DIY motorcycle made from diapers: master class step by step

The market for souvenir products in our time is developing so widely and diversified that in the store you can buy everything you want. But surprising someone with a purchased gift is quite difficult. A present is considered a banal sign of attention, but a motorcycle made with your own hands from diapers will express the true sincerity of the kindest feelings. Perhaps it will not be so flawless in execution, but the invested piece of soul will make such a gift especially touching and memorable.

There are a huge number of master classes where they explain step by step the technology for making crafts with your own hands.

When a child is born, parents must provide him with everything he needs, so the best gift for a baby is something practical and necessary. Young parents know how quickly diapers are used up, so they will be delighted if such a necessary item is given as a gift.

But giving just a package of diapers is not very interesting. Any gift should have a festive feel. A holiday is fun, bright colors, joyful emotions. If you apply a little imagination and effort, you can make a fun, bright gift from the most ordinary diapers.

For example, a comic motorcycle.

The basis for the toy will be 30 diapers. In addition, you will need 4 well-stretchable rubber bands, 2 m of opaque tape, 2 diapers, 2 bibs, a pair of baby socks or mittens, a baby bottle, and woolen thread.

And if you want to end up with not only a bike, but also a biker, you can complete the gift with a soft toy (for example, a baby elephant, a bunny, a teddy bear). Accordingly, the motorcycle contains the necessary accessories for children, which would not be very interesting to present in a regular gift bag.

And a motorcycle craft will unite them together into a playful composition.

When purchasing these things, you should not forget who the gift will be addressed to: a boy or a girl. In accordance with this, we select accessories in suitable tones. Traditionally blue for boys, pink for girls, or choose according to your taste. For example, a sunny and joyful yellow shade will suit anyone.

We start making a motorcycle from the wheels. You can make it both two-wheeled and three-wheeled. We will make a tricycle (3 wheels). Take a clean, dry bowl or pan and place 10 diapers in a circle, overlapping each other, placing them edge-on.

Without removing them from the pan, overlap them tightly to each other to form a circle-wheel. Without letting go, we secure the resulting wheel with an elastic band, stretching it around the circumference. The first wheel blank is ready. We also make the second and third wheels.

In order to disguise the elastic bands, we put prepared ribbons on top of them and sew them together. It looks like a colored hoop for a wheel.

Next we make fasteners for the wheels. We take a diaper, fold it in half, and place a woolen thread between the panels along the axis (its ends should be wider than the diaper). Then we roll the diaper into a roll, in the center of which there is a thread.

We install the tricycle wheels: one in front, two in back. We stretch the folded diaper through the axle of the rear wheels, and thread the free ends of the diaper with threads into the front wheel. We tie the tails of the threads on the top of the wheel.

We take the second diaper and also make a roll out of it, threading it through the axle of the front wheel. We make the headlight and the front wheel fender. To do this, we place a bib-wing on the wheel.

And we place it on the headlight bottle, turning its bottom towards the front of the tricycle.

After this, we wrap the diaper that passes through the axle of the front wheel around the placed bottle with a bib and secure it with an elastic band.

We cover the central part of the rear wheels with the second bib and place it opposite the first bib, forming as if a continuous surface. We spread the ends of the diaper in opposite directions (the same length), put children's mittens or socks on their ends - the steering wheel is ready. To decorate the elastic band on the steering wheel, tie a ribbon over it and tie it with a bow.

A beautiful, cute, stylish motorcycle is ready! We place a soft toy on it and go for a visit.

Such a gift can also be presented to newlyweds on their wedding day as a comic present. For example, if the bride or groom are bikers or simply dream of purchasing a vehicle.

The donated motorcycle will be like a fulfillment of their dream. And it doesn’t matter that it’s made from diapers and baby supplies.

The smiles of the bride, groom, and guests are guaranteed, and if these are young parents, they will not only appreciate the joke, but also approve of the practicality of such a gift.

To learn how to make a motorcycle out of diapers, watch the following video.


DIY motorcycle made from diapers

What you will need for work:

  • Diapers from any company you think is suitable;
  • Several rubber bands (sold in office supply stores);
  • A clean saucepan or new basin;
  • Wide ribbon of a suitable color;
  • Threads, needle and scissors;
  • Two diapers to match the ribbons;
  • Two children's aprons (bibs);
  • A pair of socks;
  • Baby bottle;
  • Woolen threads to match the diapers.

Motorcycle made from diapers: stages of creation

We will be making a stable three-wheeled motorcycle, called a tricycle in the professional environment of motorcycle racers.

So, place the diapers edge-on in a clean pan or basin. Each wheel should use the same number of diapers, say 10 pieces.

How to make a motorcycle from diapers.

We press them tightly against each other, but so that they form the shape of a wheel in the pan, take an elastic band and wrap the wheel around the circumference. We do this with all three wheels.

Wrap with rubber bands.

But simply wearing an elastic band doesn’t look very attractive, so we’ll disguise it with tape. We cut the ribbon to the required length, according to the circumference of the wheels, wrap it around the wheel, and sew the ribbon from the bottom with thread. We do this with all wheels.

Wrap with ribbons.

1. Take a diaper, fold it slightly more than halfway (see photo step No. 1), place a piece of woolen thread in the center with a margin at the edges.

2. Roll the diaper with thread into a tube.

3. Take the wheels and place them on the table so that the profile of a tricycle appears, that is, two wheels in the back and one in front. We pass a rolled-up diaper through the two rear wheels.

4. We bring the free ends of the diaper threaded to the front wheel and pull it through its central hole.

5. We tie the ends of the threads on top with a bow.

Stages of creating a motorcycle from diapers.

We take the second diaper, roll it into a tube, and thread it through the central hole of the front wheel.

Thread the second diaper into the front wheel.

We continue to make a motorcycle

1. Place one of the children’s aprons on the front wheel, so that visually it forms a motorcycle fender.

2. If the apron has Velcro, then simply close the Velcro; if it has ties, then tie the ties, and under them place a baby bottle with the bottom facing the front of the motorcycle.

3. The bottle will act as a motorcycle headlight. With such details, a motorcycle made from diapers will look more realistic!

Motorcycle fender and headlight made from diapers.

Front of the motorcycle

1. Now lift the ends of the diaper up and secure them over the bottle using an elastic band.

2. Take warm, thick socks.

3. We move the ends of the diapers to the sides and put a sock on each end. So we got a motorcycle steering wheel with handles.

Motorcycle steering wheel made from a diaper and socks.

We tie a bow from the ribbon and secure it by tying it around the steering wheel.

Ribbon bow decor.

That's all, a wonderful, stylish and bright motorcycle made from diapers is ready! All that remains is to hand the baby over to the parents!

This is how the tricycle turned out.

Tricycle made from diapers (video):

Today, the site “” told and clearly showed how to make a motorcycle from diapers, as you can see, there is nothing complicated, and the result is such incredible beauty. By the way, you can complement the product with a postcard in the form of a children's bodysuit created using the origami technique.

Bouquet for a newborn girl, photo

For a girl, you can make bouquets from various clothes: rompers, bodysuits, socks, dresses. The main thing is to select all the components in a range that would suit the girl and decorate with children's accessories and toys.

One of the interesting options for an original gift for a girl could be a “cake” made from towels. To create such a gift, you need to prepare two terry towels. To make the gift bright, you should take towels of different colors - light and darker.

Steps for creating a gift from towels:

  1. Place a dark towel on the bottom, a light one on top.
  2. Roll two towels into a small, neat roll. Secure along the edge with decorative tape.
  3. You can decorate the top with a flower, berry or other decorative decoration.
  4. Make several of these “cakes”.
  5. Decorate the resulting elements with wrapping paper on top. You can also look for larger sized muffin tins and place your creations in those tins. You can also make small “cakes” from socks and bibs.

Another original option for the basis for a bouquet can be diapers. For a girl, we select diapers in white-pink, white-red shades. To make such a bouquet for a newborn girl you need:

  1. Take a diaper and fold it in half. The length of the diaper should be 3-4 times greater than the width.
  2. The edges of the folded diaper are folded towards the middle. After this, the diaper is folded in half again to form a strip.
  3. Fold the edge of the strip into a triangle, then fold it into a triangle again. Thus, the core of the flower was obtained from the diaper.
  4. Gently twist the diaper around the middle to make a flower.
  5. We secure the resulting flower with decorative tape.
  6. We make several flowers from diapers.
  7. Place the finished flowers in a basket or make a basket yourself. As an option, you can use a baby bucket decorated with corrugated paper on top.
  8. Finished products can be decorated separately with artificial butterflies, flowers, and petals.

We do wheels

A photo with a step-by-step explanation will help you make a charming craft with your own hands. As for the shade of all selected accessories for a motorcycle made from diapers, it is better to choose blue, yellow, green colors for a boy, and pastel and pink shades for girls.

We make a three-wheeled motorcycle, which is also called a tricycle. At the first stage of the work, we must make three wheels of the same size, so we distribute the total number of purchased diapers. As a result, each wheel will use the same number of diapers, for example, ten pieces. Next, we proceed as follows:

    Place the diapers edge-on in a clean saucepan or small basin.

It is very convenient to form wheels in a small saucepan

Diapers need to be packed quite tightly

First secure the diapers with an elastic band and only then take them out

Make sure everything is secured tightly

We also do the rest of the motorcycle wheels.

We tie the wheels with tape

For reliability, we fix the tape with thread

Crafts from diapers

When a child is born in a family, it is always a joyful event. Friends and relatives have a question: what to give? A useful and necessary gift that you can’t have too many of is diapers. In this article you will learn how to make crafts from diapers with your own hands. Before carrying out the process of making a creative gift, do not forget to wash your hands thoroughly!

Bouquet for newborns from rattles

The first toys for babies are rattles. They attract attention with their bright colors and the presence of sounds they make. Therefore, rattles are a common gift for newborns. However, you can add novelty to this gift with the help of an interesting, unusual design. For babies you can make bouquets of rattles.

When choosing rattles for a bouquet, it is worth remembering a few rules:

  • toys should fit in a child’s palm, they should not be too heavy,
  • rattles must be made of environmental material,
  • all edges and joints of seams must be smooth so that the baby does not injure himself with sharp edges,
  • toys should make a pleasant sound that would not frighten the child.

The most optimal option for a bouquet of rattles is a composition of clothes, soft toys, and rattles.

What does it consist of?

The basis for the toy will be 30 diapers. In addition, you will need 4 well-stretchable rubber bands, 2 m of opaque tape, 2 diapers, 2 bibs, a pair of baby socks or mittens, a baby bottle, and woolen thread. And if you want to end up with not only a bike, but also a biker, you can complete the gift with a soft toy (for example, a baby elephant, a bunny, a teddy bear). Accordingly, the motorcycle contains the necessary accessories for children, which would not be very interesting to present in a regular gift bag. And a motorcycle craft will unite them together into a playful composition.

When purchasing these things, you should not forget who the gift will be addressed to: a boy or a girl. In accordance with this, we select accessories in suitable tones. Traditionally blue for boys, pink for girls, or choose according to your taste. For example, a sunny and joyful yellow shade will suit anyone.

We start making a motorcycle from the wheels. You can make it both two-wheeled and three-wheeled. We will make a tricycle (3 wheels). Take a clean, dry bowl or pan and place 10 diapers in a circle, overlapping each other, placing them edge-on. Without removing them from the pan, overlap them tightly to each other to form a circle-wheel. Without letting go, we secure the resulting wheel with an elastic band, stretching it around the circumference. The first wheel blank is ready. We also make the second and third wheels. In order to disguise the elastic bands, we put prepared ribbons on top of them and sew them together. It looks like a colored hoop for a wheel.

Next we make fasteners for the wheels. We take a diaper, fold it in half, and place a woolen thread between the panels along the axis (its ends should be wider than the diaper). Then we roll the diaper into a roll, in the center of which there is a thread. We install the tricycle wheels: one in front, two in back. We stretch the folded diaper through the axle of the rear wheels, and thread the free ends of the diaper with threads into the front wheel. We tie the tails of the threads on the top of the wheel.

Original bike

To make a bicycle from diapers we will need:

  • diapers;
  • ribbons;
  • sharp scissors;
  • stationery erasers;
  • diapers;
  • rattles

First you need to divide the diapers in half, set aside a couple of pieces for wrapping the rattles. Make two wheels out of diapers: fold each one in a circle and tie it with an elastic band. Once the circle is formed, make a hole in the center with your hand. To keep the structure in place, tie the diapers with tape.

Then take the rattles, wrap a diaper around them, secure them with rubber bands and insert the wheels into the hole. Wrap each wheel in a towel.

Place sliders on top of the product, and make a steering wheel from the ends of a diaper, socks and ribbons. All that remains is to put the soft toy on the bike and decorate the gift beautifully.

DIY motorcycle made from diapers step by step: master class with photos

Do you want to congratulate your friends on the addition to their family with an original gift, but don’t know how? We think you will like this idea of ​​a motorcycle made from diapers. This gift will be both original and useful, and all parents will be happy with it. Making such a motorcycle from diapers with your own hands is not so difficult, and our master class with step-by-step photos will turn the work into pure pleasure.

Present for a boy

Before deciding how to make a gift from diapers for a boy with your own hands, you should decide on the choice of design. The baby cannot yet be aware of everything that is happening around him, but his parents will be pleased. Most often, boys are given different types of transport.

Gifts made from diapers for a boy can take the shape of an airplane, steamship, motorcycle or tractor


First you need to roll eight diapers. This is the future wheel. There should be four blanks.

The future bottom of the machine is made of cardboard. To make it elegant, just wrap it in corrugated or wrapping paper. You should also make two tubes that act as an axis. They will be attached to the bottom using ribbons that are threaded through holes in the bottom.

Diapers are laid out on a cardboard platform. First, a “radiator” is created. There should be room on the sides for “headlights”, the role of which can be played by bottles with bright caps, or rolled up red or yellow socks. It is also appropriate to use other decorative elements.

The next rows of diapers are laid out in random order. The entire structure must be covered with a diaper or towel. The “hood” can be covered with a diaper of a different color.

To make the “cabin”, several more layers of diapers are laid out and the structure is secured with a diaper and tied with tape.

The role of “mirrors” is played by tiny socks, inside of which there are sheets of cardboard. A bib with interesting embroidery or inscription would also come in handy.

It is convenient to present the finished machine on a sheet of cardboard wrapped in paper or a towel

And in the video there is a step-by-step process of making a motorcycle from diapers:

It will definitely come in handy! Find out what gifts you can give to godchildren for their 1st birthday.

Who else can you give it to?

Such a gift can also be presented to newlyweds on their wedding day as a comic present. For example, if the bride or groom are bikers or simply dream of purchasing a vehicle. The donated motorcycle will be like a fulfillment of their dream. And it doesn’t matter that it’s made from diapers and baby supplies. The smiles of the bride, groom, and guests are guaranteed, and if these are young parents, they will not only appreciate the joke, but also approve of the practicality of such a gift.

To learn how to make a motorcycle out of diapers, watch the following video.

Carrying out the front part

A DIY motorcycle made from diapers will give young parents many unforgettable emotions if you make it according to step-by-step instructions with photos. Such a copy will turn out to be interesting and attractive. We continue to create our masterpiece, then we do this:

    We roll the remaining diaper into a tube and thread it through the front wheel.

It is also convenient to use an elastic band to secure the bottle.

Decorate a motorcycle with ribbons and bows

A motorcycle made from diapers will be perfectly complemented by a soft toy

By spending a little of your own time, you can make a practical and interesting gift for a newborn. We accompany such a gift with warm words and sincere wishes! Young parents will definitely appreciate such a surprise!

Universal gifts

Such neutral ideas are suitable for gifts for both boys and girls. This is especially true if the present was prepared in advance, and it was still unknown exactly who would be born.

You just take a neutral color and a shape that is suitable for any gender - and you will have a universal gift.

  • Stroller.

We will need 20 diapers, a wide ribbon, bows, beads and mesh fabric. Two diapers, when rolled up, make wheels.

One needs to be opened, it will play the role of a hood. The remaining diapers are folded tightly together to form the very base of the stroller.

The top is decorated with a bow, the sides with beads. For complete naturalness, a pacifier, rattle, napkin or toy is placed inside.

  • Snail

You need 20 pieces of diapers, colored paper, softly colored socks, silk ribbon and cotton swabs.

We roll the diapers in the form of a spiral, placing them on top of each other. The result is a snail house. We take one golf course and put 6-7 diapers in it as tightly as possible.

Then we tie the folded diapers and golf socks with ribbons so that we get a whole snail. The eyes and mouth are cut out of colored paper and glued, instead of horns we glue cotton swabs. The result is a cute and funny handmade masterpiece.

  • Lollipop

This is the easiest diaper gift to make. The diapers are simply rolled up, wrapped in pretty paper or colored packaging film, and a bow is tied on top.

It’s easy to find a suitable stick: a large balloon, for example, will do.

Gifts for a newborn

When a child is born, parents must provide him with everything he needs, so the best gift for a baby is something practical and necessary. Young parents know how quickly diapers are used up, so they will be delighted if such a necessary item is given as a gift. But giving just a package of diapers is not very interesting. Any gift should have a festive feel. A holiday is fun, bright colors, joyful emotions. If you apply a little imagination and effort, you can make a fun, bright gift from the most ordinary diapers. For example, a comic motorcycle.

Bouquet of toys for newborns, photo

A bouquet of toys is an original gift for kids that will not only please, but will also be a useful, practical and fun reminder of the giver.

To make a simple, uncomplicated bouquet of toys, you will need the following materials:

  • Stuffed Toys,
  • corrugated paper of different colors,
  • decorative tape,
  • wire, tape,
  • wooden skewers,
  • scissors.

Stages of creating a bouquet of toys:

  1. Choosing soft toys. The size of such toys should not be too small, otherwise they will be lost in the bouquet. The optimal size is about 12-15 cm. The number of toys is odd. You can choose the same toys or choose different options of approximately the same size.
  2. Each toy must be tied with wire in the middle, leaving a piece of wire about 10 cm from the back.
  3. Collect all the toys together and tie the long ends with tape.
  4. Cut the corrugated paper into rectangles. It is better to make such rectangles of different colors. Connect each rectangle at the edges to form a cylinder. Insert the cylinders one into the second. And we insert the fastened toys into the middle of the cylinders.
  5. Tie the composition in the middle with decorative ribbon. Straighten the ends of the corrugated paper.
  6. You can make small flowers from the remaining ribbon. Such flowers can be glued to wooden skewers. The ends of the skewers are wrapped with tape, and the flowers are inserted into the middle of the composition, placing them between the toys.

Bouquet of clothes for newborns, do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions with photos

Bouquets of children's clothing are original, novelty gifts, which are compositions of children's accessories, things folded and decorated in an unusual way. The best options for creating such small masterpieces are:

  • hats, scarves,
  • socks, booties,
  • vests, bodysuits, men,
  • T-shirts, rompers.

To prepare a bouquet you should prepare the following components:

  • set of children's clothing,
  • rubber bands,
  • decorative ribbons,
  • skewers,
  • Styrofoam,
  • basket,
  • flowers, toys.

Stages of creating a bouquet from clothes:

  1. Small rolls are rolled from individual items of clothing.
  2. Secure each element with an elastic band and give it the shape of a flower bud.

  3. Carefully place each bud on a skewer. The skewers can be wrapped in green paper and ribbon to make them more like a living flower.
  4. Secure the bud on the skewer with tape. Artificial leaves can be attached to the finished bud.

  5. We collect all the buds into a bouquet.
  6. The finished flowers can be placed in a basket. To do this, place a piece of foam plastic at the bottom of the basket. Then carefully insert each bud separately into the foam. Decorate the top with ribbons, decorative elements, and artificial flowers. If you don’t have a basket, you can put the buds in a children’s bucket.
  7. Decorate the top of the basket (bucket).

Diaper cakes: varieties

A small cake made from diapers with your own hands will also look very presentable and will be an original gift.

The cake may consist of one, two or three tiers, which are arranged in the same way - twisting each element or stacking one item on top of another. Differences can only be in decoration options.

Diaper cake for the “little princess”

How is this cake different from a gift for a boy? Some details make it different from a cake for a “real man”:

  • First of all, the color scheme in which the gift is decorated is different - from beige, milky to soft pink and purple tones. By the way, almost any color is suitable for a girl, be it a bright or light shade.
  • Ruffles and frills in delicate pastel shades can make a gift cute, unusual and bright. They will look like cream decorations on a real confectionery product.
  • Creative and bright accents on the gift will be butterflies, bows, flowers or a more modest option - satin ribbons and beads. You can also emphasize what time of year the girl was born - summer or spring - with the help of these decorations.
  • You should definitely pay attention to small plush toys - bears, bunnies or baby dolls. They can decorate a cake for a little princess like nothing else.
  • Socks, handkerchiefs, cream - all these necessary items can also become decoration.

A cake for girls can be decorated with various floral and doll elements, tied with ribbons in color

Diaper cake for a “real man”

“Boy” diaper cakes are different from gifts for girls. For example, you will never see ruffles or bows on them. In addition, there are other significant differences:

  • The most suitable colors are blue, green, and beige. It is not at all necessary that the cake be very bright, especially if the child was born in winter or autumn.
  • As decor for an unusual gift for a boy, you can choose toys - cars, trains, boats, attributes of a future football player, pilot or firefighter.
  • If you want to make your gift even more practical, decorate it with baby items. Socks, hats, booties, several diapers and other items of clothing will do (more details in the article:). You can also use baby hygiene products for this purpose - baby cream, skin lotion, shampoo, oil, and so on.
  • Using a basic “circle” of diapers, you can make not a cake, but a bicycle, a car or a train.

A wonderful “vehicle” made from diapers, perfect for a young gentleman

Making a stroller from diapers: a description of the process of making a gift

For a girl or boy who has only recently been born, a useful and necessary gift will be diapers, socks, bodysuits, undershirts, hygiene products and other little things. We propose to combine all these things into one unusual and original gift in the form of a stroller.

Prepare all the materials and tools necessary for the work. To make your own baby diaper stroller, you will need the following:

  • diapers - twenty-seven pieces;
  • two pairs of children's socks;
  • suit or other clothing,
  • baby blanket;
  • packaging of baby wet wipes;
  • children's toys - ducks, rattles, etc.;
  • lace and ribbon for decoration;
  • ribbon or thread for tying parts.

The color of ribbons and lace for gifts depends on who exactly the souvenir is intended for. A stroller made from diapers for girls is designed in pink colors, for boys - in blue shades. However, such a color scheme is not at all necessary for execution. You can choose absolutely any colors. You can also adjust the size of the stroller yourself by the number of diapers you use.

First you need to form the wheels for your unusual stroller. For one wheel you will need two diapers. It is necessary to work with baby diapers without opening them, so that everything is as hygienic as possible. From the center of each wheel there will be a baby sock. To do this, place one sock in the middle of the diaper and roll it up. Then wrap the bundle with another diaper. Immediately wrap the workpiece with thread to prevent the wheel from unraveling. Make four of these wheels and position them the same way they would be in the stroller. A satin ribbon or thread up to sixty centimeters long must be threaded through the center of the two wheels. Using the ends of the tape, secure the wheels to the diaper base of the stroller.

Now place a pack of wet wipes on the wheels and tie them down. Also tie it with ribbon in the central place. If you tie it with thread, the structure can be very fragile.

Sixteen diapers need to be placed around a pack of wipes. To do this, tie the napkins with a satin ribbon so that there is a gap of about two centimeters on all sides from the walls of the package to the ribbon. Then gradually insert diaper rolls around the perimeter of your structure. Place the diaper in the center so as to cover the baby wipes and create a base for placing toys.

Decide on which side the roof of your stroller will be located, and create a mountain there from the baby’s things and the remaining diapers. They must be folded carefully. Then cover with the opened diaper down and guide the edges towards the satin ribbon that secures the diaper rolls. Tuck these edges into the ribbon. With such manipulations you fix the roof of your future stroller design.

Further decor can be completely different. You can simply wrap the bottom of the diaper stroller with lace and decorate the middle with a satin or grosgrain ribbon with a themed pattern. Diapers can also be disguised if you have a lot of textiles for your newborn baby. You simply decorate the stroller in such a way that the items completely cover the baby's diapers. Place any toy in the middle of an unusual baby stroller. For example, these could be rubber duckies for bathing or rattles for babies.

See an example of a completed unusual diaper gift in the photo below. We hope everything works out for you. After our detailed master class, you will be able to make an unusual and useful gift from baby diapers.

Tips for properly making diaper crafts

For making motorcycles, do not use diapers that are smaller than size 1. They must be sterile, since the wound on the newborn’s navel has not yet healed. One-piece diapers are used for older children, so they can be presented cutely!

Before handling diapers, you must thoroughly wash your hands and all equipment. Ideally, you should wear gloves during assembly. It is better to lay a clean blanket on the work surface.

All pets must be removed from the premises.

For a large craft, purchase a larger number of diapers, first by specifying what size and brand of diapers are desired.

There is no need to turn the diaper inside out when assembling the gift.

Treat all baby dishes included in the kit with an antiseptic solution.

If the gift includes children's clothing, be sure to iron it with a hot iron.

Do you want to congratulate your friends on the addition to their family with an original gift, but don’t know how? We think you will like this idea of ​​a motorcycle made from diapers. This gift will be both original and useful, and all parents will be happy with it. Making such a motorcycle from diapers with your own hands is not so difficult, and our master class with step-by-step photos will turn the work into pure pleasure.

A practical gift for a baby

  • 34 diapers;
  • 2 elastic bands;
  • ribbons, pins;
  • 2 diapers;
  • 1 baby towel;
  • socks;
  • mittens;
  • 2 bibs;
  • 1 bottle;
  • cardboard;
  • plastic clips;
  • soft toy (you can do without it).

In order to correctly form the wheels of the future motorcycle step by step, you need to take some kind of round shape and put our diapers there, as shown in the photo:

The diapers must be folded tightly, otherwise the wheel will fall apart.

Using rubber bands we fix our wheels.

To hide the elastic, we wrap the wheel with a beautiful satin ribbon, securing it with pins.

We roll the diaper into a tube and insert it into our hole in the wheels.

The diaper must be positioned so that its ends are the same size.

We take these ends and pass them into the second wheel.

Now you need to hide the protruding ends of the diaper.

Please note that this mount will hold our entire motorcycle, so pull the edges of the diaper so as to pull our wheels tightly.

Now we hide the ends so that they are not visible.

Let's start assembling the steering wheel. To do this, twist the second diaper into a tight tube.

We push it through the hole of the first wheel and align it.

Secure the diaper with a clip.

Insert the bottle into the resulting hole and tighten the clamp.

If the bottle is small, you can wrap it in a towel.

Here's what we got:

In order for the steering wheel handles to keep their shape, we will use cardboard, disguising it at the ends of the diaper.

We’ll stuff some cotton wool into the prepared socks to make them look more voluminous, and put them on the ends of the diaper.

We cover the rear wheel with the second bib; this will be our seat.

That's it, our miracle motorcycle is ready. You can give it in this form, and if finances allow you, you can buy a plush toy and sit it on the seat.

Everyone will be simply delighted with such beauty.

The second gift option for a boy is a train made from diapers

  • 36 diapers
  • one T-shirt
  • three diapers
  • small towel
  • two satin ribbons – narrow and wide
  • 7 small flowers
  • needle and thread
  • two pairs of socks

For the wheels, we roll three diapers into cylinders (2 wheels) and 5-6 (1 large wheel). We put ribbons inside the wheels, and wrap the wheels themselves with wide tape, gluing its ends together with a glue gun. The wheels must be dense enough so that they do not later flatten under the weight of the locomotive. The large wheel can be wrapped in a diaper.

For the platform, cut out a rectangle from thick cardboard, wrap it in a diaper and, using a ribbon that was left in the middle of the wheels, attach them to the platform.

In the same way, from 3-5 diapers and a diaper we make a large cylinder that will be in front of the cabin.

We fold the remaining diapers into a pile, put a T-shirt on them and wrap a diaper around this entire structure - this will be the cabin.

We attach the cabin and the large cylinder to the locomotive using thin ribbons passed under the platform and glued from below with a glue gun.

We twist a tube from a pair of socks and sew it to the tape.

We attach another pair of socks to the cabin - these will be the windows.

For beauty, we attach flowers to the wheels and the “face” of the locomotive, and decorate the structure with a small toy. Ready!

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