How to make a postcard, box or envelope with chocolate inside

How to give chocolate in a beautiful and original way?

Chocolate is far from a banal, but a very pleasant and tasty gift for any occasion. You can give chocolate to both a friend and your boss, the main thing is to present it correctly. You can choose any chocolate as a gift: black, milk, white, with additives, domestic, foreign, handmade, a bar of 100, 200 and even 500 grams.

A modern way to “decorate” a chocolate bar is to make a chocolate bowl. This is a special wrapper, glued together with your own hands, decorated to taste. The good thing is that this decor for delicacies can be made for any holiday: New Year, Birthday, professional date (teacher’s, educator’s or doctor’s day).

IMPORTANT: You can purchase decorations for a chocolate card at any store that sells creative materials.

There are several types of chocolate bowls:

  • Chocolate box packaging is intended only to serve as a beautiful packaging for a chocolate bar.
  • Chocolate girl with congratulations - inside each card there are poems or congratulatory words.
  • Chocolate box with tea - in this card you can also put several tea bags (pockets are made for this) or coffee sticks.
  • Chocolate maker with money - on one side there is a special pocket for bills

IMPORTANT: The chocolate bar must be presented solemnly, inserting it into the “chocolate box” packaging and trying not to damage the decor in any way.

Chocolate maker - a way to decorate chocolate for a gift

As a gift to a woman

For a woman, you can choose chocolate with filling

or, for example,
a bar of delicious porous chocolate
. But ladies are capricious people, so it is better to find out about the preferences of the woman being gifted in advance.

To decorate a gift, you can use the idea of ​​​​making an original thick cardboard cover for chocolate with ribbon ties. After you unfold the cover, on one side there will be a pocket with a chocolate bar, and on the other side there will be several paper pockets with bags of your favorite tea. The top of the cover can be decorated using scrapbooking technique. Well, if the name of this technique doesn’t mean anything to you, then you can simply take elegant braid, satin ribbons, bright buttons, beads, rhinestones and decorate the cover as your imagination dictates. It will turn out beautifully and from the heart. Now you know how to decorate a chocolate bar as a gift, and you have also mastered the basics of scrapbooking.

Exquisite floral chocolate bowl made using scrapbooking technique

This is also interesting!

Look, the most beautiful gift wrapping

Chocolate surprise card with pockets for tea: ideas, templates, photos

A postcard with chocolate and tea (or coffee) is a pleasant and very appropriate gift for any occasion. This is a sign of attention that indicates your sympathy or respect. Choosing chocolate and tea should be based on a person’s preferences. The tea should be packaged in a beautiful foil or paper wrapper and placed in special pockets inside the chocolate bowl.

How to do:

  • Thick cardboard should be used as the basis for the chocolate postcard.
  • It must be cut according to the template (rectangle measuring 22 by 7 cm)
  • Looking at the template, bend the cardboard correctly to make a card
  • You also need to cut tea pockets from cardboard measuring 8 by 14 cm (look at the template).
  • All templates must be glued together (pockets inside the card)
  • Then decorate the card to your liking (you can use wrapping or designer paper, lace, ribbons, beads).

Stage No. 1

Stage No. 2

Stage No. 3

Stage No. 4

Ready-made chocolate bowl with pockets for tea

DIY chocolate card

There are several types of chocolate maker:

  1. Simple packaging. Designed for original presentation of chocolate.
  2. Wrapper with congratulatory phrases. Used in case of any holiday.
  3. Postcard with two pockets: for tea and a chocolate bar.
  4. An envelope in which you can put not only chocolate, but also money.

The most common option for gift items is packaging with two pockets. To make a chocolate maker postcard with your own hands, take:

  • sheet of designer cardboard;
  • sheet of scrap paper;
  • 60 cm piece of satin ribbon.

To make a postcard, follow the following algorithm:

  1. Three rectangles are cut out of cardboard: 18x24 cm - base, 11x14 cm - pocket for chocolate, 8x10 cm - pocket for tea bags.
  2. The base in the middle part is creased 2 cm with an indentation of 11 cm on both sides.
  3. The chocolate pocket is creased on 3 sides: first, 1 cm is removed, then 1.5 cm for gluing.
  4. The tea pocket is also creased on 3 sides: twice 1 cm.
  5. The upper untouched part of the pockets is decorated with a figured hole punch.
  6. The corners of the pockets are cut off to make gluing easier.
  7. Pockets are folded along scored strips.
  8. The outer surface of the product is decorated with scrap paper. For greater beauty, it is advisable to leave a 2 mm strip between the picture and the edge of the cardboard. A satin ribbon is glued along the middle with double-sided tape. If desired, use additional decorative elements.
  9. The pockets are glued to the inner surface of the chocolate bowl: for chocolate on one side, for tea bags on the other.
  10. Place chocolate and tea inside. Close the card and tie it with a satin ribbon.

As additional decor you can use:

  • plastic and fabric flowers;
  • halves of beads;
  • rhinestones;
  • satin bows;
  • lace stripes;
  • glitter;
  • beads;
  • decoupage;
  • magazine pictures;
  • foil and colored paper.

The length and width of the base and pockets can be changed depending on how thick the chocolate bar or bar is planned to be placed, and how many tea bags are prepared. If you are not planning to give tea, then make one pocket, and decorate the second inner side of the chocolate card with a thematic inscription or picture.

Chocolate card scrapbooking: ideas, templates, photos

A chocolate maker is, first of all, a postcard, which means it must contain congratulations and pleasant words. Chocolate in such a card is just an unexpected and tasty addition.


  • Cut out a card template from thick cardboard
  • Make a pocket for chocolate (and tea or coffee)
  • Between the pockets or on the other side (opposite the chocolate bar) of the postcard, glue poems printed on paper and cut out.
  • You can also use clippings from magazines and phrases carved from wood (sold in handicraft stores).
  • Decorate the outside of the chocolate bowl with lace, ribbons, pictures and cutouts.

Chocolate girl with congratulations (option No. 1)

Chocolate girl with congratulations (option No. 2)

Chocolate girl with congratulations (option No. 3)

Materials for decorating a chocolate bar as a gift

To create a beautiful, ceremonial wrapper for a treat, you need to prepare:

  • One type of packaging: wrapping or kraft paper, thick cardboard, corrugated paper. You can even use a white A4 sheet if the size of the chocolate bar allows.
  • Scissors.
  • Ruler.
  • Glue or double-sided tape. You may also need regular tape.
  • Decorative elements: pieces of fabric, ribbons, beads, rhinestones, tinsel, lace, etc.

Chocolate card for March 8: ideas, templates, photos

A chocolate card for March 8th can be given to your mother, grandmother, sister, girlfriend, teacher, colleague, or classmate. This chocolate bowl should be decorated in a special way.

It is recommended to use as decoration:

  • Artificial flowers
  • Half beads and rhinestones
  • Magazine clippings
  • Decoupage
  • Satin ribbons
  • Lace
  • Serpentine
  • Sequins
  • Designer paper
  • Wrapping paper

Options for decorating chocolate bowls for March 8th:

Chocolate girl on March 8 (option No. 1)

Chocolate girl on March 8 (option No. 2)

Chocolate girl on March 8 (option No. 3)

DIY chocolate box

Boxes of chocolate treats are a common gift that is given more often to women. But to really please your loved one, it’s better to make a box with a sweet surprise with your own hands. Moreover, on the Internet you can find instructions for making boxes not only of standard rectangular or square shapes, but also original ones: round, oval, rhombic, heart-shaped.

First, it’s better to practice and make your first chocolate box of a simple shape – round.

Prepare for work:

  • corrugated cardboard;
  • designer paper;
  • thick paper;
  • wide satin ribbon.

They operate according to the following algorithm:

  1. Draw a circle of the required diameter. Cut out 6 similar blanks: 4 pieces from corrugated cardboard, 2 from paper.
  2. 3 strips are cut out of thick paper, the length of which is equal to the length of the prepared circles. The width of the strips is different: the first corresponds to the width of the planned box, the second is narrower (about 8 cm), the third is the side of the lid.
  3. Cardboard circles are glued together in groups of 2, and paper blanks are glued on top.
  4. The first and second side strips are glued together, making a diagonal shift of approximately 10 mm.
  5. A double cardboard strip is glued in a circle to the base of the box so that the beautiful surface is directed upward. Similar actions are performed with the lid: glue a narrow strip.
  6. Chocolate products are placed inside. The chocolate box is closed and tied with a satin ribbon.

A chocolate box made in this way looks beautiful and presentable on its own. Additional decorations for the sides and surface of the lid are not needed. But if desired, you can use satin bows, beads, and lace stripes as additional decor.

An ordinary packaging product turns into a real work of art that is a pity to throw away.

After removing the sweets, the decorative box can be used as a box for storing jewelry and handicrafts. You can also present in it not just sweets and chocolates, but artificial bouquets made from chocolate products, but the lid will have to be removed and the sides built higher.

Chocolate card for the New Year: ideas, templates, photos

For the New Year, you can give such a card instead of the usual card, the main thing is to decorate it thematically. You can make all kinds of three-dimensional decor using what you find in the store (holiday wrapping paper, cut-outs and stickers). Use a large amount of glitter, streamers, foil, broken glass (for example, from old Christmas tree decorations).

IMPORTANT: Decor in the form of cinnamon sticks, dried orange slices, snowflakes, Christmas trees and Santa Claus figures looks very stylish.

Design ideas:

Chocolate bar with a Christmas tree

New Year's chocolate bowl with tea bags

Volumetric New Year's decor for a chocolate bowl

Printing ready-made designs

To print boxes, paper with a density of 200 g/m2 is used. Boxes made from thinner paper will not hold their shape well. And for printing wrappers, paper with a density of 80-90 g/m2 is usually used. Thicker paper will have rough creases at the corners of the candy.

The paper type is selected according to the type of your printer - inkjet or laser. There are matte and glossy papers available for inkjet printers. When printing on an inkjet printer, you need to set the paper type (glossy, matte), print quality and set “Borderless printing” in the print settings.

Please note that not all printers have the same print quality. The print quality of some photos on household laser printers is often worse than on inkjet printers. Therefore, inkjet printers are most often used to print finished layouts.

If you don't have a printer, you can print the layouts at a printing house.

Birthday chocolate card: ideas, templates, photos

You should definitely include an additional banknote in your chocolate maker for your birthday. Thus, the chocolate box will replace the envelope postcard.

Chocolate girls for birthday:

Chocolate girl with congratulations

Chocolate maker with voluminous decor

Chocolate maker with “fragrant” decor

Chocolate card for Teacher's Day, September 1: ideas, templates, photos

It is simply impossible to congratulate all the teachers at school with luxurious gifts, so a chocolate maker will be very relevant. You can decorate each one according to the subject given by the individual teacher.

Chocolate options:

With voluminous flowers

On Teacher's Day

Chocolate maker for the teacher

Chocolate card for February 14: ideas, templates, photos

If you want to please and surprise your “other half” at the same time, try to make a chocolate bowl for her with your own hands. You can put any surprise in this card: a membership to the gym or a cosmetic procedure, tickets to a movie or circus, money, a declaration of love, a Valentine's card.

IMPORTANT: In this case, chocolate will only be a pleasant addition to the main gift.

Options for chocolate bowls for lovers:

Stylish chocolate maker for February 14

Stylish chocolate maker for Valentine's Day

Chocolate card for a kindergarten teacher: ideas, templates, photos

Some parents and children prefer to congratulate their kindergarten teacher on every holiday. To diversify your gift ideas from the usual box of chocolates and a jar of coffee, you can try making a chocolate maker with your own hands.

Ideas for chocolate makers:

Chocolate maker as a gift

Chocolate girl to teacher

Chocolate card for a wedding: ideas, templates, photos

You can replace the usual gift envelope for newlyweds with a chocolate box. In addition to the fact that this postcard holds money, you can also optionally place congratulations, poems and a nice bonus - a chocolate bar!

Ideas for wedding chocolates:

Chocolate girl for a wedding

Chocolate girl for newlyweds

Chocolate card for anniversary: ​​ideas, templates, photos

Surprise the hero of the day with an unusual souvenir and postcard that will be not only beautiful, but also delicious! The birthday boy will definitely remember this card and accept it with pleasure!

Chocolate options:

Beautiful chocolate bowl as a gift for the hero of the day

Chocolate maker as a gift for a woman

Tools and materials

To create a shockbox, of course, you need sweets. The shape and size of the chocolate box depends on the candies.

To create a layout, you will need a computer with Photoshop installed. Or you can use ready-made layouts from the Internet. Since this design will need to be printed, you will need a printer and 90gsm paper for the wrappers and 200gsm paper for the boxes.

You will need scissors to cut out the printouts. And if you also have a cutter, this will make the task easier. But scissors will still be necessary, since it is impossible to make small cuts with a cutter. You will also need a breadboard knife. It can be replaced with a stationery one.

To carefully bend the cut out boxes, you can use a creasing board. It will allow you to draw straight lines. Or you can draw them from the wrong side along the ruler using a stack, dots, or a pen that does not write.

You also need glue, which when applied does not deform the paper. You can use PVA D2 or D3, but not stationery. You will also need a brush to apply the glue.

Chocolate card for a doctor: ideas, templates, photos

For your professional holiday, you can prepare chocolate cards not only for doctors (you can put money or a gift card with a certain amount inside), but also for nurses (put a few bags of tea and coffee inside).

Chocolate option:

Chocolate maker as a gift

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