How to make a photo frame with your own hands - decor tips, options for making wood, cardboard at home (120 photo ideas)

Photo collage on the wall from photos without frames: 17 successful ideas

The latest trend in photo collages is creating creative shapes simply from photos without frames. It's fun and can give unexpected results. For your inspiration, we have collected 17 of the best DIY examples. In most cases, photos are mounted directly on the wall, sometimes on thick paper, canvas, or hung on a wire. In any case, these are very cheap ways to create a photo collage. It just takes a little time and imagination. You can print photos of the same or different sizes. It depends on your idea.

What you need to make a cardboard photo frame

The second stage of preparation is the selection of tools and accessories. If cardboard is used as a basis, then production will be quick and simple. You need to prepare in advance:

  • Cardboard. You can choose regular or already decorated;
  • PVA glue and a brush for applying it. If possible, it is better to use a glue gun;
  • Pencil or marker for marking;
  • Scissors and stationery knife;
  • Accessories for dyeing - beads, buttons, ribbons, paper flowers, etc.

Note! It is necessary to focus on the quality of the cardboard, since it will be the basis of the entire structure. Avoid scuffs and cracks; you also need to choose a dense and hard material, without softness.

Ageless b/w

A collage that can grow...

...and become a chic black and white photo wall.

They say that any photo is better in black and white.

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Step-by-step instructions for making it yourself

Now you can proceed directly to production. Let's consider various installation options.

Regular cardboard frame

DIY photo frames made of cardboard can be simple or with complex decor.

First you need to take two sheets of cardboard on which the markings will be made. To do this, you need to attach a photo and use a pencil or pen to draw a diagram.

You need to cut out the front and back of the frame from a piece of cardboard.

Keep in mind that marks should not be made strictly according to the size of the photo, but two to three centimeters larger. And if large-scale decoration is planned, then it is better to retreat 5-7 centimeters. The frame can be rectangular or square.

The craft should be deep enough so that the photograph or painting looks good. To do this, you need to glue the cardboard strip so that it is between the first and second layers.

You should end up with blanks like the one in this photo.

Important! If you use a corrugated base from a box, then the need for a strip disappears.

Now you need to start making the legs for the frame. To do this, you need to draw it and then cut it out using a stationery knife. The leg is attached to the back side. If the frame is hung on the wall, you need to attach a thread or a small hook. Done, now you can start decorating.

All that remains is to decorate the photo frame to your taste.

Volumetric frame

Such designs look very attractive and elegant. To make them you will need everything the same as for a simple frame. The manufacturing steps are identical.

Those who have learned how to make simple photo frames can make more voluminous compositions from cardboard, ready-made templates for which can be easily found in any stationery store.

There are only some exceptions: you need to cut the pieces a little larger than necessary, bend the edges and connect the two parts so that you get a three-dimensional structure. Such a voluminous frame will look great if decorated with voluminous flowers or buttons. This method is good for making kindergarten frames for text and pictures.

Using this method, you can make your own chic photo frame-book.

Photo frame made from cardboard egg boxes

The frame can be made from almost any available materials, including an egg carton. It can be used for decoration, but it is not suitable as a base.

Egg trays are an excellent material for creativity.

Flowers are made from an egg carton. To do this, cut out the cells so that you get petals. From other cells, cut out smaller petals and fasten the elements together with glue to form a rose. Ready. Now the flowers can be glued to a simple or three-dimensional frame.

Every home has at least one cardboard box and glue with scissors.

Roses will look great if you paint them or cover them with glitter; you can additionally use green ribbons as leaves.

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What materials can a photo frame be made from?

First of all, you need to choose the material that will become the basis for the future frame. Let's look at the most popular materials and their characteristics.

Today, photo frames are considered one of the most functional decorative items.

Cardboard photo frame

This is the simplest and most affordable material; a child can also take part in the production if the cardboard photo frame is made with your own hands for children.

They not only allow photographs to be transformed, but are also a worthy interior decoration that attracts the attention of guests.

You can use ready-made colored cardboard or a box as a basis. The main thing is that the material is dense, without cracks or abrasions. In addition, you will need a small set of tools and components. This includes glue, scissors and a stationery knife, as well as material for finishing and decoration.

Many people prefer to make them with their own hands, as it is much cheaper and allows you to turn any design idea into reality.

From paper

This material can also be used in manufacturing, but you need to take into account that the paper is quite soft and it alone will not make a strong and stable frame. You need to use an additional base, such as cardboard, or glue several layers together.

Such an exclusive craft as a photo frame made from cardboard with your own hands is considered a very interesting decorative item.

It is better to choose colored paper. The stores offer a wide range of different products: glossy, matte, glitter, patterned, velvet, metallic, various colors and so on.

Such a frame will not only adequately complement a modern interior, but will also make a good gift for relatives and friends.

Made of wood

Wood is most often used, as it has good characteristics, which allows it to be used for the manufacture of various items.

Wooden boards or slats should be 25 mm or more wide.

It is equally important to pay attention to choosing the right wood. Conventionally, rocks can be divided into two groups: soft and hard. The first includes cedar, pine, thuja, spruce, alder, aspen, and linden. The second includes birch, ash, oak, beech, walnut and maple.

Both soft and hard varieties have certain advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at the most popular solid wood.

You can make such a frame with your own hands, of course, having experience in carpentry.

  1. Alder. It has a low price. When using it, do not use nails, as it may crack severely. A significant advantage is resistance to moisture;
  2. Pine. Low cost, but it cracks quickly and cannot withstand high loads. The advantages are that it has antiseptic properties, disinfects the air and does not deteriorate under the influence of pests;
  3. Linden. Deteriorates quickly under the influence of negative factors: sun, moisture and too dry air;
  4. Oak. A very durable and wear-resistant material that can withstand almost any load. It is also resistant to aggressive environments. But oak is a rather expensive material, so few can afford it;
  5. Ash. It quickly deteriorates under pressure, but does not bend under weight and is not deformed at all. Quite a high cost, but the durability of the material is worth it. In order for it to last a long time, it must be frequently treated for bugs;
  6. Birch. No cracks form, so you can safely hammer nails into it. It is characterized by high strength and durability. The price is not very expensive, so you can safely use it when making savings on the purchase of finished products. The only significant disadvantage of birch is that it must often be treated with a special agent to prevent fungus from forming;
  7. Beech. It has a high density and, if properly processed, has a fairly long service life. With strong temperature changes and high humidity, the tree loses its characteristics. Under the influence of gravity, beech can be greatly deformed.

This frame will be a wonderful gift for significant events such as anniversaries and weddings.
The choice of one or another wood depends on the available funds and personal preferences. It is advisable to choose one that does not deform and does not require too frequent processing. You don’t need a lot of material for a photo frame, so you don’t have to rely on low cost.

Country style frame made of yarn

To make a cute frame in which a family or children's photo will look great, you can use knitting threads. You will need 70-80g of yarn of one or more colors (at your discretion) and two cardboard frames.

Each of the bases must be tightly wrapped with thread, passing twice so that there are no voids left. Now cover the photograph with two of these wrapped frames and once again pass the thread through the entire product, fixing it in this way.

During the winding process, you can string multi-colored beads, buttons onto threads, or decorate a ready-made photo frame with artificial flowers.





Photo frame sizes

The first frames appeared long before the advent of photographs and the ability to take photographs. They were used to frame pictures. The artists chose the sizes of the canvases to their taste, and the owner himself ordered a frame for the finished painting. In those days, painting a picture was not a cheap pleasure, and the design led to additional considerable costs.

With the advent of cameras, manufacturers of photographic products came to the conclusion that standardized frame and photograph parameters significantly reduce the cost of production. This made photography more accessible. The sizes of photo frames were also standardized according to the size of the printed photos.

Most Commonly Used Photo Frame Sizes

Standard sizes of photo frames now mainly depend on the sizes of photo cards printed in a photo salon or studio.

What are the sizes of photo frames:

  • B7 is a well-known size for small photos - 9x13 cm. This size is more suitable for photos in an album, although small photos can be used in multi-frames or modular ones, depending on the designer’s idea.
  • A6 is also one of the most used standards for photos - 10 cm by 15 cm. This is ¼ sheet of the classic A4 paper format.
  • B6 – photo size 13x18 cm, the largest of the common variants of classic photography. This format is large enough to place a photo of this size on the wall; from a distance you can already see the details.
  • A5 - the size of the photo and photo frame, respectively, appeared largely thanks to the same standard A4 sheet, since A5 is half of it and is equal to 21 by 15 centimeters. It is convenient to print this format yourself on a printer at home or at work. Photo frames of this size are most often found.
  • A4 - as in the previous case, we are actually talking about two slightly different standards - 20x30 cm and 21x30 cm. This format is widely used because not only in a photo salon you can print photos in this format. At home, many people print out certificates, thanks, and diplomas, which are then placed on the walls of apartments and offices.

Popular photo sizes of standard A
All of the above are standard frame sizes that are widely used for photo cards that match the parameters.

Custom sizes

Selecting the size of the photo frames discussed above will not be difficult; they are often used and therefore in demand. You can find them in any large office department or in a photo salon. Things are a little more complicated if the dimensions of the required frame differ from the standard, or are shaped like an oval or circle. Or you need a large photo frame. They either have to be ordered online or made individually.

For photos of standard large sizes, frames of sizes A3, A2 or A1 are used, depending on the size of the photo, poster or painting. These parameters correspond to standard sheet sizes of paper and cardboard. So: A3 is 30x40 cm, A2 is 40x60 cm, A1 is 60x80 cm.

In addition to the A and B paper standards, there is a relatively rare group of SRAs. These sizes are a cross between standards A and B. For example, SRA0 is a size of 90x120 cm, and SRA3 is 30 by 45 cm.

Custom SRA size

Unpopular sizes C and B

Rectangular shapes of photographs and photo frames are considered familiar and common. But the square frame is already considered non-standard, and finding it is more problematic. A frame with this shape looks unusual and original, and placing it in the interior is a little more difficult than a rectangular one.

Square photo frames look more unusual than rectangular ones

Round and oval frames are mainly used for portraits. They are reminiscent of the photographic traditions of the past. The very absence of angles in the photograph evokes in viewers associations with something vintage.

Paper heart scrapbooking

You can make a paper heart using the popular scrapbooking technique. The main thing for scrapbooking is multi-layering and the effect of antiquity. Based on this, we select materials for crafts.

Paper heart and craft materials

On the paper heart we glue an openwork paper napkin, an inscription, and an angel figurine.

Glue a paper napkin, an inscription, an angel figurine

We complement the craft with paper flowers and ribbons. Scrapbooking heart - done!

Heart scrapbooking

3D Heart

To create such a heart, first find a place with free walls near a corner. Print out 32 rectangular photos. The size of the photo depends on the desired size of the heart. Glue the photos on one wall according to this scheme: near the corner, attach 5 photos vertically, next to it is a second column of 5 photos, but make the second column one photo higher. Make the third column from 4 photos at the same level as the second column. The fifth column of 2 photos, only make the 5th column one photo lower than the 4th column. In a similar way, make the other half of the heart on the other wall.

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Heart with paper roses

A heart with roses, decorated with a ribbon around the edge, looks very beautiful.

Finish the edge with ribbon

Fold using a stapler or glue the flower buds together.

Forming buds

Glue stems with leaves and buds to the heart. At the bottom we decorate the craft with a beautiful ribbon. Paper heart with flowers - ready!

Paper heart with roses

Original congratulations

Helium balloons are a popular modern decoration for a romantic celebration or an intimate party. To make them even more interesting, suitable photographs will help to add a touch of intimacy and closeness to any event. It will be nice to remember the pleasant moments that connected your loved ones or to give such a gift to the birthday person. On your birthday, you can put numbers with the number of years on the wall - it will be no less original.

Simple hearts made from paper strips

Hearts are easy to make from paper strips using a stapler.

Paper hearts

Dip one edge of the heart in glue.

Dip in glue

We use them to decorate a whole tree, into the silhouette of which it is very easy to turn the contours of a child’s hand cut out of brown paper.

Tree made from a pen print

One by one, glue the hearts to the palm.

Glue the hearts

This way you can design a greeting card or a painting.

Heart applique

Slightly more complex hearts are made from strips of colored paper, the ends of which are twisted into curls. You can make a very beautiful, elegant pendant from such hearts.

Hearts made of colored paper

You can cut a heart out of paper, cut it into strips and glue it onto a plastic tube. We will make a very simple and cute Valentine card.

Heart - valentine

Creative heart from photos

You can create a heart from photographs in another way. To do this you will need whatman paper, a simple pencil, scissors and a lot of photographs. Print the photos the same size (it is better to use the standard 3x4 size), but not on the entire paper. There must be a white frame - it is this that separates the photographs from each other, they look clear, and not like a solid picture. Draw a big heart on whatman paper and cut it out. Glue the photo along the outline of the heart from the bottom, gradually moving up. Then glue the photos, moving from the edges of the heart to the middle. Don't be afraid to go over the edges of other photos, but don't go overboard with it. In this case, there should be no gaps - empty spaces. When the collage is ready, attach the heart to the wall and admire the moments of life.


Life in a window frame

A deep idea of ​​uniting past and present. Photos look great framed in an antique frame filled with mirrors. Such a collage will give any interior a special zest, as well as more light and beauty.

But in order to take photos suitable for such collages, you need to work a little. 18 simple tricks will help in this matter, which will allow even amateurs to take cool professional photos.

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Volumetric paper heart pendant

You can make a very impressive heart pendant from thin tissue paper. We cut out nine identical hearts according to the template.

Cut out nine hearts

Sew the heart in the center using a sewing machine. We do not cut the thread - we will use it to hang the craft.

Sew a heart

We straighten the paper - the voluminous heart is ready!

Volumetric paper heart

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