How to make a wax furnace - making it yourself and features of using a homemade device for burning wax (80 photos)

Making fuses

Making an electric igniter is very simple. 1. The wire is cut into 0.5 meter sections. About 3 mm is exposed on one side of the wire.

2. An SMD resistor is soldered to the bare end of the wire. The wire must be positioned so that when the resistor burns out, the bare ends do not touch. Homemade electric fuse for pyrotechnics

3. Using pliers, you need to remove the sulfur from the match heads. You can “squeeze” the sulfur heads of matches several at a time. Sulfur for electric igniter

4. Water is added to the sulfur and ground until a thick mass is obtained. If the sulfur from matches does not dissolve well, then buy other matches or use a ceramic mortar.

6. Dip the resistor soldered on the SMD wire into the sulfur solution first.

Then into dry powder powder

7. Hang the fuse to dry; to do this, you can bend the other end of the wire.

8. After a couple of hours, the electric fuse for pyrotechnics can be used.

You can make 200 fuses in one day . The ignition speed of such homemade fuses is approximately the same as that of factory ones. The cost of homemade fuses is more than 20 times lower than that of factory ones. Instead of resistors, you can use nichrome wire from a light bulb or soldering iron and wind it around the fetel.

The author of the technology is Alexey Zaitsevsky.

Simple electric igniter

I used an SMD resistor size 1206, rated 10 ohms.
Of course, you can use lower resistance resistors, but this one came to hand. I took two twisted pair conductors, twisted them together, stripped the ends, made something like a microplug out of them and soldered a resistor between them and put it all in a piece of plastic tube from a children's ball, and sealed it with hot glue on the side of the wires.

I poured a small amount of CP into the tube until it was full and sealed it with tape.

It didn’t work with a 1.5V battery, and it didn’t work with two 3V batteries either, although the batteries were so-so. I took my 12V remote control at the output.

It hit so hard I got up from my squat position! It was unexpected. But the plastic tube was not damaged. In general, it is very similar to the work of ordinary factory electric matches.

The result is in the video below.

A piece of nichrome screwed to the wires with PM coating copes with the task just as well. No need to solder. For reliable operation of the igniters, it is better to use 12V batteries. I successfully use an acc from a screwdriver.

And after long-term storage or hard carrying, think about why they do not work: either because the contacts have soured, or because a hair has come off. And the aesthetic moment is also not in last place.

You have a drawdown on the Akum up to 7V, if the Akum is good then the 10 Ohm SMD will burn out even without heating up, for successful operation you need to take the 0805 SMD at 22-36 Ohms

Nichrome is excellently soldered to copper with a special flux. Or dilute phosphoric acid.

You have a drawdown on the Akum up to 7V, if the Akum is good then the 10 Ohm SMD will burn out even without heating up, for successful operation you need to take the 0805 SMD at 22-36 Ohms

These are not volts on the tester, but amperes. Look how the tester is connected.

Do you not believe your eyes, or did you decide that I decided to deceive everyone here?

I do not present all this as a panacea and the end result of everything in the world. I'm sharing my experience here. Which, judging by the comments, didn’t kill anyone.

I come from physics I=U/R 0.72A=U/10 Ohm U=10/0.72=7.2V Did you smoke it?

There must be a coating. And there is no guarantee that it will work.

to whom she already owes. Even military EVs in ancient times were produced backfilled with gunpowder.

Manufacturing of electric igniters.

Industrial electric ignitors cannot be shipped via regular postal service. Therefore, they are difficult to purchase in many regions. Here is one of the many ways to make electric igniters yourself.

To work professionally with pyrotechnics, you must undergo safety training! These courses usually take a couple of days, contact your fire department for information.

To make 200 fuses you need:

1) 100 meters of cheap double wire (installation wire, telephone wire or twisted pair)

2) 200 pieces of resistors. Case SMD 1206, the rating depends on the voltage of the battery used: when powered 5..6V - 5Ohm, 7..9V - 10Ohm, 10..13V - 30Ohm (the rating is selected in such a way that the actual power exceeds the permissible by 20 times). 3) 5 boxes of the simplest matches. 4) Firecracker or small festive rocket. Tools: wire cutters, soldering iron, solder, fire extinguisher.

1) Cut the wire into 0.5 meter pieces. Remove 3mm of insulation from one side of the wire.

8) After a few hours the fuse can be used.

It will take one day to make 200 fuses. The ignition speed of such fuses is approximately the same as that of factory fuses for model rockets. The cost of self-made fuses is 20 times lower than factory ones.

Substitute Ohm's law into the calculations and find out, based on the resistance and current, the effective voltage during the circuit closure.

Manufacturing of electric igniters.

Industrial electric ignitors cannot be shipped via regular postal service. Therefore, they are difficult to purchase in many regions. Here is one of the many ways to make electric igniters yourself.

To work professionally with pyrotechnics, you must undergo safety training! These courses usually take a couple of days, contact your fire department for information.

To make 200 fuses you need:

1) Cut the wire into 0.5 meter pieces. Remove 3mm of insulation from one side of the wire.

8) After a few hours the fuse can be used.

Thank you very much for this information, it is more complete and I think my topic complemented it well.

Tomorrow, especially for you, I will conduct a couple more tests with voltage and current measurements. And again, I will listen with great interest to how it cannot work because you said so, because this cannot be, because it can never happen.

I didn’t write that it wouldn’t work, I just wrote that for different voltages you need a resistor of a certain resistance. You fit into these parameters, judging from the experience of your comrades, for 7-9V you need a resistor of 10 Ohms, but for 12V, as I wrote earlier, you need a resistor of about 30 Ohms.

Simpler simpler! Agree! But I was too lazy to stink.

Easier of course. But I was interested in whether it would work or not and I didn’t want to stink.

Nichrome 0.1 doesn’t break at all. Constantan 0.1 also does not break.

Consider nichrome free, but resistors cost money.

But I don’t trust the state of emergency. And matches too.

My steel balls sat in powder pulp for a couple of weeks. They were seriously rusty.

They say nichrome under the match composition rots in a month.

I use chlorate and thiocyanate.

Consumption is about 0.05 grams per fuse.

The costs are almost zero, and the fuse is as it should be.

They didn’t care about emergencies at the NC, I had them for a year, 100% triggered by the battery from the drill.


How to make an electric igniter in a minute to safely initiate pyrotechnics

This thing is needed for your safety; it is much better to use such a device than a factory wick!

No duplicates found

Can you tell me more about how to find you in order to find out some of the nuances about such devices?

Ask your parents. Maybe they will remember their youth.

Soon the guys will come for him, driven by the paranoia of the authorities.

Amateur. We did this 30 years ago when we were in school. At the same time, everything was soldered perfectly and a flat 4.5V battery was enough.

I also blew myself up, but out of stupidity, in the 8th grade, back in the Soviet Union.

What is the destructive power of flying pieces of wire? Have you not measured it? I think it's enough to become a stylish one-eyed man

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