. You can shape the block, for example, using a small hatchet. But a hammer and chisel are also suitable for this. The main thing at this stage is to adhere to certain forms of the future bat. It should be noted that the largest part of the sports instrument should be three times larger than the handle. The edges should be rounded. As for the handle, it is cut at least 4 centimeters in length.

How to make a bat from wood yourself

Baseball is a sport that has grown in popularity in recent years. In the gameplay, not only the player’s skills, but also the bat are of particular importance. As a rule, such devices are made of metal. But if you wish, you can make a bat from wood. The main thing is to have the necessary material and tools on hand. So, how to make a bat at home?

Safety precautions

Remember that when working with any power tool you must follow safety precautions. Before turning on the lathe, you should clean the work area, remove all unnecessary tools, debris and shavings. Exposed areas of the body should be protected. To do this, it is recommended to use protective clothing, protective screens and glasses.

Remove waste and chips while the lathe is operating using a special hook and only with the engine turned off. Otherwise, you may injure your hands.

Next step: sanding

How to make a baseball bat smooth and neat? Of course, by sanding its surface. In this case, you can use sandpaper. First, the product should be treated with sandpaper with large grains, and then with smaller ones. This will smooth out all the irregularities and make the workpiece a streamlined shape.

If you have a lathe, you can use it to make the perfect bat. The main thing is to do everything slowly, carefully processing every centimeter of the product. Don’t forget about safety precautions when working with power tools.

Final stage

Now that the process is coming to an end and you know how to make a bat with your own hands, all that remains is to coat the workpiece with a special varnish. The product must be applied in several layers. When the product has been varnished twice, it must be thoroughly dried and then treated with fine sandpaper. This will remove any remaining unevenness. After this, the bat needs to be varnished again and allowed to dry. That's all. The bat is ready.

Manufacturing stages

First you need to choose a suitable block. It should have a round shape and be quite hard. Experts recommend using hardwood to make baseball bats. Measure 26 centimeters from the bottom of the block and make a mark with a pencil. After this, the workpiece should be carefully planed. As a result, the diameter of the bottom should be 3-4 centimeters.

After this, using a file, you need to round off the thickest part of the future product. Sandpaper should be used to sand the bottom. All irregularities on the surface of the workpiece must be removed. The thin part of the bat - the handle - should be wrapped with electrical tape. Thanks to this, the finished product will not slip out of your hands during use.

If desired, the baseball bat can be painted and varnished. This will give the product a more attractive look. To begin with, you can coat the workpiece with paint and then a layer of varnish. Each layer must dry well. After this, you need to sand the baseball bat with sandpaper. Finally, the product should be coated with another layer of varnish.

A few final words

Let us remind you once again how to make a bat from inexpensive materials. You can use hardwood for this. Moreover, any tools can be used during the manufacturing process. Making a baseball bat requires patience and perseverance. And if you don’t know how to work with wood, then get ready for the fact that the product may not work out the first time.

One of the traditional sports games in America can be called baseball. In terms of popularity, the game can be compared to football, or even hockey. The task of the player in whose hands the bat is to hit the ball with it. Often bats are made of wood or metal.

However, this sports equipment is used not only for playing. Often it also serves as a subject for self-defense, or is used in football hooligan meetings. Which makes a heavy bat quite a dangerous item.

Since not everyone can buy a baseball bat in a store, due to the high price for a quality product, you can make it yourself at home, following the instructions.

What is a baseball bat?

A baseball bat is a smooth wooden or metal pipe that is used in the sport of baseball.

According to the rules it can be:

  • no more than 70 mm in diameter at the thickest part;
  • no more than 1100 mm in length.

History mentions cases where the weight of the bat was close to 1.4 kg, which forced athletes to train gruelingly. Today, the weight of a baseball bat ranges from 0.94 kg to 1 kg in weight.

It goes without saying that a heavier bat requires more energy to swing and hit the ball. Because of this, it is necessary to consider the weight of the bat when choosing a piece of wood. This will make it easier to use, which will make the game process easier. It is better if the bat is easy to feel in your hand.

Each category of players: from children to adults, should choose a bat size that matches their age.

How to choose a baseball bat?

Initially, beginners have difficulty choosing the right accessory. Experienced trainers, when advising on how to choose a baseball bat, recommend paying attention to:

  1. Material for making the product. The nuances of each of them have already been described above.
  2. Length and weight of the product. The smaller the player’s height and weight, the smaller the dimensions of the product need to be selected.
  3. Ergonomics and convenient placement in the palm of your hand.
  4. Manufacturer's company and price. The more famous the brand of the bat manufacturer, the higher the price tag for its products, but also the better the quality.

Baseball bat size

Manufacturers make different bat configurations for different physical parameters of athletes. However, there are general recommendations:

  1. The length should not exceed 1.068 m.
  2. The diameter of a baseball bat cannot be more than 7 cm.
  3. The weight of the product rarely exceeds 1 kg.

An experienced trainer will select the following products:

  1. For beginner players and schoolchildren, the length of the product will be approximately 74-84 cm with a weight of about 0.8 kg.
  2. Amateur athletes can already purchase equipment 80-90 cm in length and weighing up to 1 kg.
  3. Professional baseball players pay great attention to the choice of this accessory. The player's weight and height, the size of his hand and some other parameters are taken into account.

Making bats, what material do manufacturers use?

Which wood is best to choose for making a bat:

  • Ash.
  • Maple. Its popularity can be explained by its ease. The first maple baseball bat was seen in 1997. The first player to demonstrate it was Joe Carter of the Toronto Blue Jays.
  • Hickory. A fairly heavy type of wood, which makes the bat quite heavy, slowing down the speed of the bat's flight.
  • Bamboo.

The increased interest in maple bats was curbed in 2010 by removing some models from sale that were banned from minor league play.

Different types of wood break down differently. Ash bits are labeled in the area where the grains are located at the widest distance. It is common for maple bits to be located where the grain is densest.

Bits made from maple wood can deteriorate to the point of being traumatically dangerous. The destruction of this wood can result in sharp edges that can sometimes cause serious injury to the player during play. When choosing this wood, you should pay special attention to the slope of the wood grain and stains.

The production of maple baseball bats became most popular in 2008. This is due to increased oversight of tree safety by the League Baseball.

By conducting numerous anonymous surveys of retailers at large sports equipment stores, a report was created confirming the decline in sales of maple baseball bats. The same report said that hickory had replaced maple as the most popular material in the United States. Then bamboo bats became even more popular. This wood gained its popularity due to its fine grain, the possibility of increased impact force and lower weight of the tool, despite its size.

In the past, League Baseball had strict standards that all sports equipment had to meet. This concerned not only parameters, but also quality. Back then, the bat was made by hand, taking into account the exact calibration points based on the template. Today, most bits are made using special machines with a special fixed metal template. The inventory, which has become a legend, has its template in the bit store.

When you turn a production bat, you can see on it the manufacturer's name, serial number, and player's signature (always on the best side of the wood).

Most bits have a rounded top. However, it is worth noting that about 30% of players prefer a “balanced cup” top with a notch. This bat is lighter, moving the center of gravity to the handle.

Design Features

There are three main parameters taken into account when making bits:

  • barrel size — size of the barrel (can);
  • bat taper - cone;
  • grip - braid (handle).

Size of keg or can. This includes: the length of the bat barrel at its top and the diameter of the barrel (the “Z” dimension). The longer the barrel, the larger the working surface for hitting the ball (“sweet spot”). In terms of diameter, 2.5 inches is the standard, but many players prefer a smaller barrel for lighter weight and faster swing speed.

Cone. This is the tapered part of the bat handle. The "X" measurement in the figure shows the value from the bit head. The thickness and diameter of the "X" measurement may vary between different bit models. A standard bat has a 31/32-inch taper (see "Y" measurement), but may be slightly larger or smaller depending on whether the bat is lighter or heavier. You may prefer a bat with a large taper, which will soften the vibration in case you miss the ball with your cutting area. Some players prefer a narrower taper, which makes the bat lighter and allows for better wrist action.

Braid or handle. This refers to the coating on the bat handle at the base, which is mainly used by manufacturers in the manufacture of aluminum bats. Rubber handles better absorb vibration from impact. Leather or leatherette promotes better grip. Some bats are made with very soft handles to reduce the impact of vibration on your hands.

Baseball bat care rules

Making a baseball bat is not all you need to know about this tool. Proper care will help keep it in good condition, improving its playing qualities. The world's baseball players have their own ways of storing their bats.

For example, Ted Williams protected his bits from excess moisture and dirt, fearing that the tool would gain excess weight. He never went to bed without intending to be beaten with alcohol. Also, in order to check the exact weight, Ted often sent his bits by mail. He believed that by lying on the ground, the bat could instantly absorb excess moisture.

Ichiro Suzuki protected his instruments from moisture by storing them in humidors. One was in a sports club, the other was portable, for carrying the bat with you.

Rob Carew placed the bats in special boxes filled with sawdust. He explained his choice by the ability of sawdust to quickly absorb moisture, before the moisture reaches the wood. The boxes were stored in the warmest part of the house.

To keep the wood hard and close the pores, players polish their bats before playing. For this they often use:

  • animal bone;
  • sliding pin;
  • a bottle of soda;
  • edge of a porcelain sink.

Pete Rose came up with his own unique way to strengthen the wood of a bat. He filled a pan with motor oil and stirred the bat into it until the oil completely covered it. I left the pan in the basement for a while. Then he took out and weighed the instrument to dry.

What you know

If you know how to play a “live” instrument, you should use it to realize your ideas. Even if the genre doesn't require its use, being able to extract music from an actual instrument can help a lot.

Sounds created on a computer will sound more pleasant and natural.

Guitarists tend to create more harmonious melodies. But keyboardists, unlike them, can immediately transfer the resulting melodies into the digital space, so the idea of ​​​​using their skill to create their own tracks is rarely the first to come up with.

Drummers often play melodies that would never be heard in electronic music. But if you play the drums yourself, you may come up with ideas that wouldn't come to mind when creating a beat behind a computer screen.

You just need to competently approach the transfer of an acoustic idea into digital form. This requires certain skills, but the final result will exceed all expectations.

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What bit size to choose

Choosing the right size of your preferred baseball bat is very important to make the game exciting.

It is important to understand that the ideal size cannot exceed the length of the player's hips. This rule allows the player to feel comfortable while playing. A bat that exceeds the maximum length allowed will likely interfere with play. At the same time, a bat that is too short will create more force, putting more strain on the muscles during play.

Most beginner baseball players under the age of 12 can use bats with a diameter of up to 5.8 cm. Older players, as well as those who play baseball in professional clubs, should use a tool whose handle diameter does not exceed 6.2 cm. Maximum diameter bits allowed for use by teenagers are up to 8 cm.

When playing baseball professionally, before making a bat, you should familiarize yourself with the internal documents of the club or league. They usually contain provisions and requirements regarding the size of inventory. To avoid wasting time, you should study them in advance. In addition, some leagues require player equality by ensuring the same size of playing tools.

A good, high-quality handle can provide perfect grip. The thick handle of the bat provides a stable grip that will ensure that most of the impact from the bat is absorbed. The thin handle, in turn, allows players to quickly shuffle their hands while playing. The choice of size also depends on the player’s preference and playing style.

Metal and wood: which is better to choose?

Wood is predominantly the most common type of material used to make a baseball bat. However, metal baseball bats have also grown incredibly in popularity in recent years as they are lighter and longer than wooden bats. Most professional players practice using wood bats and then prefer to use metal tools when playing on the field. This is mainly because metal baseball bats are easier to swing and provide better handling and control of the ball.

There are also combination baseball bats that are generally preferred by children and other young players. This is because these bits are designed in such a way that the weight is evenly distributed across all the component parts. This makes it easy to control such bats and gives the player an additional advantage over opponents.

Baseball bat rating

Many beginners, before purchasing an accessory for the game, try to study user reviews about a particular model of sports equipment. Some of the most popular ones invariably include:

  1. V76 Concept-21
    is a Russian-made wooden bat with a length of 53 cm, suitable for training beginners. Cost – $4.
  2. Start UP “R Bull”
    is a budget version of the product in black with bright stickers. Cost – $8.
  3. The Legioners Smithys Good Night
    is a small children's baseball bat that is also suitable for training for a girl. Its length is 50 cm, and its diameter is 7 cm. Cost is $14.
  4. Easton YBB19OM11
    is an aluminum model in a stylish black and yellow case. Cost – $115.
  5. Eagle Magnum C243-34
    is a professional baseball bat made of composite wood. Cost – $135.

How to make a baseball bat with your own hands

Since not everyone may have a standard kit for creating a metal bat, let’s take a closer look at the master class: how to make a baseball bat from wood.

Before starting work, the master must know that the size of a baseball bat is strictly prescribed by the rules of the game. Therefore, first you should familiarize yourself with the game itself. If the bat is not a decorative item, but the main instrument of the game, then it is recommended to use the following dimensions: length - 106.7 cm, width - 7 cm.

To do this, you need to do the following work steps:

First, you need to make sure that all materials and tools are available. When choosing wood for a bat, it is better to give preference to bars made of maple, white ash, bamboo, or hickory. It is worth considering that the size of the bar should be approximately 4-5 cm larger than the size of the future bat. You will also need:

  • wood saw;
  • a circular saw;
  • lathe;
  • sandpaper;
  • ruler and standard set for working with wood.

The next important step is determining the size of the future bit. To make the plank the right size you will need a circular saw. Then you need to shape the future bat. This requires skills in operating a lathe. If there are none, it is better to contact a workshop where professionals work. This will not only save nerves, but also time. If you have the skills, you should take care of self-defense by wearing protective gloves and goggles. If you have neither the skills nor the desire to resort to help, you can use those tools that you know how to use, for example, an ax. With its help, you can give the log the desired shape. It is also possible to use a chisel and a hammer. The main thing is to observe all shapes and proportions.

Having adjusted the wood to the desired shape, you need to resort to working with a chisel. This tool will help in controlling the amount of wood removed. Then it's time to create the bat handle. To form it correctly, you need to measure exactly 4 cm from the narrow end of the workpiece using a tape measure. Actually, this is the length of the handle. Using comfortable movements, you should remove the layer of wood, adhering to the circle.

Having formed the handle of a baseball bat, we can talk about completing the work. Since the smallest part of the work remains, but no less interesting. To make the bat smooth, you need to treat its surface with fine sandpaper or a special power tool. This will also provide an ideal surface for decorating the bat. After processing with paper, the bat must be varnished. This is usually done in several layers. This will make it more shiny and beautiful.


Currently, forestry officials in the states of Pennsylvania and New York say that supplies of raw materials are coming to an end. Mass production has almost completely exhausted them. It takes decades to make up for the shortage of fifty-year-old ash trees. Scientists are actively looking for new options for creating durable and lightweight bats for professional players.

The development uses ceramic materials, synthetic fibers treated with a mixture of resins, composite compounds and aluminum. Some believe that artificial bits are superior in strength to their counterparts made from natural raw materials. True, at the same time they change the force of the blow. This is especially noticeable when using aluminum samples.

National League officials say they will never allow bats made from synthetic materials into the game. Wooden models have a set of characteristics that have already become standard.

In Russian stores it is almost impossible to find a bat designed for playing baseball. What we sell are “scarecrows” for the trunk of a car that would break at the first hit if you suddenly decided to play baseball with it. There are many technological requirements for the production, material, shape and size of bats, on which not only the success of batting, but also the safety of the batter directly depends.

Technological advances have come a long way, but no matter where you play baseball, despite all the advantages of the latest technology in making baseball bats, it is important that when choosing a bat, all the strengths of a particular player are taken into account. The bat must fit your unique body configuration, skill level, height, weight and hitting power.

Currently, a huge variety of materials are used in the manufacture of baseball bats. But in general, they are all divided into three main categories: aluminum, graphite and titanium bits, and wood bits.

Below is a list of alloys and their advantages:

7046 is the standard aluminum alloy used in most aluminum baseball bats.

CU31/7050 is a stronger alloy than 7046 due to the increased content of zirconium, magnesium and copper in the alloy.

C405/7055 - this alloy has a higher zirconium content compared to 7050, which significantly increases strength.

C555 is 7% stronger than C405 due to the addition of scandium. When alloyed with aluminum, scandium provides additional strength and malleability. The tensile strength of pure scandium is about 400 MPa (40 kg/mm), for titanium, for example, 250–350 MPa.

The light weight of the bat also helps to increase the striking surface (“sweet spot”, or “meat”, as Russian baseball players like to say). You can increase both the length of the projectile and the diameter of the barrel, or “barrel,” which makes it much easier to hit the ball.

Aluminum and alloy bits typically come in single-ply and double-ply designs. Double-layer bats have greater strength and power, allowing you to hit the ball much further.

Cryogenically treated aluminum is a technology that freezes and heats the alloy to achieve greater strength, reducing vibration at impact and increasing ball distance by 2-4%.

The manufacturing process of aluminum bats can be seen below:

Graphite, titanium bits

The development of new technologies and the use of modern materials has allowed manufacturers to produce lighter and stronger bats. Graphite and titanium are some of the main critical components of these technologies. Bats made from these materials have thinner walls than aluminum bats, reducing the weight of the bat and increasing the player's swing speed. Also, thanks to these materials, the strength and impact surface of the bat have increased.

The use of graphite and titanium has made it possible to further reduce vibration upon impact, which very often gives off an unpleasant tingling sensation in your hands at the moment when you strike not with the working area, but with any other area of ​​the bat.

The wooden baseball bat is a classic. In MLB, only wooden bats are allowed.

By the appearance of the structure of the fibers (their length, size, frequency) you can determine the age of the tree and its density. Wooden bats have a great variety of configurations and all sorts of tricks to achieve the best results when swinging and striking. But you should know that a wood bat has three main disadvantages:

- it cracks and breaks;

— its impact surface is smaller;

— impact power is lower than that of metal counterparts.

The main tree species for making bats are white ash, maple, birch, hickory (hickory), and bamboo. Tree species can be combined to make hybrids


American ash (white ash)

Most wooden baseball bats today are made from American ash, which is native to several states, including Pennsylvania and New York. American ash is preferred for its rigidity, durability, strength, weight and ease of processing.

To make bats, 50-year-old trees are selected, and of the entire supply of lumber obtained from American ash, ten percent is used exclusively for the manufacture of baseball bats.

Unconventional uses of a baseball bat

A baseball bat is not just a tool that players use to hit the ball. Often this tool is a dangerous weapon.

An equally popular function of the bat is room decor. To do this, the bits are painted in all sorts of colors and have different designs applied. Many people create personalized beats, which looks quite creative. A great idea is to create an incredible shaped bat, or add a bat to some part of the interior.

A good baseball bat can cost quite a lot of money in a store. Therefore, if you have skills in working with wood/metal and a great desire to have your own bat, you should try to make it yourself. In addition, such a bat can have a unique, personalized design, which will make it not only a means of play, but also an object pleasing to the eye. Alternatively, making a bat with your own hands is a good way to earn money.

Players have different playing skills and preferences when it comes to baseball. There are players who prefer to play with long baseball bats, while others prefer short ones. Whichever option is chosen, the bat must be the right size to suit the player's needs in the game. Ideally, a player should get a bat that is comfortable and does not cause difficulties during the game.

When planning to make a bat with your own hands, it is worth considering the fact that the choice of material and size of the bat directly affects the quality of the game and the experience you get, good or bad. So, making a bat that is too long, or too short, or too heavy for the player will lead to difficulties in controlling such equipment, perhaps balls will be missed, swings will become slow, and balance will completely disappear during the swing. Therefore, it is important not only to study the intricacies of the process, but also to take into account important parameters during manufacturing.

Bit material

Currently, a huge variety of materials are used in the manufacture of baseball bats. But in general, they are all divided into three main categories: aluminum, graphite and titanium bits, and wood bits.

Aluminum is lighter in weight, which improves projectile control and swing speed. The ball is knocked out with such a bat much further than with a bat made of any other metal. Having a high cost compared to bats made from other materials, the aluminum bat is durable and does not splinter or break. Aluminum bats come in different weights and from different alloys - aluminum with zinc, copper, magnesium. As a rule, light aluminum alloys are stronger.

Below is a list of alloys and their advantages:

7046 is a standard aluminum alloy that is used in most aluminum baseball bats, as well as in bicycles.

CU31/7050 is a stronger alloy than 7046 due to the increased content of zirconium, magnesium and copper in the alloy.

C405/7055 - this alloy has a higher zirconium content compared to 7050, which significantly increases strength.

C555 is 7% stronger than C405 due to the addition of scandium. When alloyed with aluminum, scandium provides additional strength and malleability. The tensile strength of pure scandium is about 400 MPa (40 kg/mm), for titanium, for example, 250–350 MPa. The light weight of the bat also helps to increase the striking surface (“sweet spot”, or “meat”, as Russian baseball players like to say). You can increase both the length of the projectile and the diameter of the barrel, or “barrel,” which makes it much easier to hit the ball.

Aluminum and alloy bits typically come in single-ply and double-ply designs. Double-layer bats have greater strength and power, allowing you to hit the ball much further.

Cryogenically treated aluminum is a technology that freezes and heats the alloy to achieve greater strength, reducing vibration at impact and increasing ball distance by 2-4%.

The manufacturing process of aluminum bats can be seen here.

The development of new technologies and the use of modern materials has allowed manufacturers to produce lighter and stronger bats. Graphite and titanium are some of the main critical components of these technologies. Bats made from these materials have thinner walls than aluminum bats, reducing the weight of the bat and increasing the player's swing speed. Also, thanks to these materials, the strength and impact surface of the bat have increased.

The use of graphite and titanium has made it possible to further reduce vibration upon impact, which very often gives off an unpleasant tingling sensation in your hands at the moment when you strike not with the working area, but with any other area of ​​the bat.

The wooden baseball bat is a classic. In Major League Baseball, only wooden bats are allowed. By the appearance of the structure of the fibers (their length, size, frequency) you can determine the age of the tree and its density. Wooden bats have a great variety of configurations and all sorts of tricks to achieve the best results when swinging and striking. But you should know that a wood bat has three main disadvantages:

- it cracks and breaks;

— its impact surface is smaller;

— impact power is lower than that of metal counterparts.

The main tree species for making bats are white ash, maple, birch, hickory (hickory), and bamboo. Tree species can be combined to make hybrid or composite bats.

American ash (white ash)

Most wooden baseball bats today are made from American ash, which is native to several states, including Pennsylvania and New York. American ash is preferred for its rigidity, durability, strength, weight and ease of processing.

To make bats, 50-year-old trees are selected, and of the entire supply of lumber obtained from American ash, ten percent is used exclusively for the manufacture of baseball bats.


Maple bats were made popular by Barry Bonds' incredible 73 home runs in 2001. He used maple bits. For many years, maple was considered too heavy to make bats. However, the latest wood drying technologies have made it possible to achieve a low moisture content in the material, making the bits lighter and their efficiency significantly increased. Sugar maple bits are preferred. Maple bats cost significantly more than ash bats, but they can be played for much longer because they are much stronger.


Baseball bat manufacturers, after numerous studies, have concluded that birch is not only a more flexible material compared to maple, but is stronger and more durable than American ash. Birch does not flake like ash and is more fibrous than maple. In other words, in terms of hardness, birch provides the same capabilities as maple, and in terms of flexibility - like ash.

Hickory, or kariya (hickory)

In the early days of baseball, hickory bats were very popular. Hickory is a very tough, durable material, although (and therefore) it has the disadvantage of being large. For most baseball players, hickory bats were too heavy. For example, Babe Ruth's bat weighed 47 ounces (over 1330 g), whereas today a typical adult wooden bat weighs on average 29–31 ounces (822–879 g).


Recently, some companies have been offering bamboo bats. Bamboo trunks are hollow inside, so the technology for making such bits differs from processing traditional types of wood. The bamboo is crushed and pressed into blank strips, which are then used to make bats. Bamboo is an extremely durable material: its tensile strength is higher than that of steel. The process of making wooden bats can be seen here.

This is the area on the barrel of the bat that, when the ball makes contact with it, provides maximum positive impact with virtually no vibration.

A bat already marked in the form of a black diamond:

How to determine where this “favorite point” is located? Everything is very simple. We take a wooden bat in one hand and turn it vertically downward with the barrel. We lightly press the base of the handle between the thumb and forefinger, as if holding the bits by the knob. We begin to lightly tap the bat with a hammer or mallet, moving from the edge of the barrel towards the handle upward. When tapping, the hand holding the bat will feel a vibration until you hit the desired sweet spot, and the sound of the tap will change and the vibration will be minimal. (Here it is! Here it is, the point of my dreams! :)).

There are several universal rules for choosing the bit length. Below are two tables. Using them, you can choose the right size bat depending on your age, body weight and height.

Choosing a bat according to your age:

AgeBit length (inches)
> 1734

Choosing a bat based on your height and body weight:

Your height
Your weight36–4041–4445–4849–5253–5657–6061–6465–6869–72> 73inches
91–102104–112114–122124–132135–142145–152155–163165–173175–183> 185cm
poundskgBit length (inches)
< 60< 272627282929
180+> 8232333434

The weight of most baseball bats is measured in ounces (oz).

An ounce is equal to 28.349523125 grams (exactly) or approximately 0.03 kilograms. There are 16 ounces in 1 pound (approximately 453.6 grams). The name comes from the Latin uncia, which means “twelfth part.” Despite this, the modern ounce is a sixteenth part. Apothecaries, apparently, were more in tune with Latin, and therefore the apothecary ounce retained its historical meaning - the twelfth of a pound.

Manufacturers have done a great job of balancing the weight of the bat with its length. Many bits have a weight/length ratio: 3, 4, 6, etc. For example, a 34-inch long bat with a ratio of 6 weighs 28 ounces, and a bat with a ratio of 3 weighs 31 ounces.

The choice of weight depends on two important factors - your strength and hitting style. Of course, the choice largely depends on your personal preferences in weight and length, so it makes sense to follow the basic guidelines:

- large, strong players, as a rule, prefer a heavier bat, as they gain an advantage in weight and striking power;

— players with smaller height and body weight, with a weaker blow, should pay attention to a lighter bat so that the swing speed is higher;

— young players should also give preference to lightweight bats, which allow better control of the blow and reduce the likelihood of injury.

The technology of making bits, at first glance, may seem confusing, but still not as complex as the science of rocket engines.

There are three main parameters:

  • barrel size — size of the barrel (can);
  • bat taper - cone;
  • grip - braid (handle).

Barrel size _

This includes: the length of the bat barrel at its top and the diameter of the barrel (the “Z” dimension). The longer the barrel, the larger the working surface for hitting the ball (“sweet spot”). In terms of diameter, 2.5 inches is the standard, but many players prefer a smaller barrel for lighter weight and faster swing speed.

Cone (bat taper)

This is the tapered part of the bat handle. The "X" measurement in the figure shows the value from the bit head. The thickness and diameter of the "X" measurement may vary between different bit models. A standard bat has a 31/32-inch taper (see "Y" measurement), but may be slightly larger or smaller depending on whether the bat is lighter or heavier. You may prefer a bat with a large taper, which will soften the vibration in case you miss the ball with your cutting area. Some players prefer a narrower taper, which makes the bat lighter and allows for better wrist action.

Braid, or handle (grip)

This refers to the coating on the bat handle at the base, which is mainly used by manufacturers in the manufacture of aluminum bats. Rubber handles better absorb vibration from impact. Leather or leatherette promotes better grip. Some bats are made with very soft handles to reduce the impact of vibration on your hands.

Knob, or nickel, as well as “tablet”, washer, limiter (knob)


The distance between the base of the bat and the beginning of the handle cone (measurement “V” in the picture).

Knob to Handle Taper

The portion of the cone from the knob to the beginning of the bat handle may vary depending on the bat model. The traditional 271 and 73C models have a larger taper.

Handle - bat handle

In Fig. "W" value. The thickness or diameter value varies among different models. This is the thinnest part of the bat.

Throat - neck

The area between the handle and the tapered barrel. Usually this part of the bat has the manufacturer's logo on it.

Tip - rounding

Rounding the edge of the bat barrel.

Cupped Bats - bits with a cup

A cup is a small depression in the barrel of a wooden bat that allows you to slightly reduce the weight of the bat.

Excerpt from MLB rules (2011):

1.10 (a) The bat shall be a smooth, round stick not exceeding 2.61 inches in diameter at its thickest part and not exceeding 42 inches in length. The bat must be made from a single piece of wood. Note: No laminated or experimental bats should be used in professional games (or championship season or exhibition games) until the manufacturer has received approval from the Design and Manufacturing Methods Management Committee. (b) Cup bits. The recess on the end of the bit is permitted to be no more than 1 inch in depth and may be no more than 2 inches and no less than 1 inch in diameter. The edges should be free of right angles and should not contain foreign objects. (c) The handle of the bat shall not exceed 18 inches and may be coated or covered with any material or substance to improve grip. If such material or substance exceeds the 18-inch limit, such bat will be removed from the game. Note: if the referee discovers during or after the game that the bat does not meet the requirements set out above, this is not grounds for removing the bat from the game. Explanation of Rule 1.10(c): If the pine resin cover exceeds the 18-inch limit, the umpire, on his own initiative or at the request of the opposing team, shall order the use of another bat. The batter can continue to use the same bat if he can remove the excess substance. If no objection is made prior to the use of the bat in a game, then a violation of Rule 1.10(c) in that game will not be grounds for a suspension of play and no protest will be entertained. (d) No colored bats are allowed in professional games other than those authorized by the Management Committee.

Through the efforts of baseball and softball governing bodies (NCAA, NHSF, USSSA, NSA), bat performance regulation has led to the creation of a method of comparing the force of a ball off a bat versus off a wall at controlled speeds.

BPF is the bounce of a ball off the bat compared to the bounce of a hand-thrown ball off the wall (for example, if the bounce of the ball is 20%, then BPF = 1.20).

NCAA - National Collegiate Athletic Association. The NCAA has introduced a new testing method for aluminum and composite bats, like their wood counterparts, called Bat-Ball Coefficient of Restitution (BBCOR), which includes the ABI (Accelerated Break-In) test, which simulates activity after intensive use.

All non-wood bats must meet NCAA standards and have a certification mark on the barrel of the bat in order for the bat to be playable in official regular and post season games. The BBCOR standard is currently in force and the BESR standard is no longer in use.

All these standards and restrictions ultimately come down to making the game less dangerous.

Additional Criteria: The bat cannot have a diameter greater than 2 5/8″. The bat should be no lighter than 3 ounces (-3), depending on the length (example: 32 in/29 oz).

Despite all this, the NCAA rules do not prohibit the use of wooden bats in games, because the requirements of the standards equalize the playing possibilities for bats, but “wood”, as a rule, is not used because it often breaks. By comparison, MLB players, on average, break up to 50 bats per season.

NFHS - National Federation of Public High School Associations

The NFHS is also adopting the BBCOR standard starting January 1, 2012. BESR certified bats are allowed in the 2011 season, but composite bats that fail the BESR and ABI tests are prohibited.

BESR - Ball Exit Speed ​​Requirement - required only until the 2011 season. The maximum speed of the ball from the bat must not exceed 97 mph (155.2 km/h). The "BESR" logo must be stamped on the barrel of the bat to certify that the bat meets BESR requirements. A more detailed list of NCAA BBCOR, NFHS BESR and NFHS-not allowed bits certificates can be found here.

Little League

Children's League uses non-wooden bats and each bat must be marked BPF (bat performance factor) with a coefficient of no more than 1.15. Only a few bats are allowed in Little League games. For a bat to be eligible, it must pass the Ball Exit Speed ​​Ratio (BESR) and Accelerated Break-In (ABI) tests. Allowed Bits Children's League Bits Resource Page

ASA - Amateur Softball Association of America

The ASA standard is a high speed test. This method specifies that a ball released at 110 mph (176 km/h) after being hit by a bat must not exceed the speed limit of 98 mph (156.8 km/h). All bits must pass this test in order to be used in ASA games. All bits that pass this test are marked with the ASA 2004 logo.

You can find all the bits that have passed this test and received the ASA 2004 certificate on the official ASA website at the following link. Each ASA umpire always has a list with which they determine whether a bat will be allowed into play or not.

USSSA - United States Specialty Athletic Association. (Login from RuNet, for reasons unknown to us, was blocked by the administrator of their resource, so use workarounds: all kinds of proxies, ZenMate, friGate, foreign VPNs).

Ages 15 and older: All bats that meet NHFS requirements are also legal in USSSA games. For ages 14 and under: The BPF 1.15 standard will remain unchanged until the end of 2011, with new changes coming into effect in 2012. As of January 1, 2012, the USSSA will only allow bats with a large barrel and must have the updated 1.15 BPF logo on the bat.

The same applies to small barrel bits. This updated marking will make it easy to identify authorized bits without the involvement of USSSA special representatives and lawyers.

NSA - National Softball Association.

For softball games, the bat must meet and be marked 1.20 BPF.

You can find a complete list of NSA-approved bits here.

Lately the NSA website has been acting up, so here is another address for you to check out:

ISF - International Softball Federation (now WBSC Development).

The ISF uses the international ASTM 85 mph (136 km/h) ball speed test standard for certification to determine which bats will be eligible for the ISF World Championships, World Cups and Olympic Games. In addition, qualifying tournaments for World Championships, World Cups and Olympic Games are included. ISF certified bats: baseball softball

ISA - Independent Softball Association.

ISA applies different rules when using bits depending on whether it is a fast pitch or a slow pitch. Official ISA standards and certifications can be found here.

We hope this article will help you navigate the world of baseball bats.

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