DIY bear craft: step-by-step master classes on making from paper, plasticine, natural material, cotton wool (74 photos)

In the fairy tales of the Slavic peoples, a frequent favorite character is the maiden or girl Masha. Masha is a girl with character.

For example, in the Russian fairy tales “The Three Bears” and “Masha and the Bear,” a smart and brave girl was not afraid of such large forest predators as bears.

A modern famous cartoon does not break tradition. Even adults love cartoon Masha. Therefore, you can make Masha together with your child from colored paper to play your favorite fairy tale.

The value of such a workshop is that the child learns to use what he has made with his own hands. The craft must be played out. The easiest way is to play the theater. Make 3 more bears (based on the master class about the hare) additionally. Or you can take toy bears and dishes. I think they will be happy to become fairy-tale characters for a while.

By the way, we have already made a cartoon Masha. Only from plasticine. And today we propose to make a three-dimensional paper craft.

Masha and the Bear - build a house

Collector's Magazine – MiM Masha and the Bear

Finally, the long-awaited magazine series (partwork) with characters and buildings from the cartoon Masha and the Bear
. The magazine Origami LLC is published jointly with Masha and the Bear LLC.

The series is relatively small - 24 issues .

Recommended price: first issue - 99 rubles. From the second issue - 249 rubles.

Favorite characters + Real Bear House!

And also a convenient bag for toys and a smart educational magazine.

Each room includes a gift - a toy.



"Masha and the Bear" is an interactive magazine for active children. On the pages of the magazine, little readers will be able to learn new stories about the interesting adventures of their favorite characters, funny comics, and learn funny poems and songs. The series was completed in 2014.

All Masha and the Bear products.

Now the heroes of your favorite cartoon are all together in the real Bear House! By purchasing each issue of the magazine, you receive a figurine of one of the Masha and the Bear characters or a part of the House.

Some rooms will also have an additional gift - a detail of the interior of the Bear House

. For example, his favorite refrigerator or chest of drawers.

The magazine is educational and developmental. The magazine will have sections:

  • Considerations
  • Profession
  • Action games
  • My diary
  • Talkers
  • Comics
  • Workshop
  • On a visit: we travel together with Masha and Misha.
  • The company's secret: the unknown stories of the most ordinary things.
  • Bedtime story.

Master class on making

Handicraft sites “Do It Yourself”, “Handmade” and many others offer a master class on how to make a bear.

In addition to the fact that in classes conducted by master designers or needlewomen with extensive experience, you can see with your own eyes the entire process of creating a toy, a step-by-step description of the work is also given.

The diagrams attached to the video lesson provide a clear understanding of how many parts need to be cut according to the pattern, and how to cut it more economically. Materials from which it is better to make this craft are offered. Quantity of fabric and other data.

Houses Masha and the Bear from Simba

  • And here

You can purchase ready-made houses based on the cartoon from Simba, with action figures included. The presence of a variety of gaming accessories adds special realism to the plot of the game. High-quality toys made of safe, non-toxic, high quality plastic.

These are the models:

And also a designer. The two-story Masha House has a crib, table, chair and its own locker with 4 drawers. Near the house there is a well and a small fence. Masha’s campaign will consist of her favorite toys: a bunny, a doll and a bear:

Polar bear made of cotton wool

You can invite your child to make a polar bear craft from cotton wool, which is glued to the drawn outline. You can draw the outline of the future drawing with a simple pencil on cardboard, for example, a big bear and a bear cub on an ice floe.

After this, fill the outline of the bears with small pieces of cotton wool, which is pre-lubricated with glue.

Then you can color the drawing with paints, drawing the eyes, nose and mouth of the bear, a blue ice floe, the sea and the sky.

You can also make an interesting applique in the form of a polar bear’s face by gluing cotton wool onto a round disposable plate, to which two semicircles of thick paper are glued on top, which will be the bear’s ears.

After the entire plate is covered from the inside with pieces of cotton wool, you will need to draw the eyes and nose of the bear with black paints. After this, you need to fluff up the cotton wool a little to make the picture more voluminous and realistic.

Attachments that come with the magazine

Masha and the Bear - build house No. 1. As a gift - a Masha figurine and a bag for toys.

Masha and the Bear - assemble house No. 2. As a gift - Fence details.

Masha figurine from issue 1.

No. 1 Masha (figurine) + bag with a picture from the cartoon. Circulation - 250,000 copies. The figurine of Masha is not small, about 7 cm tall. No. 2 front left side of the house. However, the store says that the second number comes with fence parts as a gift. No. 3 Bear + cabinet (Teddy bear and chest of drawers) No. 4 part of the roof 1 No. 5 frog + part of the roof 2 No. 6 floor, part 1 No. 7 wolf + refrigerator No. 8 - Front part of the house 2 No. 9 - Table and goat No. 10 - Rival No. 11 - Part of the house No. 12 - Flowers and stove No. 13 - Part of the floor 2 No. 14 - Dog, TV and carpet No. 15 - Armchair and fireplace No. 16 - Part of the house No. 17 - Bed and ladder No. 18 - Bear No. 19 - Attic Part 1 No. 20 – Back of house 1 No. 21 – Attic Part 2 No. 22 – Hare and wardrobe No. 23 – Back of house 2 No. 24 – Back of the floor

The collection ends in mid-April 2014: the last, 24th issue is published.

Material for crafts Teddy Bear

Seeing the face of a soft bear, it is impossible not to smile. People who are passionate about creativity invariably try to make a similar toy with their own hands. What material to make it from is up to the creators themselves. The main thing is to determine for what purpose the toy is being created.

Children who put everything in their mouth should not sew a bear from fleecy fabrics. A dense, smooth fabric of natural composition is suitable for this purpose. Such a toy will not be harmful to the baby.

If the bear is intended as a toy or mascot for older children, then it is good to choose a fleecy fabric. This will create an image of an animal that is closest to its natural counterpart.

Fabrics suitable for craft toys:

  • plush;
  • velvet;
  • velours;
  • mohair;
  • viscose;
  • cotton;
  • silk;
  • felt, and many other types of fabric.

From any fabric, if you sew a toy with soul, you can make a wonderful model that only your child will have.

Option number 6. Hut made of paper tubes

House made of paper tubes

To get started, prepare everything you need:

  • thin paper (you can use plain printed paper);
  • decorations;
  • cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors.

Step 1. Prepare pieces of paper of the same size, roll each into a tube. It is convenient to do this with a pencil - this will make the work easier.

Step 2. Draw doors and windows on cardboard/paper, then cut them out.

Step 3. Glue the tubes together as shown in the photo so that you end up with a hut.

Step 4. After this, glue the doors and windows to the craft.

Step 5. Finally, decorate the resulting craft according to your personal preferences.

Stages of making a house from paper tubes

You can also check out another manufacturing option.

Another version of a paper house

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