DIY birthday gift for a friend: 9 universal ideas

Is your friend celebrating her birthday soon? Then you should think about what to give her. To surprise your friend on her holiday, give her something you made with your own hands. All you have to do is think about what to give your friend.

Initially, you should take into account such points as the age of the birthday girl or her hobbies in life. Based on this, you can easily choose and make an unusual holiday gift yourself. Let's list interesting options for homemade surprises for your beloved girlfriend.

DIY sweet gift


This surprise will not leave your friend indifferent, because all the girls love sweets so much. Look at the photo at the stages of preparing a gift for your friend with your own hands.

To make the delicacy you will need to prepare the following set of tools:

  • sweets of any kind;
  • floral foam;
  • small pot;
  • glue;
  • skewers;
  • artificial grass or moss.

The sweet composition is performed in a certain sequence.

  • Glue a skewer to each of the sweets.
  • Place the prepared foam on the bottom of the pot.
  • Artificial grass should be placed on top of the foam.
  • Next, insert the sweets on skewers.

A delicious surprise is ready!

TOP 5 original ideas of what to give a friend for the New Year

creative clock

This cool and unusual handmade gift for a friend can be made in accordance with the girl’s hobbies and interests.

Purchase the clock mechanism in a store, and the base of an exclusive wall clock model can be made from thick cardboard or plastic. Paste a photo or interesting decor onto it.

The highlight of such a souvenir can be unusual “numbers”

- instead of them, place on the dial the names of brands that a friend uses or other names or pictures that reflect the girl’s lifestyle.

New Year's souvenirs from products

Various cereals, salt and pasta are excellent materials for creating enchanting crafts.

For example, salt can act as snow in various winter compositions. You can make an unusual Christmas tree out of pasta - to do this you need to glue them in a certain sequence onto a cone made of thick cardboard.

It’s easy to lay out a wonderful congratulation picture with cereals, and rice is suitable for filling a funny snowman, which can be made from a white sock.

Christmas balls made from disks

If you have unwanted CDs lying around the house, use them to create creative Christmas tree decorations


Cut the disks into randomly shaped pieces and glue them in random order onto a transparent ball. Among the bright New Year's lights they will play with all the colors of the rainbow, creating a festive mood.

New Year's composition in a jar

A creative gift in the form of a winter composition behind glass is one of the best gifts for the New Year

, made with your own hands, because it is not only a memorable souvenir, but also a decorative element.

To make it, you will need a glass jar, artificial snow (to create it, you can use foam balls, salt, and even a toothpaste solution sprinkled on the inner walls of the jar).

The basis of the composition can be anything - a miniature Christmas tree, a snowman, Santa Claus or several houses.

Attach a suitable figurine to the lid of the jar, decorate the craft with drifts of artificial snow (don't forget about the inside of the jar to create the effect of falling snow). Shake the jar lightly so that the trees or houses are dusted with snow.

Christmas toys made from pine cones

Christmas tree decorations made from natural materials - what could be more natural and environmentally friendly?

If you have pine cones of various sizes in your house, use them to make a practical gift for a friend. Paint each cone in a bright or “metallic” color, tie a loop to them - the original Christmas tree decoration is ready. Place the pine cones in the basket and give the gift to your friend.

You can attach a tag with brief wishes to each homemade toy - this will make the gift more sincere and memorable.

Making a homemade necklace

If you still don't know what gift to give your friend, make a beautiful piece of jewelry in the form of a necklace. This is a great idea for preparing a birthday surprise.

The birthday girl will definitely be satisfied with your efforts. To make a necklace, you will need:

  • foamiran (in three colors);
  • glue and scissors;
  • iron;
  • felt fabric;
  • toothpicks and cotton swabs;
  • ribbon or chain;
  • thick cardboard;
  • stationery knife.

We make the necklace by following all the steps sequentially.
  • We complete the foundation. We take cardboard, cut out the shape of a necklace from it and transfer it to the fabric.
  • Attach a ribbon to the felt.
  • Prepare the petals and leaves. To do this you will need foamiran in two different shades. We cut out templates measuring 2 by 1.5 cm. They will be used for making petals. From the last color of foamiran we make rectangular blanks 2 by 4 cm for subsequent creation of leaves. The tip of each leaf should have a notched thread.
  • Finished parts should be treated with a warm iron.
  • Before the petal cools, twist and bend its edge. It should resemble a rose petal.
  • We work with leaves. We go over them with a non-hot iron. Next we draw veins on them. Toothpicks are used for this.
  • Finally, it's time to assemble the decoration. We take a cotton swab and make a flower on it from the previously prepared petals. The petals are glued to the stick in a twisted form. The shades of the petals should be reflected in a checkerboard pattern. Having completed the formation of the flower, cut off the remaining part of the cotton swab.
  • Make a composition using ready-made flowers and leaves. First, we apply them to the surface of the base, and then fix them with glue.

Your necklace is ready! All that remains is to give it to your girlfriend.


If you think that the time to make New Year’s cards with your own hands has already passed, then you definitely haven’t seen the wonders of modern handmade. There are so many beautiful scrapbooking and craft supplies available in stores today! And an ordinary piece of white or colored paper can serve as the basis for incredible ideas.

And if you know for sure that your friend is saving money for some purchase, give her this “green” Christmas tree.

Bath salt

Of all the things you can do with your own hands for a friend’s name day, there is an original version. To do this you will need the following set of tools:

  • protective glasses;
  • kitchen scales;
  • sieve;
  • respirator;
  • capacity;
  • molds;
  • salt;
  • food coloring;
  • lemon acid;
  • cosmetic oil.

Now let’s figure out the sequence in which you need to make bath salts in the form of bombs.

  • Pour sifted salt (300 g) into a container.
  • Add citric acid (150 g) to the salt and mix everything.
  • Next, pour 5 ml of oil into the container and mix again.
  • Pour in the dye selected according to the color scheme. It is recommended to stir the mixture immediately to obtain a uniform color.
  • Add a small amount of water to the container.
  • We develop the finished mixture into molds.
  • After 15 minutes, take out the resulting balls and wait until they dry. This takes no more than 2 hours.

It is better to place the finished bombs in a decorated box.

Fragrant pillow for interior

A fragrant pillow sewn with your own hands will look no less cute and also practical. A fragrant sachet is a wonderful little thing that our grandmothers used. Today, aromatherapy has gained real scope. To make such a present, you do not need to complete a cutting and sewing course. Even a novice needlewoman can handle this master class.

A gift should be not only useful, but also beautiful, so we choose the most elegant materials to create it. We should not forget that a pillow with herbs must “breathe,” so we choose natural fabrics. Linen or chintz will do.

The pad can be simple or rectangular in shape. You can make a more elaborate version by cutting the blank in the shape of a triangle or heart. The main thing is that the corners of the pad are well stitched, otherwise the contents of the bag will begin to spill out over time.

For those who love to embroider, the idea of ​​an embroidered fragrant pillow will come in handy. The pattern itself is applied to the canvas, after which the fabric is cut to sew the pillow. Such a painstaking accessory is already vying for a place in the interior of the room, so the decor of the finished product must be impeccable.

To decorate the pillow, a variety of materials are used. For example, if the pillow is intended for the bathroom, then shells and striped ribbons are suitable as decoration.

A variety of ingredients can be used as filler for the bag:

  • Fragrant herbs. You can buy them at the market, or collect them yourself in the forest.
  • Finely chopped citrus peels and dried flower petals. But in this case, you should prepare for sewing in advance.
  • Sea salt is great for bathroom bags.
  • To fill the volume, the main aromatic ingredient should be mixed with sawdust, pine needles or padding polyester.
  • It’s a good idea to put a cinnamon stick in the bag, which will add piquancy and persistence to the aroma.
  • Any ingredients, especially weak-smelling ones, can be “strengthened” by dropping essential oil on them.

When choosing a fragrant ingredient, it is important to know when to stop! You should not mix all available scents, trying to create a certain composition. It is better to use 1-2 scents in concentrated form. This will give the pillow a contrasting scent without unnecessary notes.

Orange candle

Another original do-it-yourself gift is a fragrant citrus candle. To make it you will need to prepare the following materials:

  • cutting board;
  • skewers;
  • knife;
  • orange;
  • rosemary or cinnamon;
  • tea spoon;
  • metal utensils.

Technique for making a candle.

  • Completely remove paraffin from the candle. The wick should remain invisible.
  • Divide the paraffin into small particles and place it in a container.
  • Next, melt the paraffin in a water bath and add flavorings.
  • The mass is thoroughly mixed.
  • Take an orange and cut off the top part. Using a teaspoon, remove the inner filling of the citrus.
  • Place a wick in the middle of the orange and carefully pour out the paraffin while it has not yet cooled down.

The aroma candle is ready! This is a great birthday gift!

Ideas for congratulating a man (dad or grandfather)

For men, congratulations are needed with a universal design. And it’s even better if there is a special minimalism in decoration.

You can only use a sheet of paper and multi-colored braid, as in this option.

Notice the interesting edges of the leaf. And for the inscription you can use transparent tracing paper. You might have seen this kind of paper in boxes of candy.

Or another very laconic design that is very suitable for a men's holiday.

Here is a diagram for such a composition, you can even print out the template and make an inscription on it.

Look how bright and festive the design looks, but there’s nothing special about it. Just colorful dots placed in a chaotic order.

The scrapbooking technique allows you to create three-dimensional products. Different textures and shades are used for decoration.

Or you can work really hard and make a greeting with origami elements. The entire detailed master class is described in this article.

I also liked the laconic idea with geometry. For example, using strips. It turns out strictly, but very elegant.

Stripes can not only be drawn or pasted from paper. But take a closer look at dark tape or braid for this purpose.


If a friend often loses her keys or other small things, then this necessary thing will come in handy.
To make a key holder you need the following materials:

  • textile;
  • dublirin;
  • paper;
  • iron;
  • sewing machine;
  • holder;
  • satin ribbon.

Next, we will describe instructions on how to make a gift in the form of a key holder with your own hands.

  • Draw a rectangle shape on a piece of paper, then cut it out.
  • We apply the resulting template to the fabric and cut out two identical shapes.
  • We tuck the edges along the length of the figure.
  • We place doublinin between the two blanks and iron it with an iron.
  • We process the edges on a sewing machine and insert the holder.
  • We connect the sides of the key holder. We decorate the stitching area with a satin ribbon.

Your present is ready! Hurry up to give it to the birthday girl.

Useful tips

Before giving a homemade gift, it is recommended to design it correctly. When choosing a design, you need to take into account the preferences and character traits of the birthday girl:

  • For an energetic and cheerful friend, you can wrap a gift in bright gift wrapping;
  • for a gentle personality, it is better to choose a package of calm shades;
  • if your friend likes riddles, it is advisable to give preference to the matryoshka packaging;
  • For creative people, creative presentation design is suitable.

In addition, you need to think carefully about how to present the gift . You can do this in different ways:

  • with poetry;
  • kind and sincere wishes;
  • just hand it over;
  • give as a gift at the most unexpected moment during a holiday;
  • courier delivery.

A gift made with your own hands is a very valuable thing that can be easily made with a little time, patience and imagination. Such an exclusive gift will definitely stand out from other gifts, leaving the birthday girl with pleasant memories of the holiday.

Original coffee tree

This homemade gift can be given to a friend for any occasion. To complete this you will need the following components:

  • wire;
  • paper and cardboard;
  • coffee beans;
  • glue and scissors;
  • dense thread;
  • cotton pads;
  • can;
  • pencil;
  • ice cream sticks;
  • sponge;
  • brown paint;
  • satin ribbon and small artificial flowers.

Making a gift item is not difficult. However, when making it, it is important to follow certain steps.

  • Take a piece of paper and fold it in half. We draw one half of a heart on it and cut it out with scissors.
  • Transfer the finished heart to cardboard, trace it along the outline and cut it out. You should make two identical hearts.
  • We take two wires, wrap them in paper and fix them to the heart with glue.
  • We glue the cotton pads to each other and place them between the hearts.
  • We glue the disks so that the heart is completely filled. Next we wrap it with thread.
  • We cover the resulting heart with brown paint, then attach coffee beans to it.
  • Popsicle sticks should be glued along the entire border of the can.
  • We wrap the wire attached to the heart with a thick thread.
  • Place the sponge in an iron container. Then the finished coffee tree is inserted into it.
  • You can use flowers and ribbons as gift decorations.

Ultimately, the tree will have an unusual appearance and will also lose its pleasant coffee aroma. You can put it anywhere in the house, or take it with you to work. Every time she looks at him, her friend will remember your bright friendship with her.

So, a gift made with your own hands represents love and care for a loved one. Your girlfriend will definitely appreciate your work. The main thing is to guess with the choice of the item being presented. It should be age appropriate, stylish and useful.

Banner as a sign of friendship

The poster with delicious details is a kind of Internet classic. You can find the most unusual ideas for “delicious” posters on the Internet. Among them there are those that will not only be fun, but also useful, as a gift to a friend as a sign of friendship. The main thing is to choose the right ingredients for the banner.

First you need to decide on the main idea of ​​the poster:

  • It can remind you of your girlfriend's wonderful character. Then you need to come up with a small characteristic for all sweets. For example, by gluing a lollipop to a poster, we write that our friendship is strong, like the wrapper of this candy.
  • The poster may contain a wish if the gift is dedicated to a certain holiday. For example, by sticking a chocolate bar to a banner, we write a wish for a sweet life.
  • A poster about a friend’s departure on vacation or to study in another city would be a good idea. Then you can decorate the craft not only with sweets, but also with a packet of “quick” noodles. Such a pass into student life will be indispensable for the applicant.

It should be remembered that edible ingredients should be attached with tape so that the hot glue does not melt the label and the candy itself.

Posters use whatman paper as a base. You can decorate the banner not only with tasty “slogans”, but also with funny photographs.

Photos of gifts for a friend with your own hands

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New Year's toys

Why not give your friend a festive mood and please her with Christmas tree decorations and handmade souvenirs?

Your best friend will definitely like these cool little things for the Christmas tree.

Blanket for warm gatherings

Let's start with a handmade blanket. It’s nice to wrap yourself up in this even on the terrace, and you can cover a bean bag chair.

We will need about a kilogram of thick woolen threads of different colors, knitting needles No. 3-5 and basic knitting skills. For our coffee ceremony, you can choose light pastel colors.

We knit 180–200 pcs. squares 10x10 cm in dense knitting. We use any types of elastic, satin stitch, and tangle. The blanket should be soft, but not lacy, warming not only the friend’s eyes, but also her body. The most difficult thing is to sew the squares into a single fabric. You can start doing this as soon as you have enough blanks for two strips. Or collect the blanket when the prepared threads run out. In this case, play with the pattern by laying out the squares on the table according to the intended pattern. You will have to knit for more than one day, but in a month the gift for your friend will be ready.

People embroider, and we burn!

It's always a pleasure to talk at a beautifully set table. An unusual silk napkin, made by hand using the guilloche technique, will bring spring freshness to your home and will be a wonderful gift for a friend on Women’s Day.

Works by L. Trufanova, source -

To make such a gift, we will prepare in advance: • artificial silk of the required size (50x100 cm is enough). The fabric should melt well; • sheet of whatman paper; • glass or hardboard; • burning machine “Pattern” with a thin needle for guilloche (sold as a set or separately). We apply the pattern of the future napkin printed on a printer onto a sheet of whatman paper. Preferably with a black marker or felt-tip pen. Iron the fabric and fold it in half. We pin it to whatman paper with a drawing. We install the glass so that we can place a light source under it. Now our pattern will be quite clearly visible through the translucent fabric. We start burning from the middle of the napkin to the edges. This will prevent the material from bubbling and shifting. Using a thin needle of a burning machine, you can apply dots, lines, form patterns, create various decorative elements, and solder pieces together. With your own hands and with a small investment of time and money, you can create a huge number of unique patterns. This gift can be given to both a friend and relatives.

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