Craft machine: diagrams and templates for children. TOP 107 photos of the best ideas for creating crafts from scrap materials

Oxygen balloon

You will need: 2 liter plastic bottle, black tape, yellow spray paint, plastic tube, thick cardboard, backpack straps, drill, Velcro, scissors, hole punch, 0.25 liter plastic round bottle.

Master Class

  1. Paint a 2 liter bottle with yellow paint and wait until it dries.
  2. Make the inscription “AIR” with black tape.
  3. Make 4 holes on the cardboard for the backpack straps.
  4. Attach and adjust the straps.

  5. Drill a hole in the bottom of the small bottle and secure the tube.
  6. Attach a large bottle in the center of the cardboard using tape.
  7. Make 2 Velcro loops to secure the tube and attach the round bottle.

The oxygen cylinder is ready!

Crafts cars from waste material

If desired, you can use various plastic bottles, trays, and various original packaging to make craft cars.

In a transparent body made from a plastic bottle, you can install seats and place figures of passengers on them. However, the design does not have to be complex. A bottle of body and wheels is enough.

You can make an interesting racing car out of a can of chips by attaching cardboard wheels and attachments to it using toothpicks. The bright jar does not require additional coloring. You will get an unusual machine.


You will need: a white sheet of paper, yellow, orange and red napkins, 3 paper towel rolls, 3 toilet paper rolls, a plastic fork, brown and beige paint, a brush, a glue gun, scissors, a skewer and marshmallows.

Master Class

  1. Paint the bushings with beige paint and leave to dry.

  2. Dip the fork in brown paint and paint stripes on the bushings.
  3. Draw circles on white paper with a brown felt-tip pen, cut them out and glue them on both sides of each sleeve, making the firewood realistic.
  4. Prepare a stack of napkins, cut them to form triangles as shown in the image.
  5. Fold napkins of different shades to form lights.
  6. Glue the firewood together as shown in the photo.

  7. Glue lights to the wood to form a fire.
  8. Thread a piece of marshmallow onto a skewer and bring it to the fire.

The fire is ready! I recommend watching this video!

DIY Paper Campfire

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