How to sharpen a simple pencil: 6 tools – from banal and primitive to exclusive

Pencils are used by everyone, from children to employees in global corporations. To obtain a thin rod, few people use knives or blades anymore. Recently, an electric pencil sharpener has been gaining popularity, which makes sharpening much easier and does it very quickly.

Attack on a British tank

The holidays have passed, all the construction sets have been collected, reviews have been written, and it’s time for some small homemade projects. The child decided to design an English tank with a wheel at the back. Here's how he did it:

Mark was clearly taken as the basis, although I could be wrong about what the young designer pulled out from the depths of the Internet.

In general, the idea of ​​the plot is as follows: the tank was caught by a grapple during an attack on a position, pelted with bottles and a lighter, the track was damaged, and the crew was locked in a steel box.

When I remarked that there were no Bulgarians in those days, they laughed together)))

This is what this steel monster looks like from behind.

View of the tank from the attackers.

Thank you for your attention, I will definitely share if my young designer builds something new!

Hello again, dear ones! Today on the agenda is a very unusual designer! This is not an analogue of Lego, full compatibility with Lego is preserved, both in terms of cubes and the rails are also identical. The quality of the plastic is simply amazing, the parts fit together tightly without cracks or backlash.

The delivery includes two m-motors, all components are carefully packed in bags with valves and numbered.

The very illustration on the instructions tells us that the Locomotive model is made in a realistic manner (after all, Lego train models retain a certain childish, cartoonish quality, that’s something else), we even managed to find a similar locomotive in real life.

Let's remember the original and compare it with the result that we get after assembly!

Looking ahead, I want to say that this construction set is not intended for small children; it should be assembled with an adult. The kit uses electrics, so you will have to think in advance about how to lay the wires. We used silicone lubricant for the rubbing parts of the equipment, which significantly reduces the noise of the mechanisms and improves movement (we use this lubricant on all models with moving elements and in equipment sets), scissors to adjust the length of the handrails, a paper clip and pliers to give clear lines to the handrails . In other words, assembly requires hands and some modeling skills. This set is not for children who, when faced with difficulties, will begin to squeak and demand why I can’t, why it’s not working, give me my money back. I would even say that here design in some places turns into modeling. And now to the assembly, believe me, it is very exciting!

It all starts with assembling a locomotive frame with gearboxes and gears that will rotate the wheels of the model. Here we used lubricant and carefully checked that all the mechanisms rotated easily and silently.


Returning a pencil sharpener of good quality

The quality of goods is regulated by the State Quality Standard (GOST) or technical production conditions (TO), which is indicated in the relevant accompanying documentation.

According to Article 4 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, the seller is obliged to provide the buyer with a product suitable for use and corresponding to the description, taking into account its expiration date and service life.

If all standards are met, a pencil sharpener is a product of good quality.

The period for exchange and return of pencil sharpeners of good quality is 14 days.


Based on paragraph 1 of Article 25 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, the seller is obliged to accept goods of proper quality subject to the following conditions:


  • The product has not been used
  • Presentation and packaging preserved
  • There is no violation of labels and seals
  • Availability of cash or sales receipts

If the receipt is missing, then a refund is possible, supported by witness testimony.

If the purchase of a pencil sharpener was made in an online store, then an electronic payment document can be used as evidence.

In the absence of documents confirming the purchase, the seller rarely accepts the goods back. In this case, you must contact the consumer rights supervision service or Rospotrebnadzor.


The buyer must perform the following actions:

  1. Draw up an application in 2 copies and give it to the seller. One copy remains with the buyer, and a mark indicating acceptance of the application is placed on it. The second copy remains with the seller.
  2. Give the pencil sharpener in its entire package to the seller. In this case, labels and seals must be intact. After delivery, the buyer’s copy is marked with acceptance of the goods.
  3. Present a document confirming the purchase of the goods at this particular outlet.
  4. Provide an identification document.

The application must indicate the requirement. That is, what is needed, a refund or exchange of goods. The seller is obliged to satisfy this requirement within no more than 3 days from the date of filing the application.

Refusal to accept the application

If the seller refuses to accept the application, it must be sent to the store by registered mail with notification of receipt. In this case, the recipient must be the head of the outlet. The name of the manager can be found in the “Consumer Corner”, which is in every store. The recipient's address must be actual, not legal.

If the return period has expired

The Law on Consumer Rights clearly defines return periods. It was decided that 14 days is enough for the buyer to decide whether he needs the product.

It is not possible to extend this period. An exception is the return of goods to online stores, where the return period is 3 months, unless other conditions are specified additionally.

Return to the online store

When purchasing a product in an online store, the purchase and sale agreement or accompanying documentation may specify a return period of 7 days. If there is no such clause, then the period for returning the pencil sharpener can be extended to 90 days.

All steps for processing a return are the same as for any retail outlet. In the absence of a cash receipt, it is acceptable to attach to the application an extract from electronic payments or a bank receipt that confirms the fact of payment.

With such a return, it is necessary to take into account that the payment is returned minus the transport costs incurred by the seller to deliver the goods, but only in cases where they are not paid separately.

Return by organization

In trade cooperation, a sales contract is always concluded between organizations. If it is necessary to return the goods, it is carried out in accordance with this agreement.

In some cases, with the consent of the seller, a reverse sale and purchase transaction is concluded, according to which the seller and buyer change places.

Sample application for return

The return application is drawn up in 2 copies in free form. The text must contain the following data:

Basic data

  • Buyer information;
  • Seller information;
  • Purchased item;
  • Date of purchase;
  • Product category;
  • The reason for the return must be stated;
  • Presentation upon return;
  • Request for exchange of goods or refund.

At the bottom of the application, the date of submission and signature with a transcript are indicated.

Application form (sample) for the return of goods of proper quality

How does a pencil sharpener work and how does it work?

The simplest sharpener is a device whose main parts are:

When placing the end of the pencil into the cavity of the sharpener, it makes circular movements in a clockwise direction. The tip of the blade cuts away thin shavings of the wooden frame, sharpening it to a cone. As the wood is removed, the pencil lead comes off. The writing rod itself is lightly trimmed, becoming sharp at the end, which allows it to draw fine lines.

The design feature of a conventional sharpener does not allow sharpening to produce a long, bare lead. When it protrudes from the frame by more than 3-5 mm, it breaks off, so you need to stop sharpening in a timely manner. If this happens, the process is repeated to reveal the remaining part of the rod hidden in the frame.

Most sharpeners are equipped with a removable collection container. It collects the shavings, preventing them from scattering. As it fills, it must be removed and shaken out. Overcrowding the container can cause the chips to press on the exposed lead and cause it to break.

Types of sharpeners

Regular with one blade

This is the most affordable and compact pencil sharpener. It can be equipped with a collection container for chips. It is usually made of transparent plastic, which allows you to see the degree of fullness. The blade of such devices is attached to the body with one or two screws. This allows it to be removed and sharpened if necessary. The cheapness of the tool allows you not to do this, but to change it as the cutting edge wears out.

Regular with two blades

This tool differs from the standard one by having two cavities and blades. They can be designed for different or the same diameter pencils. In the first case, one of them is a spare. It can be used after the edge of the first one has worn out. Different cavities allow you to sharpen standard and thicker pencils.

Cosmetic sharpener

Designed specifically for cosmetic pencils with soft lead. It has other gaps, due to which the lead does not become so sharp when sharpening. These sharpeners come with one or more blades. They can be with or without a chip container. Professional sharpeners for cosmetic pencils may have a rod with a flag. When installing it, the tip of the soft stylus is rounded. Without the rod, it turns out sharpened, but not as sharp as after a regular sharpener.

Types of pencil sharpeners

What types of sharpeners are there? Let's look at its main types.

Mechanical sharpeners

The most common and affordable type of sharpener is mechanical. This sharpener involves manual sharpening of a pencil.

These sharpeners are very small and have a rectangular shape. Made either in plastic or metal. The presence of a special container body for pencil shavings is also another type of mechanical sharpener.

As a rule, such sharpeners are bought for children and schoolchildren - they are not so dangerous, that is, not so sharp, and they are very cheap, about 60-100 rubles, but there are sharpeners that are cheaper.

Since, in principle, pencils come in different shapes and sizes, many manufacturers make mechanical sharpeners with several holes for pencils of different diameters.

If you want to choose a good quality mechanical sharpener that will last you much longer than a couple of uses, choose sharpeners with a self-sharpening steel blade.

Electric sharpeners

These sharpeners are designed for speed - they can sharpen an entire office's worth of pencils in just a few minutes!

The main differences between a cosmetic sharpener and a regular one

What to look for when choosing:

A little history! Before the advent of the sharpener, dull objects were cleared with a knife or blade. Sharpeners have generally made this task easier. The first sharpener was patented by French mathematician Bernard Lassimon in 1828. It was the simplest mechanism, consisting of 2 blades and 1 inlet. Not much has changed since then.

Modern devices have colorful designs, different shapes and colors. They differ in price, size and additional functionality. Remember, disposable Chinese devices can ruin your expensive makeup liner.

About sharpening pencils

Firstly, the pencil should almost always be sharpened. Why? Let's experiment. Let's take 2 pencils: a sharpened one and a dull one and draw an outline:

Sharpened (left) and dull (right) pencils

Contour from drawing with sharp and blunt pencils

At first glance, the contour on the right is better, because brighter and thicker. Well, if that's all we want to draw, then we continue to draw only with a blunt pencil. But, as a rule, shading of shaded areas is used to obtain a drawing.

Hatching with sharp and blunt pencils

Cross-hatching element - smudges appear from a blunt pencil

Even on the left, the outline of the drawing is still striking and does not look like a single whole with the shading, but this can be corrected as you work on the drawing. The outline on the right looks completely separate from the rest. In addition, when trying to hatch shadows, even at this very initial stage, daub appears.

Now let's take a closer look at these pictures:

Outline and shading with a blunt pencil

Outline and shading with a sharpened pencil

You can draw your own conclusions by experimenting with your pencils. I just want to say that a blunt pencil has its own scope of application. I use a soft (about 6B) blunt pencil when I want to do some blended shadow in zen art tiles.

Now about sharpening itself...

You can get different desired shapes for the pencil tip (spatula, cone, curly).

But even here you can find the positive qualities of the instrument. With this sharpener you can quickly get a sharp tip on the lead of a collet pencil.

Emery sharpener (sandpaper)

Emery sharpeners can be bought in the form of a piece of thin plywood with strips of sandpaper attached, but, as you can see in the picture above, I made my own much cheaper version, which for me has the added convenience of being hung on a hook. Such “sandpaper” is made from a sheet of “zero” type sandpaper, i.e. The grain of the sandpaper should be the finest; Chinese-made paper-based sandpaper is also quite suitable. We cut the sheet into equal strips about 2 cm wide and 10-12 cm long (depending on the size of the sheet of sandpaper), collect the strips in a stack and fasten them on one side with a paper clip (as in the photo). The emery sharpener is ready.

A few recommendations before completing the article. Before work, prepare at least a pair of sharpened pencils of different hardnesses that you intend to use. To begin with, this is: H (we use it for outlining and light shading, that is, a little, which means you can get by with one), HB (the main volume of drawing, which means it’s better to prepare not two, but three pencils), 2B - 4B (for shading the darkest areas, both due to softness and due to greater pressure, erases faster than HB, which means we are also preparing three pencils). Of course, in addition to pencils, we will need other tools and materials, but more on that in the following articles.

Rating of electric pencil sharpeners

Like mechanical ones, electric sharpeners also have their own rating. Let's figure it out.

5th place, sharpener “Mapped Turbo Twist”

Battery-powered electric sharpener, costing more than 1000 rubles. The kit also includes replacement blades, which is very convenient - no need to look for suitable ones in stores. Among the shortcomings are the fragile fixation of the lid of the chip container and the average quality of sharpening.

4th place, sharpener “SoulArt tenwin”

The cost of the sharpener is almost 3000 rubles. But she completely justifies it. Firstly, you can sharpen pencils of different diameters, and secondly, you can adjust the degree of sharpness of the tip of the pencil lead, making it either thin and sharp, or, conversely, wide and blunt.

This sharpener is mains powered, so you don't have to constantly look for batteries of the right format and size. The design and spacious container can also be considered pluses. Also, unlike some sharpeners, the lid of this one is held tightly and spilling the contents is almost impossible.

3rd place, sharpener “ERICH KRAUSE Compact 44503”

A battery-powered sharpener costs about 900 rubles. A good option for the office. Has automatic shutdown after sharpening the pencil. In principle, this is an ideal option in many respects, even at the price for such a sharpener it is not much. But there is also a minus - it is suitable for pencils with a standard diameter of 8 mm.

2nd place, sharpener “BRAUBERG”

The cost is 900 rubles, the performance is quite high, this sharpener works from the network and from batteries. The black stylish design is very suitable for the office. Instead of fastenings and “soles”, there is an anti-slip coating, especially for the table. A very good steel blade that does not require sharpening for quite a long time. There is a lock to turn on when the container is removed, which, by the way, is very spacious, so you don’t have to empty it after each sharpening.

1st place, Jik-Turbo sharpener

One of the most popular sharpeners, costing about 950 rubles, runs on simple batteries that last up to six months, depending on the frequency of use.

Sharpening occurs almost instantly, thanks to special, spiral-shaped blades that do not damage the pencil lead. By the way, this sharpener works with both wooden and plastic pencils, but still of a standard diameter.

How to choose a cosmetic sharpener

The most avid cosmetics lover can make mistakes when choosing. You don't need to pay much attention to the price. And in general, you shouldn’t take the choice of this device too seriously, but it’s better to know a couple of tricks that will never be superfluous.

Lifehack! To make pencils sharpen easier and not break, you need to immerse them in the freezer for 10 minutes before the procedure.

The market offers us a large selection of cosmetic accessories. The average price is from 100 rubles per sharpener. Don't pay attention to bright colors or stylish designs. This is just a trick by the manufacturing companies.

Experts advise paying attention to the following recommendations when choosing:

Additional functions! Modern sharpeners come with wooden or plastic sticks. They are designed to remove pencil residue from the blade.

Sharpener ShPR-164, USSR, review and disassembly

As you know, pencils can be sharpened in a variety of ways. Today we will look at one Soviet device - a device for sharpening pencils, the mechanical sharpener ShPR 164. This very advanced device has been produced in the USSR since 1950 (maybe earlier, and according to some information until the end of the 80s). The device was manufactured in the city of Vladimir, the plant was founded in 1932, the plant produced a huge number of different products, and in 2014 it was bankrupt by the “effective” system of private owners. in a word - enemies of the people.

+ Click on photo to enlarge!

So, this is a small device, you can see it in the photo from all sides (and on the Internet there is a video of this sharpener in action). The sharpener worked with a variety of pencils: round, faceted, graphite and colored, with a thickness from 7 to 12 mm. The body is made of aluminum alloy (as they say - silumin). On the front there is a steel disk with two petals - handles. This front part moves forward, the clamp is pulled apart using the petals, and a pencil is inserted inside. Below is a removable plastic container for shavings and sawdust. On the back there is a handle, like a meat grinder. At the bottom of the base we see a hole; it is intended for a clamp, which can be used to tighten the device to the table (I did not have this clamp).

There are four rubber feet on the underside of the case. Stamp OTK 33. Below it is stamped the date of manufacture 69 X - October 1969.

We remove the plastic bin - here it is from the inside.

Sharpener without hopper.

We look inside - a steel milling cutter.

Let's start disassembling. We unscrew three screws and remove the front steel disk, the second remains on the sharpener body.

Here we see a pencil clamp made up of six toothed jaws. Let's sort it all out.

There are protrusions on the back side - we turn them and pull out the entire mechanism along with the handle.

The handle can be unscrewed.

We pull out the steel axis and remove the cutter.

The cutter is installed at an angle and rotates using a planetary gearbox.

A bare base remains.

It has the logo of AP - Vladimirsky. model name - ShPR 164 and price 6 rubles.

Bare cylindrical body.

And so the steel disk extends to grab pencils - along two spring-loaded guides.

Well, that's it - we've taken apart our antique pencil sharpener. It is made with more than high quality. 50 years have passed, it was used very, very actively, as far as I know. But to this day it works perfectly, the cutter has not become dull at all - apparently very good steel. The plastic container was a little loose, but it didn't matter.

I must say, this sharpener had several different names, which were written on the plastic hopper, and sometimes there was nothing written on it. And the price changed - sometimes 5, sometimes 6 rubles. A little expensive. but it is extremely reliable, fast and the sharpening of pencils is at the highest level.

The sharpener was not in short supply; it was often found in school classrooms for general use, but many also had it at home. It was also widely used in enterprises, especially where drawing work was carried out.

This was not the only model; similar mechanical sharpeners of other models were produced in the USSR at other enterprises.

Mikhail Dmitrienko, specially for


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Sharpeners from yesteryear

Today these rarities can be found in the closets of our grandmothers and in the piggy banks of collectors. Yes, you yourself can remember plastic rockets, boats, irons and hatchets with a steel blade inside. There were sharpeners in the shape of fish and little animals. A serious competitor to these pocket-sized copies was the massive pencil sharpener equipped with a handle. A mechanical model, similar to a meat grinder, was usually screwed to a table. The writing instrument was sharpened in this unit easily and beautifully.

Hand sharpener

Photo: Unsplash

They are produced in such quantities and in such varied forms that some people enthusiastically collect them. Although from a design point of view, everything is extremely banal - the body is usually made of plastic, inside there is a pointed piece of metal that is held on by a screw. The main condition for a successful result is a high degree of sharpening of the blade. It takes no more than a minute and a half to start one pencil.

The disadvantage of the operation is the same as when working with a knife. At the end of it, you must remove all rubbish after you. Therefore, it is better to sharpen the pencil low above the table, placing a box where most of the waste will end up, or several sheets of paper/other covering.

7-step instructions for sharpening and finishing a kitchen knife

So, in sharpening a knife, one goal is to remove enough metal from the blade so that the cutting edge becomes sharp again. You need to start work with a coarse-grained abrasive and finish with a fine-grained one.

It is important to remember the following principles of sharpening knives:

Step 1. Rinse the stone with water, and then run over it, say, with a sponge with a drop of dishwashing liquid.

Step 2. Next, sit down at the table and place the stone on a wooden board, for example, a cutting board. You can place a towel under the stone. For some it is more convenient to place the block perpendicular to themselves, and for others at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. Over time, you will understand how it is more convenient for you to work.

Step 3. Now you need to decide on the sharpening angle and fix the position of the knife. What should the angle be? The general principle is that the smaller it is, the sharper the blade, and the larger it is, the longer the blade retains its sharpness.

Watch a short and clear video:

Thus, you need to pass the blade along the stone about 40-50 times, namely until a “burr” (burr, microsaw) appears along the entire length of the cutting edge. Its appearance will tell you that the excess metal has worn out and there is no point in grinding further. Then you need to turn the blade over and repeat the same steps. Clearly in the video:

How to fix the Papermate Mechanical Pencil Eraser?

Answer: If the eraser does not lock onto your Paper Mate Clearpoint mechanical pencil, rotate the eraser until it stops moving. then hold the turn and push the eraser down until it comes out

no further. Once fully pressed in, rotate the eraser down and try again.

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How to clean a cosmetic sharpener

The pencils involved in the process have a greasy texture and often settle on the blades of the device. The plastic and soft lead sticks tightly to the surface. Build-up of residue may block the sharpening opening. To prevent such problems, cleaning should be carried out regularly. There are 2 ways:

Contour pencils require constant shaping for perfect makeup. Upon contact with mucous membranes, bacteria are formed, which transfer to the sharpener and all cosmetic liners passing through it become carriers.

Advice! Use a toothbrush dipped in alcohol to clean all the crevices and crevices of the sharpener. Place in a clean and dry place for 30 minutes. It doesn’t hurt to do this procedure at least once a week.

Professional cosmetic pencil sharpeners

The rating of quality sharpeners includes 5 world leaders who have been on the pedestal for several years now.


Choosing professionals will forever say goodbye to poorly sharpened pencils. Liners for lips, eyes or eyebrows will have a clear and even line. The cosmetic accessory is developed using the latest technology and has a double blade. Ensures hygiene and is able to perform quality work. The double carriage will organize pencils of different sizes. This is very convenient for a cosmetic bag, since the container for shavings will protect against excess debris.

Number of branches: 2

Garbage container: yes


The peculiarity of this model is that it can give the pencil 2 shapes: pointed and rounded. The red lever on the body is designed to adjust the shape of the pencil. With sawdust box function, it is easy to open and clean. The model is made in Germany.

Number of branches: 1

Garbage container: yes


NYX Professional Makeup Sharpener

American manufacturers gave 100% effort when inventing this accessory. A compact thing that will help you quickly and easily sharpen any contour products. The body has increased strength, and the blades are made of high-quality steel. The compartments allow you to sharpen several colors in it.

Number of branches: 2

Garbage container: yes

NYX Professional Makeup Sharpener sharpener

Kodi Professional

Number of branches: 2

Garbage container: yes

Kodi Professional sharpener

Rating of mechanical pencil sharpeners

Now that we have decided on the best brands, let's look at the ranking of the best mechanical pencil sharpeners. Let's start from the end of the rating.

10th place, sharpener “Staedtler 510 20”

A simple and unpretentious steel sharpener, from one of the best stationery brands. It costs a little more than 100 rubles, but it has 2 holes for pencils of different diameters with a very sharp blade. The only negative is that there is no container for pencil shavings. For wide application - suitable for schoolchildren, students and office workers.

9th place, sharpener “Staedtler 510 10”

The same company, only now a sharpener with one hole for a pencil. It’s already cheaper, less than 100 rubles. This sharpener is convenient to carry with you, for example, in a pencil case. Ideal for schoolchildren. The only thing is that due to its small size, it may not be very comfortable to hold in a large hand.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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