How to make a vape from a pen or cap at home

Home Ι Electronic cigarettes

Electronic vaping is popular today. Many people try to get rid of the bad habit of smoking and switch to aromatic steam. In specialized stores it is possible to buy electronic devices for vaping, but not everyone can afford it due to the high cost of the product. In this case, looking for inexpensive alternative versions, people begin to think about whether it is possible to make an electronic smoking device with their own hands.

Benefits of homemade cigarettes

Surely, many of you think that the purchased device, relative to the time spent, and in general, financially, will cost you much less than a regular cigarette, but given the giant markups of companies, this is absolutely not the case.

Not everyone knows how to assemble an electronic cigarette. Of course, many of you want to just buy it for yourself and not even think about how it works. However, for experienced vapers, it is the latter that is the incentive to assemble a homemade device. After all, only by knowing how your cigarette works can you always use it correctly and practically!

For or against

To decide whether to make a homemade vape, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons. If we talk about the advantages of home-made, then such a device will be:

By making a vape yourself, the master takes full responsibility for its quality, capabilities and safety. However, the slightest error in assembly can lead to an explosion or fire of the device. But no one will have this. And knowing all the “stuffing” from the inside, the owner of an exclusive can easily repair it.

Under no circumstances should you start making a device if you do not have experience in such matters and do not understand electronics!

From a cartridge case

Another original way of making an ES from a sleeve.

  1. We don’t need the brass sleeve at first, so you can put it aside, but the plastic one should be immediately placed in boiling water for 20 minutes, and then remove the plastic part from the sleeve skirt.
  2. In the skirt itself we drill several 9mm holes, they are intended for a 510 connector. Also, drill a hole on the side so that you can insert a button there later, 3.5 mm is enough for it.
  3. We solder the button inside the sleeve, and immediately solder one of its contacts to the inner shell.
  4. Next, we prepare the transistor that we will need to limit the incoming current to the battery. To do this, we grind off the plate along which it was attached to the radiator, and additionally solder an 11 kOhm resistance in the form of a resistor. Then we insulate it with electrical tape and install it in the sleeve itself, where 9mm holes are drilled.
  5. Now it's time to attach the minus.
  6. When we have prepared our sleeve mod, it's time to insert it into the brass sleeve along with the 18650 battery, and what is important, the latter must be inserted with the negative side facing up!
  7. After installing the battery, we immediately attach the upper part with the button; it closes the sleeve tightly enough, so we don’t need anything additional for fastening.
  8. That's it, we made a sleeve mod! All that remains for you is to make a more or less decent box for this device to make it look more elegant!

How to make a mechanical mod: master class

For those who prefer a homemade mechanical mod, we offer step-by-step manufacturing instructions.

So, if you decide to make a mechanical mod with your own hands, you will need:

  • consumables: brass and duralumin (rods with a diameter of 25 mm), caprolon or fluoroplastic;
  • lathe and tools: metal dies and taps, spacer.

Stage 1. Glass

  1. Take a duralumin rod as a base. It is softer to process, so it is better to make the main body from it. Saw off the required size for the job.
  2. In the machine, using a through cutter, align the end and outer parts of the workpiece.
  3. Prepare a place for working with a drill: make a mark on the sanded end side with a centering drill, then drill a small hole no more than 7 mm. Then you can safely take a drill of a larger diameter.
  4. Then use a boring tool to expand the inner diameter to the required size. The thread will be M 20x1, which means the diameter should be 18.91-18.92 mm.
  5. The next step is to use a tap to cut the thread inside the part - it is advisable to do this manually to avoid defects. Do the same on the other side of the workpiece.
  6. An important point is that it is advisable to make a bevel on the inside of the thread (at the beginning) so that the parts can be screwed on more tightly.

As you can see, to make a mechanical mod with your own hands, you don’t need to know much at the initial stage of work. In fact, even a beginner can handle this.

Stage 2. Cover

  1. It will be made of brass and have a flat shape. Therefore, you need to cut off a piece of the rod, with a little margin. You need to do the same manipulations with the end edge as you did with the glass of the mechanical mod. The same applies to the outer edge. And the thread will be exactly the same - M20x1.
  2. When you have ground part of the workpiece to the required diameter, try on the die. You first need to make an entry for it to make it easier to cut the thread and prevent defects.
  3. After the thread is ready, check whether the body fits tightly to the head. If everything is done correctly, the parts should be firmly connected.
  4. Now you can align the diameters of both parts using a cutter.

Stage 3. Prepare the connector

  1. The head compartment needs to be threaded for a 510 connector. First, you need to center the hole.
  2. Then use a 6.5 mm drill to make a hole for the future connector. Also make the thread go inward, as in the first stage of working with the glass. This is done so that the different connectors fit more tightly to each other.
  3. Now you need to manually cut the thread with an M7x0.5 tap. Make sure that the tap is at a right angle, otherwise the thread will be damaged.
  4. Check the threads by touching any connector.
  5. Next, you should prepare the head for installing the insulator. To do this, you need to bore it to the required diameter, then grind out an insulator from caprolon to a slightly larger size.
  6. Insert the insulator into the cover, in its center make a hole and a thread for the “+” contact, a thread for adjustment to any connector. Take measurements and cut off excess height, if any.

Stage 4. Positive contact

  1. Make threads for the contact to install it in the insulator. Check the thread by screwing it into the caprolon part. Install the spring onto the contact.
  2. We make a part for the button block from brass, and we also make threads like on the lid.
  3. Next you need to connect all the parts and trim them.
  4. We make a blank for the blocker from brass. The same operating principle: trim, bore and thread. The thread should sag a little so that the locking ring rotates by inertia.

The homemade mech mod is almost ready.

Stage 5. Button pusher

  1. Prepare a place for the spring.
  2. On the other side, you need to trim the surface (take duralumin as the base of the workpiece).
  3. Make a negative contact from brass - the size and thread should allow it to be screwed into the pusher.
  4. Next, the caprolon part needs to be inserted into the body of the button itself. Make sure that it enters with force, tightly and does not fall out.
  5. Insert the insulator and install the button. Make a hole in it for the “-” contact.

To make a mechanical mod with your own hands, you will need a case, batteries, a button, and wires. For a more “advanced” version, you will need a field-effect (MOSFET) transistor. It is necessary to ensure safety, since in the event of a short circuit this element will open the electrical circuit. Another purpose of the mosfet transistor is to increase the operating life of the button, since this part prevents it from overheating.

Particular attention should be paid to the body of the electronic cigarette. A wooden one will emphasize your status, a plastic one will delight you with the ability to choose a color, a structure made of copper pipe will last the longest

Also, don’t neglect stickers; they will add an individual style to your device.

What is a mod

A mod is a modified ES that differs from standard vapes in its appearance and more. Mods include an extended battery, it is possible to connect various clearomizers to them, and mods also have a number of functions for customizing the gadget that are not available for standard ECs.

Fashions differ according to the following principles.

  1. Form factor. The shape of the mod can be either rectangular (box mods) or cylindrical. Rectangular products are considered the most popular because they are more compact, easily fit in a pocket and have a more “powerful” filling compared to cylindrical mods.

  2. Equipment. You have the right to purchase only the mod itself, but you can also buy a kit, which may include spare atomizers, a clearomizer, charging and other accessories. The equipment depends on the manufacturer. Be careful - if you purchase only a battery pack, then you will also need to purchase a clear that has the required connector (510 or eGO). Otherwise, using an electronic cigarette without an adapter will be impossible. The most common type of connector found on mods is 510. Based on this, it is recommended to buy a clear connector with just such a thread, or, to be on the safe side, immediately purchase an eGo/510 adapter. For a cylindrical mod, in order to hide the junction of non-standard fasteners, you will need a decorative ring.

Electronic variant

Box mod is an “advanced” version of the battery pack of an electronic cigarette and has its own advantages when using a vape.

  1. The varivolt and variwatt modes make it possible to control the operating parameters of the device and allow the user to achieve ideal conditions for vaping.

  2. When using a high-wattage mod, the thermal control mode allows you to maintain the temperature of the heating element at a certain level, despite changes in various ES parameters.
  3. The electronic board of the box mod monitors the battery charge level and prevents it from being completely discharged or overcharged.
  4. There is protection against short circuits in the electronic circuit and protection against accidental pressing of the button.
  5. Thanks to the digital display, the user can monitor the main parameters while the vape is running.

The disadvantages of an electronic box mod include the following factors:

  • high cost when compared with conventional battery packs;
  • the possibility of failure of electronics for an unknown reason (a failure may occur in the software control - firmware);
  • If dropped, the screen may break;
  • If moisture gets on the electronic board, the latter will fail.


In addition to electronic mods, there are also mechanical, so-called mech mods. The latter do not have any electronic filling and are a simple modification of the battery pack, which is also called a “carcass”. The design of the mechanical mod is incredibly simple, and it consists of the following elements: a metal tube into which the battery is inserted, and a power button . This product has maximum fault tolerance.

There are also mechanical mods in which you can install several batteries. Basically, they have a rectangular shape, made of metal and plastic or wood.

As the name of the module suggests, its beauty lies in its simplicity. Therefore, we can outline the following advantages of a mechanical mod over a module stuffed with electronics.

  1. Due to the simplicity of their design, mechanical mods almost never fail.
  2. This module is easy to make with your own hands (there are many video tutorials on the Internet on how to do this).
  3. In case of breakdown (contacts have become unsoldered), it can be easily repaired with a soldering iron. When creating your own mechanical mod, you can realize your creative imagination by designing a product without being limited by standard shapes or finishes.
  4. The mechanical module is very easy to use and instantly responds to user actions.
  5. There are a wide variety of mechanical battery packs available at retail outlets, made from different materials and in different shapes and finishes.
  6. Experienced vapers can use low-resistance coils that have good performance.
  7. The mech mod works until the battery is completely discharged, although this is harmful to the battery.
  8. Not afraid of water. Since the unit is designed without electronics, there is nothing to burn out in it. If moisture gets into the battery pack, it is enough to disassemble it and dry it.
  9. Owners of mechanical mods do not have to worry about breaking the screen, the device crashing, or its firmware crashing.
  10. Low cost is an important advantage of mechanical mods.

But mechanical mods also have disadvantages due to their design. The main weak link of the mech mod is the button. When using the device for a long time, poor contact may occur in the power key. The problem is solved either by replacing the latter or by cleaning the contacts. Mechanical mods also have other problems.

  1. Rapid battery wear due to lack of control over the battery charge level. It is recommended to use so-called “protected” batteries that have built-in protection against complete discharge or overcharging.
  2. In mechanical mods with a metal case, it is assumed that their case is the negative contact. For this reason, there is the possibility of an accidental short circuit if the positive pin (we are talking about the mod contact under the “+” sign) or the module’s tank is faulty.
  3. There is no time limit for vaping. In electronic devices, after 4-9 seconds of operation the gadget automatically turns off. Therefore, if you accidentally press the button (for example, in your pocket) for a long time, then the heating element will burn out, or the wick will burn, and a burning taste will appear during subsequent vaping.
  4. The battery is being discharged unevenly. When it is just charged, vaporization occurs very intensely. You will need to select a spiral that has the required resistance. But, after a while, when the battery is slightly discharged, you will need to change the coil again to make vaping more comfortable. This does not happen if the mod consists of electronic filling that controls uniform charge distribution and allows for predictable heating.
  5. It is impossible to track power indicators, charge level or the number of puffs on the mech mod.

How the vape works

The principle of operation of the gadget is quite simple. When the vaper, wrapping his lips around the mouthpiece, begins to draw air, the air flow, passing through the holes in the body, hits the sensor with a membrane. The latter begins to deviate, and at this time the sensor sends a signal to the microcircuit that it is time to turn on the power. Electric current begins to flow from the battery to the coil, in which electrical energy is converted into thermal energy. Simply put, when the atomizer is running, the heating element becomes hot.

Since there is a wick impregnated with liquid in or around the coil, it, under the influence of high temperature, begins to evaporate, forming steam, which the steamer inhales. The longer a person inhales, the more vapor is produced.

Simultaneously with inhalation, an LED on some products lights up, simulating the light of a cigarette.

After the vaper stops inhaling, the membrane returns to its original position, the sensor is triggered again, and the power supply to the coil is stopped.

The principle of operation of a vape with electronics was described above. The operating scheme of a mechanical electronic cigarette differs in that the latter is turned on manually by the vaping person himself . During inhalation, you need to press the button, after which steam generation will begin. To stop it, you need to release the power key.

Preparing the mechanical mod for work

The question of where to start is quite common on the forums, and many novice vapers already understand that just doing the winding by eye is quite dangerous: both for the device itself, and for the hands in which it is located, and for those around them.

In order to get the resistance you need, be sure to purchase a special voltmeter for electronic cigarettes, which will help you determine the resistance of the wound coil.

After the evaporator is ready, it needs to be installed in the drip tip, at the base of which there is a “base”. There are stands on the base, there can be 2 or 4 of them, depending on the type of mouthpiece.

The ends of the wire must be threaded into the posts and secured with bolts. This dripper with a mod is almost ready for use. All that remains is to drip liquid onto the cotton and start soaring.

One refill is usually enough for 5-8 puffs, after which the setup will need to be refilled again.

It’s worth saying a little more about batteries. If you take a mechanical mod that runs on 2 or 3 batteries, then try to choose them of the highest quality. Use protected batteries from trusted manufacturers with good reviews.

They can be read on numerous forums that are dedicated to this subculture.

Let us once again recall the cases when the use of mechanical mods on cheap Chinese power supplies led to an explosion, and people maimed their hands and faces.

Electronic cigarette from a cartridge case

For such a cigarette, two types of sleeves are used - brass and plastic. Start work from the second.

  1. Boil the plastic sleeve for twenty minutes, then remove the part from the “skirt”. Drill two holes with a diameter of nine millimeters for the 510 connector in the sleeve skirt. Place them at the end and side (for the button).
  2. The button is attached inside using a soldering iron. Insert the connector into the end.
  3. The next step is to install a transistor, which is needed to protect the button from the strong effects of batteries. In order to reduce the size of the transistor, you need to grind off the plate attaching to the radiator. Solder a resistor with a resistance of eleven kOhms (a little more is possible, but this is the most optimal). Wrap with electrical tape and insert into the sleeve.
  4. The brass sleeve in this cigarette will play the role of a “plus”; a “minus” contact must be attached to it. To assemble it, attach a thick rubber circle to the wire that comes from the transistor, and then solder the wire to a contact spring attached to a plastic circle. After these steps, you need to insert the 18650 battery, it should be with the minus side facing up.
  5. Assembly does not require special efforts or fastenings, since the part with the button is easily put on the brass structure.

All that remains is to polish it, and you can start smoking.

Method No. 2

This mechanical mod is made on the basis of an external battery. This homemade vape will come with a charger, unlike the previous one, for which you will have to buy it separately.

To make it you will need:

  • connector;
  • external battery (it must be rectangular);
  • button;
  • switch;
  • thick copper wire;
  • field-effect transistor;
  • resistor for “piping” the transistor;
  • getinax;
  • quick-setting adhesive;
  • soldering iron

First you need to select a transistor. Almost any field-effect (mosfet) transistor will do. If you can’t buy it, you can unsolder it from your old computer motherboard.

But it is better to purchase one of the transistors listed in the table below. For example, IRF3205 can be found at any radio market or radio parts store.

Suitable mosfets for mech mod

Build process:

  1. 1. Remove the side cover and make sure there is room for the transistor, connector and button.
  2. 2. Saw off a piece of getinax smaller than the edge of the body.
  3. 3. Glue the getinax with second glue.
  4. 4. Drill two holes of a suitable diameter: for the button (the location is not important, the main thing is that it is convenient to press) and for the connector.
  5. 5. Solder the connector to the getinax.
  6. 6. Solder according to the diagram.

Cigarette consumption is increasing. Some people use them to quit smoking, others simply switched to a cheaper and less harmful method of smoking, and others simply like to indulge in the tasty and fragrant vapor from an electric cigarette.

Due to the current dollar exchange rate, electric cigarettes have a decent price, and, as practice shows, they last from one to several months. Personally, I have already purchased three of the most common electronic cigarettes, each of them served me for one month, and each time I was forced to buy a new electric cigarette with the money I saved on buying regular cigarettes. In the end, I decided to buy myself a cigarette that was more expensive and of better quality, I went to a store where they offered me a mech mod that did not have any electronics, I thought about it and decided to make a mech mod myself from an ordinary flashlight.

How did I do it?.. I’ll tell you now

To assemble the mod we will need: A pocket flashlight A battery of standard 18650 or 26650 (the difference is in diameter and capacity) A piece of PCB Soldering iron, flux, solder A connector from an old cigarette An evaporator (difficult to make yourself, I had to buy it in a store)

Photo of what we have first

And so we see:

Flashlight body, glass, LED module, spring to support the module and to ensure contact, and a plate to fix it all in the flashlight body.

Now in this mug we need to drill a hole for the connector from an old cigarette; I didn’t have a drill of a suitable diameter. I drilled a smaller hole and then bored it out with a file.

We drill holes in the flashlight covers and in the reflector so that they coincide; they are needed to insert the microswitch into the housing.

We make a square hole out of a round hole and you can start assembling.

We insert it all into the flashlight cover and put it on hot glue, fix everything with a special washer that is included in the flashlight kit.

I used the negative bus from the flashlight kit, but instead of a spring I stuffed a 25-kopeck coin on the bottom.

Instructions for assembling a homemade cigarette

Making a homemade electronic cigarette is not difficult, but this process requires special care and thoughtfulness. A “home” ES will be a simple device powered by AA batteries. Creating more complex devices with batteries, power supplies and other functionality requires in-depth knowledge of electronics, mechanics and physics.

Before you begin assembly, you need to prepare the basic materials that will make up the device. In order to obtain a quality product, all components of the product must be appropriate. Manufacturing requires branded batteries, strong clamps and cables, and the container in which the “refill” will be stored must be completely sealed.

Some of the necessary components can be purchased in special stores. For those who are puzzled by the uniqueness of the product, there are special racks in such stores. They contain products that can be used to completely assemble an individual cigarette. Of course, this approach involves large financial expenses, but the end result is an excellent device with an interesting design solution.

Step 4 - connecting the spiral

How does an atomizer work?

The atomizer is the main part of the electronic cigarette, as it is the device in which the liquid evaporates. The atomizer can be a drip, tank or bakodripka. The atomizer is equipped with coils made of Kanthal, nichrome or stainless steel wire. Cotton is inserted into the spiral and filled with e-liquid. When a button is pressed on the box mod, the circuit is closed and battery voltage is applied to the coils of your atomizer, heating them up. In this way, the liquid from the cotton evaporates, and thanks to the design of the atomizer, the vaper can inhale this vapor from the evaporation chamber. Special holes for blowing coils affect how free your tightening will be. A homemade version of the atomizer will take much more effort and nerves from you than creating a box mod, but this device is not very expensive, so it is much easier and more reliable to purchase it or order it on the Internet than to try to assemble it yourself.

Is it worth risking your health?

There are cases when amateur activities directly lead to a hospital bed. And there are a lot of them.

Therefore, those who want to make their own cigarette must be very careful and have experience in assembling electronic devices.

Improper assembly and operation can result in burns to the face, hands, and respiratory tract . To reduce the risk of burns, you need to buy liquid for cigarettes rather than make your own.

Additionally, the vape can explode and cause serious injury.

Disadvantages and risks

Knowing how to assemble an electronic cigarette, this process does not seem so difficult, but for this a person must already have some experience. In this matter, it is important to choose everything with a degree of scrupulousness, from tools to materials that will be used.

If you assemble the electronic cigarette incorrectly, then when using it you risk not only external burns to your face, but also severe burns to your respiratory tract. This is another reason to think about how often a cigarette is near your face, and how important it is to protect yourself from incidents. Naturally, you are unlikely to be able to make liquids yourself, without proper knowledge in the field of chemistry, so you will have to buy them in any case.

However, there are craftsmen who manage to create their own fillers with a couple of simple reagents and oils, mixing everything at random. At such moments, thinking about saving now, they hardly think about how much money they can spend on treatment in the future!

After all, if you don’t know the proportions in which all this needs to be mixed, then it’s not at all difficult to harm yourself, and sometimes those around you. It is quite normal for special sets that have already been purchased to simply be mixed in different proportions to create unique flavors. But there are craftsmen who, using glycerin and other ingredients, go through the entire manufacturing process on their own. Moreover, they often buy all the components through Chinese stores or secondhand in order to save as much money as possible.

As a result, from all of the above we can conclude that it is much safer to simply buy a cigarette than to create it yourself. Without the proper knowledge and skills, you risk harming your health, so the further content of the article is recommended only for experienced vapers!

Making a homemade case

In order for your homemade electronic cigarette to look beautiful enough, you will also need to make the body yourself. As mentioned above, you could buy it at the store, but you can also make it yourself.

Make a cut on some cardboard tube. The cut should run along the entire length. Now set the diameter of your tube. It should be such that the batteries can be inserted without much effort. Then set the length of the appropriate batteries, and then draw a loop from the bottom of the wire and firmly attach it to the bend with a bracket or glue. Finally, you need to wrap the top of the tube with an elastic band.

You can install a battery in the made tube. From the very beginning, you connected the wire to it so that the minus pointes down. The wire itself must be installed in a special way. Its clamp should protrude from the top of the cardboard flask. You can secure the clip using an elastic band. Install the remaining batteries into the case in the same order in which you installed the first one.

Cardboard tube option

If you have already decided to find out exactly how to assemble an electronic cigarette yourself, then it is worth saying that the simplest “complete set” of a homemade product is a cigarette in a cardboard tube, it is made as follows.

No. 1 Selecting batteries and wires

Our choice is either 3 “D” or 4 “C”, it all depends on what is convenient for you. Having selected the batteries, we connect and assemble them into a serial chain using an electric wire, approximately 3 cm longer than the total length of the folded batteries.

No. 3 We make a contact spiral

We make a spiral using 5-8 cm of bare wires, the clamp must be installed at the opposite end of the wire, and the wire itself must be crimped with pliers.

We attach the spiral end to the negatives of the battery, and attach it using electrical tape.

No. 5 We make the body

Since our cigarette version is cheap, we will have to save on the body. Let's make it from a cardboard tube cut along the entire length. Afterwards, we adjust the tube until its diameter allows the batteries to be inserted without effort, and does not allow a lot of extra space. We install one battery, check the loop at the bottom of the wire, and firmly attach it to the bend with glue, and wrap the top of the tube with an elastic band.

No. 6 Installing batteries into the case

Next, we install the original battery into the resulting device, but do it so that the minus point is facing the bent end. Install the wire so that the clamp on top of the cardboard bulb protrudes slightly. All other batteries are installed according to the same principle.

No. 7 Refining the cartridge

The most difficult part here will be creating the plugs to install the cartridges. Most V2 cartridges already have a special connector. We only need a plug, which we can make by simply wrapping a screw with electrical tape and cutting out the letter T from ordinary metal. We bend the letter around our “plug”.

No. 8 Assembling a homemade cigarette

To finally prepare the cigarette, attach the clamp to the outer rings of the installed cartridges. The cigarette is activated by connecting the central terminal in the cartridge and the plus of the battery from the very top. If you are not using a cigarette, make sure that these contacts do not touch, otherwise the fibers inside it may overheat, which will lead to quite disastrous consequences. It is also worth protecting such a cigarette from short circuits, and then it will serve you for a long time and will save you a lot of money!

Preparatory stage

Our work begins with making a pattern for the product. To do this, place our Eleaf iStick on a sheet of paper and trace it with a pencil. Next comes a very important point - in accordance with the thickness of the device, we need to make allowances for the seams. The diameter of our Eleaf iStick is 20 mm, therefore, on each side we add 8-9 mm. If you are in doubt about the dimensions, then based on observations, during operation the material will stretch a little, so it is better to let the device fit into the case quite tightly at first. We give seam allowances and cut out our pattern. We attach the pattern to the material for the future case and trace the pattern with a pencil. We cut out 2 halves of the future cover.

Not every leather substitute will be dense enough, so, as in our case, it needs to be thickened a little. We need to take white adhesive interlining, cut out rectangles a little larger than our blanks and iron them with an iron. If anyone doesn’t know that in order to glue interlining, the workpiece needs to be placed on the wrong side, with interlining placed on top.

The glue pimples on the non-woven fabric should be on the workpiece side. Placed and glued with an iron. In our case, it was necessary to glue it twice to achieve the desired rigidity. Once the required number of layers have been glued, the excess interlining from the workpiece must be removed.


A mech mod is a difficult item to handle and maintain, and is in no way intended for a beginner in electronic vaping. Also, fur is not suitable for those who are not ready to care for the device, devoting enough time and close attention to it.

Finally, those looking for a universal vape device with many functions for several atomizers or clearomizers should shift their attention from mechanics to electronic mods

True fans of electronic vaping always have in their arsenal at least one setup assembled using an original mech mod. Standing on a table or glinting in your hand, such a vape device emphasizes the style no worse than an expensive watch or smartphone from a famous brand. The mechanical mod is the absolute choice of the cloud chaser, for whom sub-ohm winding is the only way to create a victorious cloud size. For everyone else, mechanics will become the most interesting hobby, the most practical approach to vaping, and perhaps even a collector's hobby.

The author of the article hopes that the explanations provided will be useful to you and will help make your choice simpler and clearer. If you would like to purchase one of the original mechanical mods for your collection, please refer to the corresponding section of our catalog.

Mechanical mods are a special type of vape device, consisting of a hollow metal tube, a button and a connector. This device is designed to short-circuit the battery to the atomizer, followed by heating the coils to produce vapor. These devices are intended for more experienced users rather than beginners. Despite the simplicity of design, mech mods can pose some danger in the hands of a beginner. But if you decide to get a mechanical mod, then we will help you make your choice and tell you about the main nuances of using these devices.

Externally, mechanical mods can have different shapes, colors, and materials. Mech mods do not have a board, display or control buttons, like most box mods. Accordingly, you will have to control the temperature, voltage and resistance yourself. As you can see, there is nothing special to break there, so mechanical mods last much longer than their counterparts with a board.

Mech mods have a very simple design and consist of only three main parts: a button, a housing and a connector. The basic elements are very simple, but have many options and modifications, each of which has its own pros and cons. The main task of a mechanical mod is performance and power; each part of it must have minimal voltage drops. To better understand why the power of the mechanical mod and voltage drops depend, it is best to disassemble each part separately.

Let's move on directly to the materials from which mechanical mods are most often made:

  • Copper;
  • Brass;
  • Stainless steel;
  • precious metals (silver, gold, platinum).

Advantages of self-liquid

The question arises, why does such a need arise? After all, the market is full of various liquids. However, there are advantages to e-juice prepared at home, let’s look at them:

  • preparing the liquid at home is much cheaper;
  • liquid prepared at home is much better than industrial liquid;
  • the ability to come up with different flavors and choose the strength.

Every advanced amateur knows how to make vape juice at home for a certain type of device. It is worth knowing that for each vape or electronic cigarette there is a special liquid of a certain consistency. It is important to understand that the taste depends on the amount of glycerin in the liquid. There is a special theory about how to do self-mixing.

Precautionary measures

As practice has shown, the most dangerous thing in making electronic cigarettes yourself is a rash idea - to create a flavored liquid at home. Therefore, if you do not have a good education as a chemist, then do not even try to do something. This is fraught not only with facial burns (at best), but also with serious damage to the respiratory tract (including not only burns, but also dangerous diseases). Today you will save money, and tomorrow you will spend 10 times more on treatment (at least).

Main components

There are several parts in an electronic cigarette that are responsible for its design. The main components can be called a microchip, a removable cartridge, an atomizer, and a battery. You can purchase these parts for free sale both in regular stores and on the Internet.

In addition, there is a need to buy the case itself. You, of course, can make it yourself, but if you buy a case that is made at a factory, then the likelihood of a thing like a homemade electronic cigarette breaking will be minimal, and it will look very nice.

How does a mechanical box mod work?

Those who want to make their own vape need to understand the basic operating principle of an electronic cigarette.
After this, you need to use your imagination a little and assemble an electronic cigarette at home from purchased or found necessary parts. Let's take the most accessible device for self-assembly - this is a version of a mechanical box mod. It operates on the principle of transmitting high current battery voltage to the atomizer coils. A special button is used for this. With the help of mosfet, the loss of battery power is reduced and the button contacts are preserved. In this image we see an excellent diagram - here a DIY electronic cigarette is shown from the inside. All you need is 14 AWG Copper wire, a 510 connector, a mosfet, a button and a battery compartment. All this can be obtained by going to a radio parts store or ordering from an online store. In this case, the most expensive item is high current batteries. Here you can take both 18650 and 20A battery options - for example, Sony VTC5, or at least Samsung 25R. In addition, to assemble this device you need to use a soldering iron, find the case, and use your straight hands. Those who, for various reasons, cannot get a case for a “mechbox” can use their imagination and use a large plastic soap dish, an old flashlight, or just wood to make the case. We must not forget about the holes that should be made in the housing so that gases can escape through them.

It is important to remember that if you make any mistake during the manufacture of such an electronic cigarette, this can lead to disastrous consequences. Therefore, each master of this device takes full responsibility for his health.

At the moment, we have become familiar with the operating principle of the “mechbox” and found out how to assemble a vape with our own hands. Next, we’ll figure out what the atomizer is used for.

Homemade pulse soldering iron with your own hands

The principle of operation of a pulse tool is to supply a small current to the tip during soldering, and not constantly. To assemble such a super fast heating soldering iron (for example, Moment), you will have to use a transformer.

What else is needed:

  • LED indicators;
  • Copper wire;
  • Plastic body;
  • Stand made of dielectrics;
  • On/off button.

The operating principle of a pulse soldering iron is a little more complicated than that of a conventional device with a heating element. To start creating it, you will first have to tinker with the transformer, as well as make calculations and select the wire.

You can use a switching power supply, and in this case the transformer just needs to be slightly altered and rewinded.

This is done like this:

  • The secondary winding is removed and rewinding is done using a couple of turns of wire;
  • The transformer with a new winding is placed in the prepared housing;
  • Instead of a switch, a button to turn on the device is inserted;
  • A dielectric stand is mounted, and a copper loop is fixed on it - a thin tip;
  • The tip is then connected to the secondary winding of the transformer;
  • All that remains is to make the handle.

During operation, you do not need to hold the button in the on state for a long time, as in this case the device may overheat and fail.

What problems might arise?

It's easy to make a mistake when assembling a vape. The most common problem is a poorly charging battery. This is due to natural wear and tear on the battery, poorly soldered or deformed wires, or a damaged USB port.

Laptop batteries that have been actively used for 5-7 years are unlikely to give a good charge. It should be understood that even one spiral consumes a large amount of energy. Chargers from the new PowerBank are a guarantee of long-lasting autonomous vaping.

If a wooden mod is made with a new USB board, the quality of soldering connections is carefully checked before starting. It is easy to critically damage a component during the soldering process. Charging the PowerBanl will take 2-4 hours or more depending on the modification.

Advantages and Cautions

The main advantages of electronic cigarettes are that there are no tars and carcinogens, and also that the cigarette does not burn when smoked, not emitting about four thousand chemical compounds and not being a fire hazard. In addition, it does not pollute the environment, operates in a wide temperature range, and the temperature of the smoke itself is close to that of the human body.

The electronic device uses an electromagnetic shield, and as a result does not produce any electromagnetic radiation. In addition, as mentioned above, it has very little nicotine, which is harmful to people. In each of the liquid containers there is less than 20 of the most common cigarettes.

It is extremely important to remember that even electronic cigarettes are in no way suitable for children under 18 years of age, or generally for people who do not have a smoking habit. In addition, if a person is allergic to nicotine or any of the direct components of the aerosol, then he should not use this device.

Material properties for manufacturing

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET). It is plastic, has high impact resistance, mechanical strength, resistance to organic acids, alkali, metal salts, alcohols (including propylene glycol - the main component in smoking refills). Sensitive to ultraviolet radiation (decomposes slowly). Operating temperature range from –40 °C to +60 °C. Abrasion resistant.


Flexographic method (use of flexible printing forms). Used on elastic, rounded surfaces. Bright, clear image (circulations from 10,000 copies).

Scope of application:

  • Companies producing nicotine-containing products;
  • Tobacco stores;
  • Specialized enterprises for the preparation of certified smoking mixtures.

Main characteristics of polyethylene terephthalate:

Density of amorphous PET, g/cm31,33
Density of crystalline PET, g/cm31,45
Density of amorphous-crystalline PET, g/cm31,38-1,40
Coefficient of thermal expansion (melt)6,55·10-4
Thermal conductivity, W/(m K)0,14
Compressibility (melt), MPa99·106
Dielectric constant at 23 °C and 1 kHz3,25
Dielectric loss tangent at 1 MHz0,013-0,015
Elongation at break, %12-55
Glass transition temperature of amorphous PET, °C67
Glass transition temperature of crystalline PET, °C81
Melting point, °C250-265
Decomposition temperature, °C350
Tensile strength, MPa172
Tensile modulus of elasticity, MPa1,41·104
Moisture absorption,%0,3
Permissible residual moisture, %0,02
Frost resistance, °Cup to –60


How to make an electronic one yourself make an electronic one How to make an electronic one yourself make an electronic one It’s better to do it for yourself make the most you can make it How to make an electronic one how to make an electronic one and make it yours Electronic cigarettes Electronic cigarettes electronic cigarette from homemade cigarettes electronic cigarette into an electronic cigarette by Electronic cigarettes Electronic cigarettes make an electronic cigarette make an electronic cigarette Electronic vaping with your own hands with your own hands. with your own hands. with your own hands and hands. with your own hands. with your own hands the body is assembled with your own hands.

article flashlight vaporizer own ready-made

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