Homemade mosquito trap - how to make it yourself with photos

Costume base options

Before you start creativity and use your imagination, you need to decide on the main part and details for creating a mosquito.

To make the image believable, you need to remember what a mosquito looks like in real life. You don’t have to go out and catch them, just look at photos of atlases or find them on the Internet. There are several ways to create a mosquito costume. Let's arrange them in order of increasing level of manufacturing complexity.

  • First option . The easiest way. Does not contain the suit itself. You can only create a mask, wings and a nose. Essentially, you're just using image attributes.
  • Second option . In this case, the base of the costume is already being prepared. But they simply take ordinary gray things that the child no longer wears . You customize your wardrobe to suit your suit and add details to it.
  • Third option . Sew all the details yourself using a sewing machine and create a unique, creative design. This option will be more complicated and take a lot of time.
  • Fourth option. The most complex version uses self-made items. And all the necessary attributes are made with your own hands, and then additionally decorated.

Depending on the amount of time left before the event, desire and strength, you can choose one of the options. And then complete all steps according to the instructions. This outfit will not take much of your time and will not require any special skills.

Advice. Even if there is very little time left, it is still better to choose a model with the base of the suit. An image consisting of only wings and eyes will look empty and may upset the child.

Important details of the image

In order for the appearance to truly resemble a mosquito, all the details should be thoroughly worked out. In nature, we see that all mosquitoes look the same. Although they have their differences, to the human eye they seem insignificant and are practically unrecognizable. We can only compare them by size.

The costume, on the contrary, will be different in that it can be created to suit every taste. It is not necessary to achieve an exact match; you can add something of your own. Get creative and don't be afraid to use your imagination!

When coming up with the appearance of a character, try to preserve the features of its structure.

Everything else depends on your imagination.

In order to get a full-fledged mosquito, you need to develop the following elements of the outfit.

  • The basis discussed above.
  • A cap that will serve as a head.
  • A nose or proboscis is also necessary.
  • Wings of any size.
  • Shoes that match your suit and are comfortable on your feet.

All elements must be gray shades. This will be the leading color in the image of a mosquito.

Additionally, you can use red, purple, black colors, but do not put too much emphasis on them.


For the base, you need to choose a cap, or rather, the future head of a mosquito. This issue can be resolved in several ways.

  • Use a regular gray knitted hat.
  • Sew your own headdress using a machine and attach an elastic band to it, which will hold it in place.
  • You can use a carnival mask as a basis.

The cap should look like a real mosquito head . To do this, you need to cut out eyes from cardboard and glue them to the front edge . On the sides you can decorate the part with sparkles or gray tinsel. Additionally, it is worth installing antennae . This is very easy to do with two wires. Bend them into a wave and attach them to the hat material. You can paint them black or cover them with cardboard.

The most interesting detail is the nose. You can make it any length, but a long proboscis will look funniest and most unusual . It's not difficult to make.

  • Take cardboard paper and roll it into a tube. Use multiple sheets to make the piece longer.
  • Connect the sheets together with tape or glue, putting them on top of each other.
  • Paint the nose the color you want. You can add red paint to the tip or cut out a small drop of blood.
  • After drying, attach an elastic band to the base. Its length should be sufficient to put on your head.


Probably the most complex element in the entire costume. For it we need wire, gray transparent fabric, a felt-tip pen, and gray dense material for covering.

  • Bend the wire along the contour of the wing.
  • Stretch the sheer fabric around the perimeter of the wire. Do not make the tension too strong, it is better to loosen it to avoid breaking.
  • Use a felt-tip pen to draw the veins.
  • Cover the wire with thick fabric and cover the entire frame.
  • Attach the wings to the back of the sweater.

How to make a trap from a plastic bottle with your own hands

Controlling winged pests does not require significant costs. A do-it-yourself mosquito trap is a device of two types:

  1. From plastic bottles with bait: carbon dioxide, water or a light bulb. The device is cheap, easy to manufacture, but not highly effective. If you use yeast as a filling, there will be an unpleasant smell near the bottle. They all operate on the same principle: the insect flies into a funnel without a chance to get out of it.
  2. Velcro tapes. They are hung near a window or balcony door. The design of this device is more complicated than in the first case.

On carbon dioxide

Mosquitoes look for their victims by the smell of CO₂ - it is emitted by all warm-blooded creatures. The deception is that this gas is emitted not only by living organisms. Carbon dioxide is also formed as a result of fermentation. Yeast releases it when consuming carbohydrates, thereby attracting blood-sucking insects. This bait is prepared from three components:

  • sugar – 50 g;
  • dry baker's yeast – 5 g;
  • water – 200 ml.

All you need for the catcher are typical household items. You will need the following materials:

  • plastic bottle (1.5 l) – 1 pc.;
  • cardboard or dark fabric;
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • scotch;
  • stapler

Having collected everything you need, you can start making a homemade mosquito trap. The bottle is cut into two parts, the smaller of which has a neck. Following are the instructions:

  1. Sugar is poured into the lower container, adding yeast.
  2. Water is also poured in there.
  3. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed (it should foam). The permissible temperature of the liquid is not higher than 40 degrees. Otherwise, the yeast will die before fermentation begins.
  4. The neck is inserted into a container with bait to form a funnel.
  5. The walls are wrapped in dark cloth or cardboard, secured with tape/stapler. This will speed up the fermentation process, which takes place more actively in the dark.
  6. The finished device is placed where mosquitoes accumulate (next to an open window or on the terrace). If you have twine, the container can be hung indoors.

A homemade mosquito trap made from a plastic bottle lasts for about a week, after which the bait is renewed. An increased dose of yeast and sugar increases its longevity. It is important that the container is not exposed to direct sunlight. Otherwise, all fermentation will come to naught. It is also undesirable to place it near people, since the bait emits a specific smell.

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With vegetable oil

A simplified version of a homemade trap. It is made from only two components:

  • plastic bottles – 3-4 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. spoons.

The manufacturing process goes like this:

  1. The neck of the bottle is cut off - it no longer needs to be used as a funnel.
  2. The lower parts of the containers are generously lubricated with sunflower oil.
  3. Traps are placed in places where insects gather.
  4. You can cut holes on the sides by threading ropes through them. This way you can hang containers around the premises.

Outdoor water trap

This option is designed for the principle of mosquito breeding. The trap works differently from the previous two. It only helps control the population of bloodsuckers. It is more difficult to make an artificial “reservoir” than a container with carbon dioxide or vegetable oil. You will need a large bottle (from 2 liters) so that water evaporation does not affect the overall effect. Next, the catcher is made according to the instructions:

  1. Cut off the neck of the container.
  2. Make holes in the top of the remaining container. This will be a drain for excess water. The holes are sealed with scraps of window mesh. It is advisable to make two more holes higher in order to attach a carrying handle to them.
  3. The bottle is painted with black paint. This achieves the effect of a dark, stagnant pond - a suitable breeding ground for mosquitoes.
  4. Next, the container is filled with liquid until it reaches the drain holes.
  5. A window mesh is placed over the bottle.

Mosquitoes willingly flock to “blooming water”, so it is advisable to also throw a bunch of grass into the trap. This will cause the liquid to become infected with algae. The females will fly up to the pond and begin laying eggs directly on the net. It is important to keep it wet at all times - this will attract insects. The hatched larvae fall through the net into the water. They have no chance of getting back.

Homemade sticky bait

Adhesive tapes are an effective repellent against mosquitoes and flies. These traps can be made at home, so there is no need to buy them in a store. First you need to take care of the components for the viscous mass. It is applied to paper or fabric tapes. The glue is made from several ingredients:

Recipe 1 Recipe 2 Recipe 3
  • rosin – 200 grams;
  • castor oil – 100 ml;
  • sweet syrup – 50 ml;
  • turpentine – 50 grams.
  • pine resin – 300 grams;
  • wax – 10 grams;
  • honey – 50 grams;
  • flax oil – 150 ml.
  • glycerin – 40 ml;
  • rosin – 400 grams;
  • honey – 100 grams;
  • Vaseline – 200 grams.

Materials for a trap can be found in any home. It is made from:

  • Cardboard sleeve. It can be removed from a roll of toilet paper or paper napkins.
  • Thick paper. Thin ones get wet faster.
  • Threads.

The trap looks like a regular roll. It is made according to the following method:

  1. Cut a long strip of thick paper (preferably from a sheet of wallpaper).
  2. Wrap it around a cardboard sleeve to make a roll.
  3. Prepare the glue. Ingredients from any recipe are mixed together. Next, they need to be heated in steam.
  4. Pull a small piece of tape from the sleeve, lubricating it with glue.
  5. The trap is installed in the place of greatest concentration of insects.
  6. When the sticky area is filled with them, it is torn off and a new one is lubricated.
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Adhesive tape can also be made in a simplified form. Ribbons cut from a sheet of thick paper are lubricated with one of these baits:

  • rosin;
  • turpentine;
  • Castor oil;
  • jam.

Next, the traps are hung with clothespins on clotheslines. When the tape becomes full of insects, it is simply replaced with a new one. You need to prepare and use sticky baits carefully. These mixtures are difficult to wash even from the skin, not to mention clothes. The second disadvantage of such traps is their fragility. Natural ingredients do not last as long as their chemical counterparts.

How to quickly and easily make a children's holiday costume

As a basis for the suit, you can use a sports jacket and trousers (in summer - a T-shirt and jeans).

Decorate the “base” in an original way - sew, glue something or simply draw with felt-tip pens. You have a comfortable, inexpensive carnival outfit, and it doesn’t matter if it gets dirty or torn during the holiday!

Every family needs to have a so-called costume chest, which contains the things needed to make any fancy dress.

At any time, from the “chest” you can get either a suitable suit or material for its manufacture.

This way, you don’t have to rush before the festive evening and look for a suit in the store - you have everything you need at home.

The “chest” can also come in handy in bad weather. Children can be given the task of “making” their own holiday costume in preparation for the upcoming celebration. In order to collect such a “chest”, set yourself a goal throughout the year to occasionally buy some inexpensive suit or costume element, a necessary accessory.

Thus, by the end of the year the “chest” will be full! In addition, you can turn to your grandmother’s suitcase - there will certainly be something suitable for a modern child in it.

The “chest” can contain: Fairy magic wand Royal scepter Knight's sword Colorful silk scarf Old shoes Umbrella Stilts Conductor's baton Jacket Jewelry Face makeup Faux fur Gloves Various hats: fireman's helmet, football cap, police cap, cowboy hat Tie Masks Old towels, sheets, blankets (for tents, ropes, etc.) Boots Sports uniforms Scraps of fabric in unusual colors

If your holiday evening is dedicated to a special theme, costumes should be selected especially carefully.

Making a fly costume

Decide on the style and color scheme. The base will be black, it can be complemented by white, silver, brown or gold.

Option with a full skirt

A fluffy skirt looks more elegant than a straight one, and decorations (bows, colored inserts) will add playfulness and childlike spontaneity to the image.

An interesting and quick-to-make set will be made with a tulle skirt. It can be worn over regular clothes.

  • Tulle is black and golden or another shade.
  • Satin ribbons (wide and narrow).
  • Satin fabric for a vest.
  • Wide elastic band.

Sew the vest with ties in the front or without them, at your discretion. For ties, use narrow satin ribbons that match the color of the fabric.

The tu-tu skirt is made as follows. Measure the child's waist, cut a wide elastic band to the desired length and sew the ends together. Tulle ribbons are knitted on top.

The easiest way to do this is to put a rubber band on the back of a chair or similar object.

The tulle strip should be twice the length of the skirt. Fold it in half and tie it to the elastic with a loop knot. An important point: the elastic band should not be pulled together; do not tighten the knots too tightly.


These elements are not mandatory, but can perfectly complement the image. And they will look beautiful against the general background. The following parts can be used.

  • Based on the famous cartoon and fairy tale, you can arm our mosquito with a saber or sword.
  • On shoes, attach shiny square plaques to the strap.
  • Complete the look with a butterfly.
  • You can use a top hat instead of a hat. You will turn out to be a real aristocrat.

Use your imagination and ask your boy what he likes. Together you can choose your design and create a unique look. Treat your son to a new suit and go to the event together. Happy holiday!

We complete the image of a fly - apply makeup

Complete the do-it-yourself fly costume for a girl with suitable makeup. To choose a pattern, be guided by the color scheme of the set. Warm shades will go well with gold, and cool tones will look good with silver.

As a drawing, choose associations with the image of a fly, place emphasis on the shape of the eyes and antennae of the insect.

Or take an abstract theme as a basis.

It is important that the face painting is water-based and easy to wash off.

Get creative and get inspired to get a beautiful and unforgettable DIY fly costume for a girl. Do the easiest elements together with your baby so that she can be proud of her work and go to the party with joy!

DIY children's carnival costume

If you decide to sew an original carnival costume for your child, you can make the pattern yourself or contact a tailor. Look through fashion magazines - they always give advice on how to sew a suit for a child.

To quickly make an original or even funny costume, use the items we list below. Using these items and accessories, you can make almost any costume, if you show ingenuity and imagination, from a wizard to a monster.

It is interesting to ask guests to come up with an original costume for a festive evening. Give everyone the necessary materials, tools and instruct the children how to follow safety precautions, and then let them act on their own.

Surprisingly, it’s not at all difficult to come up with an original costume - one or two rolls of toilet paper and plastic wrap, and you’re a mummy!

Materials and tools for making costumes: Aluminum foil Pins, needles, buttons Balloons Black felt-tip pen Gum wrapper Harness Buttons Cardboard tubes Cardboard boxes of various sizes Plexiglas Colored markers Cotton balls Colored pencils Corrugated paper Egg cartons Rubber bands Eyelets Pieces of fabric Feathers Felt Trinkets, soft glitter decorations Glue Gummed stars Hole punch Toy gun that shoots suction cups Old sheets and towels Paint brushes Paints (gouache and watercolor) Paper bags and towels Pencils Pens Corrugated tube Styrofoam Wire cutters (for cutting wire) Cardboard board Multi-colored tapes Riveting machine, rivets Electrical tape Ruler Safety pins Scissors Glitter Clothespins Stapler Rope T-shirts Meter Toilet paper Wire Pieces of wood

DIY electric mosquito trap

Such a device requires certain knowledge in electrical engineering. The trap is more difficult to make than Velcro or bait bottles. It is crafted with one of three elements:

  • Powersave lamp;
  • a special lamp that emits carbon dioxide;
  • fan.

Store traps often combine the last two details. The carbon dioxide light bulb attracts insects and they fly to it. Then they are sucked by a fan into a gauze bag. The disadvantage of the device is that mosquitoes are unlikely to die in such conditions. Midges can even get out through the gauze. The assembly of such a trap follows the following instructions:

  1. Cut off the bottom and top of the milk/juice carton.
  2. Attach the fan to the bottom of the container. It should push the air down.
  3. The fan is connected to the wires through which the voltage will be carried.
  4. Next, a gauze bag is attached to the same lower part.
  5. The upper part of the bag is equipped with wire to form a handle (bow).
  6. The lamp socket is screwed to this handle.
  7. The device is suspended and plugged into the network.

The trap will be more reliable if you use a plastic bottle instead of a cardboard bag. It is important that it has a large diameter (volume 1.5-2 liters). Otherwise, even a warm lamp can melt it. It is made like this:

  1. The neck of the bottle is cut off.
  2. A hole is made at the bottom of the container for the lamp socket.
  3. The lamp is inserted inside the bottle.
  4. The cut top part is inserted with the neck towards the light source. The result is the same funnel as in the case of a carbon dioxide trap.
  5. The side walls are wrapped in dark fabric. This will direct the insects directly into the funnel.

A similar trap can be made from a used economy class lamp. It will work even when the general lights are turned off. You will need a high-voltage module, a AA battery and a step-by-step assembly diagram:

  1. Make 2 holes in the light bulb body.
  2. Thread soft aluminum wire through them. One end is fixed and it is spirally wound around the lamp. The remainder is removed with pliers.
  3. The same winding is made through the second hole.
  4. One of the wire ends of the light bulb is tightly twisted onto a wound aluminum wire.
  5. The remaining ends from the light bulb and wire are connected to the high-voltage module. The latter is pre-connected to the battery via a switch.
  6. A light bulb with a high-voltage winding is placed on the connected module.
  7. The upper part of the catcher is equipped with a wire loop. This way the trap can be hung indoors.

We complement the suit with accessories

For a festive costume you need to prepare accessories.


Wire is best for wings. With its help you will attach a beautiful outline of future wings.

Pull white nylon over the wire; nylon tights will do.

Alternatively, fold a simple oval outline and draw the inner details on top of the fabric with a marker.


Then start making a hat or mask.

Mandatory details are large round eyes and antennae. Glue the cardboard rim and cover it with fabric. For the eyes, use a cardboard base. Wrap the base with dark material, create volume with cotton wool or synthetic padding. For a mustache, a wire wrapped in satin ribbons, fabric or paper is suitable. Use glue to attach.

The DIY Tsokotukha Fly costume looks very beautiful in the photo thanks to the birthday girl's Mukha-Tsokotukha hat.

To achieve this elegant effect, instead of black fabric for the eyes, use shiny gold or silver. If you have time, embroider your eyes with shiny sequins. It will look beautiful and extravagant!

Coin and handbag

In Chukovsky’s fairy tale, a fly found some money, which means a large coin will complement the costume.

Take cardboard as a base and cover it with foil or colored paper, place an applique on top or write the denomination of the coin with a marker.

The money must be large, and not only because the fly is small in comparison with it, but also so that the audience of the performance can see what kind of object is in front of them.

For the coin, sew a simple handbag from the same fabric as the dress.

Costumes from…

Dress made of leaves

It is quite natural to go to an autumn ball in a dress made from autumn leaves. To create such a masterpiece with your own hands you will need few resources: just a piece of fabric or an old dress, a large bag of maple leaves and glue.

It's good if the leaves are a little wet. If they dry out, the edges will curl and the dress will become “shaggy”. Spray them with a little water from the sprayer and start gluing them to the fabric.

Do this from bottom to top, overlapping the previous row. Try to maintain the color scheme. You can straighten the leaves using a warm iron, ironing them through damp gauze.

This dress is very beautiful, but not durable. If you are not going to wear it to the ball right away, spray it lightly every 4-5 hours with cold water so that moisture does not get on the fabric.

Dress made from bags

Take garbage bags of two colors, cut them into one continuous sheet, and build a costume... for example, rain.

Dresses made from improvised materials turn out amazing. Few people know that bags, even the largest ones, are glued together so tightly that they can be inflated like balloons. Inflate 15-20 bags and attach them to a long skirt in several rows. The world has never seen such a gorgeous princess.

You can, on the contrary, not inflate the bags, but cut them into fringes, and then sew them on with lush red flounces.

Queen of newspaper prints

If you have stacks of old, read newspapers lying around waiting for the next repair, it's time to put them to work. See what kind of royal dress of the Lady of the Seal you can make with your own hands. All you need to do is take a printed sheet, fold it in half for rigidity, roll it into a bag and attach it to the skirt in any way. The assembly procedure is the same as in the autumn costume.

Dinosaur and box cowboy

A great dinosaur costume can be made from boxes. You can fasten the parts with a stapler, glue or tape. This requires imagination and engineering.

Another carnival costume for a boy is a cowboy on a horse. The horse's face can be made from the same plastic bottles. It’s a pity that it’s difficult to dance in circles in such outfits, and you can’t invite a girl to a waltz, but a gift for the best costume is guaranteed.

Making a Wizard's Hat

– a sheet of thick cardboard in A1 format (you can buy it at an art store) – PVA dispersion glue (the kind that is sold in small buckets in hardware stores) – brushes for glue and paint – the largest plate or tray in the house + a plate with a diameter of about 54 cm – bronze acrylic paint – a piece of any thick fabric – thread and needle – decorative braid – scissors and a utility knife.

How to make a mosquito costume?

Of course it's a clown costume. So, you have decided to come up with a fancy dress costume for your child. If you decide to sew an original carnival costume for your child, you can make the pattern yourself or contact a tailor.

I think that it is absolutely unnecessary to reproduce such a detail as a long nose in a mosquito costume. Moreover, there may be difficulties in securing it. All children, without exception, love to dress up in various costumes and portray their favorite characters and animals. Remember, first of all, that the child should like the costume. Don’t try to force your son or daughter to wear a costume that he doesn’t like if he just wants to come to the party wearing a mask of his favorite cartoon character.

The costume should not have any protruding or protruding elements that the child could catch on something. It is quite possible that your baby will feel quite awkward in a fancy dress. As a basis for the suit, you can use a sports jacket and trousers (in summer - a T-shirt and jeans).

Every family needs to have a so-called costume chest, which contains the things needed to make any fancy dress. At any time, from the “chest” you can get either a suitable suit or material for its manufacture. Children can be given the task of “making” their own holiday costume in preparation for the upcoming celebration.

Look through fashion magazines - they always give advice on how to sew a suit for a child. It is interesting to ask guests to come up with an original costume for a festive evening. You can make it at home with your own hands. That is why many needleworkers may have a genuine interest in how they can make a beautiful and elegant, and most importantly, a really funny clown costume.

This lesson will allow you to look at the most popular clown costumes, select photographs of the most unique... Making your own clown costume will not seem such an easy task. Photo tutorials and special materials will help you recreate a very funny clown costume. Costumes of fairy-tale characters are especially popular among children, because every child wants to become a participant in magical adventures!

Fabulous carnival costumes for children are made from bright, durable fabrics with a beautiful texture, have a comfortable and practical style, and high-quality and stylish finishing. With the help of a carnival costume, a young fashionista will be able to turn into a thoughtful Malvina, a gentle Thumbelina or a mysterious Frog Princess. Modern costumes of fairy-tale characters are made of satin, velvet, brocade, and taffeta. Carnival costumes of birds and insects combine high quality fabrics, tailoring, and a wide variety of designs and styles.

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