How to make an original clock in a rustic style from a piece of wood: a step-by-step guide

How to make?

To make a wooden watch with your own hands, follow these steps:

  1. Find a dead tree. Cut off part of the trunk and bring it to your home.
  2. Cut a 1.3 cm thick piece of the barrel. This will be the case of your watch.
  3. Clean the resulting piece of wood thoroughly. Use sandpaper to smooth the surface.

  4. Separate the mechanism from the old watch. You can use your old boring wall clock or find any cheap clock that you can upcycle.

  5. Mount the clock mechanism on the back of your piece of wood. To do this, take a hammer and chisel and cut out a rectangle, the dimensions of which are identical to the parameters of the clock mechanism. Also drill a hole on the front side of the future watch.

  6. Attach the clock mechanism to the wood using glue or double tape. This way your mechanism will be protected and will not fall.

  7. Attach the hands to your clock.
  8. Paint the numbers indicating the time on the clock.

  9. Attach the hook to the top or back of the clock.

  10. Hang a clock on the wall. Enjoy your new clock in a rustic style.

We transform wood cutting into original watches

Such a stylish accessory as a watch made of natural wood will fit perfectly into any design solution. It is the wooden cut used as a base that will support any interior. To ensure that the clock is correctly and harmoniously combined with the color scheme of the room, you can experiment with different types of wood, tones of varnish and stain.

Materials used

To make a watch from sawn wood you will need the following materials:

  1. Directly cut down the tree;
  2. A small wooden beam or board of a color that contrasts with the cut;
  3. Stain or varnish for wood processing;
  4. A clock mechanism with hands of a regular configuration;
  5. Pencil;
  6. Ruler;
  7. Compass;
  8. Dowel made of wood;
  9. Wood glue;
  10. Clamps;
  11. A circular saw;
  12. Band-saw;
  13. Sander;
  14. Drill with ring drills;
  15. Stationery erasers.

As a demonstration model in the master class, an alder cut is used; a walnut board contrasts with it in color.

Stage 1. You need to draw a prototype of a watch on a piece of paper. The dial is the saw cut itself, and the marks are small strips prepared and cut from the board.

Stage 2. Before work, you should carefully process the cut so that its outer edge becomes impeccably smooth and has no roughness.

Stage 3. Using a ruler, pencil and compass, you need to outline the surface of the cut. Here you should be responsible and painstaking so that in the future the watch accurately determines the time. The detailed sequence of manipulations is presented in the video.

Stage 4. You need to carefully cut the bark from the cut, preserving its integrity as much as possible.

Step 5. The remaining inner part should be cut along the drawn lines. The result should be twelve triangles.

Stage 6. From the board you need to make completely identical blocks with the same length, width and thickness. The long side of the block should be greater than the long side of the triangle and the thickness of the bark combined. The remaining dimensions must be made in accordance with the available blanks.

Stage 7. Using a grinding machine or sandpaper, all elements of the dial should be sanded.

Stage 8. You need to glue the existing triangles with the saw cuts from the board using wood glue and a brush and leave until the glue completely hardens, having previously secured it with rubber bands. Thus, you need to glue all the parts of the dial, securing them with rubber bands and then with clamps.

Stage 9. You should drill a hole in the center of the dial for a wooden dowel, glue it there, and cut off the protruding end so that the surface remains without bulges. Separately, it is tedious to make another hole with a smaller diameter in order to secure the hands and clock mechanism in it.

Stage 10. It is worth noting that from the outside the future watch has an uneven outline. In order to correct this, you need to draw a circle using a compass and get rid of what is unnecessary.

Stage 11. Using a sanding block, sand the cuts on the outside of the dial.

Stage 12. The remaining tree bark needs to be cut into pieces and glued with wood glue along the outer contour of the clock.

Stage 13. You need to take the wooden blocks and the clock mechanism and fix them on the back of the dial.

Step 14. You should make a small plug for the rod with arrows using a small wooden circle, drill a small hole inside it and carefully glue the thread securing mechanism.

Stage 15. The wooden elements of the watch should be treated with stain or special varnish. The prepared structure must be left until it dries completely.

Stage 16. All that remains is to assemble the watch mechanism and insert the battery.

This unique, extraordinary watch is completely made from cut wood!

Video How to make a watch with your own hands

Other ideas

You can do it another way:

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  1. You can make watches from book volumes this way.
  2. Even an old bicycle wheel can make an impressive watch. To do this, remove the tire and attach arrows and numbers to the rim.
  3. A wonderful accessory in the shabby chic style will be made from boards. If you don’t have a round ready-made blank, just cut the boards according to the drawn stencil.
  4. A simple, boring watch can be updated with a bright knitted case, partially stretched over the front.
  5. You can paste an image of the moon onto a pre-made dial - this will create a very attractive art object.
  6. 12 favorite framed photographs will help you decorate a modern interior. Just hang the photo in a circle, and attach arrows and a mechanism to the middle of the composition.

The process of assembling creative watches from saw cuts

You need to start by creating the base of the watch - the dial. To do this, you need to cut out small pancakes from the logs. A large log will produce a large cut, which will be the basis for a creative watch, and small cuts can be used to decorate the dial.

As soon as the cuts are ready, they should be connected to each other. In this case, you can use either small nails or use hot glue, which will set very quickly.

Next, you will need to make a hole in the center of the main large cut using a jigsaw. But before this, the saw cut needs to be secured in a vice. The clock mechanism will be inserted into the hole.

Next, you will need to insert the watch mechanism itself and glue the metal numbers to the surface of the wooden dial. This is extremely easy to do using a heat gun and hot glue, which will harden instantly. Next, you only need to apply wood varnish in several layers.

The clock is almost ready and all that remains is to hang it on the wall. It is worth noting in conclusion that the hot-melt adhesive will stick all the watch elements to the dial quite strongly, so you can vouch for the reliability of the design.


If, in addition to woodworking, you know the decoupage technique, you can decorate the surface of the clock using special decoupage cards or napkins for decoupage:

  1. Cut out a couple of elements from a napkin that match the style of the interior.
  2. Place the parts on the surface of the sanded saw cut (you can cover it with acrylic primer for brightness).
  3. Using decoupage glue, glue the plot to the wooden surface. Smooth out to remove any air bubbles inside.
  4. Cover the surface of the watch with varnish.

In the same way, cutting boards, kitchen stands, and decorative tabletops can be made from wood cuts.

How to make a wall clock with your own hands from cut wood

Having seen a clock made from sawn wood at a party or in a photo, many people wonder how original it looks and whether it is possible to make one yourself. Therefore, they try to make watches with their own hands. But not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. We'll tell you what pitfalls await you, what tool to choose and name the main stages of the work. Since we are making watches from wood cuts, the main detail is the cut. If you have ever made a watch with your own hands, you know that we will need a mechanism from a regular watch with hands and numbers. This means the cut must be thicker than the mechanism. There are many options for designing numbers: wooden invoices, sticking on paper or plastic ones, turning, drilling, and even weaving jute rope along the holes. When you start making a clock from wood cuts with your own hands, remember that you need a cut with a beautiful wood texture. And we recommend checking in advance how the sawn timber behaves indoors; perhaps it bends or cracks. Then it needs to be replaced. It is better to peel off the bark, as it will begin to crumble over time.

Let's get to work.

  • Plan the cut surface with a plane, preferably an electric one.
  • Sand with a grinder or drill attachment to achieve the desired surface smoothness.
  • Choose the center carefully, especially if the cut is irregular in shape.
  • Drill a hole for the arrow axis.

The most difficult thing is to create a recess for the mechanism. At this stage, craftsmen make maximum mistakes and damage the cut. We do not recommend using a regular drill or chisel. A proven approach is cutting according to a template:

  1. A rectangle is cut out on a sheet of plywood for the clock mechanism. The leaf should be larger than the cut.
  2. Secure the template through with self-tapping screws to a counter block or board, or directly to the workbench.
  3. Use a groove cutter to cut out the recess. A manual router allows you to adjust the cutting depth, which will prevent damage to the cut.

Next, you need to arrange the numbers and cover the dial with a protective compound. Alternatively, the saw cut is inserted into a plywood frame, round or polygonal. Sometimes the very core of the cut is rotten and falls out during work, then the hole can be plugged with a piece of usable wood cut from another place for glue. These are the main stages of making a watch from wood cuts with your own hands (B2). It will make an excellent decoration, gift or small business if you decide to sell them.

How to prepare material

Before making a wooden clock with your own hands, you should spend time preparing for work. Once the material is found, it should be left in a dry place for two weeks to dry. This is not necessary if the cut was purchased in a store, but even wood purchased at a sawmill can be damp. If the material was taken from freshly cut trees, the moisture level in it is many times higher than permissible. Such a workpiece, not previously dried, should not be used.

If you neglect to dry the wood, cracks may form in the finished watch. In the worst case, the saw will split, and all the work done will be ruined, and you will have to start all over again.

How to choose a tree

The first step is to decide on the type. Will it be linden, soft enough and easy to process, hard oak or healing juniper? You can choose what is easier to get or buy, and then cover it with stain to suit the desired look.

After choosing the type, you should find a suitable material. There are several possible options in this matter:

  1. You can purchase ready-made sawn timber at a sawmill, in souvenir or specialized stores, or via the Internet.
  2. Make it yourself if you have a suitable stump or log, a chainsaw and the ability to use it.
  3. Wait until the annual sanitary inspections are carried out and ask the workers to cut off the required piece. Or take a whole block of wood from them and continue to act in accordance with paragraph 2.
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