Do-it-yourself security alarm for your home and garden - simple step-by-step instructions on how to install an alarm

Every person wants to live as comfortably and safely as possible. The desire to protect your home as much as possible from the entry of others is natural and reasonable. Therefore, technical methods of preventing cases of property theft through the use of security alarm systems are popular.

The development of microprocessor technologies, control devices, video surveillance and communications are making them increasingly accessible for security purposes for domestic purposes. However, attackers are also studying them, looking for effective ways to block or control them. Our tips will help the home craftsman securely and secretly install a security alarm system with his own hands for a house or apartment, disguising them from the view of a potential thief.

  • Security alarm from China
  • Control block
  • Detector
  • Additional accessories
  • How to set up a security alarm
    • Antenna installation
    • How to insert a SIM card
    • Getting started
    • Communication settings

    Benefits and disadvantages of a DIY alarm system

    Having manufactured and installed the alarm yourself, you can note some advantages over a factory-purchased alarm:

    • Saving financial resources.
    • Autonomous operation.
    • Security during installation, you don’t have to be afraid that someone will enter additional keys and passwords.

    There are also disadvantages to a homemade alarm system:

    • There is no connection with a private security agency.
    • Suppression, hiding the signal.
    • If the alarm system breaks down, it may not be repairable.

    Also, creating a homemade alarm requires good electrical knowledge and special skills.

    How to make a GPS for a car

    GPS is a global positioning system. Such a device for a car is called a GPS tracker. A tracker is a vehicle tracking device. It receives signals from the satellite, uses them to determine its coordinates, and then transmits them to the user.

    These devices are used to be able to determine the location of the car in real time, as well as see the trajectory of its movement. Using the tracker, you can find out how fast the car was moving.

    You can track your car using satellites in the following ways:

    Satellite tracker for car. It is carried out in a compact case so that the device can be easily hidden. It can be bought in specialized stores or ordered from China.

    Reference! When purchasing such a device, make sure that it is not prohibited by law (spy equipment).

    Smartphone with a special application. By placing an Android device in your car with an application enabled (for example, Loki), you can track its movements through the website. And accordingly, the movement of the car. The main thing is to connect your phone to a charger. This method is often chosen by taxi companies.

    Homemade tracker . It will work in the same way as a “purchased” one, except that creating it will cost you much less than buying a ready-made solution. Most often they are made on the basis of old push-button telephones, but this is no longer as easy to do as a simple alarm. In addition, a “home-made” tracker will be much larger and will not be so easy to place discreetly in a car.

    Typically, trackers (and smartphones) are powered by 5 volts via a USB connector. The simplest solution would be to use an adapter for the cigarette lighter, but a constantly protruding wire will get in the way and there will be no question of any hidden installation.

    A more correct solution would be to power the tracker through a step-down DC/DC converter, which can be purchased at any radio store or on Aliexpress. The converter is a small board that can be easily hidden in the dashboard area or other places.

    Connect the board to the converter via a USB cable, and the converter itself to the car’s on-board network (find a permanent “plus”).

    What kind of alarm can you make yourself?

    You can make more than one type of alarm with your own hands, for example:

    • alarm system for a summer residence with a siren;
    • alarm with time relay;
    • GSM alarm system for a dacha, private home;
    • signaling using a controller;
    • laser alarm for a garage or private home;
    • alarm system for a dacha with a motion sensor, can also be used for a garage, office, home.

    There are also various options for homemade alarms.

    Security alarm based on motion sensor

    The simplest security alarm for a home can be made with your own hands based on a conventional household motion sensor for lighting, which is installed in entrances to save energy. But instead of a lighting lamp, you can install a siren.

    What will you need for this?

    • Motion sensor - you can buy it at any hardware store, for example OBI or Leroy Merlin. It is necessary to pay attention to the operating voltage of the sensor - we need it to operate from a 220V network; the viewing angle depends on the external design of the sensor (wall-mounted or ceiling-mounted) and the lens used (can be wide 180 degrees or corridor type). Average cost from 400 to 800 rubles;
    • Siren operating from a 220V network . For example, PKI-3 “Ivolga-220”, average price 250 rubles. Can be purchased at radio stores;
    • A regular switch to turn off the alarm. Any will do, from 100 rubles. and higher.

    The connection diagram is shown below:

    You need to choose a motion sensor that has at least two types of adjustments - time adjustment (TIME) and sensor sensitivity (SENS). Using the first one, it will be possible to set the activation time of our alarm, i.e. siren sounding time. This value is usually set for five minutes. The second adjustment changes the sensitivity of the sensor, for example, if it does not respond to you or to reduce so-called “false alarms”.

    A switch will be needed to turn off the device when you are in its field of view and turn it on when you leave the room. It is advisable to install the switch covertly, so that after activating the security alarm you will not fall within its range of action. In addition to the siren, you can also connect a regular light bulb for double impact on the intruder.

    The main disadvantages of this implementation will be that some models of motion sensors, after being turned on, require from 1 to 10 seconds to “stabilize” and switch to standby mode. If you come across such a sensor, you need to add a time relay to the overall circuit, which will keep the siren turned off while it is turned on.

    There are also miniature motion sensors on sale that operate on 12V, for example, model DD-03. You can also create a simple alarm on them, but you need to connect it to a 12 volt power source or a battery. Thanks to this, the system will be non-volatile and work even if there are power outages.

    Autonomous alarm

    An autonomous alarm system for a country house or garage is best suited. It operates on the most common batteries, so in the absence of electricity it can remain in working condition for a long time. The main tasks of autonomous alarm systems are:

    • Reaction to invasion.
    • Turning on the siren during an intrusion.
    • After the response, the alarm should return to operating mode.

    This type of alarm is quite inexpensive; you can do it yourself by watching the video instructions or find a detailed work plan and assemble the device according to it.

    Security alarm from a ready-made kit

    The simplest security device based on an autonomous alarm system can operate wirelessly. In stores for radio amateurs you can find two options - based on an infrared sensor (aka motion) or a magnetic contact sensor that reacts to opening. True, the choice is not large enough and you will often have to go shopping to find the product “in stock”. Therefore, the easiest way to purchase this product is to order it in one of the large online stores.

    Kit based on an infrared sensor.

    An example is the Chinese alarm system under the loud name “Alarm mini”. Consists of the IR sensor itself, a mounting bracket and one or two key fobs. The kit includes clear instructions for installation and operation. 4 AA batteries are purchased separately, but can also be powered by a 6V power adapter (sold separately). Installing it yourself is not difficult.

    After inserting the batteries into the device, you need to install the unit itself in such a place that its lens is directed towards the protected area. The front panel has an infrared receiver window for controlling the alarm from remote controls. A lens that “detects movement” in the controlled area, operation lights and a siren.

    We press the button on the remote control - the green LED lights up, which means the exit report has started (15-20 seconds), so that we have time to leave the apartment. Then the green eye goes out - the device has started working. Now, as soon as there is any movement in the room, a person will pass, a dog or cat will run, the red LED will light up and after 15-20 seconds a very loud siren sound will be heard. The device works!

    The price of the device is about 500 rubles and depends on the current dollar exchange rate and the place of purchase. You can find various options, for example, here


    A set based on a magnetic contact sensor.

    A security alarm based on an opening sensor is a main unit that contains a sensor with open contacts and a magnet for closing these contacts. You need to set them up against each other so that there is direct contact between them. If a thief breaks into the house, when a door or window is opened, these elements move away from each other and an alarm siren sounds.

    Such an alarm can be used mainly to scare off intruders and its main advantage is its low price, about 100 rubles per sensor. And very simple installation, there is adhesive tape on each part, just remove the protective layer and stick the sensor on the front door or window.

    Often such kits are used to protect the perimeter of the house while you are inside, for example, sleeping at night. The sound of the siren will wake you up and you can take any action to protect yourself.

    Alarm with time relay

    In order to make an alarm system with a time relay with your own hands, you do not need a lot of time and special skills. The work plan is quite simple:

    • Remove the panel from a push-button mobile phone.
    • Enter the desired subscriber number to the shortcut key.
    • Attach 2 wires to the shortcut key contacts.
    • Carefully solder the ends of the wires and bring them out through a small hole in the mobile.
    • Attach the wiring to a 12 V time relay.
    • Apply voltage.

    With this simple course of action, you can easily make the most budget-friendly alarm system for your dacha or garage.


    A reliable security alarm system also uses motion detectors, which are triggered as soon as an object is within the detection zone of the sensor. These devices come in different types, but for private security alarm systems, passive infrared motion detectors are used. They are cheaper than radio wave microwave sensors and more reliable than ultrasonic ones. Each sensor has a clearly defined detection zone.

    Most infrared motion sensors have a zone length of 10-12 meters and a capture angle of 900.

    Typically, such devices are installed according to the principle of one room, one sensor, but there are exceptions. If a room has several windows located on one wall, then an infrared “curtain” detector is installed, which forms a narrow vertical but extended horizontal zone that blocks all windows along the wall.

    Sound (acoustic) sensors respond to the sound of breaking glass. They form an additional security line. As a result of installing three types of sensors, the room will be completely blocked and entry into it through the window and door is almost impossible. Vibration sensors respond to attempts to undermine or destroy (break) a wall and are used extremely rarely in household security alarms.


    In addition to sensors, any security alarm system must have a warning device. Most often, a low-current siren is used, combined in one housing with an LED indicator. Such a device, in case of violation, emits a sharp signal with a sound pressure from 90 to 115 dB, which will simply scare away the intruder. In addition, the sound of the siren along with the red flashes of the LED indicator will attract the attention of neighbors.

    Power alarm

    For reliable and uninterrupted operation of the security alarm system, care should be taken to ensure proper power supply.
    Power outages require the use of power supplies with built-in batteries in security systems. Such devices allow the alarm to function normally for several hours. To perform installation work you will need a wire, cable duct and fasteners. The security alarm is wired using KSPV 4 X 0.5 wire. Two of the four wires are used to supply power to the sensors, and two more form a signal loop. To connect the network, use a ShVVP wire or similar. Installation of sensors and laying of the cable channel is carried out using dowels and self-tapping screws.

    PKP - the heart of the security alarm system

    The basis of the security alarm system is the control panel - PKP . For a simple security system, it is enough to use a device with one or two loops. Such a device is inexpensive, but has well-developed functionality and is perfect for a small apartment alarm system.

    Common devices with one loop:

    • Quartz
    • Astra 712/1
    • VERS-PK 1

    The cost of the devices does not exceed 1900 rubles. The case of each device has a place for installing a battery. Arming and disarming is carried out using Touch Memory electronic keys, which are included in the delivery package.

    Video on how to make an alarm from your phone:

    Wireless alarm

    A wireless alarm system for a country house or private home is the best solution, especially if you do it yourself. This alarm system has a number of advantages over simple wired ones, and making it is not so difficult.

    When placing alarm sensors, they must not be mounted in the following places:

    • opposite boilers, gas stoves;
    • in an area where pets move;
    • opposite the window, fan;
    • opposite the mirrors;
    • near metal objects that may weaken the radio signal;
    • It is impossible for any objects to interfere with the field of view of the sensor.

    How to connect a homemade alarm system

    Let's look at some connection tips.

    • When connecting the system to power, be sure to install a fuse in the circuit. You can choose its value by calculating the energy consumption of all elements.
    • It is advisable to take the “plus” directly from the battery without loading the factory power circuits.
    • You should not connect to each limit switch separately. Find the location where all the signal wires from the doors converge. For example, on the wires of a lighting lamp.
    • It is better to connect the siren not directly from the alarm, but through a relay.
    • Place the power switch in an inconspicuous but accessible place. If you hide it too much, you may find it awkward to use.

    Photo of alarm system for home and garden with your own hands

    Buffered light and sound signaling circuit

    The general signaling circuit presented in Figure 2 corresponds in principle to the signaling circuit presented above.

    Figure 2. Buffered light and sound signaling circuit

    But here an intermediate buffer relay K1 (~220 volts) has been added, which prevents failure of the relay contacts of the device output devices.

    When the relay contact of the output devices of the devices is closed, a relatively small current passes through the relay/starter coil K1, in most cases not exceeding the maximum permissible rating current. At the same time, the closing, power contact of this relay / starter can switch a sufficiently large power to connect a light bulb and a light and sound alarm siren.

    Sound alarm device

    The sound alarm device (Fig. 5) is made on one K561LE5 microcircuit and two transistors and can be used as a personal security siren, a portable security device of the “traveler’s security device” type, as well as for LED illumination of the keyhole.

    This multifunctional device provides: immediate alarm mode; delayed signaling mode; self-shutdown after eliminating the cause of the trigger and automatic entry into the security mode; presence of a warning sound; the ability to use the device as a flashlight (at the same time monitoring the suitability of the batteries).

    The sound alarm system, consisting of two generators and an amplifier, is powered by two or three batteries with a total voltage of 3.2...4.5 V. The generated sound signal is two-tone.

    Rice. 5. Schematic diagram of the sound alarm device.

    The device works as follows. In the off state, the supply voltage from battery GB1 through the chain VD2 and R2 maintains the logical one level at inputs 1 and 8 of the DD1 chip. The current consumed in this case is a few microamps, the battery discharge is practically absent.

    When switch SA1 is turned on with a special key (see above), the device is switched to watchdog alarm mode. In this case, it will immediately work when the button (or sensor) SB2 is closed, followed by self-shutdown after a certain time interval (tens of seconds), only if the cause of the sensor operation is eliminated.

    The activation of sensor B1 is accompanied by a short warning sound, the duration and volume of which is determined by elements R4 and C1. The siren will turn on if the device is not turned off by the owner within 6... 10 seconds (determined by the R3C3 time constant).

    If there are no repeated sensor activations, after a few tens of seconds (60...90 sec, which is determined by the time constant R1C2), the sound signal will turn off and the device will return to the object security mode. The current consumed in this case is a fraction of a milliampere. The maximum current consumed by the device during audible alarm is 200…300 mA.

    As sensor B1, a pendulum-spring type contact group is used, consisting of an external metal cup (a cylinder with a diameter of about 10 mm), inside of which a spring twisted from a non-insulated conductor is installed through a dielectric gasket.

    The sensor is adjusted in such a way that, in any position of the device, the end of the spring does not close to the external electrode (cylinder), at the same time, even a slight rocking of the device should cause the contact group to close.

    An NI LED emitter is used to illuminate, for example, a keyhole, as well as to check the validity of batteries.

    Siren on K561ЛH2 chip

    Figure 4 shows a circuit of a personal security siren, made on a K561ЛH2 type microcircuit and three transistors. The device contains two generators: an ultra-low frequency generator that determines the nature of the modulation of the audio signal, and a controlled low frequency generator.

    To amplify the audio signal, unused elements of the microcircuit and a composite transistor VT1 and VT2 are used, the collector circuit of which includes a low-impedance loudspeaker. The device can use one or two microcircuits such as K561ЛE5 or K561ЛA7. This modification is intended to develop independent creativity.

    Rice. 4. Schematic diagram of a siren based on the K561ЛH2 chip.

    A special key on a cord is used as a power switch. The siren turns on when the key is pulled out, then the switch contacts close. You can disable the device only with the owner's key.

    When supply voltage is applied, the signal from the generator, entering the base of the modulating transistor VT1, causes a change (modulation) in the frequency of the audio frequency generator.

    The modulated signal (“shimmering” sound) is supplied to the amplifier and final stages using transistors VT2, VT3. The output transistor operates in pulse mode and, due to the low residual voltage, the collector-emitter heats up slightly, and therefore can be installed without a heat sink.

    Self-production of car alarms

    The connection of anti-theft sensors to the alarm was discussed in the previous chapter. Some cars have microphones that close when the door is closed, and then you need to use an additional relay. Remember: you need one contact closed to ground at the time of alarm. You will also need a secret, that is, a toggle switch connected in series with the signal contact. A toggle switch will allow the driver to disable the protection. If you do not turn it off, calls will be made all the time (with a period of 100 seconds).

    Basic option (most difficult)

    See what the phone's main connector looks like if we talk about the D520 model:

    Motorola D520 connector diagram

    Here you will need power pins (1 and 2), so use a separate connector mounted on the case. To get to the board with the buttons, the phone body is disassembled. It is necessary to solder 3 wires to the contacts of the “OK” button, and short-circuit the “POWER” button. The battery must be removed before soldering. Then the battery is not used at all.

    A homemade signaling system contains only common elements in its design. Two wires (contacts “+” and “-”) are connected to the phone’s power connector, three more to the “OK” button:

    Appearance of part BA2

    Place the speaker next to the handset of your mobile device. Here are the options on how to do it:

    1. The microphone is placed in the muffler, but the speaker is not used (then the VT4 transistor is excluded);
    2. The second option is that the speaker is used, but the microphone is placed in the cabin.

    If the microphone is not needed at all, the DA2 amplifier is eliminated, and at the same time a pair of transistors (VT3, VT4). A simple circuit thus contains two “field workers” and a “logic”. Next we look at what needs to be done to simplify the circuit even further.

    Simplifying the circuit by 2 times

    The presence of an option to respond to sound reduces the likelihood of theft. An attacker does not have to open the door to get into the salon; usually the glass is broken. Having purchased an external sound sensor, you will notice that it uses a less simple circuit than has been discussed. To get rid of unnecessary details, it makes sense to do the following.

    7805 DC Regulator

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