Here's what you can make from a car oil filter! Very original...

Replacing a car's oil filter is not a reason to throw it away. In this article we will talk about what useful things can be made from waste parts. The crafts presented below will certainly find application in the household and will appeal to your friends and acquaintances for their originality and simplicity.

A used oil filter can become the basis for a wide variety of crafts.

Folding extension

For this invention, it is better to take a larger filter, since the maximum length of future carrying depends on this. In this case, it will be enough to take the lower part of the filter, as well as the frame itself on which the filter part is supported.

Making an extension cord is quite simple.

  1. Drill a hole in the middle of the glass. Remove only the top cover from the frame, removing everything unnecessary. As a result, two parts should form - the bottom with the hole and the frame cover.
  2. The next step is to make a few more holes. Place one in the lid, the other in the glass, placing them as far from the middle as possible.
  3. Now you need to select a sleeve and a bolt that will match in diameter. Assemble the structure, giving it its original appearance. At the same time, tighten it like a bolt so that the cover can move relative to the bottom.
  4. Now find the old socket and attach it to the filter cover.
  5. Find a wire with a small cross-section, thread it first into the hole made in the glass, then into the lid.
  6. Clamp the ends of the wire to the socket, then cover it with the housing.

A carrier that can automatically rewind the cord like a vacuum cleaner is ready

Making a heater from an oil filter

The oil filter has a rolled edge that is ground off.

After this, the bottom is disconnected from the body. The filter is disassembled and cleaned. In particular, you need to burn the filter element to free the mesh from the paper. The design will use a body, a cover, a check valve and a mesh.

Holes are drilled along the upper edge of the filter housing to allow hot air to escape. We need to make more of them.

Holes are drilled in the filter cover for bolting 4 legs, which are used as furniture corners. Instead, bent drywall hangers can be used, but they are flimsy, so the structure will be less reliable during transportation.

You need to cut and bend a lid for the mesh from tin. It will allow for better heat dissipation in the future so that the top of the case heats up less, since open flames will not reach it.

Unusual glass

If you want to surprise the car owner, then present him with a glass of rum or coffee made from an oil filter.

Simply saw off the bottom of the filter and give it a neat look.

Don't forget to wash the filter well and warm it thoroughly to make the surface as clean as possible.

Now strip off the old paint and polish the surface. A stylish and creative glass made from a car filter is ready.

You shouldn’t throw away old things that at first glance seem completely unnecessary. Sometimes you can make quite interesting, original, original crafts from what’s lying around in the garage. It can be anything - the main thing is to show your imagination and make a little effort. Often you can get not only beautiful, but also useful devices that can be an excellent gift with or without an occasion.

For example, hikers will appreciate a portable heater or mini camp stove made from an oil filter. All that is needed to create such useful things is a used part, which many simply throw away after replacement.

YouTube expert George Kosilov

Tent heater

Sometimes it is so necessary to slightly warm up the interior of a fishing tent in winter, or a tent for relaxation in the damp autumn or spring. But doing this for a number of reasons is not always easy, and therefore the topic of heating is present on every fishing forum. In winter and summer there is a discussion of various types of fireboxes and burners. For myself, I chose probably the simplest version of the stove from a car oil filter.

I didn’t bother with used filters and bought a new one for 190 rubles.

Appearance of the filter.

Holes for warm air to escape.

The entire structure is assembled.

Charging the reactor with fuel.

The appearance of the heater turned out to be quite cultural. I will indicate operating time, efficiency and various shortcomings after testing in real conditions.

16 thoughts on “Tent heater”

I won't calm down. It will be +5 or less outside and rain. And what do you want me to do? Okay, as a last resort we will heat ourselves the old fashioned way, but it will be far from comfortable...

Why do you need a heater in a tent? Mainly to keep warm while sleeping. It may be enough to provide warmth inside the sleeping bag - an ELECTRIC HEATING HATTER will do! There are different types of them: electric sheets (size 50-80x150 cm, square heating pads 40-50 cm in size, and “capes” for a car seat. All this is available for 220 and 12 volts. I’ve been using electric sheets at the dacha for many years. Very good !

Not “tents”, but tents. Sit warm in the evening. Things so that they don’t get damp... Or is it old age 8)

Mobiba camping baths (tent + stove) to help you!

Can anyone tell me where to buy a wood stove to heat a tent? Or a design that can be made without major engineering problems?

Andrey, you most likely cannot do without engineering problems - cutting, welding pieces of metal. The result will be at least the same stove as shown in the report on the last exhibition. Although there are some ideas. I just have a couple of pieces of (stove) stainless steel pipe with a diameter of 120 mm. You can build something based on the principle of a samovar.

Yesterday I tested the device in the field. The temperature outside was from 7 to 12 degrees. There are no exact data on temperature changes in the “room”. I found out: the candle burns until it is fully used for 2-2.5 hours; if the heater is placed under a camping chair, the effect is more expressive; If you hold your hand just above the candle at a height of 12-15 cm, then almost no heat is felt, while the stove lid is very hot. In weather like yesterday, the heating of the tent came mainly from the peeping sun. But in winter or at night the benefits of such a stove will be more noticeable.

The need for gentle heating became clear after an overnight stay in Yashkin's backwater from January 18 to 19 of one year, when the worms froze in a sleeping bag and a very recent epic on Kalmynka -dikie-ozera-i-zlye-shhuki/ . A gas stove raises the temperature very effectively, but burns all the oxygen and then your head hurts like after an alcohol extinguisher and you don’t want to sleep with gas at all. I want to see the next sunrise. Dry fuel burns well, but it has a smell and some residues fall out from it. Candles of various designs have been used for heating for a long time. There are also all sorts of wood chip stoves, but they smoke and they need a chimney, and this is a problem that can be solved in a tent. I had a tourist primus “Bumblebee” from the USSR, but because of old age, the gas in that one went the wrong way and it looked very scary. Now it lies in the garage. I will continue to experiment with heating

Drill attachment

Using an oil filter, you can make a cutter that will allow you to drill through various materials, such as wood, plastic, and drywall.

In this case, we also work with the lower part of the filter, forming teeth at the end.

Then we make a hole and fasten the bolt - our nozzle is ready.

An oil filter cutter is perfect for creating holes when installing sockets and laying wiring

Assembly consists of four stages

Oil filters for cars come in long and short versions. It is preferable to choose a large filter so that more dry alcohol can be placed in it. This will increase the heating effect.

All internal parts are removed from the filter. To do this, you will have to disassemble it by grinding off the curved edge on a sharpening machine. Work should be carried out using personal protective equipment and observing safety measures, as sparks and metal will fly in all directions. It is better to wear glasses and a respirator.

When all the parts are disconnected, the filter is washed from oil and a heater body is made from the bottom and lid. There is no need to invent anything here: the bottom already exists. There are two holes in the filter that will serve as air intakes, with their help the fire will be maintained. But you need to drill four more holes for the leg screws.

Before drilling, the hole points should be punched and machine oil should be dripped onto the drill. It is important not to pierce the filter, for which purpose a piece of thick board is placed under the workbench.

Holes are also made in the lid for proper air convection inside the device.

The heater needs a lid to avoid leaving an open fire. It is made from a piece of galvanized sheet. A circle with a margin is cut out with scissors, the edges are bent with pliers, and tightly attached to the filter mesh.

The filter has a second bottom without holes. They need to be drilled, as in the first bottom. Four metal corners, which will serve as legs, are attached to the bottom with M6 screws and nuts.

The homemade heater is turned over and placed on its legs, and a second bottom with dry alcohol is installed on it. You can also use a thick paraffin candle, but the heat will be less. The fuel is set on fire, covered with a mesh with a lid, and another large lid is placed on top. The fire in the heater burns due to the flow of oxygen into the openings of the lid and bottom.

Such a mini-heater will be a useful thing for lovers of night hikes and summer outdoor recreation. Not only will it help you stay warm on cold nights, but it will also repel pesky mosquitoes. You just need to use a homemade device, observing all fire safety rules.

DIY portable tent heater!

I can imagine that the fishermen are all clutching their stomachs with laughter))))))). I use this thing for winter fishing, I bought it for 350 rubles at the market. It heats up and you can fry freshly caught fish.

a large gas cylinder for burners costs 250 rubles. on a small fire like a candle should be enough for a couple of nights, or even more.

Just for cooking three times a day, such a cylinder is enough for 4-5 days.

There are easier ways. For example, here pots are used to increase the heating area. But the issue with carbon monoxide has not been resolved (there is no outlet). A hose (corrugated hose) twisted into a spiral and placed outside would be more effective. You can also talk about the African refrigerator - the same two pots inserted into each other, the space between the walls of which is filled with sand or earth and filled with water, then the temperature in the inner pot will be 10-15 degrees lower than the surrounding one.

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