How to make a mosquito repeller with your own hands

Do-it-yourself electronic mosquito repeller using Arduino

In this tutorial, I will show you how to create an Arduino-based ultrasonic mosquito repeller. The repellent is shaped like a screen that connects to Arduino, and the frequency of its radiation can be easily changed.

This project is ideal for those who are going outdoors. The device emits sound with a frequency of 31 KHz, which repels mosquitoes. The sound frequency can be adjusted from 23 to 54 KHz, so it can also be used as a dog whistle. Human ears do not recognize these frequencies.

Circuit example

Physicists can make a device that produces sound of a certain frequency. But using their drawings, it will be possible to make an effective device within an hour.

The electronic circuits of the ultrasonic repeller show the chain along which the components of the device should be connected.

Electronic circuit of an ultrasonic repeller

The designations on the chip mean the following:

  • R1-R5 – DC resistors with a power of 0.25 W;
  • VD1 – diode to protect the device from short circuit or incorrect connection;
  • BQ1 – emitter producing ultra-frequency sound;
  • VT1-VT2 – bipolar transistors;
  • R6 – variable resistor;
  • C1-C2 – capacitors;
  • S1 – toggle switch for turning on and off.

All components of the drawing are located on a printed circuit board; you will need batteries or rechargeable batteries for outdoor use. Power supply with voltage up to 12 V.

Photo of the already assembled device

You can adjust the sound frequency using variable resistor R6. A homemade repeller is used indoors or outdoors.

You can use the K555LA3 microcircuit with good frequency characteristics and low electrical energy consumption. There are only 4 parts in the diagram.

Chip K555LA3

The designations are similar. Assembled on a breadboard. The signal is generated by capacitor C1; if it needs to be changed, it is regulated using a variable resistor R6. An ultrasonic repeller can be made in a few hours with minimal knowledge of physics.

The disadvantage of homemade devices is the minimum range of action and the narrow range of generated frequencies.

If someone is interested in whether it will work or not, you can spend a few hours of your free time making an ultrasonic repeller. But, it is much easier to buy a ready-made device at an affordable price with similar, or even better, action.

Advantages of repellers

A homemade repeller is easiest to assemble for radio amateurs or people who have an understanding of modern radio components. Although the simplicity of the design makes it accessible even to an inexperienced user.

  1. Duration of use. It can be used repeatedly without loss of quality.
  2. Cheapness. The cost of such a device is not much different from a purchased cream, but much cheaper than buying a ready-made ultrasound device.
  3. Efficiency.
  4. Numerous positive reviews from users who have personally tested the repellers indicate that the device really works.
  5. Mobility. When creating a device, you can immediately set its dimensions. As a result, it is possible to obtain a repeller of various sizes for mobile use.

It’s not difficult to make such a device; the most important thing is to choose the right circuit.

Possible applications

DIY mosquito repeller

A device for repelling mosquitoes works on the principle of how insects perceive various sounds. When assembling ultrasonic models, special frequency microcircuits are used. It is inaudible to humans, but extremely unpleasant for mosquitoes.

Repellers imitate sounds that are unpleasant for mosquitoes, which are similar to those of bats, male mosquitoes, and dragonflies. It is precisely such vibrations that females try to avoid, which pose the greatest danger to humans.

There are so many designs for ultrasonic repellers that they can be effectively used both outdoors and indoors. The type of power source of the mosquito repellent device plays a key role in this case.

There are stationary and portable versions of mosquito repellers. For lovers of outdoor activities and travel, small models are suitable, and for home use, you can use the schemes of larger models. Let's look at how to properly make an ultrasonic mosquito repeller.

Criterias of choice

When deciding which device to buy, you should determine the purpose of its use. Stationary models that require a constant connection to the network are suitable for the home; mobile and compact devices that do not take up much space are suitable for the street.

You should first study customer reviews. Some devices don't live up to the promises their manufacturers make.

Attention! There are a lot of fakes on the market - you need to buy devices only from trusted suppliers who have proven themselves on the positive side

Therma CELL

Outdoor repellent lamp. At the same time it is a good night light. It is based on the principle of fumigation - the device heats up and evaporates a repellent that drives away insects. It does not smell and does not harm people.


  • coverage area - 20 m²;
  • brightness - 220 Lum;
  • works thanks to a butane cartridge;
  • requires replacement of consumables - gas cartridges and plates with repellent;
  • Safe for children, allergy sufferers and pets.

Price - from 1400 rub.*

Therma CELL

Protector Freetime

The personal protective equipment is made in the form of a bracelet. Emits ultrasound. An excellent option for fans of tourism or country holidays.


  • made of hypoallergenic materials;
  • automatically turns off after 8 hours of continuous operation;
  • range of action - up to 1.5 m;
  • 4 operating modes.

Cost - from 2000 rubles.

Protector Freetime

Rexant 71-0014

Ultrasound device intended for home use. Requires connection to an electrical network. The affected area is 30 m². It has 2 radiation modes, which eliminates the adaptation of insects. Price - from 250 rub.

Rexant 71-0021

Portable ultrasonic keychain. Repels mosquitoes by imitating the squeak of a dragonfly, their natural enemy. Protects against insects within a radius of three meters. Has 3 operating time modes: 2, 4 and 8 hours. Cost - from 250 rubles.




How to make

DIY ultrasonic mosquito repeller

For assembly, only simple elements will be used, which can always be purchased in specialized stores at an affordable price. The design is based on electronic circuits. They are the heart of the device. You can use one of the most common K555la3 microcircuits or buy another board and make it yourself by etching the tracks on a special canvas.

The PCB manufacturing process includes the following steps:

  1. Print the drawing with the tracks.
  2. Etch the workpiece on the microcircuit in a ferric chloride solution.
  3. Clear.
  4. Cover with flux-gel.
  5. Tin.

After this, you can begin soldering the mosquito repeller according to the chosen scheme.

The ultrasonic invention drawing also includes the following elements:

  1. Power supply. It can be a regular battery.
  2. Sound source.
  3. Bipolar transistors.
  4. Capacitors.
  5. Variable transistor.
  6. Toggle switch for putting the device into operation.

Diagram of an ultrasonic mosquito repeller

The figure shows a primitive diagram of an ultrasonic mosquito repeller.

  1. VT1 - MP36 - MP38
  2. VT2-MP40-MP42
  3. R1-SPZ-b, SPO 100 kOhm
  4. R-100kOhm
  5. R -10 kOhm
  6. C1. — 3300 uF
  7. IN 1. -telephone capsule.

Comparison of parameters of different models

Model Typhoon LS-200

The power source of this design is mains voltage. But the Tornado OK.01 model operates on an area of ​​up to 50 square meters. m, the frequency range is much wider: from 4 to 40 kHz. This model is powered by three batteries.

User opinions on different versions

Model Cosmos Economic

The lowest rating belongs to the Cosmos Economy device. None of those who had the opportunity to evaluate it in action were satisfied with the results. Although its cost is extremely low, which is very attractive, however, these costs in almost all cases turned out to be impractical.

But, if you really need to purchase an effective ultrasonic mosquito repeller, which device is better today?

It will be difficult to answer this question unequivocally for the same reason that the range of oscillations of ultrasound frequencies emitted by different types of such insects differs. But there are often positive reviews about Tornado brand devices.

Do-it-yourself repeller

If you plan to purchase an expensive model of such a device, you can easily try to assemble it yourself. It will probably cost significantly less. But to create a truly effective design, you will need some experience in such work. A do-it-yourself ultrasonic mosquito repeller can easily be assembled using one of the many schemes offered by the most advanced users in this field. Here is one of them, created in the Splan 4.0 program:

Repeller circuit

For work, simple, non-scarce elements are used, which can always be found in the right quantity

Particular attention should be paid to the piezo emitter, since it is advisable to purchase an option that creates increased sound pressure during operation. This could be ZP-22

For those who have the opportunity to make a printed circuit board, the following option is offered:

To implement this solution, you will need a ferric chloride solution, with which you will need to etch the tracks on the board, after which they are covered with a protective gel flux. To complete the picture, it is necessary to select a battery of sufficient voltage for comfortable operation of the device for some time.

Watch the video and do it yourself:

When assembling an ultrasonic compact mosquito repeller with your own hands, the most important thing in achieving this task is to create a sufficient level of sound vibration frequency. To adjust this parameter, you should select frequency-setting capacitors C1 and C2 (see diagram). With a fairly large capacity of these elements, the output frequency is within the range of not ultrasonic, but simply sound vibrations.


I managed to assemble an ultrasonic mosquito repeller myself. I took the simplest diagram from the Internet. Powered by a regular battery. The entire device cost no more than 150 rubles. We tried to use mosquito repellent outdoors, on a hike, and were satisfied.

My husband built me ​​this thing to get rid of mosquitoes at the dacha. I used it every night throughout the summer and am very pleased.

We assembled the ultrasonic repeller at the beginning of the years according to the k555la3 scheme. Used only during forays onto the river. In order for the device to start working, it was necessary to search for the desired frequency. Why did the values ​​differ in different places, but after setting everything worked?

Thus, even a beginner can build a simple repeller using a transistor. After a short training and dexterity, everyone will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the device.

We make a device at home that frightens pests

The creation of such devices does not require special skills or special knowledge; any novice radio amateur will be able to assemble them with his own hands, based on the included instructions and diagrams.

For this you will need:

  • regular soldering iron,
  • parts R7, R5, C6, C5, DD1.3, DD1.4.

Using a soldering iron, a symmetrical multivibrator is assembled from parts; it is the basis of the entire device.

The frequencies of the emitted ultrasonic waves can be adjusted by adjusting the generator. The signals emitted by the generator are fed to a device that amplifies their power.

The emission of ultrasonic waves occurs due to the operation of the Sp1 element.

The strength and frequency of oscillations can be calculated using the formula F=1/(R5xC6+R7xC5).

To assemble a more complex device with your own hands, capable of constantly automatically changing the range of ultrasound vibrations, you will need a higher level of skill and skill. You can do it based on the proposed scheme:

Modulation of the frequency of the emitted ultrasound occurs after a certain time interval. Setting up the device is carried out in stages and begins with determining the operating frequency of the generating element.

How to make a mosquito repeller with your own hands

Every year we buy many products that can protect us from mosquitoes. These are all kinds of creams, ointments, sprays, sockets, spirals, etc. However, all this costs a lot of money. To save a little money, we suggest you make your own mosquito repeller using available materials. Without spending a lot of time.

For the first version of the repeller we will need: - matches; - metal plate; - mosquito repellent; - round flat candle; - pliers.

The first option works well at home or outdoors in the complete absence of wind.

We take a metal plate and use pliers to bend it on both sides at an angle of 90°. So that we get some kind of street bench without a back.

Then on one side we fold one edge again. We will get an inclined plane.

After this, we place our curved metal plate on the metal body of a lit candle and place a mosquito repellent plate on top.

For the second version of the repeller we will need:

- a box with a metal lid; - metal plate; — ferrite ring: — mosquito repellent plate; - round flat candle; - pliers; - matches; - glue gun: - bolt and nut.

The second method can be used outdoors even in windy conditions.

We take a metal plate and make a small hole at one end. Then use pliers to bend it. After this, we make another bend on the same side so that our mosquito repellent plate fits on the remaining part of the plate. Once again we bend the ends of the plate so that it fixes it.

We cut out a round hole in the metal lid in the middle, as well as another small one at the edge.

Now we need to glue the ferrite ring onto the lid, aligning it with the large hole. You can use a narrow piece of any plastic pipe as such a ring.

We glue the metal candle stand inside the body of the box exactly in the middle. We insert the candle, close the lid and check how accurately the candle wick fits into the center of the hole. While the glue is not completely dry, center the candle body.

Operating principle

Manufacturers of ultrasonic repellers claim that the devices act on insects thanks to special sound frequencies. The human ear cannot detect them, but the sounds repel mosquitoes.

A mosquito repellent device produces sound waves similar to the flight vibrations of a dragonfly, a bat, or repeats the sounds of a male mosquito. Females pose a particular danger to humans. They feed on blood to give birth to new offspring. After fertilization, females try to avoid meeting males, so the squeak of a mosquito scares them away.

DIY insect repellers

It is not easy to calculate what kind of ultrasound a homemade device will produce, but, according to users, the design of the ultrasonic mosquito repeller is correct and effective.

What you should know

When assembling a device of this type, you should not expect that you will be able to get rid of rodents as soon as the device is connected and starts working.

In kitchens and pantries, where there is something for small pests to profit from, it is worth installing appliances that are more powerful than in other rooms. In such premises, the fight against mice and rats can take even two months. Where there is no food available, the process of getting rid of mice will go much faster and will take about two weeks.

Pets can sense some of the frequencies emitted by the repeller. In this case, they feel anxious. In order for pets to stop feeling the effects of ultrasound, it is necessary to change the frequency of vibrations emitted by the device. If such actions do not lead to the desired result, you will have to purchase a factory-made ultrasonic repeller.

After studying the reviews of people who have already used purchased and homemade devices, you can decide on your choice. Of course, you can make such a device with your own hands using circuit diagrams and necessary elements from a radio store, but this requires certain knowledge.

The penetration of mice and rats into the house becomes a big problem for its inhabitants. Rodents not only spoil food, things and furniture, rats and mice are carriers of dangerous diseases. There are many ways to combat gnawing pests, ranging from chemicals against mice and rats, and ending with folk recipes.

An excellent alternative to all these methods can be an ultrasonic rodent repeller, which works by emitting high-frequency sound waves. Popular brands include Clean House and Pest Reject devices. Considering the rather high cost of the device, many craftsmen have learned to assemble an ultrasonic rat and mouse repeller with their own hands.

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