Do-it-yourself Gauss cannon: TOP-130 photos of the best ways to create it yourself. Design features + master class for beginners

how to make a gun out of paper

Do you enjoy doing crafts with your kids? Teach your boys how to make a paper gun with their own hands , this is a great alternative to plastic toy guns. And anyway, someone needs to stop the constant clutter of plastic toys filling children's drawers.

Kids will love this idea because making a paper gun is super easy and quick, and who doesn't like quick results? And if it’s also a paper gun that shoots , then the enthusiasm will increase significantly. The article presents several models of paper pistols and even a paper gun , which are ideal for children's crafts. Make a home shooting range and announce a competition for the best shooter. Just explain to your children that you can’t even shoot cats and dogs with paper bullets.

About the “king of mathematics”

Recognized as one of the most brilliant mathematicians of all time, the German Carl Gauss lived in the 17th-18th centuries. Already at the age of three he was reading, writing and finding mathematical errors in his father’s calculations.

According to reliable data, it was Gauss who discovered the formula for arithmetic progression when a school teacher, wanting to keep his students busy for a long time, gave them the task of calculating the sum of numbers from one to one hundred.

Young Karl gave his answer within a few minutes. Until he was very old, and he lived for almost 80 years, Gauss carried out most of his mathematical calculations in his head.

Portable weapon - named after him, because. It was Gauss who laid the foundations of electromagnetism, and the method of mass acceleration powers the cannon named after him.

Improving a simple cannon or how to make a cannon from TNT in Minecraft?

A gun in Minecraft is needed by those players who prefer to use the multiplayer version of the game. If a player plays alone, dynamite or TNT, as Minecraft experts call it, is completely useless. But to storm enemy castles, unknown buildings, or simply for self-defense, you will need a reliable weapon.

It is not difficult to create a simple cannon - this stage has already been passed. At the initial stage it is enough. But over time, any player wants more. Therefore, there is a need to improve the gun. Let's look at how to create a more powerful TNT cannon in Minecraft.

  1. The basic structure does not change - the same blocks, water, dynamite.
  2. We connect all the main structural elements in a circle using red dust.
  3. Add pistons and sand to the installation. It is the pistons that will push a new charge after a salvo and thus ensure an uninterrupted supply of ammunition to the weapon.

In general, you can create guns in Minecraft without mods in other forms. Here is a standard option that has been successfully tested in action by players. If you want to experiment with weapon forms, you will have to spend time experimenting with repeaters. Their work affects the projectile's flight range. Therefore, when choosing different forms of construction, the number of repeaters and their location may vary.

Guns with TNT are considered a simple weapon, accessible to any player, but quite dangerous. After all, blocks of dynamite are stored in the world, and if for some reason an enemy shell hits them, they will quickly explode. Such an explosion will cause damage to the player himself. It turns out that after building a cannon, you need to make sure that the enemy does not throw shells at you and destroy the created world.

The simplest design

Even though we are talking about the most basic device, it will not be possible to get by only with the materials that are available in the house. Should be purchased:

  • capacitors up to four hundred W, with a total capacity of up to two hundredths of a farad;
  • insulated copper wire with a diameter of slightly less than one millimeter;
  • toggle switch with button;
  • battery compartments;
  • five pieces of disposable cameras;
  • relay;
  • cocktail straws;
  • a toy gun or any other children's weapon.

You will also need glue, scissors, a piece of cardboard or plastic.

Having the necessary set of parts in hand, you can safely begin manufacturing an electromagnetic gun.

How to make a rubber gun with your own hands

Rubber shooter pistol
A simple wooden automatic three-shot pistol. The pistol fits comfortably in the hand. It is cut out of plywood with a hand jigsaw; you only need to cut out 4 parts. The gun fires rubber bands. With such a pistol it is easy to organize a small airsoft game in an apartment or on the street. See drawings of the gun stencil here (link at the end of the blog). Load your homemade pistol carefully according to the instructions. For safety reasons, wear safety glasses.

Main part of the product

The inductor is the main element of the weapon. It is recommended to start assembling the product with the manufacture of this element:

  • a pair of volumetric washers are cut out of plastic or cardboard;
  • we string the washers onto a straw three centimeters long and arrange the workpiece as a bobbin;
  • carefully, end-to-end, turn by turn, we wind the wire;
  • Having completed the first row, grease it with glue and continue winding until we get a dozen rows;
  • The washers are removed from the reel, a straw is attached, intended to serve as a gun muzzle;
  • one end of the straw is tightly closed.

Checking the readiness of a manufactured weapon is very simple - you should connect the product to a standard battery (nine volts) and if the gun can hold a small metal object in weight, then everything has been done correctly.


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How to make a pneumatic machine gun with your own hands

Rowan Launcher
If you have an air compressor with a receiver on your farm, then you have every opportunity to make a game console for the compressor. The weapon was adapted to the available ammunition - rowan and pea, and accordingly the machine guns were called rowan launcher and pea launcher. The design of a homemade machine gun is simple. It is based on manual blowing, which makes it easy to control the weapon. See manufacturing details here and in the video.

Testing the finished toy gun

Following the recommendations of the instructions on how to make a Gauss gun, the readiness check is carried out as follows. If a part of a paper clip is actively drawn into the straw, and after an impulsive connection to a power source, the “projectile” is thrown out of the barrel at a distance of up to thirty centimeters, therefore, the weapon is ready for combat operations.

Making a cannon

It’s very easy to make the most ordinary gun without mods.

You will need to follow simple steps:

  1. We use cobblestones, hard or obsidian blocks to create the base. We lay them out in a shape resembling the letter “P”. There must be an empty space in the center.
  2. Cover the void with several small blocks - this way we have a reservoir.
  3. Use four repeater units that are installed with blocks and connected by red dust. This method creates chains for launching a cannon.
  4. The reservoir is filled with water, it will protect the newly created cannon at the moment of explosion. In the absence of water, the explosion will tear not only the enemy, but also the cannon itself into small pieces.
  5. A torch is installed opposite the repeaters. Another torch will take place on an additional block, which is placed on the side where the water flows.
  6. Dynamite must be used to charge the cannon. Dynamite blocks are placed on the side of the building, and one block is simply lowered onto the water.

The gun is completely ready for use. All that remains is to press the button, which will activate the combat device. After pressing it, the dynamite in the water tank is ignited, and the second dynamite is ignited from it. This causes a shock wave, which pushes the charging dynamite towards the target. Thanks to water, the structure maintains its integrity.

Although the gun is simple, its blast wave is quite strong. This is a powerful weapon that has repeatedly proven its excellent performance. You can create more complex combat weapons, but for many players such a gun is quite enough.

Multi-stage gun

Having coped with the assembly of the simplest version of the weapon, you can move on to a more complex version. After all, a real Gauss gun must be multi-stage.

To generate a significant electrical impulse, it is necessary to create a whole battery of capacitors. This type of device is characterized by high capacity and the ability to transmit energy in a short period of time, allowing the “projectile” of the weapon to reach the central part of the coil.

Any capacitor requires recharging. Chargers of this type are available in cameras. When making a Gauss gun, elements of disposable photographic instruments are suitable, because in them both the capacitor and the charger are a single unit. Removing them from the camera is very simple.

Types of heat guns

Before we get down to business, we must first decide what exactly we will collect and how it should work. First you need to choose a suitable design that can be done without any special costs or operational problems.

At the moment, 3 types of heat guns are produced and sold that can function on:

  • liquefied and natural gas;
  • diesel fuel;
  • electricity.

A conventional heat gun consists of a standard set of parts: housing, heating element, fan and control unit. Units operating on different energy sources differ only in the type of heating element. Let's look at them in order and determine which one is best suited for making at home.

Stages of work

When removing necessary parts from the camera, you should exercise extreme caution - do not touch parts of the electrical circuit.

Important! Close the capacitor terminals with a screwdriver, and only then can you begin work on removing the necessary parts.


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Remove the battery brackets from the charger.

The capacitor should be unsoldered.

Then solder a jumper to the contacts of the charger button.

It is necessary to prepare five similar elements.

Some important tips for assembly and operation

The rules for the safe operation of a homemade gun are practically no different from the operation of other electrical appliances: you must avoid tipping the device and getting moisture inside it, do not touch the heated body and do not leave the unit working unattended.

One of the important features is that before turning it off, you must first stop the operation of the heating element, let the fan run idle for a few minutes, and only then pull the plug from the power supply.

Homemade heat guns without thermostats are not intended for long-term operation - they can cause a short circuit in the network or ignite from a hot spiral, in addition, electrical appliances dry out the air very much, so it is recommended to ventilate the room more often

Tips for assembling homemade products:

  1. The body for any type of electric gun is best made of metal with a wall thickness of at least 1 mm or asbestos cement. Although you can buy a thermoplastic container of suitable size, it can emit unpleasant odors when heated, and will require strict control over the temperature of the coil.
  2. The annoying noise from the operation of the impeller can be reduced if relatively quiet car fans are used for the design.
  3. To prevent the hot surface of the housing from causing a fire, it can be installed on a frame made of reinforcement, an asbestos-cement stand, or a heat-absorbing coating can be applied.
  4. The power supply to the fan and heating element is always carried out separately.
  5. Monitor the quality of the insulation of all wires protruding beyond the gun body.

Grounding the metal body of the device will help prevent accidental electric shock.

And the last piece of advice - if your knowledge of electrics is at the level of an amateur beginner, then before connecting your homemade device to the network, consult with a specialist who will evaluate the performance and safety of your creation with a professional eye.

The following article will introduce you to the criteria for choosing a factory-made electric fan heater. If you doubt your own abilities or you don’t have time to assemble a homemade product, read the material we recommend.

Optimal capacity

Selecting the ideal container for a weapon is a very important point. It is best to opt for the option of four capacitors with a power of four hundred watts, connected in parallel. After firing, you need to wait about a minute until the diode signals show that the voltage has reached the required minimum.


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You can speed up the charging process by connecting not one, but three chargers at the same time, but please note that “C” type batteries are too powerful for the circuit removed from the camera and can quickly damage it.

The presence of five batteries means the use of only one, and the rest are a kind of spare elements for the weapon.

Important! You should pay attention to the location of the charge-conducting tracks - each wire must be attached in several convenient places for use.

Electric gun manufacturing options

The most difficult stage when assembling a device is to draw up the correct electrical circuit diagram for connecting the device to the network. Therefore, we suggest using a ready-made example, taking it as the basis for a future heat gun. As can be seen in the diagram, the toggle switch and thermostats must be connected in series, and the circuit must be closed on the heating element and the electric motor with the fan.

The thermostat is responsible for the heating level of the heating element and automatically disconnecting the circuit when the desired temperature in the room is reached, and if you exclude it from the circuit, you will have to independently monitor the equipment to avoid overheating

Let's look at the manufacturing features of two simple options.

A simple fan heater with a ready-made heating element

For the body of the future gun, you can select a piece of metal or asbestos-cement pipe of a suitable diameter. It is best to adjust the size according to the span of the fan “wings”, because it should overlap one of the ends of the device.

If desired, the heat generator can be made from a small metal tank, a galvanized bucket, an old saucepan or a waste gas cylinder, the main thing is that the walls of the “casing” are not thin.

The power of the fan for a heat gun is not decisive, because the speed of heating the air depends solely on the heating element, and the impeller only disperses the warm flow throughout the room, so you can safely take a fragment from a household hood or vacuum cleaner

As for the heating element, you can remove this element from a used tile or boiler, or purchase it in a store - now it’s not a problem to find a heater of any shape. If you buy ready-made, the best option would be a finned part, specifically designed to quickly warm up the moving air flow.

The power of the heating element should be stamped on its body or stated in the accompanying documentation, but if it is an old device, you can measure its resistance with a multimeter and determine the power using the above formula

In addition to the three main elements (housing, motor and heating element), for work you will need a three-core cable, bolts, circuit breakers and residual current devices (RCDs) that disconnect the network in a dangerous situation.

Step-by-step work plan:

  1. Determining the required power for a future electric gun . As a starting point, you can take the common formula, according to which 1 kW is required per 10 m2 (with a ceiling height of 2.5-3 m). And if the room is not insulated, is located in the basement or has a large glass area, feel free to add another 20-30% to the data obtained. But if the required power exceeds 2.5-3 kW, think about whether your wiring can withstand such a load.
  2. Manufacturing of the body . If it is a metal sheet, it needs to be bent and fixed in shape by welding, hoops or rivets. For a bucket, cylinder or pan, saw off the bottom and lid. In short, the result should be a cylindrical or rectangular frame with two open holes at the ends.
  3. Checking the resistance of the heating element and comparing it with the calculated one . If necessary, you can add 1-2 more elements by connecting them in series, or increase the power by shortening the element.
  4. Mounting the electric motor with a fan (standard fasteners can be used). The impeller should close the gap as tightly as possible, but at the same time rotate freely. The wires are connected to the network through a 6A fuse and are equipped with a switch.
  5. Fastening the heating element inside the pipe (approximately in the center) using rivets or plates made of refractory materials. The distance should be far enough away from the fan so as not to overheat the electric motor. The wires are led out of the housing and are also connected to the network, but through a 25A fuse.

After checking the insulation of all connections, you can test run the device. If everything is assembled correctly, when you plug the plug into the socket, a fan will begin to rotate at one end of the gun, and warm air will come out of the other, gradually increasing in temperature.

Device with nichrome heater

If you don’t have an old household appliance in your home craftsman’s arsenal from which you can remove the heating element, but for some reason you don’t want to buy a ready-made heater, you can make it yourself from a nichrome spiral.

In addition to low cost, such an element has an important advantage over factory-made copies - the ability to independently adjust the desired size to the body format and increase the heating rate to a safe maximum.

Devices with an open spiral are considered a fire hazard by default, so making a heating element yourself requires good electrical skills

For homemade products, you will need to buy nichrome wire with a suitable diameter and resistance parameter. And this depends on the planned power of your device (for household devices and a 220 V network, it is advisable not to exceed 5 kW).

For example, for a gun up to 2 kW you will need wire with a resistance of 27-30 ohm, which must be wound on a ceramic rod or other heat-resistant material (in extreme cases, you can break off a plate of refractory brick).

The size of the spiral can be determined experimentally by selecting the number of turns according to the degree of heating of the wire, but it is much easier to use the table, where D is the diameter of the rod on which the wire of length L will be wound

Another option is to make a homemade heating element from a small piece of asbestos-cement pipe, placing a coiled spiral of the same nichrome wire inside. The coils can be arranged horizontally and vertically to cover a larger area.

Homemade heating element for 1.6 kW from six spiral fragments that almost completely block the lumen of the pipe, which ensures rapid heating of the air flow

The assembly of the structure is carried out by analogy with the instructions described above, so we will not repeat the same points, but will only consider the nuances of connecting a homemade heating element:

  • To keep the spiral in the correct shape, make special notches on the rod for each turn. The wire must be wound tightly enough, but always in one layer.
  • The ends of the wire must be connected to electrical wires using bolted connections and insulated.
  • The wires brought out through the holes drilled in the housing must be connected to the network through a 25A fuse.

A significant drawback of such a homemade product, in addition to energy consumption and other disadvantages of electric guns, is the unpleasant burnt smell that arises from the combustion of dust on an open coil.

Many people recommend installing a grate at the ends - such a barrier, of course, will not cope with small debris, but will protect against accidental contact with the heating element or operating impeller.

Safety precautions

Due to the fact that the total power of the weapon’s batteries is four hundred volts, it is better to entrust control of the trigger mechanism not to your own finger, but to a special relay.

The relay is controlled by the release button by connecting to a nine-volt battery. Carefully study the diagram for creating a cannon to avoid possible mistakes.

Important! When assembling a high-voltage product, it is necessary to use a wire with a cross-section of at least one millimeter. The charging and controlled circuits can be connected to the coil using any wires.

When checking the operation of your product, before touching the capacitors, you should discharge them using a short circuit.

Gas heat guns

All heaters of this design, including a gas heat gun, have a cylindrical metal body. The reason is that the round cross-section is considered optimal from the point of view of aerodynamics, and the metal has good thermal conductivity. This allows you to additionally transfer the heat generated inside the housing to the room air. According to the method of removing flue gases, guns are divided into direct and indirect heating.

In direct heating units, a round-shaped gas burner is placed inside the cylinder, whose flame is blown from all sides by a fan. Receiving heat and mixing with combustion products, the air leaves the housing on the other side. Thus, flue gases also enter the room, which is unacceptable for most homeowners.

For reference. Such heaters are used for local heating of workplaces in large workshops, construction sites and in other similar circumstances when combustion products cannot harm human health.

The indirect heating gas gun is equipped with a flue gas separation system. The transfer of heat from them to the blown air occurs in a special heat exchanger, where the media do not contact each other. As a result, the heated air leaves the fan heater in the traditional way - through the second opening in the housing. Combustion products are discharged through a side pipe, which should be connected to the chimney pipe.

The burner is powered by liquefied gas from a cylinder, since it is not allowed to connect the unit to the centralized gas supply without permits. The fuel supply to the burner is controlled by a gas valve, which also ensures the safety of the unit. In general, the unit is light in weight and size, and therefore is equipped with a handle for carrying by hand.

Carrying out shooting

Despite its toy purpose, the shot can cause significant damage. The process itself goes as follows:

  • use the toggle switch to turn on the power of the product;
  • we wait for the moment when the LEDs begin to glow, signaling that the required charge power has been reached;
  • insert a “projectile” into the barrel of a gun;
  • turn off the power;
  • aim and fire.

With a shot using a nail as a “projectile,” you can pierce a can of beer or hit a wall from a distance of fifty meters.

Making a decorative cannon

Everyone would like to have something special at their dacha, at home. Something that passers-by, neighbors, and friends would admire. In this article I will describe the process of making a decorative cannon. If I did it, you can do it too. It is enough to have at least some welding skills, be able to handle an angle grinder (grinder), as well as simple carpentry tools. The first thing you need to do is the barrel of the gun itself.

To do this you will need a pipe of different diameters. The diameter depends on the size of your gun. I made the total length one and a half meters. The barrel consists of three parts. The base is cut with a grinder (I cut it by welding), and bent to form a cone. The middle part is straight, and at the end of the long part a rim is made from a pipe. I made it from twisted wire, but a regular one will do.

Next, we cut out a circle with the smallest diameter, and in it there is a hole for the inner pipe. The diameter ratio is one to two. You can decorate the barrel with a rolled strip, but a regular one will do. Weld tubes on the sides for fastening to the frame. This is the main thing. If you have a well-developed imagination, you can come up with many more small details. Next we make the frame. I took a metal profile. But this is not necessary; a corner will do. Dimensions depend on the gun muzzle. Don't forget about the mount for it and for the wheels. The frame is upholstered exclusively in wood. If you do it from a profile like I did, you will need a strip for cladding. It's easier to take a corner. My wheels are made of iron.

And wooden ones made of oak also look great. Upon completion of welding and plumbing work, we will retrain as an artist. I painted with so-called cast iron. And the patterns are copper and gold. It turned out well. In general, look at the photos, get inspired and create unusual things yourself from simple objects.

Another weapon option

To make this version of the gun you will need the following parts:

  • eight large capacitors, with a power of up to 50 volts each;
  • switch;
  • coil with two dozen turns;
  • thick copper wire.

During the process you will need glue and a soldering iron.

How to make a potato cannon or Apple Gun

How to make a potato cannon or Apple Gun with your own hands. It so happened that in the year of construction, apples were more affordable than potatoes. Building a gas gun is an interesting project, but first a warning. You build a gas gun at your own peril and risk and take ALL responsibility for the construction, use, consequences of using this device, as well as for any damage caused. The authors used the device only to scare away crows and birds that destroy crops in their summer cottage. Since prices for the essential product potato went through the roof this summer in the country, apples that fell from trees were used to test the gun, which did not change the properties of the device in any way, although it gave it the name Apple Gun. When building the Apple Gun structure, the experience of building potato guns accumulated on the Internet was summarized. The simplest and most budgetary scheme (less than 1000 rubles) for building a gas gun with your own hands was chosen. During the testing process, weaknesses were identified and some improvements were made. Purchasing the cannon parts will take longer than building it.


How to make an Apple Gun with your own hands

Parts and tools. We buy the following parts in the plumbing department of a hardware store:

Check that all rubber seals must be in place; they are included in the kit. There should be no mechanical damage or traces of impacts on the parts. Handle parts with care after purchase.

You also need to prepare sealant, self-tapping screws for gypsum board with a wide head at least 30 mm long, reinforced tape, a kitchen piezo lighter, two pieces of well-insulated copper wire, and electrical tape.

The tool you will need is a screwdriver, or better yet, a screwdriver. Drill with a drill bit with a diameter of 1.5 mm. Hot glue gun. Wire cutters.

Apple Gun Assembly Procedure

The assembly procedure is slightly different from that shown in the photo and video, but experience comes in the process of work. But first, it’s better to practice assembling parts without sealant to evaluate your strength and gain assembly skills.

3. Lubricate the inspection flange with sealant and insert the plug.

4. In the same way, insert the 50 mm barrel pipe into the adapter until it stops. Immediately remove the rubber ring of the seal from the expanding part of the pipe.

5. Leave the structure alone until the sealant sets.

6. Be sure to connect parts with self-tapping screws! To connect with self-tapping screws, we drill holes at the fastening points with a thin drill and screw the self-tapping screws into these holes. You must tighten it carefully so as not to turn the self-tapping screw in the plastic during final tightening. The installation locations of the screws are shown in the photo. The barrel is screwed on with two self-tapping screws, the connector with the adapter and revision is connected with 6 self-tapping screws. Pay special attention to the plug. Due to the short walls, it has to be secured through a rubber seal. When fastening with four self-tapping screws, the fastening was noticed to be undermined. The plug is secured with eight self-tapping screws. I recommend wrapping the extended part of the Apple Gun and the barrel mount with reinforced tape; the cap must be screwed with tape!

The procedure for modifying a piezo lighter

1. Disassemble the lighter.

2. Remove the piezoelectric unit and carefully handle the extension wire coming out of the piezoelectric unit.

3. We prepare two extension wires; it’s good if at least one wire is high-voltage (cut off from the line transformer of a broken TV).

4. We connect the extension conductors to the piezoelectric element and insulate it. There should absolutely be no twists between each other or loops on the conductors. These are additional inductances and capacitances that will weaken the spark.

5. Assemble the piezo lighter, clean it along the length

Installing an ignition system on an Apple Gun

Apple Gun Tests

The most important stage of checking a mini gun. The following bottle of air freshener was found on the shelf as fuel. The design is budget-friendly and the use of another type of fuel was not envisaged.

Basic Rules

Work only outdoors, away from people, buildings and flammable objects. Work only in protective equipment, especially for eyes. Do not point the device towards people, animals or structures. Do not look into the barrel when the inspection cover is screwed on. An apple released from the device may cause damage (break glass) or injury. If there is a misfire, immediately unscrew the cap. Always remember that the device is made of plastic and can be destroyed; the orientation of the cover and plug is especially dangerous. After each shot, inspect the device for damage or movement of parts. If there is even a suspicion of damage, stop testing.

2. Place the gun on the flyer or support with the direction up. Sprinkle a small amount of air freshener into the chamber and, without tightening the lid, give a spark; a flame should burst out of the neck.

3. Let's blow out the gun or wait for the gases to be removed. We warn the immediate surroundings about the loud sound. Add gas and screw the lid tightly until it stops! We check the safe direction of the shot. Spark. Happened? If yes, check the design. If not. Open the lid and give a spark without looking inside. If it lights up, it means that more gas was added than necessary or the gun was not purged. If it doesn't catch fire, blow out the cannon. Let's give a spark. We check for the presence of a spark and maintaining the spark gap of 5 mm. Attention! The gray screw caps are already flying off well on dry shots. During testing, the gray cover flew 15 meters away, was found 3 days later, the rubber seal has not yet been found. A blank shot at night is effective.

4. To prepare the apple, you need a piece of 50 mm pipe. Use it to cut out an apple. We load the apple from the trunk. Unscrew the lid. We place the barrel vertically. The apple SHOULD fall to the bottom without difficulty or with a slight push and rest against the screws. If you find it difficult to push the apple in, then build a dugout and remote activation. THIS is not a bronze cannon from the 18th century, but thin plastic!

5. Charging the apple. Let's blow out the gun again. Give the gas and screw the lid all the way. We determine the safe direction of the shot and the direction of possible destruction of parts. We look in the direction of the shot. Fire. Problems? Write in the comments.

About 30 shots of varying quality were fired. When firing a blank shot, the sound is very similar to a shot from a hunting rifle and birds, especially crows, are afraid of it. With a successful shot at an angle, the apple flies in a parabola up to 300 meters.

Dispersing birds is now no problem. We take a homemade gas gun. Zilch. Lid. Spark. Shot. Silence. Fine.


Stage No. 1. Glue two capacitors together so that the positive terminals are together. In total, four groups are formed, which are superimposed on one another.

Stage No. 2. The terminals with the “+” sign are connected. A wire is soldered to them.

Stage No. 3. The same procedure is carried out with the negative poles of the terminals. The wire should cover the entire area of ​​the structure being manufactured as much as possible.

Stage No. 4. We use a cocktail straw as a muzzle and prepare the appropriate projectile for the cannon.

Step No. 5. Attach a switch capable of operating at high current to the structure.

Step #6: Check that the connections are correct. Pay special attention to the correct assembly of the positive and negative poles of the terminals.

Thus, we have a Gauss cannon, all that remains is to try it in action.

Diesel heat guns

Structurally, a diesel heat gun is not much different from a gas one. It also has a burner configured to work with liquid fuel and a fan for air supply. The difference is that instead of a gas valve, a fuel pump is installed here, pumping fuel from a tank located under the body. Like gas heaters, diesel units are offered in 2 versions: direct and indirect heating.

The combustion products of diesel fuel are much more toxic than those of natural gas. Therefore, even in a well-ventilated room, a direct heating fan heater will quickly create unfavorable conditions for humans or pets. If a diesel fuel heat gun is equipped with a separate gas outlet and a chimney pipe, then it can be used anywhere, as long as the smell of diesel fuel does not interfere. In order to ensure mobility, the body of the device and the fuel tank are mounted on a frame with wheels.

Is it really usable?

Theoretically, the Gauss cannon has an advantage over any other type of small arms. This:

  • lack of sleeves;
  • unlimited initial charge speed;
  • the ability to fire in any environment including space;
  • simplicity of design.

But there are also the following significant disadvantages:

  • low efficiency;
  • huge energy consumption;
  • long time of energy accumulation for charging;
  • the heavy weight of the actually functioning structure.

In fact, with the current level of technology development, using a Gauss cannon as a weapon is impossible. All that remains is to look at photographs of the Gauss cannon or observe the use of its analogues by super heroes like James Bond in science fiction films.

Electric heat guns

These heating units are the simplest and most inexpensive, and they do not emit any harmful substances. They use a specially shaped air heating element as a heating element, repeating the roundness of the body.

In fact, the “barrel” of such a gun is empty from the inside; at one end there is an axial fan, and on the other side, where the air comes out, there is an electric heating element. In more powerful models, several heaters are installed. The device can be used in any enclosed space, as long as there is a source of electricity.

For reference. Factory-made units can provide a fairly wide range of thermal powers - from 3 to 60 kW. At the same time, the number of heating elements in them reaches 15 pieces.

Electric appliances are much easier to operate than gas appliances. Therefore, the electric heat gun is equipped with a step-by-step power regulator and overheating protection, and can also be powered from 220 and 380 V networks. Thanks to such a simple design, the electric fan heater is most suitable for both self-production and household use.

Photo of a gauss gun with your own hands

Making antique cannons

We propose to consider such an unusual business option as the production of models of ancient cannons from the 16th to 19th centuries. At first glance, the idea seems absurd. However, this is not quite true.

Nowadays, most city dwellers strive to have a plot of land with a country house. Many people want to decorate their area. Some people want their plot to be different from similar plots of their neighbors out of simple vanity, others simply love everything beautiful or unusual. antique cannons can be an original decoration for a suburban area . They give the site a solid and unusual look.

Business will most likely go in big cities - where there are people with a lot of money. However, even in small towns the products can find their buyers. At the same time, no one is stopping you from making guns in a small locality and selling them to intermediaries in big cities. You will definitely find your buyer.

The gun barrel in its most primitive form is an ordinary thick-walled cast iron pipe, tightly welded at one end. This doesn’t sound very nice, of course, but it reflects the essence of the product.

Of course, it is better to make guns based on real prototypes - you can find many drawings of old guns on the Internet. Any client will definitely want the gun to look like a real one. Even on an ordinary metal pipe, you can create the outer relief of the barrel in such a way that the gun will look like the original.

If you live not very far from metallurgical plants, you can contact them directly - they will machine any part from any metal to the required dimensions. As a rule, real cannons were mainly made of cast iron, however this is not a prerequisite when creating a model of an antique cannon .

All that remains is to place the cast iron blank on a wooden frame (carriage), and the product is ready. A wooden carriage will be made for you in any carpentry workshop - just have time to take it out. Some difficulties may arise with the manufacture of wooden wheels, but specialists will make them without difficulty.

How to make a cannon? Let's get started

In fact, a tractor or car cylinder will be a ready-made barrel for our homemade gun. Therefore, there is no need to perform any additional actions (welding, soldering, etc.) with it. It is better to make an additional cleaning rod. To do this, you need to take a wooden rod and cut it to the length of the barrel, exceeding it by 50 centimeters, precisely fitting it to the inner diameter of the gun.

The next step is to bend an L-shaped bracket from metal wire. As for the dimensions, the short part of this element at the outlet should be 2 times longer than the oil pipe and slightly sharpened to a cone. Ideally, the staple fits into the hole without any problems.

Self-loading TnT gun

After independently building a long-range gun in the virtual world of Minecraft, the user can safely make an improved version of it. You generally know the design of its mechanisms and have already become familiar with how to shoot. Therefore, using pistons, sand, connecting the main working parts of the gun (except sand) with red dust, create a beauty like the one in the picture.

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