How to make felt boots from cardboard. Felting felt boots: for a doll, video master class from dry wool, at home, souvenir template, pattern for wet felting, children's felting for beginners

Making a gift: felting from wool - souvenir felt boots

Mini felt boots are considered a symbol of winter - frosty, snowy and beautiful! Small felt boots are an excellent gift for loved ones under the Christmas tree and for housewarming, because since ancient times felt boots have been considered a talisman for the home, family happiness and the health of the owners of the home. Such a souvenir was given to families so that they could live in prosperity and prosperity. It was believed that felt boots brought not only wealth to the house, but also beautiful, healthy babies to childless families.

To change the monotonous color of felt boots, you need to decorate them with any pattern

Mini-felt boots were called “whisperers” because often household members whispered their most secret desires into them - to find happiness, find their soul mate, get wealth or get rid of unwanted diseases. For this purpose, a pair of felt boots was made, a coin was placed in one, and wheat grain in the other. Before the sun rose, everyone said their wishes to the felt boots-whispers and then they were hung over the entrance to the house. Everyone believed that their wishes would come true.

Nowadays, such customs are unlikely to be found in cities, but still felt boots often find a place in apartments, as a talisman against evil and misfortune.

Today felt boots are not in fashion

This is what capricious girls can say, referring to their grandfather’s old shoes. It was warm and very practical, especially with galoshes, but it was not particularly beautiful. But today the approach to making shoes has changed, although the very principle of how to felt felt boots has remained the same.

Now they are more like boots with beaded or rhinestone embroidery, with fur trim and rubber soles. Of course, you most likely won’t be able to create a work of art the first time, but it’s worth a try. However, the shoes will still be practical. Next time it will come out much more beautiful.

How to felt felt boots for a doll using dry felting: necessary materials

Today, crafts such as souvenir felt boots or felt boots for a doll are popular among needlewomen. Dolls are different, so the size of felt boots also varies. Mini felt boots can be put on the doll’s feet, or can be used as decoration for the New Year and Christmas holidays. Such an unusual gift can greatly please a child. Of course, such a craft is unlikely to be suitable for a boy. To decorate felt boots, you can use decorative painting.

Making felt boots with dry felting is a little more difficult than with wet felting, because it is very difficult to make shoes of the same size.

When making felt boots for a doll, the color of the wool should be chosen so that it blends harmoniously with the shade of the clothes

To work you will need:

  • Merino wool (combed tape) of any color;
  • Felting needles of different thicknesses;
  • Decor;
  • Thick handle.

The most important thing when working on felt boots is to lay out equal layers of yarn, and then form the shape of slippers.

The essence of felting is to form a shape. You can shape the doll's felt boots either manually or using the same doll (or rather, its legs). Once formed, you can begin felting with the thickest needle. When it comes to the boot, you need to insert a handle into the hole, thus forming a cavity inside the felt boot. We work very carefully on the outer shell of the felt boots, then pull out the handle and fill them from the inside. As you work, the wool gradually thickens, and the shape of the future felt boot emerges.

How to make a template for felting felt boots

Making any felt boots - small or life-size - begins with preparing a template according to which the felt boots will be laid.

It is best to make a template from a waterproof material that is quite durable and at the same time flexible. The underlay for the laminate is ideal for this type of work - construction insulation. You can also choose thin foam rubber, but there is a significant disadvantage when using it - it will absorb soap solution.

The template for felt boots should be made of durable material so that it does not tear during use.

To create a good template, first draw on a sheet of paper folded in half the shape and size of the felt boot you would like to make. Add a couple of centimeters along the contour and draw a new felt boot. This is a supply for wool. We cut out the template along the second contour. It turns out to be double felt boots connected to each other.

We attach the template sheet to the future workpiece made of construction insulation and outline it with a felt-tip pen. We cut out carefully so as not to go beyond the boundaries of the contour.

Your template is ready. You can start felting!

Craft for children

With the kids you can make a very simple paper felt boots craft. This product can also be used to decorate a room for the New Year or use it as a Christmas tree decoration.

Draw a pattern (you can use the template proposed in the first master class). For one felt boot you need to make two paper blanks. The parts need to be glued together. Now all that remains is to decorate the felt boots and that’s it, for decoration you can use appliqués, artificial snow and much more that comes to your mind.

In ancient times, they were purchased only by rich people. The peasants made do with one pair for the whole family. DIY felt boots evoke memories of something warm, pleasant and a little outdated. No matter how progress progresses, the warmest and most comfortable shoes for cold and harsh winter weather are felt boots. Even the most fashionable girls happily wear them. Today's high fur boots are decorated with embroidery, drawings and stones.

Many novice needlewomen are interested in knowing how the creation process occurs. It is long and complex, so it is better to start making miniature felt boots as a holiday souvenir or New Year's toy.

Material used

  • skein
  • a small amount of building insulation;
  • soapy water;
  • oilcloth;
  • mosquito net;
  • sprayer;
  • scissors.

Proper felting of felt boots with your own hands (photo of the process)

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Which technique is best?

The ultimate goal of the process is to obtain dense felt fabric (felt) from lush and voluminous wool. There are two main felting techniques: Dry. The wool is pierced many times with a special needle. This method is not relevant when making decorative felt boots for a doll.

IMPORTANT: this method is used in the manufacture of volumetric products.

Wet. Soap and water are used. It is used for the manufacture of clothes and shoes of any size, and, therefore, this is the method we will use.

What you will need for work.

Now you can get to work.

Felting felt boots from wool: master class and step-by-step instructions

To make felt boots we will use the wet felting method. Ready-made colored wool is suitable for this. For the felt boots template you will need a small piece of construction insulation. When the entire manufacturing process becomes clear, you can choose the most appropriate devices yourself. To work, you also need to have a spray bottle with soapy water and a perforated mesh for felting.

How to make mini felt boots:

  1. We cut out a template for future felt boots from the insulation material. It bends, but at the same time holds its shape quite well. Take a piece of colored wool and stretch it with both hands. You should get a wide strand of colored fibers. The strands should extend beyond the edges of the template.
  2. We lay this strand across the template, the next layer is perpendicular to the first. We apply the third layer diagonally. We fix the third layer with the fourth layer if unevenness is visible. Make sure that there are no gaps between the rows of wool.
  3. We wet the workpiece with soapy water so that all layers are well saturated. Place a mesh on top and press tightly.
  4. Carefully turn the mesh down so that the template is on top. We wrap the wool that has protruded beyond the edges and press it tightly.
  5. Repeat points 3 and 4 on this side.
  6. If the wool protrudes beyond the edges, turn the template over and bend it to the first side.

Before starting to make felt boots, it is recommended to watch a training video with a master class and study the advice of experts

Attention! The workpiece must be free of irregularities and symmetrical. If there are protrusions or depressions, you need to add wool and press with a napkin. Don't skimp on material in this matter. Use as much as you need!

Further actions:

  1. We wet the finished template well with soapy water and begin felting. Cover the workpiece with a perforated napkin and begin rubbing. If you have an orbital sander, you can use that. If not, we work with our fingers or a rolling pin.
  2. You need to spend 15-20 minutes on each side if you work with your hands. Okay, three of us, we’re trying to feel how the fur falls off.
  3. We cut the template in half - we get two felt boots, and we work out the edges well.
  4. We remove the insulation that served as a template and manually cut three mini felt boots from the inside, shaping their appearance.
  5. Felt boots should be the same shape and well felted.
  6. After felting the felt boots, you need to rinse them well in clean water to get rid of soap and dry them.
  7. You can decorate them with beads by sewing the decor to still wet felt boots.

This felting technology can be applied to slippers, mittens and other items of clothing.

Felting felt boots at home: general information

Felting is a type of needlework that uses natural and synthetic wool. Felting involves tangling wool fibers in such a way as to give it the desired shape. The process, although not difficult to understand, is quite labor-intensive.

Homemade felt boots are very highly valued. In the old days, only very wealthy people could afford such pleasure. They were made mainly from sheep's wool. Nowadays machines are used for felting. The machine makes it possible to produce more things in a short time than would be done with your own hands. But the machines require spacious premises. A well-equipped workshop can make a good profit if felt boots are sold, as was done in the old days. Not a single fair was held without the sale of felt boots.

Felting felt boots was a popular but expensive activity that originated in Rus'.

To make felt boots at home, you need to purchase special tools.

You can felt felt boots at home without any problems. But before doing needlework, you need to study general information in order to understand the intricacies of the craft. The easiest way to felt is children's and decorative felt boots.

The pattern for them is almost the same, and the size is much smaller than for adults.

Felting can be divided into two types: dry and wet. When felting using the dry technique, the wool is pierced with a special needle until it becomes a homogeneous, dense and voluminous product. To do this, you should use special pads. You can decorate the finished work at your discretion, sew on ribbons or buttons, glue on sequins and rhinestones. Mainly used for toys, dolls, and jewelry.

When wet felting, a soap solution is used to soak the wool and the felting process occurs with the help of friction. Using this technique, mostly flat products are made - paintings, canvases, small jewelry.

The following materials are used for felting:

  • Wool – camel wool, combed tape (merino wool), angora;
  • Mesh backing for wool;
  • Felting needles (for dry felting);
  • Soap solution (for wet felting);
  • Vibratory sander (for wet felting);
  • Decor.

The most famous item made using wool felting is felt boots. Their popularity has decreased over time, but even now felt boots are high-quality, and most importantly, warm shoes.

Before making felt boots for family members, you should try to make a small prototype of them in order to understand what problems you may encounter when working with wool. To make it easier, you can use felt templates and patterns.

DIY shoes for dolls @ Oksana Lifenko

Crochet for Paola Reina dolls

I would like to bring to your attention the creation of shoes for Paola Reina dolls with my own hands. And, as they say, you can never have too many shoes (have you noticed that if you constantly sew and knit outfits for your little ones, then there is a catastrophic shortage of them????).

It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to make shoes from leather or suede. After all, shoes can be knitted???? .

Knit several pairs of shoes of different colors, with different types of laces (which can be knitted, woven, or used instead of satin ribbons and ready-made cords). Boots can be decorated with various embroidery, beads, and buttons. You can also change their height.

So very simply and with your own hands you can get many, many different shoes for different outfits and looks of your dolls.

So, let's start creating our cute little shoes.

To knit shoes for dolls with your own hands, we will need yarn and a hook. I used Alize Forever microfiber (50 g/300 m) in blue (141), lilac (166) and cornflower blue (140) shades, and a 1.5 mm hook.

In all my descriptions I use the following abbreviations:

V.p. - air loop
  • RLS - single crochet
  • PSBN - half single crochet
  • PSSN - half double crochet
  1. Dc - single crochet
  2. С2Н - double crochet stitch
  3. Prop. - skip
  4. Track. - next

Boots are knitted in circular rows, unless otherwise indicated, we do not turn the knitting.

Shoes for a doll made of felt

Hi all. Today, as promised, I tried to sew shoes for my daughter’s dolls from felt. And now I’ll tell you what happened.

First, as expected, I made a pattern. The first shoes (I made two pairs of shoes) consist of three parts. Sole, toe and heel.

Then I traced the patterns onto felt. Everything is in duplicate.

Next, I attached the front part to the sole with needles so that it would not move when sewing.

I started stitching the first shoe from the middle. I don’t know why, but it seemed more convenient to me. The second one I sewed “humanly” from edge to edge.

In general, I sewed the front part to the sole.

Then I secured the backdrop with needles. Before this I also cut holes for the laces.

Well, therefore, I sewed it on.

I also covered the holes for the laces with thread.

I did the same with the second shoe.

Then I started making decorations. At this stage, it became clear that if you know what the shoe should look like in the end, then it is more convenient to do the decor first, before the parts are sewn.

I sewed a flower shaped bead on the front. On the back there is a strip of yellow felt. And from the same felt there is a semicircle on the side.

They turned out to be very cute little shoes. Both the daughter and the doll are happy))).

I also wanted to make fancy shoes. This is what happened.

First I made a pattern. It was different from the first one. It has a sole, but the upper consists of only one part.

I traced the pattern on felt, also twice.

I sewed the top part from the wrong side.

She turned the shoe right side out.

This time I decided to decorate the shoes before sewing on the soles. I cut out five flowers of different sizes from white felt and sewed them on with red thread.

After that, I secured the sole with needles.

Well, I sewed it on.

Then I covered all the loose parts of the shoe with white thread.

And she threaded a thread of floss, which will serve as a lace. If you have something thicker, feel free to use it, because the floss is not very convenient to tie.

The shoes turned out to be a little big, but very elegant. Will fit a slightly larger doll.

It turns out that I really like working with felt. Probably in the near future you will see more than one craft made from this wonderful material. We will definitely do something together with our daughter.

Looking ahead, I want to say that the next article will definitely not be about this. Easter is approaching. And of course you need to bring crafts to kindergarten. This is exactly what my daughter and I will do in the near future. And you will see what we can do in the next article.

That's all for today. Thank you for reading my article. I hope you found it interesting. Write in x what else you would like to see in my articles. Subscribe so you don't miss the next one. It will be interesting!


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