How to make a paper submarine with your own hands - diagrams

What could be a better gift for a sailor on Defender's Day than a model ship? Let it be the simplest one, but made with your own hands! A chic submarine model is easy to make from the simplest and most unexpected materials.

  • You will need: - a body from a large firecracker; - a smooth plastic ball (Christmas tree, for example), with a diameter suitable for a cracker; — a cap from an antiperspirant (the cap from Mennen Speed ​​Stick fits perfectly); - cardboard;
  • — tin lid from preservation;
  • — 1 cotton swab;
  • - black paint in a can.

- 1 match; - scissors; - awl; - glue; Manufacturing:

The hull of the boat will be a firecracker on which all other parts of the submarine are attached. We cut a hole approximately in the middle of the firecracker body into which we insert the cap - the wheelhouse (fencing of retractable devices). We make the stern part of the boat from a cardboard cone. We also cut out the rudders, bow and stern depth rudders from cardboard.

You can secure the steering wheels by making protrusions on them and slots in the body: this is more reliable, but more difficult. It's easier to bend the edges and glue the tail to the cone. Using scissors (not manicure scissors, but good cutting scissors), cut out a screw from the tin lid. Having bent the blades, we make a hole in the center with an awl and secure the propeller to the stern using an axis made from a match.

The submarine's propeller even spins! If it's difficult to make 6 blades, try three or four.

We glue the stern part to the hull - the hardest part of the job is done! The nose part is much easier to make: you just need to insert the ball into the body of the firecracker about halfway and secure it tightly.

You will get the rounded nose of a submarine. Stepping back a little, we glue the bow depth rudders.

Having made two holes in the roof of the superstructure with an awl heated on a fire, we insert an antenna and a periscope made from the rod of a cotton swab: one is shorter, the other is longer.

Assembly is complete, it's time to start painting.

The fastest and easiest way to paint our boat is from a spray can. What a beauty it turned out to be! The only thing missing is the tail number.

It can be written using a proofreader, but it is better to make it clear and beautiful by printing white letters and numbers on a black background and gluing it to the boat’s superstructure on both sides.

The submarine goes to sea!

Sometimes you really want to do something with your own hands, so that it’s both interesting and gives you spiritual satisfaction. But in reality, in order to do something you need a bunch of tools, and you also need material, which is always not at hand, and money for this material need to.

And here is the usual model of two plastic water bottles, a couple of paper clips and an elastic band, which we use to tighten money.

In order; To create this toy, you will still need something, namely two bottles, a drill - you will have to drill, or you can poke holes, the old fashioned way. A couple of paper clips or wire, and most importantly, a knife. Yes, a couple of ice cream boards and sticks will do just fine. And don’t forget the rubber band, it will be needed for the rubber motor.

So, when everything you need has been collected to the heap, you can start. The first thing to start with is making a propeller; without it, our boat will not float

There is no point in telling how to make a screw, it’s already clear from the drawing.

The more accurately we make the propeller, the greater the chance that the boat will float. This is where you will need a paper clip.

The main thing is not to forget to place something like a thick washer between the screw and the lid, maybe a bead ball.

When the main unit is assembled, take the second plastic one and drill or use a nail to poke a hole in the bottom.

Now we need a second paperclip, which we attach in the form of a loop to the hole in the bottom of the bottle. You can see everything in the picture. Don’t forget to attach a rubber band in advance, and preferably more than one, the thicker the rubber band, the stronger the thrust of the submarine.

Now you can assemble the structure to the heap, hook the rubber band to the hook on the screw and tighten the lid with the screw. All that remains is to secure the stabilizers; they are needed so that the model does not turn over in the water.

  1. It should look something like this.

Yes, the most important thing is for the boat to float - you need to use the handles - one holds the frame, and the other we turn the screw, in which direction it doesn’t matter - it will be visible there while sailing. After the screw is screwed on, we lower the boat into the water and lower it. Nothing complicated. If everything was done at least 50% correctly, it should float. Well, you understand me: smile.:

  • And now you can start testing so that the boat floats under water by experimentally adding water to the bottle.
  • I don’t know about adults, but children will be delighted.

07:31 pm - How to make a submarine yourself (top secret)

19:31 01.04.2012

Following the precepts of the program “Crazy Hands,” the DaVinci Learning channel told us how to make a working model of a submarine from scrap materials, mostly plastic bottles. It is effective in the sense that it can float and sink not at random, but at our request.

So, what is needed for work:

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Two bottles, large and small, an inflatable balloon, a hose, a rubber ring and electrical tape. If you tear electrical tape with your teeth, you don't need a knife.

In a small bottle you need to make a lot of holes, 3-4 mm in diameter. I pierced it with a nail heated on gas. I’ll say right away that more was needed, both in diameter and in quantity. But it turned out pretty good too:

  1. Make a hole in the cork of a small bottle for the hose:

" " on Yandex.Photos " " on Yandex.Photos

Insert the hose and secure the inflatable ball to it. I actually wanted to wrap it with electrical tape, but my son insisted on using an elastic band, “like on TV.” Well, with an elastic band, so with an elastic band:

  • After this, push the ball inside the bottle, tighten the cap and secure the hose. Again, I wanted to use duct tape, but my son again insisted on the “from TV” option and covered it with plasticine:
  • Now all that remains is to connect both bottles with electrical tape (like on TV, yay!) and the submarine is almost ready:

" " on Yandex.Photos " " on Yandex.Photos " " on Yandex.Photos

The only problem is that without ballast this structure absolutely does not want to submerge. And this turns out to be some kind of garbage, not a submarine. Simply filling a large bottle with water is also not enough - it still floats.

In the transfer, some beautiful sand was poured inside, but the sand that I managed to find did not want to fall through the funnel. So I threw all sorts of rusty bolts and nuts into the bottle. Well, I poured some water.

By the way, it is convenient to regulate buoyancy with water, because it would be much more inconvenient to pour sand back.

Well, now sea trials.

We ended up with a strong trim to the stern, because the bolts and nuts, such pests, fall in one direction, no matter how you shake them. But in principle it worked :-)

January 8, 2018

The appearance of the first submarines dates back to the 17th century, but the first ideas of immersing people deep under water appeared in antiquity.

In practice, the first submarines began to be used in the 18th century during the American Civil War.

Two centuries later, submarines play a huge role not only in military operations, but are also actively used to study the depths of the sea. We offer you ideas on how to make a submarine from scrap materials.

Features of a paper submarine

Submarine crafts are more attractive to boys. But girls can also find a use for it.

You can download the layout layout for free here

Where can crafts on this topic come in handy?

A paper submarine is not a primitive flower, so its use is characterized only by an urgent need or a strong desire to make it. You can use the finished craft in the following cases:

  • Often it adds to the collection of a child or adult who is interested in military marine equipment. Making a submarine in this case gives indelible pleasure to the collector. Every detail is cut and put together with excellence.
  • Can be done with children during classes to develop their fine motor skills and imagination. It is enough to use a simple scheme for the kids to enjoy the fact that they are succeeding.
  • The craft is also made simply for the child, so that he can play games corresponding to the theme. The voluminous craft attracts the attention of other children, who happily start playing together.

It is important to ask the child whether he wants to have the presented toys in his arsenal. If he is not interested in such topics, it is better to refuse it.

Examples of ready-made crafts and paper designs

There are a huge number of manufacturing methods. To choose a suitable and interesting one for yourself, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with examples of finished works:

  • Applique submarine, which is suitable for young children. It's easier to make a craft here because there are many templates to cut out. They can be painted or attached to colored paper and cut out to later form a composition on cardboard.
  • Using origami technique. It is difficult to make, so it is recommended for working with older children. This craft develops fine motor skills and increases finger strength.
  • Complex layouts. Mainly used by adults or children and schoolchildren who are interested in marine themes.

You should not involve your child in making a submarine if he does not like it. But you can persuade your child if you and him start making military submarines out of paper. They have significant differences in shape and appearance, so it is more interesting for children.


The boat measures 60cm in length and 7.5cm in diameter. Inner diameter 71mm. The plugs extend 2.5cm each.

Inside the case is divided into “compartments”.

  • 1 - battery and receiver
  • 2 - tank
  • 3 - pump
  • 4 - servos and speed controllers
  • 5 - main motor

The tank must be in the middle so that the boat sinks horizontally (there is no trim).

The fastening elements are made of 5mm thick porous PVC sheet. Then they are tightened on iron pins located along the body. The rear plug should also be secured to studs to ensure the rigidity of the assembly with the motor and steering rods.

Initially, stroke controllers were used to control the motor and pump. But their reverse is much slower than forward rotation, which is not convenient for the pump. During testing, I did not install a separate UBEC power circuit and used the built-in 1 amp BEC. Because I received a defective servo that jammed, at that moment the current jumped and burned the entire regulator. Maybe not all of it, but it no longer worked as expected. So I burned 3 regulators and decided to make a circuit with micro switches. It is very simple and provides symmetrical forward/backward rotation. But it’s still better to install a 3-amp power stabilizer.

The 550 series motor is redundant for a model of this size; you can get a smaller one. It is attached with screws to a special bracket to the rear plug. Connection to the shaft through a brass coupling.

It is also worth installing Fail-safe modules on the pump and motor channels. The engine is set to turn off, and the pump is set to purge the tank.

All drawings are on a separate page.

How to do

To make a boat yourself, it is recommended to decide on the type, prepare all the materials and tools, and only then get to work. This way you can really get children interested in the process. Otherwise, they will run away from their parents, refusing to take part in work.

Required materials and tools

When it comes to how to make a submarine out of paper, they start with preparing tools and materials. To work you will need:

  • paper – colored or office paper, if you need to print the finished drawing;
  • ready-made printed templates, possibly purchased magazines that contain similar layouts;
  • scissors and a stationery knife, which adults will use, since such a tool is dangerous for children;
  • glue stick or PVA - for young children it is better to use a glue stick, since it does not stain your hands, and it is easier to learn to work with paper and glue;
  • a pen, a simple pencil, a ruler and other tools if you need to make a drawing yourself.

Materials and tools are selected in accordance with manufacturing technology. For origami you only need paper and instructions for action.

Step-by-step assembly of a three-dimensional craft

In most cases, a submarine attracts children more in its volumetric form. Their assembly is simple if ready-made templates are used in the work.

The work occurs in the following sequence:

  1. It is necessary to use ready-made templates, which are designed for cutting and subsequent joining of parts. You can download and print them for free here.
  2. Connect the details in the order in which they are presented on the page. If you have any questions, you can use a photo of the sequence of actions. Download them here.
  3. If desired, the finished craft can be embellished. Felt-tip pens and markers are used for this.

The cut out parts can be painted immediately, so as not to have to start complicated work in the future. Preliminary decoration is required if the parts were printed on a black and white printer.

Video master class

There is also a video of a master class on making a paper submarine, which even a child can do. In the process of work, you will mainly have to twist the elements. If the baby cannot cope with the work presented, the parents can get down to business and help the baby get a finished craft. The boat turns out to be dense, it can be played to its fullest, creating a whole military arsenal.

Origami with a simple diagram

There are several submarine origami techniques designed for kids of different ages. If these are schoolchildren, you can use a more complex version as a basis. But sometimes this is not necessary, because you want to play with a finished craft right away. Therefore, the children begin to make a simple variety.

Next, both options for making submarines will be presented - a simple one and a slightly more complicated one. It is also noted here that a complex craft comes out smoothly from simplified instructions.

To make a simple version of origami with your own hands, it is recommended to immediately use the video. It will tell the child more than the instructions from the photo report.

There is a more complex design designed to be made with the help of parents or older children. This requires accuracy, attentiveness, patience and perseverance, since a complex design is formed from one sheet of paper. You can use the instructions for origami diagrams for children based on the pictures. They are detailed, each action is numbered so as not to confuse the child.

It is better to make a boat from colored paper, which is what is presented in the instructions. This will help in your work, since from the pictures it becomes clear in which parts the colored side of the material remains and in which the white side.

Applications for children

Applications for children are often presented not only as a simple picture on cardboard, but also in the form of a postcard. It is given to the father for a professional or general Russian holiday. As an example, children are offered the following application options:

This is a simple option for making crafts where you only need to use a cutting template and colored paper. The parts are cut out and glued onto cardboard as shown in the picture.

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This is a card that can be given to your father, grandfather or relative. The boat is cut out according to a template from black construction paper. First, make a card for it by bending a sheet of cardboard in half and making cuts in the middle. The cut should be turned in the other direction, which results in a convex base. Cover one part with torn pieces of blue and green paper, which imitates water. Glue the boat to the base.

Submarine applique on a disposable plate. Here you need to cut a circle out of blue paper and glue it to the plate. Then make blanks for the boat, cut and glue them in the presented way. Next, you need to use plasticine and glue small pieces of material onto the blue circle to create the seabed. While the plasticine has not hardened, shells are glued to it.

Select applications in accordance with the wishes of the children. If they don't want to make a plate or a card, but want a painting, they choose this option.

Radio controlled ship model from a toy car

The peculiarity of this homemade product is that the model is as close as possible to the real ship, that is, the proportions are respected. In total, the assembly process consists of several stages, this is the preparation of the necessary parts, the creation of the body, as well as the assembly and testing of the homemade product.

Ship manufacturing process:

Step one. We obtain the necessary elements

First you need to disassemble the machine and get all the necessary elements. The ship will need a rear wheel drive, an electronic part (radio control), a steering gear, and a compartment in which the batteries are installed. The machine is disassembled using a screwdriver, first the body is removed, and then the radio module and other elements are unscrewed. When disassembling, you need to use a camera or mark the wires. Otherwise there may be difficulties later. You need to remember how the wires from the board to the motor, power supply, and antenna are connected. Often toys use very thin wires. It is advisable to remove them and solder them with a larger cross-section.

The engine compartment also needs to be cut out from the bottom; the author used a hacksaw blade for this purpose. When all the elements are removed, it is advisable to check their functionality.

Step two. Ship hull

The body is cut out in one piece, using a piece of polystyrene foam 60 mm thick. First you need to make a paper pattern with the contours of the boat deck. The dimensions of the pattern are 400 × 80 mm. Next, the contours are transferred to polystyrene foam and cut out using a jigsaw at an angle or straight. The aft cut must be made to match the diameter of the propeller.

Step three. Installing the necessary elements into the case

To install the shaft, they need to carefully push the hole into the motor. The shaft is attached to the gearbox axis using a piece of plastic tube of suitable diameter. It can be glued or tied with copper wire. After this, the motor needs to be started, if it works without effort, then you can install the screw on the shaft.

The engine, as well as the steering gear, are mounted on hot glue.

As for the ship's superstructure, it is made of foam plastic cut into thin pieces. The sheets are connected to each other using hot-melt adhesive. Inside the add-on there is a radio control board. As for the antenna, it is made from a piece of enameled copper wire, which is mounted on a mast made from a barbecue skewer.

Step four. Ship testing

Now you can start testing. It is quite possible that the boat will float crookedly; it can be easily centered using the keel. As for the control range, it is as much as 100 meters, which is more than enough for such a model. The ship can be modified by changing the size and pitch of the propeller.


How to make a submarine: crafts for boys on a military theme

The appearance of the first submarines dates back to the 17th century, but the first ideas of immersing people deep under water appeared in antiquity. In practice, the first submarines began to be used in the 18th century during the American Civil War. Two centuries later, submarines play a huge role not only in military operations, but are also actively used to study the depths of the sea. We offer you ideas on how to make a submarine from scrap materials.

Radio controlled boat at home

Summer, heat, beach, pond... As always, the standard program. I swam twice and lie there like a seal, bored. What can you do on the beach if you come without company? You can drive a radio-controlled boat! It’s fun for yourself and fun for the children.

I thought so last year, before the swimming season. It seemed like there was nothing to do there. I pulled out the drawings from the global network; they are presented below, just for information. Normal drawings are at the link, there is also an AutoCAD file from which I built my trough. (Blueprints).

Everything seems simple. Looking ahead, I’ll say that it took me a year and a half to make the boat))). It happened.

With the drawings it’s clear that we build what we like. But the biggest stumbling block may be the radio control equipment. You can, of course, take something like a radio control from a broken Chinese car, but then long-distance voyages are contraindicated for your ship. Firstly, the range will be small, and secondly, there will be no proportional control. If you can live with the latter, the former condemns you to having fun only in a small “puddle”. Well, as they say, something always gets in the way of a bad dancer.

I have radio equipment, proportional, 6-channel. Left over from unsuccessful attempts to launch a radio-controlled plane into the sky, nothing, I’ll also launch a plane someday. In the place with the equipment there were servos, batteries and a brushless motor with a control unit.

How to make a submarine with your own hands

  1. Take an empty cracker. Cut a hole in the shape of a deodorant cap on top and glue it on top in the form of a chopping block. Using an awl, you can make several holes and insert an antenna from a cotton swab.
  2. Make a cone out of cardboard with a base diameter corresponding to the diameter of the cracker. This will be the stern of the boat.
  3. Next, prepare the blades for the stern and the bow and stern rudders from cardboard.
  4. Glue the cardboard pieces to the boat hull. You can make cuts in the cracker so that the parts hold better.
  5. A propeller with six blades can be made from a tin can. Bend the blades slightly, use an awl to make a hole in the center and secure the propeller to the stern with a match.

Here's how to make a submarine out of a firecracker. The craft is ready. All that remains is to paint the craft. You can use regular paints or an aerosol can for this. The boat can be painted in any color, but the most commonly used colors are black, green and gray.

The tail number can be written with proofreader or acrylic paints. If the boat is a gift, you can write the name of the future owner. This is the first option on how to make a submarine from scrap materials.


The submarine model is built according to the same principles as the real one. In a waterproof housing, inside of which all controls and electronics are hidden. On the outside, it is surrounded by a “light” permeable body, which serves as a streamliner and a beautiful appearance. Our model will consist only of a durable body.

At speed, the submarine can dive using depth rudders, and in a static position only with the help of a ballast tank. How it works? When floating on the surface, the mass of the boat is slightly less than the mass of the volume of displaced water (Archimedes' law). Those. if the boat has a volume of 3 liters, then its mass should be slightly less than 3 kg. Then the boat begins to draw water inside the durable hull. The volume of the hull remains the same, but the mass increases - and the boat sinks. At this moment, the air pressure inside the housing increases slightly, but not so much as to break the seal.

Theoretical calculations of the immersion of a submarine model.

There are 3 main problems during construction. They are completely independent and can be solved separately.

  • radio equipment (2.4 GHz does not work underwater)
  • sealing - housing, engine shaft and steering rods
  • ballast tank

Let's start in order.

Cardboard submarine

Another option is to make a boat out of empty toilet paper rolls. For the body, glue two elements together. Cut two portholes on both sides of the body. Make a cutting from another bushing. You can complement it with toothpick antennas. Inside the sleeves, insert white or blue colored paper, rolled into a roll, so that the windows are closed. Attach a cardboard screw to the back; the bow of the boat can be made from the bottom of a small plastic bottle. Now let your child decorate the craft himself. This is the easiest way to make a submarine out of cardboard.

Submarine made from a plastic bottle

If you are interested in the question of how to make a submarine from a bottle, you will need:

  1. Plastic bottle.
  2. Window cleaning spray bottle.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Stationery knife.
  5. Silicone glue or glue gun.

First you need to decide on the appearance of the craft. A boat with a bottle as the main part will look good; the deckhouse can be made from the top of a spray bottle, covering it with a regular cap. It is better to glue bottles with a gun. You can also use plasticine. You need to cut the bottles very carefully with scissors. It is better not to trust this to a child, as the edge will turn out sharp.

The propeller is made of cardboard. Then a hole is made in the center, equal in diameter to the neck of the bottle. The screw is placed on the neck and pressed with a screwed cap. To decorate the boat, you can glue covers between the propeller and the wheelhouse, on the bow.

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Here's how to make a submarine from scrap materials. All that remains is to cover it with paint and draw identification marks. Creating such a toy will not take you much time, but it will greatly please your child. After all, it is much more important for children to do something with you, and not just buy it in a store.

How I improved the submarine

At first I wanted to simply repair the submarine, but then I decided to completely rebuild it. Moreover, by that time he had already graduated from the shipbuilding institute.

Conquering the underwater world of the Gulf of Finland

I cut and lengthened the old hull, now the boat has a cigar shape. Instead of pedals, three engines appeared - two gasoline engines of 80 horsepower each and one electric, a steering system, a video camera and a spotlight on the bottom, and something like a retractable periscope - this is also a video camera.

I expanded the cabin, and now the boat can accommodate 2 people.

I built a boat in an ordinary wooden shed in an industrial area on the outskirts of the city. This whole construction epic - from the first pedal version to the current one - dragged on for almost 25 years.

DIY submarine: origami diagrams with video

Every child wants to please their dad and grandfather with a nice gift for February 23rd by making a beautiful craft. A DIY submarine could be a great idea. Such a gift will certainly appeal to men who served in the army or are interested in military equipment. This product can not only be kept as a souvenir, but also simply played with with your child. The master class will definitely come in handy for those who want to please their loved ones with an original gift.

DIY radio-controlled fishing boat

We have already talked about a homemade boat for delivering bait; that article gave a selection of electronics and talked about manufacturing.
If you want to make such a boat with your own hands, then go to the article Homemade radio-controlled boat for delivering bait. In this article we will talk about the functions of such a radio-controlled boat.

The first thing a boat should be able to do is move around a body of water and dump a load of bait.

In fact, to do this, you can modify almost any radio-controlled boat by installing an additional servo on it, which can tip over a box with fishing bait.

The video below shows a homemade fishing boat being tested in the bathroom.

The boat itself is made of promotional plastic and has cheap 6-channel radio control equipment installed on it.

In addition to delivering bait, the boat can be used to deliver fishing rod hooks or hooks. For this purpose, it is equipped with two “cuts”. You can control the releases using the right stick on the transmitter. The mechanization of the releases is carried out using the same servos.

Moving the right stick downward tilts the body with fish bait.

Such control makes it possible to not only place bait, but also hooks in a couple of different places in the reservoir in one go.

Despite its rather simple appearance, such a fishing boat for delivering bait can greatly facilitate fishing. At the same time, its cost, taking into account the fact that the ship’s hull is manufactured independently, is not high. In specialty stores, fishing boats are sold at prices ranging from $800-1000, and electronics for a homemade boat can be purchased for $150. For links to the boat's filling, see the article about manufacturing.

During testing, the boat did not show much speed; due to underload (it was tested without a load of bait), the propeller was partially stuck out of the water and the propeller “slipped” in the air-water mixture. However, this did not prevent the homemade fishing boat from sailing almost beyond the visibility limit on the water to deliver bait.

By the way. Even a child can make a homemade radio-controlled boat! Look at the video below - two guys made a similar boat from the remains of a radio-controlled helicopter and ceiling tiles. As you can see in the video, this did not stop him from setting sail.

So, if you want to have a fishing boat for delivering bait, but don’t want to pay a lot of money for it, then you can make it yourself!

More about radio-controlled models


The cheapest quadcopter

A simple homemade boat for delivering bait

How to make a quadcopter with your own hands

Simple radio controlled yacht

DIY RC aircraft model

Radio controlled construction set

— from such a design kit you can assemble homemade radio-controlled car models.

Kolya comments:

Very interesting. I'll have to try to make a boat like this. Not for fishing, but just for driving around a pond.

Original version

To make a submarine out of cardboard you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • match;
  • glue;
  • awl;
  • cotton buds;
  • black paint;
  • drink can;
  • sharp scissors;
  • plastic ball;
  • firecracker;
  • rectangular cap.

First you need to empty the contents of the cracker. Then trace the deodorant cap onto the surface of the cracker and cut it out. Glue this cap to the cracker, you should get a chopping block. Make holes in the cap with an awl and insert them into the antenna or periscope using cotton swabs.

Make a cone out of cardboard so that its base is equal to the diameter of the cracker. The cone will be the stern part of the submarine.

Next you need to cut out the blades for the stern from cardboard. They will act as rudders, as well as bow and stern rudders.

Glue the cardboard parts onto the cone, make slits so that the parts stick better. Glue the bow rudders to the bow of the boat.

Cut a propeller with six blades from a tin can and bend it. Make a hole in the center and insert a match into it. Secure the propeller to the stern.

Paint the finished craft.

It is best to use an aerosol can for this; acrylic paints are also suitable. You can also paint the product with raw or green colors.

Paint the tail number with white paint or a regular corrector. You can also simply print out the numbers. The submarine is ready!

Sketch for bluetooth boat on Arduino

Unlike the Arduino boat, where one motor with a propeller was used for movement, this project uses two motors and a paddle wheel. This eliminates the need to use a servo drive, which consumes a large amount of energy, to change the direction of movement. The boat turns by alternately turning on the motors via a Bluetooth signal.

DIY Arduino boat with bluetooth control

To make the paddle wheel, ordinary plywood and plastic were used. The diameter of the wheel should be chosen so that the blades reach the water. The blades themselves are cut out of a PET bottle, inserted into the slots on the wheel and fixed with hot glue. You can also paint the paddle wheels, protecting the plywood from swelling in water, and the foam from acetone-based paint will only corrode.

Cardboard option

Even a child can handle making a submarine from cardboard and paper, but under the close supervision of adults. The following materials will be useful for creating crafts:

  • three cardboard toilet paper tubes;
  • napkins;
  • cocktail straw;
  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • sharp scissors;
  • stationery knife.

To begin work, you need to unroll the first sleeve and cover its front side with colored paper, for example, orange or red. Cut three holes in the first bushing: two small ones at the same level, and the third large one, lower than the others.

Then cover the second sleeve with blue paper. Using a stationery knife, cut a round hole in the center with the same diameter as in the first sleeve. Insert the second bushing into the first, that is, the blue one into the orange one. Align the large slots with each other. The result was a submarine hull.

Then insert the third sleeve, which was previously cut in half, into the large slot. The bushing will become the hatch of our boat. Fix a cocktail straw in the sleeve with glue so that it looks like a periscope. Wrap napkins in a blue sheet of paper. Form two bundles, the thickness should match the diameter of the boat hull. Cut out a submarine tail from orange paper and glue it to the package. Insert the templates into the body. The craft is ready!

You can also make a boat out of paper using the origami technique. To do this, simply study the diagrams in detail.

How I was mistaken for an underwater saboteur

In 1988, I decided to conduct the first big test and walk from Ust-Izhora to the Neva, which is about 25 kilometers.

He transported the boat to Leningrad, set off on a journey by water, but halfway there he got entangled in metal nets. They stood to hold back the driftwood - logs that had sunk during the rafting.

While I was looking for a boat to pull the submarine out, the onlookers who had gathered on the shore complained in the right place. The police sent the news about the “suspicious object” to the KGB, and I was detained.

I spent three days while the check was going on in the bullpen, and when they figured it out, the security officers advised me to go study to become a sailor.

The boat was confiscated and sent for storage to the Admiralty Shipyards. There she stood for several years. By the way, they later returned it in good condition - only the lampshades and a set of stainless steel tools were missing.

Crafts for Victory Day, submarine

We owe victory in the Great Patriotic War and for the peaceful sky above our heads not only to the ground and air forces. The navy, where our submarines participated, also played a significant role.

Crafts for Victory Day (May 9) can consist of various materials and manufacturing techniques. You can create wonderful crafts from the most ordinary waste and seemingly unnecessary material. And the kids will happily take part in the creative process, helping to cut, glue and paint parts.

To make a submarine, we arm ourselves with the following materials:

  • large Kinder Surprise egg
  • cocktail straw
  • eyelets
  • metal shirt buttons
  • heat gun
  • scissors
  • felt-tip pen
  • plastic cap or bottle
  • silver and gold paint in a can
  • plastic bottle cap
  • silver cord
  • metal screw

DIY craft for Victory Day “Submarine”:

Use scissors to shorten the cocktail tube on both sides as shown in the photo.

We take the eyelets and insert them into the tube on both sides - as a result we will get a periscope for a submarine.

We take a cap from a plastic bottle, heat the heat gun to the desired temperature and glue the periscope in the center of the cap. Now we need to make the fins. To do this, take a plastic cap or bottle and draw with a marker the future fins in the amount of 4 parts. Cut out the fin details with scissors.

We glue the periscope to the Kinder Surprise egg with hot glue.

Using spray paint, we paint the vessel silver. We paint the fins and propeller golden.

We hot glue a screw to the back of the submarine and fins on the sides.

We glue the eyelets with the same hot glue around the periscope. As a porthole, we will use gold-colored metal buttons, which we glue to the bow of the submarine with a heat gun.

We get an almost finished submarine.

All that remains is to decorate the underwater vessel a little and give it a festive look. To do this, cut off pieces of silver cord equal to the width and height of the egg.

We decorate the submarine with a cord, securing the ends with glue. Craft for Victory Day, ready! The submarine is ready to serve in the open waters.

Let's look at another option from a bottle and from plain paper

A very simple craft that can be made at any time from the following materials:

Print out the submarine on a piece of paper.

We glue photographs of family members into round windows, or draw little people - passengers of our submarine.

We insert this picture with photographs or drawings into a plastic bottle.

Our boat is ready. We are sure that your child will like it. In addition, its advantage is that you can play with this boat in the water. Water procedures with such a unique toy will become even more exciting.

This craft will appeal to young children, especially boys. To create it, we will prepare:

  • Thick paper.
  • Scissors.
  • Ruler.
  • Markers or pencils.
  • Glue.
  1. We cut out a sheet of paper 12x15 cm. We make two cuts on it, 4 cm each. One is on top, the second is in the middle of the sheet.
  2. At the level of the lower cut we draw a submarine and the water surface.
  3. We cut a strip 3 cm wide and 4 cm longer than our sheet. At the bottom we draw a periscope. Glue 5 cm long paper to the bottom strip so that the periscope does not pull out of the cut.
  4. We pass the strip through the cuts. Pull the top end to raise the periscope.

This interesting craft for the little ones is ready.

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