The toilet is clogged: how to clean it yourself using chemicals, a cable, folk remedies, with or without a plunger

Plunger and plastic bottle

The very first thing we should try is to break through the blockage using a plunger. Since ancient times, there has been a good tradition of having a plunger in the house. It looks like a small cone-shaped rubber band attached to a long handle. The use of this household accessory is extremely simple, it covers the drain hole with its massive and dense rubber, then you, as it were, pump the pipe with forward movements, from which the water rushes deep into the pipe and creates a kind of water hammer. Water hammer is a strong increase in pressure from the liquid, which causes the blockage to burst.

It is quite possible to break through a blockage using this method, and the accumulated debris will float to the riser and calmly drown in it, moving further into the sewer. The plunger copes well with deep blockages, since with such pumping it moves a larger volume of water.

Classic plunger in action

If it seems to you that the blockage has not gone far down the pipe, but is located in the bends of the toilet, you can try to pull it back with a plunger and then remove it. To do this, gently press the elastic in, and then pull it back with a sharp movement. When working in this way, the device produces some traction, which allows you to quickly pull objects clogged up the sewer back.

If you don’t have a plunger in your household, you can try to remove the blockage using a plastic bottle. 1.5 and 2.5 liter containers are perfect. To remove the blockage, you need to cut off the bottom of the bottle, take it in your hand and sharply pump the toilet drain hole with the resulting object. To avoid getting dirty, you can wear rubber gloves or wrap your hand in a plastic bag.

Making a plastic plunger from a bottle Carrying out all these procedures with your own hands is extremely simple, but be careful when pumping not the freshest water back and forth. Traditional methods for removing blockages involve not only mechanical methods, but also chemical ones.

Pros and cons of recycling plastic waste

There are advantages and disadvantages to recycling plastic bottles that you need to consider when deciding to get into the plastic recycling business.

You can recycle the material for your own needs, providing yourself with a number of household plastic items, from toys to stands and shelvesMelting plastic releases pungent-smelling toxins that can only be removed by strong ventilation.
there is no need to acquire special knowledge and skillsSetting the correct melting temperature for plastic is difficult
recycled plastic – profitable products for saleFor independent work, you will have to make special devices that cannot be replaced
low-cost business
It's nice to know that you are involved in protecting the environment

Removing clogs with a regular plunger

Cleaning the sink

Removing clogs in the toilet and sink occurs in similar ways. First you need to place the rubber bowl of the plunger directly above the drain hole and press firmly

An important condition is the presence of water, which should cover the rubber bowl. Then you need to sharply and quickly press the plunger handle up to 3 times

Repeat the manipulations 3 or 4 times. The efficiency of the plunger depends on the speed and force of pressing the plunger handle. After pushing, you need to sharply tear the plunger away from the base of the drain hole so that the clog can come out.

Cleaning the sink

Removing clogs in the toilet and sink occurs in similar ways. First you need to place the rubber bowl of the plunger directly above the drain hole and press firmly

An important condition is the presence of water, which should cover the rubber bowl. Then you need to sharply and quickly press the plunger handle up to 3 times

Repeat the manipulations 3 or 4 times. The efficiency of the plunger depends on the speed and force of pressing the plunger handle. After pushing, you need to sharply tear the plunger away from the base of the drain hole so that the clog can come out.

Cleaning the toilet

If everything is done correctly, not a trace of the blockage will remain. However, in advanced cases, a plunger cannot solve the problem. For complex blockages, it is recommended to use chemical cleaning agents, and sometimes the intervention of a plumber.

Using household chemicals

Currently, you can find many special chemicals for clearing blockages on sale. They can be in the form of a gel, powder or liquid. The most widely used products are Sanox, Krot, Tiret, Chirton, Sanfor. When choosing a cleaning product, you should pay attention to its composition, as well as the material from which the pipes are made. It’s good if the product you choose, in addition to salt and fat deposits, can also dissolve wool, threads and hair. Typically, household chemicals contain substances such as sodium hydroxide and acid. When working with these compounds, extreme caution should be exercised and directions for use strictly followed. Be sure to use hand and face protection.

These compositions are usually used according to the same principle: they are poured or poured into the drain hole in the quantity specified in the instructions. The powder usually needs to be poured on top with water. After this, the product should be left for some time. The waiting interval may also vary. It is usually indicated on the packaging.

Preventive measures

Without a doubt, the best thing in dealing with clogs is preventive measures. Careful operation will at least allow you to use cleaning agents and forced pipe cleaning less often.

What to pay attention to

Do not throw foreign objects into the drain. Moreover, this category also includes toilet paper, handkerchiefs, cotton swabs, and, of course, personal hygiene products. Simply equip the toilet with a trash can with a lid. If you notice something in the drain, such as air freshener that has come off the rim, try to remove it immediately. Don't expect to be able to just wash the plastic away. It will most likely get stuck somewhere in the pipe and give you drainage problems. Some housewives pour leftover food, be it liquid or even main courses, into the toilet

Under no circumstances should you do this! Fat and solid waste gradually form a dense layer, which you will subsequently spend a lot of time and effort removing. If there are small children in the house, keep an eye on them and teach them the rules of careful use of plumbing fixtures so that the child does not throw markers, books and other toys into the drains. Special situation: renovation. To prevent construction dust, sand and concrete from clogging the ducts, be sure to cover the furniture with film. Periodically clean the drain with disinfectants and solvents, carry out preventive maintenance

But when working with them, strictly follow the instructions so as not to damage the pipes. Clean the toilet itself weekly: inside and out. Old pipes clog more often than new ones because much more debris accumulates on the loose surface. Replacing pipes sometimes becomes the only possible and correct solution in the fight against clogged drains.

Causes of clogged toilets

Remember the old joke in which a plumber, having gotten dirty while cleaning the toilet, indignantly says to the owners: “Why are you shitting there, or what?”

So: using the toilet for its intended purpose will never clog it.

But getting foreign objects into it can easily lead to this.

  • Paper
    . The eternal cause of blockages. If you use a newspaper as a pipifax, well, that’s your business. Although it should be noted that printing ink contains a lot of toxic lead. However, if you don't want plumbing problems, don't throw stiff paper down the toilet.
  • Fillers for cat litter
    . Are you sure that the clay in the base of the clumping litter will be washed away with water? Yes? In vain. It will just clog your toilet.
  • Leftover food
    . If lost borscht can be poured down the toilet without consequences, then a can of spoiled pickled tomatoes will be clearly too much.
  • Construction garbage
    . You should not pour the remaining sand and, especially, cement into the toilet. They form a plug there that can completely block the flow of water.

Avoid all of the above, and you won't have to search the Internet for articles and videos on toilet cleaning methods.

Working principle of plungers

In principle, the operation of the pneumatic product differs from the model with a rubber bowl and a wooden handle. It is necessary to ensure tight contact of the rubber part with the drain hole and blocking of additional drains. Thanks to the piston, an air discharge (vacuum) is provided over the clogged hole. During this, the blockage is “sucked out” under vacuum from the pipe and lifted into the bowl of the sink or bathtub. It will take a few pushes and lifts of the handle, or a few pumps of air from the rubber reservoir to sufficiently loosen the clog and lift it through the pipes.

Compared to a traditional plumbing plunger or vacuum analogue, pneumatic models are characterized by greater power and operating speed. Its appearance is comparable to a large syringe with a rubber nozzle instead of a needle, with a capacity of up to two liters.

To use such a plunger, a certain amount of water is required, which is drawn into the body during piston retraction. During sharp pressure on the piston, by means of a hydraulic shock, water under pressure breaks and pushes the looser mud plug. Usually, drain pipes are freed from severe blockages in one or two water hammers.

When using a regular or vacuum plumbing plunger, a significant amount of dirt is generated. The advantage of a pneumatic product is the absence of this problem, due to its ability to push dirt through the pipe without letting it into the plumbing cavity.

Stick with a piece of cloth

You can clean the toilet using any stick. It is enough to wrap the fabric tightly around it and insert a homemade plunger deep into the drain. The device must completely cover the hole. Then a sharp movement of the hand is made, as a result of which the homemade plunger is pulled out of the toilet. The resulting water hammer will help eliminate contamination.

So, you can deal with a clog in the sink or toilet without a plunger. To replace it, various items available in every home are suitable.


Types of plungers

Today there are two types of plungers:

  • Mechanical;
  • Pneumatic.

What unites both devices is only the name and the principle of influencing the traffic jam. Therefore, we will now consider each type of this device separately.


The design of a mechanical plunger is extremely simple and includes only two parts:

  • Rubber bulb;
  • A wooden or plastic handle that is attached to the pear.

The instructions for using this device are extremely simple:

  • First of all, you need to plug the drains and overflow holes of the plumbing fixtures that are located nearby (bathtub, sink, etc.).
  • Then a small amount of water is poured into the toilet or other plumbing fixture that needs to be cleaned so that the liquid level completely covers the drain hole.
  • After this, the device is placed so that the bulb completely covers the drain hole; accordingly, it must be of a sufficiently large diameter.
  • Next, you need to perform several active pumping movements, after which the device can be removed.
  • If the water in the toilet does not go away, the procedure should be repeated.
  • After the plug is destroyed and the water goes into the sewer, you should pour a pan of boiling water into the drain hole (if the plumbing fixture is connected using a plastic corrugation, then you need to pour hot water, but not boiling water).

This is, in fact, the entire cleaning process.


A pneumatic plunger is a much more effective device and belongs to the category of professional equipment. However, despite this, even an amateur can use it with his own hands.

Essentially, the design is a pump with a rubber tip that ensures a tight fit of the pump pipe to the surface of the plumbing. The pump capacity is usually one to two liters.

It must be said that pneumatic plungers for toilets and bathtubs can have different designs. The differences are mainly in the diameter and shape of the tip, as well as the shape of the handle. For example, some models are equipped with a wide suction cup, which allows you to clean the shower drain, while others are simply equipped with a rubber ring.

Using a pneumatic device is no more difficult than using a mechanical one.

This is done as follows:

  • First of all, you need to fill the container with water. Next, you need to lower the pump nozzle into the water and gently lift the handle to draw a certain amount of water.
  • As with a regular plunger, it is advisable to plug the drains and overflows of nearby plumbing fixtures.
  • Next, you need to forcefully press the rubber nozzle against the drain hole so that it is completely closed. If necessary, the edges of the nozzle should be straightened.
  • Then the piston should be pushed with a sharp movement with force into the plunger container. This will create a strong flow of water, which will destroy the blockage and wash it down the drain.
  • If it was not possible to remove the plug the first time, the procedure should be repeated several more times. As a rule, even severe blockages are washed out after several such procedures.
  • At the end of the work, as in the previous case, the plumbing needs to be rinsed with boiling water.

This completes the toilet cleaning process.

Other things made from plastic waste

The 21st century is the era of plastic. He is everywhere, in every house, in every room. The production of plastic products is an industry with enormous competition, so many manufacturers try to maintain the “eco” brand and adhere to safe production technologies.


Plastic furniture has long ceased to be associated with cheapness and impracticality. Modern manufacturers produce high-quality, stylish furniture and develop interesting design options. Plastic tables, chairs, benches, shelves, chests of drawers are strong, durable, and not susceptible to mold and pests. Plastic furniture is suitable for both home and yard.


The first bicycle with a recycled plastic frame was created in Uruguay in 2011. The brand was called "Muzzicucles" and it is becoming more and more popular. The plastic frame is durable, lightweight, corrosion-resistant, and requires only 200 plastic bottles to create.


To replace unsustainable asphalt, Dutch engineers have invented a plastic coating with a modular design. The plastic road is impeccably smooth, resistant to heat, and easy to repair.


Products made from polyester and polyester threads are in demand because they have a rich design, are resistant to tearing, and are easy to clean.

Houses made from recycled plastic

Colombian building materials manufacturer Conceptos Plasticos produces products from plastic and rubber waste using its own unique technology: strong and durable bricks with tenon fasteners, columns, supporting beams. To build a house with an area of ​​50 m2 from these materials, builders spend 5-6 days. Plastic houses are inexpensive and are ordered by poor people.

In Russia, construction plastic is also used. Thus, in Volgograd, a kindergarten and several private houses were built from recycled plastic materials.

Precautionary measures

The ingredients included in Krot are not safe for humans. Their contact with the skin or mucous membranes provokes a chemical burn, and contact with the eyes leads to loss of vision. The caustic hydrogen sulfide released during the chemical reaction causes suffocation.

Compliance with passive safety measures will help avoid health problems:

  • Carry out work only with protective rubber gloves.
  • It is better to wear a mask or respirator on your face.
  • It is recommended to protect your eyes with special glasses.

If troubles cannot be avoided, you must:

  1. Wash areas in contact with the chemical with a weak solution of boric acid and sufficient running water. If necessary, seek help from a doctor.
  2. If poisoned, drink at least 2 liters of water and immediately go to the clinic.

Advantages and disadvantages of home recycling

From the above it follows that self-processing of plastic has the following advantages:

  • reducing the amount of plastic waste;
  • no significant expenses;
  • opportunity to be creative;
  • process control.

Disadvantages of recycling plastic bottles:

  • time and physical costs for preparing the process;
  • hazardous work.

The purpose of the plunger and its types

One way or another, the plunger was and remains one of the most common tools for breaking through a blockage in a pipe or siphon. The essence of its action is that under the influence of a person, excess pressure is created in the pipe, which breaks through the resulting plug with its pressure. There are mechanical and pneumatic plungers, designed for toilets and sinks, for home and industrial use. In addition, they are:

  • With a rubber nozzle in the shape of a washer;
  • And with a cone-shaped rubber nozzle, which has a high degree of elasticity.

Pneumatic plungers may look somewhat like pumps. They are supplied with a container designed for 1-2 liters. Despite the fact that such plungers are generally considered a professional tool, even the most ordinary consumers can use them without any training or preparation. Plungers for the toilet and for the sink differ in design only in the size of the nozzles and their shape. The principle of working with them is the same. But this will be discussed a little below. Toilet plungers are equipped with a nozzle of a larger diameter - since the toilet drain hole is much larger than that of a sink or sink. As a rule, the diameter of a standard toilet plunger is 10 centimeters. The working volume of the nozzle can in some cases reach one cubic meter. But in most cases, you can get by with a much smaller nozzle. It is strictly forbidden to use the same plunger to break through a clog in the toilet and in the sink! For the simple reason that it is not hygienic. In the case of pneumatic plungers, this is possible, since they are equipped with a set of replaceable nozzles. Thanks to this, you can also use such a plunger on sinks with different diameters of the drain hole.

The pneumatic plunger has the shape of a syringe and is an improved model that allows you to deal with blockages in the bathroom, and on any part of the drain pipe.

Storage systems

Plastic bottles are an ideal solution for creating containers. You can store office supplies, small sewing accessories or detergents in containers. Multi-level systems for small items can be easily placed in the garage or workshop, in the bathroom or in the bedroom.

Transparent organizers allow you to easily see the contents. Several identical containers can be combined into one system. For example, install it in a strong frame box, like drawers.

Organizers made from plastic containers Source

Express cleaning methods

However, what to do if this does happen? The toilet is clogged, water and other contents do not drain or drain extremely slowly.

Plumbing cable

The ideal case is if you have a special one at home for such problems. A plumbing cable is a spiral of steel wire and a handle that allows you to rotate it.

For cleaning, it is advisable to have the help of a second person (although experienced plumbers can do a great job alone). The algorithm of actions is simple: a more experienced water closet rescuer feeds a cable into the toilet, trying with effort to pierce the blockage with it; the assistant turns the handle.

In this case, the cable should be slightly tensioned, otherwise it will simply curl into a bizarre spiral.


How to clean a toilet with a bottle?

We will need:

  • Plastic bottle for soul-melting drinks with a volume of 1.5-2.5 liters - 1 piece;
  • Sharp knife – 1 piece;
  • Courage and courage - a little bit.

Our actions:

  1. Cut off the bottom of the bottle. The plug remains twisted.
  2. We immerse the bottle with its cut sides into water. It is advisable that the edges of the bottle touch the recess of the bowl where the water goes.
  3. We sharply plunge the bottle into the water, giving the toilet something like a fencing thrust.
  4. We repeat several times.

What is the meaning of these strange actions? The fact is that water is practically incompressible. We sharply push a certain amount of it deep into the toilet, which leads to a miniature water hammer - a sharp increase in pressure on your side of the blockage. The pressure difference, if the enterprise is successful, will carry the blockage into the riser.

floor rag

An alternative to an executed plastic bottle is an ordinary doormat. It should be wet.

In addition, any strong stick, mop or just a wooden block will come in handy.

  1. We fold the rag several times and, as tightly as possible, plug it into the recess of the toilet bowl;
  2. We direct our mop/stick/bar to the center of the improvised plug;
  3. Again, we make a sharp and strong downward movement. The goal is to achieve the same water hammer.

  • If it turns out to be too strong, a fountain of not very clean water will hit the ceiling. However, this only happens in the case of a cement plug or a toilet tightly clogged with fragments of glass: all softer substances usually end up in the sewer riser.
  • Too much strength, courage and determination can lead to a broken toilet. Still, it’s better not to forget: earthenware is a fragile material.

Unique Chinese method

Chinese and Korean industry produces a special film for cleaning toilets. If you happen to find it on sale, be sure to buy it and keep it. In case of blockages, the film can be a real salvation, because... eliminates them in a few moments.

Chinese film is disposable. It is very convenient to store. This is an ideal option for rented housing if tenants do not want to buy a cable or plunger and then transport it to a new place of residence

The principle of cleaning a toilet using a film is simple to the point of genius, but it looks rather strange, since first you will have to increase (and not reduce) the blockage. This is done like this: throw crumpled toilet paper into the standing water of the bowl and flush the tank so that the toilet is filled almost to the brim.

The toilet rim is wiped dry and a special high-strength film is glued on. It should fit snugly to the rim over the entire adhesive surface so that there are not the slightest gaps or air bubbles left anywhere.

The areas where the film adheres to the toilet are carefully smoothed out. After this, water is drained from the tank several times to inflate the film, and the bubble is pushed down with smooth wave-like movements.

Two or three pressures on the swollen film are enough for the mass of water and paper to break through the blockage and instantly drain into the sewer. After use, the film is carefully torn off from the rim and discarded

Some especially brave “traditional craftsmen” advise using food film instead of special film. They suggest sealing the toilet with it, drawing water and pressing on top in the same way.

This method raises great doubts, because the tightness of the cling film is questionable. In addition, it is not strong enough, so it may not withstand pressure and burst. In this case, the entire bathroom will be flooded with the contents of the toilet bowl, but the blockage will still not go away. It's better not to take risks.

Measures to prevent contamination in the bath

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What happened and how to deal with it

The cause of the blockage is the accumulation of fat on the internal walls of the sewer, soap and powder deposits, as well as hair and fibers of various fabrics are added here. Where did all this come from, you ask? The fact is that the inner surface of the pipes is not perfectly smooth, this is especially typical for old cast iron structures.

These are the reasons why the drain is clogged

Plastic is also susceptible to similar contamination, although to a lesser extent. Here, plaque formation begins at the joints of pipes and O-rings. In such conditions, it is enough for a plaque to appear in one place, and the remaining particles will cling to it, reducing the internal cross-section of the pipe until they clog it completely. This is the reason why the pipes in the bathroom are clogged. What to do in this case?

There are three ways to solve the problem:

  • using excess pressure;
  • chemical method;
  • mechanical method.

Let's look at each method in more detail.

How to remove a blockage using chemicals.

Here are some reliable ways to clean clogs with chemicals.

1. Baking soda and vinegar mixture

b>Attention! As a result of the interaction of these elements, a thick, effervescent foam is released. To clear a clogged pipe using the vinegar-soda method, you need to pour about 150 grams of baking soda into the drain hole and immediately pour the same amount of vinegar into the drain as soda.

If the task is to unclog a toilet, you can use about 300 grams of soda and the same amount of vinegar. To prevent the mixture from flowing out of the drain hole and destroying the blockage in the pipe, you need to close the drain with a rubber glove or other improvised means that are suitable for such a task. After about 15 minutes, you need to remove the plug from the drain and open the tap (mixer), and if you clear the clog in the toilet, press the drain button. Let's check if we managed to clear the blockage. If the water drains easily and quickly, then everything worked out. If the water still drains slowly or does not drain, repeat the procedure from the very beginning.

2. Citric acid. Using citric acid, you can try to dissolve deposits on the inner walls of the pipes and clear the blockage in just 15-20 minutes. You can remove a blockage with citric acid like this: you need to dissolve about 40 grams of acid in boiling water and pour it into the iron pipes immediately

Please note that if the pipes are made of plastic, you need to cool the acid solution to approximately 80C. If success was not achieved the first time and the blockage remains, you can repeat it all over again.

3. Purchased chemical for clearing blockages

It is important to remember that the chemicals used to remove clogs are toxic.

Therefore, it is necessary to act carefully and carefully, use protective equipment - rubber gloves and a respirator. Be sure to study the instructions for use and follow them strictly

It would be a good idea to first study reviews about a particular product for cleaning drains and removing blockages.

Be sure to study the instructions for use and follow them strictly. It would be a good idea to first study reviews about a particular product for cleaning drains and removing blockages.

Clearing clogs with hot water

The most common and simplest remedy for blockages is boiling water. It is suitable if the cause of the blockage is salt and fat deposits. You can use boiling water to clean metal pipes. 1-1.5 liters will be enough for cleaning. You just need to pour water into the hole and wait half an hour or an hour. To clean plastic pipes, use water at a temperature of 60-80 degrees. You can try simply opening a hot water tap and directing it to the drain.

To enhance the effect of the thermal cleaning method, try using salt and soda. Half a glass of these substances is poured into the drain hole, and a liter of boiling water or hot water is poured on top. After this, you need to wait a couple of hours and rinse the drain.

A good remedy for blockages is washing powder. To clean the drain, mix 100 grams of laundry detergent and 2.5 liters of hot water in a separate container. After this, the resulting composition is poured in a thin stream into the drain hole.

How to get rid of a clog without a plunger

The main operating principle of a plunger is to push an air plug into the pipe. Crashing into the water, the air bubble creates a hydraulic shock, which, as a result, pushes the blockage to a wider area of ​​the sewer. You can get rid of small ones and bathtubs without any equipment at all, literally with your bare hands. Use your palm like a plunger - cover the drain with your bent palm, and then sharply straighten it, pushing air into the pipe. Do this several times and the clog will go away.

If you need to “break through” the toilet, you can build something like a plunger from a stick and an unnecessary rag. Wind the fabric onto the stick so that the winding fits snugly into the hole in the toilet. Then lower the resulting structure into the drain, and then sharply pull it out. You will get the same water hammer effect as when using the original tool.

How to make a plunger from a plastic bottle

If a stick and an unnecessary rag are not nearby, you can build a kind of plunger with your own hands from a plastic bottle. Take a two-liter container and cut off the bottom completely. Then insert the bottle into the toilet flush hole with the cut bottom down. Wait until the water fills the bottle and screw the cap on the neck. Now sharply squeeze the plastic and pull the container out of the drain. The water that comes out of it forms the same water hammer that pushes the blockage deeper into the sewer.

What to make a plunger for cleaning a sink

If your sink or bathtub drain is clogged, a plastic bottle will not work as a cleaning tool. Its diameter is much larger than the size of the drain hole, which means it will not be possible to create a sufficient vacuum of air with its help. How to make a plunger suitable for such an occasion? We take a milk or juice tetrapack and cut off a corner so that the cut is approximately equal in diameter to the plum. Using the cut corner, we insert the bag into the drain hole and hit it well to squeeze the air collected inside into the pipe. If it doesn’t work the first time, straighten the tetra pack and repeat the operation.

An analogue of a plunger for car enthusiasts

Motorists do not need to think about what and how to make a plunger at home. All they have to do is rummage through the spare parts and find the CV joint boot. This is the name of the cover for the front axle shaft of the car, made of rubber or silicone. Its shape resembles the bowl of a plunger, and due to its softness and relief, it works no worse than a real plumbing fixture. The only modification it will need is to attach a handle. There is even a suitable hole for this in the upper part of the boot. And to clean the sink or bathtub, you can simply plug it with a wine stopper.

Vacuum cleaner instead of a plunger

If you have an old vacuum cleaner with a reverse function collecting dust in your closet, you don’t need to think about how to make a plunger with your own hands. Insert the vacuum cleaner hose into the drain hole of the clogged plumbing fixture, sealing the connection with an unnecessary rag. Then switch the vacuum cleaner to air blowing (reverse) mode and turn on the device at maximum power. In this way you can get rid of even the most serious blockages.

A similar operation can be performed using a shower hose. Twist the shower head and push its hose deeper into the drain. Plug the drain around the hose with a thick rag and turn on the hot water at full power. If the blockage is caused by normal dirt and not by a foreign object getting into the pipe, it will disappear after five minutes.

Removing clogs with vinegar

This method was also used by our grandmothers. It is quite simple and involves the use of ingredients that can be found in any kitchen. To remove the blockage, you must first pour a glass of soda into the drain, and then pour 250 ml of vinegar into it. As a result, a chemical reaction should begin. It is better to close the drain hole with a plug for a while. After half an hour or an hour, the drain can be rinsed with hot water.

If you don't have vinegar at home, you can try replacing it with citric acid. For a glass of soda, it will be enough to take 2-3 spoons.

If the above remedies turned out to be ineffective in removing the blockage in the bathroom, you should try more special household chemicals. It contains aggressive substances that help quickly get rid of blockages of any complexity.

Types of plungers

Today there are two types of plungers:

  • Mechanical;
  • Pneumatic.

What unites both devices is only the name and the principle of action on the plug. Based on this, we will then consider each type of this device separately.


The design of a mechanical plunger is extremely simple and includes only two parts:

  • Rubber bulb;
  • A wooden or plastic handle that is attached to the pear.

The instructions for using this device are extremely simple:

  • First of all, you need to plug the drains and overflow holes of the plumbing fixtures that are located nearby (bathtub, sink, etc.).
  • After this, a small amount of water is poured into the toilet or other plumbing fixture that needs to be cleaned so that the liquid level completely covers the drain hole.
  • Then the device is placed so that the bulb completely covers the drain hole; accordingly, it must be of a large diameter.
  • Then you need to perform a couple of active pumping movements, after which the device can be removed.
  • If the water in the toilet does not go away, repeat the procedure.
  • Once the plug is destroyed and the water goes down the drain, pour a pan of boiling water into the drain hole (if the plumbing fixture is connected using a plastic corrugation, then you need to pour warm water, but not boiling water).

This is, in fact, the whole cleaning process.


A pneumatic plunger is a much more effective device and belongs to the category of experimental equipment. But, regardless of this, an amateur can also use it with his own hands.

Essentially, the design is a pump with a rubber tip that ensures a tight fit of the pump pipe to the surface of the plumbing. The pump capacity in most cases is one to two liters.

It must be stated that pneumatic plungers for toilets and bathtubs can have different designs. The differences mostly lie in the diameter and shape of the tip, and the shape of the handle. For example, some models are equipped with a wide suction cup, which allows you to clean the shower drain, while others are simply equipped with a rubber ring.

Using a pneumatic device is no more difficult than using a mechanical one.

This is done as follows:

  • First of all, you need to fill the container with water. Then you need to lower the pump nozzle into the water and gently lift the handle to draw a certain amount of water.
  • As with a simple plunger, you need to plug the drain and overflow of nearby plumbing fixtures.
  • Then you need to forcefully press the rubber nozzle against the drain hole so that it is completely closed. If necessary, the edges of the nozzle must be straightened.
  • After this, the piston is directed with a sharp movement and forcefully pushed into the plunger container. Along with this, a strong stream of water will appear, which will destroy the blockage and wash it down the drain.
  • If you fail to remove the plug the first time, repeat the procedure a couple more times. In most cases, severe blockages are also washed out after several such procedures.
  • At the end of the work, as in the previous case, the plumbing must be rinsed with boiling water.

This completes the process of cleaning the toilet.

Juice carton

You can also clean the sink using a simple juice box. The corner of the bag is cut off so that the diameter of the hole matches the size of the drain in the sink. The packaging is inserted into the drain with the side with the hole, after which it is struck with a sharp blow by hand. As a result, the air that was in the container flows out into the sink and breaks through the blockage.

Composition of the cleaning product

The active components of the “Mole” cleaner, regardless of the form of release, are alkalis, which are responsible for dissolving fats:

  • Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda or caustic soda), the concentration of which is about 40 - 60%.
  • Potassium hydroxide in a concentration of 5 – 10%.

The percentage of active ingredients determines the effectiveness of the drug against blockages. As a rule, cleaners labeled “Turbo” / “Tornado” / “Strengthened” / “Ultra” (see photo) effectively cope with blockages of almost any degree of complexity.

In addition to alkalis, the list of chemical ingredients invariably includes:

  • Modified ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (5 - 10%), softening water and softening solid organic inclusions.
  • Non-ionized surfactants (surfactants) in concentrations up to 10%, activating a chemical reaction.
  • Distilled water (5 - 25% - in liquid and gel preparations).

Some varieties of “Mole” contain flavorings that ultimately do not affect the cleaning result.

Mechanical cleaning using a cable

What to do in a situation where boiling water combined with a plunger cannot clear blockages in the sewer?
In this case, the surest way would be a cable. Care should be taken, as this device can easily damage plastic pipes and cause them to leak. To make a cable yourself, you will need a metal flexible wire. Then one end of the cable must be bent to form a small hook. It will be convenient for them to catch debris stuck in the drain hole and pull it out. As for the second end, a piece of fabric should be tied to it, making a handle.

You need to carefully insert the cable inside the drain pipe and try to push through the accumulated dirt. For better cleaning, you can rotate the device clockwise. Then you need to pull out the cable with the remaining debris.

To completely remove the clog, you need to flush the drain with a strong stream of boiling water from the shower or tap. This method is one of the most effective today. This is what most plumbers use.

Best ways

A clogged pipe is not a pleasant sight. Water sits in the sink, it gives off a musty smell, and rust forms. Of course, you can always turn to a plumber for help, but I decided to do it myself. I'll tell you what to do and how to clean the sink?

We will need:

  • plunger;
  • Hydraulic pump;
  • Vinegar and soda;
  • Plumbing cable.

Method 1. Plunger

The easiest way to clean a kitchen sink drain is to use a regular plunger. This simple device consists of a wooden handle and a rubber bowl.

By pushing the plunger, you will create pressure differences inside the pipe, which will destroy the blockage. If successful, after you remove the plunger bowl, all the stagnant water will go down the drain.

If you don't have a plunger at hand

, try making it yourself:

  • take a strong stick (for example, from an old mop) and a plastic bottle;
  • cut the neck of the bottle 5-10 cm from the top and attach it to a stick;
  • The device should look like the one in the photo below.

Method 2. Hydraulic pump

You can clear clogged pipes at home using a simple manual hydraulic pump. A powerful jet of water will wash away the cork. If the plug is strong enough, you need to repeat the return movements a couple of times to create a suction effect.


,how to clean a sink

using a hydraulic pump:

  1. Fill the pump with hot water;
  2. Press the pump nozzle firmly against the drain;
  3. Pump water in a back-and-forth motion until the pipe is free of blockage.

Method 3. Soda + vinegar

The best solution for cleaning pipes at home is a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. We will need:

  • cotton buds;
  • kettle;
  • baking soda;
  • 9% vinegar.

The algorithm of actions is presented in the table:

Step 1
Boil a kettle with plenty of water.
Step 2
Wipe the sink dry with a sponge.
Step 3
Pour half a cup of baking soda into the drain.
Step 4
Pour half a glass of vinegar on top.
Step 5
After 5 minutes, pour all the water from the kettle into the drain.

If your sink is clogged and previous cleaning products have not done the job, try more aggressive methods. To do this you will need household chemicals "Mole". Use "Mole" according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Method 4. Cable

Let's consider another remedy for blockages. We will use a plumbing cable. The cable's coil-spring design will even reach plugs in hard-to-reach places.

What do we have to do:

  1. We lower one end of the cable into the drain hole and direct it to the clogged area;
  2. We push the cable inward as much as possible, the blockage will be felt like a seal in the pipe;
  1. Once you find a blockage, try to push it through;
  2. Finally, be sure to remove the cable and rinse it in clean water.

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Using a plumbing cable

Let's look at this in more detail. Another good remedy for blockages is a plumbing cable. This device will be especially effective if the blockage was caused by a foreign object entering the drain. To remove such a blockage, a simple water hammer will not be enough. Therefore, if the use of a plunger and similar devices does not give the desired effect, then a plumbing cable should be used. You can use either a finished product, which can be easily purchased at any hardware store, or a homemade one, made from scrap materials.

To create a cable, take a large plastic bottle. The bottom should be cut off. After this, the product is cut in a spiral so that a long plastic strip is obtained. Do not cut off the neck of the bottle as you will be able to use it as a handle. Hold the neck and release the spiral into the plumbing drain while rotating it. Once you reach the clog, the cable will break it up and push it further down the drain. To enhance the effect obtained, the pipe should be pumped a little more using a pneumatic plunger. Both factory and homemade products are suitable.

What to do if there is no plunger

A fairly common problem is clogged sewer pipes in an apartment, which in turn are very convenient to remove with the help of a plunger. Any plunger works on the principle of creating short-term pressure in the pipe, due to which a breakdown of a weak plug occurs. Of course, it doesn’t always help, and it’s a simple situation when it’s simply not at hand, but a blockage has formed and needs to be eliminated. If you don’t have a plunger, you can use several options; let’s look at each of them in more detail.

  • Use the cable. As a cable, you can use a regular car cable, if the plug is located not far away, or a coil specially designed for this purpose with an appropriate length that will reach even as far as China. But unfortunately, it is also not always possible to find it, especially in your apartment.
  • You can use household chemicals, namely products for dissolving fatty growths, if they were the cause of the formation of a blockage in the pipe. If the cause of the traffic jam is household dirt, then chemicals are unlikely to help you. Also, when using cleaning products, use only formulations specifically designed for these purposes and under no circumstances pour various alkalis and acids into the pipe - this can lead to an explosion as a result of the interaction of alkalis with vegetable and animal fat, or at best you can damage plastic pipes.

What to do if there is nothing suitable for this at hand? Let's look at children's toys or a regular first aid kit. Do you have a medicine bulb or a small rubber ball? If there is, then great, we take them in our hands and cut off the nose of the pear, and in the case of a ball, we make a small hole in it. We apply them to the hole in the drain pipe in the sink and press sharply, that is, we work with it according to the principle of a plunger.

You can try tapping the pipes with a light object. Depending on the material from which the plumbing fixtures in your apartment are made, strike lightly, but sharply and for as long as possible. If the blockage is not severe, then there is a chance to rip it off. Also, do not forget to combine different options to achieve the greatest effect.

If the pipes are made of soft material, such as metal-plastic, then you can try bending them slightly, thereby stirring up the blockage and it may move.

In principle, these are the main methods that will help clear the blockage in the absence of a plunger. In all other options, if the plug cannot be moved, it makes sense to contact a plumber.

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