DIY number 1 for a one year old boy or girl: photos, ideas

Almost everything is ready to celebrate your son or daughter’s first birthday. A plan for the event was thought out, a theme was invented and attributes were prepared to decorate the room. But how can we emphasize that this is the first anniversary? And not just a celebration dedicated to a child. Here the number 1 will come to the rescue. Moreover, it can be used in decoration in the most unexpected way. But large decorative numbers look especially interesting. We will teach you how to make a birthday card with your own hands.

When preparing for their baby's first birthday, parents try to think through everything down to the smallest detail. In this case, special attention is paid to the decoration of the room. On this day, everything should focus on the fact that the guests have gathered here for a reason. Therefore, the main attribute will be the number 1 for a year old, made with your own hands. What can you make a one-year unit from? There are many options for making figurines in the form of the number one to decorate the venue for a baby’s first birthday.

For this the following can be used:

  • balloons;
  • cardboard;
  • corrugated paper;
  • flowers;
  • textile;
  • napkins.

One for a boy for his first birthday

To make a one for a boy you need to take:

  • corrugated paper;
  • silicone glue;
  • cardboard;
  • double-sided tape. How to make the number 1 for a one-year-old child with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for making corrugated paper,
  • napkins.

Process of creation:

  1. Make a three-dimensional unit out of cardboard.
  2. Cover the finished figurine on all sides with blue corrugated paper.
  3. Cut out 5x5 cm squares from paper.
  4. Using a pencil, make a tube from each square, which you then glue to the number. Thus decorate the entire unit.
  5. Decorate the figurine with a bow tie, figurines of a car, airplane, or other decoration that the birthday boy will like.

The basis

The choice of rod depends on what exactly is expected, since a composition of balloons is attached according to one principle, and flowers from napkins - differently. The method of fastening also depends on the raw material, because a decorative element can be tied to one base, and only glued to another with special glue.


A popular material for making various crafts. Firstly, this one is easy to use. Secondly, cardboard is available. Thirdly, it can be used to make both flat and three-dimensional figures of any size.

New cardboard and old boxes are suitable for the job. The second option is more convenient for creating volumetric structures. It is worth noting that for a flat figure the sheet should be quite dense so that it does not bend under the weight of the decoration.


A universal material on which decorative elements can be attached not only with glue, but also with threads (if the thickness of the product allows). Foam is easy to work with, but not every glue can be used. For example, “moment” and “superglue” will corrode the base, and PVA will not withstand the load.

Sticks, wire

The mount for the holiday number can be various hard materials that you have on hand:

  • twigs;
  • planks;
  • wire;
  • plasticine;
  • plastic;
  • spare parts from toys or construction sets.

Without base

Festive numbers made from balloons do not require a frame. A bright gift retains its shape by tightly binding the elements together. In order for the structure to hold well, you must first calculate the number of balls, their size and shape. Video lessons and master classes from the Internet and other available sources (periodicals, manuals, textbooks) will help with this.

Birthday item for a girl

You can decorate your little one's birthday suit with fabric to match her dress. To do this, you will need cardboard, fabric, a silicone glue gun, scissors, a pencil and a ruler. How to make the number 1 for a one-year-old child with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions from corrugated paper, napkins.

You need to do the numbers as follows:

  1. Make a unit template from cardboard.
  2. In order for the fabric to lay beautifully on the base, the width of the cut should be 3 times larger than the width of the number.
  3. The base of the figure is smeared with glue and, forming arbitrary folds on the fabric, it is glued to the figure.
  4. In this way, the entire front part of the figure should be decorated.
  5. After the front part is ready, the fabric is carefully wrapped and its edges are glued to the back of the figure.

We create from paper

Perhaps the easiest way to create from paper, and besides, it is the most popular material for such crafts. You can buy colored paper or cardboard right away, or if you want an unusual design, you can buy white. It’s better to color a ready-made figure, but if you’re not sure what you can do, you can do this before cutting it out.

On the back side of the sheet, draw the outline of the future number with a simple pencil, then repeat the outline again, but at a distance of 2-5 cm from the first one. Take a second sheet of paper and draw exactly the same thing on it. Cut both sheets along the outer contour. Make perpendicular cuts to the full depth of the second contour around the perimeter, but not too often.

Next, we bend the resulting parts so that the first contour is the fold line. And with tape (paper or double-sided so that the glue lays well on top) we secure them together on the inside to form a continuous line. From the outside it should look as if there are no cuts at all. We do the same with the second sheet.

Next, coat one convex line on the outside with glue and insert it inside another sheet. We tightly apply the glued strip seam to seam so that it turns out evenly. Now we leave it to dry and our paper figure is ready.

Once the craft is dry, you can decorate it with glitter, stickers and artificial flowers.

How to celebrate a child's first birthday

Decorating the nursery of a baby celebrating his first birthday is a responsible and exciting mission. It’s better to prepare everything in advance, so that when the birthday boy wakes up, he sees the updated environment: what decorations his parents made for him with their own hands for his one-year anniversary! Despite his tender age, the baby will understand that today is a special day. Decorating a 1st birthday with your own hands is impossible without balloons - a classic accompaniment to a children's party.

Use colored tulle stretched across the room's ceiling, paper pom-poms, or a spectacular rainbow on the wall made from crepe paper. All decorations should be large and safe for the birthday boy - he will probably want to touch them. Don’t forget to “mark” everything around with ones: balloons, birthday cake, invitations, treats, costume of the hero of the occasion. And disposable tableware, napkins and a tablecloth with appropriate “children’s” paraphernalia will add a special charm to the holiday.

How to make the number 1 for a one year old from napkins?

Before one year, your baby has already achieved a lot and accomplished a lot. For example, at three months he can hold his head, at six he can sit, and at nine months this “little miracle” takes his first steps! The joy of parents knows no bounds and, of course, they will want to capture these important events and leave them for a long, happy life. At such moments, parents will want to give their baby something special and beautiful. A popular decoration for the festive interior are voluminous products decorated with fluffy buds made from simple paper napkins. There are several options for decorating crafts with napkins.

An original birthday decoration in the form of a number is made on the basis of a frame made with your own hands from juice boxes. DIY birthday number.

How to make flat and voluminous numbers for a boy

To make it you will need:

  • 200 ml juice box;
  • double sided tape;
  • paper towels;
  • PVA glue.

Strips of tape are applied to the wide sides of the boxes and connected to each other, creating the required shape. Then it is covered with 4-5 layers of paper towels, pieces of which are moistened in a mixture of glue and water, combined in a 1:1 ratio. Each layer is dried well for at least 5-6 hours. Flowers made from paper napkins are used to decorate the frame. Depending on the size of the base, 200-500 buds are made.

To work, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • napkins;
  • stapler;
  • scissors.

Multi-colored crafts look impressive. A standard napkin is folded into four without unfolding. The resulting square is fastened in the middle with a stapler and the corners are cut off, giving the workpiece a round shape. Each layer of the future flower is lifted up and pressed to the middle. A piece of double-sided tape is glued to the underside of each bud. The frame is covered with rows of buds, starting from its base. The finished product is decorated with rhinestones, ribbons, and butterflies.

Materials and equipment for work

Looking at pictures depicting three-dimensional numbers made from napkins, many people fear that it is impossible to do something similar with their own hands. In fact, they are not difficult to make. The process takes some time, but the birthday boy’s emotions of happiness cover all costs.

Not the last place at the holiday is occupied by external paraphernalia - flowers, gifts, music, surroundings.

Tools and materials required for work:

  • Paper napkins. They can be single-layer or multi-layer. When choosing a color, you should focus on the occasion of the celebration, the gender of the baby, and the surrounding interior. It is advisable that the napkins be plain. The approximate quantity is calculated based on the planned number of flowers - 1 napkin will be required for each unit.
  • When creating numbers from napkins, you can combine several shades, alternating them with openwork and carved specimens. They will make the composition more voluminous and unusual.
  • The threads can be simple cotton. For ease of cutting, you will need scissors or a stationery knife.
  • A stapler will simplify the fastening process.
  • Glue or tape for fixation.
  • To create the base you will need a cardboard blank. You can use an empty box from household appliances.

The decor of the room in honor of the festival can turn a traditional celebration into something special.
Important! To ensure a high-quality connection of elements, it is necessary to select the strongest options.

How to organize a 1 year old child's birthday?

Parents want to celebrate their first birthday in a special way. To organize a great fun holiday, you need to prepare for a long time and not miss anything:

  • Determine the venue: home, cafe, nature. Be sure to consider the child's needs. If it’s summer outside, then you can safely organize a holiday in nature. The child will walk outdoors with other children. And after the holiday, tired and full of emotions, go into a deep sleep;
  • Determine the approximate time. With a small child this is quite a difficult task, because the schedule of a child under 1 year old changes very often;
  • Determine your guest list. You should not invite people to the holiday that the child does not know at all. Children react differently to strangers. Let only the people closest to the child be on the guest list. It will be very good if you invite children;
  • Determine for yourself how you see the upcoming holiday: a fun holiday exclusively for children, or you want to have fun for adults as well; At the celebration, every little detail will be thought out or decide to make do with a beautiful cake and balloons; Will there be a holiday theme? By answering these questions, you will know, you can create a clear preparation plan
  • Choose an outfit for the birthday boy;
  • Make or order invitations (optional);
  • Make or order a book of wishes (not required, but will remain as a keepsake);
  • Think about accessories for the holiday;
  • Decide how you will decorate the room;
  • Select suitable competitions;
  • Think about what the holiday table will look like;
  • Order a beautiful cake in advance;
  • Print out the best photos of the first year of life.

IMPORTANT: Since the young mother has little free time, it is better to start all preparation 2 months before the event in order to gradually carry out each stage of preparation.

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