Desomorphine recipe - or what the drug krokodil is


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Article prepared by an expert

Knoblokh Ekaterina Sergeevna

Medical psychologist, full member of the OPPL, emotional-imaginative therapist. More than 10 years of experience working with addicted people in outpatient and inpatient rehabilitation programs.

Attention! The material contains information about substances, the use of which can cause serious harm to your health!

Like many drugs, desomorphine or krok, krokodil, screw, was originally developed as a drug, namely, a replacement for morphine. Why did the substance get such a strange name? How does the drug affect the body and why are crocodile addicts practically resistant to treatment? More on this below.

Read in the article:

  • Drug Crocodile
  • What is a crocodile? Description
  • Composition of the substance Desomorphine: what is crocodile made from?
  • What a crocodile looks like: photo
  • Crocodile effect
  • Properties of the drug
  • Ways to eat crocodile
  • Time of action
  • Analogs
  • Species of crocodile
  • Drug train
  • Tablets Crocodile
  • Signs of using Crocodile
  • Eyes under the Crocodile
  • Ulcers on the body
  • Photos of crocodile addicts
  • How long does Crocodile stay in the body?
  • How long does it stay in the blood?
  • How long does it stay in urine?
  • Harm of Crocodile to the body
  • Overdose after Krokodil
  • Addiction to Crocodile
  • Treatment of crocodile addiction

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Drug Crocodile

Desomorphine got its slang name crocodile for a simple reason - after just a few weeks of regular use of the drug, a person’s skin begins to resemble the skin of this predator. The drug has not been used by doctors for more than 50 years, but the number of addicts under this substance is rapidly increasing.

What is a crocodile? Description

You can hardly find a person who has never seen creepy zombies in video games or films. These are rotten creatures with green skin, drooling, glassy eyes. They behave chaotically, cannot think, are guided only by instincts and are constantly hungry. People are sure that this is only possible in science fiction films due to the influence of a dangerous virus or dark magic. In fact, real zombies can be found in the dark corners of major cities. These are people who use a cheap drug called desomorphine.

Desomorphine was created in 1930 as a replacement for morphine. Due to its low cost, the synthetic substance is popular among drug addicts. However, they are not stopped by the fact that official medicine abandoned the drug more than 50 years ago due to danger. Taking the drug turns a person into a zombie and quickly leads to death.

Composition of the substance Desomorphine: what is crocodile made from?

Drug addicts make a psychostimulant at home from cheap chemicals and pharmaceuticals.

The injection quickly causes cells to die and rot, causing the skin to decompose. Creepy scales appear, reminiscent of the skin of a predatory reptile. The chemical leads to poisoning and decomposition of all tissues of the human body, and the worst thing is that the body is not able to remove toxins on its own. You can help a person only in the first 60 days of treatment. Next, irreversible processes begin that lead to death.

What a crocodile looks like: photo

Crocodile effect

The effect of desomorphine begins a couple of minutes after the injection. The person feels warmth and tingling, euphoria. Gradually, such sensations are replaced by a complete disconnection from the outside world, and in the literal sense of the word - the addict falls into a kind of hibernation, does not hear sounds, has no appetite, no desire to do anything, etc. In this case, visions or “cartoons” most often appear, replacing each other.

The effect of the crocodile ends with sleep, after which the addict begins to “break.”

Properties of the drug

Desomorphine is known for its destructive effects on the body. After the first dose, all organs suffer. It is possible to cure a person who uses krokodil only in the first 2 months of use. In addition, 90 percent of such drug addicts die 10-12 months after starting their journey with a crocodile.

If the period of use is more than 2 months, then even with drug intervention it is impossible to cure a desomorphine addict. Therefore, it is extremely important to be attentive to loved ones and relatives - first of all, obvious marks from injections, an inappropriate look and an unpleasant chemical smell emanating from a person should alert you.

Ways to eat crocodile

The substance is administered intravenously, bypassing almost all protective barriers and entering the bloodstream in its “pure form,” which aggravates its destructive effects. At the injection site, necrosis or tissue death forms, gradually there is not a single living place left on the human body, he literally begins to rot alive. It is also terrible that the desomorphine addict, even despite the terrible consequences, will not be able to stop.

Time of action

The drug’s effect is relatively short-lived—after just a couple of hours, the effect practically ends. Such a short period of exposure forces the addict to “catch up” with subsequent doses of this poison.

Gradually, the euphoric effect decreases over time, and the desomorphine addict becomes more and more aggressive and nervous.


The following substances and preparations are analogues of crocodile:

  • Opium.
  • Heroin.
  • Morphine.
  • Methadone.
  • Fentanyl.
  • Promedol, Tramadol.

Some medications, such as the last ones on the list, can be found in pharmacies. Despite the strict conditions of sale, there are always unscrupulous places where they turn a blind eye to the absence of a doctor’s prescription for a medicine.

Postcard model

If previous origami figures were voluminous and intended for play, this option is ideal for greeting cards. It may seem that a crocodile is not the best choice for a gift. But in Eastern philosophy, it symbolizes a strong masculine principle, good luck in business and a reliable partnership. In addition, images of a crocodile are considered an effective protective talisman.

In just 5 minutes you can fold a reptile figurine and decorate, for example, a gift box or a basket of flowers. It is recommended to use fancy embossed paper or gold foil for the model.

Origami crocodile diagram:

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Bend a square measuring 10x10 cm diagonally.
  2. Fold the right and left edges towards the center.
  3. We lower the top of the figure slightly below the point indicated on the diagram.
  4. Fold the left side along the dotted line.
  5. We bend the edge.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 on the right side.
  7. We lift up the triangular valve tucked inside.
  8. Turn the workpiece over.
  9. We make zigzag folds in the indicated places.
  10. We form side folds to give the crocodile's head a characteristic silhouette.
  11. We turn up the “nose” of the figure. Fold the tail in half and twist it slightly to the left.

Species of crocodile

Basically, drug addicts use an intravenous mixture of desomorphine itself and components such as solvent, iodine and others. There is no other form, but there is always the option of buying a pharmacy analogue of the substance.

Drug train

“Electric train” is one of the slang names for a crocodile. It is connected with the fact that a person under a drug sees alternating hallucinations, as if he were looking out the window from a moving train. Such visions can lead to sad consequences in the form of suicide or murder of a random passerby.

Tablets Crocodile

To quickly get the desired effect, desomorphine addicts find options to purchase potent medications. Repeatedly exceeding the dosage causes relaxation and hallucinations; very often the addict does not calculate the amount of medication and receives an overdose.

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Modular origami

Korean origamist Nga Tran suggests looking at the crocodile from a slightly different angle. Her modular origami features cute little kids dressed up as menacing reptiles. However, they do not look scary at all, but funny and cute. For creative origami you will need modules of three sizes: 1/16, 1/32 and 1/64. Yellow elements can be replaced with green or brown at your discretion.

Module Color/Size1/161/321/64

Video diagram of modular origami:

Signs of using Crocodile

In the first days of taking the wounds on the body are not so noticeable, so craving for desomorphine can be determined only by the following signs:

  • Lack of interest in life and reaction to current events. A person can cross the road and not look around.
  • Theft is becoming commonplace . A person forgets about moral principles and easily steals in order to acquire a narcotic substance.
  • The person smells horribly of medicines , chemicals, and gasoline. This smell cannot be overcome by anything, because the chemicals are in the body and are not excreted.
  • Inability to sleep . An addict can stay awake until 5-6 in the morning.
  • Poisoning of the body leads to a complete lack of appetite . In this case, a perversion of taste is observed. Habitual food becomes disgusting. Gradually, a person loses weight up to 10-20 kg in a few weeks.
  • Veins and vessels swell , bruises appear at the injection sites.
  • The eyes are glassy and red , and the pupils are constricted and do not react to light in any way.
  • Immunity drops so much that the addict is constantly sick. Fever, chronic cough, runny nose, and headache appear.

Eyes under the Crocodile

The first thing that gives any drug addict away is their eyes. A desomorphic person can be identified by permanently constricted pupils, glassy or shifty eyes. There is one more feature - due to the strong destructive effect on the blood vessels, the sclera of the eyes becomes covered with small hemorrhages or may acquire a strange bluish tint. All these signs, even if there are no other external manifestations yet, are a reason to sound the alarm.

Ulcers on the body

Already after the first injection, signs of skin destruction appear at the injection site. After a couple of times, a person already begins to look like a zombie - yellowish skin, roughening and the appearance of a kind of “scales”, non-healing, constantly increasing ulcers on the body. In fact, the drug addict begins to rot alive, the sores gradually progress, and then the veins are completely affected. When autopsying desomorphin patients after death, pathologists note that the vessels and tissues simply creep apart.

Photos of crocodile addicts

History of origin

The narcotic substance desomorphine (“Crocodile”) was synthesized in 1930 by Lindron Small. It was created for pain relief as a modified structure of morphine. The drug spread quite quickly due to its more favorable price than heroin. At the same time, both morphine addicts and heroin addicts found a more profitable way of drug addiction for themselves; they began to use a synthetic psychotropic drug. However, they learned about the terrible consequences of using desomorphine later, having already acquired a persistent drug addiction.

How long does Crocodile stay in the body?

This synthetic drug immediately enters the bloodstream. The rate of elimination from the body is influenced by many factors - weight, age, duration of use, taking other medications, etc.

How long does it stay in the blood?

Already 2 hours after the dose is taken, the substance begins to gradually be eliminated. Complete cleansing of the circulatory system takes from 9 hours to two days. But most often, desomorphine addicts inject the drug so often that it practically stops leaving the body.

How long does it stay in urine?

If a person started using krokodil only recently, then the period of elimination through the urinary system is about a couple of days. If we are talking about regular and long-term use, then drug residues can be detected in tests even after a week or two.

Terrible complications are observed after just a few weeks of using desomorphine:

  • Thrombosis due to blockage of veins.
  • Abscesses, purulent wounds.
  • Growth of benign neoplasms.
  • Rotting limbs.
  • Hepatitis C.
  • Acute pain and aches in muscles and joints.
  • Tooth loss.
  • Severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Formation of hard scales on the skin throughout the body.

The destruction of health does not stop a person, because the withdrawal is too strong. As soon as the effect of desomorphine wears off, severe depression develops, including panic attacks. Against this background, the addict is capable of any action in order to get the next dose of desomorphine.

Harm of Crocodile to the body

The drug deals a crushing blow to all organs without exception. The terrible composition that is injected inside simply burns body tissue. Toxic products accumulate in fatty tissue, supporting the body's craving for the drug and destroying it.

In addition to being harmful to health, the drug completely destroys a person’s personality. He is not interested in anything - now he is faced with the task of preparing the composition on time and making injections that kill the body.

Overdose after Krokodil

Crocodile drug addiction very often leads to overdose. There are several reasons for this - a short-term effect and the artisanal production of the drug, in which the content of desomorphine itself is unknown. Symptoms of overdosage are:

  • Drop in blood pressure and pulse.
  • Confusion or loss of consciousness.
  • Severe vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Numbness of tongue, fingers.
  • Heavy sweating, chills.
  • Loss of skin sensitivity.
  • Paleness of the skin.

An overdose requires immediate medical intervention - the percentage of deaths due to crocodile is very high.

Treatment after desomorphine

Despite the development of narcology, treating desomorphine addicts is a difficult task. Most drug addicts who go through rehabilitation start using again.

The fact is that the principle of action of opiates is fundamentally different from most other drugs. They are a direct analogue of endorphin - the hormone of joy, pleasure and pain relief, while, for example, psychostimulants (amphetamine, methamphetam) themselves do not cause euphoria, but only release their own reserves of dopamine. After opiates enter from the outside, the brain reduces the production of its endorphins, and their receptors gradually die off.

As a result, after stopping the drug, the person remains without opiates. It takes time for them to recover—from six months—for the opioid receptors to work as before. During this period, a person experiences a strong craving for the drug, any pain is felt more acutely, and his mood is often gloomy - because he lacks one of the key hormones responsible for pleasant emotions.

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Treatment for a crocodile addict involves the help of several doctors. After regular use, the body is full of toxins, immunity is reduced, the functioning of internal organs is disrupted, and the injection sites are affected by ulcers, and there is a high probability of tissue necrosis. Therefore, to return to normal life, a drug addict will have to go through several stages of treatment.

First you need to stop taking desomorphine. It is difficult to do this on your own, since if you give up the drug, withdrawal will occur the next day. Therefore, the best thing would be to detoxify the body in a clinic or at home under the supervision of a doctor with medications that would alleviate withdrawal symptoms.

After this, the drug addict must be placed in conditions in which it will be impossible to use the drug. This can be achieved either by contacting a rehabilitation center or on your own.

In any case, it is important to contact at least a general practitioner, who will already refer you to a specialist.

People become desomorphine addicts for various reasons, however, most of them belong to disadvantaged sections of the population. To overcome addiction, such people need professional psychological help. This could include 12-step Narcotics Anonymous meetings, dilectic behavior therapy, hypnosis, a government physician, or a private practitioner. Even if the treatment is comprehensive, the relapse rate for desomorphine addicts is high, so if you or someone close to you suffers from this addiction, take treatment as seriously as possible.

What you need for work

  • The beads themselves;
  • Scissors;
  • Wire;
  • Fishing line;
  • Weaving pattern;
  • A needle to make it easier to string beads onto a fishing line.

This is a basic set of tools to try out in an easy tutorial for beginners.

After mastering the simplest crafts, you can try making a craft from crocodile beads.

Requirements for quality conductors

The main task of the cable “cigarette lighter” is to ensure safe transfer of current to the starter of another car with minimal losses for the donor car battery. There are a number of requirements for wires:

  • voltage loss - no more than 1 V over the entire length of the cigarette lighter;
  • cable type – stranded copper (consists of a large number of thin wires twisted into a single conductor);
  • the minimum operating time is 30 seconds, which is exactly what is needed to start a working motor;
  • current-carrying conductors must be designed for a current of at least 500 amperes;
  • The minimum length of conductors is 2.5 m, the maximum is 4.5 m.

Note. The current value of 500 A is indicated for starters of cars with a power unit displacement of up to 3 liters. For powerful SUVs, small trucks and other commercial vehicles, a wire cross-section is selected that can withstand at least 850 A.

The type of cable insulation plays a big role. On a “cigarette lighter” operated in the middle zone with a minimum winter temperature of minus 40 ° C, the use of an insulating layer of rubber is allowed (for example, a flexible welding cable designed for high currents). For northern regions, a different type of insulation is required, made of frost-resistant silicone that can withstand temperatures of minus 60 °C.

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