Amulet “Motanka Doll”: meaning, step-by-step master class on creation

History of dolls

Amulet doll-motanka.
According to historians, motankas appeared among the ancient Slavs, when they mastered the production of fabrics from flax. Each doll had its own purpose.

One symbolized good spirits, the second protected the family, the third protected travelers, the fourth helped women in childbirth.

Craftswomen advise making such amulets from burlap, jute, cotton or chintz. A beautiful toy will complement the interior and give it a special charm.

How to use a fabric doll

Slavic motanka is a symbol of a woman, a Goddess, feminine power. Occasionally they made male dolls or in the form of animals and birds. We created an item by analyzing why and why such a thing was needed. Each protective doll has its own narrow purpose. They began to do it if divine intervention was needed. The finished amulet was used everywhere and given to a loved one. There were amulets for children and adults. More often, the gift was given to a relative by the eldest woman in the family, sometimes by a sister or wife. Some lyalki were valid even if they were created by the relatives of the spouse.

Slavic amulet

It is known from history that there were festive motankas that brought good luck and protected from damage. Some granted wishes, others provoked a long-awaited event. All forms of dolls have unique external features. They carried personal amulets with them and protected them from prying eyes. Only the owner could touch them. Each doll was revered, loved, respected. They were given their place in the house, placed in plain sight, kept clean, and freed from negativity. In accordance with the ancient custom, dolls that lured goodness were passed down between generations, protective ones were burned, reverently saying goodbye to the fire ritual.

Types of Motanok dolls and their meaning

To figure out when you need a talisman, you need to study the features of these figures. Only women made them while the men were away from home.

By how successful the doll turned out, they judged the girl’s readiness for marriage.

Rag reels are divided into 3 types:

  1. Gaming. Simple fun for kids without a magical component.
  2. Ritual. They sewed on Maslenitsa and Ivan Kupala to appease the gods.
  3. Amulets. They were created to protect the family.


One of the most common pupae, the fabric was stuffed with dried medicinal plants. Such figurines were placed in the beds of the sick, and when they recovered, the coils were burned in the yard.

Herbalist-little doll with grass.


Scientists consider her to be the very first doll-amulet, protecting the hearth. The ash was rolled into a ball and placed in the doll's head. She differed from others in the absence of a headscarf and hair; she was passed down from mother to daughter as protection for her ancestors.


In past centuries, journeys lasted for months. For protection on the way, women sewed special dolls for their husbands - Plantains. A bag containing a handful of native soil was placed in the doll’s hands to give her strength. They also added grain or crackers so that the traveler would always be well-fed.


Such reels were sewn by women who learned about pregnancy, resulting in a tiny baby in diapers. These products were hung on the windows shortly before childbirth to protect the expectant mother from the evil eye. When the baby appeared, the doll was placed in the cradle.

Diapers for pregnant women.


This amulet consists of 2 connected dolls: a man and a woman. It is customary to give them as a wedding gift so that the newlyweds are lucky and happy. The toy is based on a branched stick; the fabric is wound around the branches. You need to store it above the head of the bed, then the couple will live well and amicably.

Day Night

This talisman is different in that it is 2-sided. One figurine is made light, the second - dark, then tied back to back. Or they sew 1 motanka with 2 faces on different sides. The task of the Day-Night doll was to protect the family from evil spirits and unkind people during the day, and at night the doll protected the dreams of its charges from evil spirits.


Dolls in a wedding dress were given to girls on their wedding day; their mothers or sisters sewed them. There was a belief that this amulet would protect the young woman from the evil eye, envy and damage in the first year of family life.

Doll for the bride from the evil eye.


Such a reel was made for a dream; it could make any wish come true, but only one. There is also a condition: you can ask for a doll only once in your life. When making it, you need to constantly think about what you want, then repeat it out loud three times in front of the mirror with a magic toy in your hands.

Secrets of creating the Desire:

  1. Sew a bead onto the doll's dress or tie a ribbon on the handle.
  2. A motanka helps only the one who made it, with the exception of a wife’s request for her husband.
  3. You need to use only new fabrics; you cannot bargain when purchasing.
  4. When the wish comes true, the magical figurine must be destroyed.

Desire for dreams.


Such a doll is sewn for recovery; it is believed that it absorbs bad energy and prevents illness from draining strength. The doll was placed near the person, and when he felt a little better, the amulet was burned in the yard.


A magical toy with 10 arms is given to a young wife on the second day of the wedding so that she has time to manage all her affairs. If there was a lot of trouble, the owner had to ask the doll for help.


Girls sew such a motanka to attract suitors. They make the amulet beautiful, elegant, decorate it with ribbons and beads; the more elegant the outfit, the richer the beneficiary will be. Married women were also allowed to make dolls to prevent their spouses from looking at others.

Beautiful doll Princess.


This doll is a talisman for the family; it ensures that the family has healthy children and peace and love reign. It is made up of several figures: parents and children. Such a magical toy should not be given into the hands of strangers.


Represents goodness, protects the family hearth, takes care of health, prosperity and mutual understanding in the home. The motanka is distinguished by a pouch in the hands; grain, medicinal herbs or coins are placed there.

Bereginya to protect your home.


Promotes prosperity at home and brings joy. Looks after the children and is friends with the brownie. It is customary to give a doll as a gift for the New Year; during production, coins are sewn into the fabric.


This amulet is made to protect against evil people, fires, thieves, and witchcraft. They put any prayer written with their own hands into the head of the motanka. Attached above the front door or window.


This name was chosen because cabbage is considered a symbol of female maturity and fertility. This doll was responsible for a successful marriage. If it was put out the window, it meant that matchmakers could be sent. The bride took the amulet to her new family and placed her first-born child in the cradle along with a diaper.

Lyalka cabbage for marriage.


This reel was made for the biggest church holiday. The doll, which personified the Mother of God, was given a pysanka and a willow branch.

bbw and pregnant

If a couple did not have children for a long time, healers advised women to sew a special motanka. It was made by the relatives of the young mistress; it had to be done with great love and wishes for happiness.

Then the owner sat the plump baby doll in a prominent place and invited guests to admire it. When pregnancy occurred, the amulet was hidden until childbirth, then given to children to play with.

While the baby was expected, another doll guarded the expectant mother; she was made with a protruding belly. They kept it in a visible place until the baby appeared, and then put it away from prying eyes.

Amulet for a pregnant woman.


This amulet consists of 2 figures: a mother and a child, whom she guides through life. Their handles are made from an unbreakable piece of fabric, as a sign of eternal connection. They are made to protect children from damage, and they give dolls to mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law so that they will be good wives.

Krupenichka and the rich man

They made such a talisman to ensure a generous table in the house. The motanka was filled with wheat or cereals, according to tradition, from the new harvest, and they asked for prosperity for the whole year. She was paired with the “Rich Man” amulet; he helped Krupenichka with advice, protected her property and increased her earnings.


This doll was made for good luck in business. Such a reel should have a bag on its shoulder in which the bill is placed. For the amulet to work, you need to explain in detail to the doll what is expected of her.

Doll-amulet for success in all endeavors.

Spiridon solstice

It belongs to the ritual motankas; it was given a special role during the summer and winter solstice holidays. The doll was dressed in men's clothing, named Spiridon, and a wheel with 8 spokes was placed in its hands.

The ancestors believed that by turning it, you could change your destiny, so such a doll was given as a gift to attract good changes. When everything was done, the figurine was burned at the stake.

Spiridon solstice to perform the ritual.

The history of the origin of rag amulets

Rag amulet

The history of the motanka doll goes back to ancient times. There is an opinion that the motanka doll appeared several thousand years ago, during the period when people mastered the technology of cultivating flax and learned how to make textiles. She was not just a toy, but also a powerful amulet that accompanies a person throughout his life. Each doll had its own purpose: the doll was placed in the baby’s cradle even before birth, protected the house, and accompanied the wanderer on his journey. The Slavic tradition of making dolls existed until the beginning of the 20th century. Mass production of toys began to replace the rag doll. Only in small villages, where peasant families cherished the traditions of their family, was the skill not lost.

Charging the amulet

The most important point is the activation of the amulet; it needs to be filled with the right energy. When making a doll, the purpose is determined: protection from the evil eye, cure of illness, protection of a traveler or home.

The finished magical toy is placed on the table, a candle is lit and they say: “I name you a motanka doll.” Then they call on you to become a helper and protector in all worlds and between them, and pronounce all your wishes and requests.

Moon phase

Magic amulets must be made within the allotted time. It is not recommended to do them on holidays; days dedicated to female deities are considered forbidden: Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.

What motanka to make is determined by the phase of the moon:

  1. For prosperity - for growing.
  2. Ask for family happiness - to the fullest.
  3. Protect from diseases - decreasing.


Ritual dolls must be made from new linen, and amulet signs must be embroidered on clothes. The shade of the thread plays an important role.

Sacred meaning of colors:

  • red - health, protection;
  • white - spiritual purity, order in the house;
  • black - fertility;
  • green - healing;
  • yellow - fulfillment of desires.

Making amulets dolls.


They tried to decorate ritual motanki with bright ribbons and braids, and used clothes for cleansing. It was allowed to take scraps of lucky things for amulets, which stored light energy and provided protection for the family.

Amulet signs were displayed on handkerchiefs, aprons and shirts of dolls.

To enhance the amulet, the following was embroidered on the dolls' things:

  • rhombus - attracts wealth;
  • cornflowers - treat eye diseases;
  • oak leaves - give strength;
  • fiery spinning cross - protects from evil forces;
  • hops - protects against colds.

Reeling Rules

You need to wind up the doll in one go; you cannot put off part of the work done. It is important that no one interferes or distracts you during this time. It is better to make a list of necessary materials in advance.

Rules for winding from needlewomen:

  1. The required length of thread is measured and cut in advance.
  2. If the length is not enough, a new thread is torn off.
  3. Wind clockwise.


To give the amulet greater power, special spells are read. The Slavs turned to the elements of nature so that they would share their power with the motanka. After requests, the doll was left in the sun to absorb light energy; in cloudy times, it was placed on the table near a candle.

For each doll, depending on its purpose, there was a plot, which can now be easily found on the Internet. If one is not found, replace it with a request.

Features of making a motanka doll with your own hands and the meaning of different amulets

Ancient types of handicrafts are especially interesting, because they contain unsolved possibilities and not only for creativity

Making amulets with your own hands helps you tune in to the good, calm down, forgive old grievances and recharge yourself with powerful positive energy. Simple in appearance, but carrying enormous potential, a motanka doll can protect against negativity and turn life for the better. The main thing is to make the talisman correctly, endowing it with strength and positive energy. It is equally important to believe in the power of the amulet and trust it.

  1. The history of the origin of rag amulets
  2. Types of reels and their meaning
      Classification of rag dolls and their features
  3. Popular motanka amulets and their meaning
  4. How to make a fabric amulet doll correctly
      Important rules for making a magic toy
  5. How to make a doll a talisman
  6. Step-by-step instructions for making a simple Beregini
      Pattern and sewing of a dress
  7. Making the head of a talisman doll
  8. Wrapping the sacred cross on the head
  9. Decoration of the body of a Beregini doll
  10. Master classes on making reels in different styles

The history of the origin of rag amulets

Historians claim that the first motanka dolls made of fabric appeared about 5,000 years ago; their appearance is associated with the beginning of flax production. Knot dolls were not an ordinary toy; they served as amulets and were created for a reason, but to perform some task. It was believed that amulets could protect against evil forces, the evil eye, accidents and diseases.

Rag dolls were placed in cradles with babies and on the beds of sick people. Adults and children carried them with them, and travelers always took them on the road, believing that the doll would protect them from misfortune and help them return home.

Motanka was a symbol of wisdom, a keeper of the hearth, a talisman, a mediator between a mother and an unborn child - each doll had its own meaning.

Slavs in different countries made motanka dolls with their own hands until the beginning of the twentieth century, but then, with the advent of mass production of toys, ancient traditions were lost among the masses, but were preserved in some settlements and have survived to this day, remaining at the same time as amulets, and not just toys.

Of course, many needlewomen make fabric dolls for pleasure, without putting any sacred meaning into them. After all, this activity is surprisingly quickly addictive, and the fact that it does not require special skills and does not need to buy anything makes it an accessible hobby for all ages

Types of reels and their meaning

Matanka - from the word to wind, the main thing in it is the thread wound on the fabric in a special way. There are two types of reels - fabric and rope, made from tow of flax or other natural threads.

Classification of rag dolls and their features

Modern reels are divided into three types:

  • Game toys are ordinary toys and decorative items that do not carry any meaning. Like tildes, they can appear not only in the form of a person, but also of animals.
  • Ritual toys are made for holidays and significant events - the birth of children, weddings.
  • Amulet - a knotted amulet doll always has the shape of a cross, but it should not look like a real person - hence the slight similarity and association with the primitive.
  • The dolls' face is left clean, or a cross is wrapped around it to protect it from other people's energy. Rag girls do not have eyes - this protects against the penetration of a person’s soul into the sacred toy. The cross is a sign that the motanka doll is outside of space and time, a symbol of solar energy, the unity of harmony of body and spirit, the spiritual connection of the masculine and feminine principles.

Symbolic dolls must have three items of clothing:

  • a skirt symbolizing the earth;
  • shirt with sleeves - the unity of the past, present and future;
  • a scarf on the head is a connection with the sky.

Popular motanka amulets and their meaning

Rag dolls-amulets are created according to ancient patterns, but each needlewoman can add something of her own to the talisman, something that seems appropriate to her. Here are just some types of dolls using ancient technology.

Bereginya is a traditional motanka doll in a female form with pronounced breasts, dressed in bright clothes. Beregini's face is hidden by a cross. This amulet is hung in the corner of the house to protect against negativity. For stuffing, use cotton wool or dried herbs.

“Bell Doll” amulet has the shape of a bell and symbolizes happiness and good mood; it can be given with the best wishes. The “bell” always has three skirts, symbolizing the unity of body, soul and spirit, three kingdoms, gold, silver and copper.


Changeling knot amulet can be recognized by its two heads and four arms. The meaning of the motanka doll is that there are two hidden essences in a woman - a cheerful and carefree girl and a housewife who takes care of her family and child. This doll has two skirts; if you turn it over, one toy opens, and the second one hides under the clothes.

Kuvadki are special ritual dolls that were used during childbirth to ward off evil forces from a newborn baby. In ancient times, while the wife was giving birth, the man had to distract the evil spirits, symbolizing the mother hen. After the birth, rag men were placed on him, and the baby was hidden. Then the amulet was burned. Later, such dolls were hung around the house, placed in a cradle, and left with children when leaving home. If you have a child, sew him several of these dolls and use them instead of rattles and soft toys.

Baby doll for baby's crib

Baby dolls are perhaps the simplest dolls that protect babies from all possible negativity from the outside world. They are placed in cribs and strollers, as well as in the pockets of babies.

The herbalist is the progenitor of modern sachets. Inside this beauty there are aromatic medicinal herbs that have a beneficial effect on the microclimate in the house, killing germs and filling the house with healing substances. Herbalists are also hung over children's cribs to protect the baby from diseases and the evil eye.


A cleansing motanka doll should be in every home; it is believed that it sweeps away bad energy from the house, which is especially important after quarrels, and also promotes quick reconciliation in the family.

Men need Spiridon the Solstice - a doll in the form of a guy holding a wheel in his hands. This amulet helps you cope with life’s difficulties and turn the wheel of fate in the right direction.

Women have their own motanka doll for good luck - a miniature toy only 5 cm long with a long linen braid. You can make such a beauty for yourself and as a gift to friends, mother, girls. Link to MK at the bottom of the article.

Happy doll

How to make a fabric amulet doll correctly

You can start creating a doll only on days when your soul is calm, there is no anger, irritability or envy.

Important rules for making a magic toy

To make a motanka doll with your own hands, do not use needles or other sharp objects. The fabric cannot be cut or pierced during work; all parts are simply torn, and then wrapped and tied. The needle is allowed to be picked up only at the stage of decorating clothes - embroidery or sewing on lace and braid. It is important that no sharp objects touch the pupa; if something needs to be cut off, it should be done to the side.

To create winding dolls, natural materials are used: natural materials (linen), straw, ropes made from natural raw materials. It’s good if these are pieces of material from happy and successful clothes, for example, the dress in which you met your husband, or even better – the successful outfits of your mother or grandmother. It is believed that it is old fabrics that have protective properties. You cannot take scraps from things in which a person was sick or went through a difficult stage in life.

Twigs, cones, and seeds are suitable for decoration. You can put grains and nuts inside with the desired symbolism and strength.

To fill ritual dolls and amulets, try to choose only natural raw materials. If you don’t want to use straw, take cotton wool, but not artificial padding polyester or similar insulation materials.

During work, the thread is always wound in only one direction - according to the movement of the sun. Under no circumstances should you tear or even cut the thread while making the amulet; a piece of the required length should be prepared in advance!

Scheme of a simple doll

How to make a doll a talisman

In order for a motanka doll to become a talisman, it is important to have the correct mindset when making it. First of all, you need to set a clear goal and objective. You can’t get confused in your thoughts and want too much - it’s better to limit yourself to one, clearly formulated goal, for example: to protect you on a journey, to cure an illness, to bring good luck in some business, to reconcile with your husband.

Each amulet has its own manufacturing days:

  • To charge the doll for family happiness and success in business, you need to sit down to work on the full moon.
  • To get rid of diseases, a lyalka is made on the waning moon.
  • An assistant for a good harvest is created on the waxing moon.
  • You cannot make amulets on Friday and Sunday.

It is important to make a motanka doll in one sitting , you must not interrupt your work, and therefore stretch out the process over several days!

On sacred toys, only one knot is allowed in the navel area; when tying it, you need to set your desire. Knots can be made on the arms, but only if they are made separately and then attached.

The decoration of the motanka-amulet clothing is also important. If you cross-stitch one of the signs, you can strengthen the power of the doll:

  • The rhombus is a symbol of wealth and prosperity.
  • Cornflower fights eye diseases.
  • Oak leaves will help men enhance their strength of body and spirit.
  • The fiery rotating cross is the best protection against damage, the evil eye and love spells.
  • Hops are needed for those who are prone to frequent colds and have weak immunity.

Step-by-step instructions for making a simple Beregini

Nowadays, ready-made kits are sold, which include everything you need to create a talisman, but you don’t have to spend money. This tutorial tells and shows how to make a motanka doll step by step using a simple and accessible technique. At the end of the article there are links to other MKs on our website Women's Hobbies.

For Beregini you will need materials and tools:

  • beautiful fabric for an outfit;
  • light fabric for the doll;
  • red wool yarn;
  • sewing threads in black, red and green colors;
  • corn;
  • beads and beads for beads;
  • a piece of cardboard;
  • coin.

Pattern and sewing of a dress

Before you start making a motanka doll with your own hands, you need to prepare an outfit and accessories.

For the dress, cut out a piece in the form of an isosceles trapezoid. Sew the sides so that you get a pipe that is somewhat narrowed at the top. In the drawing, the seam line is indicated by a dotted line.

Sew the sleeves directly to the main part, which has no armholes. You need to make sure that they move a little towards the seam.

For a warrior, which is worn on the head under a scarf or headdress, cut a strip of fabric and sew it along the narrow side into a ring. Insert a cardboard piece inside the ring to maintain its shape.

The handkerchief will serve as a scarf for the motanka doll.

By stringing beads and small beads on a thread, you will get beads.

The apron has the shape of a rectangle with embroidery.

Make a belt from braid, sewing its edges together to make a ring. The diameter of the belt should be slightly larger than that of the warrior.

For the lower part of the body you need to make a bag. Make it according to the pattern for the base of the dress, but shortened at the top. Sew the side seam first. It should be a little deeper than on the dress. Then - the bottom of the part. The drawing shows the seams with dotted lines.

Making the head of a talisman doll

Work on the reel begins by preparing two strips of fabric. One of them should be slightly wider than the second.

Place a grain on a wider strip, symbolizing the continuation and prosperity of the family; it gives Bereginya the ability to preserve the well-being and health of family members. You can additionally put in a coin that will help improve the well-being of everyone living in the house. It is not forbidden to place another talisman inside the amulet - a small thing that is significant to you. Roll the strip of fabric from the edge where the grain and coin lie. If its length is not enough to create the required volume, you can use an additional one. But they are not sewn together, but simply wound onto the workpiece. A narrower strip is wound after a long one to create a rounded head. It is important to note: the finished warrior must match the diameter of the head blank.

Place the twist on a piece of fabric in the middle.

Gather the ends of the piece of material to form Beregini’s head. Place the folds carefully at the back.

Holding the fabric gathered under the twist, with the other hand, under the head, tightly wind it with a red thread, usually wool, forming the neck of the motanka doll made of fabric.

Wrapping the sacred cross on the head

The sacred cross must be created on the head by winding threads, and the middle color must be black.

To perform this stage of the work, place the tip of a black thread (you can use regular spool threads) to the left of the neck bandage and pass it through the face to the top of the head, then bring the thread along the back of the head to the starting position. So you need to make 7-8 turns. Each time the thread should lie next to the previous turn so that the fabric of the reel doll’s face does not show through.

Then pass the thread to the right of the neck bandage and repeat in the same way for another 7-8 turns. In the middle of the back of the head, change the direction of the thread, holding the resulting angle with your finger. Next, make horizontal turns.

Break the thread, pull the hook several times through the cross at the back of the head and lower it just below the sling. To prevent anything from unwinding, make a loop of red yarn along the neck, securing the end of the thread. Using the same algorithm, create red and green stripes of the sacred cross.

Decoration of the body of a Beregini doll

Place the finished bag of grain with the free ends on the corners extending from the head part. Align the workpiece to the size of the dress and wind the yarn from the neck down the body. You can additionally wind a few turns through the bottom of the bag.

Put a dress on your body and tie it with a belt. Now you can screw the chest. It is made from twisted pieces of fabric. Pull the dress down, exposing the upper part of the body, and wrap the breasts with the same red woolen thread, tear off the excess and tie a knot at the navel level.

Straighten the dress up and tie it under the chin with yarn to match the outfit. Tuck the end of the broken thread under the previous turns using a crochet hook.

Put a warrior and a scarf on the motanka doll’s head. Hang jewelry around your neck.

Also wrap the apron with thread, hiding the winding under the belt.

For the hands, use small twists of fabric made according to the algorithm for making the head. Insert them into the sleeves with the free corners and tie them with threads in the wrist area. Tuck the broken ends of the yarn under the crochet turns.

Place a rag amulet in a corner of the house and believe that it will bring happiness!

Master classes on making reels in different styles

Try to create other motanka dolls using our master classes. May it bring you a lot of happiness, health, luck and all the best! Don't forget that the main thing in work is a positive attitude!

A small doll for women's happiness

Kubyshka Herbalist for health

Doll Zernovushka for prosperity

If you consider ancient beliefs to be superstitions and do not consider it necessary to have a talisman, still try to make a motanka with your own hands for a child, because such a toy will not cause harm to the child and will not cause allergies.

New MKs for different types of needlework are released every week. In order not to miss interesting things, join our groups on OK and VK.

How to use a motanka doll

According to ancient tradition, you need to keep the first amulet doll for yourself. They take it away from strangers and don’t give it to anyone. If given as a gift, you must give a coin in return.

A magical toy for protection must be asked where it wants to live. Ask a question, then close your eyes, and the first thing you see will be her place. You need to talk to her, ask for help, thank her.

Amulet dolls.

How to make a talisman magical

Although the Slavic amulet is saturated with energy from the author and owner, an activation ritual is required upon completion. Only after this will the talisman be able to operate in full force. Classic charging options - using the elements, spells. You can combine both. There are special spell formulas created for motanki, but you can speak from the heart, turning to higher powers in your own words.

Activation sequence:

  1. Read the magic words above the amulet.
  2. Leave the doll in the sun for several hours. In case of cloudy weather, place the toy next to a burning candle.
  3. Bury the pupa with soil for a few minutes.
  4. Spray the product with water from a clean stream.
  5. Leave it in the wind for a few minutes.

The activated talisman works in full force

How to speak a talisman

There are various ready-made conspiracies. You can use a traditional formula that has passed through centuries, or come up with your own text. The main condition is clarity of wording. It should be clear from the plot what the owner expects from the talisman. Usually they seek protection, health, fulfillment of desires, and a good harvest.

The simplest formula:

Doll, keep the light, protect me, drive away the darkness.

It is used when activating a personal protective amulet.

For a doll that protects the whole family, the formula is often used:

Be a shield, a support, protect your home, family, drive out the evil eye and misfortune.

When addressing the doll, it is important to cook clearly, distinctly, and measuredly. To prepare, the chosen conspiracy formula is written down on paper and read several times, thinking about the words. Only after fully understanding and remembering the cue do they turn to the talisman.

Magic doll

How to use

It is believed that the first reel made should be kept for yourself. This doll is hidden from strangers and no one is allowed to touch it.

A talisman created as a gift is given in exchange for something. The ancient tradition does not limit the return gift. Usually they give a coin in exchange.

Having finished the doll, the owner helps her find and recognize the place. To do this, choose a moment when no one is around, nothing distracts. The product is placed on the palm of the hand and people turn to it, asking where the motanka wants to live. They close their eyes and catch the first image that comes to mind. This is how the doll chooses a place. Having placed it in the designated room, arrange the doll so that it does not fall. Subsequently, the talisman is handled with extreme caution.

So that the doll does not lose strength, they talk to it and bring gifts. Motankas are given candy and coins and are always thanked for their assistance.

Motanka doll made of grass, hay or straw

These are the most ancient and simplest amulets that embody feminine energy, fertility, and family protection. For production they took flax or hemp.

You need to assemble the doll step by step like this:

  1. Wrap the ribbon-canvas into a roll and place it on a white piece of cloth. Wrap it and press the thread around the neck.
  2. Roll up a piece of fabric and tie on both sides.
  3. Place it inside the workpiece under the neck, fill it with grass.
  4. Lower the top layer and tie the waist.
  5. Wrap the solid base and the rest of the material.
  6. Make a cross on the chest.

Grass dolls.

Completing the figure

They open the bundle of the torso and put their hands into it. Holding the torso tightly, wrap the red thread under the arms, forming a torso.

A red thread is used to make an image of an oblique solar cross on the chest:

  • Several turns around the neck;
  • Several turns along one diagonal across the chest;
  • Several turns around the waist;
  • Several turns on a different diagonal;
  • Finish with twists at the waist.

We tuck the end of the thread under the top layers with a wooden stick or stack. The doll is ready. We decorate it with beads and ribbons.

A red solar cross, straight or oblique, should decorate every reel. In the photo of the protective motanka doll, you cannot see the face; it remains white or is covered with a cross made of threads. According to tradition, the cross protects the doll from being inhabited by evil or otherworldly forces.

Classic motanka-bereginya

This doll is made more often than others; any material is suitable for stuffing: a piece of diaper, towel, pillowcase, or a piece of chintz. It is created in stages.

Sewing a dress and pattern

For clothing, they select chintz or baize to suit the height of the motanka. Draw a trapezoid, cut it out and sew it together.

Making the head

Twist a strip of fabric to form a spiral on the sides. Rewind with thread, then place it on the flap in the center, cover with the top corner. While holding the twist, fold the folds back and secure.

Wrapping the sacred cross

For this symbol, black or red threads are used, the former symbolize feminine energy, the latter - masculine. First, a dark shade is brought out by placing the ponytail on the back of the head. Then - bright, moving vertically.

Making the head.

Body shaping

Transfer the thread through the back of the head to the left half of the neck, then bring it forward. Wind clockwise. Then the thread is brought back and secured. A thread base of a different color is fixed at the top and the body is “quilted.”

The hands are made from small rolls and attached to the back of the neck.

Types of reels

Motanki make:


  • fabric roller,
  • Birch bark twists,
  • Fabric-covered log;

Without base:

  • From straw or thread,
  • From fabric.

When making a doll without a base, a bundle of straw, birch bast, or flax was folded in half, arms and a braid were added. To play, children wrapped their heads and torsos in rags: a scarf and a sundress.

Adults usually did not decorate these dolls; they were often made to perform a ritual to draw out negative energy. The pupae were disposable and were destroyed after completing their task.

Original motanka doll made of pancakes

The ancestors not only glorified the sun with such a tasty product, but also stocked up on strength and health. For this doll, no rituals were needed; a figurine was assembled from baked goods, laying out rolled pancakes in a stack. Or they wrapped thin rounds of dough around apples. Handkerchiefs and dresses were made from the pieces.

Recipe for thin pancakes

They can be prepared with either water or milk; dilute 1 tsp per 0.5 liter of liquid. sugar, 6 tbsp. l. flour, 3 eggs, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 2 tsp. salt and 0.5 tsp. baking powder. Whip the mixture with a whisk. Fry the dough on 2 sides.

Features and secrets of the amulet

Dolls are especially powerful because they are made with your own hands for yourself or a loved one. Such amulets protect against any evil forces, events, and incidents.

Product Features:

  • creation without knots (except for the umbilical one, symbolizing the beginning of a new life);
  • absence of eyes, excluding the penetration of evil energy;
  • the presence of a cross on the face that protects from darkness.

Traditional amulet

Secrets of the dolls:

  • Only a hand-wound doll has power;
  • it is necessary to wind the salting, strictly observing the direction of the thread;
  • the creation of a talisman is associated with the symbol of life;
  • the doll is filled with energy during the manufacturing process.

Recommendations to follow

To fill the product with energy, when winding:

  • do not use sharp objects, needles, scissors (if necessary, prepare materials in advance);
  • do not sew together parts of the toy (it is enough to fasten them with threads);
  • use only natural materials;
  • avoid depicting not only the eyes, but also other parts of the face;
  • cover the head with a hat to keep the energy inside;
  • choose shades of threads and fabrics based on the purpose of the toy (more often they take red, symbolizing life, or yellow - a sign of well-being).

Making dolls follows simple rules

What is important to know when creating a motanka doll

There are nuances that need to be taken into account if you decide to create your own amulet doll:

  • Motanka is not created in a bad mood. Your mood should be positive and calm. Remember that every skein you make is interconnected with your destiny. motanka doll
  • Decide for what purpose you are creating your talisman. Perhaps it is intended to solve your health problems or you want to improve family relationships. The main thing is to form a positive image of your ultimate goal in your head when creating a doll.
  • Winding the doll must occur on the correct day and time. Depending on the goal you want to achieve, select the desired date. For example, winding for family well-being should occur during the full moon, during the waxing moon - for fertility, and during the waning moon - for healing from illnesses. It is forbidden to wind the doll on Friday and Sunday.
  • When creating a doll, use only natural fibers. Synthetic materials are not suitable for creating such a talisman. You can also cut out pieces from old clothes in which something good and significant happened to you or your loved ones.
  • Winding the doll must be completed in one day. You cannot leave work for later, otherwise the amulet will turn against you. motanka doll

See also:

What do dolls amulets from threads mean?

Motanki have always been endowed with a special meaning; among amulets they are considered one of the most magical. Many peoples have dolls made from threads and fabric, the peculiarity of the Slavic ones is that they do not have a face: during production this place was left empty, sometimes a cross was embroidered - a symbol of uniting into one different, but complementary, feminine and masculine principles .

According to Slavic beliefs, motanka dolls could help a person in business, protect them from misfortunes and illnesses, and from evil intentions; they could attract the right situations and people, helping the owner become happier, luckier, and richer. They also took care of a person’s physical health, helping them to recover, for men to be strong, for women to be young and beautiful, and to live a long life.

It was believed that spools of thread absorb and preserve information and memory of the family, so they tried to pass on finished dolls and the rules for making new ones to future generations. But this did not apply to all dolls; those that were made in order to take away the disease were burned after the person recovered.

Each detail of the reel is symbolic, for example, the thread with which the parts of the amulet are fastened means long life, jewelry - prosperity and wealth, long hair made of threads braided into braids - long family life, feminine beauty and strength. When making it, knots are left on the doll to fulfill a specific desire: recovery, a relationship with another person, marriage, having children, achieving goals, solving a serious problem.

A simple winder made by a mother can become both a talisman and a toy for a child. Such use of a Slavic doll is also allowed.

Charging the amulet

To turn the reel into a working amulet, you need to charge it correctly. First, a person needs to set a goal that the doll will help realize. For example, to recover from an illness, bring good luck, get married.

To charge the doll, you will need to follow these steps step by step:

  1. Sit down to work on the full moon if you plan to make a doll “For family happiness.”
  2. To get rid of the disease, a lyalka is made on the waning moon.
  3. You must not be interrupted while working. It is important to make the motanka in one “sitting”.

A knot is tied in the navel area, while making a wish.

Motanki are able to fulfill wishes, protect the owner from damage, the evil eye and disease

Master class on how to quickly make a doll

Today you can buy a talisman doll in any esoteric store. However, a hand-made motanka doll will have exactly the energy that the owner puts into it.

To work you will need the following attributes:

  • Fabric size 10*10 - 2 flaps;
  • Triangle made of bright fabric for a scarf;
  • A piece of fabric for a skirt measuring 20*5 cm;
  • A flap for an apron measuring 5*1 cm;
  • Red threads.

The master class on creating a doll includes a step-by-step algorithm presented in the picture.

The fabric square is rolled into a roll, and the resulting roll is folded in half (Fig. 2). Having stepped back a couple of centimeters from the bend, the craftswoman must tie the roller with thread so that the head and body are formed.

The second fabric square is also rolled into a roller and then wrapped with thread on both sides. The resulting roll will act as handles (Fig. 4). After this, the torso is connected to the arms crosswise as shown in Figure No. 5.

The last step is to attach the skirt, apron and decorate the head with a scarf. The result of the work will be a reel “For good luck”.

Step-by-step master class on creating a motanka for good luck

Motanka doll among the Slavs and its history

Historians believe that motanki first appeared more than 5 thousand years ago. Their appearance is associated with the beginning of flax production. They were made for a whole family or for one person. Women, children, men, old people - all people received amulets from the hands of their relatives.

Dolls were placed in babies' cribs to protect them from the evil eye. Adults always carried the amulet with them, and travelers took it on the road, hoping that the doll would protect them from troubles and misfortunes.

Each doll had its own meaning. They were carefully stored and placed in the most visible place in houses. They were carefully looked after, cleaned of dust, and even passed on from generation to generation.

Motankas were made from available materials: vines, herbs, cereals, etc. The basis was linen fabric. With the advent of mass production at the beginning of the 20th century, dolls were no longer made with their own hands.

Today, many needlewomen remember ancient traditions and sew dolls on their own. Despite the fact that girls rarely put any meaning into dolls, motanki are still considered a powerful amulet that protects against the evil eye and damage.

Motanka is a powerful amulet that not only protects a person, but also helps solve any of his problems.

Rules for creating talismans

The doll’s face is always made clean (without images of eyes, nose, mouth) or they just wrap 2 ribbons crosswise around it horizontally and vertically. This is necessary to protect against foreign energy. Rag dolls do not have eyes, so that they are not possessed by other souls or evil forces. The meaning of the cross is that the doll is outside of time and space, symbolizing the energy of the sun, the harmony of soul and body.

The doll should have the following clothes:

  • skirt - symbolizes connections with the earth;
  • long-sleeved shirt - indicates the unity of the past, present and future;
  • a scarf on the head, the meaning of which is a connection with the sky.

The doll was made by craftswomen who know how to sew, embroider, and knit. The following accessories were usually used: fabrics, threads, ribbons, buttons, and beads. Cones and seeds are also suitable for decoration. They could use branches and vines as a base. For some amulets that serve specific purposes, fillers are required: ash, herbs, cereals. Grains are sprinkled inside the motanka to attract wealth. Ash protects against evil forces, and herbs prevent disease.

Creating a talisman doll is a serious process that requires a careful approach and adherence to certain rules.

  1. Work only with a good mood, well-being and thoughts. Even if you just have a headache, you shouldn’t get down to business. A good mood is necessary for the amulet to gain more strength and quickly begin to fulfill the tasks assigned to it.
  2. Monitor the phase of the moon. Certain days are suitable for creating a talisman. Usually this is the period of the waxing moon, but not always. You cannot create a doll on Friday or Sunday.
  3. Use only natural materials. Artificial ones are prohibited. The Slavs revered nature and believed that such a base was the best option for a talisman, because it transferred strength to it. An excellent option is to use scraps from clothes that are associated with happy or fortunate events, for example, a dress in which a woman met her future husband. Better yet, use material that belonged to grandmothers and mothers. Such old things have a strong protective effect. You can’t use scraps from clothes that he has other bad memories associated with.
  4. It is prohibited to use piercing and cutting tools. Although it is now difficult to give up scissors and needles, failure to comply with this rule leads to the fact that the product is deprived of its magical powers. The threads need to be broken. Prepare scraps of fabric in advance. It is also recommended to tear them. The parts are secured by winding and tying with threads. You are allowed to take the needle once in order to attach lace, beads and other decorations at the end.
  5. Place the thread in only one direction - in the direction of movement of the celestial body.

Amulet dolls cannot be made like ordinary toys. This is a serious matter that requires the right approach: setting up, choosing materials, tools, manufacturing method. There's no hurry. It is necessary to think about the purpose of creating a talisman. A doll that is made according to all the rules will be complete protection. She will fill life with all the good things.

Step-by-step instructions for making a simple Beregini

Nowadays, ready-made kits are sold, which include everything you need to create a talisman, but you don’t have to spend money. Let's look step by step at how to make a motanka doll with your own hands. We will make Bereginya.

To work you will need:

  • colored material
  • light matter
  • red wool yarn
  • sewing yarns
  • cereals
  • beads
  • cardboard strip
  • coin

For the motanka doll’s dress, we cut two trapezoid-shaped parts from multi-colored material and sew the side seams without leaving an armhole. The result is a pipe narrowed at the top. We cut out the sleeve details and baste them along the side seams, moving them slightly forward.

Let's start making a headdress - a warrior: cut out a narrow strip of material, sew it into a ring, insert cardboard inside to give it a shape, and put a headscarf on top. Having collected the beads on a thread, we get beads. We cut out a rectangle from calico and decorate it with symbolic embroidery.

We make a belt from braid, with a diameter larger than the warrior.

We begin making the lower part of the body, for this we use the dress pattern. We sew the edges and bottom, we get a bag. We make the seam allowances deeper than those of the dress.

For the head we take two ribbons, one narrower. We lay out a grain (a symbol of prosperity) on a wide one, you can add a coin (the personification of wealth) and roll the material into a roll. We wrap a second strip on top to give it roundness. If the head turns out to be small, increase the length of the tape. Check the size of the warrior.

Place the twist in the center of a white plain fabric, gather and twist a red rope under the roll to create a head and neck. Next, you should wrap a magic cross around the doll’s face, for which we use sewing threads. The central vertical should be black. We take a rope and place its end to the left of the neck winding, and lead it through the back of the head to the beginning. We make 8 turns, laying each row tightly to the adjacent one so that the lower part does not show through.

We repeat the same, placing the rope on the right. When we finish the vertical line, in the middle of the back of the head we change direction, holding the corner with our hand, we make a horizontal winding. We break off the end and pull it through the yarn with a hook, thus securing it. We make green and red stripes in the same way. Next, we design the body of the motanka doll. We fill the blank in the form of a bag halfway with grain, and securely wrap the free edges from head to body with scarlet wool thread. For strength, make a few turns through the bottom of the bag.

We put on a dress and a belt on top. Having lowered the outfit, we wrap the bust, which is also made from two twisted strips. At the level of the navel you need to make a knot and cut off the excess. We lift the dress up to the head and tie it with several turns. We put on a warrior, a scarf, and wrap an apron. We crochet the ends under the winding.

The motanka doll is ready. Place it in the front corner of your home and believe that it will bring prosperity and protect from evil.

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