Lipgrip: what is it, what is it for and how to use it

The review shows an accessory for those spinners who dreamed of becoming a crayfish. Cancer not in terms of posture, but in terms of armament with a claw. Today you will learn about a fishing accessory - its name is lipgrip. Lipgrip

(Lip Grip), or jaw grip, what is it for? The purpose of this device is to capture and hold caught fish, which should make it possible to reliably take the fish without using an often cumbersome landing net. Whether this is true or not, let’s check it in practice. Additionally, the lipgrip allows you to hold the caught fish to free it from the hooks of the bait - the fish is securely fixed and it is much more difficult for it to stick the loose hooks of the bait into the angler’s hand. I usually prefer to pick up fish with my hand, like this:

But this method has certain disadvantages:

1. When fishing from an inflatable boat, bringing the fish close to the board to grab with my hand, I am afraid of damaging the PVC boat with the free hooks of the bait. 2. Once caught, removing the hooks can be very difficult. The bottom of the boat is inflatable. There is also a risk of cutting the bottom with a hook. 3. When fishing from the shore, the situation is approximately the same: unhooking deep-swallowed hooks from the fish’s mouth is still the same task. Many times I have received a very painful prick from the wobbler tees as the fish is being released. A pike weighing 1+ kg, held by hand, begins to fight and drives hooks into my finger. An extremely unpleasant event. This problem does not go away even when using a landing net - a fish pressed to the grass, when you try to pull out the tees of the wobbler, will easily drive the loose tee into your hand. 4. After interacting with fish, in particular pike, all your hands end up in fragrant mucus. And since I fish with gloves, I can’t wash and dry my hands. You have to wash your hands with gloves on, and if the water is cold, your hands freeze. Minus.

That's why I thought about purchasing such a device as a lipgrip. The following point also attracted attention: If when fishing from a boat the use of a landing net was prescribed by the doctor, then when fishing on the go, wearing even a compact landing net is not always a joy. Lipgrip, due to its compactness, allows you to carry it in your pocket and not suffer from the bulkiness of your equipment. And when catching fish, quickly get it and instantly get the benefits it gives. Convenient in theory.

I looked at lip grips in local stores, but I didn’t like either their design and appearance, or the price. The Gearbest store kindly agreed to send me the most “advanced” version of the lipgrips they have in their assortment for testing - the “style” lipgrip.

The device is packaged quite simply, in a soft plastic blister. It was, of course, wrinkled upon delivery.


But the capture itself looks very difficult - there is a “wow” effect. This is facilitated by the unusual shark shape and pleasant materials.

As far as I can tell, the material of manufacture is anodized aluminum coated with varnish. The material turned out to be quite resistant to scratches - after catching 3-4 dozen pikes, I found only one shallow scratch on it. I immediately noticed that the opening angle of the sponges was small - hooking a fish might be more difficult than I thought.

The device is attached to clothing using a carabiner through a spring. The spring extends up to 50 cm and allows you to avoid losing or drowning the lipgrip when it slips out of your pocket or hands. I have no complaints about the quality of the carabiner and spring cord.

What is a lip grip and how to use it when fishing

In the process of catching predatory fish, it is necessary to use different methods of recording the catch. Some people turn to the help of a hook or a landing net, while other fishermen do everything exclusively with their hands. Nowadays, the use of a special device for catching fish - a lipgrip - is gradually gaining popularity.

Lipgrip is a jaw grip for holding fish, which works on the principle of strong compression. They are convenient for taking fish out of the water, as well as holding it to remove hooks.

Lip grips come in metal and plastic, and differ in shape and grip strength.

Lip Grip is a jaw grip, an alternative to a landing net for holding a predator.

An introductory review for spinning anglers, visitors and buyers of the FishComm Shop online fishing store.

When catching predatory fish, there have long been several ways of fixing it after catching it: with your hand (hands), with a hook, or with a landing net. Each of them, of course, has the right to life, but in different fishing conditions, each of the options can be inconvenient or not at all applicable.

Currently, there is a very functional alternative to the above methods of holding fish - this is the Jaw Grip (Lip Grip, lipgrip). FishComm Shop shares with you the pros and cons of ways to hold fish and recommends buying a jaw grip and a lipgrip.

Grabbing a fish with your hand , especially a trophy-sized one, is associated with serious injuries for both the fish and the angler. For example, a large pike can have its insides damaged by strong compression of the body, or its gills by grabbing it “by the withers.” Grabbing a fish by the eyes, much less taking such photographs with it, is, to put it mildly, very bad. And if you grab it under the jaw, you can seriously injure yourself with the sharp edges of the gill covers. If the fish makes a sharp jerk or starts shaking its head, you risk sticking the bait tee into your hand, which the “experts” have done many times when taking the fish with their hands.

Using a hook in fishing is a one-way ticket for fish. We do not condemn the angler’s decision to take the trophy, but we ourselves try to release the caught fish without causing even minor damage to it (not counting the tee of the bait).

A fishing landing net is the simplest and seemingly convenient way to receive and secure caught fish of any size. Although there are many “buts” here too. Firstly, it is usually bulky and bulky. When walking and wading fishing you will have to use special fly fishing landing nets, because... they are quite compact in size. In a boat, the landing net also takes up a lot of space and is more often in the way than in use. Another drawback is that the tees of the bait become very tangled in the landing net when a very active fish moves (especially in a spool woven from thread, and even in a nylon spool or a spool made of cord, the tees also get tangled and end up in knots).

Portability of the lipgrip

This tool has quite compact dimensions and low weight. This allows you to use it in almost any conditions, be it coastal fishing or fishing from a boat. Of course, it may not be needed for small fish, but when, for example, a medium pike is hanging on the hook, the lipgrip becomes very useful.

The device can be attached using a clip to any equipment or placed in a bag; it will not take up much space. When the need to use it arises, the lipgrip is automatically taken in one hand and then the predator is easily grabbed by the jaw.

A high-quality lipgrip reliably holds fish of almost any size, without actually causing injury to it. True, for pikes weighing more than 6 kg it is better not to use it, since the soft tissues of the pike can tear and the pike will fall. Once the capture is completed, you can safely release the catch from the hook and not worry about its possible loss.

As a rule, a special cord is included with the lipgrip, which is needed to prevent the instrument from falling into the water. As for the price issue, the cost of such a device is approximately the same as the cost of an inexpensive landing net.

Top 10 most popular lip grips

Kosadaka TLP1

Average price – 1000 rubles.

Approximate weight – 65-70 g.

Total length – 21 cm.

Kosadaka TLP1 is available in 3 color variations in our markets - red, green and yellow. The peculiarity of this lipgrip is its practicality in use. The jaw grip is made of durable and lightweight plastic that can float on water. Reliably and rigidly fixes the fish's jaw in the closed position.

It is possible to open only by forcing the lower lever out of its locking position.

There is a hole in the top handle for attaching a strap. It prevents the grip from falling out of your hands at the most inopportune moment.

Favorite DFG-003

Average price – 1250 rub.

Approximate weight: 95-100 g.

Total length – 15 cm

Favorite DFG-003 is a small metal fish grabber with a modern design. Lipgrip is presented in a standard color variation - a minimalist combination of black and gray. Due to its color (this lipgrip is presented in dark “masculine” colors) it does not attract attention at all, but at the same time emphasizes the taste of its owner.

Made from lightweight but high-strength modern alloys. Fits comfortably in the hand and is equipped with a plastic retriever. The service life is not limited, it all depends only on the use and storage conditions of the accessory.

CarpZoom PWR-X Fish Grip

Average price – 1300 rubles.

Approximate weight: 70-75 g.

Total length – 15.5 cm.

Reliable and high-quality lipgrip CarpZoom PWR-X Fish Grip made of high-strength stainless steel alloy. For safety reasons, the handle is covered with hard non-slip neoprene, which allows you to hold the tool even with wet hands, regardless of strong jerks of the fish and unpleasant weather conditions.

The grip comes with a durable adjustable cord that is attached to the angler's wrist and prevents the grip from being released and lost along with the long-awaited trophy. Suitable for both beginners and experts in their field.

Flagman Lip Grip

Average price – 350-400 rubles.

Total length – 20 cm.

Flagman Lip Grip is one of the most budget-friendly options. Very effective and easy to use fish grabber. The material used is durable and strong plastic. At the ends of the lipgrip there are wide, flat lips, thanks to which the fish remains safe and sound.

Just like most other grip variations, the kit includes a lanyard with which you can hold the trophy, take a couple of memorable photos, or simply weigh it.

Rapala Aluma-Pro Gripper

Average price - 3250 rubles.

Total length – 15 cm.

Approximate weight -300 g.

The Rapala Aluma-Pro Gripper model is in demand among more experienced players, but even a beginner can handle it quite well. The fishing lipgrip is made of high-strength metal. This is both a plus and a minus. The material is reliable, but if handled carelessly it can go under water.

The advantage of the modern mechanism is the ability to lubricate and wash without additional disassembly of the product. It is worth noting that despite its high price, the grip is quite dangerous. The control lever is located too close to the lips of the lipgrip, which makes it possible to get injured when the fish detaches.

Prox Fish Catcher Mini

Average price – 3,300-3,400 rubles.

Approximate weight: 75-80 g.

Total length – 13 cm.

This type of Prox Fish Catcher Mini lip grip is available on the market in 3 colors - blue, black and red.

This is a very small, unlike other variations, metal fish grip that can replace a grab in the most unforeseen situations. The handle fits comfortably in your hand and has a hole for attaching it to your fingers.

In addition to the kit, there is a carabiner mount, with which the tool will always be at hand. Among the obvious advantages, one significant disadvantage can be identified - the price of this accessory.

Magbite Grip MBT05

Average price – 2000 rub.

Total length - 18 cm.

Approximate weight: 200 g.

A very convenient and practical fish grip Magbite Grip MBT05 is made of high-strength material that is practically not subject to corrosion. Colorful and lightweight, available in 3 color variations - grey, black and orange. One of the main advantages of this product is its compactness, since this lipgrip is retractable.

It will be a very impressive and noticeable accessory that will show the status and level of the fisherman, and even with frequent use will not lose its presentable appearance.

Berkley Big Game Lip Grip with Tape

Average price – 2400 rub.

Approximate weight – 400 g.

Total length – 29 cm.

The metal jaw grip Berkley Big Game Lip Grip with Tape from a trusted Japanese manufacturer has long been popular among fishing enthusiasts around the world.

The package includes a built-in 2-meter tape measure, which is very convenient to measure the size of the fished trophy right on the spot. Another plus is the presence of an adjustable safety belt, which prevents the lipgrip from falling out of your hands.

Rapala Lock'n Grip with

Average price - 1700 rubles.

Total length – about 20 cm.

Approximate weight – 400 g.

The Rapala Lock'n Grip with belongs to a small group of special lip grips. It is used to hold the trophy firmly when weighing, as it has a built-in scale.

The tool is made of high-strength alloy, protected from corrosion. The handles have an anti-slip coating. The lipgrip is equipped with a cord that is attached to the hands, preventing loss and slipping of the grip at the most inopportune moment.

Lipgrip from aliexpress

Approximate price – 400 rubles.

The average length is from 15 to 23 cm.

Fishing lipgrip from aliexpress is the most budget option. The price for the Chinese version of the grip varies from 150 to 700 rubles. It all depends on your desires and the size of your wallet. Aliexpress mainly offers plastic grip options, but there are also products made of metal, although they will cost a little more. It is worth remembering that lipgrip is primarily about safety, so you should not save money.

Of all the proposed options, which lipgrip is better is up to you to decide. Yes, and buy lipgrip too. Fishermen around the world are still arguing about whether this tool is needed or not. But if you are still inclined towards a positive solution, choose a really high-quality and durable tool and you can forget about the problems associated with fishing out of a pond.

It’s convenient to take a photo of the trophy with a lipgrip)

Performing its main function of capturing and fixing fish, the lipgrip remains a very convenient device. It will definitely appeal to those fishermen who like to quickly photograph their trophy, because with it such a procedure is much simpler, and the pictures turn out more successful.

The only relative disadvantage of the lipgrip is that if it is not handled very skillfully and carefully, it can still cause significant injuries to the fish, but in this case everything depends on the fisherman himself and, partly, the behavior of the fish.

But be that as it may, at least you can be sure that the catch will not go anywhere. And small tears in living tissue in the jaw are no more scary than similar punctures from a tee.

Review of lipgrip from aliexpress

If you adhere to the “catch and release” principle, then it is better not to lift a large pike vertically with a lipgrip, as this can damage its spine.

The most humane way for the pike is to grab it with a lip grip, and then in the water, unhook the tee with pliers, without lifting the pike to the shore or side of the boat.

At the end of the article, we note our partner - the Savelyevo fishing club, which is engaged in fish farming and fishing in private reservoirs. So, if you are located near the Moscow region and want to have good fishing, we recommend their paid fishing ponds.

All the best to you, take care of nature and release the caught fish). No bragging, no fluff.


The device is assembled using hexagon screws, which is already very good because can be disassembled or tightened. There are 6 screws, unscrewed with a 2 hexagon. At first I thought they were rivets and only after looking closely did I see “hexes”. When disassembling, the springs scatter around the room, you have to be careful. Bearing bushings are installed in all moving joints:

The body linings are made of thick aluminum sheet, they feel very durable: A large spring ensures the operation of the main fish lock using the Push button, a small one provides a clear click on the “Lock-Free” buttons, eliminating intermediate positions of the triggers. Inside, everything is made well and conscientiously; I did not find any flaws or plastic parts - everything is made of metal.

How it works and how it happens

Essentially, a lipgrip is something similar to pliers, wire cutters, and similar tools. Only at the moment when we press the handles all the way does it stop. Like pliers that have been lying on the street for a long time and are slightly rusty - we close them all the way and they stop due to rust.

According to the design and material of manufacture, grips (lip grips) are of two types:

  • Metal, with thin ends. This one usually has a round handle and sinks in water. It has one more significant drawback: it pierces the fish’s jaw, leaving two small holes in it. This does not lead to death in fish, but still.
  • The second type is a plastic lipgrip. It does not sink, and its clamp ends are flat, with small heels. It leaves no marks on the fish's jaw. A significant point that prevents even greater demand for it is the prevailing stereotype that plastic is fragile and fragile. But that’s exactly what he’s doing well with. After all, some plastic is stronger than modern metal. Therefore, all the arguments in favor of a plastic jaw grip are:
  1. He doesn't drown;
  2. Does not leave injuries on the predator’s body;
  3. It is lighter and more compact.

But, like any thing, lip grip has its disadvantages:

  • First. In order to catch a predatory fish, you need appropriate skill, experience and training. And, importantly, this takes time.
  • Second, if you come across a large fish, then you need to be careful. When you take the fish by the jaw and close the handles, the fish begins to thrash, sometimes very violently. At this moment, the pike can not only break its jaw, but also twist your arm. What to do? The solution to this problem is simple. When you hold the fish, try to leave your hand free to move. This way you can avoid injury not only to yourself, but also to the fish.

Let's summarize. In modern fishing you cannot do without a lipgrip. It will help us not only avoid injury, but also keep the trophy alive so that we can take a few photos and release it into its native element.

Which extractor is better?

There is a wide variety of models on the fishing accessories market. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Extractor with Stonfo needle

It is produced in two versions, which differ only in dimensions, but their operating principle is identical. A fairly durable design that is in great demand among amateur and professional fishermen. Thanks to an interesting addition associated with the presence of a special needle, you can untangle various knots that have formed on the fishing line during the fishing process. In addition, the needle can be used in other cases. As a rule, this model is used by those who like to catch peaceful fish.

This extractor is not intended for extracting spinners, therefore, it is better to use it when fishing with traditional methods and gear, in the form of a regular float rod.

Extractor 24 LH from PRESTON

You should also pay attention to this model because it is durable and reliable. In addition, the 24 LH extractor takes up little space. It will help you remove hooks of any type from the mouth of a fish. This fisherman's assistant is not that expensive.

Extractor SALMO 9604-009

This tool for extracting hooks is made in the form of pliers, 23 cm long, which allows you to cope with the task without any problems. The handles of this tool are rubberized and black. Perfect for spinning fishermen who need it to extract various artificial baits from the mouth of a predator. At the same time, it is impossible to damage the bait.

The metal parts of the SALMO 9604-009 extractor are painted with waterproof paint, which protects them from corrosion. This is necessary because it has to work in a highly humidified environment.

Lipgrip: aesthetics or barbarism?

Among modern spinning anglers, the catch-and-release (CR) fishing principle is quite common. Which, in general, is logical. Spending thousands of dollars on gear and equipment (I’m already silent about equipping boats and fish-finding electronics), and at the same time bringing home our river fish for food seems somewhat ridiculous. About 10-15 years ago, only a few followed software principles. Now, even in the outback, many fishermen release at least some of the fish back into the reservoir without remorse. And as expected, new issues of humane treatment of the fish, which will be released into their native elements, surfaced on the agenda. The injured gills, pierced eyes and swollen swim bladders seem to have been sorted out a little. Become more careful. We learned how to do fizzing. We have slowly “grown up” to silicone landing nets and reducing the contact of bare hands with the body of the fish in trout fishing. It’s time to meticulously consider such a fishing tool as a lipgrip - a jaw grip for holding fish.

Fishing lipgrip: which one is better, what to choose

Each fisherman selects a jaw grip for fish individually for himself and based on his financial capabilities.

  • Keep in mind that models that are made of metal and have additional features are more expensive. But at the same time, they are stronger and more functional, and can withstand more weight. Plastic ones are lighter, cheaper and do not sink.
  • You also need to pay attention to the size of the tool. It will be difficult to hold a large fish with a small fishing clamp.

Today, Berkley 8in Pistol Lip Grip is considered one of the best. It is made of stainless steel, the handle is plastic with an anti-slip coating. There is a safety cord and special pads to prevent injury to the fish. It can be equipped with electronic scales that are built into the handle. It has a slight weight: 187 g without scales and 229 g with scales, size: 23.5 x 12.5 cm. Made in China.

Jaw fishing grip. (Views: 1)


Does anyone use these or something similar?

are they any use?

———- Message added at 19:58 ———- Previous message posted at 19:49 ———-

for example like this



Re: fishing jaw grip

A friend of mine uses a similar one. Looking from the side, I’ll grab a fish faster with my hands or a landing net than with a catch, it’s not a fact that you’ll catch it the first or second time! I always smiled looking at my friend at this time. Skhodov also saw a lot in the process of hooking

Re: fishing jaw grip

A very competent and successful model of this grip from Pontoon21, I liked it more for the convenience and reliability of ordinary traditional models. In addition, it is very light, you hung it on your belt and forgot that you had it. Not an advertisement, don’t think about it.



Re: fishing jaw grip


Re: fishing jaw grip

There is something like this, say a beautiful toy for advertising! It is very difficult to force a predator, and especially a pike, to open its mouth, and you yourself understand that at this moment it can jerk and get away! I take it with me as a pair to the landing net, because... With a landing net I take the fish that is of a decent size! I use the “Lip Grip” when I don’t want to get my hands dirty and getting off is not important, it also holds securely, that is, it’s safe to pull the bait from the predator!


Re: fishing jaw grip

I think this one is much cooler.


Re: fishing jaw grip

What's cool about it? I've seen enough of these grabs, even after the 10th attempt they couldn't grab them! From the boat I don’t understand what’s the point of this crap when there’s a landing net once or twice and in the boat! With capture there is an order of magnitude more work

Re: fishing jaw grip

I think this one is much cooler.


Re: fishing jaw grip


Re: fishing jaw grip

Re: fishing jaw grip

Does anyone use these or something similar?

are they any use?

By the way, the pike in the second photo was caught “by the skin” (the fish missed the jig and barely caught on the outside of the jaw) and swam to the shore with its mouth closed (there’s nothing to spit out, the bait is outside).



Re: fishing jaw grip

What do you think about the one in the link? Take a closer look and give your opinion


Re: fishing jaw grip

I have this Lip Grip from Berkeley, the grip is very reliable; it holds a piece of paper in its grip; when you pull, it doesn’t pull out, but breaks!

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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