The meaning of the Hammer of Thor amulet for men and women

Creation of Thor's Hammer

Creating amulets is a whole science. There are many different rules, theories, advice on what patterns can be applied, and how to properly create a talisman. Reason: it is not always possible to make Thor's hammer - you need to choose special days of the week, phases of the moon. These days will be different for each zodiac sign.

There is no need to be upset if the chosen shape or design of the amulet does not correspond to the zodiac sign of its owner - in any case, the talisman has energy that cannot harm anyone. You also need to understand that the priority is the internal connection between the owner and the talisman, energy.

Master's work

When choosing a master, you need to be especially careful in your choice. A specialist must be endowed not only with the necessary knowledge, but also with positive, suitable energy. It is important to first read reviews of the master’s work. It’s better to find out the real stories of those whom amulets really helped.

When the amulet is made, even better if you do it yourself, you need to hold it in your hand as much as possible, talk, talk about requests, share your secret. The amulet must “get used” to the owner and receive a portion of personal energy. Only then does a thing help protect a person when powerful energetic contact is established.

Use the Hammer of Thor amulet more often, treat it with respect and love. You can call it a talisman by name. Only if the attitude is reverent, the talisman will really help. If you treat it like an ordinary souvenir lying in a box with the others, then you don’t need to wait for help.


How and who can wear Mjolnir

At its core, the Thor's hammer talisman is not just an ordinary decoration that can become an original accessory. The sign of Thor is a bundle of strong energy. The amulet can become protection from any adversity, but there are several important features on how to use this symbol of protection. If the talisman is used incorrectly, there is a high risk of incurring the wrath of Scandinavian and Slavic deities.

Basic recommendations on how to use the Mjolnir amulet:

  1. Use it more often, wear it around your neck under your clothes - this will bring it as close to your body as possible, protecting it from prying eyes.
  2. If it is not possible to wear the amulet, then it must be stored in the breast pocket.
  3. If you still had to leave the amulet at home, you shouldn’t just throw it away unattended - it’s better to buy a bag or box for storage. This will help protect the item from prying eyes.
  4. Do not allow strangers to touch the amulet.
  5. The magical meaning of the talisman is such that the evil caused with the help of Thor's hammer will return as a boomerang.
  6. It is believed that he is most sensitive to the symbolism of reptiles, so you cannot wear Thor’s hammer and pendants in the form of reptiles at the same time.

The Slavs have long used the weapon of Thor to protect the warrior from adversity. Nowadays, absolutely all people who consider the amulet as protection often use it to achieve good goals. You can use a talisman not only to protect yourself, but also loved ones, homes, and things.

Who is the amulet suitable for?

Thor's amulet is more of a masculine symbol than a feminine one. It is most suitable for military personnel and people who risk their lives at work. This symbol also gives calm to nervous people and courage to cowardly people. A suitable amulet for leaders, because it will help you be more courageous and prone to leadership. Thor's Hammer will attract a weak and submissive woman to a man. It attracts a wise environment into a person’s life and stimulates the ability to learn.

The amulet will help people who work in physical work and will add stamina. Mjolnir also saves from physical illnesses. For a woman, the amulet is more suitable if she wants to bear a healthy child, because Thor’s hammer is a symbol of fertility. Another meaning for a woman is to strengthen her authority among her colleagues. But if a lady wears the amulet for a long time, she may lose her femininity and intuition.

Charm in the form of Thor's hammer.

Rules for using the talisman

Anyone who knows what Thor's hammer looks like knows that it is not a simple trinket, but a powerful artifact. And you should treat it with care. In order not to incur the wrath of Thor, you need to:

1. Keep the hammer away from prying eyes. It is best to hide it under clothes.

2. An amulet is almost a living creature, so you should treat it with respect. Mentally talk and thank for success in business.

3. If the owner of the talisman has jewelry in the form of snakes or lizards, then they need to be removed.

4. Reptilian energy will conflict with the hammer.

5. The same is true for pectoral crosses and symbols of other religions. This will lead to misfortune.

6. Don't worry about losing your amulet. This means that he did everything he could for the person or absorbed black energy and saved him from problems.

Material on the topic: everything about Perun’s talisman color.

How to charge and cleanse Mjolnir?

It is best to use an amulet made with your own hands, but if you do not have the skills of a blacksmith, you can buy the sign of Thor in online stores. To enhance the effectiveness of the amulet, you need to wear it with pure thoughts. Envy or anger spoil the energy of the amulet and turn it into a simple decoration. If the owner of an enchanted item wants to cleanse it of bad influences, then the hammer can simply be washed with water. When it drains, you need to imagine that everything bad goes away with it.

Fire or salt can help in cleansing. To cleanse the amulet using fire, you need to carry it over a candle. Salt saves you from bad influences if you let the amulet lie in it for several days. It is also good to walk with a talisman during a thunderstorm. Then he becomes the most powerful, as he receives the energy of Thor himself.

How did Thor's hammer come about?

Thor had several magical artifacts to help him in the fight against evil: he wore a belt of strength, gloves and his famous hammer.

The name of Thor's hammer is Mjolnir, which means "crusher". There are several legends of its origin.

How Mjolnir was forged

In Asgard, blacksmithing was done by dwarves - dwarfs, and there was no limit to their skill.

The doors could subdue the strongest and most unyielding steel, and create such tiny products that the human eye simply could not see them.

Dwarves often awarded their creations with magical traits that could backfire on their owners.

One day, the god of cunning and deception, Loki, argued with two blacksmiths, Cindy and Brokk. He argued that even such masters were not able to create a weapon that would be better than all those created before.


As I mentioned in the previous paragraph, there are many ways to do this, as you can customize your Thor hammer to your liking. Here I'll give you some ideas for modifying it. And then I'll show you the steps to create a basic prototype that you can build on:


You can use a variety of materials to create a hammer, depending on what you like to work with or depending on the tools and resources you have available. The material is not a limitation as it can be done with almost anything. Here are some suggestions:

  • Recycled materials : You can use wooden or plastic boxes that are the appropriate size for the size of the hammer head. It should be something hollow so that the circuitry can be placed inside and disguised so that it cannot be seen. For the handle, you can use a cut-off mop or broom stick, or even an old tool mast (preferably something hollow or something you can easily hollow out to get the wiring inside). Also keep in mind that if the surface can be easily worked, much better. I don't just mean painting, since there are materials that paint doesn't adhere well to, but also whether they can be carved, carved, etc.
  • Wood : Wood is a cheap material and can be worked very well, for example to create angled profiles on the hammer head surfaces and even to make the carvings found on Thor's original hammer. It can be glued with glue or other adhesive that can be easily found in hardware stores. As for the handle, perhaps wood is not the best, since a hollow wooden tube of this size might not be very strong...
  • Polymers Plastic is also a cheap material that is easy to work with. We can use a variety of glues to connect all the parts. Some even allow heat treatment to mold the parts. You can also use PVC pipes of appropriate thickness to make the handle. Obviously, both wood and plastic and other materials will require additional processing such as paint, leather coverings, etc.
  • Impresión 3D - If you have a 3D printer, it would be a very good idea to use a gray base plastic color for the hammer head and create an exact computer replica of the hammer and let the 3D printer do all the work. Keep in mind that the head must be removable to accommodate the electronics, so don't make it one piece.
  • Metal : If you have the ability to work with metal, although it is not the safest material, you can do that too. For example, by using welded sheets to make the head and developing a door exit mechanism to be able to enter and access the electronics in case any adjustments or repairs are needed. The handle can be any metal tube...
  • Papier-mâché : This is not the most reliable option of all, but it is one of the cheapest. You can use a box or brick as a mold and cover it with layers of paper (such as newspaper) and glue mixed with water. Layer by layer it will acquire consistency until a more or less rigid structure remains. Remember that whatever you use as a mold you will have to take it out from the inside, not close it completely... Also, one of the faces must be temporarily open to insert the circuit.
  • Mix : You can also use different types of materials for each part of the hammer...


As with the materials, we will also provide you with some ideas for creating your electronic hammer tuning mechanism:

  • magnetism : Creating magnetism is very simple, you can build an electromagnet and insert it into the hollow head of a hammer. Another idea is to put neodymium magnets inside to create this attraction even easier, and let the circuit do other things explicitly.
  • Make it work only for you : If you want, you can add a module for the Arduino, such as a fingerprint reader, to make it work only with your fingerprint, and thus make it "obey" only you, like this happens with Thor's hammer in fiction.
  • sound : Maybe you are thinking that you can use some kind of sound as a sound effect when you move the hammer or when it hits a surface. Perhaps record or extract certain sounds from the Thor movies, store them in memory and play them through the small speaker that is inside the hammer. You can use sensors that detect when you move the hammer so that through the Arduino sketch they start emitting.
  • Together …

And as a basis for creating your prototype , you can continue reading in the following sections...

and also quite a few versions of the hardware that we can implement to have different functions. You can program the Arduino board to add more if you want, such as sound for effects using a motion sensor, adding a fingerprint sensor on the handle so only we can "handle" it, and so on.

How to make

Anyone can create this powerful magical attribute with their own hands. The best material for this will be wood. Moreover, it is best to choose strong wood species, such as walnut or oak. They symbolize masculinity, longevity, endurance and the strength of nature. Secret symbols should be depicted on the carved amulet. It is worth choosing a Celtic pattern that is most suitable for the purpose that the amulet will serve. Before you select the pattern you need, carefully read its meaning. An incorrectly composed script of ancient symbols can distort the effect of the amulet.

How to wear a talisman correctly

Since the “Hammer of Thor” amulet is not just a decoration for beauty, but a powerful magical object, it is worth wearing it, taking into account some rules and nuances. After all, only by observing these points can you receive the protection of the Scandinavian god and win him over. The amulet should always be with you, preferably on your neck. If it’s just a figurine or a keychain, then it’s better to put it in a box. You can also sew an opaque bag especially for such a talisman. Remember, someone else's attention to a magical attribute can deprive him of his inner strength and energy reserves.

Under no circumstances should you give the amulet into the wrong hands, even just to look after it. It is very sensitive to human energy, and if it is not taken by the owner, the thing will lose some of its powers. And if a person also has bad intentions or is jealous of you, then the amulet can absorb negative energy and begin to work against you.

Another important rule: you cannot wear the amulet together with other jewelry, but only if they depict reptiles. The symbolism of these signs is very contradictory, and the disharmony that ancient Celtic signs create in combination with the image of reptiles can have a very negative impact on the owner of the jewelry.

Thor's Hammer - a meaning that has come to us from ancient times

The talisman is considered to be an analogue of the Orthodox cross, with the help of which demons were expelled and used to organize protection from negative energy. Initially, the symbol was not a separate part, but was depicted on objects. It was believed that such a talisman applied to the medallion provides reliable protection against negative energy.

The symbol was used during funerals, a sign was depicted on the tombstone to protect against evil spells that could disturb the peaceful sleep of the deceased.

The meaning of the Hammer of Thor amulet, its history and magical properties

Thor's hammer, according to Scandinavian legends, had special power

People have long been accustomed to using amulets, Slavic amulets, all kinds of magical talismans to protect themselves from misfortunes, gain strength for glorious victories, and catch luck by the tail. According to Scandinavian legends, the amulet of Thor's hammer had special power.

There were many legends around him, and his power was revered, trying to be used for their own good. Thor is the god of the highest Scandinavian-Germanic pantheon, the son of the supreme god Odin, powerful, good-natured, beloved and protector of people. According to legend, the handsome red-bearded man was quick-tempered, but fair, cocky, but very kind. They revered him, loved him, and worshiped his strength.

Thor's main weapon for fighting evil was a hammer, so heavy that only God himself could lift it. The hammer was called Mjolnir, which means “to crush,” and after defeating an enemy, it always returned to its owner’s hands. This glorious weapon has come down to us not only in tales, legends and film adaptations, but also in the form of a beautiful amulet.

We will talk about its magical power and the purpose of the symbol.

Celtic symbol Thor's Hammer in mythology and legends

Thor looked different in different myths, but he was always portrayed as a brave god with incredible strength and courage. He had control over thunder and lightning, which shook the earth when God was angry. He had a rather hot-tempered character, but self-control allowed him not to use his power at every attack of rage. Thor protected the Aesir from the giants and his equipment helped him in this. He rode on an iron chariot drawn by two goats, and a red-hot hammer sparkled in his hands. It was he who was identified with the thunderstorm, so he was always very hot. It was extremely difficult to hold him with bare hands, so the god always had iron gloves. He used his hammer not only as a weapon. With it he could resurrect animals, influence the fertility of fields, and bless marriages.

Mjolnir was subject only to its owner, therefore, like a boomerang, it always returned to his hands.

Some researchers believe that the Scandinavians adopted their axe-like symbol of the sun from the Indonesians, modified it and began to identify it with Thor. But there is another opinion that Mjolnir is a native Scandinavian sign, because its appearance is very similar to the weapon of the thunder god. Initially, it was believed that this symbol was intended for men, because they, like no one else, needed the protection of Thor. But if a woman wanted to get pregnant, she could also wear the amulet on herself.

In addition, the talisman had the following meanings:

  • protecting the suffering from oppressors;
  • giving warriors courage and strength;
  • protection from natural disasters and disasters;
  • deliverance from poverty, hunger and even death;
  • granting fertility.

According to ancient records, it is known that only wise men and sorcerers could wear such an amulet, because it gave them incredible power. However, ordinary people also wanted to receive Thor’s protection, so the amulet became more popular.

Who is Thor?

Thor's Hammer
This is a Scandinavian god, the eldest and beloved son of Odin and Erd-Earth. He received all the power of the earth and natural elements. At the age of ten, he was already playing with his father’s weapon and lifting more than ten bear skins at once. This is the thunder god. Thor is associated with Perun among the Slavs. They were both gods of thunder and lightning, they controlled the elements and gave fertility to the earth, because they were in charge of the sun and rain, without which no crop would grow.

Thor was a protective god. He protected the city of people Mitgard, located in the branches of the sacred tree Iggidrasil, and the heavenly city of the gods Asgard from any evil and invasion. Anyone could call Thor in a thunderous voice and he would come to the rescue.

In the minds of the Scandinavians, evil is giants. Thor spent most of his time in the east fighting giants and monsters so that they would not attack cities and scatter throughout the world.

In the battle, Thor was helped by magical things: a belt of strength, a hammer and gloves. Thor rode on a cart drawn by the goats Tangrisnir and Tangiostr, since he had been to places where any horse would have broken its legs. It happened that in the evening the goats fell dead, but in the morning Thor revived them and set off on the road again.

Use of the symbol today

The main meaning of the Thor's hammer amulet is to protect from any negativity, bestow determination, and bring good luck in any endeavor. Like the ancient Slavic god Svarog, Thor does not tolerate falsehood, so the power of the amulet is revealed only in case of good intentions. Today, the symbol is often applied to the body in the form of a tattoo, the sign is embroidered on clothes, and jewelry is made.

Thor's hammer is often used in tattoo designs, embroidery, and jewelry.

The symbol of the mighty Thor is not just a beautiful pattern, but a thing endowed with powerful energy; such a talisman should be treated with special respect, attention and frugality. You can buy a pendant in the form of an ancient symbol, or you can make it yourself.

You can make an amulet with your own hands

In any case, there are several rules:

  1. If you decide to make an amulet with your own hands, you should not start work in a bad mood. The talisman can absorb negative energy. If you are not feeling well or are sick, postpone work until you are healthy again.
  2. If you decide to buy jewelry, then silver products have the greatest power. People have long believed that silver is a protector against any dark magic, therefore amulets and talismans made from this noble metal are endowed with especially strong energy.

You should not buy such an amulet made of gold. Thor is the leader of the warriors, so the brilliance and wealth of the merchant are alien to him. Silver is a modest metal, but endowed with powerful protective powers.

A silver amulet has the most powerful powers.

  1. If you decide to make an amulet in the shape of Thor’s hammer with your own hands, then the best raw material will be natural wood. It is necessary to choose from strong wood species. Oak and walnut are the personification of masculinity, longevity, endurance and natural strength.
  2. To bring your creative plans to life, use sketches. Often the amulet is decorated with a Celtic pattern. Before applying it to the talisman, familiarize yourself with the meaning of the ornament or ligature from ancient symbols.
  3. When the finished product is already in your hands, it needs to be “charged” with positive energy. Silver absorbs energy especially beneficially. To do this you need to perform a simple ritual. First, draw the letter T in the air, and then mentally address the amulet with a request or desire and thank it.

It is important to remember: by choosing Thor’s hammer as your assistant, you can only do good, useful deeds. If you decide to annoy someone from your environment, the amulet will turn your wish back into a boomerang. In the same way, the amulet will protect the owner if someone has evil plans against him.

By choosing Thor's hammer as your assistant, you can do only good, useful deeds

How to make an amulet yourself

The issue of making an amulet with your own hands is quite controversial. On the one hand, when creating, you transfer your energy to the amulet, on the other hand, not everyone is familiar with the rules for creating artifacts. Knowledgeable craftsmen select a specific time to create a talisman. When creating a product, astrological recommendations are an important factor. Everyone has their own amulet, but in any case, since Thor’s hammer is a symbol of light and goodness, it cannot cause harm.

The best metals for creating a talisman are silver and copper. In case you plan to make an amulet from wood, it is advisable to stock up on oak or walnut. You should not make an amulet out of gold. Thor is a warlike god, so the chic and brilliance inherent in merchants is completely useless to him. Also, during the creation process, only positive energy should be transferred to the amulet, so there are some rules that should be followed:

  • Work should only be done in a good mood;
  • When creating, you can’t rush;
  • If you are unwell, then postpone creating your own talisman;
  • Start creating at the moment when you are completely healthy.

All these simple rules will help turn your amulet into a reliable assistant and protector.

: Main assembly

So the bulk of the assembly process was looking at pictures and trying to replicate the dimensions. I settled on this option: 15x15x23 cm for the top of the hammer without a handle, about which later. To make a box with these dimensions, I used plywood scraps 18 mm thick. On the sides - 1 layer of 18mm and 1 layer of 9mm are folded together to cut the desired corners and make a taper at the ends.

What does the amulet protect against?

For a modern person, a talisman has many protective properties:

  1. Makes men, particularly warriors, stronger and more resilient.
  2. Protects those who suffer, protects them from disease, death and poverty.
  3. It gives farmers fertility and protects them from natural disasters.

Despite the fact that the hammer was originally considered a male amulet, women can also wear it. Since Thor is not only the god of war, but also of fertility, it is recommended to be worn by women who want to get pregnant.

The history of the Mjolnir amulet

The creation of the amulet is associated with one of the Scandinavian gods. The son of Odin, the leader of the Aesir, and Jord, the goddess of the uncultivated land, is the main protector of people. Thor is able to control thunder, lightning and storms, and is also associated with various battles.

God of thunder and lightning - Thor

There are often intertwinings of Scandinavian mythology with others. For example, with Slavic. Similarities between Thor and Perun. Both are subject to the same elements, the gods ride around in chariots, but the hammer of Thor among the Slavs is an ax.

In addition to Perun, the Slavs have other legends reminiscent of the Thunderer. Perkunas, who lives in the Baltic states, was depicted as a man with horns, and also subjugated similar phenomena. Indra, which is found in Indian mythology. In the original version, the Indian god was associated with the sun, but later became Parjanya, the god of rain and thunderclouds.

From early childhood, Odin's son knew how to handle weapons and spent his leisure time playing with his father's spear. Later, he protected two cities: Midgard, a haven for people, and Asgard, a place where the gods live. In order to fight the giants, Thor needed a magical weapon, which became Mjolnir. .

Thor on his chariot with two goats

Who forged Thor's Hammer

According to one version, Mjolnir was a gift from dwarf dwarves named Brok and Sindri. A dispute ensued between the masters and the Thunderer's brother, Loki. The latter argued that the Dwegr would not be able to make weapons that would become the most magnificent in the entire region.

The stake was Loki's head. But the doors have always been famous for the uniqueness of their products, so this time they forged an excellent hammer. Despite what the dwarfs managed to do, all the limbs remained in place, Odin could not allow his son to be executed. The alternative was to have the mouth sewn shut to prevent further ridicule.


Who could raise the attribute of the god Thor

The hammer, containing divine power, belonged exclusively to the Thunderer. It was heavy and could even pierce a giant's head. At the same time, it returned to him like a boomerang on the battlefield. No one except Thor could subjugate the weapon to himself. In addition, the design of the attribute was controversial. Because of his brother’s tricks, the weapon turned out to be disproportionate, the handle was smaller in size than planned, and the center of gravity was shifted. During the making of Mjolnir, Loki turned into a fly and flew around, thereby interfering with the masters.

Only the Thunderer himself could lift the hammer. He used iron gauntlets to protect his hands, and helped him lift the belt of Strength.

There is no information anywhere about whether God lifted him without a belt. But everyone knows for sure that the weapon could not be used without iron gloves. During the battle, the handle became so hot that it burned your hands.

Making the Thor's Hammer amulet with your own hands

To make this amulet you will need wood (oak or walnut), metal (brass, tin or silver) or stone. Great importance is given to the state of the master: absolute calm and complete concentration on the process are necessary. It is also worth remembering that the energy of the creator will be transferred to the product. Whether this is good or bad depends on the purposes that the amulet will serve.

The amulet can even be carved from bone

It is optimal to find a professional who makes amulets and purchase your amulet from him. In this case, it is necessary not only to verify the skill and knowledge of the creator, but also to choose the person who will be pleasant to the customer.

Method of cleaning the amulet

There are two ways to cleanse an amulet. The first and easiest way to clean the amulet will require running water and salt. It is necessary to keep the amulet under running water for 10 minutes and then place it in pure salt for a day. After the time has passed, rinse again under running water. The fire cleansing ritual is also quite simple. When using fire, the use of salt is not necessary. The surface of the amulet must be heated or over a flame and then washed under port water. In both the first and second cases, you cannot wipe the amulet. The moisture should dry out on its own.

Is it possible to make a talisman yourself?

Theoretically, it is possible to make Thor's hammer with your own hands, but in practice it is very problematic. Firstly, the amulet is made of silver or other durable metal. To give the desired shape you need to be a good blacksmith and foundry worker. In addition, for a long time, the manufacture of amulets was entrusted only to experienced craftsmen who knew the intricacies and peculiarities of the craft. It is very difficult to cope with this on your own.

If you particularly desire, if it is not possible to purchase a ready-made metal amulet, you can use a simpler method using a wooden base of walnut or oak. It is important to follow one rule: production should not be rushed. Also, you should not practice the Hammer of Thor amulet in a bad mood. The owner must radiate the energy that he wants to impart to the amulet.

Types of amulet

Despite all its similarities, each type of Thor's Hammer amulet has its own specifics. For the most part, this amulet is made in the form of a weapon, consisting of a strong handle and a heavy striker. This form symbolizes kinship with the powerful god of war and the main purpose of the amulet is to impart courage and strength.

Among other things, spells made from runes are applied to the amulet.

Runes form an integral part of Scandinavian traditions and are present in almost every amulet.

The master decorates the amulet with carvings, varnish or enamel, and each detail has its own magical meaning.

People create this amulet on their own. Even if it is not possible to correctly make or depict Thor’s Hammer, it is enough to simply draw an inverted letter T over the entrance to the house. This sign resembles the very ax we are talking about and performs a similar function.

How to make a Thor hammer yourself

: Truly huge hammer

Well, maybe not that huge, but my friend wants the Mjolnir hammer to be as big and heavy as possible! So I inserted an 18mm thick partition on one side and started mixing the concrete. Before pouring the mixture, I installed the handle by inserting it into the bottom hole and screwing it into the top. It is better to strengthen the handle with screws from the inside, and after the concrete hardens, the structure will be monolithic.

Thor's Hammer as an amulet

The amulet of Thor's hammer (Mjolnir) is very multifunctional - the thing helps solve many different problems, therefore it is actively used by various categories of people. Nowadays, the hammer is the most common amulet among athletes, capable of helping to achieve the desired victory and prevent the occurrence of injuries and damage. If desired, you can do it yourself.

The main meaning of the Mjolnir amulet is protection. Evil spirits, illnesses, failures - the Hammer of Thor amulet wards off troubles.

The Thor's Hammer talisman-amulet is endowed with a special meaning. Initially, the meaning of the Thor's hammer amulet was considered to be one that made the amulet an exclusively male attribute. The only exception was for families who wanted to conceive a child - then the hammer was placed under the pillow at night. The amulet helped a woman get pregnant.

Properties of the amulet

Thor's hammer amulet (Mjolnir) is quite strong. He is capable of: endowing objects with special powers, protecting the house from the attacks of evil, preventing poverty, hunger, averting natural disasters, protecting the owner from evil, dark forces, illnesses, and troubles. It has long been worn to attract good luck and improve life. The talisman has complex power that improves all areas of life. If the owner himself brings evil to others, the thing will return the evil back.

To give the amulet the necessary properties and capabilities, it is necessary to make it only from valuable durable metals. Silver is ideal. The use of valuable metals shows respect for the amulet and increases durability. When worn every day, the amulet can be subject to many mechanical influences.

Appearance and meaning of the amulet

One of the most important amulets in Scandinavian mythology looks like an inverted hammer with ligatures and runes on the handle. The sacred amulet was worn by the Vikings and Celts, just as a pectoral cross is worn today. A rope was attached to the handle of the miniature hammer, which was then hung around the person’s neck.

The meaning of Thor's hammer is vast. Includes the following aspects:

  1. Victory over enemies.
  2. Strength of mind and body.
  3. A guide for those killed in battle on their further journey.
  4. Protecting the suffering and the innocent.
  5. Prosperity and harvest.
  6. Patronage of farms and livestock.
  7. The strength of a family union or business.
  8. Continuation of the family.
  9. Protection from dark forces and witchcraft.
  10. Good health.

Mjolnir protects different aspects of existence. His power acts both in everyday life and on the battlefield. The amulet gives its owner self-confidence and calmness in critical situations. The hammer stops the negative effects of witchcraft, sending damage and curses back to those who sent them.

Thor's Hammer repels physical and magical attacks. A woman can also wear a man’s amulet, but in this case she loses her femininity and cunning, becoming a warrior. That is why Mjolnir is so popular among athletes, businesswomen and simply strong-willed, strong women.

It is recommended that Thor's Hammer be worn and placed under the pillow on the marital bed for those women who cannot get pregnant. All other representatives of the fair sex need to think carefully before wearing such a serious amulet on themselves on a permanent basis.

Thor's amulet can be used for destruction and creation. Previously, the hammer was used both at wedding ceremonies and during burials equally often. The amulet could firmly cement the union of the young and protect a person’s grave from evil spells.

Creation of Thor's Hammer

Creating amulets is a whole science. There are many different rules, theories, advice on what patterns can be applied, and how to properly create a talisman. Reason: it is not always possible to make Thor's hammer - you need to choose special days of the week, phases of the moon. These days will be different for each zodiac sign.

There is no need to be upset if the chosen shape or design of the amulet does not correspond to the zodiac sign of its owner - in any case, the talisman has energy that cannot harm anyone. You also need to understand that the priority is the internal connection between the owner and the talisman, energy.

How to charge and clean the amulet

Thor's Hammer is a filter that needs to be cleaned, because negative energy, “dirt,” accumulates in it. It will take several hours to clean the talisman and charge it again.

Steps to cleanse and charge the Thunderer amulet:

  • The first action will be to place the object in clean water, where it will remain for about 6-7 hours. You can only get it from some source or spring. Tap or filter water will not work;
  • Next, blot the amulet and place it on a towel/napkin with salt. It is important to completely immerse it in salt so that it is covered on all sides. There is no exact time, since it depends on the age of the hammer and the degree of “contamination”;
  • Rinse the talisman from excess salt. Walk over it with a flame, for example, pass it through a lit candle;
  • After all the steps, you can put the amulet on your neck and continue to use it.

Mjolnir will not lose its properties; rather, on the contrary, it will become closer to the owner. This way it will be charged with the energy of its owner. A similar procedure should be carried out regularly so as not to store negativity near you and preserve the abilities of the amulet. Periodic cleansing can activate new possibilities in it.

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