DIY generator house made of wood

There are cases when a power outage is extremely undesirable, so an alternative source of electricity is needed. This source is a generator running on gasoline. What do we pay attention to when purchasing such a unit? How much fuel does it consume and what is its power. It is important how long the generator can supply the home with electricity while remaining uncritical in terms of costs. If you need a generator for a long time, look at diesel generators; if for a short period of time, look at gasoline generators. The main thing is to understand how long there may be no electricity, what the power of the electrical appliances used is, how much fuel you need to store at home in order to comfortably survive such periods.

Considering that many people buy boilers, electric kitchen stoves and use home appliances on electricity to be on the safe side, the generator will need to service a large number of appliances.

To select a generator, you need to make all these calculations, make a choice, do not forget to take into account the parameters of the device itself and think about the place for its storage and control features if necessary. There is a lot to consider, but something that is often overlooked is the volume of the generator. They buy it to maintain their usual comfort, but as soon as you turn on the generator, you forget about the comfort of home and planned activities. And even the neighbors and all the residents of the street forget about the comfort and tranquility of home.

From all this we can conclude: all the advantages of the generator will come to naught if the issue of noise absorption is not resolved. There are, of course, quieter generators (inverter), but that’s a different topic. Let's consider options for inexpensive noise insulation solutions for a generator.

House for Elitek.

My gasoline generator
needs a permanent location that is protected from the weather.
The place was chosen about thirty meters from the house (it’s still noisy). It was decided to make a permanent structure with a hard floor covering (there is still vibration), a strong material (40mm metal corner), and walls made of wood (noise absorption). It was purchased on the local market:
40mm corner - for the frame 50mm corner - for 4 supports M300 sand concrete 4 board loops 25*150*6000 - for walls
Found in the change room:
Three different Aquatex paints (teak, walnut and rowan) electrodes for welding self-tapping screws brushes
Found on the site:
bricks, mesh, reinforcement and sand behind the site

We welded a frame 1100 by 1000 from a 40mm corner. We tried on where the structure would stand. Removed the fertile layer of soil. I poured sand, laid bricks and mesh and reinforcement. I hammered in 4 50mm corners into the corners and welded the lower frame to them. Then they welded the frame and filled it with mortar.

Every year my wife’s dad comes to visit us on my vacation. A wonderful person. With his help, we made so many things at our summer cottage.

The next day we welded two frames for the top door and the side one. The top door is needed for refueling, servicing the air filter and carburetor, replacing the spark plug and starting the generator manually. The side door is convenient for connecting loads, starting the generator using an electric starter, and for removing the device from the house for more global maintenance or changing its location.

Today my youngest son Ivan helped us - he painted the frame of the house, while my father-in-law and I painted boards for the walls.


Generator house design

An important condition for reliable and easy start-up of a generating set in winter is to maintain the room temperature at least +5°C. Therefore, it is advisable to insulate it and, if possible, maintain operating temperature inside it.

The frame of the house for the power plant can be made from a steel angle. In this case, the racks must be monolithized (embedded) in a concrete slab or attached to anchors, which are laid during concrete pouring.

Profiled metal sheets are welded to the racks from the outside and inside, the space between which (10 cm) is filled with effective thermal insulation material, for example mineral wool (Fig. 7). When using such insulation, the thermal efficiency of the walls will be equal to the thermal efficiency of brickwork as thick as a brick.

The frame of the house's roof is also made from a steel angle, on the shelves of which sheets of metal are laid, and insulation is placed on top. The roof in this case is made of metal tiles.

The door to the house should be at least 60-70 cm wide.

It is recommended to make the area between the door and the generator - the place for its maintenance - at least 100 x 200 cm in size, and the distance between the generator and the walls of the house on the other sides - 50-60 cm.

To finish metal wall surfaces, it is better to use a special paint, such as Hammerite, which protects the metal from rust.

Mini container for generator: step by step with photo

How to make a storage box for an electrical station with your own hands? First, make a list of your requirements and estimate the operating mode of the generator. The type of construction depends on this. An example of a FORUMHOUSE user with the nickname Kostasino will be useful to you.

I made a container for power backup at home. First I bought a 6.5 kW generator, an ATS unit for autostart and made a list of requirements:

The user divided the assembly of the “garage” into stages:

The container lid has a slope. This way the water will roll down in one direction rather than stagnate at the top. To reduce vibration from the engine, a rubber mat was placed on the bottom. I also attached limiter chains to the lid, otherwise when you tilt the lid to a larger angle, you can break the hinges.

House for power plant

The premises for the power plant must be provided with ventilation, protected from extremely high or low temperatures, direct sunlight, dust, smoke, as well as from flood waters and rain. To do this, you should choose a place that is not subject to “water procedures”.

As practice shows, the generator house should have dimensions exceeding the installation dimensions by 65-70 cm in each direction, that is, on average - 1.9 x 2.0 m. This is enough for normal maintenance. The height of the room is 1.8-2.0 m.

Before starting work on the construction of a separate building for a home power plant, it is necessary to select a site (approximately 2.0 x 2.0 m) and remove the top layer of soil to a depth of 10 cm. The resulting pit must be filled with sand, compacted, and then to protect the structure from excessive moisture, lay three layers of roofing material on top of the sand cushion.

The next stage is the construction of the foundation slab. First, formwork in the form of a box should be made from boards. Reinforcement is installed inside the box, after which concrete is laid. The height of the slab is 12-15 cm.

For mini-power plants this is enough, but diesel generators with a power of over 10 kW require a foundation made of reinforced concrete weighing at least 1.5 times the mass of the generator.

Only in this case can the concrete slab serve as a reliable vibration damper that occurs during operation of the installation. In addition, given these vibrations, the generator must be mounted on a concrete slab.

Installing a container for the generator and working on bugs

The user brought the container and generator on a car trailer.

Externally, homemade, no different from the factory model.

Now we’ll tell you how the master solved the problem with insufficient ventilation of the box.

I made the container in winter. I didn't calculate the air exchange. I ran the station at maximum load. There was no overheating, because it's cold outside. But in the summer I tested a box with temperature sensors. Within an hour of operation, the air temperature in the box exceeded 50 degrees Celsius. Is it dangerous. The fuel in the tank may boil. The tank will swell and gases will be released through the filler neck into the box. Having studied the Internet, I found information that this type of engine, as installed on a generator, requires an air exchange of at least 1800 cubic meters. m per hour. To remedy the situation, I ordered 2500 cubic meter WOK fans 3.15. m per hour and put one at the entrance and one at the exit. Now everything works as it should.

The final version of the container for the generator.

The backup power supply system fits perfectly into the suburban area.

How to decorate a generator house outside

Despite the small size of the generator room, it also belongs to the small form of architecture. That is why the right solution for you will be high-quality exterior decoration of the house. This includes the outlines of the house, its external design, and the selection of colors, which should be harmonious in relation to the rest of the objects on the site.

To make the generator house fit as harmoniously into the overall atmosphere of the garden or lawn as possible, plant low-growing shrubs around it. It is desirable that their crown be as dense and dense as possible. A good idea is to decorate the walls of the generator room with climbing plants. In addition to decoration, this move will allow you to shelter the house from bright sun rays and heat, and also, vine plants will create additional shade for the building. In winter, such plants will provide excellent protection from strong winds and drafts.

Answers to questions on how to make a box for a power plant with your own hands

The portal participants liked the homemade product. Kostasino was flooded with questions.

Tell me, does the engine heating work constantly in winter? It is expensive? How much money does it cost for electricity?

Heating cable length 2.5. m. It takes about 40 watts in cold weather. In winter, the heating works constantly to keep the diesel engine in “fighting” condition and make starting easier. The cable is self-regulating. As soon as a positive temperature is established in the box, it reduces electricity consumption and only works to maintain a positive temperature, heating the bottom of the container. It adds up to 300-500 rubles per month, but it’s cheaper than installing a convector.

How much does the container body weigh? Can you make the same one out of steel?

Boxing weighs 81 kg. If you assemble the same one from steel, and not from aluminum composite panels, you won’t be able to lift it at all.

And if the fuel tank is placed outside the container, is this a workable idea?

I've been thinking about such a scheme for a long time. The tank is outside, often placed abroad. But the external tank will not be protected from snow, rain, wind, lightning, or access by strangers. It is best to make a container of two sections - for the generator and an insulated box for the gas tank. I'll be working on a project like this soon.

Why do power plants burn out and break down: safety precautions when operating a generator

Important! A generator in a box is a high-risk system! See what can result from improper use and choice of container design.

Pay special attention to the ventilation of the generator installed in a container! The example above is that the fuel boiled and the station caught fire. Install thermal protection in the ignition gap and provide for an emergency stop of the generator when the permissible temperature increases. The design of the box must be such that in case of force majeure situations - failure of the emergency system, fire and explosion, the lid is thrown back and the energy of the explosion goes “out into the street”. If you make a steel container, and not from composites, with a rigidly fixed lid, then the explosion pressure will increase severalfold. Steel fragments can injure or kill those passing by or the owner who will put out the fire.


We talked about the basic principles of constructing a container for a generator and the features of its operation. If you approach the matter wisely and with straight hands, then, on your own, you can make a box that is in no way inferior to factory models and, most importantly, cheaper. If you still have questions, we recommend that you go to the topic Mini container for a generator and ask them to the author of the box. The topic also presents several more models of homemade containers for gas generators.

Articles that will be useful:


Generator noise insulation

Recently, more and more often you can find houses or cottages equipped with power plants. The main advantage of an autonomous generator is that it is possible to provide electricity to an object located at a distance from a populated area. For privacy with nature, many people move to remote areas where there is no electricity or running water. If water can be provided to a family using a borehole or a well, then gasoline or diesel generators are used as a power plant.

Photo: Casing for the generator. Author: Artemy Ivanov

A power plant, like any other internal combustion engine, produces a sound during operation, which not only interferes with constant operation, but can also lead to negative consequences. Unfortunately, an engine that will not make noise during operation has not yet been invented, so options for soundproofing the generator should be considered.


When installing an autonomous power supply, it can be equipped with an automatic transfer device (ATS), which is triggered when the mains voltage drops and starts the generator engine. And, conversely, when current appears in the centralized network, it will remove the voltage from the autonomous source and then turn off the engine.

This shutdown procedure is maintained even if the autonomous mini-power plant is not equipped with an automatic transfer switch and the shutdown is performed manually.

We should not forget that when switching the generator, short-term voltage drops in the network are possible.

In this case, highly sensitive household appliances - such as a computer or telephone - must be provided with an additional stabilized power supply device that maintains normal voltage for several minutes.

Such a device can be a regular UPS (uninterruptible power supply). And since the voltage in suburban electrical networks, as a rule, is not stable, which affects the quality of operation of electrical appliances, a UPS can also protect against voltage surges in the network.

Power plant noise level

As you know, sounds are transmitted in two ways: through air and vibration. When airborne noise enters the house, a person hears a roar from the engine and exhaust system. As for vibrational sound, it can be transmitted through solid bodies, creating discomfort in the room.

Photo: Sound-absorbing box for the generator. Author: Artemy Ivanov

According to experts, the noise level from a power plant is 100 dB; to make it easier to understand, you should consider which sounds are equal to what.

Loud sounds in the room can not only lower your mood, but also prevent you from resting, and as a result, this problem can lead to diseases of the nervous system. Today, with the help of soundproofing and noise-absorbing materials, you can create ideally comfortable conditions.

Ventilation device

Good ventilation must be ensured in the generator room. To do this, in the simplest case, you can extend a galvanized iron pipe 0 10 cm outside the roof. But houses built for air-cooled electrical installations require forced ventilation. The fans are installed in the air duct or

built into the wall. Their functions are different: some blow on the running engine of the power plant, others remove hot air from the room.

So, for a portable installation with a power of 6 kW, it is advisable to install two fans with a capacity of 1,000 m 3 /h each. They turn on only when the generator starts and turn off automatically when the engine stops.

It is also necessary to make “bottom” ventilation - a leaky connection between the walls and the floor.

This is necessary so that exhaust gases with a high content of carbon dioxide, which are heavier than air and therefore accumulate below, “flow out” through these leaks from the room. The same applies to gasoline vapors, the accumulation of which can lead to an explosion and damage to all equipment.

From the above, it is clear that the structure for the generating set should not be buried in the ground, since this can lead to the accumulation of exhaust gases and gasoline vapors in the room.

In the generator room you can place shelves for storing tools and additional fuel containers. The brackets supporting the shelves are attached directly to the walls of the house.

An important detail is the switch that disconnects the cottage from the main network before turning on the generator. It should be placed in a visible place on the wall and well insulated from metal surfaces and objects. This safety measure will protect those who maintain the power plant from unexpected power resumption.

What affects the noise level of a generator?

Essentially, the sound from the generator occurs due to the friction of parts and exhaust from the exhaust system. It is also worth knowing that the volume of noise depends on the type of engine installed on the generator. Today there are three types of generators that are used by humans:

The power plant that produces the lowest noise level runs on gasoline. Gas equipment is considered the second in terms of noise level. There are also combined units that run on gas and gasoline. Depending on the capabilities, the optimal equipment is selected. If the design has an original casing, then the sound during operation of the device will be relatively low.

Diesel generators are much louder; combustion in the engine occurs due to high pressure, resulting in a loud bang. In addition to airborne noise, electrical installations produce a high level of vibration, and to optimize comfort conditions it is worth using sound insulation.

Global methods of sound insulation

To suppress the noise level of a running generator at an enterprise, it is necessary to use a separate room. The thing is that the generator power produces high noise, which interferes with operation. An existing structure can be used as a room for the generator or a new structure can be erected. The main requirement of the constructed structure is effective sound insulation. Sip panels, mineral wool or basalt slabs can be used as insulating material. Today the market offers a large selection of soundproofing materials, among which you can choose exactly what you need.

Photo: The generator can be placed outside, isolating it in a special box. Author: Artemy Ivanov

If an existing structure is used, then high-quality noise insulation of the generator must be installed in it. Interior wall decoration is made using sound-proofing and sound-absorbing materials. To decorate the walls of a room you can use: fibrous, porous materials and sip panels. A generator installed indoors will create much less sound.

Generator house design

Uninterrupted operation of the generator room will be possible only when you can constantly maintain the temperature inside not lower than +5°C. It is considered optimal for high-quality and uninterrupted operation of the unit. That’s why it’s so important to insulate the building.

For the frame of the generator room, we recommend that you use a steel angle. It can be attached to the anchors that we mentioned earlier and which you should have secured while laying the foundation.

A profiled metal sheet is welded to the internal and external posts with a distance of 10 cm between each. Afterwards, fill the resulting free space with high-quality heat-insulating material. Mineral wool, which is comparable in thermal characteristics to brickwork, is a good choice.

You will also need angle steel for the roof frame. It is necessary to lay metal sheets on its shelves, and put insulation on top of them. The roof itself should be made of metal tiles.

Door and platform to the generator

The width of the door to the generator room should be between 60 and 70 cm wide. Make the area between the doors and the generator itself 1x2 m in size. Between its other sides the distance can be smaller - from 50 to 60 cm.

Spot sound insulation method

As a rule, the generator has several points of contact with the surface. It is through these areas that vibration occurs, which can be transmitted even through hard surfaces: metal, concrete and other surfaces. As an alternative solution, each element that produces vibration can be silenced using soundproofing devices. Currently, some manufacturers offer ready-made soundproofing structures. By placing the device inside the structure, an additional noise insulation barrier is created, as a result of which noise and vibration are significantly reduced. It is important to carefully study the design characteristics so that difficulties do not arise during operation.

Diesel generators in casing

Closed type generators produce less noise. The casing is made of metal and soundproofing materials. The efficiency of the casing is quite high, which can significantly reduce the noise level by several times.

Photo: Sound-absorbing box for the generator. Author: Artemy Ivanov

The outer skin is made of a metal frame and sewn up with solid sheets. Depending on the model, noise-absorbing casing for the generator, you can find products with control panels specifically for one or another device. A generator in a housing has a more aesthetic appearance, but the main advantage of the design is protection from vibration and airborne sounds.

Advantages of standard housings

The autonomous power plant installed in the building has a relatively low noise level, which allows the equipment to be used not only outside, but also inside the facility. The metal casing also gives the equipment a more cost-effective appearance. In addition, a protective noise-absorbing casing for the gas generator helps protect the operating mechanism from damage and clogging. Currently, the market offers a large selection of enclosures that can effectively reduce noise levels.

In the manufacture of standard enclosures, the characteristics and features of the equipment are used, which makes it possible to most effectively reduce the sound level from the generator. Depending on the model of the unit, the optimal protective layer of sound insulation is selected. To ensure that the casing remains effective and reliable for a long time, the surface of the casing is painted with a special anti-corrosion paint. The appropriate casing is selected based on the type, model and dimensions of the generator design.

It is worth noting that standard products are initially designed for a certain level of noise, which they effectively absorb. Also, the unit fits perfectly into the frame and is fixed. When purchasing a standard casing, you don’t have to worry about its effectiveness, because all the device’s parameters of interest are indicated in the instructions, as well as the characteristics. Such products must have a quality certificate, which will help you buy an original product from the manufacturer.

Do-it-yourself noise-insulating casing for a generator

Purchasing a standard casing for a generator is not an easy and expensive task. Do-it-yourself noise insulation of a gasoline generator will help you make a design with the appropriate parameters and save on purchases. Using soundproofing materials, you can make a casing yourself, spending a little time and saving your own money. There are two options for making a casing that you can make yourself. The first option involves the use of expensive materials such as cork panels. As for the second manufacturing method, it differs in composition and materials used in the design.

Option one (quality)

The process of making a casing with your own hands is simple and includes several stages:

When all structural elements are fixed and dried, a generator can be placed in the product. Thanks to this casing design, the noise level of the generator is significantly reduced, which in turn contributes to the comfort of people living nearby.

Option two (cheap)

As for the second casing design option, the main distinguishing feature is the material used. If in the first case you need to use a cork board, then here sheets of plasterboard are used. The sequence of work processes is the same, but the overall price of the design is much cheaper.

Photo: Do-it-yourself noise-absorbing box for a generator (cheaper option). Author: Artemy Ivanov

Important! To make a noise-absorbing generator casing with your own hands, you should measure all dimensions and parameters with maximum accuracy. Only a responsible approach to the manufacture of the casing will help make it neat and effective in protecting against unpleasant sounds.

Some pro tips

When a decision is made to purchase an autonomous power plant, it is necessary to initially determine its parameters. Depending on the choice of fuel, the noise level may vary (petrol is quieter than diesel). A soundproof enclosure for a generator can effectively protect against extraneous loud sounds from the unit. Also, when selecting the appropriate equipment, you should also take care of choosing a casing. If the protection parameters you are interested in are not found, you can make them yourself. The expected noise level also depends on how correctly and efficiently the casing is made.


How to make noise insulation for a generator with your own hands?

There are cases when a power outage is extremely undesirable, so an alternative source of electricity is needed. This source is a generator running on gasoline. What do we pay attention to when purchasing such a unit? How much fuel does it consume and what is its power. It is important how long the generator can supply the home with electricity while remaining uncritical in terms of costs. If you need a generator for a long time, look at diesel generators; if for a short period of time, look at gasoline generators. The main thing is to understand how long there may be no electricity, what the power of the electrical appliances used is, how much fuel you need to store at home in order to comfortably survive such periods.

Considering that many people buy boilers, electric kitchen stoves and use home appliances on electricity to be on the safe side, the generator will need to service a large number of appliances.

To select a generator, you need to make all these calculations, make a choice, do not forget to take into account the parameters of the device itself and think about the place for its storage and control features if necessary. There is a lot to consider, but something that is often overlooked is the volume of the generator. They buy it to maintain their usual comfort, but as soon as you turn on the generator, you forget about the comfort of home and planned activities. And even the neighbors and all the residents of the street forget about the comfort and tranquility of home.

From all this we can conclude: all the advantages of the generator will come to naught if the issue of noise absorption is not resolved. There are, of course, quieter generators (inverter), but that’s a different topic. Let's consider options for inexpensive noise insulation solutions for a generator.

Container for generator

Attempts to take the generator to another room, to a barn, have no effect. To muffle the noise, a special container or noise-proof casing is needed. You can make it yourself. By hiding the generator in such a box, it can even be placed on a balcony if the sound insulation is sufficient.

What should be in such a box? It is a “chest” lined with noise-absorbing materials, which provides ventilation and an exhaust pipe.

In such a casing, the generator will be able to operate in cold weather, which is an additional advantage. The box for the generator can also be created for insulation, which would allow the generator to be installed at a great distance from the house outdoors.

A homemade “house” for a generator may not look as elegant as a purchased one, it all depends on the creativity of the master, and yet the very fact that this can be done independently at minimal cost gives us the opportunity to choose whether to do it ourselves or buy a ready-made one.

How I made a generator container: step-by-step instructions

When it’s winter outside and the lights are turned off, the power plant comes into play. Leaving it “naked” on the street or dragging it from the shed is not an option. What should I do? Assemble the container, equip it with ventilation and an engine heating system to ensure a guaranteed winter start, and place a generator in it. We'll tell you how to make a box that is indistinguishable from the factory version.

  • Advantages of a generator storage container
  • How to make an outdoor storage box for a power plant
  • What materials will be needed?
  • How to heat a generator in winter
  • How to arrange ventilation for a generator in a container
  • How to install a generator outdoors
  • Safety rules for operating a generator in a container
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