How to make flowers from tulle with your own hands, master class with photos

Master class on tulle flowers

Making airy, light flowers with your own hands is not at all difficult. For this flower you will need:

  • a piece of tulle;
  • scissors;
  • needle and thread.

The fabric is folded into a tight roll approximately 1-1.5 cm thick. Carefully cut out a multi-layer droplet from it. This is what it looks like.

The droplet should produce many transparent petals. 40 pieces are selected for work. First, take one of the petals and, after threading a needle and thread through it, secure a knot on it. Next, use a stitch “forward needle” to fix the second petal, slightly shifting it to the first.

In exactly the same way, sew all 40 droplets one after another. The result is a kind of “ribbon” of parts.

Next they begin to assemble the middle. To do this, the first 3-5 petals are placed in a bag and stitched with thread at the base. Then proceed to the next row, which should be slightly higher (literally 1-2 mm) than the middle. It is also secured with thread.

In this way, the entire flower is attached row by row. Each next row should protrude slightly above the previous one. When they reach the last two or three rows, each of the petals is fixed separately with a thread, having previously given them a cup-shaped shape.

The result is a neat flower that looks like a rose. You can decorate a dress with this flower, attach it to the base of a brooch, or fix it on a hat or handbag.

Tulle bows for chairs

Method 1

We take a wide, bright, contrasting organza ribbon and tie it on the back of the chair, so that the beautiful knot “looks” into the room. Tying is done with a regular bow, threading the ends of the ribbon. Carefully straighten the resulting bow on the back of the chair.

Method 2

We throw a piece of organza over the back of the chair, take the upper corners, bring them back, connect them to the bottom layer of fabric and tie them in a knot, letting out the edges of the material. Carefully pull the knot to the back of the chair and straighten the resulting bow.

Method 3

We throw a piece of material over the back of the chair. The loose fabric is pulled into a bun and secured with a ribbon or strap. We straighten the organza beautifully.

Step-by-step creation of a bow for a hairpin

DIY tulle flowers master class is a frequent request on a popular hosting with video. The essence of such numerous videos comes down to one thing: fabric is wrapped around a piece of cardboard in the shape of a donut , then cut along the perimeter and tied with a rope or hemmed with thread.

If you need to create a voluminous decoration, then do not skimp on the fabric; however, you can always make a couple of test copies from cardboard donuts of different diameters before deciding on the size of the intended finished product.

A minimalistic version of the hairpin involves cutting tulle fabric in circles and folding it into segments. The next step is sewing it to the base, so you get the effect of hydrangea flower petals. For realism, you can sew a bead or something like a stamen into the core of the flower.


Flowers made from fabric and tulle have become very popular for creating hairstyles and hair accessories. Almost no photo shoot takes place without the use of artificial plants.

Lily is a symbol of goodness and innocence. You can make it from tulle:

  1. First, a “skirt” is formed from a bright shade - the base. The strip of mesh is collected with thread and pulled together.
  2. Petals are made from white tulle. For one flower: 6 large, 7 medium and 8 small.
  3. For the core, use a bright piece of fabric.
  4. The lily is carefully collected into a bud using a thread, carefully securing each petal.

A tulle flower turns out to be very delicate and airy. It will decorate a headband, dress or skirt.

Spectacular hairpin

The use of tulle flowers with your own hands is very diverse, all kinds of headbands, headbands and decorative elements. One of the interesting options can be called a lovely bow on the head; this idea will fit perfectly into the image of a young lady preparing for a prom or just an everyday outfit for an educational institution. To start creating a future masterpiece, you will need to make certain preparations, including the following components:

  1. Main material.
  2. Special glue gun and refill for it.
  3. Spectacular stasis.
  4. Sharp scissors.
  5. Small tweezers.
  6. Satin ribbon.
  7. Cardboard mold.

Wonderful seven-flowered flower

The original head hat in the form of a fairy-tale flower is similar in its creation to how to make a tulle bow on the head. This version of the evening headdress will be enthusiastically accepted at graduations, social events, and charity balls. A multi-layer cut cardboard bagel made of fabric of several colors, even using the entire rainbow gamut, will add optimism and allow you to stand out in the audience.

Do-it-yourself tulle decorations, created with love, can become excellent decorations for a family celebration or children's party, and they will also decorate the photo zone for guests of the feast who wish to capture happy moments.

The efforts spent on this decor will more than pay off with the delight of visitors.

Crafts made from tulle are accessible to even a first-grader who has barely learned how to handle fabric and scissors, let alone mature individuals with developed aesthetic perception, because for them creating fancy shapes from the most delicate tulle will be a tremendous pleasure.

Even in ancient times, flowers were used to decorate rooms, festive clothes, and hairstyles. And it doesn’t matter at all whether they were fresh flowers or artificial ones made by a skilled craftsman. The result was always beauty and high festive mood. Modern craftswomen create amazingly beautiful flowers with their own hands from a variety of fabrics, threads, wool, corrugated paper, foamiran, polymer clay, cold porcelain and other materials. Let us also try to create a delicate fantasy flower from tulle with our own hands, using the step-by-step master class “Flower from tulle. Beauty with your own hands."

We will prepare everything you need for work

Before we begin creating a future flower, let’s prepare all the necessary tools and materials for the job:

  • It is advisable to choose tulle in two shades, but you can get by with one color;
  • thin colored paper of different colors;
  • sharp scissors;
  • durable cotton threads;
  • and definitely a good mood.

Step-by-step guide to action

  1. We cut colored paper and tulle into 6 rectangles of the same size, 2 of which will be made of tulle, and the remaining 4 from thin colored paper. We will try to make our first flower from rectangles with sides of 25 cm and 40 cm. In the future, we will be able to work with blanks of other sizes. Then it will be possible to get, depending on your desire, larger or very miniature flowers.

  1. Stack all the rectangles. There should be tulle blanks on top, and paper ones underneath. By the way, if you have paper or tulle of different shades, then the darker ones should be lower than the light ones. Carefully begin to fold the stacked parts into an “accordion”, trying to make the folds at the same distance of approximately 2 cm.

  1. The finished accordion must be bent exactly in the middle and, at the bend, pulled tightly several times with cotton thread, tying it tightly with a strong double knot. We are not in a hurry to cut off the remaining long ends of the thread; they may still be needed if you need to assemble the finished products into a garland, attach a flower to a base for a brooch, a gift box or a hat. We form pointed petals by cutting off the corners on each fold of the accordion with scissors. We try to cut so that the petals are approximately the same.

  1. All that remains is to form a three-dimensional flower, and for this we need to straighten our product. First we work with one half of the future flower, and then with the second. We start with tulle. We carefully lift each layer of it up in turn.

  1. After this, we lift the petals of the paper layers. Both tulle and paper are rigid enough to hold the shape of the petals. So quite quickly and without much effort we end up with a surprisingly delicate three-dimensional flower in our hands.

A beautiful fantasy tulle flower is ready. Making such beauty was not at all difficult. However, the proposed master class is by no means something permanent and final. It serves only as an initial basis for the use of your limitless imagination. You can vary to your taste not only the size of the flower being created, but also the color scheme and materials. If desired, you can exclude paper and use only tulle of different shades or combine it with lace inserts. The resulting flowers can not only become a brooch on a dress, decorate a hairpin or hairband. They will help transform gift wrapping and even be used to create an original interior topiary.

To create this decoration, it is not necessary to buy expensive tools or materials; it is enough to purchase a piece of fabric. A tulle flower is a wonderful decoration that can be easily made by anyone, even a novice craftsman. An unusual flower can be used to decorate anything - a bouquet, a dress, a hairpin; it can be attached to a handbag or a headband, and the accessory will become truly unique. And all you need is a little tulle, thread, scissors and a little imagination. This master class provides step-by-step instructions with photos on how you can make an original decoration yourself.

Bow on the headband

At my youngest daughter’s kindergarten matinee, the girls were supposed to appear in the form of dolls.
And for the doll’s costume we needed a large bow made of satin ribbon for the head. After some thought, it was decided to make a bow from satin ribbon and tulle on the headband. To make a tulle bow on the headband you will need:

  • headband;
  • tulle;
  • satin ribbon 2.5 cm wide;
  • matching threads;
  • transparent glue (for example, Moment-gel).

How to make a headband with a bow with your own hands

  • The bow will consist of 3 layers: the bottom, most magnificent, tulle; middle - from tape; and the top one is also made of tulle.
  • We start making the bow from the bottom layer.
  • Cut out a rectangle measuring 15x35 cm from tulle.

Along the rectangle, in the middle we lay a running stitch.

We tighten it, forming a bridge on the bow.

We fasten the thread, but do not cut it.

For the second layer of the bow, we take a ribbon 2.5 cm wide. We wind the ribbon in a ring in 3 layers so that when this ring is “flattened”, the distance from one edge to the other is 13 cm. The beginning of the ribbon should be located in the middle of the flattened ring.

We attach it to the tulle with the same thread; we do not cut the ribbon or thread.

We straighten the “petals” and secure them in this position.

We cut out a piece of tulle 8x12 cm, assemble it in the same way as the first, large piece and attach it on top, above the ribbon.

We bend the remaining end of the ribbon in half lengthwise and wrap it around all three layers, combining it into one bow. We secure this entire structure with thread. And only now can you cut both the tape and the thread.

Actually, the bow is ready. All that remains is to attach it to the rim.

If you have a fabric headband, then you can simply glue the bow to it. I have a “naked” plastic headband. Therefore, to begin with, I wrapped ribbon around the place on the headband where the bow would be located. I glued the ends of a piece of tape together and glued it to the wrong side of the headband. After that, I glued a bow to this fabric piece of the headband.

Drop transparent glue onto the tulle in several places and sprinkle with glitter.

This bow looks very beautiful and is appropriate not only as part of a doll’s costume, but also in everyday life.


Further manipulations

The resulting base for the tulle hairpin must be bent so that the corner of the first layer intersects with the second. Now the uppermost tip is visually determined, from which the workpiece begins to be folded three times. Thanks to the video master classes, you can consider in detail all the unclear points and identify your mistakes and shortcomings, if any.

At the next stage, the structure is bent again, as a result of such manipulations, a multilayer triangular petal should be formed. It is important to ensure that all components made in its likeness do not differ from each other.

DIY tulle flowers

Even in ancient times, flowers were used to decorate rooms, festive clothes, and hairstyles. And it doesn’t matter at all whether they were fresh flowers or artificial ones made by a skilled craftsman. The result was always beauty and high festive mood. Modern craftswomen create amazingly beautiful flowers with their own hands from a variety of fabrics, threads, wool, corrugated paper, foamiran, polymer clay, cold porcelain and other materials. Let us also try to create a delicate fantasy flower from tulle with our own hands, using the step-by-step master class “Flower from tulle. Beauty with your own hands."

We will prepare everything you need for work

Before we begin creating a future flower, let’s prepare all the necessary tools and materials for the job:

  • It is advisable to choose tulle in two shades, but you can get by with one color;
  • thin colored paper of different colors;
  • sharp scissors;
  • durable cotton threads;
  • and definitely a good mood.

Step-by-step guide to action

  1. We cut colored paper and tulle into 6 rectangles of the same size, 2 of which will be made of tulle, and the remaining 4 from thin colored paper. We will try to make our first flower from rectangles with sides of 25 cm and 40 cm. In the future, we will be able to work with blanks of other sizes. Then it will be possible to get, depending on your desire, larger or very miniature flowers.
  1. Stack all the rectangles. There should be tulle blanks on top, and paper ones underneath. By the way, if you have paper or tulle of different shades, then the darker ones should be lower than the light ones. Carefully begin to fold the stacked parts into an “accordion”, trying to make the folds at the same distance of approximately 2 cm.
  1. The finished accordion must be bent exactly in the middle and, at the bend, pulled tightly several times with cotton thread, tying it tightly with a strong double knot. We are not in a hurry to cut off the remaining long ends of the thread; they may still be needed if you need to assemble the finished products into a garland, attach a flower to a base for a brooch, a gift box or a hat. We form pointed petals by cutting off the corners on each fold of the accordion with scissors. We try to cut so that the petals are approximately the same.
  1. All that remains is to form a three-dimensional flower, and for this we need to straighten our product. First we work with one half of the future flower, and then with the second. We start with tulle. We carefully lift each layer of it up in turn.
  1. After this, we lift the petals of the paper layers. Both tulle and paper are rigid enough to hold the shape of the petals. So quite quickly and without much effort we end up with a surprisingly delicate three-dimensional flower in our hands.

A beautiful fantasy tulle flower is ready. Making such beauty was not at all difficult. However, the proposed master class is by no means something permanent and final. It serves only as an initial basis for the use of your limitless imagination. You can vary to your taste not only the size of the flower being created, but also the color scheme and materials. If desired, you can exclude paper and use only tulle of different shades or combine it with lace inserts. The resulting flowers can not only become a brooch on a dress, decorate a hairpin or hairband. They will help transform gift wrapping and even be used to create an original interior topiary.

How to make a bow from tulle?

How to make a bow from tulle?

  • Bow made of tulle . To make a bow from tulle you will need tulle, preferably hard, so that the bow holds its shape. To decorate and create layers and airiness, you can also use soft tulle. You also need a needle and thread. First, fold the tulle in several layers, depending on the desired size, into a rectangle or square. Then, in the middle along the entire width, we lay a stitch using a needle and thread and tighten it. To hide the seam, you can use tulle itself, as well as various rhinestones, beads, artificial flowers, and satin ribbons.
  • It is made very simply and no matter what it is for, for interior decoration, for a wedding car, for headbands, hairpins, or dresses, for decorating crafts. The bow itself is made according to all the familiar patterns. You can experiment with shapes and colors, combine and complement them, you can make a standard bow, or you can make a pompom bow. Here are a few step-by-step patterns for making bows and simply beautiful bows for inspiration.
  • Very simple. To do this you will need tulle, scissors and sequins :) First, cut a piece of tulle 5-10 cm wide and 50-60 cm long. Fold this piece of tulle in layers and approximately 10-15 cm long. The more layers, the more magnificent the bow.
  • Tie in the middle with a strong thread.
  • Cut the ends of the tulle and straighten.

  • Now you can decorate the bow and rhinestones :)
  • It's so easy and angry.
  • Look at the diagram:

  • Sometimes on special occasions we need a tulle bow. It can be like a small bow that secures the hair and decorates the hairstyle.

    Maybe a big bow to decorate a car for a wedding. See how you can make a tulle bow in a couple of minutes.

  • To make a tulle bow with your own hands, we need very few materials :) and a minimum of time :)

    1. I’ll now tell you how to make such a bow from tulle for a children’s hair clip or headband:
    2. We will need the following materials

    • Cut the tulle into squares of the desired size
    • We put them together into quot; and pin it with a pin so it doesn’t fall apart :)
    • cut out a circle from felt

    1. And we sew the blanks
    • Decorate the middle with beads
    1. An elegant headband for a girl is ready
  • To make a tulle bow you need to have wire, satin ribbon, tulle, thread and a needle.

    We twist the wire into a figure eight and carefully wrap it with a satin ribbon, the shape should resemble the shape of a bow.

    Then, using a needle and thread, we fix the pieces of tulle on our workpiece, and let the tulle ties go. Decorate with ribbons, beads and sparkles. This bow can be used to decorate a wedding car or any occasion.

  • Making a bow from a material such as tulle is quite easy, if, of course, you take into account a simple bow.

    First you need a rectangular tulle. Gather it in the middle and tie it with a thread or a beautiful ribbon.

    You can also make more complex bows with different decorations and different shapes:

  • Tulle bows look very elegant and airy, and most importantly, you can make them yourself. To do this, you need to take tulle of the desired color, cut several rectangles from it, fold them together, gather them in the center with your fingers and tie them tightly with a ribbon.

    In order to make a large bow to decorate a wedding car, you will need to take hard tulle in several layers. 1 layer approximately 3 m. Tie a regular bow (or assemble with a needle and thread) and straighten it.

    • A tulle bow will add incredible airiness and solemnity to your hairstyle.
    • Making such a bow yourself is not difficult.

  • You will need tulle, thread, needle, scissors.
  • You can also get by with just one tulle and scissors. See detailed creation instructions below.

  • A tulle bow greatly decorates a wedding car. It is very easy to make such a bow. You can experiment with fabrics: a bow and drapery of white tulle, a knot and satin ribbons. The size of the bow depends on you. watch the video.
  • Source:

    Holiday decor

    A tulle flower will help you decorate your home for the occasion; a master class on how to make it is available to everyone. Buds suspended from the ceiling look very elegant and stylish. They can be created from tulle, paper, napkins and fabric.

    What you will need to make such an unusual decoration:

    • Threads.
    • Fatin.
    • Scissors.
    • Stapler.

    The manufacturing process is very simple. Many round parts of different diameters are cut from tulle. Then, several pieces at a time, to make the flower lush, connect the elements with a stapler in the middle. Straighten each layer with your hands, attach a rope and hang it from the ceiling at different levels.

    This decoration is perfect for creating decorations for a birthday. In pink for girls, in blue for boys.

    Volumetric polka dot flower

    Fabric buds can be made even without sewing skills. DIY tulle flowers will require the preparation of the following materials:

    • Scissors.
    • Tulle with polka dots.
    • White mesh.
    • Needle and thread.

    Charged with a good mood, they begin to create a beautiful three-dimensional flower:

    1. 5-7 round parts with a diameter of 7 cm are cut out of tulle.
    2. Threads are selected to match the fabric.
    3. 2 parts with a diameter of 6 cm are cut out of the mesh.
    4. The round pieces are connected with a thread in the middle, forming a neat flower.
    5. For the core, it is recommended to use beads or ready-made stamens.

    These flowers are used to make beautiful hair bands. White bows are perfect for hairstyles on September 1st.


    We thread the snake onto the needle with the side where there are no teeth and form a flower.

    Then we string beads, 3 pcs. at a time.

    Then we fold the material in layers and cut out the petals.

    We overlap the petals and sew them on the back side in a circle.

    The volume and splendor of the flower will depend on the length and number of petals; the more there are, the more magnificent and larger the flower will be.

    Let's use the second part of the snake to make another simple, cute flower.

    Using this photo pattern, you can make flowers from any other materials you like.

    These are the cute flowers we made from tulle.

    Simple tulle flower

    You can make beautiful accessories with your own hands. Hair ties decorated with flowers look very gentle. To make it you will need:

    • a piece of satin ribbon 20 cm;
    • tulle;
    • scrunchy;
    • needle, thread, scissors;
    • big bead.

    How to make a flower from tulle:

    1. The satin ribbon is folded in half and the middle is sewn together.
    2. 6 round parts are cut out of tulle and joined together, tightening the thread, in the shape of a flower.
    3. The core is decorated with a large bead.
    4. A piece of satin ribbon is sewn to the hair tie, and then a tulle flower.

    This decoration can be used to create hairstyles for school or for the holidays.

    Tulle car bow

    1. We take a bright thin ribbon, thread it through the ring (bracket) in the trunk of the car, fold it in half, and close the trunk of the car. After 30–40 centimeters from the “beginning” of the tape, we tie its two strips with a strong knot.
    2. Two more multi-colored wide long stripes are attached to the passenger's ceiling handle. We tie their corners to the handle and pull both ribbons through the window. We connect them with the “bottom” strip (which is attached to the trunk) like this: we pass them under the first knot, pull them out and fix the second knot of two strips in the same place.
    3. We perform a similar action on the second side of the machine: we pull out two more ribbons, tying the ends to the ceiling handle, and fix the second end at the back of the machine. We securely fix it by making a tight knot on each of them. We should have 5 knots.
    4. We form a bow. We take a wide ribbon in our hand, bend it to form a “petal” of a bow, and tie it with a thin one so that the structure does not fray or fall apart in the wind. On the second side we form another “petal” of the bow for symmetry. For greater pomp, you can attach a pre-made organza bow from ribbons of the same color to the center. It is also secured with a thin strip. The free edges of the bow are folded in half and cut diagonally with scissors, unusual edges are formed.
    5. You can decorate the ribbons themselves with small prepared bows, hang them on the car door or in other places by attaching them with a regular stapler. And you can tie a couple more soft toys or other figurines to the bow, symbolizing the newlyweds.
    6. We take a bright thin ribbon, thread it through the ring (bracket) in the trunk of the car, fold it in half, and close the trunk of the car. After 30–40 centimeters from the “beginning” of the tape, we tie its two strips with a strong knot.
    7. Two more multi-colored wide long ribbons are attached to the passenger's ceiling handle. We tie their corners to the handle and pull both strips through the window. We connect them with the “bottom” strip (which is attached to the trunk) like this: we pass them under the first knot, pull them out and fix the second knot of two strips in the same place.
    8. We perform a similar action on the second side of the machine: we pull out two more ribbons, tying the ends to the ceiling handle, and fix the second end at the back of the machine. We securely fix the ribbons, making a tight knot on each of them. We should have 5 knots.
    9. We form a bow. We take a wide strip in our hand, bend it to form a “petal” of a bow, and tie it with a thin ribbon so that the structure does not fray or fall apart in the wind. On the second side we form another “petal” of the bow for symmetry. For greater pomp, you can attach a pre-made organza bow from ribbons of the same color to the center. It is also secured with a thin strip. The free edges of the bow are folded in half and cut diagonally with scissors to form unusual edges.
    10. You can decorate the ribbons themselves with small prepared bows , hang them on the car door or in other places by attaching them with a regular stapler. And you can tie a couple more soft toys or other figurines to the bow, symbolizing the newlyweds.

    Headband decoration

    If you are thinking about how to make a tulle bow on your head for a headband, just start by folding the fabric in half. Folding in several layers is acceptable. Tie the resulting rectangle in the middle with a tourniquet or ribbon, cut the connected edges of the rectangle with sharp scissors. The resulting cute bow can be sewn manually to the finished base for the headband, or you can use superglue or a special glue gun.

    It is permissible to decorate the center of the bow with lace, a button, or a brooch, but the edges of the finished product can be either overcast or left in their original form, and can also be delicately ruffled with the appropriate cuts of scissors.

    You can sew beads and glass beads around the perimeter of the decoration to add shine to the finished decoration.

    Tulle bow on a dress

    Have you noticed how delicate a tulle bow looks on a child’s dress? Like a white cloud, it adorns the clothes and the child. And making such a bow is as easy as shelling pears.

    Take a piece of tulle, a satin ribbon 1 cm wide, thread, needle, scissors, and a glue gun.

    1. First, cut out a circle from fabric. Take a round plate, apply it to the back of the tulle, trace it and cut it out.
    2. Using small stitches around the perimeter, sew the circle. We tie the thread.
    3. Now we turn the fragment over and run a basting stitch from the edge to the middle. We pull out the thread - the shape of the bow is outlined.
    4. Satin ribbon tends to fray, so we burn it on the sides of the edge with a lighter. Apply a piece of tape to the base with a glue gun.

    Now you can begin the most enjoyable stage - decorating the product with rhinestones. We also singe the ribbon with rhinestones on both sides. If you have a pin, you can use glue to put a bow on it. This way you can unfasten the bow, for example, if you need to wash the dress.

    Beautiful tulle in rich colors is widely used in wedding decor, in particular, to decorate chairs. To form a beautiful bow, drape a piece over the back, bring the edges back and tie a knot with the bow. The second option is to throw tulle over the back like a scarf, pull the edges at the back into a bun and secure with a strap.

    As you can see, creating beauty with your own hands is not at all difficult. The main thing is to stock up on materials, accessories, and patience. A wide selection of decorative fabrics is presented in our store.

    Pompom flower

    This flower can be used not only as a decoration for an elastic band, but also for any other accessories or decor - they are often used to decorate holiday rooms.

    For this you will need:

    • tulle;
    • thick cardboard;
    • ribbon or strong thread;
    • scissors.

    First of all, you need to make two identical round blanks from cardboard. The size of the future pompom will depend on the diameter of the workpiece. You need to make holes in the center of the blanks. After this procedure, you should get two identical “donuts” made of cardboard.

    The blanks are folded together, while hiding a ribbon or strong thread between them. It will be needed to pull the future pompom. Tulle needs to be cut into long strips. The optimal width of the ribbon varies from five to seven centimeters, depending on the desired size of the pompom. You can use two or more colors of ribbon, winding them alternately. Pom-poms made from tulle in all colors of the rainbow look very original.

    Once the tulle strips are wound, you need to carefully cut the tulle along the edges of the donut. Next, you need to pull out the edges of the ribbon or thread, after which the pompom is pulled together in the middle. The cardboard blanks are removed, after which you need to straighten and fluff the finished pompom.

    Thus, by connecting several pompoms together, you can get a wonderful holiday garland. Regular large pompoms can be used to decorate the room.

    Small pom-poms are perfect for a variety of purposes - they can decorate a little schoolgirl’s hairstyle or party shoes, or they can be used for original decoration of pastry chef’s masterpieces and table settings.

    Volumetric flower

    Tulle flowers made using this method are most conveniently used as decoration for a room or clothing.

    You can get such a craft using the same method as many pom-poms.

    First of all, you will need to take a sheet of cardboard. Draw two identical circles on it with a small hole in the center. Cut a long strip of tulle. Connect the two circles together and begin to wrap the diameter of the workpieces with material. The tulle does not need to be smoothed, try to have a lot of folds. Then the flower will eventually turn out lush and voluminous.

    When you have wrapped the entire piece, secure the end of the tulle with a drop of glue from a glue gun. Move the material a little and insert the scissor blade between the cardboard blanks. Cut the tulle. Move the pieces apart a little and tie the tulle in that place with a ribbon or thick thread.

    Now you can remove the cardboard blanks. They can be used to make other flowers of similar size. By the way, the purpose of the tulle depends on the length of the ribbon with which the tulle is tied. If it is short, then such a flower is used as a decoration for a dress or decorative items and accessories. And if it is long, then the craft can be hung from the cornice or ceiling.

    For a gift

    Most people, when thinking about a present, increasingly give preference to durable souvenirs, whether it is a ball of tulle or a flower does not matter, living plants will soon wither, and the craft can decorate the house or clothes for many years. Don’t forget that the creator puts a piece of himself into every handmade work; for some, such gifts can become a real talisman.


    • How to make candles with your own hands: instructions for making wax, gel, scented, homemade decorative candles with a wick

    • What you can make from foamiran with your own hands: we create flowers, Christmas tree decorations, snowflakes, three-dimensional paintings (photo + video)

    • DIY glass crafts: what can be made from glass bottles, liquid glass, broken glass (photo + video)

    Flower with beads or rhinestones

    For this flower, you can use leftover fabric from sewing a tutu skirt. It will make a wonderful decoration in the same style for clothing or a headband. You can glue the flower to the brooch base and decorate your blouse.

    Let us describe step by step the process of its creation.

    You will need:

    • Fatin;
    • Threads to match;
    • Felt circle for the base;
    • Scissors;
    • Glue (hotmelt adhesive or moment crystal);
    • Center decoration: beads or rhinestones.


    1. Cut the tulle into squares of the same size.
    2. Take one square and fold it with a corner to form a sharp petal.
    3. Sew it to the felt base. You can also use glue, but sewn petals will stick better.
    4. Do the same with all the other squares. Make sure that the petals are evenly spaced in a circle. Don’t let the threads scare you at their very sight - they will be decorated later. It’s better to make not one layer (circle), but two or three: it will turn out more magnificent. Sew each of the petals of the new layer between the petals of the previous one.
    5. Cut out five or six circles from tulle of the same or contrasting color according to the size of the center. They are needed to hide the seams. Carefully, using small stitches, at a short distance from the edge, sew them to the middle of the flower.
    6. Glue or sew a large rhinestone (bead) in the center of the flower. You can stick a scattering of small adhesive rhinestones on the petals in any order.

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    Headband decorations

    Decoration can be made from any materials:

    • flowers, bows;
    • fluff, feathers, sparkles, beads, pearls;
    • shells, buttons, pebbles;
    • wooden or metal baubles, fringe, etc.

    When making a headband, look at the girl's age. The blanks are usually secured with glue, which makes the work easier. It is recommended to connect the details of dressings for infants with threads.

    Flower on head

    [ads-mob-3] [ads-pc-3] There are a lot of configurations - roses, daisies, peonies, dandelions, lilies, the list is endless. Much depends on the size of the flower with which you are going to decorate the headband. The larger the part, the better the material should hold its shape.

    Experienced craftswomen use felt as a universal fabric for making flower arrangements for headbands. The trend is for thin rubber bands with miniature flowers, buds, or just a scattering of petals.


    This is a Japanese technique for making bows, for which you can use different materials. The authors of kanzashi choose fabrics from organza, tulle and satin ribbons. The point is to combine small fragments into one whole. Each piece is a square folded in a special way. There are many such folding methods.


    This is an innovative material and a trendy finished decoration. Foam or foamed plastic rubber easily wrinkles, twists, and when heated makes it possible to create an element of any configuration.

    Cooling on the mold (cast mold for three-dimensional parts), the material forms incredibly realistic flowers with all the subtleties of natural plants. Particularly valuable for decorating exclusive accessories.

    Beautiful bows

    If organza is a traditional option, then in combination with satin ribbons it is a masterpiece. It is no less important to use tulle, which practically does not wrinkle, to make a bow of an original shape.


    This decoration is often worn on girls under one year old.
    Typically, crowns are made using different knitting methods. Needlewomen recommend choosing thick yarn so that the shape holds well and looks impressive. It is relevant to use a crown, but such a crown is worn for a girl’s photo shoot.

    Tulle flower with cone-shaped petals

    To make a flower you only need scissors and a needle and thread. And, of course, tulle, one or more matching shades.

    1. Fold the tulle into several layers and secure it with a few stitches in the middle.
    2. Cut a circle of the required diameter with the center at the point where the layers join.
    3. Make several slits from the edge to the center of the circle, not cutting a little to the very middle. The number of slots will correspond to the number of petals.
    4. Now wrap each layer of tulle into a cone. These will be the petals.
    5. Sew a bead into the middle of the resulting flower.

    This simple and quick flower can be used to decorate a little girl's hairpin or headband.

    DIY baby headbands

    The decoration is easy to make yourself if you follow the instructions. For a newborn girl, it is better to take openwork lace 1-4 cm wide. For a baby from 6 months to a year, you can prepare a soft elastic band up to 2-3 cm. For older girls, a regular plastic headband, which needs to be covered with a beautiful fabric, is suitable.

    Step-by-step instructions for a headband with flowers.

    1. Measure the girl's head, cut off the piece with a margin of 1 cm.
    2. The lace is sewn together; a beautiful elastic band can be left as a base or inserted into the fabric.
    3. To do this, fold the material in half face down and cut out strips using a slight tack.
    4. Sew along the edge line, turn it inside out, insert an elastic band into the bandage, and sew.
    5. For a solid rim, the workpiece is made in the same way; measurements are taken based on the base.
    6. Start decorating.
    7. You need a soft fabric; stretch knitwear in bright colors works well.
    8. Cut several strips of different widths, approximately 60 cm long.
    9. Sew large zigzags by hand or by machine.
    10. Gently pull the thread so that you get corrugated pieces of fabric.
    11. Twist each piece, starting from one end, into a flower and secure with thread. You can place beautiful beads in the middle.
    12. You should end up with several elements of different sizes and colors.
    13. Cut out green leaves from felt, velvet or other base.
    14. You can make one composition from flowers or scatter them throughout the rim.
    15. There are two decoration options - glue it with a gun or sew it with a needle and thread.
    16. The accessory is ready.

    Masterpieces of the author's works are shown in the photo.

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