DIY motorcycle jacks

Types of motorcycle stands

Today, tackles have proven themselves to be very convenient devices for repairing and servicing a bike. Every motorcycle owner who has had to repair their equipment has thought about purchasing such a device. The tackle allows the owner of the iron horse to install it very steadily for repairs. The roller is very convenient when changing a wheel - it allows you to hang the motorcycle and thereby easily remove the wheel.

We can say that a homemade stand is a do-it-yourself motorcycle stand, only without a table. If there are wheels, the lift can easily be moved to a given location for repairs. The small dimensions of the device allow it to be used in places with limited space.

Types of stands:

  • rear - for servicing the rear of the motorcycle;
  • front - for servicing the front of the motorcycle.

The front type lift comes with an adapter that allows you to hang the wheel for repairs. The adapter is selected for a specific bike model. This tool is suitable for repairing the front fork. A do-it-yourself car tray is ideal for storing cars in the winter. It has a simple design and does not require special knowledge to operate it.

The rear type tackle is a little more structurally complex. It features an L-shaped device with a handle. It is equipped with clamps whose task is to securely hold the wheel. The width of the clamps is selected for a specific wheel. Such tackles are mainly used by repair services, as they allow lifting weights of up to 300 kg. With the help of such a tackle, you can hang the motorcycle in such a way that the suspension is maximally unloaded. Thanks to this feature, it is quite easy to replace the chain.

Using a motorcycle stand

Currently, rolling under a motorcycle is a very important attribute in the life of every motorcyclist. Such a solution should be present in every workshop, both at home and in a specialized one, where complex work is carried out. With the help of a tackle, you can carry out comprehensive maintenance and repair of your bike. In addition, such a device can become indispensable when repairing a car. As for two-wheeled vehicles, it is used when it is necessary to lift the rear part to replace disks or tires, or when repairing the cooling radiator. If you intend to repair the motorcycle yourself, be careful when choosing the appropriate model of stand.

Given the presence of movable wheels, such structures can be freely moved around the workshop, placing them in a specific place. As for the invention itself, it is a special type of motorcycle lift, but unlike classic models, there is no work table. Due to its compact dimensions, the roller is suitable for small chambers where a motorcycle is placed for painting or drying. The service life is practically unlimited, and no special maintenance is required.

Motorcycle lifts come in two main types, depending on the part of the vehicle that will be repaired. Based on this, a tackle occurs:

In most cases, representatives of the second category are supplied with a unique stand and a special adapter that allows you to hang the wheel and carry out a number of repair work.

Selecting a Factory Lift

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a stand in a store is the manufacturer of the device. The manufacturer must certify its product and provide all quality guarantees for the device. Factory lifts undergo a series of safety and operational tests. Branded products must comply with GOST standards. Good expensive lifts are made from quality materials using modern technologies. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right model.

The motorcycle lift industry is evolving along with technological progress. New production technologies are emerging, new materials for manufacturing are being developed. Competition among manufacturers leads to the emergence of more functional and easier-to-use devices.

Branded tires are increasingly being used by professional riders around the world. The presence of a large number of additional accessories can significantly expand the capabilities of these devices and simplify their work. A modern lift can be operated by one person and allows you to lift a heavy rear end, securing it securely.

Buying a factory model

Before deciding on a specific model, consider the manufacturer’s popularity and consumer trust in it.
It is important to give preference to those offers that have appropriate quality guarantees and accompanying certificates. It is no secret that all factory products are pre-tested for suitability for further use, which ensures maximum safety, both for the motorcyclist and his two-wheeled “beast”. A good tackle must have a GOST certificate.

As for affordable domestically produced products, in most cases they are quite high quality , but with imported models the situation looks completely different. Cheap lifts do not always cope with their responsibilities and are not suitable for full repairs. The wrong approach to choosing the right model can lead to great danger, creating an emergency situation or scratching the vehicle.

Types of devices

The most popular type is the platform lift. It is quite mobile and versatile - it allows you to service different types of motorcycles. Hydraulic ones are used mainly for servicing heavy touring motorcycles and massive choppers. This type of lift is installed under the motorcycle frame and lifts it using hydraulics. Thus, the motorcycle is left in a suspended state, which allows for comprehensive maintenance and repair of equipment. Tools of this type have many adjustments and settings, which allows them to be used for repairing motorcycles of any type.

Existing types of tackles

As mentioned above, in the relevant stores you can find a wide variety of tackles for a vehicle such as a motorcycle. They are divided into several groups , having different operational properties, operating principles and prices. In order not to make a mistake in choosing the appropriate model, you need to study existing classifications in advance and review the list of popular offers.

Among the most common types of motorcycle tackles, the platform version occupies a leading place. It is characterized by special compactness, which expands its scope of use. Hydraulic inventions are necessary for repair work or maintenance of touring class bikes with large mass and dimensions. Such a solution is rolled under the motorcycle frame or engine compartment, and the use of a hydraulic drive helps raise the vehicle to a specific height.

The presence of such features gives the specialist access to all important components and parts of the motorcycle, which is necessary for successful comprehensive repairs. With the help of a good rolling tool, you can manipulate wheels, repair the chassis, and also carry out full diagnostics. In addition, lifting mechanisms are indispensable for machines of any class. Due to the presence of special adjusting screws, the motorcycle is fixed as securely as possible. In this case, the worker can adjust it according to the height and width of the device, leaving the working area free for further repairs from any side. A properly executed design allows you to get to the right place without much difficulty.

Factory or homemade

When repairing and servicing a bike, it is advisable to use both types of tackles - front and rear types. Factory solutions will meet all safety requirements, will be more functional and will have additional accessories, but all this will be quite expensive. On the other hand, homemade options will be several times cheaper, but the safety and functionality of such products will be much lower.

Advantages of factory devices:

  • factory tackles are used by professionals;
  • they have ideal proportions and geometry;
  • can be operated by one person;
  • can be installed under the pendulum and slider;
  • have many adjustments and settings.

Homemade rolling jack from a bottle

The most popular designs are based on a hydraulic drive, which is a bottle jack. Its carrying capacity must be at least 3-5 tons. Preferably more.

The idea of ​​making a rolling jack belongs to the author of the YouTube channel Mr Novruz.

The jack structure consists of:

  • support frame (bed);
  • racks;

  • lever;
  • hydraulic drive;
  • stop

To make the main structural elements (support frame, vertical post and lifting arm) you will need thick metal.

In this case, the master uses a channel. We mark and cut the pieces to the required size. We weld a vertical stand to the supporting frame (we install the workpieces perpendicular to each other).

We cut four pieces of square rod and weld them to the base - this will be the “seat” for the bottle jack. We weld a handle-bracket made from a square rod to the outside of the rack.

The author welds a mount with a roller to the front of the frame so that the structure can be conveniently moved in the garage and on the street.

Instead of a roller, you can install a pair of wheels. Some craftsmen install two pairs of wheels, but one will be enough. By the way, you can make the wheels yourself.

DIY making

A branded factory tool is a good and convenient tool for motorcycle repair. But the prices for such devices are quite high. It will also be quite difficult to choose a stand for a specific motorcycle model. Many companies offer universal stools. But, as practice shows, a universal tackle does not always have functions for a specific motorcycle.

In this case, you can make a motorized scooter with your own hands using drawings found on the Internet. A homemade lift can be perfectly adjusted to the size of your bike. It is quite simple to make, but it requires a lot of time and great care, since it must have ideal geometry. Otherwise, working with it will be quite problematic.

There are two ways to lift a motorcycle by the rear wheel. In the first case, lifting is carried out using a bushing installed in the wheel axle. In this position it is convenient to work with the chain.

In the second option, threads are made on the bushings and they are attached to the pendulum. In this position it is convenient to change wheels. When making the central frame of the tackle, you will need the help of a welder. All corners must be perfectly measured and welded securely. After all, safety and convenience during work depend on the accuracy of measurements and the quality of welding.

In conclusion, I would like to say that if possible, it is better to purchase a good branded option. If you are limited on money, then it is quite easy to make a motorcycle lift with your own hands. Drawings can be easily found on the Internet. A high-quality tackle will be an indispensable assistant in the repair and maintenance of your favorite bike.

Features of creating a homemade lift

Currently, the motorcycle lift market is filled with many different offers. However, due to the high price, not every motorcyclist can afford such a purchase. In addition, choosing the right option for your “beast” is not as easy as it seems.
And although some brands produce universal versions, their fixing elements do not fit all pendulums. Because of these features, many motorcyclists try to make a tackle with their own hands. A high-quality model is capable of lifting a motorcycle and locking it in a specific position. In this case, any costs will be reduced to a minimum.

If you have at least the basic skills and know how to handle some tools, this will allow you to complete the work ahead in the shortest possible time. In this case, you can create equipment that fits the size of your iron horse .

To successfully do everything yourself, be patient. It is no secret that such an action requires a lot of patience and time, so if you are not ready to sacrifice several hours to assemble all the parts, then simply do not start the work.

Step by step guide

  1. You can use a variety of methods to lift the rear wheel of a motorcycle. One lifts it with a bushing placed in the rear wheel, allowing the chain to be changed or lubricated quickly and efficiently. The following method is suitable for cases where the bushings have threads for fastening to the pendulum. Here it is especially convenient to unscrew the wheel to change tires.
  2. When making the frame, it is necessary to use welding equipment. If you don't have one or don't know how to handle it, ask an experienced welder for help. At this stage, you should weld the bushings and then calculate the angles. Take into account such a parameter as the alignment of the roll. If it is not correct enough, you will have to start the action from scratch.
  3. If you have successfully built a homemade lift by following the established instructions and using only the appropriate materials and tools, it will likely have increased reliability, safety, and performance.

Car jack with homemade hydraulic system

Some home craftsmen come up with completely homemade designs - that is, without the use of hydraulic or mechanical jacks. However, in most cases, such homemade devices do not justify themselves.

One of these devices for lifting a car was made by the author of the YouTube channel K i.

To make the frame of the structure, the author used metal profile pipes. A wheel axle is welded to the bottom of the frame, onto which two wheels are placed. Furniture wheels are attached to the opposite end of the base.

The author made the hydraulic system from plastic sewer pipes, a silicone hose, fittings and a piston. All elements of the system are interconnected. Attached to the frame.

From a piece of round steel pipe, the author made a handle that connects to the piston.

The frame and handle will need to be painted (all welds must first be cleaned), after which you can begin the final assembly of the lifting device.

The assembled structure should not be taken seriously, since it is not able to fully compete with mechanical and hydraulic rolling jacks.

And most importantly, there is no safety when using this device. In general, a rather dubious design.

The step-by-step process of making a jack with a homemade hydraulic system, as well as the principle of its operation, is shown in the author’s video.

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