How to make a baby book for 2nd grade, for 1st grade, for 3rd grade take care of plants, about numbers, with riddles, on mathematics. How to make a baby book from cardboard or paper

What can you make a baby book out of, photo

How to make a baby book out of cardboard

  • Take 2 sheets of white cardboard and draw them out as shown in the photo below (the dimensions of each rectangle are 5 cm width, 10 cm height):

  • After this, you need to make an accordion by bending the rectangles along the fold lines:

  • We glue stickers with images onto each resulting page. In our example there will be a little book on studying birds, but you can choose a different topic:

Baby book for kindergarten “Studying geometric shapes”

As you know, young children cannot sit in one place for a long time, which complicates the learning process. It's another matter if you do it in a playful way. This is exactly how kids will perceive learning geometric shapes from a bright baby book for kindergarten, which you can easily make with your own hands from cardboard and colored paper.

Materials and tools

You can make an original craft for kindergarten from the following materials:

  • colored cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • glue stick;
  • metal screw;
  • threads;
  • a simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • ruler;
  • shape templates.

Step-by-step master class

Instructions with step-by-step photos will help you make a baby book for kindergarten:

  1. To make this you will need two sheets of colored cardboard. Each of them must be divided into 6 equal parts.

  2. Cut the cardboard sheets along the marked lines.

  3. Using a ready-made template, cut out different geometric shapes from colored paper.

  4. It's time to start designing a baby book, and the child can do it with his own hands. Adults closely monitor this process. Glue geometric shapes cut out of colored paper onto cardboard sheets in random order. Try to have different shapes on each sheet, combine colors, shapes, sizes, etc.

  5. Use a piece of cardboard to make a template for the holes, as well as a spine for the book. Below is a diagram of how to do this correctly.

  6. Bend the spine using scissors. Also cut out a template from cardboard and make holes in the indicated places with self-tapping screws. They are necessary for the threads that will hold all the pages and the cover together. All that remains is to carefully fold all the cards with the geometric shapes pasted on. Thread the thread, folded in half, into the needle and carefully assemble the book. On a note! To prevent the book from falling apart, you need to use a strong thread.
    Tie the thread into several knots, trim off the excess. Trim the folds of the spine and pages with scissors. The result will be a little book like the example below.

  7. But since the process of designing the book in this case preceded the assembly stage, when assembled it will turn out the same as in the picture.

The finished book will help kindergarten children learn geometric shapes and colors. Moreover, you can additionally count the number of elements on each page.

How to make a baby book for 1st grade

First-graders are creative and inquisitive people. To make learning much more interesting for them, you can make these little books for them with the alphabet or numbers.

In this case, you just need to select pictures on the Internet for each letter of the alphabet, print them, cut them out and sign them. If you yourself know how to draw beautifully, then make original drawings on each page.

Master class on making a baby book “Riddles from the Garden”

Lyudmila Bobyleva
Master class on making a baby book “Riddles from the garden”

Working on the creation of a baby book is a very interesting activity in which not only children, but also adults are involved. I want to share my experience of making a baby book .

Goal: To create an unusual and attractive baby book

on the topic of vegetables.


• Develop aesthetic perception and imagination.

• Enrich the child's vocabulary;

• Teach analysis, generalization, develops the ability to independently draw conclusions and conclusions when solving riddles .

Equipment: White and green cardboard, ruler, scissors, glue pencil, simple pencil, printout with riddles , printout with vegetables, satin or nylon ribbon, curly scissors.

To make it, we take white cardboard , onto which we glue images of vegetables on one side, and riddles about vegetables . Then we connect everything with a satin ribbon.

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How to make a book baby take care of plants grade 3

  1. Choose the form of the future book. It could be a chamomile, a leaf or a twig.
  2. Select the material that you want to paint or depict in a baby book. Print it out, cut it out and glue it on.
  3. Create a general thematic design for the book using felt-tip pens or pencils. Again, you can use bright stickers if you don’t have artistic skills.

Basics for Book Layouts

You can make a children's book with your own hands in different versions.

It could be:

  • Ready sketchbook. In this case, you can change the format - cut out all the sheets in the shape of a fairy-tale hero.
  • For example, the silhouette of a bear or a bunny, design each sheet in the form of a geometric figure;
  • A book made of thick sheets of cardboard of different colors;
  • Fabric based template;
  • Volume book made of paper;
  • A combined option that combines different types of materials.

The proposed do-it-yourself book templates can become a source of inspiration and will allow you to create something unusual and original.

Any materials are suitable for creating crafts:

  • Cardboard,
  • Paper,
  • Remnants of fabrics
  • Buttons,
  • Braid,
  • Beads.

The most practical material for making books is felt. A DIY felt book is suitable for any age.

The felt is soft, does not crumble, holds its shape well, is easy to wash and retains its good appearance for a long time.

To work, you will need a glue stick and PVA glue, a ruler and a marking pencil, scissors, thread with a needle, and a stapler.

It is preferable to design the pages of fabric books using a sewing machine.

Baby book template for printing

In elementary school, baby books are a lifesaver for any mother or teacher. The child can create such a book on the topic of the lesson and at the same time absorb the necessary knowledge and develop intellectually.
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