DIY frog costume for girls and boys

Choosing a material to create a mask

The mask can be of two types: a cap, which is simply put on the head , and a mask, which is put on the face, with slits for the eyes. For young children, the first option is recommended, since a mask that slips over the eyes can frighten the baby and make it difficult for him to see. For older kids, the second option is good. In this case, it should be well secured with elastic bands so as not to slip off the face. If the eye slits are too narrow, they must be widened.

You also need to make a slot for the mouth. It should be wide, imitating the open mouth of a real toad.

In order to make his performance at the costume competition bright and memorable, the child can learn a poem, song, counting rhyme or tongue twister about a frog. For example, a junior schoolchild will willingly recite Andrei Usachev’s poem “Merry Kampania.”

A frog or toad costume can be not only green. A variety of options are possible: the so -called protective color (in this case, you can sew a mask from old army uniform), swamp color, olive, yellow, brown. The main thing is that the image of the amphibian is recognizable. But it’s still better to dress up the baby with a green frog, because young children perceive bright, cheerful colors best.

The characteristic warts on the body of a toad can be depicted using brown spots of gouache or acrylic paint. Eyes can be any color, but yellow ones with bright green pupils will look most beautiful. For the frog princess, you can paint on flirty long eyelashes or instead glue thin paper strips curled onto a pencil.

Paper version

The most important detail of a New Year's costume is, of course, the mask. It can be made from paper or cardboard. For a DIY frog mask, you will need a pattern. Before the New Year they are often published in children's magazines. The paper product consists of the following elements:

  • The base, which is used as a muzzle;
  • An elastic band with which the base is put on the face;
  • Eyes. They can be drawn or cut;
  • Big mouth. The mouth should smile so that the baby is not afraid of his character.

a mask from paper or cardboard , but it will not last long and will quickly lose its presentation, especially if the child wears it during active games. Products made from papier-mâché last much longer. To do this, several layers of newsprint are glued onto a base that follows the shape of a frog's face, and then the product is completely dry and painted with gouache or acrylic paints.

Watercolor will not work because it will show through the layers of newspaper. Making such a mask takes quite a long time, so it is better to start working a few days before the holiday. The product must be allowed to dry thoroughly. You should not dry the mask near a steam heating radiator, because the paper will warp and the mask will lose its shape. For the same reason, you should not expose the craft to the sun's rays.

Mask made from improvised means

In order to cut out and sew a mask, you will need thick green or green and yellow fabric. Depending on the amount of material, it can be a full-fledged cap or just a thin headband. The headband will use half the amount of fabric. First of all, you need to download a frog mask pattern from the Internet and print it, and then transfer it to fabric . Here is a rough job description:

  • The child's head circumference is measured. Based on the dimensions, the required amount of material is determined;
  • The pattern is transferred to the fabric and adapted in accordance with the actual dimensions of the individual child;
  • The base in the form of a cap is cut out and processed along the edges, and an elastic band is threaded so that the product fits better on the head. The elastic should not be too tight so as not to squeeze the head. For a younger child, it is better to make ties around the neck;
  • Details are sewn to the base - eyes, mouth, warts.

Costume decoration

Green gloves are perfect for the frog, and you can put cardboard flippers on your feet for convincing. Both boys and girls can wear a green turtleneck and yellow shorts. If a needlewoman took a ready-made pattern for a frog head mask and printed it out, she can add her own decorative options to the template (for example, spots on a toad’s head).

You can make frog beads from cardboard or paper green leaves, cut out one stencil at a time and strung on a thick woolen thread. The Frog Princess mask can be covered with yellow or green sparkles.

Another fun decoration option is to embroider the word “KVA” in large letters on a sweater or turtleneck. If the jacket is green, you need to embroider with yellow threads, and vice versa, so that the letters stand out brightly against the background. You can make it even simpler: do not embroider, but stick on these letters, cutting them out of self-adhesive film. In this case, the decor can be easily removed after the holiday, and the sweater or turtleneck will turn into regular clothes.

Green frog shorts can be decorated with a bright yellow belt (or a green belt for yellow pants). Pants can also be decorated with themed embroidery or appliqué; it all depends on your imagination and the availability of available materials. Christmas tree tinsel in yellow and green colors goes well with the frog outfit. You can stick green rain on the Frog Princess mask

Frogs and toads love water, so you can also apply a few blue drops of water to the mask using gouache or acrylic paints. One or two such drops are enough, no more is needed, otherwise the mask will look ugly.

Dressing up as a favorite fairy-tale character is always a great joy for a child. If a child loves animals, is not afraid of toads and has a cheerful, lively character. A frog costume would be ideal. The choice of materials for its manufacture depends on the level of skill and the availability of free time. If you have little time and no desire to sew, you can limit yourself to a printed and glued paper mask. Experienced needlewomen can easily sew an original hat using ready-made patterns as a sample. You can also knit a frog's headdress with crochet or knitting needles, and then decorate it with additional details embroidered or glued from paper.

When choosing a suitable costume for a holiday, children very often give preference to the image of a frog. This image became popular thanks to famous characters from cartoons and children's fairy tales. Making a spectacular costume is quite simple with your own hands.

Making a frog costume for a girl with your own hands

Let's start creating a costume for the girl. It will consist of a T-shirt, a fluffy tutu skirt and an interesting hat with a spectacular crown on the head. Follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. For a sweater, take a regular turtleneck or a white/green T-shirt. You can paint water lilies or algae on it with acrylic paints.
  2. To make a tutu skirt, you need tulle of medium hardness. You can combine different shades of green. The amount of material depends on the length of the product and the desired pomp. On average, about 3 meters of material are used. The tulle is cut into strips 20 cm wide and a length equal to the length of the skirt multiplied by two. Next, we take an elastic band, up to 3 cm wide and a length equal to the girl’s waist circumference minus 3–5 cm. We sew it into a ring and put it on the back of the chair. We fold the tulle pieces in half and attach them with an elastic band using a knot.
  3. You can take a ready-made hat, or better yet, knit or sew it. The pattern can be obtained by tracing an existing headdress. Then sew the resulting parts on a typewriter.
  4. You need to glue the eyes to the hat. They can be cut out of thick cardboard or other material. You can glue or draw eyelashes.
  5. It is better to make a crown from felt. It must be drawn on the fabric and two elements cut out. Next, sew the two parts together and lightly fill them with cotton wool so that it looks voluminous and stays on the head. It is then sewn to the top of the hat.
  6. The look will be complemented by green gloves and tights, as well as a bow-shaped satin belt.

DIY frog costume

Due to the versatility of the image, the frog outfit can be presented in many versions. This gives you complete freedom of action and allows you to create an outfit based on your own capabilities. Both boys and girls can transform into this hero. With the help of a spectacular outfit, you can transform into a frog princess, an enchanted prince, or a simple kind frog.

Frog head options

You can also decorate your head in various ways. The most popular are the following:

  • Headband with eyes. It is a narrow bandage made of fabric or a headband to which large eyes are attached. The eyes are made large and showy with long eyelashes.
  • A voluminous head made from an old cap and foam rubber. It completely covers the baby's head. There is a small space left for the head and nose. Volumetric ball eyes are glued to the top.
  • Hood, cap or hat with eyes. If the jacket has a hood, then you can glue ball-shaped eyes to the top. The hood can also be sewn as a separate element. Eyes can also be quickly sewn or glued to a cap or knitted beanie.
  • Crown. This is an option for the frog princess. It can be quickly made from cardboard or colored paper.
  • Face mask made of felt and cardboard with an elastic band. The shape can be different, the main thing is not to forget to cut out holes for the eyes.

How to make a frog's body

The frog body can be made in many ways. It all depends on the ability to sew and other skills. To begin with, you can search among your existing clothes for trousers, turtlenecks, dresses and other green wardrobe items. So, for a boy, they often sew a suit consisting of a jacket and pants or shorts. The main part of the outfit for a girl can consist of a fluffy tutu skirt and a turtleneck or T-shirt. The skirt can also be in the shape of the sun, made of thick satin or satin. Of course, a win-win option is a dress. You can choose colored tights or knee socks. REFERENCE! The basic part of an outfit for girls can be leggings or gymnastics suits.

How to make frog legs

Of course, you can take ordinary green gloves, or better yet, make real webbed frog legs. To make the paws, first, you need to trace the outline of the child’s hand on paper. You don't need to trace every finger. Next, we transfer the pattern to the fabric and cut it out in four copies. It is better to put filler inside. We sew it on the machine and turn it inside out. Next we stitch the finger compartments using a machine. We sew five small pompoms along the edge. Paws on the feet can be made by attaching cut out toes and webs to the sole of the shoes. The paw should be wider and may resemble flippers in shape. ATTENTION! You can also sew triangular membranes made of light fabric or elastic paper to the fingers of the gloves. Fingers are filled with cotton, creating a volume effect.

Master class “Costume for a frog”

Alina Budylskaya
Master class “Costume for a frog”

Spring matinees are approaching, and a frog costume . I only found a green skirt, but this is clearly not enough for the image.

I found green and white satin crepe. Made from foamed polyethylene (the lamps were packed in it)

cut out two circles

I cut out two green and two white circles from fabric 1.5 cm larger than the inside

I drew a model of eyelashes on paper and used it to cut out eyelashes from black felt. Instead of felt, you can try thick lace, just don’t make it too long.

I folded a white and green circle facing inward, and placed eyelashes between them (if your eyelashes point in different directions, watch how you place them).

I placed the inner part on top, circled it and secured it with pins.

I sewed it through leaving an entrance for the inside.

I turned it inside out and inserted it.

The bottom was sewn by hand. For the headband, I took a piece of ribbon and made an elastic insert (for better fixation on the head, I sewed on the eyes.

I cut out the pupils from felt and painted a reflection on the fabric.

The paper wrapped around the child's hand.

I made the outline of the paw.

I transferred it onto fabric in four copies and covered it with syndipone for volume.

I sewed on an elastic band and buboes.

This is the frog I got .

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Simple suit

It’s easy to make a frog costume if you have green items in your child’s wardrobe. A green dress, skirt, T-shirt or leggings can easily become the basis of an image; you just need to decorate them, add a headdress or applique.

White T-shirt with frog appliqué

Green tulle skirt

Headband with eyes and crown

Green dress with puff sleeves

Fabric leaves of water lilies with flowers

Eyes and crown on the rim

Complex costume

More complex costumes will require a sewing machine and a little more time. But the result will definitely please the child. Such costumes may include a smart green dress, set or overalls and a headdress depicting a frog's head. Green webbed “feet” will also serve as an excellent addition.

Green top and skirt set

Funny hat with a frog face

Stiff felt webbed feet

Green jumpsuit

Frog head cap

Frog legs gloves and slippers

Frog costume

A frog costume with trousers, shorts or overalls is perfect for a boy.

The shiny insert on the chest resembles the belly of a frog.

Baseball cap with eyes

Jacket with flared sleeves that imitate frog legs

Bright bow

Volumetric hat - frog's head

Paws with elastic bands

Making the torso and bottom

It is important to close the top when making a suit. To do this, you can take a green T-shirt as a basis (the shade should be similar to “frog”), which can be slightly modified.

This is how they take satin, tulle and other light fabrics (if you don’t mind, you can also take silk), which are cut into pieces. The size of the pieces should be determined by the height of the person for whom the costume is being made.

These pieces themselves are sewn onto the base (T-shirt). At the same time, they strive to fully display the appearance of the frog - all its shades, pigmentation, etc. If you want to keep the T-shirt, you can glue the fabric - this will allow you to remove the stickers after the masquerade without damaging the T-shirt.

This type of work, like the previous one, is absolutely the same for both girls and boys.

Next we move on to the belt and legs. There are differences in making costumes for boys and girls.

The easiest way to make a similar costume is for a boy. To do this, you just need green pants, which are covered with fabric in the same way as a T-shirt - repeating the natural appearance of a frog or toad.

Girls should make a skirt. To do this, cut out a blank from cardboard that resembles a ring. To avoid problems with putting on a skirt, this ring has a V-shaped neckline. The width of the ring should be 3-10 cm - depending on how full the skirt should be.

After which the workpiece should be painted or covered with green colored paper. The second option is more preferable because it allows you to better hide the cardboard. Next, take tulle; the width of the material should be 5-10 cm greater than the expected length of the skirt. This difference is folded and hemmed in the same way as curtains - making a kind of “accordion” at the top and bottom. This will allow you to make a neat suit and will not allow it to “creep”. After which the prepared ring is covered with tulle.

Under this skirt, girls should wear green leggings or pants, which are also lined with tulle, imitating frog “skin.” The skirt can also be complemented with small yellow cardboard crowns and other decorative elements glued to it.

Model from a plate

The simpler the way to create a mask, the better. So why not take advantage of the things that are on hand in every home. Such a thing is a paper plate. It’s worth immediately cutting off the question: is it possible to use a plastic plate? Unfortunately, a plastic plate will not make the mask you need, and it is also less susceptible to various types of manipulation.

It is advisable to take a green plate. If you don’t have one, don’t worry, take a regular white plate and paint it green using paints. Take a plate and cut out a wah's face from it as shown in the picture. It is worth making her eyes and cheeks especially convex.

Next we start decorating. You can decorate the product using felt-tip pens, or cut out eyes from colored paper and glue them to the base. A great option is to decorate the mask with butterflies. They can be cut out of paper and glued directly to the base: it looks fun, spring-like and interesting.

This way you can make frog masks without sacrificing finances and time. The simplicity of the methods allows you to include your baby in the creative process. Usually children love this kind of pastime, and afterward they are proud of their creation and feel comfortable and confident in the mask, because it was created by their hands.

How to apply makeup to a frog costume?

  • A drawing skillfully applied to the cheeks of a young beauty will add charm to her and complete the image you create.
  • To do this, use face painting that is harmless to children’s health. To match the frog costume, it is best to use light green, green and yellow paints, as well as dark shades, so that you can use them to outline the contours of your artistic masterpieces.

This makeup is suitable not only for boys, but also for girls


Face decoration

  • It is best to decorate the girl’s face with some abstract design.

We will also tell you how to sew a suit:

  • brown bear
  • Polar bear
  • Prince
  • Witches
  • Ryaba chickens
  • Bullfinch

Modular origami frog

This is a tutorial showing how to make your own paper frog using the modular origami technique. Modular origami is a lot of fun, although it takes some time, but it's worth it. The model is assembled from pieces of paper measuring 1/32. The difficulty is average, but this is only at first; once you master the technique, it won’t take much time. We will need a total of 337 modules for this project, namely 265 green and 72 white.

First you need to make the modules. Cut the paper into 32 pieces of equal size. Fold this sheet in half. Fold down the center of the folded rectangle, starting at the top right. Repeat for the top left corner. Turn the model over and cut the edges as shown. Lift the bottom and fold it down. Connect the two bottom corners of the triangle. Make as many pieces as you need. Glue two blocks together as shown in the picture.

When the modules are ready, watch how to fold a modular origami frog.

If you have any questions, detailed instructions can be found on the website.

Photo source:

Here is another version of a modular origami frog. The procedure for making crafts is practically the same.

If you need specific information with the number of modules and the order of gluing, all this can be read on the website of the author of this project, you will find the link under the gallery.

Photo source:

Making a frog from plastic bottles with your own hands

Numerous original ideas for using plastic bottles are born from the huge amount of this practical and affordable material. You can easily make a variety of crafts from it, including interesting animal figurines, for example, a funny frog. This is one of the easiest plastic molds to make.

This is interesting! In Slavic mythology, the frog is associated with fertility, moisture, and rain. She is considered a talisman that brings good luck and wealth. Therefore, the more green inhabitants there are in your garden, the richer the harvest in the garden will be and the stronger the wealth in the house.

Required materials and tools

To make a plastic frog, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • two plastic bottles of the same shade and shape;
  • paints for exterior work in various colors. Green paint is required;
  • tassels;
  • felt-tip pen and scissors;
  • glue gun, strong thread with a needle or wire.

The same color of the bottles is needed so that the individual elements of the craft have the same shade after coloring.

Stages of making a frog

Let's start creating the frog:

  1. Labels and remaining adhesive must be removed from plastic bottles. This is easy to do by soaking the containers in warm water.
  2. We make the body blanks. To do this, cut off the bottoms of each bottle at a height of at least 10 cm.

There was a son, but he became a frog

If you are doing makeup on a boy's face, then you can draw a whole frog or just its face. When you apply the drawing close to the eyes, be very careful. But it’s better not to paint the area around the eyes at all if you don’t have experience in face painting.

Unlike drawings on paper, when applying face painting, the contours are done last. After all, it all depends on facial features.

Sew not a mitten, but a real paw

Sewing a carnival frog costume is not at all difficult. For these purposes, regular casual green clothing is suitable. Now we will share with you how to make real frog legs for this costume.

To make your own paws you will need the following materials:

Felt or fleece; Narrow elastic band (width 8-10 mm).

First of all, you need to draw a hat template on paper, which will be slightly wider at the ends of the fingers. Transfer the design to the fabric. You need to make 2 of these parts.

Attach elastic bands in the middle of the palms so that the child can easily put them on independently. If the suit has long sleeves, then sew the paws to them for convenience. If they are short on the suit, then you will have to sew 1 more elastic band to the wrists. If you have unnecessary gloves at home, cut them off and sew the paws to them so as not to use elastic bands.

Unusual origami frog

You will need a rectangular sheet of paper with an aspect ratio of 1:2.

To fold origami correctly, you should adhere to the following scheme for folding frogs:

  • fold the leaf in half crosswise and each half in half again;
  • open the workpiece;
  • bend the corners diagonally towards the middle; unfold and fold along the other diagonal;
  • expand again;
  • fold the product along the marked lines so that you get two triangles with side pockets inside;
  • bend the corners from the center to the edges along the center line, as shown in the photo of origami frogs below;
  • bend each of the four corners in half outward, these will be the paws;
  • turn the workpiece over;
  • bend the side corners towards the middle, like the wings of an airplane;
  • bend the opposite corner into “wings”;
  • take out the “wings” from under the triangular layer and insert them into the side pockets of this triangle;
  • make a zigzag fold next to the hind legs to allow the frog to jump.

Origami jumping frog is ready. The zigzag fold plays the role of a spring, allowing the craft to bounce.

The trajectory of the jump depends on the size of the folds. By experimenting with folds, you can get a frog that jumps far forward, upward, or even does a somersault when jumping.


If you have to create the image of not an ordinary frog, but a fairy-tale Frog Princess, then you cannot do without a crown. An excellent addition would be the shiny arrow with which the Frog was waiting for Ivan Tsarevich. Let's look at how to make these attributes yourself.

Crown and arrow

Materials and tools:

Wooden or bamboo stick

Headband or hair clip

Beads and crystals for decoration

Making the crown:

  1. Cut out a blank from shiny felt or foamiran. These materials are easy to work with: they hold their shape well, are easy to cut and do not crumble. You can use one of the diagrams below or draw your own.
  2. Make a round bottom for the crown.
  3. Using glue, connect the workpiece into a ring and glue the bottom.
  4. Decorate the crown as you wish with beads or crystals.
  5. The crown can be attached to a headband or hair clip. If you made a costume with a hat, attach the crown directly to it between the frog's eyes.

Arrow for the Frog Princess:

  1. Cut out two pieces each in the shape of the tip and fletching of the arrow from shiny foamiran or felt.
  2. Wrap the stick with shiny braid and secure the ends of the braid with glue.
  3. Glue the tip and feather blanks in pairs, inserting a stick between them.
  4. Cut the plumage into thin strips, not reaching the stick a few millimeters.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a finger frog that opens its mouth

And for a puppet theater you can make such a toy for your fingers. The same origami technique is used. You can decorate the craft with eyes and a mouth. And also stick on a crown.

Watch how you can make a frog that opens its mouth in this video.

If you glue the legs to this triangular part, the wah will become more realistic.

Frog Princess costume and New Year tree in kindergarten

Holidays are a good reason to take a break from work and talk about something other than travel. Traditionally, on New Year's Eve, we begin a series of pleasant events - Christmas trees, performances, various special events. And traditionally, I do New Year’s photo posts, where I post photos from these events: 2014, 2015.

After a while, I read articles with pleasure, look at photographs of events that were significant for our family, and remember... The end of 2016 was marked by a trip to the Prosveshcheniye publishing house for the award ceremony for the winners of the “Memory Map Routes” competition. The next day, December 22, Sophie had a Christmas tree in her kindergarten. On the 24th another Christmas tree.

And then - certification and a concert at the dance school where Sophie studies. The week turned out to be interesting and eventful. Now it’s time to capture, to one degree or another, all these events on the blog. I’ll start with the holiday in kindergarten. Since 2017 is my daughter’s graduation year, the New Year’s holiday in the garden is the last and especially important one.

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