Build a shelter in the forest. How to properly build a canopy in the forest with your own hands using available materials. (Two types will be presented)

Classification of shelter types

Types of shelters are classified purely conditionally:

  1. According to the method of protecting
    animals from climatic influences, buildings are:
  • closed (den, wigwam, tent, igloo, dugout, hut);
  • open (canopies, hammocks in trees, decks in swamps).
  1. By capacity:
  • individual;
  • group.
  1. Intended purpose:
    a winter shelter saves a person from freezing, a summer shelter protects from rain, wind, sun, mosquitoes, and snakes.
  2. By service life:
  • temporary (protection for several hours or days) are built for overnight stays, daytime stops, and during short-term natural disasters;
  • capital (for survival that lasts indefinitely).
  1. By labor costs:
  • easily erected (temporary shelters);
  • labor-intensive (capital) - construction requires skills and the necessary tools.
  1. Based on source materials,
    types of shelters are more widely represented:
  • fabric (canopy, tent, bivouac bag) - if there is covering material;
  • frame-fabric (plagues, wigwams) - you need a frame of poles, metal tubes, skis, covered with canvas;
  • frame-deciduous (canopy, hut, hut, Adyghe house) - the fabric is replaced by spruce branches, branches with foliage, turf, tree bark;
  • earthen (niche, hole, cave, dugout) - dig in the ground;
  • snowy (they dig holes in snowdrifts, a hole, a trench, a cave, a man-made snow-covered den under a fallen tree - a winter shelter in the forest);
  • snow-block - blocks are cut out of compacted snow to build an igloo, a snow house;
  • reed huts made from bundles of reeds;
  • stone (will only provide wind protection) - construction of sangars in the mountains, where the only building material is stones;
  • adobe (huts made of adobe bricks, or fencing coated with clay, woven from poles and branches);
  • wooden (hut).
  1. By origin:
  • natural (caves, gorges);
  • man-made;
  • combined.
  1. By location relative to ground level:
    at level, below or above.

Shelter from rain made from natural materials

As in the case of protecting the fire from the wind, here you should first of all choose the optimal place to make a fire. The best places in this regard would be places hidden from precipitation, for example, an area under overhanging rocks or at the entrance to a cave. For example, the photo below shows a tourist camp with a fire in one of the “caves” on Mount Mangup in Crimea:

Separately, we told you why you shouldn’t light a fire in the cave itself...

A place under a large tree with a lush crown is not the best option in this regard: although it shelters the fire from precipitation, it can cause a fire or electric shock to a person during a thunderstorm. If we are talking about the winter period, then a cap of snow heated by the warmth of the fire may fall from the branch and extinguish the fire.

If the chosen location does not provide protection from precipitation, you need to build a shelter from natural materials. Reliable protection from rain and fire safety are two criteria by which you should evaluate the chosen type of shelter before you start building it.

A good shelter is obtained from level poles laid on a horizontal crossbar located at some distance from the ground, covered with moss on top. The poles should lie close to each other at an angle of at least 45 degrees relative to the ground. If the angle is smaller, rainwater will drip from the poles directly into the fire, which is not very good. Also, to prevent leakage, all twigs, branches and protruding pieces of bark on the lower surface of the poles should be removed.

An example of such a shelter is shown in the video by Grigory Sokolov:

Instead of moss, you can use branches with foliage or spruce branches, and these materials are laid from bottom to top like tiles to reduce the likelihood of water penetrating through the structure. In this option, you need to carefully monitor the fire so that the fire does not spread to flammable shelter materials.

A small fire can also be built under a similar type of shelter, in which sticks are laid on the trunk of a fallen tree.

It wouldn’t hurt to talk about fires that are resistant to rain and snow.

Thus, a node made of two logs withstands snowfalls well, since its combustion center is protected from snow by the upper log, and a Finnish candle, covered with a pot in which food is cooked, can withstand even the heaviest and longest rainfalls without an additional canopy.

Also, the Dakota hearth is a type of fire that is not afraid of rain if a cooking utensil is installed above it.

In general, speaking about fire shelters suitable for tourism, it can be noted that fire protection from bad weather should be compact, lightweight, fully cope with its task and ensure maximum safety for both tourists and the environment. When going to areas where there is a high probability of strong winds and frequent rains, such shelters are a guarantee of coziness and comfort. If the group goes on a trip to their native places, and weather forecasters promise good weather, then you can save space in your backpack, taking into account that the equipment includes a tent and a raincoat (you always need to be prepared for the worst).

As for the situation of survival as a result of an emergency, the person who finds himself in it most likely will not have comfortable gatherings around the fire under a branded awning from Tatonka, which means he needs to act according to a different scheme. First of all, you should look for a protected place, secondly, try to build a protection for the fire from existing equipment, and only lastly, make a shelter from natural materials.

Author: Maxim Chechetov

Choice of shelter and types of shelters

There are more than a hundred primitive dwellings built by people in various geographical areas in emergency situations. Types of shelters differ in parameters and design, building materials, and construction method. Having a tent immediately solves the issue of a roof over your head, the main thing is that the type of material is suitable for the surrounding natural conditions.

The type of shelter is chosen depending on:

  • functional purpose (from what unfavorable natural factors, how long protection is needed);
  • specific conditions (geographical location, relief, season of the year);
  • availability of materials and tools at hand;
  • time for arrangement, having previously assessed the experience and strength of the workers.

It is important to build durable types of shelters that retain heat as much as possible. Otherwise, the predicament of the people may become disastrous. Simplification of the design is permissible only if there is a shortage of tools, materials, time, and effort.

Summer shelters in the forest

Classic universal shelters usually have 3 main components: floor, roof and walls. Depending on the goals and conditions of survival, some of them may be discarded as unnecessary. This often happens when there is a suitable place: a windbreak, a cave.

Arrangement of the canopy

A canopy is a primitive protection from precipitation and moderate wind, but it will not save you from the cold. It is easy to build such a shelter in the forest, having a large piece of polyethylene, and finding two trees standing next to each other. A ceiling pole is placed in their forks (or notches on the bark). You can replace the pole with a tightly stretched rope. Throw a film over the support, stretch the canvas to form a 3-angled entrance, press down the lower edges with stones.

If there are no trees, then 2 stakes are driven into the soil at an angle of 45 degrees; a regular triangle-entrance is formed. The ceiling pole rests with one end in the fork formed by the stakes, and rests on the ground with the other. A canvas (film) is placed over the pole, the edges of which are attached to stakes and rolled to the ground along the entire perimeter.

A shed with a U-shaped entrance is made for the group. You will need to place two parallel ceiling poles at the required height, resting their ends on stakes with forks dug into the ground. A film is placed over the poles, the lower edges of which are secured to the ground. The design is bad because water accumulates in the middle part of the “roof” and the canvas sags inward. Spruce branches are suitable for shelter in the forest for a roof.

Wigwam or chum

This is a frame shelter in the forest and in the field, capable of protecting from precipitation, wind, and even frost, if you light a fire of dry fuel in it so that there is no strong smoke (leave a hole at the top for smoke extraction).

Tie the poles (5 pieces are enough, but more are more reliable) into a bundle at one end, and place them on the ground in a circle at the other end. Spread the covering sheet over the frame. If it is not there, the wigwam is covered with bark from trees (birch bark, pine bark is suitable). The layers are arranged in circular rows, starting from the bottom. The pieces are fastened together with willow twigs if there is no twine.

On a note:

in their design and properties, tents and wigwams are in many ways similar to a circular hut. You can learn more about such shelters in the forest from the article about their arrangement.

In areas of strong winds, a shelter is erected around a tree trunk, first clearing it of knots. But in this case, it will not be possible to light a fire inside. For frosty weather, a tent or wigwam can be “insulated” by covering them with snow blocks, placing stronger ones at the bottom.

Adyghe house

Flexible branches (preferably willow) are dug into 2 rows parallel to each other, the tops are tied together - arches are obtained. Horizontal branches are passed through them. Spruce branches are laid on the sheathing in rows, starting from the bottom, or covered with film. If the area is overgrown with bushes, then tie the tops of neighboring bushes as arches and uproot the space between them.

In addition to the above, shelter in the forest can be found under a broken or uprooted coniferous tree (inversion). You need to check its stability, cut off all the lower and protruding branches, and place them on top of the remaining branches facing the ground.

A hut is a favorite type of shelter for children.

The device is similar to a fabric canopy. The frame is made of poles, the fabric is replaced with spruce branches, branches with dense foliage, laid in rows on walls made of sticks leaning against the ceiling crossbar. The coating begins from below in rows. If there is snow, sprinkle the walls with it.

Winter shelters and their types

The simplest and individual snow shelter from light frost is a single hole in a snowdrift. To build a hole, a snowdrift 1 m high is enough. If there is no such snowdrift, then it is raked. First, they trample down the selected area, place a backpack on the center, and cover it from above. The snow is placed in a heap, periodically compacting it, then shoveled out from the leeward side with a shovel (or hands). Packed items reduce the amount of work required to remove snow.

Trench or hole

Snow shelters-trenches are dug in deep snow and, in the absence of tools, trampled underfoot. Width – 1-2 m, length – depending on the presence of covering material. On top of the trench across the trench, upon reaching a depth of 1.5 meters, “rafters” (skis, ski poles, poles) are laid 20-40 cm from each other and covered with film. The edges of the cloth are pressed with pieces of ice, snow, and stones. A layer of snow 20 cm thick is poured on top.

In loose snow cover, the cross-section of the trench is rectangular; in dense snow cover, it is trapezoidal (narrower at the top). If there is no artificial covering, slabs of crust and a thick layer of spruce branches are laid on top of the rafters (snow cannot be poured on top of it - it will crumble or melt).

A snow hole is a shelter made in a deep compacted snowdrift. First, they dig a well 2 m deep with a small diameter (up to 70 cm). Next, the person deepens the sides. The thickness of the ceiling depends on the strength of the snow. If it is loose - at least 80 cm, for dense it is enough 20 cm. At the top, in order to avoid the collapse of the vault, the construction site is fenced off with stuck sticks. At the bottom of the pit, make a bed half a meter high. The entrance is plugged with a backpack. The construction of the pit is labor-intensive.

Snow cave

A properly constructed snow cave is a reliable winter shelter. Usually built on mountain slopes with thick (at least 1.5 m) snow cover. The place must be avalanche safe. A hole is dug into the snowdrift with your feet, from which a narrow tunnel is dug deep into the depths - the most difficult stage of construction. Its dead end lifts up at an angle of 60 degrees and expands to the sides to the desired size. Waste snow is thrown into a tunnel, from where it is shoveled upward. The ceiling of the cave is spherical in shape. The construction is labor-intensive, requires skill and perseverance, but it is the warmest shelter.

Sometimes a person, once in the forest, can get lost. If this happens in the warm season, the chances of finding a way out (without much damage to health) are quite high. But if this happens in winter, the situation becomes more complicated. This article will help you understand how to build a shelter for overnight stays in winter.

Winter days are quite short, and it begins to get dark by 17:00. If, as dusk approaches, you have already realized that you will not be able to get to your home, then you need to carefully prepare for spending the night in the forest.

Technology and stages of canopy construction

Having settled on the final version of the design of the local area, it is necessary to plan further activities and study the stages and construction technology of constructing protective structures.

The easiest way would be to attach a canopy to the house, as the best solution for saving money on consumable building materials and your own time required to build a functional and practical building.

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The simplest option for a canopy would be a structure made from affordable and easy-to-process materials; when considering free-standing structures, it is better to choose those that do not require a foundation.

Before starting construction, you need to carefully consider the location of the canopy on the site and select those building and decorative materials that will allow you to make a beautiful and practical canopy yourself.

Housing made of snow

The first option for overnight accommodation is a snow hut.

To build such a shelter, you must first find a good place. The most optimal terrain options:

  • one or a group of fallen trees;
  • roots turned out of the ground;
  • hillside (preferably facing south).

The shelter will be located precisely under the cover of these trees or roots.

To start building a hut, you need to prepare the foundation - dig a hole or make a small depression in the ground. Next, you should make a frame from branches (coniferous ones are best), and if you have a piece of plastic film, oilcloth or cloth with you, cover the frame with it. Then you can pour a layer of snow on top.

Build an improvised “mattress” by laying fir branches on the bottom of your shelter. If you don’t find any, you can use dry grass or hay.

At night, the entrance to the snow hut must be covered with branches.

Despite the fact that such a dwelling is made of snow, it will be much warmer in it than in a wooden hut.

Recommendations for choosing materials for the frame and awning

For successful construction, you need to know the theory in order to successfully apply it in practice.

What materials to use for an awning, tent and light gazebo

The basis of any tent is the frame; its reliability and stability depends on the materials. Various materials are used, it all depends on the type of construction:

  • tree;
  • galvanized profile;
  • brick;
  • metal tubes;
  • polypropylene.

IMPORTANT! For a comfortable stay, it is necessary to use mosquito nets, durable fasteners and fire-resistant awnings.

The following materials can be used for the awning:

  • polyester;
  • tarpaulin;
  • acrylic;
  • nylon.

IMPORTANT! It is better to make the side walls from natural fabrics such as linen, cotton or chintz.

Hut made of branches

A wooden hut, like the previous housing option, can be built without any tools. Of course, if you have an ax or knife with you, they will not be superfluous. But we are considering the topic of survival and miss this option.

It is worth noting that there are undesirable places for spending the night, these are: lowlands, gorges, the foothills of mountains - in such places floods, rockfalls and avalanches are possible. You should not place it on hills either: the shelter will be vulnerable to the wind.

It is better to build a shelter on a flat surface, surrounded by trees: they will protect from the wind.

You should start by searching for debris. For the base of the hut, a small broken trunk is best suited, which can be placed at an angle on a reliable support. To do this, it is advisable to find a low branching tree or stick a slingshot-shaped log into the ground. At this stage it is also worth taking care of the flooring. Dry moss, leaves or branches are suitable for flooring.

So, on such a simple basis it is already possible to build the future “walls” of the hut. It is very good to cover the shelter with spruce branches. But if there are none, regular ones will do. First you need to lay out large logs, small branches on top, cover it all with moss and dry grass.

See the video below for more details.

How to heat your home

It is better to make a fire inside the hut. At the same time, it is important to ensure that there is no fire and that the fire is kept at a distance from the “mattress” and “walls”. Don't be afraid of smoke. At first there will be a continuous curtain, but then the smoke will begin to evaporate into the loopholes between the branches.

Even a small fire can raise the temperature in the shelter by 10˚C.

Earlier, “The Epoch Times” talked about how to do it in any conditions, and if you happen to have it with you (it’s not very difficult to do it yourself), then you can even make tea.

Since ancient times, the most important skill has been building a home. Housing saved people from cold, heat, and wild animals. Even now, a tent is a must-have item when camping. But if you find yourself in an extreme situation, you will have to find and equip shelter yourself. In this article we will look at how to arrange a temporary shelter in the forest.

Shelter classification

Shelters can be divided into the following types:

1) According to the construction method. Open (canopy, flooring) and closed (dugout, wigwam, hut).

2) By capacity. The shelter can be designed for 1 person or for a group.

3) By purpose. A shelter can protect from cold, rain, snow, animals, and insects.

4) By time of use. The shelter can be temporary, used for spending the night, resting, or shelter from bad weather. Capital shelters can be used for long-term living.

5) According to the expenditure of effort. They are divided into prefabricated (usually temporary shelters) and labor-intensive (capital, long-term shelters).

6) According to the materials used. To build a shelter, you can use many different materials: - Fabric shelters (tent, canopy) - Frame-fabric (wigwams, tents) - Frame-deciduous. In the absence of fabric, branches, grasses, and ferns are used to cover the shelter. - Earthen ones. Such shelters are dug in the ground. - Snowy ones. Caves are dug in the snowdrifts, and igloos are built from snow blocks. - Stone.

7) By origin. There can be natural (caves) and man-made.

Summer forest shelters

A shelter consists of three main elements: floor, walls and roof. Depending on environmental conditions, some of these elements may be discarded. Let's consider the main types of forest shelters in the summer.

A canopy is the simplest type of shelter. It is built quite quickly, but the functionality is very limited. A canopy can help provide shelter from precipitation and nothing more. To build a canopy you will need polyethylene or a piece of fabric. Find two trees standing next to each other and attach a ceiling pole to them, or string a rope. Place polyethylene on top and press down the ends with stones. If there are no trees, then several poles will do for construction. Drive 2 poles at an angle to form a triangle. It will serve as the entrance. Place the third pole on top of the formed fork with one end, and lay it on the ground with the other end. Place a film or cloth over this pole and press it down with stones.


It is a frame building. Able to protect from rain, wind, and help keep you warm. If you are going to make a fire, then take care of the hole for the hood. For construction you will need poles. On the ground they are lined up in a circle, and connected at the top into a bundle. The resulting structure is covered with film or cloth. If they are not at hand, then tree bark can be used as a covering material. They begin to lay it from below and fasten it with willow twigs. The frame can be built around a tree trunk. But in this case, you shouldn’t light a fire inside.

Adyghe house

To build this type of shelter, you will need flexible branches or bushes. Flexible branches must be dug into the ground in two parallel rows, and the tops must be fastened together. You should get arches. Attach branches horizontally to the arches. Spruce branches are placed on the resulting crate. If the area where you want to build an Adyghe house is overgrown with bushes, then instead of branches you can use nearby bushes. To do this, tie their tops and you will uproot everything between them.

Winter forest shelters

In winter, a shelter can be dug directly in the snow. You will need a snowdrift; if there is none, then you need to rake the snow into a pile.


In deep snow it is very convenient to dig a trench as a shelter. If you don't have tools, you can trample it with your feet. The width of the trench must be at least 1 meter, the length depending on the covering material. After digging a trench, place rafters on top; skis and branches are suitable for this. Cover everything on top with film, cloth, and cover it with snow 20 cm thick.

Cave in the snow

On slopes with very thick snow cover, it is most convenient to dig snow caves. Be sure to make sure that the terrain has minimal chance of avalanches. For construction, knock out a hole in the snow with your feet and start digging a tunnel. Dig the end of the tunnel slightly at an angle to the top and expand it to the desired size. This will help the warm air stay inside.


Another good shelter in a snowy forest is a den. You can build it in deep snow among windbreaks and roots. Make sure the trees won't move and start building your shelter. A den is built by analogy with a cave.

Snow dugout

Building a snow dugout is very similar to building snow trenches. For a snow dugout you need dense snow. Using a hacksaw or other tools, snow slabs are cut out and placed on top of the trench.

“The material presented by the author will clearly show and tell how to make a shelter in a snowy forest so that you can spend some time and spend the night in it. Using for construction only those materials that were found directly in the forest itself, the author shows us that even in the most difficult and extreme situation there are positive aspects.

This material will be useful to lovers of hunting and fishing, as well as tourists, and you just need to know survival skills in the wild, everyone without exception, “you never know what can happen in life”

And so, let's take a closer look at all the stages of construction, and also get acquainted with what and how the author used.


1. spruce branches (coniferous tree branches) 2. poles 3. sticks 4. snow 5. rope (you can use bark)


1. ax 2. sapper shovel 3. knife

The process of creating a shelter in a snowy forest.

And so, construction will take place on a small hill in a cold, winter forest, all materials for construction will be taken in the immediate vicinity of the parking lot. This type of shelter construction is intended specifically for extreme situations, when you do not have a tent with you to shelter from the raging weather and spend the night, and you also have a minimum of tools and materials.

The first step is to choose a suitable location for your future shelter, preferably if it is built on a hill. Then you should clear the snow cover down to the ground, digging a kind of small trench in the snow; you can lay out a parapet from the snow for greater reliability and subsequent strengthening of the walls of the home. Here is an example of how the author did everything himself.

After the hole in the snow is completely dug, our tourist begins to collect branches of coniferous trees (spruce, pine, cedar) around the area; in common people this material is called (spruce branches) ATTENTION!

Branches should be cut from the lower parts of the tree; under no circumstances should young trees be broken! Take care of nature first!

From the prepared branches brought by the author, a flooring is made on the ground - this is done so that there is a layer between the icy ground and the feet of travelers. As they say, “Keep your head cold and your feet warm.” Because if your feet get cold, you can get pneumonia, or at best, just catch a cold, which is extremely undesirable during a hike.

Next, the frame of the future shelter is made from pine poles, the required length of the trunk is cut off with an ax or knife and stuck into the snow, and a jib is also installed for reliability. If you don’t have an ax with a knife, you will have to break the branches thinner and preferably dry, it will be easier to break them.

Then the roof is made, if you can call it (lathing), the sticks are laid next to each other at a small interval and tied to the frame with a rope. If you don’t have rope with you, you can use thin twigs (hazel, willow) or other wood, as long as they are not brittle in the cold, and they should also be warmed up a little by the fire.

As soon as the frame is ready, it is covered with spruce branches, starting from the bottom up.

The walls of the home should be sprinkled with snow for safety; this will also help retain heat inside the room.
The fire should be lit at a more or less safe distance from the hut and, if possible, surrounded with stones, “although it is unlikely to find them under the snow.” You also need to build a wind protection for the fire from sticks so that it does not blow in different directions. Follow the rules of “Fire Safety” because branches of coniferous trees, even damp ones, can burst into flames like “gunpowder”

Surviving in the forest is not so easy, unless, of course, you have long-term survival experience. Of course, in our age of high technology it is difficult to get lost in the forest with different GPS technologies, but what to do if you have an accident and the nearest populated area is no closer than 100 km? Or did you crash somewhere in the taiga and your phone broke? In this situation, our forest survival tips will help you. If you have carefully read our website, you know that we have already raised many questions, so we will simply refer to them here.

The article will be divided into subparagraphs, or rather into the sequence of actions that you will need to take. So, let's begin.

Commercially available windbreaks

Today, special equipment has been produced to protect the fire from the wind.

On the open market you can find the so-called “hearth shield”. It consists of movably interconnected metal plates that can be compactly folded and placed in a backpack, and, if necessary, to protect the fire from the wind, it can be unfolded to form a kind of mini-fence.

In reality, such a wind barrier will only help to ignite the kindling with a match, or protect the burner flame from the wind.

Thanks to the reflective surface of the plates, the fireplace shield not only protects the fire from the wind, but also serves as a kind of screen, reflecting infrared (thermal) radiation and thereby increasing the efficiency of the fire.

The dimensions of each cell of the shield that I saw on sale are only 135mm by 75mm. Such a shield can only protect a small fire or burner flame from the wind.

The cost of such a product ranges from twenty US dollars.

As for me, this product is not suitable for hiking trips where you plan to light fires due to its small size.

Also, some equipment that was originally intended for other tasks will be quite suitable for protection from the wind. For example, a karimat (tourist rug), designed to protect a person lying on the ground from the cold, can be effectively used as a windbreak. To do this, the karimat is twisted into a wide pipe and placed on the ground so that the fire is in the middle.

You will have to hold the karimat with your hands, otherwise the wind will knock it over onto the fire. However, several pairs of thick sticks, driven into the ground at some distance from each other and capable of withstanding the pressure of the wind, taking into account the area of ​​the karimat, will free up the hands, becoming the backbone on which the improvised shield will be supported.

At worst, you can use a backpack as a windbreak, placing it on the windward side of the fire pit, or any other equipment at hand.

A boat is an effective protection from the wind.

But what to do if you don’t have any equipment suitable for organizing wind protection? In this case, you can try to make a wind barrier from natural materials.


Once you find yourself in the forest and realize that you won’t be able to get out quickly, then it’s time to think about shelter. Experienced survivalists put this point first because shelter helps solve many problems. It’s easy to do it yourself in a very ordinary forest.

So, if you find yourself in the forest in winter, then first you should follow simple rules. We have already written detailed articles on this topic:

  • Emergency overnight stay in the winter forest

By learning these instructions now, you will be able to last much longer when you are in this situation.

In these articles, everything is chewed down to the smallest action. Now you know how to build a shelter in the forest at any time of the year. Next, you need to think about how to stay warm.

Structure and functions of the tent

A tent is in many ways more convenient than a permanent structure. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of such a building.

Advantages and disadvantages of the design

A tent is a temporary structure. It is ideal if you need to move from place to place or construction is needed only for the summer.

A prefabricated structure consisting of a frame, most often metal, and a waterproof fabric.

IMPORTANT! The tents are very comfortable, do not require a lot of effort and money during construction, and are easy to install in the summer.

The cost of a tent is significantly less than building a wooden gazebo, even if you build it yourself. Many tents require self-assembly, so even one person can assemble it without the help of specialists.

This structure can be moved to any place, disassembled and reassembled. Also, such a gazebo can be stored indoors in winter when assembled.

The tent can be used for picnics, outdoor recreation, or used as a place for children to play.

However, it is not comparable in strength to a gazebo, so during installation it is necessary to use additional fasteners for structural strength. The tarpaulin becomes unusable over time, so you will have to replace both the awning and the walls.

Foraging for food

Shelter and a fire are of course good, but everyone always wants to eat. Now we need to find out where to get food in the forest and how to determine whether it is fresh or not. I have already published articles on this topic:

You won’t be satisfied with simple berries, so you often have to hunt. In this situation, you should read the article - Cutting elk, wild boar, hare, because suddenly you will be able to catch someone.

After you've resolved the food issue, you might want to make some homemade dishes with your own hands.

Homemade dishes in the forest

Making dishes is a second matter, because if you have a strong desire to eat, your hands can become a tool for eating food. But if you are thoroughly stuck in the forest and you have time, you can make your own dishes. In my article - how to make dishes in the forest with your own hands, you will learn how to make simple spoons and bowls.

Mining devices

I wrote above that it is possible and necessary to obtain meat in the forest. Of course, it’s smart to do this with a weapon, but most likely you won’t have one. Therefore, you will have to get meat with your own hands. Traps will help us with this, which we will have to learn how to make, because catching even a hare with bare hands is not easy. It will also be useful for you to read about hunting snare traps, which will also help catch the animal.

If you know how this is all done, even in its simplest form, then for sure your chances of getting food will be much higher.

Fire protection classification

I divide the protection of a fire from adverse environmental factors into two main types - protection from wind and protection from precipitation.

Each of these types, in turn, is divided into natural and artificial shelters.

Artificial ones in my classification are divided into:

  • made in production;
  • made with your own hands from artificial materials;
  • homemade shelters made from natural materials.

Let's take a closer look at all these options below.

Preparing the foundation for the construction of a tent at the dacha

It is easy to build a holiday tent with your own hands, but it requires special preparation and technical knowledge. In general, the construction does not require much physical effort or financial investment, but it pleases with its mobility and aesthetic appearance.

Features of territory preparation

The building should fit organically into the site. There should be flowers, a lawn, a pond, a lake or just a picturesque view nearby.

The surface under the tent must be cleared of stones and leveled.

If the building is being installed for a long time, then you need to pour a strip foundation and make the flooring from wood or stone.

For a temporary structure, it is enough to simply level the surface of the summer cottage and remove about 20 cm of soil, cover it with 15 cm of sand and compact it thoroughly.

Choosing a site for construction

A tent is an independent element in a dacha; it requires a convenient, practical location, harmonious fit into the general background of the site, especially if you plan to build permanent gazebos from brick, stone, or metal.

It would be good if flowers were planted next to the tent. A green lawn would be an excellent location.

The place should be perfectly level, without stones, rhizome debris and other plant snags.

To set up a stationary tent, you need a foundation, with a flooring made of wood, natural stone, or paving slabs on top.

How and with what to secure the tent on different surfaces

To ensure the strength of the building, additional fastenings should be installed.

Options for mounting a tent in the ground and on asphalt

When installing the structure on the ground, it is necessary to use safety guy wires. This way the building will last longer. The guy ropes consist of pegs 20 cm long and are driven in around the perimeter of the tent.

When installing a building in asphalt, it is necessary to use metal rods. They are inserted into special holes and filled with concrete.

How to make a tent yourself?

Let's consider the step-by-step construction of a powerful and solid tent for a summer residence - a metal one.

As an experiment, you can build a collapsible rectangular structure. Round, trapezoidal tent shapes are difficult to make on your own.

Materials and tools - what is needed first?

For formwork and strip foundation you will need:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • boards;
  • profile pipe for installation in the foundation.

For the floor you will need timber, even boards, for the sheathing - a lath, for the covering of the tent - durable material.

Tent Tools:

  • It’s worth purchasing or borrowing a grinder from friends;
  • screwdriver;
  • electric drill;
  • pliers;
  • hammer;
  • hacksaw

Construction of the foundation

In a selected and level area, you need to dig a hole, 40-45 cm deep, 25-30 cm wide. You will need to pour sand on the bottom, in a layer of 5 cm, and gravel on top, in a layer of 7 cm.

We make reinforcement; old wire, electrodes, and fittings are suitable for it.

From above everything is filled with a solution of sand, cement, water (in a ratio of 1x2x3).

Roofing material is suitable for formwork, which will later serve as a protective function for the tent.

Pipes with a diameter of 1-2 mm are installed in the foundation. The dimensions of the pipes in height need to be determined in advance; the assembly of the frame and its upper part will depend on them.

You can make a tent for your summer cottage with your own hands according to the drawings that are in the photo selection.

Metal frame - the basis of the tent

The pipe must be fixed in the foundation. Cut studs for walls and corners to later hold the sheathing. The sheathing should be light, covered with fabric on top.

The finished pipes need to be installed in the foundation, aligned and tied together. For the ribs, cut the pipe into pieces, to which you then weld or screw the fasteners. The dimensions must match, so the structure will be stable and solid.

Metal carcass


If a simple light sheathing is used, then the roofing material should be light. To do this, wooden slats are knocked down and installed in the frame.

If the structure is permanent, then the roof must be strong and quite massive. For a portable structure, the material should be easily removable.

Tent floor

You can lay the floor from boards for the temporary purpose of a tent, or use a rolled green lawn, which can also be quickly rolled up and stored if not needed.

For a permanent site, it is better to concrete the floor or lay paving slabs so that the site can be washed from dirt and debris.

Ready-made tent with roof

Corrosion protection

After disassembling and reassembling the structure several times and making sure that it is ready for use, you can paint it, that is, protect the metal from corrosion and moisture damage.

All prefabricated parts of the tent are first primed, then painted in any color you like. The joints should be thoroughly cleaned and lubricated with grease.

Covering the building

For these purposes, you can purchase an awning, tarpaulin, or other dense fabric. For originality and to give home comfort indoors, many use organza and curtains.

Fasteners are sewn to the material, which will be attached to the canopy.

For practicality, the tent can be completely covered with mesh to protect against mosquitoes and midges.

Our tent is ready!

In the video you can see how to make a metal tent with your own hands.

Thick fabric tent

This type of tent would be appropriate as an impromptu bedroom or a small secret corner on the site. To create it, you can take any old curtains or sheets, but keep in mind that in this case you definitely need some kind of reliable foundation.

If in the previous version the main emphasis was on airiness and weightlessness, here, on the contrary, stability is important. A piece of furniture will do, such as a bed or an old couch that you will need to secure the fabric around. If you don’t need a “dull” effect, you can beautifully drape the fabric like curtains, unraveling it only in moments of privacy. By the way, if you have a small open gazebo on your site, you can also decorate it with fabric and turn it into an impromptu tent.

DIY summer cottage tent made of transparent fabric

This tent option is perfect if you do not want to create bulky structures on the site, but simply want to organize a small recreation area. For a tent like this you will need a large piece of transparent fabric, such as tulle or tulle.

The simplest solution is to simply throw the fabric over a branch in the area, laying it out in beautiful folds at the bottom. You can randomly scatter pillows under it and organize an impromptu lounge area. The method takes two minutes and looks really chic.

If you want to create a more durable and textured option, try using some kind of rounded base. This could be, for example, an old hoop. Fasten the fabric in a circle so that the structure itself looks like a canopy. You can go further and use several bases to make the tent more spread out. If you don't have a hoop at hand, use old lampshades as a base.

Pros and cons of homemade products

Main advantages:

  • the ability to make a product of the desired shape and size;
  • financial savings;
  • the ability to choose a color that will harmoniously fit into the design of the site.


  • you will have to spend your own time and effort;
  • if the calculations are made incorrectly, damage to the material may occur;
  • a homemade tent looks less aesthetically pleasing than a purchased one;
  • If you lack experience, you can get a structure that will not tightly cover the pool.
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