Make a self-defense weapon with your own hands from improvised means, do-it-yourself children's weapons

Today, toy stores offer such a huge and brilliant selection that parents are shaking their heads and children are drooling. Unfortunately, the economic situation and personal chances do not always allow you to have a sufficient income in order to please your child with a cool present. Hands and head support us! You can always make some toys yourself. Many craftsmen cut cars, horses, whatever is desirable out of wood and sell it. Wood is a very comfortable material; with little skill in handling it and the necessary tools, you can do a lot. For girls, they can cut out dolls, furniture, dishes from it, and for boys - a typewriter, a pistol, a sword. The question of how to make weapons from wood worries them greatly!

Wooden weapon options

In fact, you are allowed to do a lot, the main thing is, why do you need a certain thing? For a child, one who will play in the yard, to use weapons for their intended purpose, for role-playing games, for hunting, or maybe for a costume? A homemade weapon made of wood will take the shape and appearance that you desire. If the main calling is a game, then the main thing in this case is strength. Every paint job and thin, fragile parts will fall off in a few days, if not immediately. When schools hold military training camps, and schoolchildren are given wooden Kalashnikov assault rifles, 50% of the guys tear off magazines on the 1st or 2nd day. And these machines make a ton of tea, not caring much about beauty, painting them in one color and trying hard to make them stronger. How to make a weapon out of wood that won't break, you ask? No way, the thing will remain intact only if you do not use your product. For role-players, the situation is much more difficult; they need weapons that are both excellent and strong, so they often use other materials. If, after all, it is wood, then they make two swords or knives, one is beautiful, the other is strong.

General information about preparing materials

Before you start making the “Leshy” camouflage suit, you should prepare everything that might be useful. In short, the main steps include unraveling the bags onto the threads and cutting the mesh. Only after this can you start sewing the cut parts together. Next, you need to put on the suit, walk around in it, and perform various movements. If you feel comfortable in the suit, you can start dyeing it in the selected color. All this must be done carefully. After all, camouflage depends on how well the clothes are made.

Material selection and processing

The choice of material determines how much processing time will be required. Birch is a very strong and unruly tree; it is excellent for making a club; without special processing the product will be heavy. Aspen, poplar, and pine are softer and easy and pleasant to work with. Oak is rare in many regions of Russia, but if you decide to make a weapon with your own hands from wood, you are unlikely to find a cooler material. It is easier to process than birch, light in weight and stronger than pine, and wonderfully preserves its quality over time. The wood for the products must be free of knots, wood holes, rot, with a consistent fiber direction, and without curvature. You need to dry it, preferably in a dry room or under a canopy. It is necessary for the wood to dry evenly without direct exposure to bright rays, otherwise it will then begin to crack and bend.

Simple darts

If you like to play darts, then you can make your own colorful darts. You'll need:

  • Pushpins
  • Multicolored paper
  • Paper clips
  • Scotch

Advice! Instead of paper clips, you can use regular matches.

The dart is made as follows:

  1. Act one. Take a square piece of paper. You roll it along the floors in one direction and the other. Then also diagonally. The result will be something like a pyramid with four edges.
  2. Act two. Attach a push pin to the top of the pyramid using paper clips and tape.
  3. Act three. Throw darts at a special board.

Making a Club

The most primitive weapon made of wood is a club or stick. What could be simpler, break off a branch and you're done. But if you suddenly decided to take this issue seriously, you wanted to make a strong, light, comfortable product, then you are faced with the question “how”. Making a weapon out of wood according to every rule is difficult. For the club, choose a young tree of suitable size. They cut down closer to the root, because at the butt the fibers begin to intertwine, making the material even stronger. Then, carefully, so as not to damage the top layers, remove the bark, cut off the knots, give the handle the desired shape, and if necessary, soak the workpiece in water or special brines for a day. Then the drying begins, a fire is lit and, in the smoke, protecting the coming club from the flames, they dry it. As soon as the tree has turned black, the blackness is removed with fine sand or hard grass. This is repeated six times, the surface becomes smooth and dry. Even if birch was chosen, the final product will be light and strong. Such wood does not rot. According to the same thesis, our ancestors made strong arrows and spears without steel tips.

Shield and sword

How to make weapons from wood for role-playing games and historical reconstructions? If for beauty and ambiance, then it is very comfortable to cut out a shape from plywood with a jigsaw, smooth the edge, varnish, paint, insert decorations. With excellent paint, without holding the item in your hands, it will be difficult to determine what material it is made of. For combat, it is worth making a weapon from thick, strong wood, with a comfortable handle, so that the vibration from the blow is less transferred to the hand; on the contrary, it is possible to damage the hand or easily drop the object at the first hard impact.

The shield is beautifully made from plywood, but for battle it is better to use iron-bound or iron versions with a shock-absorbing lining. During reconstructions they usually show a wall-to-wall battle, in which it is very difficult to deliver a powerful blow to the shield. Excellent and strong is necessary for individual combat; for all other cases, plywood is suitable.

Suit material

When creating different versions of a costume, there are common points. Let's take a quick look at them. You should start with the necessary materials:

  1. Baby net. The more of it, the better. The fact is that part of it will have to be spent on experimentation in order to choose the best color for camouflage. Usually, 3-4 meters in length and one and a half width are enough for making a suit and preliminary work. The original color of the mesh used does not matter. But the cell size should be limited to the range of 1-2.5 centimeters.
  2. Jute thread. To obtain it, you can use brown bags designed for storing potatoes. Jute twine is not suitable because it is too stiff and thick. Considering that after painting and drying these properties will become even more pronounced, it will be extremely difficult to work with. Therefore, it is better to buy jute bags and pull out the required thread from them.

Firearms mockups

No matter how much one would like to, it is unthinkable to make a homemade firearm out of wood that will shoot. Maybe for one or two shots, and it’s not a fact that the weapon won’t explode when the gunpowder explodes.

All self-propelled schemes are reduced to one algorithm. The tree is a frame to which the barrel is attached, a trigger mechanism with a spring, and occasionally a magazine is added. Inconvenient, short-lived, but cheap and fierce.

Hunting weapon

Do you remember running around the yards with slingshots as a child? If you haven't run, definitely try it, you'll like it. Modern flexible materials impart such striking power to a small metal ball or pebble that, with proper skill, it is possible to knock down targets from thirty paces. And the frame of a slingshot can be easily made from wood.

Drawings of weapons made of wood for hunting are quite common. This is how crossbows and bows are made. It’s not that difficult to make a wooden frame; it requires sleight of hand and no magic. But there is a main detail that is needed to make small arms lethal and effective over vast distances. This requires shoulders that are elastic and strong, as well as a bowstring. There are old special technologies for making shoulders, but nowadays it is too labor-intensive and difficult to implement at home. It is easier to use modern materials such as plastic.

The coolest thing is to make a rod frame out of wood, and make shoulders out of elastic, rot-resistant plastic, and a synthetic cord will go to the bowstring. A little decoration and paint, and you will get an absolutely attractive and effective look. As you already realized, we will talk about homemade self-defense weapons. If you're excited about DIY self-defense weapons, then you've come to the right place. Similar items may be needed in many cases and for completely different people - from a tiny defenseless girl to a strong man weighing a hundred pounds. Much depends on combat training, on a person’s physical and psychological indicators, and if all this is at a low level, then it will be very difficult for him to defend himself without means of self-defense. But also, a lot depends on how many people are attacking you, and what kind of training they are. Weapons for self-defense will help you protect yourself from a criminal if you are unsatisfactorily prepared, or if there are many such criminals.

How to camouflage a hunting rifle

Weapon camouflage allows the hunter to blend in as seamlessly as possible with the environment and increases the chances of returning from the hunt with an enviable catch. As a rule, guns have a classic black color, which in many natural conditions is very striking and violates the overall natural idyll:

  • in light reeds;
  • on white snow;
  • in an open field if you are participating in a driven hunt.

Different types of weapons are camouflaged differently. Hunting models have fewer angles and curves than military models, making them easier to camouflage.

Camouflage tapes are sold as fabric in a roll. Tape types vary:

  • thick fabric with a sticky base;

  • soft fabric with stretch - sticks to its own outer side.

The width of the roll, as a rule, is about 5-10 cm. The length can be any - whatever you need.

Like any other hunting device, camouflage tape has its advantages and disadvantages. Each hunter makes his own decision based on his needs, capabilities, hunting conditions and other aspects.

Weapons for self-defense

So, let's look at the weapons that you can make with your own hands.

  1. Flail
  2. Club
  3. Nunchakus
  4. Sling
  5. Brass knuckles
  6. Yawara
  7. Slingshot
  8. Samopal
  9. Other

All self-defense weapons have their own characteristics, and not all weapons on the list are legal. For example, for self-propelled guns and brass knuckles, you can be punished according to every severity of the law.


To put it boldly, a flail is a weight on a rope, a shock-crushing weapon that can quickly subdue a criminal. As a load, you can use whatever is desirable - nuts, a stone, a hammer, a lead blank, and in general any weighty object. We will also need a rope with a loop at the end, which will be put on the hand so that the rope does not fall off. You can not put the rope on your hand, but tie it to a handle of a comfortable length made of wood or other material. The length of the rope from the load can be different, but the optimal one is 40-50 cm. We tie the rope to the load, make a loop at the end and that’s it, we have a solid weapon ready. The weight of the cargo should be 150 grams and above. Of course, such weapons can cause damage to a criminal without any problems, but when using any of the listed items, the main thing is not to become a bandit yourself. The weapon works on a swing and the working part of the weapon is the load that needs to hit a certain part of the body. You can carry the brush with you everywhere because it is super compact. You can put it in your purse or pocket, and it will help you out at the right time.


The baton is a particularly primitive and well-known item of self-defense. There are many types of batons that can help you get out of a difficult situation. You can use the most primitive straight baton, a baton with two handles, which has a wider range of actions. You are allowed to use two short clubs for self-defense, with the support of which you can defend yourself very effectively. As a last resort, any stick that is not very long and fits well in the palm will do. We can also use bits, which are also quite effective. Unfortunately, we cannot carry a baton in our purse. At best, it can fit in a backpack.


The weapon is effective, exciting, but not as primitive as it might seem. You need to learn how to use it, and the first time you pick it up - the main thing is not to break your forehead - virtually every person who picks up the nunchucks the first time hits himself on the head with it. Be careful with this weapon, and before using it in real life, learn how to use it - believe me, it's worth it. Nunchakus became famous to a greater extent due to the mythical martial arts master - Bruce Lee. After watching films with Bruce Lee, you will be able to appreciate the superiority of such weapons as nunchucks. They consist of 2 pieces of wood, or pieces of any other durable material. At home, we can primitively connect two pieces of wood with a rope. We make holes at the ends of the segments in the middle, approximately 2-3 cm, and holes through each diameter that passes through the central hole. In the middle we get a drilled letter “T”. We take a rope, insert one end on one side and take it out from the center, and the other end from the other side, and also take it out from the center, and for comfort you can use wire. It turns out that from the center, we will have two ends of the rope peeking out. Next, we insert the ropes into the center of another segment, take them out on the sides and tie them at the top. Nunchucks can be small, and they can be carried in a purse, backpack, or in the belt of your pants.


An absolutely good self-defense weapon, but in order to use it, you need to prepare it in advance - load it, and only after that you will be able to stop the criminal. A sling looks like this: a rope with a “pocket” in the middle, like in a slingshot, in which a stone is placed. At one end there is a loop that is put on the finger, on the 2nd knot. We put a stone in our pocket and, with simple movements, send the stone to the target. That's every rule, but the point is that you need to know how to use these weapons, and here at the beginning too - the main thing is not to cause damage to yourself. To make a sling, you need rope and a thick piece of material for the “pocket” - leather works perfectly. It doesn’t take a lot of intelligence to attach cut leather to a rope, so we won’t consider this.

Brass knuckles

It's time to look at the brass knuckles. This is a fairly ancient weapon, the existence of which many people know. Brass knuckles are a weapon with shock-crushing action. To use brass knuckles, they put it on the fingers, clench a fist and strike with the fist in which the brass knuckles are clamped. Due to the fact that an object is clamped in the palm, the blow is intensified, and the blow is also many times more powerful due to the weight of the brass knuckles, and due to its outer part, which is the working part. The sides of the brass knuckles can also be the working parts. If when striking with a fist, the main points of contact are the knuckles of the large fingers, which do not have such a large area, then when striking with brass knuckles, the point of contact is each striking part of the brass knuckles, which allows you to influence a larger area. There are different brass knuckles, but they have the same thesis. At home, brass knuckles can be made from lead or wood. From lead : we make a mold and pour molten lead into it. From wood : we cut it out, but the weight will be much less. Brass knuckles can also include fighting rings, and the most primitive fighting ring can be made at home from a huge nut that you can put on your finger. On the machine, we sharpen the nut to fit the finger and sharpen the top as needed. I would like to point out that owning brass knuckles or a fighting ring is actually not permissible without practicing striking techniques. First, learn, and only then think about using brass knuckles. This is such an ingenious weapon for self-defense. But that is not all. Let's continue.


Yawara is also an ancient weapon of self-defense, but in order to use it, you also need to practice a little, or maybe a lot. Yawara is a wooden stick that is longer than the width of your palm. She is allowed to deliver stabbing blows to different points of the body, and these blows will be quite painful if you have the preparation. Yavar can be made from an ordinary stick by sharpening it on a machine or with a knife. A similar weapon is the Kubotan. Yawara and Kubotan have different histories, but, nevertheless, they are similar in the thesis of the action. The main difference between the kubotan is that on the edge there is a hole for a ring on which you can hang whatever you want, making it more convenient for each key. Yawaru and kubotan can be carried both in your pocket and in your purse. The main condition is knowledge to use.


The slingshot, despite its virgin appearance, is a rather dangerous weapon. If the slingshot has a strong, good rubber band, then the slingshot projectile will be able to fly long and swiftly, which, if it hits the body, can cause pain and leave a bruise, and if it hits the head, it can simply cause pain, but there may be more important results - it all depends on the rubber band and the projectile. You can purchase a slingshot, and a slingshot that has a forearm support is especially suitable. You can make a slingshot yourself from wood or reinforcement. But the main thing here is to find excellent rubber and shells.


Samopal is a particularly solid weapon for self-defense among those listed. You can load a self-propelled gun with whatever you want - bent nails, salt, pellets. The self-propelled gun consists of a handle and a pipe. The handle is for comfort, and so as not to get burned, and we fill the pipe with gunpowder (sulfur) and charge. A hole is made on top of the pipe so that the sulfur in the middle can be set on fire. The pipe must have thick walls so that it does not burst, and be perfectly riveted at the end so that it does not swell. This is a very unsafe weapon for self-defense, which I suggest not using at all.


As for other weapons, I can suggest the following: Opener . The most ordinary can opener can become a real weapon in the right hands. Screwdriver . As a specialized item it does not pose any danger, but if it is used as a weapon, it becomes very dangerous. Scissors . Ordinary nail scissors, which can serve as a stabbing weapon, or heavy household scissors, which can be used as an impact weapon, are perfect for self-defense. Fork . An ordinary fork can also become a stabbing weapon. An attempt to systematize homemade shooting games from Soviet childhood from memory... From simple to complex... Match shooters are primitive in production, tiny, but fire hazardous. A match shooter from a clothespin fired a match, whether it was burning or not.

The head of the match was wrapped in foil from a cigarette pack, heated by another lit match and pssh, the match flies along the thesis of a rocket.

The photo shows a remake, but the thesis is the same, when a match ignites from a box grater, a shot occurs.

Match shooter from a fountain pen. From simple to complex... Darts. Primitive, but dangerous if it enters a living organism.

Approximately “darts”, we chose to use needles from sewing machines, they are heavier.

A dart made from a welding electrode was thrown into trees, but it was very unsafe. Spitting tubes.

A metal tube for spitting plasticine or mastic balls. A large reserve of mastic or plasticine was molded directly onto the tube, from which a slice was pinched off and loaded into the tube. Apart from moral damage, such spitting did not cause anything to its victim. The pipe was also made from a thick rod from a pen and they were shot with grain, which even happened in bursts. And it was allowed to shoot chewed paper or blotting paper from any chemical pencil in class without raising any doubts.

This is a beautiful plant that I have known since childhood. When we had a vulgar epidemic of rowan spitting from tubes in our yard, hogweeds seemed to us a good option for making weapons. Needless to say, everyone walked around with burns afterwards. At a minimum, around the mouth, and at most, someone was talking about a burned stomach and other things. I had a burn on my hand - approximately the size of a modern five-ruble coin. And only now I learned that it is not the hot hogweed itself, but that it washes off the ultraviolet protection from the skin with its juice. Look and be careful with him.

We also found long glass tubes at the dump of an electric lamp factory and shot berries from afar and powerfully. Sikalka or dousing.

A sikalka was made from an empty shampoo bottle or a liter plastic bottle of “Belizna”. A hole was made in the cork with a hot nail on the stove and half of a ballpoint pen without a refill was inserted into it. All this was sealed with mastic or plasticine.

They also made portable sikalkas from a perfume bottle with a push-button liquid supply. The tip was removed from the ball rod, and the ball was knocked out with a needle and hammer. The resulting nozzle was heated over a fire and fused into the hole in the perfume plug. Every press of a button and a few drops of water fly 5-7 meters. Practiced at school. I didn't find the photo. Crossbows.

A block, an elastic band from panties and a clothespin. They shot small pebbles, sometimes at each other. The most ideal models broke the bottle. Unsafe if in contact with eyes.

This crossbow model is more serious.

Pocket crossbow. Slingshots. They were divided into bracket and “stone” ones according to the type of charge.

The staple slingshot was made, as usual, from a single-core insulated aluminum wire from electrical wiring. The insulation was carefully cut in a circle near the ends, an elastic band (Hungarian) was attached under it, and everything was ready. Shooting brackets were made from thinner wire. Unsafe if in contact with eyes.

The stone slingshot is much more serious and dangerous. A medical tourniquet was screwed onto a wooden spear, one that was attached to a piece of skin. They shot stones over great distances. Homemade bows.

They were made from whatever was desired. From a stick with an elastic band, a hazel branch with a bowstring, to complex combined structures.

Fantasy had no limits, everything was limited by probabilities. Homemade crossbows.One of the crowning achievements of children's creativity. Safety of use was determined by the tension power of the bowstring and the type of arrowhead. From simple to complex... Air balloons. One of the crowning achievements of children's creativity.

They were made, as usual, from a bicycle pump, to the nipple of which, using epoxy, a barrel (smooth tube) was glued. All this was attached with electrical tape to a wooden fore-end, plus a rubber band. Loading was done from the end of the barrel by wetting it with saliva and laying plasticine with further sucking it inside the barrel bore (chock!) by steeply cocking the pump handle back. When it hit a person it left bruises.


Here is a homemade product that will require attentiveness and a little time. To create it you will need:

  • Plastic spoon
  • Wooden sticks
  • Paper clips
  • Stationery erasers
  • Clothespins
  • Scotch

Advice! Suitable sticks are those used to stir coffee. You can also use a popsicle stick. As a last resort, you can take a regular pencil.

  1. Step one. All you need is 4 clothespins. They need to be tied together with rubber bands and tape, as shown in the figure.
  2. Step two. Place wooden sticks between the clothespins.
  3. Step three. Secure the spoon with clamps. You will need three pieces.
  4. Step four. Using an elastic band, secure the spoon so that you can pull it back.
  5. Step six. We put a small piece of paper and shoot.

Here we have such an interesting catapult. If you experiment with the tension of the trigger mechanism, you can shoot up to five meters.


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