DIY apple costume: how and what to make it from

New Year is a magical holiday. For every child it is special: some are waiting to meet Santa Claus, receive the desired gifts, lots of guests and delicious food, while others are waiting for a real fairy tale - something that does not happen in everyday life. This holiday is the very occasion when the most impossible dream can come true. Become a super hero, fly into space, play the role of a princess, a cute funny animal, a clown, a fairy or even a dinosaur! offers original ideas for a fairy tale transformation for your child. After all, a carnival costume is a kind of ticket to a magical land! And the mother’s task is to create the intended image easily and quickly, using simple means.

Space suit

In our childhood, many children dreamed of becoming astronauts. Vast expanses of space, alien civilizations and undiscovered worlds - all this is tempting and very attractive. Space has not lost its appeal for modern children. Therefore, an astronaut’s spacesuit is an original idea for a New Year’s party or carnival.

To make this awesome space helmet, we inflate a large round balloon to the required volume. Then we place wet paper napkins on its surface. The next few layers are small pieces of paper coated with PVA glue. We are waiting for the glue to dry. We pierce the balloon and take it out through the resulting small holes. We make an oval slot in the helmet.

Cover the helmet blank with foil.

To make a visor you will need transparent thin plastic. This happens on the packaging of children's toys. We cut out an elliptical visor from it. We pierce it along two edges and fasten it with cheap children's earrings.

To get real oxygen tanks, you need to wrap plastic bottles in foil. They can be attached to the belt or to the suit itself with double-sided tape.

To make the instrument panel on an astronaut's suit, we use cardboard, holographic paper, and old CDs. If you are comfortable with electrical devices, you can attach a small garland with a battery to the structure. See how the front panel on the suit glows in the dark.

We make real space shoes as follows: we wrap rubber boots in foil and lightly attach it on top with tape. Our astronaut is ready. Now all we need is a space rocket!

will help complement the cosmic New Year's celebration .

For those who do not want to sew, you can offer a costume of planets and stars. To do this, we make appropriate bright hat-masks from cardboard and colored paper. To keep such a hat in place at the back, we attach an elastic band to it.

Now all you have to do is choose the appropriate scenario for your space party, and a bright, memorable holiday is guaranteed!

MK: New Year's tangerine made of felt

Decorating your home for the New Year holidays on your own is not only original, but also quite easy! Using felt at home, we can make unusual Christmas tree decorations or a garland. Such a toy will not only be a bright and beautiful decoration for the Christmas tree, but also very safe. After all, nothing will happen to her :) One of the unspoken symbols of the New Year in Russia is the tangerine, so it is perfect for creating a holiday at home.

You will need: felt (you can take different thicknesses for the leaves and the tangerine itself), filler for the toy (synthetic fluff, padding polyester, cotton wool, etc.), floss threads (colors: beige, brown, orange), needle (it’s better to take it for cross stitch) , scissors, glue (I work with a glue gun), cardboard template for the toy (mine = 7 cm in diameter), satin ribbon (width up to 5 mm, length about 16 cm).

Step 1. Place the template on a sheet of orange felt, trace it along the contour, and then cut out circles with scissors; you need two of them. I don’t use a template for the leaves; you can cut them yourself to any desired size. We also make two of them.

Step 2. Now we will make “dimples” for the tangerines. We use beige floss (you can use all 6 threads, or you can divide it into 3). We secure the tail of the thread on the wrong side or with a knot and make small stitches on the outside of the circle (about 1-2 mm). After both parts of the tangerine are ready, glue a satin ribbon folded in half onto one of them (either one) closer to the edge (on the wrong side) - the toy can be hung on it on the Christmas tree.

Step 3. Now we begin to sew the leaves to our tangerine. We sew the tips of the leaves closer to the edge of the outer side of the circle to which the satin ribbon is not glued. And then with thread (we use brown floss) we embroider the skeleton of the leaf (see photo). We do the same with the second leaf.

Step 4. After the leaves are sewn, we begin to sew both parts of the tangerine with a buttonhole stitch. We use orange floss. It is best to start under one of the leaves.

Step 5. Without reaching the end, we tightly fill the toy with synthetic fluff, but so that our seam does not deteriorate. And then we sew the toy to the end, hiding the tip of the thread inside. If the seam is slightly bent, smooth it out manually.

Our tangerines are ready! Now the New Year will definitely be bright :)

Bright Columbine - carnival clown costume

How can you get by at a holiday without a merry fellow or a clown? We propose to make an unusual move and imagine a little girl as a clown. Sweet and beautiful Columbina will appeal to an active, cheerful girl.

For the clown costume we use bright fabrics and accessories. You can wear a white blouse or T-shirt, complementing it with a voluminous colorful skirt made from pieces of fabric. We complement the set with bright socks, knee socks, and leggings.

We decorate the cap for Columbine with sparkles, tinsel, and pom-poms. This headpiece can be attached to a hairband for the clown's speed and mobility - easy to take off or put on when needed.

Boy's outfit

To make a Papuan costume with your own hands for a boy, you will need to make a skirt. The elastic of the skirt can be decorated with leaves or seeds made from polymer clay or cut out of cardboard. You need to make bracelets for your arms and legs using shells or wooden beads. A necklace made of shells or “animal fangs” will also perfectly complement the look. Weapons will help complete the look:

  1. An ax made of stick and stone.
  2. A spear.
  3. Wooden club.

Dinosaur costume

The topic of prehistoric reptiles has fascinated children for decades. offers several variations on the theme of a dinosaur carnival costume.

For example, you can sew a fabric jumpsuit, decorating it with spikes along the ridge and a tail.

You can make a “Dinosaur” house costume from cardboard boxes. This outfit is easy to make and will definitely be remembered, although it is not very comfortable to move in it.

You can “upgrade” your existing tracksuit or knitted suit and balaclava by adding rubber boots and gloves. Look what a colorful lizard it turned out to be!

Indian costume

The Indian theme is bright, colorful and romantic. And although modern children no longer read novels about the Wild West, every boy is ready to dress up as an Indian.

Indian clothing was made from homespun linen fabric. Therefore, we choose a fabric that is suitable in color and texture. Sew on the braid and fringe.

We make special “overlays”. We decorate them with braid, lacing and wooden buttons.

For the headdress we use a wire frame with feathers or a cardboard frame with paper feathers. You can also use a fabric base.

Tretyakov Gallery. Handmade: Suitcase. Part 2

Costumer. Continuation. All costumes were made by me with the help of my colleagues/schoolchildren.

Dunno, Pierrot, Malvina, Doctor Aibolit and Pinocchio

These costumes (Dunno, Pierrot, Pinocchio) were sewn by schoolgirls during technology lessons - an Olympiad project “social order”.


After almost every performance I have to restore the hat - it’s made of paper.

Cry baby

This is the role. We thought for a long time about what kind of costume to make. We settled on flesh-colored fabric and decorated it with drops of tears. Plus we sewed a cap with hair from polyethylene, there are also droplets on the ends of the hair, and a polyethylene bib.

Snow Maiden

(our very first sewn Snow Maiden, I still use it in the second cast, when the new costume is occupied in the first cast). By the way, this costume was made by the schoolchildren’s parents. Thank you and they help me!

Old Man Hottabych.

Shirt, trousers - trousers, robe, wide belt, rosary and turban. And also slippers with curved toes. I spent the longest time fiddling with the turban, which was based on an ordinary old felt hat.

Baba Yaga, Nightingale the Robber and Vodyanoy.

Vodyanoy’s overalls are sewn in such a way that if desired, you can wear a “belly”

Pinocchio, Pierrot, Malvina
again .

When performing in the hall, we put fins on our feet, when on the street, we wear fins on our hands, because there is tile in the schoolyard, the fins get caught on it

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