DIY toys for children, simple and original, made from scrap materials


This product is not so difficult to make, so you can entrust the craft to a small child.

Attention! A child cannot build a sailboat on his own; he will need the help of an adult.

Look at pictures of ships with the boy and decide on the model of your sailing vessel. A plastic bottle is used as a basis. In order for the ship to float on the surface, you need to select the appropriate box, which will serve as the foundation for the craft.

In order for the mast to hold, you need to cut a hole for it. The mast itself is made from a skewer or other stick. To ensure it holds tightly, secure it with a glue gun.

The rest of the design - sails, pennants, flags - are made of colored paper. Give your boy the opportunity to fantasize.

The ship is not so difficult to make, so you can entrust the craft to a small child

Read more: Options for creating paper boats of varying complexity.


A very popular technology due to its versatility. It consists of gluing fragments in a certain order.

It doesn’t have to be paper; they use cotton pads, fabric, seeds, cereals, pasta, leaves.


The craft is made entirely of paper. Children 6-7 years old can make it with their own hands, even without the help of moms and dads. To make it, the following parts are cut out:

  • rocket body;
  • bow;
  • window and part for the stand.

First the body is glued together. The upper part should be in the form of a cone. Two cuts are made on the stand: one at the top, the other at the bottom. The parts are connected. Porthole windows are glued to the body part. 4 cuts are made at the bottom. The rocket is installed on a stand.

The craft is made entirely of paper. Children 6-7 years old can make it with their own hands even without the help of moms and dads

Cotton pads

This soft material is sure to please children. Crafts made from it, touching and cute, usually take the form of appliqué or mosaic.

The discs can be used either in their original form or, being painted, glued in whole or in part, making the applique three-dimensional, and serve as both independent elements and details for a picture made according to a template.


Boys love cars, airplanes, and boats. Making them is also a fun activity. For example, making an airplane out of paper with your own hands is not so difficult. To work you will need:

  • Matchbox;
  • colored cardboard;
  • white sheets;
  • glue and scissors.

Make a white matchbox base out of paper - this will become the cockpit for the pilot. After this, cut a strip of thick colored paper and fold it in half. This blank is glued to the box as the tail part. Its base is made of cardboard; several rectangles are cut out for this purpose.

On one of them the corners are rounded, and the second is folded. Afterwards, these parts are glued and glued to the tail of the aircraft. After this, the wings are cut out of cardboard and glued to the box. Finally, the propeller is cut out and painted.

Idea! Such a souvenir can serve as a gift to a peer.

Boys love cars, airplanes, and boats. Making them is also a fun activity.

Plasticine car

First, you should select the desired color and roll out the plasticine into a tube, one of the sides of which should be thinner. Now flatten the sausage. Wheels are made from dark plasticine (black or dark blue). Next you need to twist two white tubes.

One of them is attached along the entire length to the car body. After this, a ball is made from dark plasticine, which is divided into 3 parts, a second white stripe is attached to it, and the whole thing is installed on the body of a racing car. All is ready.

Plasticine car

Candy soccer ball

This soccer ball can be made as a gift, as it consists of candies. Prepare the following material for work:

  • candies whose candy wrappers are black and white;
  • toothpicks;
  • scissors and glue;
  • ball and mesh, which can be found in the floral departments.

First, the ball must be wrapped in a net, otherwise it may crumble when making the ball. A toothpick is stuck into each candy. Now gradually insert them into the ball, forming a soccer ball pattern.

This soccer ball can be made as a gift, as it consists of candies


A very common type of creativity of varying levels of complexity.

In addition to the long-familiar airplane and boat, there are many other interesting works. You can find entire manuals on the Internet and in bookstores, including diagrams with detailed collection instructions.

Using diapers as a gift for a newborn boy

This gift of diapers for boys can be given to a baby. New parents will appreciate stocking up on essential items.

To give an exclusive gift to new parents, prepare the following tools for work:

  • 15-20 diapers;
  • skewers;
  • sky-colored ribbon;
  • sliders;
  • fabric scraps.

The diapers are rolled into a shape that resembles a boat. Now secure them with blue tape. The sliders are placed on top, attach the scraps to straws or skewers to make sails, and secure them to the resulting boats.

This gift of diapers for boys can be given to a baby


Trimming is a way of creating textured compositions that resemble a carpet.

It is not necessary for a younger student to aim for a full-fledged landscape. With this technique, it’s enough to start learning how to design the elements of a drawing.

To create the elements you need squares of corrugated paper and a match. Cover the match with paper so that it takes the desired shape and glue it to the drawing.

Race car for a first grader

Eight-year-old children can already do many easy crafts with their own hands, without parental help. You need to start with simpler products. For example, invite your child to create a racing car.

For this you will need:

  • cardboard from the set;
  • a sleeve that comes in toilet paper;
  • felt-tip pens with scissors.

A hole is made in the middle part of the hub where the rider himself should sit. Wheels and steering wheel are cut out of cardboard. Let your child paint them and install them on the body.

If the boy has small toy men, then one of them can be seated in a homemade racing car.

Eight-year-olds can already do many easy crafts with their own hands, without parental help.


If you need to make a craft for a junior school for boys, help your child make an aquarium. For this you will need a shoe box, cardboard, glue, cocktail straws:

  • At the bottom of the box, draw algae, water, and several small fish. Remember that the box will be on its side;
  • In 2-3 places, glue pieces of cocktail tubes, 2-3 cm long, to the bottom of the box;
  • Cut out fish and corals from cardboard;
  • Glue the fish to the protruding edge of the plastic tubes;
  • Glue the corals to the very edge of the box;
  • Place the aquarium on its side.

You will get an imitation of an aquarium with voluminous fish and corals.

Pirate ship for ten year olds

From the age of 10, a child can be offered more complex designs that use glue, scissors, and more details. At this age, boys' imagination is better developed, so more options for crafts can be offered. One of them is a pirate ship on which robbers roamed the seas.

Prepare the following tools:

  • a small box (for example, a juice box);
  • straw;
  • foil;
  • colored paper;
  • Matchbox;
  • soft wire;
  • pencils;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • adhesive tape;
  • glue.

The box is covered with paper of your favorite color. After this, two strips with a width of 4 cm and a length corresponding to the body of the box are cut out of the foil. Holes are made in the strip. The pirate flag is also cut out of foil. The strips are glued to the side of the ship. And the mugs are towards the bow of the ship. A straw is attached to the top of the ship, to which a sail made of colored paper is attached. The matchbox is covered with paper (red) and glued to the deck. A steering wheel is made from wire and attached to the ship. To prevent the product from sinking in the water, it should be covered with tape on the side.

Works about Merry Men

There are a number of cartoons in which members of the “Merry Men Club” act - two films by Pyotr Nosov from the “Merry Men” series, a series of films by Vakhtang Bakhtadze about Samodelkin and a new cartoon of 1996 in the “retro” style:

  • The Adventures of Samodelkin (1957) did not find
  • At exactly three fifteen (1959) see link above
  • █ Soviet cartoon. "Self-made athlete." (1962)

  • Where did I see him? (1965) see above link
  • Samodelkin in space (1971) did not find
  • Samodelkin under water (1977) did not find
  • I didn’t find Samodelkin at the exhibition (1980)
  • Samodelkin's Gift (1983) not found

Photo frame with colored pencils

This craft is also suitable as a gift for a friend or sister. Get your child interested and explain that a homemade gift is much better than a store-bought one. If desired, he can supplement the homemade gift with a purchased gift.

This craft is also suitable as a gift for a friend or sister.

For such an original photo frame, you need to take thick cardboard or a ready-made store-bought photo frame. Pencils of different colors, but of the same size, are glued to the edges. Everyone has small pieces of pencil left, sharpen them so that they are all the same. Using a glue gun, glue them to the edges of the frame.

Mosaic paintings

Colored bottle caps are most often used as mosaic details, but you can also use buttons, grains, cereals, beads and other similar parts that are used to lay out pictures, patterns and ornaments.

To make such crafts from scrap materials with their own hands, children need to work hard: this work requires attention and perseverance. But the result will certainly please both young artists and their parents.

Working with various materials - paper, fabric, glue, improvised means - children learn to see beauty in the ordinary, creating it with their own hands, they understand that to get a result you need to make an effort, and to invent something new - imagination.

All this is an integral part of raising a well-rounded personality. This means you shouldn’t waste time in coming up with and making a new craft with your baby, supporting him and letting him create a miracle with his own hands.

Lego crafts

If you don’t want to sit with your child and control the process of making crafts, then buy a Lego set for your young creator. He will independently make various figures from the construction set. This is great for shaping thinking.

Attention! Just don’t give this toy to very young children, as the construction set contains many small parts.

Boys enjoy assembling ships, cars, planes and other types of transport from Lego. You can build a whole police city, where there will be houses and residents. All you need is a child's imagination. And parents will be able to relax during this time.

Boys enjoy assembling ships, cars, planes and other types of transport from Lego.

Biography and image of Samodelkin

You can learn about the hero’s biography from the book by Yuri Druzhkov (Postnikov). Together with his friend Pencil, the hero leaves the toy store and heads to the city. Samodelkin’s friend knows how to draw various objects, animals and people, who immediately come to life and run away. The friends' troubles begin when Pencil accidentally impersonates pirates.

As a result of the “revival”, the villain takes the artist on board the ship, and Samodelkin ends up in a foundry. There the hero is saved by a steelworker who recognizes an old acquaintance in a pile of scrap metal. Together they save Pencil. After these dangerous adventures, the friends open a school in the city.

Crafts made from plywood

Another type of material for crafts for boys is plywood. It is often used in labor lessons for older children who are already 10 years old. Since you already need to use cutting objects as tools, namely a jigsaw and files.

But the crafts turn out great. In this way you can make a toy for your younger sister or brother, any type of transport, a painting, a kitchen board for your mother, etc. The craft can be decorated with paints and varnished. It will turn out very beautiful.

Another type of material for crafts for boys is plywood.

You might be interested in: Making a cool paper gun with your own hands.

Useful tips

Initially, you need to decide on the specific type of children's crafts for boys that will be made. It is worth taking into account the child’s age, his interests, hobbies, preferences, so that the son finds it interesting.

Parents should prepare their son in advance. It is also important to arouse his interest in the planned activity. It is worth preparing the necessary materials and tools in advance.

It is worth taking care of the place where the craft will be done. It should be comfortable. When working, adults must supervise the child.

Robots from various boxes

Even a child can do this craft. You just need your mom's help. Take boxes of different sizes from your supplies. Two of them should be slightly smaller than the others. These will be the robot's legs. Now each box needs to be covered with colored paper. You can take different colors, it will be more fun.

Now start assembling the robot itself. The largest box is the body part, the smaller box will be the head. And two identical boxes - legs. Hands can be made from wire, which is lined with cotton wool and wrapped in material. Further, the process depends on the imagination of the mother and child. Glue eyes, nose, mouth, you can make antennas on the head, various buttons, etc.

Even a child can do this craft. Just need mom's help

A child who does something independently develops logical thinking, imagination and creativity. Such children will always do well in school. And most importantly, the child develops a love of work.

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