How to make an hourglass from plastic bottles.material


How to make an hourglass from plastic bottles

An hourglass can be useful in many cases when you need to count a small interval of time: during a short speech, quick meditation, holding your breath, a short telephone conversation, a break while studying with a child, and so on. These watches are fun to make with your own hands, they are easy to make, and they can be used in a variety of situations.

Find two clean plastic bottles of the same size and shape. The lower the bottles are, the more stable your watch will be. It is better to use pear-shaped bottles, for example, from Orange lemonade. Remove all labels from bottles. Remove stickers from bottles using soap and water. After this, wipe the bottles with rubbing alcohol.

Remove the caps from the bottles, glue them together and wait for the glue to dry. Apply glue along the edges of the first cover. Be careful not to get any glue in the center of the lid, otherwise you won't be able to make a hole in it. After this, press the second lid onto it. Make sure that the lids are tightly sealed in flat areas. As a result, only the inner surfaces of the covers will remain visible.

Use a strong glue such as superglue or epoxy glue. Regular paper glue or hot glue glue is not strong enough.

Make a hole in the center of the lids glued together. This can be done using an electric drill or a nail and hammer. Experiment with hole diameter. The larger the hole, the faster the sand will pour out through it. With a smaller hole diameter, sand will fall out more slowly.

If you are a child, ask an adult to help you make the hole.

Some lids have a plastic disc inside. In this case, making a hole will be more difficult. Poke the disc with a screwdriver before drilling the hole.

Place the cap on the first bottle and screw it on as you normally would. The only difference is that there is a second cap glued to the top of this cap - ignore that for now.

Make sure the sand you use is dry. If you take wet sand, it will get stuck in the neck of the bottle. Even if you purchased sand in a store, it is better to pour it onto a baking sheet and leave it in the sun for one hour.

Try using colored sand. It can be purchased at a craft store or children's supply store.

Add some fine glitter to the sand to give it a more colorful look. Simple sand with gold glitter will look quite impressive. You can also use white sand and rainbow glitter.

Take the second bottle and pour sand into it. If you don't care how long it takes for your watch to lose sand, fill the bottle two-thirds full. If you want your clock to count down a specific time interval, use a stopwatch when pouring sand. For example:

If you want the hourglass to count down exactly 1 minute, pour sand into the bottle for 1 minute.

Screw the empty bottle onto the sand bottle. Place the bottle of sand on the table. Take an empty bottle and turn it upside down. Align the lid with the neck of the sand bottle. Screw the cap onto the sand bottle tightly.

Try the hourglass. Turn them over so that the bottle with sand is on top. After this, the sand will begin to pour into the bottom bottle. If you want to know what time interval the hourglass is counting, start the stopwatch and stop it as soon as all the sand has poured into the bottom bottle.

Be careful when handling the hourglass. Remember that you have attached the covers with glue, and if not handled carefully they may come off each other. Take the hourglass by the narrow place (neck).

If any changes are necessary, make them after all the sand has been poured into the bottom bottle. Place the bottle of sand on the table and unscrew the caps. If the sand does not flow smoothly enough, enlarge the hole. If the bottom bottle takes too long to fill, reduce the amount of sand. If the sand pours out too quickly, add a little sand. After the necessary modifications, reassemble the watch and screw the caps on the bottles.

Wrap the junction of the bottles with tape. Once you have adjusted the time interval, secure the bottles together more securely. Take some adhesive tape (tape) and wrap it tightly around the joint. Start at the neck of the bottom bottle, work your way through the joint, and finish at the neck of the top bottle. For greater security, apply several layers of tape.

Use an hourglass. Place them on a flat surface so that the empty bottle is at the bottom. After a certain time, all the sand will be poured into the bottom bottle. If you want to count down a given time interval again, turn the watch over.

Improvement of the hourglass

Draw two large squares on a piece of cardboard. The side length of the squares should be approximately 2.5 centimeters greater than the diameter of the bottom of the bottle. Use a ruler to ensure the squares are even.

Cut squares from cardboard using scissors or a cutting knife. If you are a child, ask an adult to help you.

Find four wooden rods that are the same height as your hourglass. If the pins are longer, cut them off. If you don't have similar rods on hand, glue three wooden skewers together and you will get one rod of the required thickness. For four rods you will need 12 skewers.

Paint the cardboard and rods and wait for the paint to dry. Use acrylic or spray paint. You can use one or several different colored paints. When painting, be sure to not miss the edges of the cardboard squares.

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How to choose a ready-made curtain

Choosing the right product in a store today is sometimes a truly difficult task. After all, the selection of ready-made “Hourglass” curtains in theme stores is very large, and you can’t do it without much thought. What to focus on?

As a rule, it is best to choose ready-made curtains that resemble an hourglass to match the color of the furniture upholstery. You can also take into account other textiles: bedspreads, napkins and tablecloths. The main thing is that the textiles as a whole should be combined with each other, creating a single picture.

Another point that is important to consider is the size. The curtain must perfectly fit the required dimensions, otherwise it will not be possible to properly stretch it on the rods over the entire window opening. If the dimensions of the opening are non-standard, the product may require individual tailoring, since it will not be possible to select a finished product.

What can you make your own hourglass from?

In an hourglass, the main part is a properly made body and an appropriate amount of sand is required. You can find a lot of options for creating a case; the main thing is to show imagination and the ability to work with various materials.

You can make your own hourglass from the following materials:

  • Treated incandescent lamps.
  • Small glass bottles with a narrow neck.
  • Plastic bottles.
  • Glass that folds into a body. Glass can be attached to wooden frames or held on with sealant.

The rest of the finishing can be done in any form and from any material.

Fabric selection

The material is a very important point, one might say, decisive. It is thanks to the correct choice of fabric that the same lightness and airiness is achieved, without which it is impossible to imagine an hourglass curtain.

This means that you immediately need to abandon heavy, dense fabrics. With their help you will never be able to achieve the desired effect. Tulle, tulle, organza, satin, silk, linen, cambric, veil, lace and similar fabrics would be much more appropriate. Typically transparent or translucent. However, in exceptional cases, completely opaque fabrics can be used.

No less attention should be paid to the choice of color. Pastel colors are best: blue, muted pink, beige, peach, light green and similar shades. This is also necessary to create a feeling of airiness.

Necessary tools and materials to create an hourglass

The easiest option to work with are plastic bottles. The material is affordable and easy to process, so no expensive or special tools are needed.

A do-it-yourself hourglass made from plastic bottles requires the following tools and materials:

  • 2 identical plastic bottles with caps.
  • Glue gun.
  • Adjusted volume of clean sand.
  • Screwdriver or drill.
  • Decorative tape.

With a set of such materials, you will get a functional and safe do-it-yourself hourglass for kindergarten. Children will not be able to break or damage the body, which will be strong and resistant to mechanical stress.

Creation algorithm

The algorithm for creating an hourglass from plastic bottles is quite simple and safe, so children can also participate in the work.

Step-by-step diagram on how to make an hourglass with your own hands:

  1. Clear bottles of labels and glue. It is better to choose a container with a wide neck.
  2. Glue the lids together with the outer sides. Pre-treat the surface with alcohol or acetone to degrease.
  3. When the glue has dried, use a screwdriver or drill to make a hole in the middle of the lids.
  4. Pour sand into one bottle and use a stopwatch to measure the time it takes for the granular substance to be poured into another container. Calibrate the amount of sand over time.
  5. Then screw the caps onto the bottles and close them with a strip of decorative tape.

You can leave the product as is or make a simple but original case. To make the frame you will need cardboard, wooden kebab skewers, and a glue gun. The manufacturing principle is quite simple:

  1. Cut out shapes of the same shape from cardboard. Place the bottom of one of the bottles in the middle of the cardboard cut and circle it with a pencil - this indicates the location.
  2. Trim the shish kebab skewers according to the height of the finished hourglass.
  3. Glue skewers to the corners of the cardboard cut. It is worth measuring the distance from the center to the edge.
  4. Glue a body of plastic bottles to the center.
  5. Glue the second piece of cardboard on top.
  6. The finished body can be painted; cover with fabric, ribbons; paper is suitable for finishing cardboard.

Additional options for decoration can be beads and stones.

Where are they appropriate?

Such curtains look very original, neat and cozy. They are appropriate on windows, doors with glass inserts, panoramic windows and even kitchen cabinet doors if they have glass elements. In general, wherever you may need to hide certain contents from prying eyes, for example, jam on the shelves, but at the same time not burden the interior.

By the way, it is the lightness, almost weightlessness of these curtains that is their main feature, the purpose for which they are brought into the interior. Their additional function is to make the apartment more elegant. And the advantage is that they leave room for imagination. And indeed, despite their deliberate simplicity, hourglass-shaped curtains can be very different, and this is very, very easy to achieve. It is enough to change the tightening element or move it higher or lower, and you get a completely different effect. Moreover, you can tie the curtain with several ribbons at different distances, which will completely change the appearance of the curtain.

It is important that such curtains not only prevent strangers from peeking behind the light curtain, but they also let in enough light so as not to darken the room or hide the space. Moreover, if you remove the tape holding the curtain together, the freed curtain will easily close the opening completely. Sometimes this is necessary to block access to light or to exclude the possibility of peeking into the room behind a door or window.

In addition, it is allowed to use other decorative elements: bows, ribbons, artificial flowers, etc., depending on the features of the interior and the colors of the curtains themselves.

Moreover, unlike conventional curtains, this model will be more durable. After all, no one will pull the curtain fixed to the frame back and forth. This simply won't be necessary. Once secured, it will hang in its place until they decide to replace it.

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