How to make a simple internal combustion engine with your own hands

Homemade jet ski - is it possible?

At first glance, it seems that only a madman would dare to make a homemade jet ski. The idea is quite feasible if you have enough experience and good ingenuity.

Making a jet ski by hand takes a little time and effort. To significantly save on fuel, it is better not to use a water cannon. If you take an ordinary boat motor, you can expand the functionality of the unit and provide it with good speed. Correctly selected screws for the speed are already half the success.

Types of installations

Today, a hydrogen generator for a car can be equipped with three electrolyzers that differ in type, nature of operation and performance:

  1. Simple, cylindrical type. Produces 700 milliliters of gas per minute. This performance is sufficient for engines with a displacement of up to 1.4 liters.
  2. With cells of separate type. It is the most efficient in terms of design and performance. The gas output exceeds 2 liters per minute. This volume allows it to be used in freight transport.
  3. Electrolyzer with open plates. This design provides additional cooling to the system, as a result of which it can be used during long-term operation of the unit. The gas output is controlled by the number of reactor plates.

The first type of design is quite sufficient for many carburetor engines. There is no need to install a complex electronic circuit for a gas performance regulator, and the assembly of such an electrolyzer itself is not difficult.

For more powerful cars, it is preferable to assemble the second type of reactor. And for engines running on diesel fuel and heavy-duty vehicles, a third type of reactor is used.

What do you need to create a jet ski with your own hands?

The materials required to create a jet ski depend on the type of design.

To assemble a jet ski from scrap material, and even with your own hands, you need to understand its structure. This bike is easier to assemble; it is designed on the principle of a catamaran. The design includes a seat, several floats, a lever, and controls. A float made from foam plastic is always of high quality; preference should be given to this material. You need to cover it with fiberglass with epoxy glue. It is better to lay five layers of durable fabric inside the floats, and three layers will be enough on the sides. How are jet skis made correctly to optimally distribute the weight of vacationers? It is necessary to place wooden frames in the places where the seat is attached.

To make floats you will need polystyrene foam, plywood ribs and a power fastener. Ski beams can become cross beams. Regular skis are suitable for this, as they provide load distribution. In addition to skis, steel pipes can be used.

If you want to return to the classics, you should understand how jet skis of this type are assembled. This model is made without floats, but is not inferior in functionality. The structure is made in the form of a frame covered with plywood. To control, you can take the steering wheel from a motorcycle.

Transport can be used for swimming or fishing. Diving enthusiasts can climb onto the hull without fear. Excellent stability will allow you to stay afloat even when a boat floats past. Reliability does not affect speed. You can use a powerful motor and put the unit on plane. This scheme will have one drawback - an expensive trailer.

Double float model

You can assemble a two-float jet ski with your own hands (photo shown below) only on the basis of a wide stringer. In this case, the deck must be fixed on racks. At the beginning of work, the frame itself is prepared. The upper stringer can be fixed on brackets. Experts recommend using polystyrene foam as a filler. The lower stringer must have rivets. It is allowed to use profile D16 for the hook.

Step-by-step instructions, tips and tricks

A homemade jet ski may be slightly inferior to the finished product in several respects: appearance and low speed. But, if you get down to business wisely and spend enough time, the jet ski will be powerful without overpaying for the brand. So, let's assemble a homemade scooter.

When making a jet ski with your own hands, the quality of the body is important. This is a stringer frame that is covered with plywood. You need to draw the future body on a sheet of plywood. For future frames, pine slats are prepared in advance. The plaza should be covered with polyethylene so that the frames can easily separate from it without damaging the surface. The slats are attached to the plywood with small nails. Later, you should cut out the gussets from the plywood and secure them with epoxy glue and screws. Separate the frame from the plaza and install the gussets on the other side of the frame. It is recommended to fill the resulting holes with foam plastic.

Such a frame should be covered with plywood on all sides, and the motor mounting points should be covered with pine blocks. The frames that were prepared in advance must be secured to the board using small nails. You should take care of symmetry and carefully set the frames. The speed and stroke of a hand-made water scooter depends on symmetry.

They are fixed in the grooves of the frames using epoxy glue. When the resin has hardened, the structure is cleaned with a rasp and a plane. The ribs that protrude are brought together relative to the surface of the body.

For convenience, it is better to start from the bottom. You will need a board 4 mm thick. Ideally, the workpiece should be slightly larger, and the excess material is then removed. After this comes the covering of the remaining sections of the bottom, sides and deck with fairings.

To sheathe a designer's homemade jet ski, made with your own hands, you need epoxy glue and screws with a special head called a “countersunk” head. It would be better if they were made of brass. The longitudinal steps must be attached to the rack body with glue and screws. To round the cheekbones, you need putty.

The bottom of a homemade jet ski is covered in four layers. If you don’t have such fabric, any thick one will do. Once curing begins, a flap can be cut out and rubbed onto the surface. This trick will allow you to obtain a surface that does not require additional processing.

Assembled from screws and glue. It is sanded and impregnated with several layers of drying oil. Then coated with oil varnish.

It is a box with a lid, covered with a layer of polystyrene foam and foam rubber. The top is covered with leather or leatherette.

Getting energy from water

According to fundamental physical laws, there is no way to extract chemical energy from water. Water is negative, therefore, energy is required to separate it into elements. There are no compounds of oxygen and hydrogen with a greater negative enthalpy of formation, due to which an excess of energy could be obtained.

Most of the proposed “water car” designs are based on some form of electrolytic separation of water into hydrogen and oxygen and their subsequent recombination to release energy. However, since the energy required for electrolysis ultimately always turns out to be greater than the resulting hydrogen can provide, such a scheme cannot be used to obtain excess energy. Such a device contradicts the first law of thermodynamics, therefore, it refers to perpetual motion machines of the first kind.

DIY scooter with gasoline engine (33cc/4T)

Hello to those who like to make things, I propose for consideration a project for making a homemade scooter. The author used a motor from a gasoline trimmer as an engine for the scooter. An interesting fact is that this engine is four-stroke and needs to be powered with pure gasoline without oil.

The only problem with such engines is high speeds; to solve this problem, the author used a reduction gearbox from an electric motor. The homemade product accelerates to 40 km, and the motor used here is not the most powerful, only 33 cc. If the project interests you, I suggest you familiarize yourself with it in more detail!

Materials and tools used by the author:

List of materials:

— engine from a 4T/33cc petrol trimmer; — chain transmission; — gear motor; — brake system for a bicycle; — throttle handle; — bicycle stand; - small wheels from a children's bicycle; - old bicycle for spare parts; — profile pipes; - round pipes; - sheet iron.

Homemade manufacturing process:

Step one. Gearbox installation

The shaft speed of the selected engine is too high, and the torque is weak, since the engine used is not very powerful. To solve this problem, we need a reduction gearbox, which will allow us to obtain high torque and reduce speed. The author found the required gearbox in an electric motor, we disassemble it and remake the gearbox. The drive gear here is made directly on the engine armature, so we cut off a piece of the axle and now it needs to be installed on the shaft of the gasoline engine.

The motor shaft has a splined hole into which the trimmer shaft is inserted. We need to make the diameter of the rod cut from the anchor smaller; for this, the author clamps it in a drill and, thanks to the grinder, sets the desired diameter of the shaft. Well, then we drill a hole in the trimmer shaft, cut a thread for the screw, and make a groove in the installed shaft. As a result, we will not have to damage the engine from the trimmer.

The gearbox itself must be very firmly attached to the engine, since this is where the load will go that the engine will transmit to the drive wheel. We will need to make special brackets; we will fasten them with the screws that hold the gas tank on the trimmer, the clutch cover, and so on. We make the brackets from sheet iron of suitable thickness, bend them, drill holes and weld the nuts.

Step two. We weld the frame

Let's prepare wheels for the scooter; for this we will need wheels from a children's bicycle. We install a disc brake on the drive wheel, and also install a leading driven sprocket, the author has it on a ratcheting mechanism, so that the scooter will coast.

Based on the diameter of the wheels, we decide what length and width the frame will be, and then we proceed to assembling it. The author uses profile pipes as material. We cut and weld, and at the rear of the frame we make a fork for the rear wheel. For this we use two iron plates.

As for the front part, the author decided to use a piece from a bicycle. The frame was cut and the forks were cut to the correct length. We weld the frame at the desired angle to the scooter frame and now we have the entire frame almost ready.

Step five. Installing the engine and brakes

The engine needs to be secured securely; we manufacture and weld mounting ears to the frame. Well, then we fasten the engine with the same screws that hold the gas tank and other engine parts.

Be sure to install the brake; we have already installed the brake disc on the wheel. We weld a mounting plate under the caliper and screw the caliper with screws. That's all, after installing the chain, you can start the engine and see what speed the wheel develops.

Step seven. Painting and assembly

We clean the frame well with a brush attachment for an angle grinder, and where we can’t get to it, we work there with a hand brush. For the frame, you also need to cut out the bottom from sheet iron.

The frame can be painted, now everything looks beautiful, and it won’t rust. You can start assembling, install the throttle handle and connect the rear brake. As for igniting the engine, it is highly advisable to place the switch on the steering wheel so that you can quickly turn off the engine if something happens.


How to start flying on your own, at least on something with a motor

The second article is for those who want to start flying independently.

Today we will consider options for burning dead mammoths (gasoline) to acquire kinetic energy. Soaring flight (first article)

  • Paraglider
  • Hang glider
  • Glider

Motor flight (under the cut)

  • Airplane
  • Trike (hang glider)
  • Paratrike (airchute)
  • Paramotor (Carlson, motor paraglider)
  • Motor glider

I sat at the controls of an airplane for the first time when I was 18 years old. Before his first solo flight, he had flown 25 hours and made about 100 takeoffs and landings. Now my total flight time on everything that flies is about 400 hours. This is terribly little to consider yourself an experienced pilot, but enough to get hooked on the “flight needle”. aviation addicts too


I will talk about aircraft with a maximum take-off weight of up to 600 kg, otherwise this topic will become endless. LA will be used in this article.

, which means

Any motorized aircraft is just a glider with an engine

. If your engine fails in the air, then you turn into a bad glider pilot. And your chances of salvation are equal to your skills.

In the last article there were many questions regarding flight safety as such. Now I will try to pay more attention to the risks of flying.

No one has remained in the air yet. Everyone returns to earth. (c) folk wisdom

What can happen in flight (ordered by decreasing likelihood):
  • Engine Failure
    This can take you by surprise if you are not prepared for it. If you train, it's not scary. Not a terrible example. Mythbusters even checked.
  • Piloting error during takeoff or landing
    Usually means an insufficient level of training or an overestimation of one’s strength. Regular training will minimize the likelihood of such an incident.
  • Difficult weather conditions
    The weather does not change instantly. It can be predicted visually 20 minutes in advance by assessing the dynamics of development. And the presence of a motor allows you to fly around bad weather or return back.
  • Violating Aircraft Limits
    Most aircraft have operating limits. If you don’t know them or don’t know how to follow them, then it’s too early for you to fly without an instructor.
  • Collision with ground obstacles
    Most often they crash into wires, because... they are not noticeable. I know quite a lot of such cases. Many are fatal. However, all instructions prohibit flying over obstacles below 50m. If you fly around the terrain, you have created a threat to yourself. There are bad airfields.
  • Collision with another aircraft
    Most flights follow “visual flight” rules. This means that you are required to move your head 360 degrees to prevent this from happening. A collision is most likely in areas where aircraft are congested. Don't get into the crowd.
  • Loss of orientation and, as a result, landing outside the airfield.
    The most common problem for beginners. From the air, the land looks completely different from how it appears on the map. Even if you have a map in your hands, you can get lost. Now GPS saves you from this problem; if it fails, there can be many problems. I fly with two GPS receivers with independent power supplies.
  • Bird strike
    Yes, it happens. The consequences of such a collision are similar to hitting a bird with a car. But the probability is similar.
  • Deterioration in health
    If you experience health problems before the flight, do not fly. A sudden deterioration in health is a fairly rare situation.
Important features of motorized flight
  • The smaller the aircraft, the more exposed it is to air currents (it bounces more during flight), but also the greater the freedom of movement.
  • The presence of an engine requires attention to
    its performance and compliance with maintenance regulations. Ignoring a strange sound is risky. For example, overheating is very dangerous.
  • Having an engine is relaxing
    . The illusion arises that at any moment you can step on the gas and fly away from danger. Usually this is true, but if the engine fails at this moment, you can break the woods.
  • Takeoff has a number of features:
    1. If the engine is located in the nose (pulling propeller), then a gyroscopic moment is created, which tends to turn the aircraft in the direction of rotation of the propeller. It needs to be compensated by the rudder.
    2. If the engine is located at the rear (pushing propeller), then you will be turned in the opposite direction. There are fakaps.

  • There are usually several fuel tanks. They are switched by an ordinary mechanical valve. You can switch the valve incorrectly and, even if there is fuel, cause an engine failure in the air.
  • Aircraft can be sold in two forms: as a finished product and as a KIT-set (Lego aircraft construction set). A KIT kit is cheaper and can (in theory) be assembled yourself, which allows for customization.
  • Technically, it is possible to fly in any weather. Flying in rain and snow creates additional risks, but the pilot is free to make his own flight decisions.
  • In Europe, the level of development of private aviation is at least 10 times higher than in the CIS. For example, there are 112 flight schools in England, and 3 in Ukraine.
  • Large aviation flies on special aviation engines. For small aircraft, engines from lawn mowers, motorcycles, snowmobiles and cars are often used. Their reliability depends on the qualifications of the operating personnel. Aircraft engines are more expensive.
  • Many engines run on the regular A-95.
  • In motorized aircraft, they often use not an individual rescue device (parachute), but a rescue system for the entire aircraft (large parachute).
  • Most training programs consist of theory and at least 40-45 flight hours.

What kind of people shouldn't fly?

  • With increased emotionality.
    If you can't handle the emotions in the air, you'll be in trouble.
  • Overly self-confident.
    Your level of training is assessed by more experienced pilots. And your opinion may not coincide with their opinion. You need to be able to humble yourself.
  • Those who like to break laws and swim against the tide.
    It's one thing to break government laws, but quite another to break the laws of aerodynamics.
  • For extreme sports
    enthusiasts All aviation is built on flight safety. If you are looking for extreme sports here, you will easily find it. But I don’t want to fly next to you.
  • Those who are lazy or unwilling to learn
    can take off and land with only mechanical control skills. Lack of knowledge of theory strangely attracts problems.


Aviation began with these aircraft. The Wright brothers' plane falls into this category. Essentially it is an air car. You can fly over houses or gain a kilometer of height and look down on the earth. Complete freedom of action! Flying on a small plane is not at all similar to flying as a passenger on a large one.

  • The empty weight of the aircraft is from 80kg to 300kg.
  • Speed ​​from 50km/h to 220km/h.
  • New price from $40,000.
  • Takeoff from water, snow or ground. Take-off distance is about 150m. Possibly less.
  • 300m is usually enough for landing. For masters, 20m is enough.
  • A parachute is used as a rescue system for the entire aircraft. Really saves.
  • A-95 gasoline consumption is about 9 l / 100 km * (in the absence of wind). For distances within the fuel reserve, flying by plane can be cheaper than by car, because... the flight takes place in a straight line and with the same fuel consumption as a car.

* - in aviation they do not measure fuel consumption per 100 km. Everything is measured in engine operating hours at different power levels. The given figure is an average value.

  • This is really an airplane. I took it and flew where I needed it. Dependence on weather is minimal. You can fly above the clouds.
  • The design of production aircraft has been worked out, there is a lot of information on the Internet. You can make something from scratch.
  • Depending on the engine, aircraft can climb up to 6000m. Above 4000m a person needs oxygen equipment.
  • The plane can taxi itself on the ground. This is very convenient, but you always need to take into account the presence of wings, because... They are easy to catch on something.
  • With proper preparation, you can travel across continents and even between them.
  • You can buy a KIT kit (constructor set) and assemble it yourself.
  • Some are very good at aerobatics. And even those.
  • This is a full-fledged aircraft, which means it requires documents (which need to be renewed regularly) and a pilot’s certificate.
  • Although the aircraft can technically fly up to 6000m, in practice in the CIS it can only fly up to 900-1500m. Above - you need to coordinate. Legislation differs in different countries.
  • When flying along the route, you are required to have a working radio and communicate with air traffic controllers, which requires specific skills.

Medical requirements
In Europe, even a disabled person can fly an airplane, but in the CIS it is necessary to undergo a real medical examination. But there is a saying: only the greedy or the dead fail the medical examination. So this is not an insurmountable problem. The situation is slowly improving, and European standards are coming to our world.

Trike (hang glider)

This is exactly the thing that Putin had the honor of flying. If we draw an analogy: airplane = car, then trike = motorcycle. There is also a completely new trend, nanoTrike - almost a stool with a motor. Continuing the analogy, this is an air moped.

  • It consists of two parts: a hang glider (wing) and a cart with a motor. Some hang gliders are so versatile that they can be used for both motorized and soaring flight.
  • Instead of wheels, floats for take-off from water or skis for snow can be installed.
  • Often used for aerial chemical work.
  • As a rule, the cabin is open.
  • Empty weight from 100kg to 300kg.
  • Speed ​​from 50km/h to 150km/h
  • There are 1, 2 and 3 seater ones.
  • New price from $20,000 to $100,000
  • Versatile and compact enough for storage.
  • This is almost a full-fledged transport.
  • More intuitive to operate than an airplane, because... close to the bike.
  • The feeling of flight is more vivid, because... no cabin.
  • You can jump from it with a parachute.
  • There are special flight schools where you can learn to fly using specially developed programs.
  • All components are easily accessible for maintenance and repair.
  • Can steer itself on the ground.
  • “The wind is in the mug, and I’m scalding” - this is about a motor hang glider. Flying without a full-face helmet is not very comfortable, especially in winter. And with it, visibility and impressions are sharply reduced. There are perverts.
  • The flight is not as comfortable as on an airplane.
  • You need to fly in overalls, because... even if it’s hot on the ground, the oncoming flow will make it cold, and the higher you go, the colder it gets. And it’s hot on the ground in overalls.
  • Inverse control. For many pilots this is very inconvenient, because... back to the airplane.
  • More susceptible to air currents. A strong gust of wind or an updraft can knock the control handle out of your hands.
  • It takes physical effort to fly in a straight line.
  • If you land/fall on the forest, nothing protects you. Example.

More photos

nanoTrike in flight
nanoTrike on the ground

Paramotor (motor paraglider)

This is the implementation of Carlson's idea. Put the engine on your back and fly using a paraglider. A great weekend hobby.

  • Engine weight from 7kg to 20kg.
  • Flight speed from 20km/h to 60km/h
  • They are practically not used as transport.
  • Usually single. But tandem flights are practiced.
  • A parachute is used as a rescue system. It does save.
  • The cost of a new one is about $6000.
  • If you have learned to fly a paraglider, learning to fly a paramotor is not difficult, and your flight horizons expand significantly.
  • Low fuel consumption.
  • The feeling of flight is more natural, because... no cabin.
  • Low takeoff and landing speed.
  • Compact.
  • Learning occurs only by listening to the instructor on the ground. No one will correct your mistakes for you.
  • There are no pilot training methods. Active pilots train according to their individual programs.
  • If the engine fails in the air, you have neither aerodynamic efficiency nor reserve speed. Landing in front of you.
  • Takeoff and landing from your feet. Risk of injury.
  • Wind is required for a comfortable takeoff.
  • The wing may collapse in mid-air.
  • You need to have sufficient physical strength to take off and land with the engine on your back.
  • It’s difficult to call it transport. More like entertainment.

Paratrike (airchute)

This is a mixture of a trike and a paraglider. Those. They took a very large paraglider, a trolley from a motorized hang glider, remade it, connected it to the paraglider - and this miracle turned out.

  • Empty weight from 60kg to 150kg
  • There are 1, 2 and 3-seaters.
  • Speed ​​from 25km/h to 60km/h
  • Skis can be installed instead of wheels.
  • The cost of a new one is $9,000.
  • Low takeoff and landing speed.
  • The crew is located inside a rigid frame.
  • Natural feeling of flight.
  • It is convenient to take off in calm conditions.
  • Unlike a paramotor, the likelihood of the wing collapsing is lower.
  • It is cheapest for two people to ride on it.
  • Compact transportation.
  • Due to its very smooth flight, it is often used for aerial video recording.
  • This is actually transport. Some fly very far.
  • You can fly above the clouds.
  • If it does collapse in the water, it may be difficult to unwrap it.
  • There are no schools where training programs have been developed. You can only learn from existing pilots, who will teach at their own discretion.
  • He can hardly move on the ground on his own.

Motor glider

Motor gliders can be divided into:
  • With a non-retractable engine. This is actually an airplane and everything that is written above is relevant for it.
  • With retractable engine. But this is a real glider!
Engines are:
  • Internal combustion.
  • Electric motor.
  • Jet engine. Or cooler.
  • This is a glider, and it has insurance in the form of a motor. Other advantages are not important. If it is not clear, read the previous article.
  • There are only 1- and 2-seaters.
  • Modern ones are very expensive.
  • Small engine life (how many hours the engine can work in total).
  • The feeling of having an engine can drive the glider into a situation where only the engine can save him. And if it doesn’t start, there will be problems.

The article does not consider the Autogyro, because I don't have much experience with it.


The main thing: if you want to learn how to fly safely, start with soaring flight.

  • An airplane is an air vehicle. You can use it to fly from point A to B.
  • A trike is a motorcycle or moped.
  • Paratrike is fun. Long-distance flights are rare on it.
  • Paramotor is an opportunity to feel like Carlson and fly to your baby in the sky as cheaply as possible.
  • Motor gliding is flying on a glider without a tow and with insurance.

The number of myths and stereotypes about aviation is extremely large.
An attempt was made to dispel some of them. And in conclusion, one more point. If you think that flying is a pleasure for the rich, then you are mistaken. There are options even for those whose income does not allow flying commercially.

Regardless of the financial situation, the first thing you need to do is COME TO THE AERODROME

. Take an introductory flight (for a fee, of course). In the process, you will not only understand how interesting it is to you, but also make your first aviation acquaintances. The best option would be to try not only an airplane, but also a glider - these are two different worlds and concepts.

Returning to the option when there is no money: you can fly (including study) if you do some work at the airfield. The work is often unskilled (digging something or building), but you want to fly, right? Vacancies and announcements about this are not posted at the entrance to the airfield, but you can find out about them in a private conversation. This is why you will need friends at the airfield.

Another point of application of your strength, as well as a way to get acquainted with the world of aviation, is volunteering by profession. As developers, designers, artists, OS administrators, electronics engineers and so on. Aerodromes, aviation training centers, aviation sports federations, as well as other “terrestrial” structures, require websites, graphics and other IT assistance. Also in need of help are teams of aircraft restorers, among whom there are teams that lift historical aircraft into the sky.

If you have a desire, but it is unclear who to help, contact Alexey Spiridonov leksey ( [email protected] ) in Russia and genius_a Anton Voronin in Ukraine.

Tell your friends about this offer. Our experience shows that there are enough people who want to contribute in this area, but most do not have points of intersection with the aviation world. A note for those who think that this is an attempt to attract free labor: aviation in Russia and Ukraine in most cases is an activity for devotees and fans, where, as at the dawn of flying, everything rests on enthusiasts. However, in the main aviation country - America, much is similar.


An underwater towing scooter belongs to equipment for swimming underwater over long distances.

It is a streamlined body made of solid material. It is divided into compartments and is distinguished by maneuverability, reliability, and excellent performance.

An underwater scooter will give divers an incredible experience and comfortable well-being during long journeys. Underwater tugboats are produced by many companies, which use patented and exclusive devices for their manufacture. The most popular devices included in the TOP 6 are discussed below.

Principle of operation

From the school physics course we know that water, when exposed to electric current, decomposes into two components: hydrogen and oxygen. Based on this phenomenon, a so-called hydrogen generator was built. This device is a unit in which an electrochemical reaction occurs to produce hydrogen and oxygen from water. The process of electrolysis of water is shown in the figure below.

Water electrolysis process

At the output of the generator, not pure hydrogen and oxygen are formed, but the so-called Brown gas, named after the scientist who first obtained it. It is also called “explosive gas” because it is explosive under certain conditions. Moreover, when burning this gas, one can obtain almost four times more energy than was expended on its production.

Such a hydrogen production plant is shown in the figure below.

Industrial plant for hydrogen production



An underwater tug equipped with the latest buoyancy system patented by the manufacturer and a fast-charging lithium-ion battery will give the diver an incredible experience.

It is recommended to buy such an underwater device for those who are planning to go to the sea in the summer. Manufacturer BRP has put a lot of effort into making their underwater towing vehicle an indispensable assistant for anyone interested in underwater fishing and diving.

With it, the underwater world will open before their eyes in unimaginable colors.

This series has a self-filling ballast hull, which makes it possible to achieve neutral buoyancy in a matter of seconds.

Water from the ballast spaces leaves freely through the drainage holes provided for this purpose, just as it enters them, which makes it possible to achieve neutral buoyancy, and also, once on the surface, to easily release water.

We recommend:

The speed control system allows you to keep the speed at a given level, and the power indicator helps you know exactly how much charge is left.

Huge areas of reefs will allow you to explore this amazing underwater gadget in an hour of diving. To do this, the diver does not even need to exert any physical effort. The device also reduces air consumption significantly.

When diving, the balancing chamber fills with water almost instantly, allowing the user to independently adjust neutral buoyancy. If it is necessary to make finer adjustments, use a balancing weight, of which there are 4 pieces in the set.

It is also possible to control the speed and battery charging.

Technical specifications


Where can I buyPrice in rubles

With this underwater tug, relaxing is fun and educational.

Required performance

In order to truly save fuel, a hydrogen generator for a car must produce gas every minute at the rate of 1 liter per 1000 engine displacement. Based on these requirements, the number of plates for the reactor is selected.

To increase the surface of the electrodes, it is necessary to treat the surface with sandpaper in a perpendicular direction. This treatment is extremely important - it will increase the working area and avoid “sticking” of gas bubbles to the surface.

The latter leads to isolation of the electrode from the liquid and prevents normal electrolysis. Do not also forget that for normal operation of the electrolyzer, the water must be alkaline. Regular soda can serve as a catalyst.


This is the closest relative of the underwater tug called GTI. For people who cannot imagine life without speed, but who do not yet want to burden themselves with bulky structures, it will be an ideal choice when preparing for a summer vacation planned in beautiful cities located along the Black Sea coast.


They are better than those of the model described above, which is why the device occupies a higher level in the TOP 6:

The company provides guarantees for its products and allows you to buy an underwater tug on credit.


Where can I buyPrice rubles rubles rubles rubles rubles

With an underwater tug diving 30 meters deep, snorkeling and diving will be more interesting and effective.

Important: The device was designed for swimming in sea water, so buoyancy is reduced in pools and fresh water. If the structure is not supported, it may even sink.

Hydrogen engine future prospects

Today, many companies are working on creating environmentally friendly engines. Some are taking the path of creating hybrid engines, others are relying on electric vehicles, etc. As for hydrogen installations, in terms of ecology and performance, this option may also in the near future compete with internal combustion engines running on gasoline, gas or diesel fuel.

Hydrogen engines have performed slightly better than the most advanced electric cars. For example, the Japanese model Honda Clarity. The only drawback that remains is the methods and possibilities of refueling. The fact is that the infrastructure of hydrogen filling stations is not particularly developed, and on a global scale.

The choice of hydrogen passenger cars is also not particularly large. In addition to the Honda Clarity, we can only mention the Mazda RX8 Hydrogen, as well as the BMW Hydrogen 7. In fact, these are hybrid cars that run on liquid hydrogen and gasoline. You can also add the Mercedes GLC F-Cell to the list. This model can be recharged from a household power supply and allows you to travel up to 500 km. on one charge.

Additionally, it is worth noting the Toyota Mirai model. The car runs only on hydrogen, one tank is enough for 600 km. Hydrogen engines are still found on the domestic Niva model, and are also installed by the Koreans on a special version of the Hyundai Tucson SUV.

As you can see, many manufacturers are actively experimenting with a hydrogen engine, but this solution still has many disadvantages. At the same time, some disadvantages greatly hinder mass popularization.

First of all, it is the safety and complexity of transporting such fuel.

It is important to understand that hydrogen is highly flammable and explosive even at relatively low temperatures. For this reason, it is difficult to store and transport

It turns out that it is necessary to build special hydrogen tanks for cars with this type of engine. As a result, in practice there are very few hydrogen refueling stations.

To this can also be added a certain complexity and high costs of repair and maintenance of a hydrogen unit, as well as the need for the preparation and training of a large number of highly qualified personnel. If we talk about the hydrogen car itself and its performance characteristics, the presence of a hydrogen installation makes the car heavier, and controllability naturally deteriorates.


Short review

This is another model from the same BRP company that snorkelers dream of. It is an amazing tool for divers diving from the shore.

Any distance is accessible with it.

Main settings


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A simple, very reliable and powerful underwater tug has proven itself to be an indispensable companion for beach lovers and deep-sea explorers, and is also deservedly appreciated by professional divers.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, today hydrogen cars and water engines can be considered a very real alternative not only to the usual internal combustion engines that use petroleum fuel, but also to electric cars.

First of all, such installations are less toxic, and they do not require expensive petroleum-based fuel. Also, cars with a hydrogen engine have an acceptable range. There are also hybrid models on sale that use both hydrogen and gasoline.

As for the disadvantages and difficulties, a car with a hydrogen engine today has a high cost, and there may also be problems with refueling due to an insufficient number of gas stations. We should not forget that it is also not easy to find specialists who are capable of efficiently and professionally servicing a hydrogen power plant. In this case, maintenance will be quite expensive.

Finally, we note that the active construction of pipelines for pumping methane gas promises in the future the possibility of pumping hydrogen through the same pipelines. This means that if the total number of cars with hydrogen engines increases, there is also a high probability of a rapid increase in the number of specialized gas stations.



The underwater tug, which occupies the next place in the TOP-6, differs from its analogues in that it has three speeds. It is designed for true professionals and technical diving.

Much attention is paid to safety. There is protection against leaks and overheating, an indicator that allows you to monitor the battery charge, and much more. With it, emotions will go “off scale”, and the world hidden by the thickness of water will open in magical colors.


Features of the underwater tugboat are:


When using an underwater tug, air consumption is saved, which allows you to stay longer in the water depths.


Where can I buyPrice in rubles

An underwater tug is ideal for classic snorkeling (with mask and snorkel), for amateur and professional diving.

Operating principle of internal combustion engines

We start a conventional internal combustion engine using hydrogen, Project Charge
Today, there are different types of engines, but for modeling they are most often used:

  • Diesel type piston engines.
  • Engines ignited by heat or spark.

Diesel engines differ from spark or glow engines in that in the former, fuel ignition occurs when the gas is strongly compressed during the movement of the piston in the cylinder. And the last two types of engines require additional energy to ignite the already compressed mixture, for which it is necessary to preheat the glow plug or produce a spark discharge.

Piston engines can only be two-stroke. Engines that are ignited by heat or spark are both two-stroke and four-stroke.

Two-stroke engines carry out any work process in two strokes, performed per 1 revolution of the crankshaft.

Before the first stroke is completed, the combustible mixture in the cylinder is ignited, resulting in a significant increase in pressure in the combustion chamber, which helps the piston move up and down.

In the second stroke - the “power stroke-purge” - the burning fuel expands, which contributes to the development of mechanical power, and a fresh portion of fuel, sucked into the cylinder during the first stroke, is compressed.

After the piston is about halfway down, the combustion gases are expelled from the cylinder through a special opening. And after the bypass window opens, the fuel compressed in the crankcase enters the cylinder, and thereby displaces the remaining exhaust gases from it, that is, purging occurs.



Family underwater tugboat. It is allowed to be used both in ponds and in swimming pools. Even children are safe with an underwater towing vehicle equipped with protection - metal bars, automatic shut-off and a buoyancy function.

The impressions of sailing with him cannot be compared with anything else.

Main characteristics

Despite its lower characteristics than its analogues, the underwater model is popular due to its ability to be used in swimming pools and its safety for children.


Where can I buyPrice

An entry-level underwater tug is perfect for those who don’t mind diving with a mask and snorkel, for use in swimming pools. It has a camera mount, which makes it possible to take great photos,

Steering - safety on the move

Modern models of technical equipment have an additional security system that allows the engine to start only if a special key is installed in the lock. This key is attached to the pilot's wrist or to his life jacket. In the event of a fall, the key is pulled out and the engine spontaneously stops working. Accordingly, the risk of colliding with something or someone is minimized.

The jet ski has become a popular technical tool at sea. It is used in entertainment programs and during water excursions. The simple design of a jet ski and its aesthetic appearance attracts people of any age and gender.


Short review

The stunning model topped the TOP 6. The underwater diving tug has successfully passed all tests and was recognized by the DSAT scientific center as the best for diving. It miraculously combines enormous power, maneuverability, and ease of operation.

Technical indicators


Where can I buyPrice rubles rubles rubles rubles rubles


This underwater tug with a waterproof hull that prevents mechanical damage and leaks allows you to conquer new heights in diving.

The underwater tug, developed by Canadian specialists, opens up a new world for divers, providing them with a safe dive.

Author and editor of reviews on gadgets and new technology. Conducts work on writing new ratings for publications, checking the accuracy and relevance of information in already published articles. Answers questions in the comments, writes on auto topics.


Device with one transom stop

It’s very easy to make a jet ski with one stop with your own hands. For this purpose, a long stringer with a small profile is selected. The bow rail is attached first. It is more expedient to make the pads from foam plastic. It should also be noted that experts advise not to install the upper stringer right away. At the beginning of work, the deck is fixed. Overlays may be glued to a small width. The keel part of the jet ski must be well protected.

For this purpose, experts use fiberglass. In this case, the filler is usually made of polystyrene foam. Plywood directly for the body can be used from the C5 series. The bottom is most often processed with a grinding machine. Stripes should be installed at the top of the stringer. Transom stops are fixed in the keel part. In case of malfunctions, you can repair the jet ski engine yourself by removing the rear struts.

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