DIY Christmas tree made of shells

How to make paintings from natural materials

Using shells, you can create unusual paintings or decorations. Doing this is not as difficult as you might think at first glance. You just need to approach the work from a creative side, using your imagination. The main material is shells, which can be bought or collected on the coast. Then they need to be sorted depending on type and size. To create a masterpiece, you will also need the following materials at hand:

  • base, you can use plywood, board or thick cardboard;
  • frame;
  • glue;
  • paints;
  • beads, twigs, blades of grass, sand, beads and other decorative elements.

The process of creating a picture from shells consists of the following steps:

  1. Sketch design. If you are not very skilled with a pencil, find a picture on the Internet, scan it and make an image along the outline.
  2. Preparing the base. Thick plywood or a cutting board, such as a cutting board, is best. It is recommended to sand the base and then repaint it. The background can be made with a stain of a suitable color or potassium permanganate.
  3. Drawing. If you are working with a sketch, it is better to use a carbon copy to transfer the picture onto the base, or simply create the future picture directly on the board, like a mosaic. You need to paint the material before you start gluing it. It is advisable to use bright acrylic paints. If you are making a flower, it is better to take white or multi-colored paints, but for a panel with a seascape, green and blue shades are suitable, which convey the color of the waves well.
  4. Gluing the material. Shells and other decorative elements are well fixed with PVA glue.
  5. Framing the painting. Homemade baguettes can transform paintings, but making them will require a lot of patience and skill.

The New Year is just around the corner and it’s time to start preparing for the holiday. You need to think in advance about how and with what to decorate your home. If you suddenly want something new and original, then I suggest you make holiday decorations with your own hands, and at the same time you can also make the main attribute of the holiday - the New Year tree yourself. In this master class I will reveal the secret of how, without any special material or physical costs, you can make a bright, original New Year's beauty from ordinary seashells. To work we will need:

Lots of round sea shells; - dried starfish; - foam cone; - glue gun; - acrylic paints; - paint brush; - flat beads in black and white colors.

For the base of the Christmas tree we will use a ready-made foam cone. If you don’t have such a cone, you can glue it together from thick cardboard. The branches of our Christmas tree will be round seashells of different sizes. It is advisable to wash and dry the shells in advance.

So, the first stage of work: we take the largest shells and glue them with a glue gun to the lower part of the cone.

We glue the shells tightly to each other, gradually covering the entire lower part of the cone with them.

After the first row of shells is ready, we glue the second row, trying, if possible, to arrange the shells in a checkerboard pattern, relative to the first row.

Next we glue 3,4,5 and subsequent rows of shells, gradually covering the entire cone with them. This is the Christmas tree we made from white shells.

But, since our shells are not perfectly white, many have natural spotted inclusions, it is best to paint our Christmas tree in a bright and festive color. Therefore, we move on to the second stage of work: staining the spruce.

To paint shells, use only acrylic paints or spray paints. You can choose any color; we chose an unusual, but very elegant “Metallic” color. We take a brush with stiff bristles and slowly paint each shell with paint.

To make the shells look more shiny and the color on them to lie evenly, I recommend painting the shells on the Christmas tree twice.
This is very painstaking work, but the result, believe me, is worth it! This is how elegant the Christmas tree turned out. This is a view of the Christmas tree from below. If you are confused by the white gaps of the cone between the shells, you can also carefully paint them with acrylic paint to match the shells or decorate them with pieces of fluffy garlands.
Once the paint on the shells has completely dried, you can begin the third stage of work: decorating the Christmas tree. According to the good old tradition, we will place a star on the top of the Christmas tree, but not an ordinary star, but the most sea star. This is the kind of starfish we have saved up from our summer vacation.

We repaint the star red, again using acrylic paint.

Glue the finished red star to the top of the Christmas tree. Now let's decorate the branches of our New Year's sea tree. As a festive decoration we use flat beads that are so similar to sea pearls. We carefully glue the beads inside the shells with glue - using a gun: at the bottom on the branches - shells it is best to glue large beads, and closer to the top - to glue smaller beads.

If desired, you can also cover the star with small white beads.

This is the kind of New Year's sea tree we got!

I'm sure it will become a real decoration for the holiday! Happy New Year to everyone! I wish you peace, goodness, a positive mood and the fulfillment of all your creative ideas in the New Year!

Irina Demchenko С

Christmas tree. Master class with step-by-step description and photographic material

New Year tree made of shells “Memories of the Sea”.
Master class THE WORK WAS DONE by
additional education teacher
of the municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children Lesnovsky House of Children's Creativity of the municipal formation - Shilovsky municipal district of the Ryazan region.
Creating a festive mood.
Learn to make a Christmas tree from shells with your own hands.
Learn to work with a glue gun. Develop thinking, imagination, hard work. To cultivate patience, perseverance, accuracy, and respect for the traditions of the Russian people. PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT:
interior decoration
Man has two worlds, One - which created us, The other - which we have been creating for centuries to the best of our ability.
N. Zabolotsky. For a long time, spruce has been considered the main symbol of the New Year holidays. Without a Christmas tree, a holiday is not a holiday, and the mood is bad. For several years in a row, I and the children of the Needlewoman association have been decorating an artificial Christmas tree with handmade toys. How much joy she brings to the girls! One day during class we started talking about summer and shared our impressions. And I remembered the warm sea, the sun, the sound of the oncoming wave. And the shells that I brought from the sea. Looking at their diversity and beauty, I wanted to create miracles. For the New Year, I decided to teach my kids how to make a Christmas tree out of shells and bring a little unusual joyful mood into the interior for myself and my girls. In order to get a beautiful Christmas tree, you need to be patient, because “Patience and work will grind everything down,” and “Skillful hands know no boredom,” says popular wisdom.

So, let's get to work.
To make a Christmas tree from shells we will need: - whatman paper or thick cardboard; - PVA glue, glue gun; - scissors; - seashells of different sizes; - a roll of paper towels; - gold and silver beads; - stand for the Christmas tree. Step 1.
Making the base of the Christmas tree. Roll the Whatman paper into a cone and glue it with PVA glue.
The height of the cone was 45 cm. You can make a Christmas tree of the height you need. Step 2.
Making a leg for our Christmas tree.
To do this, take a roll of paper towels. It is long and durable. We insert it into the cone, having first applied a lot of glue using a gun. To stabilize our Christmas tree, I took a round stand from an old globe. Attach the tree leg to the stand with hot glue. The base is ready. You need to pay attention to safety precautions when working with a glue gun. 1. Check its serviceability. 2. You cannot plug it into a power outlet without an adult. 3. Do not handle the fork with wet hands. Be careful! Step 3.
Start gluing the shells. For convenience, we first sort the shells: large, medium, small. Using a gun, apply glue to the shells and glue them around the cone, using large ones first, then medium ones. We glue smaller ones at the top. In my work I used sea scallops. Our Christmas tree is almost ready! You touch it with your hands and feel a surge of energy and strength.

Step 4.
Decorate the Christmas tree.
And now the most pleasant moment. We need to decorate the Christmas tree! Here you can use your imagination and use what you have on hand for decoration. I took gold and silver beads and glued them between the shells. I glued the largest shells onto the round stand. Step 5.
Attach the star.
And finally, I placed a red starfish on the top of the tree! Here she is, what a New Year's beauty! It sparkled with golden lights from all sides! Step 6.
Making crafts from other materials using this technology. My work was appreciated by all the girls and teachers of our Children's Art House. The Christmas tree took the most honorable place in the office. Other New Year trees were also made using this technology. The students showed skill and creativity. In their work they used tinsel, banknotes, pasta, plastic spoons, forks and other materials. This is what they did.

I wish you success too. Create, go for it! Beautiful things made with your own hands bring great satisfaction and joy.

I'll tell you how to make a Christmas tree from shells with your own hands

, this craft is quite easy and one might say monotonous. But first, you need to stock up on seashells from the summer, preferably of the same shape and size, you can cling the larger ones at the bottom and the smaller ones at the top. We did and now we’ll try to make it from shells for the general collection. You won't need much material, just shells and cardboard with scissors. We also need glue with which we will attach the shells.

First we need to make a simple cone out of cardboard. This cone will serve as the frame for the tree. Immediately seal the cone so that it does not fall apart, it must be stable and elastic.

Place the cone on the cardboard, outline it with a marker and draw small squares around the entire circumference. Next you will understand why they are needed.

Let's cut out this part. It is needed to make the bottom of the cone, and these convexities are needed to adapt, or rather glue the bottom to the cone itself.

Glue the made bottom to the cone itself.

We also glue the skein under the bottom of the tree.

Now we glue the shells, starting from the bottom, with the largest ones. The first row is easy to make, the second and subsequent ones are more difficult, since the shells must lie strictly on top of each other.

This is how we continue to increase the number of shells on the tree. We go from bottom to top.

The higher, the more difficult, since the shells need to be smaller and smaller, and the cone itself is very narrowed at the top. Although I didn't reduce the size of the shells.

Work with the top of the head more carefully and carefully, this is how it should be, as shown in the photo.

Now, to decorate the tree from shells, we can glue beads and garlands on it and make a beautiful crown at the top.

The crown of the Christmas tree will look like this.

In the interior it looks incomparable, very beautiful and original.

Be sure to try to make this craft with your own hands, you will really like it, the main thing is to find strong glue so that the shells do not fall off later. Similar crafts can be made or.

Adults and children love creativity. They love that the objects of their creative activity are in demand and widely used for their intended purpose. What is the purpose of handmade crafts? Crafts and decorative elements need to be admired. This is exactly why we came up with the idea of ​​​​making a toy for the New Year tree in a marine style. The basis for the New Year's toy will be a seashell. Why? Because seashells are very beautiful, natural and pleasant to the touch. It's a pleasure to work with them.

So, how to make a New Year's tree decoration from a seashell?

Acrylic paints,

Colorless varnish, we took nail polish,

Decorative sparkles,

Beads in the appearance of pearls,

Decorative cord or regular twine.

Let's start making a Christmas tree decoration from a shell.

The Pecten Albican shell needs to be painted with blue acrylic paint on both sides.

Let it dry.

We make a loop out of twine and glue it to the seashell from the inside.

Then apply clear varnish to the bottom edge of the sea shell.

Sprinkle blue glitter onto the polish.

Apply clear varnish to the top and middle part of the sink.

Sprinkle silver glitter onto the polish. (To make the glitter stick more tightly, you can spray the surface with hairspray.)

We decorate the shell with a pearl bead.

The New Year's toy for the Christmas tree made from a seashell is ready. You can decorate the Christmas tree for the Holidays!

Beautiful jewelry and jewelry

Step-by-step technology for making earrings:

  • Select the desired shell shape for the product.
  • Use a thick needle to make a hole in the upper part of the workpiece using rotational movements.
  • If necessary, paint the earrings in the desired color and let them dry.
  • Cover the surface of the jewelry with varnish.
  • Finally, attach the earrings.

Design of a simple necklace:

  • Choose suitable shells. They can be medium in size with an unusual shade or small in size.
  • It is recommended to decorate the beads with other decorative elements - beads, stones, inflorescences.
  • As a thread, you should use a silver chain, thin wire, nylon thread, linen cord or twine.
  • Place a mark on each solid surface of the mollusk, and in this place drill the part from the inside with a drill or make a through recess using a nail and hammer.
  • Attach a connecting ring to each shell shell. To do this, you need to move the ends of the ring apart with pointed pliers, thread it into the drilled hole and move the metal edges again.
  • For variety, you can attach beads and several shells to each ring. Then you need to string the blanks onto the cord in the desired order (symmetrically or create asymmetry).
  • The ends of the necklace are simply tied or fastened with special latches.

Christmas tree made of garland

Obviously, the simplest, but no less interesting way is to build a “wall-mounted” New Year tree from an electric garland. The essence of this homemade product is simple: lay out a long garland on a wall plane, repeating the outlines of the forest beauty with the required degree of detail. At key points (places of bends) we fix them in any suitable way: with push pins, tape, etc.

Of course, the Christmas tree looks much more impressive if you add shiny tinsel and other familiar decorations of a traditional tree to the overall composition.

Read also Do-it-yourself sleigh: ideas, photos and drawings

Paper Christmas tree on the wall

The next option is a real field for imagination: we are talking about a flat Christmas tree made of paper! After all, colored paper is a universal and favorite material for various kinds of crafts; you can cut out an outline image of a Christmas tree from it and make decorative elements. Paper trees assembled from individual elements and sections look original. The use of beautiful wrapping paper when creating decorations and even entire sections of the future Christmas tree is strongly encouraged.

Or you can do the following: create a permanent photographic exhibition from many family photographs of different sizes in frames - a kind of “family tree”, only in the form of a Christmas tree, which is decorated accordingly for the New Year and Christmas holidays. It’s good to install neat pins between the photographs at key points for attaching garlands and tinsel, which in normal times can be used for small memorable souvenirs, etc.

The described five ways to create flat Christmas trees on the wall are just the most common methods that will help you if you suddenly get the idea of ​​​​creating such a creative decoration in your room or living room, as well as in your favorite office, if you manage to captivate your colleagues and bosses . Next, we offer a few more photographic examples of already created “wall” Christmas trees, the structure of which will now not be difficult for you to understand, but each of them can serve as a source of inspiration and copying of your favorite solutions. Happy creativity to you and Happy New Year!

Read also Crafts from grapes: interesting models, tips, photos

DIY Christmas tree made of shells

Christmas tree. Master class with step-by-step description and photographic material

New Year tree made of shells “Memories of the Sea”. Master class THE WORK WAS DONE by additional education teacher TAMARA ALEKSANDROVNA NOVICHKOVA of the municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children Lesnovsky House of Children's Creativity of the municipal formation - Shilovsky municipal district of the Ryazan region. GOAL: Creating a festive mood. OBJECTIVES: • Learn to make a Christmas tree from shells with your own hands. • Learn to work with a glue gun. • Develop thinking, imagination, hard work. • Cultivate patience, perseverance, accuracy, respect for the traditions of the Russian people. PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT: interior decoration Man has two worlds, One - which created us, The other - which we have been creating for centuries to the best of our ability. N. Zabolotsky.

For a long time, spruce has been considered the main symbol of the New Year holidays. Without a Christmas tree, a holiday is not a holiday, and the mood is bad. For several years in a row, I and the children of the Needlewoman association have been decorating an artificial Christmas tree with handmade toys. How much joy she brings to the girls! One day during class we started talking about summer and shared our impressions. And I remembered the warm sea, the sun, the sound of the oncoming wave. And the shells that I brought from the sea. Looking at their diversity and beauty, I wanted to create miracles. For the New Year, I decided to teach my kids how to make a Christmas tree out of shells and bring a little unusual joyful mood into the interior for myself and my girls. In order to get a beautiful Christmas tree, you need to be patient, because “Patience and work will grind everything down,” and “Skillful hands know no boredom,” says popular wisdom.

So, let's get to work.
To make a Christmas tree from shells we will need: - whatman paper or thick cardboard; - PVA glue, glue gun; - scissors; - seashells of different sizes; - a roll of paper towels; - gold and silver beads; - stand for the Christmas tree. Step 1. Making the base of the Christmas tree. Roll the Whatman paper into a cone and glue it with PVA glue. The height of the cone was 45 cm. You can make a Christmas tree of the height you need.

Step 2. Making a leg for our Christmas tree. To do this, take a roll of paper towels. It is long and durable. We insert it into the cone, having first applied a lot of glue using a gun. To stabilize our Christmas tree, I took a round stand from an old globe. Attach the tree leg to the stand with hot glue. The base is ready

You need to pay attention to safety precautions when working with a glue gun. 1

Check its serviceability. 2. You cannot plug it into a power outlet without an adult. 3. Do not handle the fork with wet hands. Be careful!

Step 3. Start gluing the shells. For convenience, we first sort the shells: large, medium, small. Using a gun, apply glue to the shells and glue them around the cone, using large ones first, then medium ones. We glue smaller ones at the top. In my work I used sea scallops. Our Christmas tree is almost ready! You touch it with your hands and feel a surge of energy and strength.

Step 4. Decorate the Christmas tree. And now the most pleasant moment. We need to decorate the Christmas tree! Here you can use your imagination and use what you have on hand for decoration. I took gold and silver beads and glued them between the shells. I glued the largest shells onto the round stand. Step 5. Attach the star. And finally, I placed a red starfish on the top of the tree! Here she is, what a New Year's beauty! It sparkled with golden lights from all sides!

Step 6. Making crafts from other materials using this technology. My work was appreciated by all the girls and teachers of our Children's Art House. The Christmas tree took the most honorable place in the office. Other New Year trees were also made using this technology. The students showed skill and creativity. In their work they used tinsel, banknotes, pasta, plastic spoons, forks and other materials. This is what they did. I wish you success too. Create, go for it! Beautiful things made with your own hands bring great satisfaction and joy.

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DIY Christmas tree

DIY Christmas tree

Adults and children love creativity. They love that the objects of their creative activity are in demand and widely used for their intended purpose. What is the purpose of handmade crafts? Crafts and decorative elements need to be admired. This is exactly why we came up with the idea of ​​​​making a toy for the New Year tree in a marine style. The basis for the New Year's toy will be a seashell. Why? Because seashells are very beautiful, natural and pleasant to the touch. It's a pleasure to work with them.

So, how to make a New Year's tree decoration from a seashell?

Acrylic paints,

Colorless varnish, we took nail polish,

Decorative sparkles,

Beads in the appearance of pearls,

Decorative cord or regular twine.

Let's start making a Christmas tree decoration from a shell.

The Pecten Albican shell needs to be painted with blue acrylic paint on both sides.

Let it dry.

We make a loop out of twine and glue it to the seashell from the inside.

Then apply clear varnish to the bottom edge of the sea shell.

Sprinkle blue glitter onto the polish.

Apply clear varnish to the top and middle part of the sink.

Sprinkle silver glitter onto the polish. (To make the glitter stick more tightly, you can spray the surface with hairspray.)

We decorate the shell with a pearl bead.

The New Year's toy for the Christmas tree made from a seashell is ready. You can decorate the Christmas tree for the Holidays!

I'll tell you how to make a Christmas tree from shells with your own hands

, this craft is quite easy and one might say monotonous. But first, you need to stock up on seashells from the summer, preferably of the same shape and size, you can cling the larger ones at the bottom and the smaller ones at the top. We did and now we’ll try to make it from shells for the general collection. You won't need much material, just shells and cardboard with scissors. We also need glue with which we will attach the shells.

First we need to make a simple cone out of cardboard. This cone will serve as the frame for the tree. Immediately seal the cone so that it does not fall apart, it must be stable and elastic.

Place the cone on the cardboard, outline it with a marker and draw small squares around the entire circumference. Next you will understand why they are needed.

Let's cut out this part. It is needed to make the bottom of the cone, and these convexities are needed to adapt, or rather glue the bottom to the cone itself.

Glue the made bottom to the cone itself.

We also glue the skein under the bottom of the tree.

Now we glue the shells, starting from the bottom, with the largest ones. The first row is easy to make, the second and subsequent ones are more difficult, since the shells must lie strictly on top of each other.

This is how we continue to increase the number of shells on the tree. We go from bottom to top.

The higher, the more difficult, since the shells need to be smaller and smaller, and the cone itself is very narrowed at the top. Although I didn't reduce the size of the shells.

Work with the top of the head more carefully and carefully, this is how it should be, as shown in the photo.

Now, to decorate the tree from shells, we can glue beads and garlands on it and make a beautiful crown at the top.

The crown of the Christmas tree will look like this.

In the interior it looks incomparable, very beautiful and original.

Be sure to try to make this craft with your own hands, you will really like it, the main thing is to find strong glue so that the shells do not fall off later. Similar crafts can be made or.

A Christmas tree made from pasta is a simple and very beautiful craft. Today we will tell you how to properly make and how to paint a New Year’s beauty. We have also collected several ideas for inspiration so that you can have something to guide you if you are making a Christmas tree with your own hands for the first time.

Working with pasta is quite simple. They “grab” well with glue and can be painted. Well, the variety of their forms gives room for imagination.

To create it, it is best to use “feathers”, “bows”, “shells”. Working with “springs”, “combs” and “horns” is a little more difficult, but they are also suitable. In a word, you shouldn’t take only spaghetti and noodles - feel free to use other options.

What do we need?

  • plastic wine glass or thick cardboard
  • Super glue
  • acrylic paints or spray paint in a can
  • pasta – 1-2 packs


This craft is glued using the same principle as a Christmas tree made from cones. The master class can be viewed here.

If you have a plastic wine glass (the simplest and most budget-friendly one, like the one for picnics), unscrew its stem. The cone will be the base for the tree, and the leg and bottom will turn into a stand. To do this, stick a simple pencil into the bottom.

If you don't have a wine glass, simply roll the cardboard into a cone and seal the side. You can put up a Christmas tree just like this. If you want to make a stand, use a spool of tape, a leg from an old mirror, or something similar as a base.

Pasta must be glued from bottom to top. Glue the bottom layer along the entire diameter. Use a glue gun or superglue: PVA and paste do not stick pasta very well.

Tip: If you don’t have any glue on hand, replace it with plasticine. The craft will not be very durable, but it will “work off” the New Year holidays.

Moving from the base to the top, cover the entire future Christmas tree. The top can be decorated with a separate pasta (the “bow” looks especially beautiful).

Now let's start painting our Christmas tree. Never use liquid paints or too much water, otherwise the pasta will become soggy. Spray paint would be ideal.

If you use acrylic paints or gouache, work on the inside of the pasta with a brush.

The finished Christmas tree can be decorated with pasta of a different shape (for example, “bows”), beads or whole beads, small balls, etc.


Now take a look at some examples for inspiration.

Christmas tree made from inverted “shells”

Christmas tree made of “feathers” with the addition of tinsel between the rows

Christmas tree made of “spirals”

Christmas tree made of “bows” glued vertically

Required material and equipment: - Plastic cone-shaped wine glass with a stem or cardboard cone, - natural material (shells of different sizes, starfish, colored pebbles, sea pebbles), - decorative material (colored glass, beads, chains, etc.), - glue -gun and glue sticks, - glitter nail polish or glitter hairspray.

On the eve of the New Year, I want to please my loved ones with something pleasant. I suggest making a Christmas tree with your own hands from shells. You can’t do without such a tree if you’re throwing a New Year’s party in a nautical style. This tree will become the queen of the holiday. So, let's begin. 1.Prepare the necessary material: wash shells and pebbles if necessary and dry.

2.If you don’t find a plastic wine glass that fits the shape, you can make a cone out of cardboard by rolling it into a ball and gluing the edges. Then trim off the excess ponytail. We sort the shells by size. Starting from the bottom, using a glue gun, we begin to glue shells onto the cone. I used river bivalve shells; there are similar sea shells.

For the lowest row we use larger shells, then the size decreases. We glue the rows of shells tightly to each other. There is no need to skimp on glue, since the shells are quite heavy, you need to glue them on all contacting surfaces. Gradually, row by row, a pyramid is built. Glue a piece of triangular-shaped shell to the upper tip. You can use several fragments by gluing them together. Glue a starfish to the very top (if there is no star, you can glue a beautiful shell). Then decorate the gluing area with smaller shells. And now the most enjoyable stage - decorating. To do this, we use everything that is in the bins. These are various beads, colored pebbles, glass, etc. Add decorations to your liking. You can maintain a single color scheme, or you can make a multi-colored Christmas tree. Here and there you can add shine to the shells with glitter nail polish, or spray the entire tree with glitter hairspray.

The next stage is making the legs for the Christmas tree. To do this, you can use some kind of high lid or something in the shape of a cylinder, pasting it with small shells or pebbles. I used three large shells of the same size. After washing and drying, we glue these shells together with a large amount of glue, because they will have to withstand a rather heavy tree. We use very strong glue or from a glue gun. Let the glue dry thoroughly.

For a more durable connection, we glue a cardboard circle to the bottom of the tree, slightly larger in size than the base of the spruce cone, but you can do without it. We apply a large amount of glue to the upper part of the leg, and also apply glue to the base of the tree (on cardboard or on shells). We connect the two parts together. Leave in this position until completely dry. Afterwards we admire our work and place it in the most prominent place in the house. Or you can present a Christmas tree in, if you don’t mind, of course.

The New Year is just around the corner and it’s time to start preparing for the holiday. You need to think in advance about how and with what to decorate your home. If you suddenly want something new and original, then I suggest you make holiday decorations with your own hands, and at the same time you can also make the main attribute of the holiday - the New Year tree yourself. In this master class I will reveal the secret of how, without any special material or physical costs, you can make a bright, original New Year's beauty from ordinary seashells.

To work we will need:

Lots of round sea shells; - dried starfish; - foam cone; - glue gun; - acrylic paints; - paint brush; - flat beads in black and white colors.

For the base of the Christmas tree we will use a ready-made foam cone. If you don’t have such a cone, you can glue it together from thick cardboard. The branches of our Christmas tree will be round seashells of different sizes. It is advisable to wash and dry the shells in advance.

So, the first stage of work: we take the largest shells and glue them with a glue gun to the lower part of the cone.

We glue the shells tightly to each other, gradually covering the entire lower part of the cone with them.

After the first row of shells is ready, we glue the second row, trying, if possible, to arrange the shells in a checkerboard pattern, relative to the first row.

Next we glue 3,4,5 and subsequent rows of shells, gradually covering the entire cone with them. This is the Christmas tree we made from white shells.

But, since our shells are not perfectly white, many have natural spotted inclusions, it is best to paint our Christmas tree in a bright and festive color. Therefore, we move on to the second stage of work: staining the spruce.

To paint shells, use only acrylic paints or spray paints. You can choose any color; we chose an unusual, but very elegant “Metallic” color. We take a brush with stiff bristles and slowly paint each shell with paint.

To make the shells look more shiny and the color on them to lie evenly, I recommend painting the shells on the Christmas tree twice.
This is very painstaking work, but the result, believe me, is worth it! This is how elegant the Christmas tree turned out. This is a view of the Christmas tree from below. If you are confused by the white gaps of the cone between the shells, you can also carefully paint them with acrylic paint to match the shells or decorate them with pieces of fluffy garlands.
Once the paint on the shells has completely dried, you can begin the third stage of work: decorating the Christmas tree. According to the good old tradition, we will place a star on the top of the Christmas tree, but not an ordinary star, but the most sea star. This is the kind of starfish we have saved up from our summer vacation.

We repaint the star red, again using acrylic paint.

Glue the finished red star to the top of the Christmas tree.

Now let's decorate the branches of our New Year's sea tree. As a festive decoration we use flat beads that are so similar to sea pearls. We carefully glue the beads inside the shells with glue - using a gun: at the bottom on the branches - shells it is best to glue large beads, and closer to the top - to glue smaller beads.

If desired, you can also cover the star with small white beads.

This is the kind of New Year's sea tree we got!

I'm sure it will become a real decoration for the holiday! Happy New Year to everyone! I wish you peace, goodness, a positive mood and the fulfillment of all your creative ideas in the New Year!

Irina Demchenko С

Sea crafts from shells and stones for kindergarten: fast and beautiful

Summer will fly by, the time for fun holidays will end, the kids will go to kindergarten, cheerful and tanned. The teachers will ask the children, how did you rest? “Okay,” the children will answer. Well done! This means that it’s time to work hard and bring into the garden crafts made by children’s hands, but not without the help of parents.

Note to moms and dads a few simple ideas for working with children.

River shell caterpillar

The caterpillar will be very flexible if you use soft pompoms. Look carefully at the photo to see how to assemble the funny wriggling caterpillar step by step.

How to make a crab, fountain, owl: photo, video

In the next easy master class, you and your child will learn how to make sea animals from large shells. The activity is exciting and will appeal to boys and girls.

In the third lesson, I want to give parents detailed instructions on how to make a small tabletop waterfall from pebbles and shells. For this craft you will need a lot of hot glue. The viscous mass from the heat gun will become a solid base, bonding the material with streams of flowing water.

On Visual Day, I would like to invite young readers to watch a short video. The master will tell you in detail how to make a wise owl from shells. The video presents a variety of diagrams, detailed explanations and useful tips.

Jar and shells - MK on creating a pencil holder

To create a beautiful and useful thing, it is not at all necessary to have a lot of expensive materials on hand. This craft requires only shells, a jar and flour, and the result of creativity with children can be used for many years.

For the stand you will need:

Knead the salted dough in the following proportions: 2 cups flour; 1 glass of salt; 2/3 glass of water. The result should be a mixture that does not stick to your hands and is soft enough for modeling. Roll out a wide layer 1 cm thick.

Carefully distribute the dough throughout the jar, removing excess pieces. We form a thin sausage from the mass and close the neck of the jar with it.

While the dough has not hardened, decorate the jar with shells. To fix them, press shells of any size into the dough. The pattern, size and color of the shells does not matter - here the child himself can imagine to his heart’s content.

Using a brush we can create additional patterns on the jar. The craft is almost ready. Now the dough should harden; to do this, place the jar in a dry and warm place for 2-3 days.

DIY Christmas tree made from bottles

Very often, a lot of extra plastic bottles accumulate in the house, from which you can make a wonderful DIY Christmas tree. The plastic from which the container is made can take almost any shape under the influence of mechanical force or heat.

You will need one clear plastic bottle for the base - the taller it is, the taller your tree will be. The needles need to be made from two green bottles the same size as the white one.

Cut off the bottom and neck of the green bottle, and cut the rest into circles.

Each ring needs to be cut into several parts. The fewer parts, the shorter the length of the pine needles.

On each of the resulting rectangles, make many cuts that do not reach the edge - the more cuts, the narrower the spruce needles.

Start gluing the pine needles in rows to the base bottle from the bottom using double-sided tape. Secure the parts on top with regular tape to hold them more firmly.

Cut off the threaded part from the neck and cut it into 2 parts lengthwise.

The lower part of the neck must also be cut, forming a part with needles.

Secure the resulting part around the top part, and tuck the protruding tape inside the product.

Also cut the very top part into many needles.

Roll the resulting top into a tight bun and insert it into the hole at the top of the future tree.

Your Christmas tree is ready!

The beauty of this method is that you do not need to use any special techniques for twisting the plastic - due to the fact that the parts from which the needles are made are cut from the circumference of the bottle, the Christmas tree with your own hands turns out to be curly on its own.

The craft turns out to be quite voluminous - a large plastic forest beauty can be placed on the table and decorated with light homemade Christmas tree decorations. If you want a small, souvenir toy, it is better to take a half-liter bottle as a base.

DIY pasta tree: step-by-step photos

Recently, items such as ordinary dry pasta of various types have become especially popular among handicrafts! The fact is that from interesting twisted flour products you can get very beautiful works, such as Christmas tree decorations, jewelry, and decorative items.

A DIY Christmas tree can also be made from pasta. Stock up on spiral-shaped thick, not very short curls - a pack of one kilogram should be enough for you. Also, prepare some bow-shaped macarons, a glue gun, plaster of Paris, a small shot glass, a small stick, a foam cone and spray paint.

If you cannot find a foam blank in your city, replace it with a simple cardboard cone made in the same way as in the master class of the previous point.

Attach a stick to the bottom of the cone - it will serve as a supporting stem. Using a glue gun, start attaching your pasta to the workpiece, starting from the bottom.

The first row should be glued completely to the cone, and the rest - at a slight angle to create the feeling of a fluffy crown.

Try to glue the pasta in the last row so that their corners almost completely cover the top of the foam cone.

Take a transparent glass and mix the gypsum solution in it. While the mixture is still wet, insert the barrel of the cone into the mixture, completely submerging it in the stack.

Use a flour bow as the top of the tree - they can also be pasted over the entire area of ​​the tree, like decorations.

Use spray paint to coat your piece with color. A gold or silver Christmas tree will look best. In addition, the classic New Year's colors look beautiful: green, red, white.

The larger the cone you take, the higher and more magnificent your DIY Christmas tree will turn out. Despite the simple idea and ease of implementation, the product looks very impressive, so don’t be afraid to decorate your desk, holiday banquet or apartment with it.

As a bonus, you are presented with this video tutorial - with its help you can make another version of the Christmas tabletop Christmas tree from pasta.


Having selected the tools, you can begin making the picture; to do this, perform the following manipulations:

  • The picture template is secured to the canvas with tape.
  • The picture is transferred to the canvas by tracing the template with a pencil. The shells are glued strictly along the contour of the design. Sea gifts must be attached tightly to each other so that voids do not form.
  • If there are still voids between the shells, then they can be filled with different beads.

Thus, you can create absolutely any picture, both easy and complex.

A variety of products can be made from these sea gifts; beginners can try to develop their experience by collecting toads from shells, and professionals can create a real ship.

Such products can be installed in the house and garden as decorative elements that will surely win the heart of more than one guest.

In addition, this product can be an excellent way to make money, because many people dream of receiving something made by human hands for their birthday or other holiday, and products made from shells will also remind you of happy times with friends or loved ones on the seaside.

Creating such crafts is worth the time spent.

Pearls and the beginning of assembly

Meanwhile, return to the dried golden shells. For a greater decorative effect, place one artificial “pearl” on a drop of superglue in each shell. Glue directly in the center. For large shells, use large pearls, for small ones, smaller ones.

After the pearls are glued, you can start assembling. We start assembling the tree from the bottom. First we glue the first largest row. To do this, apply a drop of glue to the shell and press it tightly against the cone wrapped in thread. You need to glue them tightly to each other, leaving no gaps.

As the rows are glued and the cone narrows, the number of shells in the row decreases, and our Christmas tree takes on a decorative appearance.

The master class is coming to an end. All that remains is to attach one vertical shell or large pearl to the top of the tree and dry the finished product. Then coat the finished Christmas tree with varnish from a can or using a brush.

The shell tree is ready. This is an excellent decoration for the New Year and a wonderful souvenir - a symbol of the New Year holidays, which will definitely delight your family, friends and acquaintances.

Making candles for mini-candlesticks made from shells

Shells are almost ready-made miniature candlesticks that are just waiting to be supplemented with paraffin and wick.


  • Sea or large river shells;
  • Small round candles in tin molds;
  • Water and a saucepan for a water bath;
  • PVA glue or double-sided tape.


Step 1. Remove the candle itself from the tin container, and then remove the wick from it by pulling the metal base at the bottom of the candle (see photo). Set the wicks aside and return the candles to the molds.

  • Step 2. Glue each wick with double-sided tape or PVA glue in the center of the shell.
  • Step 3. Now we need to melt the paraffin until it is completely liquid. You can do this in three ways:
  1. Bring the water in the pan to a boil, then reduce the heat until the water stops boiling and lower the ramekins into it.
  2. Place the candles on the stove over low heat, and make sure that the paraffin does not burn.
  3. Warm up the paraffin using a hairdryer.

Step 4. Once the paraffin has melted, remove the molds from the heat and begin filling the shells. It is best to use some kind of tongs or a pair of Chinese chopsticks for this. Don't forget to protect the table surface with newspaper first.

If the shells are too unstable and you are afraid that the paraffin will harden unevenly, then it is better to arrange the candles in the cells of the egg packaging or fix, for example, with soft plasticine that does not leave marks.

Christmas tree made of shells “Sea”

Hello, friends! It often happens that on cold winter evenings we dream about summer, remembering warm days at the dacha or wishing to be on a sandy beach, closer to the sea. Today we will make a sea herringbone. Unusual, but very simple and fast)

sea ​​herringbone made from shells

Recently I was leafing through a magazine with ideas for New Year's decor, there was such a wonderful Christmas tree made of shells, I remembered that I had seen such sea decor options for a long time, but there was still no time.

I have a lot of shells, they were all brought from the coastal sea market))) We had shells everywhere around the house, and this is a good reason to put them all in one place! Begin!

  • shells
  • Whatman paper or cardboard
  • glue gun or glue moment crystal
  • beads

sea ​​herringbone made from shells


We take whatman paper, cut out a semicircle, my tree height is about 25 centimeters, so the diameter of the semicircle is 2 times larger - 50 cm.

sea ​​herringbone made from shells

We twist a cone out of a semicircle, since whatman paper is very rigid, I stapled the bottom so that it does not unravel. I trimmed the edges with scissors to make it even.

sea ​​herringbone made from shells

Next, take the shells and glue one by one to the cone, I started from the bottom. Started gluing with a glue gun.

sea ​​herringbone made of shells I wanted to emphasize the verticality of the herringbone, so I decided to make a small drawing with shells.

This is how it worked out for me.

sea ​​herringbone made from shells

I fill the gaps with small shells and beads.

sea ​​herringbone made from shells

Now the Christmas tree is almost ready, I had to add glue in a moment, since the glue gun broke during the process. The glue takes a long time to dry, so you need to be careful with the Christmas tree.

sea ​​herringbone made from shells

I really wanted to attach a starfish to the top of the tree, but I couldn’t find it, my daughter was silent like a partisan, so I had to get out of it. I made this “star” out of five shells and a bead in advance, let it dry and glued it to the top of my head using superglue.

sea ​​herringbone made from shells

We set the Christmas tree to dry; it sat there overnight because I made it in the evening.

sea ​​herringbone made from shells

This is what we got.

sea ​​herringbone made from shells

The pattern is different on different sides.

sea ​​herringbone made from shells

Such a sea Christmas tree will decorate any table and will be relevant not only in winter, but also in summer) I hope you liked my master class! Thank you for your attention!

Ship made of shells

You will need: 2 rapan shells of different sizes, a small stone, large round shells, small spiral-shaped shells, a glue gun, toothpicks, wooden skewers, varnish, thick cotton thread.

Master Class

  1. Apply glue to the stone and glue a larger rapana shell. The shell should not wobble, it should be firmly attached to the stone.
  2. Glue a wooden skewer inside a smaller rapana shell. This will be the bow of the ship.
  3. Glue the skewer with the nose onto the base of the sailboat.
  4. Glue 3 wooden skewers perpendicular to the base of the ship.
  5. Trim the first and third skewers so that they are just below the middle skewer.
  6. Glue large shells as sails on the front side of the mast, and on the back side glue toothpicks that will serve as yards. There should be 3 shells on each mast.
  7. Make ropes from cotton thread in this way: tie the thread to the back of the ship, then pull it along the top of the masts all the way to the bow, then stretch the thread from bottom to top, winding it onto the yards on each mast, and if the thread slips in some places, fix it with glue.
  8. Glue spiral shells to the tops of the masts.
  9. Cover the craft with varnish.

The shell ship is ready! I recommend viewing a photo gallery of ideas for creating a boat from shells!

You can make letters and numbers from shells for a special event, and see how in this video!

Shell letter | Interior decoration | DIY Seashell Letter Room Decoration

Christmas tree made of shells

Required material and equipment: - Plastic cone-shaped wine glass with a stem or cardboard cone, - natural material (shells of different sizes, starfish, colored pebbles, sea pebbles), - decorative material (colored glass, beads, chains, etc.), - glue -gun and glue sticks, - glitter nail polish or glitter hairspray.
On the eve of the New Year, I want to please my loved ones with something pleasant. I suggest making a Christmas tree with your own hands from shells. You can’t do without such a tree if you’re throwing a New Year’s party in a nautical style. This tree will become the queen of the holiday. So, let's begin. 1. Prepare the necessary material: wash shells and pebbles if necessary and dry.

2.If you don’t find a plastic wine glass that fits the shape, you can make a cone out of cardboard by rolling it into a ball and gluing the edges. Then trim off the excess ponytail. We sort the shells by size. Starting from the bottom, using a glue gun, we begin to glue shells onto the cone. I used river bivalve shells; there are similar sea shells.

For the lowest row we use larger shells, then the size decreases. We glue the rows of shells tightly to each other. There is no need to skimp on glue, since the shells are quite heavy, you need to glue them on all contacting surfaces. Gradually, row by row, a pyramid is built. Glue a piece of triangular-shaped shell to the upper tip. You can use several fragments by gluing them together. Glue a starfish to the very top (if there is no star, you can glue a beautiful shell). Then decorate the gluing area with smaller shells. And now the most enjoyable stage - decorating. To do this, we use everything that is in the bins. These are various beads, colored pebbles, glass, etc. Add decorations to your liking. You can maintain a single color scheme, or you can make a multi-colored Christmas tree. Here and there you can add shine to the shells with glitter nail polish, or spray the entire tree with glitter hairspray.

The next stage is making the legs for the Christmas tree. To do this, you can use some kind of high lid or something in the shape of a cylinder, pasting it with small shells or pebbles. I used three large shells of the same size. After washing and drying, we glue these shells together with a large amount of glue, because they will have to withstand a rather heavy tree. We use very strong glue or from a glue gun. Let the glue dry thoroughly.

For a more durable connection, we glue a cardboard circle to the bottom of the tree, slightly larger in size than the base of the spruce cone, but you can do without it. We apply a large amount of glue to the upper part of the leg, and also apply glue to the base of the tree (on cardboard or on shells). We connect the two parts together. Leave in this position until completely dry. Afterwards we admire our work and place it in the most prominent place in the house. Or you can give a Christmas tree as a gift, if you don’t mind, of course.

Preparing the shells

Among the shells, you should choose those that do not contain living organisms. The organism may also be attached to the surface of the shell.

If there is a dead organism in the sink, choose a specific cleaning method.


There are different ways to clean sinks:

  1. Boiling. Place a shell with the remains of organic matter in a pan and fill it with water at room temperature so that its level is 5 centimeters above the sink. Bring the water to a boil over low heat. Small shells are boiled for 5 minutes, medium and large ones for 7 minutes. If more than one shell is processed at a time, the time will also be increased. The shells are taken out with tongs, laid out on a soft surface and the remains of organic matter are removed with tweezers.
  2. Bury the shells in a hole 40-60 centimeters deep. Ants and other animals will eat any leftovers. The shells are stored underground for several months.
  3. The shells are placed in a ziplock bag, filled with water and frozen for several days. Then the bag is removed, the contents are completely thawed, and then the organic matter is removed.
  4. Use a solution of water and bleach in which the sinks are placed. After peeling off the top layer, the shells are removed and thoroughly wiped with a toothbrush. To restore shine, use baby oil.
  5. Apply toothpaste to a toothbrush, apply it to the surface of the sink and polish it, then rinse off the paste.
  6. The shellfish are removed using a toothbrush or other brush with metal bristles.

The oil is applied to the surface, left for a day and another layer is applied. Polyurethane or clear nail polish is applied to each side, drying for one day. Sanding will help get rid of natural cracks.

Drilling holes

First, use a marker to mark the location for the hole. The shell will break if the hole is too close to the edge.

Use nail scissors or a knife to make a small dent.

  • Use the sharp end to make a hole using circular movements and pressure until a full hole is formed.
  • To get rid of dust, blow into the hole and wash it.

Holes in thick shells are made with a drill at low speeds with a diameter of 1 millimeter. In this case, it is recommended to choose a drill with a diamond coating and wet the place for the hole during the process of creating it, then chips will not form.

A wide hole is made using a screw. First, make a small hole and then enlarge it with a screw.

Wax and plasticine will also help. Roll two small balls and attach them to both sides of the shell.


When we often come from the sea, we bring souvenirs, but why spend money? If you collect a large number of shells, you can make the craft yourself at home. A popular souvenir made from a shell is a sailboat, which is exactly what we will make now.

To start constructing the floor, prepare:

  • rapan (better to take a larger size);
  • wooden skewers (can be replaced with sushi tools);
  • matches;
  • a large shell for delivery, and shells for covering the sails;
  • a thread;
  • knife and superglue.

Instructions for making this craft from shells for children with your own hands:

(Step 1)

    We measure the length of the masts and cut the sticks to this length. Sharpen the tops of the sticks. Now you need to attach the shells to the mast. It is advisable to place small ones at the top and large ones below. We wait until the glue dries.
  • We install the mast on the hull. First of all, we glue plastic balls into the rapan so that the mast can hold on and not fall. We attach the mast to the balls using glue. And again we wait until the glue dries.
  • On the front side we install a stick with a sharpened end. Attach the front sails.
  • We wait until everything is completely dry and you can start stretching the white threads. The threads are stretched between all the sails, the front of the sailboat and the installed bowsprit.
  • If necessary, you can glue a flag made of multi-colored shells to the top of the sail. Glue the blank onto the stand.
    The craft is ready to sail. To add shine to our craft, it is recommended to treat it with varnish. Spray varnish is ideal.

    Advice! If you don’t want the threads to unwind, you need to add a drop of glue to each attached area.

  • Step-by-step master class with photos - shell tree with roses

    Stage I. Pot decor

    Any sturdy container will do for the pot. The edge can be wrapped with satin ribbon or fabric. We glue the rope from the top to the middle of the flowerpot, and decorate the bottom with shells. We paint the pot with acrylic, spray paint or gouache + PVA (lavender, gold, mother-of-pearl). If the paint is not thick, paint in 2 layers.

    Stage II. Making flowers from ceramic plasticine

    We make roses from ceramic plasticine. This versatile material dries quickly, does not require heat treatment, is easy to mold and is sold individually in a wide range of colors. We make a gradation of 3 shades of the same color - from dark to light. We sculpt according to the “cabbage” principle: we build up layer by layer. We work with all shades at the same time: from the dark core of the rose to the light edges.

    Stage III. Making a ball and decorating the crown

    The “Lavender Sea” topiary ball is made of newspapers and wrapped with twine. You can also use sisal or knitting threads under the shells. As a trunk, 2 curved branches of corilus (salex) were used, fixed in a ball with glue.

    We seal the entire surface of the ball, alternate shells (choose approximately the same weight) and sisal balls. After the main decoration, we glue the mother-of-pearl shells on the reverse side, and inside each we glue a lilac berry - a pearl. Next, we glue buttons, roses and gold beads, and alternate the decor by color.

    Stage IV. Pouring and filling the pot

    Mix the solution of gypsum and water 1:1 until the consistency of thick sour cream. The fill sets in 1 hour, but it is better to leave it overnight until the plaster dries completely and the moisture evaporates.

    We lay sisal in a “nest” over the dried gypsum fill and fix it with glue. We glue decor from the crown onto this backing to balance the top and bottom of the tree: shells, purple berries, gold beads. In addition, we use a perfume bottle, pre-painted in the same color as the pot and shells. Any small glass bottles are also suitable: for medicines, samples, etc.

    Stage V. Finishing decor

    We decorate the crown of the tree from “Lavender Sea” shells: we glue gold beads from New Year’s decorations, satin bows with half beads, roses.

    Christmas tree cone

    It is most convenient to make a Christmas tree from shells on a conical frame. To make a frame, roll thick cardboard into a cone, glue it, and cut off the bottom. Cut a circle to fit the bottom and glue it to the cone with superglue.

    Take some thread or twine, secure one end to the top of the cone and begin wrapping the cone, tightly laying it layer by layer. From time to time you can coat individual parts with glue, but do not get carried away (the winding should remain soft and not hardened by the glue).

    Let the cone dry. Then cover with the same gold paint. Leave to dry again.

    Shells for handicrafts: preparation rules

    Before you start working with such an unusual natural material as shells, you will have to spend a little time preparing them for making your own masterpieces. Crafts made from fragile materials are always made from shiny and clean shells. But, alas, such material cannot be found in nature. In order for the sinks to acquire the desired shine and attractiveness, it is worth making a minimum of effort.

    Many handicraftsmen believe that in order for shells to remain durable for a long time, not crumble at the edges and not change color in the finished work, it is worth freezing them first. To do this, dry shells need to be wrapped in white paper (never in newspaper!) and place the bundle in the freezer for several hours. Once they are well frozen, all that remains is to take them out of the freezer and clean them with a sharp knife.

    If there are excess particles left inside, you can boil the fragile material for several minutes in water with the addition of soda. To get rid of white plaque, blanks for future crafts should be bleached (filled with regular bleach for several hours) or brushed with a toothbrush and whitening paste.

    To get rid of minor chips and cracks and give the material a more presentable appearance, you need to sand the shells using sandpaper or a sanding block. Sometimes they even use nail files and pumice stones for the heels. To make the shells shine and shimmer, cover them with a thin layer of clear varnish (even nail polish will do) or regular furniture stain. The coating product will not only add attractiveness and shine, but will also help hide minor cracks and unevenness in color and structure.

    After the natural material has been prepared, you can begin directly to work on creating various crafts. Most often, shells are used to decorate photo frames or to cover vases. We suggest not following the usual path, but making flowers and entire flower arrangements from seashells.

    Using a detailed master class and step-by-step instructions for making first simple options and then more complicated ones, you can create entire flower bouquets yourself that will perfectly decorate the interior and serve as an original gift for friends and family.

    Preparatory stage

    First, prepare all the materials. Shells, especially if you collected them yourself in the warm salty waves, must be washed, dried and degreased.

    This is done in order to remove sand, fats and sea salt from their surface. If there are build-ups or other roughness left somewhere, you need to clean them with sandpaper.

    A master class on making a decorative Christmas tree with your own hands involves a step-by-step and detailed examination of all stages. Let's start with preparing the material.

    Rinse the shells thoroughly in running warm water. If they are very dirty, with traces of dried algae, boil them for a few minutes in a weak soda solution. At the same time they will lose fat. Then rinse in cold water and dry.

    Preparing shells for crafts

    For further work, they should be prepared:

    1. There may be dead shellfish in the shells and if not cleaned out, they will give off an unpleasant odor. To do this, they should be placed in water with a product that contains chlorine in a 1:1 ratio for about 1 hour. Use rubber gloves, as chlorine can damage your hands. Remove dirt in a timely manner and rinse in a bowl of water.
    2. If you find live shellfish in the shells, place them in boiling water for a couple of minutes and then remove them using tweezers. You can also use the microwave by placing them there for just 30 seconds. And also remove any leftovers. After we got rid of the particles, we need to carry out the procedure indicated in the first paragraph.

    3. If you find chips, they need to be sanded with fine sandpaper. If there are large fragments, but you don’t want to throw away the shell, you can glue it together, but first treat the gluing surface with alcohol.
    4. To make the shells shine, they can be treated with clear manicure polish or nail oil.

    Drilling holes

    This is also an important stage for the manufacture of such products as beads, bracelets, garlands, etc. This step is a little tricky because very small shells are fragile and can break.


    There are two ways to make a hole:

    1. Prepare a drill of the required diameter (depending on the size of the required hole). Wrap the shell with tape and attach it to a wooden surface and carefully drill a hole through the tape. The tape will help the shell not get damaged.
    2. Not every home has a screwdriver, then a nail and a hammer will come to your aid. The shell should also be covered with tape and, placing a nail on the shell, gently tap it with a hammer. The hole can be made of different diameters by moving the nail back and forth.


    Coloring shells

    The tree can be painted after it is completely made. But it is better to paint the shells before gluing. You can use acrylic paints. An aerosol can of paint is more convenient and faster to use.

    You are free to choose any color: traditional “Christmas tree” green, red, white, etc. But a shell tree looks richer and more interesting if it is gold or silver.

    Select shells according to size. You will stick them in rows. At the bottom - large ones, the further to the top, the smaller, at the top - the smallest. For one row of a small DIY shell tree you will need about 12-15 shells. As the cone narrows, their number will decrease, gradually reducing to three and one.

    Our master class showed that a Christmas tree 20 centimeters high took about 200 shells of medium, small and very small sizes.

    Place the shells in rows by size on a flat surface covered with paper. Spray gold paint on one side. Let dry, turn over, paint the other side. Leave to dry.

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